• Published 18th Aug 2016
  • 1,549 Views, 87 Comments

Shimmy Shorts - Ausbrony

A series of one-shot chapters within the Shimmerverse. the content and genre will vary.

  • ...

How I met your Mother

Author's Note:


This chapter is rated V for Velvet and has quite a bit of innuendo and sexual references. Ausbrony Co. will not be held responsible for leaks and fainting spells caused by rapid blood loss.

(Seriously, this does have quite a few sexual references and the like. so just a heads up okay?)

Twilight Velvet stared at the piece of paper that had replaced Flare in her bed. While at first she thought he’d just gotten up early, she’d soon discovered that she might not see her coltfriend for a while.

‘Dear Velvy.

Stealing your stallion for a bit. He’s just the key I need to get into one of Amaterasu’s temples.

I gonna learn so much stuff~ Eeeeeee~

So uh… yeah. I’ll try and bring him back in one piece.

Love, Daring~’

She’d stared at this note for quite a while now. She loved Daring, really. She was her best friend, her lover… she couldn’t imagine life without her.

“Still going to tan her bucking hide for this,” Velvet muttered as she incinerated the letter in her magic. “How dare she not invite me! Ohhohohoho! I’m going to punish her so hard she won’t fly straight for a month!

Once she’d gotten ready for the day, she headed downstairs and was quite surprised to see another letter waiting for her. This one look far more ornate though, and inspecting the envelope she spied the Royal Guard insignia.

“Is this for Flare or Shining?” she mused aloud, but found it was addressed to her. Frowning in confusion, she opened the envelope and unfolded the letter inside.

‘Dear Twilight Velvet of the Twilight clan,

We have not been formally introduced as of yet and I wish to change that of now. It has come to my attention that you have taken the fancy of my eldest child. You will come to the following address or I will tie you to my manticore and have him drag your half dead carcass to my front door.

With much awaiting fervor,

Field Marshal Upper Crust of the Mimus Brigade’

Velvet stared at this letter for even longer than the first. ‘Eldest son?’ ‘Upper Crust?’

“What the buck is going on around here!?” the mare shouted.

Okay, so the fastest way to figure things out was to go right to the source. And since she had no desire to meet a manticore today, time to see what Upper wanted.

Her house was as interesting as always. While most manors had gilded gold fences and ornate, opulent gates… Upper’s was built like a fortress. Massive concrete walls with razor wire trimming, a cold iron gate that could stop all but the most powerful of magics. And let’s not discount the crystal laser turrets…

“I don’t know if she’s paranoid, or just crazy,” Velvet muttered as she stepped up to the gate and gave a quick prayer to Celestia. She saw a panel next to the gate and cleared her throat before she pressed the buzzer.

“Duchess Twilight Velvet,” she announced. “Here to see Field Marshal Upper Crust, as per her invitation.”

There was a moment of silence before a voice responded, “Field Marshal Upper Crust is waiting for you.” Then the gates opened up.

“Yeah, not ominous in the slightest,” velvet snarked to herself and walked inside, the gates closing behind her with a resounding thud that made her jump slightly. Part of her wished she’d brought Twilight and Shining along as backup…

The house was as impressive as the walls that surrounded it. Did Flare really grow up here? She didn’t really know a thing about his family, he’d never said anything, nor did she ever think to ask. But this was the absolutely last thing she expected.

Steadying her nerves, she stepped up to the imposing front doors and raised a hoof to knock…

Two heavily armed guards opened the doors for her. “You are Twilight Velvet, correct?” One of them asked.

“I believe I said as such at the gate,” Twilight snapped back. First rule of a noble, never look up to anypony else. Especially the grunts.

The guards nodded and let her pass, “She will meet you in the room on the right.”

Velvet gave a concise, yet courteous nod as she passed them and headed inside. The interior was… interesting. It was a lot more homely than she was expecting. Some nice decorations, soft carpeting, pictures on the wall of various ponies in military garb. And… were those bite marks on that table leg? Did she own a pet of some kind? Was that Manticore threat a real possibility?

Deciding not to keep the mare waiting any longer, Velvet headed towards the first door on the right she came across, pausing to knock first though.

“Come in,” an authoritative mare’s voice responded. Taking another deep breath, Velvet did as she was instructed and entered the room.

This one was much more militaristic in design. A table with a map of Equestria, several coloured pins dotted it. Various trophies dotted the walls, but Velvet was no stranger to those, none were worse that what she’d find in Twilight’s closet. A glass case with an older style uniform, and several weapon display cabinets.

And behind the large mahogany desk, sat the mare that invited her here. A light yellow coat and a mane of white and lavender stripes, tied up into a concise, uniform ponytail. She had the usual build of a strong Earth pony, muscular and toned, despite being a Unicorn. She also had a long scar that ran across her left eye and cheek.

“Hello Upper,” Velvet said, taking a seat on the opposite side of the desk. “Can’t say I was expecting this little get-together.” She had met the mare before, several times in the Royal Court, but almost never in a more… informal setting such as this.

“I wasn’t expecting it either,” Upper Crust responded, her horn lighting up and pulling out a picture of Velvet and Flare together. “Until I found out about the pair of you.”

“What about us?” Velvet blushed slightly. What was her deal with dating Flare?

“You see, Velvet.” Upper Crust started. “I love my son. Ever since I took him in, I’ve done my best to keep him within a satisfactory space of security. You have breached that space and I’m curious as to how this will go about.” She leaned forward, “The short story is that, being his mother, I am obligated to make sure that you are fit for him. If not, I’ll throw you down the side of the mountain.”

“Wait!” Velvet held up a hoof. “You’re actually Flare’s mother? Truly?” She’d thought about it on her way over, but to hear it from the horse’s mouth… literally.

Upper Crust nodded, “Not by blood, but by every other means of the word.”

Velvet put a hoof to her head. ’Unbelievable. Thanks for telling me your mother was Upper-freaking-Crust, Flare.’ She looked up and into the fearsome mare’s eyes. “Well, what would you like to know then?”

Upper Crust crossed her toned legs, “I want to know your intentions and plans with him.”

“Wow, way to make it sound sinister,” Velvet deadpanned. “We’re dating. It’s what two ponies whom happen to care for one another do.”

Upper Crust narrowed her eyes, “I know what dating is.”

Velvet allowed herself a small smirk over her verbal victory. “Well then, I’ll have you know that it was Flare who asked me out.”

Upper scowled, “Did he now? And what, pray tell, was the reason behind such a decision, hmm? Did he share it with you? Did you persuade him to do so?”

“He happens to find me attractive,” Velvet snorted with some small sense of self-satisfaction. “And I him. While some… minor confusion happened at first, it was he that asked me out to a wonderful dinner, and now we’re quite happily dating.”

“For how long, may I ask?” Upper quirked an eyebrow.

“For how long we have? Or for how long we continue to do so?” Velvet answered with her own question.

“The second question,” Upper stated with a cold expression.

“Well that’s hardly a question I can answer,” Velvet retorted. “But I certainly don’t intend to break things off with him. I love him.”

Upper stared at her for a few moments in silence, before sighing. “Very well, I will permit this. I’m not so cold hearted as some ponies believe I am.”

“So… just like that?” Velvet asked hesitantly. “No hazing? No threats?”

“If I wanted you dead, you would be dead.” Upper Crust stated. “I don’t need to waste time with threats. It’s not as if you’re relationship has become one of a sexual nature as of yet.”

Twilight Velvet remained oddly silent… before abruptly standing up. “You know, good chat. Yes. I should go. I uh… left my oven on?”

Upper’s left eye twitched slightly before her horn lit up. Before Velvet knew it, she was dragged over onto Upper’s lap and the mare’s angry expression, snout to snout. “You did it with my son.” It wasn’t a question.

Velvet was sweating bullets now. She swallowed the orange-sized lump in her throat and nodded slowly. “Y-Yes?” Seems Flare was about to be short one marefriend. Daring better take care of him after she joined Night Light.

Upper angrily snorted, “And did you satisfy him well? I just ask since it was clearly you that decided to take this step so early on.” Her anger seemed to grow a bit more.

“I…” Velvet’s face turned a deep crimson. “That’s none of you business! What Flare and I do behind closed doors… some of the time… is ours and ours alone!”

“It is my business,” Upper growled. “I want my boy to be happy, so I need to know if his mare can make him happy. On every account.”

“I am feeling very uncomfortable right now,” Velvet pointed out.

“Do I look like I give a damn?” Upper snarled.

“No… no you do not,” Velvet sighed. “Well he hasn’t complained so far… except from the occasional bout of exhaustion.”

Upper frowned, “I will need to work that stallion extra hard. No boy of mine shall fall to exhaustion.”

“Well, keeping up with two mares is no easy task,” Velvet chuckled, before a look of dawning horror crept onto her face. That hoof of hers didn’t taste so good.

Upper pursed her lips, “Two… mares?”

“Um… forget I said that?” Velvet chuckled, attempting to make another break for it.

Upper pulled her closer, “Who is this other mare?”

“A. K. Yearling, oh please don’t hurt me!” Velvet cringed.

Upper didn’t do anything of the sort. She just softly patted her head, “Now, was that so hard?”

“I need a drink,” Velvet groaned. She’d just had a decade shaved off of her life.

Upper nodded, “That would be a good idea.” She paused, “You may jump off my lap.”

“Don’t be yourself, don’t be yourself, don’t be--”

“Hm, and here I was thinking you just liked having a pretty mares on your lap~” Velvet smirked.


Upper blushed slightly, “Well…” She cleared her throat. “I would not know that feeling.”

Luckily, Velvet was able to rein herself in as she hopped off of the mare. “I… apologise for that.”

Upper was still blushing, but doing her best to look regal. “Yes, well you have nothing to apologize for. If I had taken offense to that, your blood would have been spilt.”

“Your son brings my younger self out,” Velvet chuckled as she moved to the liquor cabinet. “So, what’s your poison?”

“Oh just a bit of rum would be nice,” Upper stated, trotting after Velvet. “So I take it your younger self was a bit of a wild child?”

“Ahaha, that’s putting it mildly,” Velvet chuckled as she poured two glasses of scotch on the rocks. This was soooo weird. One second she was threatening her, now they were sharing drinks like old friends? Velvet couldn’t take this level of stress. And Twilight Sparkle was her bucking daughter.

“A lot of ponies had a bit of a wild streak,” Upper hummed to herself. “Mine seemed to have passed me by. My family wasn’t one for such things.”

“So I see,” Twilight looked around the room. “I chose the quill over the sword, but it’s never too late for somepony.” She offered the mare a glass. “Trust me.”

Upper nodded and took the glass, “Perhaps, but I doubt I’ll be able to ‘loosen up’ as my son sometimes puts it. I am a Field Marshal after all.”

“Oh, ask Flare for advice,” Velvet chuckled as she sipped her drink.

Upper took a swig of it herself, “Good stuff… and perhaps soon enough I will. I pardon my earlier behavior. I seem to be so out of practice when it comes to love that I forget to stop myself from prying.”

“I can understand, I am a mother myself after all,” Velvet agreed. “Just… try to go easy on Yearling. She’s a pegasus and she’s quite… competitive.” She sipped her scotch and sighed. “Provided I don’t kill her when she gets back of course.”

“And why would you want to do that?” Upper took another sip of her rum.

“Because she kidnapped Flare in the dead of night, so she can access an ancient temple,” Velvet deadpanned. “And has likely molested the poor stallion the entire time…”

Upper was silent. Then she drank her entire cup and poured herself another, “Do you need help with that?”

“Oh, I won’t actually kill her,” Velvet realised her mistake. Upper might though. “Punish her thoroughly. But I love her too much to kill her. Her fans might get upset if I killed her off.”

Upper took a long breath, “Then I shall help punish her as well. You may choose the punishment since you know her better.”

“Oh, um..” Velvet coughed and blushed. “That uh… might be a little awkward.”

Upper quirked an eyebrow, “And why would it be awkward? I will not stand idly by. I will take action, even if I must thrust myself against the problem.”

Velvet bit her lower lip. ’Don’t say it. Dooooon’t say it…’

“She will beg for mercy,” Upper stated. “She will beg before I finish her off. Then I shall take my son and toughen him up so that this doesn’t happen again. He will be the one to take the mare, not the other way around.”

Velvet bit her lip. She had to be doing this on purpose. There… there was no way.

“You of course know this mare more than I,” Upper stated. “So you shall punish her first and after I deal with my son, I shall do the same.”

Velvet couldn’t take anymore. She leaned in close and whispered exactly what she planned to do to Daring and Flare. In every, explicit detail…

Upper’s response was for her face to grow bright red and take another swig of her rum. “Umm…”

“And that is why it would be awkward,” Velvet nodded as she poured Upper another drink.

Upper nodded, “It would be especially awkward with my son around, yes.” She took a sip of her drink. “That’s a rather… peculiar way of punishing somepony.”

“We’re lovers, it’s kind of what we do,” Velvet replied. “So… how um… how long has it been. Since you, well you know…” She made a rather lewd gesture with her hooves.

“Since I’ve had sex?” Upper furrowed her brow. “Several years now. I’d say, twelve.”

“T-Twelve… years!?” Velvet gasped. “Oh… you poor thing…”

“Could be longer,” Upper sighed. “I stopped counting after a while.”

“Imma call Cadance,” Velvet nodded. “She’s going to have a field day with you.”

Upper gulped and started to sweat, “Th-that’s not necessary. I’m sure I can manage.”

“Nonsense,” Velvet said with a firm nod. “This is a problem that must be fixed.”

Upper sighed in relent, “Very well, but I doubt I’ll be getting anything any time soon.”

Velvet just smirked. Cadance was going to love this one~

She turned around… and promptly screamed. Standing near her was a Goddess-bucking Velociraptor!

“Talon,” Upper accosted the raptor. The little feathery dinosaur backed up a little. “Don’t sneak up on ponies.”

It made some clicking noises and frowned, before nuzzling and licking Velvet’s face.

“Oh goddesses! It’s going to eat me!”

Upper chuckled and petted the dog sized raptor’s head, “He’s harmless. You don’t have to worry about him biting you or anything like that. Flare trained him exceptionally him well.”

“F-Flare did?” Velvet blinked and looked at the dinosaur. “What?”

“This is his pet Velociraptor, Talon.” Upper cooed to the little dinosaur. It let out a few chirps as it nuzzled the mare’s hoof.

“A pet… he has a pet… velociraptor,” Velvet sighed and facehooved. “Of course he does.” Then a thought occured. “So… how long have you looked after Flare for?”

“He was young,” Upper stated. “Older then my little Coco by a few years, but still young.

“That means…” Velvet’s smile widened. “You. Have. Foal pictures!”

Upper’s mouth etched into a smile, “Oh I have many foal pictures. Like the time he tried to march around in a guard’s helmet a few times too large for him.” she giggled at the memory.

“I have… no— I need to see that!” Velvet said, her nose pressed against Upper’s.

“I’ve got pictures and a movie or two,” Upper squeed, pressing her nose back against Velvet’s. “He was so adorable back then~”

“Eeee~ I have to see everything!” Velvet danced in place.

Upper nodded to upstairs, “I keep a few in my bedroom in case I want to nestle up with some fond memories.”

“I do the same thing!” Velvet cooed as she followed Upper Crust. “My little Shiny Hiny was so cute as a foal.As was Twily… you know, until the whole Chaos thing. Word of warning, thank every god and goddess your foals only sneezed up snot.”

“I heard about your children,” Upper smiled as she lead Velvet up the stairs. “It seems that they are destined for very powerful magic. I ponder how powerful my grandfoal will be.”

“G-Grandfoal!?” Velvet stammered. “But… but how did you knooooww….” she trailed off slowly.

‘Ah crapbaskets.’

Upper Crust paused and looked back at her with wide eyes, “You… you’re pregnant?”

“Ssshhhh!” Velvet covered her mouth with a hoof. “Look, not even Flare knows yet. Heck, I only just found out a few days ago myself. I…” She pulled her hoof back and sighed. “I’m not sure how he’ll even react…”

Upper put a hoof on her shoulder and gave a kind smile, “It’s going to work out just fine. He’s a good stallion after all. He’s not just going to abandon you.”

“I know, he’s far too nice… I have no idea how he became a Guard, well, I kind of do. I saw him fight once. It was… intense. But…” She sighed and looked down. “We’ve only been together a couple of weeks…”

“And I’m sure he’ll support you for years to come,” Upper stated. “He’ll do what’s right and he knew what he was getting into, just as you did.”

“Yes… I suppose I did,” Velvet smiled. “To answer an earlier question of yours. The one about how long i want to be with him?” the unicorn mare wiped a tear from her eye. “I love him, more than I thought I could ever love another stallion. After… after Nightie died… I thought that was it. That I could never move on. But…” She blushed and looked away. “Flare proved me wrong. I know we haven’t been together long. But, I really do want to spend the rest of my life together with him… should you allow it.”

Upper nodded, “Then take that road, Velvet. Don’t let it slip out from under your hooves. I’ll help however I can.”

“Thank you,” Twilight smiled and gave her a friendly nuzzle. “So, guess that’ll make you my mother-in-law when we get married. That should be novel.”

Upper returned the nuzzle with a giggle, “Perhaps. Though don’t call me that. I’m not that old.”

“Aww, is Grandmamma upset over getting old?” Velvet teased her.

Upper Crust narrowed her eyes and flexed her body, “Do I look old to you?”

‘This is a trick question isn’t it?’

“Yeah… she might just impale us if we answer wrong…”

‘Well, don’t screw this up Velvy~’

“...I hate you so freaking much…”

“W-Well, no, of course not,” Velvet finally said.

Upper Crust smirked, “Good, now let’s go see those pictures.” She sashayed upstairs with extra flare to her swings to show she was a bit happy with herself.

“Don’t look at her flank, don’t look at her flank--- Dammit!”

Upper finally opened the door, revealing a plain bedroom. Nothing too fancy. Just plain and efficient. She walked over to the closet and opened it, summoning an album with her magic. “Ah, here it is.”

“You know… a nice set of drapes would really go well,” Velvet hummed.

“I like to keep it simple,” Upper sat down on the bed and patted the spot beside her as she started to open up the album and scroll through it.

“So many responses…” Velvet sighed as she sat next to her. “So, do you invite every pretty mare you meet into your bedroom~”

Upper blinked in confusion, “Well no, not really.” Oh Celestia, she was absolutely precious.

“Like mother like son,” Velvet chuckled. “Now I see where he gets it from.”

Upper hummed in thought, “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me what you’re talking about.”

“Oh nothing,” Velvet hummed. “Okay, make with the pictures.”

Upper smiled and moved closer as to help them both see them. She opened up the album to a picture with Flare wearing a frou-frou suit, “I remember this one. He was so fidgety during that ball.”

“Aww, what an adawwable widdle babbu~” Velvet cooed.

Upper chuckled and pointed to another with him wearing a helmet almost the size of his entire body, “He really wanted to become a royal guard. He kept pushing that around courtyard and giving orders to everypony.”

“Eeee~ He’s so precious~” Velvet squealed. Little Flare was absolutely adorable~

“I know,” Upper Crust cooed. “He was such a momma’s colt growing up. Always cuddling with me when he had a bad dream.” She opened up to another picture of a little Flare nestled up against Upper.

“Aaawww~” Velvet cooed. “Now I see why he’s such a snuggler. Aw lookit he widdle sleepy face~”

Upper snorted with amusement and flipped to another photo of him standing up on a few soldiers, “He was as much a snuggler as he was a little soldier at heart. I was a bit miffed that he didn’t join the Mimus Brigade alongside I, but given him and my daughter, I’ve resigned to the fact that I won’t have anypony to pass down that torch.”

“Oh, what does your daughter do?” Velvet asked as she looked at his graduate photos.

Upper turned the page to a petite white earth pony. “She’s an apprentice dressmaker. She honestly surprised us when she came out an earth pony. The only earth we have in our lineages my great grandfather. Surprised me even more with her demeanor, but no matter. I’ll bring her back home soon enough.”

“So you still want her to become a Rider?” Velvet asked. “Did you ever ask Flare why he didn’t become one?”

“For one, he was never much of a Rider.” Upper stated. “The more important detail was that he is a Fireblood Elemental. The Guard pressed him into service as quickly as they could.”

“Ah, I’d almost forgotten about that,” Velvet sighed. She had no idea that Flare was conscripted so young. “It was the same when Twilight’s Chaos Magic surfaced… So, I guess I know how you feel.”

“I was honestly proud of my little boy,” Upper sighed. “But being a Rider has been a family tradition. It seems that tradition ends with me, however.”

“Oh don’t be like that,” Velvet chuckled and nudged her. “All you need is a nice stallion and some time to raise another heir~”

Upper turned her head away and blushed, “I-I’m not sure I can find a stallion up to the task.”

“Oh nonsense, I’m sure there’s plenty,” Velvet smirked and looked her over. “I mean, you still look good. I bet you wouldn’t have any trouble getting a stallion over for a night or two to do the deed~”

Upper’s blush intensified, “Th-that wouldn’t be necessary.” She gulped and tried to get her strong persona back through her blushing.

“Well it kind of is for making a foal,” Velvet replied with a small smile. “Only stallions have that sweet baby batter for our ovens~”

“Velvet!” Upper sputtered, blushing like wildfire. “That is… what you’re saying… gah!” She buried her face in the book to hide it.

“And you’re quite adorable when you blush,” Velvet smirked. Upper was as much fun to tease as Flare. “I mean, you’ve had one already, so it’s not like you’re a virgin.”

Upper sighed, “Yes, well, I wasn’t rather sexually active much back then anyways. Came with my field of work so…” She tapped her hooves together, nervously. “I don’t think I’m good at it.”

“Oh nonsense,” Velvet snorted. “Though, I suppose I could give you a few pointers. Flare would love a little brother or sister I’d bet.”

Upper Crust, mightiest warrior in the Mimus Brigade and the bane of the Roman Empire, squeaked.

“…” Velvet’s eyes widened. Oh that was just too damned adorable.

“…You didn’t hear that,” Upper tried to clear her throat.

“Ohh yes I did~” Velvet smiled and inched closer. “Now the question is, do I tell you these tips and tricks… or show you~”

Upper opened her mouth to speak, but only squeaked again.

“Hahah, aw that’s adorable,” Velvet giggled and rubbed her head. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to do anything that’ll make you uncomfortable.”

Upper narrowed her eyes, “I am a warrior. Nothing you could do can make me uncomfortable.”

“…Is that a challenge?” Velvet raised an eyebrow.

Upper crossed her forelegs, “I must warn you that I am a quick learner. I may soon be besting you at your own game.”

Velvet’s smirk only grew and a shiver travelled up Upper’s spine.

“…And so I believe that covers everything as far as the basics go,” Velvet finished a lecture that would have made Cadance proud.

Upper looked on with a flustered expression, “You mean you put… that in.. there?” She tried to figure out some of the stranger parts of the speech.

“Well of course,” Velvet snorted. “I mean, it can go here and here too,” she said, pointing at a diagram she made. “Or here if you're feeling adventurous~”

Upper was getting only slightly better at controlling her blush, “That’s… interesting.”

“Mmm, and it’s soooo good~” Velvet purred. “When Flare got going he—”

“I don’t want to hear about Flare’s sexual advances,” Upper suddenly spoke up. “I know I mentioned things earlier, but it was more general and…” She blushed and put her face in her hooves.

“And?” Velvet hummed and leaned closer.

“Nothing,” Upper quickly said, trying not to think about her son in such situations. “Let’s turn this back to you and me.”

“Aww, but I wanna hear what such a serious, grumpy pony could come up with,” Velvet pouted. “Come oon~ I won’t tell anyone. Sparkle Promise.”

“I’m not that inventive in such an expertise,” Upper huffed.

“Well, you never know until you try~” Velvet hummed and an idea formed. “Still, I guess if you're scared. I’ll back off. I understand that some ponies find it difficult…”

Upper snarled, “I am scared of nothing. We shall continue with this as you see fit. I will overcome this obstacle post-haste.”

“I’m just curious as to what you were thinking is all,” Velvet hummed. “Come on scaredy-pony. Tell me what naughty thoughts crossed your mind~”

“Well… I have sometimes pondered that device a mare wears to create the illusion of a stallion.” Upper stated.

“Hmm?” Velvet tilted her head. “Ah, what of them?”

“…Well, to use them on my partner as I push them into the bed.” Upper blushed. “It’s just a thought. Nothing more.”

“Oh my~” Velvet purred and licked her lips. “Now that does sound fun. You see? I knew you had it in you.”

Upper rubbed her forehead, “Yes, but I doubt that’ll ever happen any time soon. Though it does feel good to at least share a thought on occasion.”

“Still gonna send Cadance her way,” Velvet mused. “It doesn’t do any good bottling it up all the time. Just… cut loose every now and then. I’m sure anypony would be lucky to share a bed with you.”

“I’ll consider it,” Upper nodded. “I still have a lot on my schedule, however.” She furrowed her brow. “I’ll try and not put it off. No promises.”

“It’s fine,” Velvet hummed. She was going to sic Cadance on her anyway. If anypony could catch this mare up it’d be here.

There was a knock at the door, and they heard one of Upper’s maids speak. “Lady Upper? Master Flare has returned and is looking for you and Lady Velvet.”

“Then bring him up,” Upper narrowed her eyes. “And do so in a timely fashion.”

“Hmm, he’s back sooner than I expected,” Velvet mused as the maid squeaked and scampered off. A few moments later, the door opened as the stallion entered, though he looked quite exhausted and had a few bandaged injuries.

“Ah, here you are and… oh good, Velvet’s still alive,” he sighed with a relieved-sounding tone.

“Of course she is,” Upper rolled her eyes. “I am not that hasty.”

Flare just levelled a deadpan stare at her.

“Sounds like a story there,” Velvet chuckled as she stood up and nuzzled him.

“Mhm, ask her about Silver Lining sometime,” Flare rolled his eyes not unlike his mother. “Pretty sure she still has PTSD after what Miss ‘I’m not Hasty’ did to her.”

“You sound as if I was the one at fault there,” Upper snorted.

“Well she was after my lineage and money,” Flare relented to that much. “But did you really have to tie her up, drizzle barbeque sauce on her and threaten to feed her to some raptors?”

“You’re right,” Upper nodded. “I should have gone through with it.” She sighed, “I’m getting soft.”

“…You’re family is most strange,” Velvet said with a small nod.

“You’re one to talk,” Flare chuckled as he walked over to Upper and pulled her into an embrace. “And, thanks for treating Vel right Mom. I appreciate it.”

“I tried to be nice,” Upper said. “I came off stranger then I meant to, but I’m sure she knows her place.”

“Mhm,” Velvet chuckled. “Maybe your cute little sister will get a nice coltfriend next?”

“I’ll kill him,” Upper and Flare growled.

“Oooor not,” Velvet took a step back. “Still, what happened to you?”

“Huh?” Flare looked down at his injuries. “Ooh, these are… mostly self-inflicted. I overcharged my magic dealing with some Griffon mercs.”

Upper Crust patted his shoulder with a proud smile, “Battle scars are nothing more then proud reminders of battles long finished. I’m sure my boy slaughtered his foe to the last.”

“Well…” Flare mused. “I did turn a few of them into carbonised skeletons to the glass floor I reduced the battlefield too. Hopefully they’ll stop bothering Dar… er, Miss Yearling like that.”

“You did what?” Velvet replied with wider eyes.

Upper chuckled and pet his head, “That’s my boy.”

“Honestly,” Velvet groaned and facehooved. “Can’t you and her do anything at a more sedate pace.”

“Hey, they were the ones crossing our borders, and they wanted access to Amaterasu’s temple,” Flare replied. Craaap, he’d have to file so much paperwork for this incident. “Well anyway, Year’s at home licking her own wounds. Then he paused. “Ooh, did you—?”

“She already knows you’re dating two mares,” Velvet nodded.

Flare slowly looked at the older mare in his hug. How was he even still alive?

“It is alright,” Upper said. “Although, I am surprised you went for two mares of my own age. I thought you’d prefer some young recruit, but it appears I was wrong.”

“I have no idea how it happened either,” Flare groaned. “Velvet’s just… amazing. And beautiful, and sexy…”

“Aww,” Velvet smiled and pet him next. “Thank you love. And you are handsome, brave and very flattering.” The two lovebirds shared a nuzzle, Upper still caught between them.

Upper Crust groaned slightly, “Well I see that you two are already making yourself at home.”

“Ah, whoops,” Flare let her go and rubbed his head. “Sorry Mom.”

“I’m not~” Velvet murred and winked at the pair of them, making Flare blink before facehooving as he realised what she meant.

“Yes, this is all quite touching.” Upper tried her best to squirm out from between them. “But I’m sure you have better things to do today then stand here.”

“Hmm, should we invite her over for dinner?” Velvet hummed. “I wanna sic her on Yearling as punishment for stealing you.”

“Velvet, that is just cruel,” Flare chuckled. “Even the Princess couldn’t survive something like that.”

“Flare, am I hearing a tinge of heresy tinge your lips?” A sharp ear twitched towards him from atop Upper’s head.

“…bye!” and with a surge, the stallion jumped up and bolted from the room.

Upper sighed and shook her head, “He may be a stallion, but he still acts like a colt.” She turned to Velvet. “Whip that out of him.”

“Ooh, I haven’t tried out my whips yet,” Velvet hummed in thought as she started to follow Upper as they went after him. “I’ll have to teach him a safeword.”

Upper blinked in confusion, but simply shrugged. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”

Velvet paused and then shook her head. ‘Oh you poor dear. Don’t worry. I’ll help you out soon enough~’

The Sparkle household was nice and calm… so Twilight must be out somewhere… oh right, she went to Ponyville didn’t she? She’d made some kind of friend during a visit, an odd little mare if Velvet remembered correctly. She’d have to pay that town a visit sometime.

And it seemed that Flare had just come back from there, with both him and Daring having visited family there.

“Still, I’m glad to see that Coco is doing well,” Flare said to Upper as they arrived at Velvet’s house. “I think she even might be a bit braver too.”

Upper snorted, “Oh we’ll see about that. I intend to visit her soon enough and bring her back home. There are too many ‘incidents’ going on in that town of Ponyville and I don’t like hearing about her being in the middle of them.”

“Well…” Flare realised that there was no talking his mother out of an idea once her mind was made up. “Just, lemme know if you need a hoof okay?” Somepony had to come along and reduce collateral damage.

“Alright,” Upper nodded. “I will.”

‘Mental note, stock up on headache pills,’ Flare groaned internally as he opened the door and stepped inside, only to be accosted by a yellow pegasus mare who was trying to find out what his tonsils tasted like with a deep kiss.

Upper jumped to the side and her horn glowed as her old battle instincts kicked in, “Who…” She grunted in annoyance as she realized what was going on. “And this would be Yearling then.”

The pegasus pulled herself up from the kiss, “Present~” She then went back to kissing him deeply.

Flare would have mounted a retort, but The Daring Army was busy laying siege to Fort Flare.

“Yes, that would be her,” Velvet replied. “I’d say what you can to her, she’s about to become an extinct species.”

“She may do whatever she wants,” Upper flippantly said and walked inside. “As for me, I shall be pouring myself a drink.”

“Top cupboard on the left,” Velvet pointed out. “I have vodka, scotch and brandy.” She paused and nodded. “Pour me one to please.”

“Will do,” Upper called back.

Velvet turned to scold Daring, only to have a box of muffins thrust into her hooves. She looked down and sniffed. “Ooh, Ditz made you some of her muffins? I haven't had these in years!”

Daring grinned as she finally broke the kiss, dropping Flare to the floor, “Oh my sister apparently had a few days off so she thought she might use some of that time to send up some snacks. I thought you’d like some.”

“We… picked them up in Ponyville,” Flare gasped, breathing hard to refill his lungs. “Also got mistaken for a doppelganger I supposedly had. Had dinner with my sis, got hit on by a teenager… and a baker, and had dinner with a fanfilly Princess.”

Velvet’s eyebrow rose slowly. “I… have so many questions,” she uttered.

“That’s basically your response to a lot of my adventures,” Daring chuckled. “And like always, I won’t skip out on any of the details.”

“You better not,” Velvet replied. “You need to put a new book out soon, or your publisher will be leaping down your throat.”

Daring gave her a quick kiss, “Not if I ‘leap’ a little something into yours first.”

Velvet shook her head and booped Daring’s muzzle. “Honestly, you never change do you?”

“You’re one to talk,” Flare said. “Also Dare? Heads up, cause that was my Mom just now.”

“…Oh yeah,” Daring gulped, her eyes widening. “I remember her now. The eyepatch just threw me off is all.”

“Mom thinks it makes her look threatening,” Flare mused and chuckled. “I once replaced all her eyepatches with pink lacy ones. It was hilar—”

Magic encased his ear that moment and pulled it hard towards the doorway, Upper Crust was glaring at him, “Not one more word, young colt.”

“Owowowow,” Flare hissed as his head was pulled down. “Y-Yes Ma’am! Sorry Ma’am!”

Daring whistled, “I remember that glare so well.”

“Ooww, aw come on Mom, your gonna pull my ear off.” Flare winced, no way were Velvet and Daring stepping between that though. “Ahh, my sweet mares have forsaken me,” he pouted.

“I’ve learned the hard way it’s best not to tick her off in any way, shape, or form.” Daring said.

“Quite,” Upper nodded and tugged anew on his ear.

“Wait you-ow-know each other?” Flare said, wincing in pain.

“Oh it was way back when,” Daring waved him off. “I used to end up fighting with her on occasions, mostly against the Roman Empire.”

“It was an aggravating experience,” Upper huffed.

“I know you you feel mom,” Flare nodded in a sage-like manner.

Daring huffed and stuck up her nose, “Well I know when I’m not wanted.” She haughtily stepped away into another room, flicking her tail at them.

“Aww, come on Daring,” Flare walked after her, pulling himself free from Upper’s magic. “We were only teasing.”

“Well you’re going to have to make it up to me,” Daring snooted.

“And how shall I do that, my beloved winged goddess?” Flare asked, moving up next to her and nuzzling her.

Daring kissed his cheek and let her tail flow over his cutie mark, “Oh I’m sure we can think of something~”

“Hooboy,” Flare breathed out. “You’re lucky Mom is here,” he whispered into her ear. “Or there’d be no saving you and Vel from me~”

Upper took a long sip from her drink, “I might need some stronger stuff.”

And now Flare was blushing, realizing his mother had heard that.

Daring laughed and kissed him, “Oh I missed her deadpan humor.” She said as she walked off.

“I wasn’t trying to be humorous,” Upper mumbled.

“Right, so…” Flare coughed into his hoof and sighed. “I’ll just go and… buy some ingredients for dinner then.” He quickly grabbed his saddlebags and headed out the door.

“Oh dear, he’s so adorable when he’s all flustered like that,” Velvet chuckled.

Upper chuckled, “He’s always adorable. However, sometimes I wish he was made of sterner stuff. Like being able to ride a gallimimus for example.”

“Hmm, now that would make for a fine sight,” Velvet purred, picturing him astride a gallant mount, looking all heroic and cool and… oh dear, she wished he hadn’t gone out now. Well, he’d be in for it later. “So Upper dear, would you like to help me with dinner. As adorable as Daring is, she can’t cook to save her life.”

Upper nodded, “I remember her attempts back during the war. We used to shell them on the Romans as ammunition.”

Velvet paused and looked at her. “Sometimes, I simply cannot tell if you are joking or not,” the unicorn said as she headed for the kitchen.

“A lot of ponies keep telling me that,” Upper stated and followed after her. “I don’t know why.”

Diner was a surprisingly calm affair, just Flare and three mares indulging in casual conversation while they ate.

“Oh?” Flare said and sipped his water. “That reminds me, Daring’s sister, Ditzy? She has the most adorable kid. I mean, she has got to be weaponized cuteness.”

“Oh?” Upper turned to Daring. “Is that so?”

Daring eagerly nodded, “He’s not joking. I’ve nearly fallen over dead a few times because of her.”

“So when can I expect such a child from either of you?” Upper asked Flare and Daring.

And that was Flare doing a wonderful imitation of a fountain with that spittake. “M-Mom!? He coughed. “Y-You can’t just ask something like that?”

Upper Crust raised an eyebrow, “And why can’t I? You have two healthy mares who have already shown the ability to reproduce. I’m sure you can make something work.”

Daring groaned and covered her face in her hooves, “And I forgot how aggravating you could be.”

“Hahah! I like her,” Velvet chuckled, and then decided to turn the tables. She just hoped that Upper would keep her mouth shut about what she said earlier.

“Celestia dammit Vel…” Flare groaned.

“Well see to it that I do have some healthy grandfoals that can actually ride,” Upper stated, taking another swift gulp from her drink.

“Hmm, well Flare is quite good at riding one particular type of mount,” Velvet mused and licked her lips.

“Daring… please make the succubus mare stop,” Flare sighed and thunked his head on the table.

“I’m not stepping in between you two,” Daring grunted.

“Oh no, you’ll be doing that later,” Velvet winked.

“Mom,” Flare groaned. “I’m not even gonna think about foals until I’m married okay? Wouldn’t be fair to the kid or to either mare otherwise.”

“Then why aren’t you offering them marriage yet?” Upper asked, Velvet sweating as she screamed internally.

And now Flare was the one to turn red and start mumbling.

“Ohmy,” Velvet said, looking oddly serious. “Well, I am in no rush to get married Flare. We have only been dating a few months after all, and Daring here less so.”

Upper snorted, “Well don’t take too long. I’m not getting any younger.”

“Oh? And when do you worry about your age?” Flare mused, glad to be shifting to topic away for now.

“When it affects the soldiers under me,” Upper responded immediately.

Flare paused and looked at her. “Has somepony been giving you trouble?” he asked. “You know you’re still the best damned officer in Canterlot.”

Upper nodded, “Oh I know that very much so. Some just doubt my capabilities, mostly those of junior officers wanting a chance for a promotion.”

Flare’s eyes narrowed. Maybe he needed to pay those whelps a visit and remind them of their place. His horn gave a few sparks as he wondered if they’d like jumping through literal fire.

Upper waved him off, “Flare, you don’t have to worry about me. Their complaints won’t do them a damn bit of good.”

“Still pisses me off,” he muttered as he sipped his water again. “Fine, I know you can take care of yourself. And all I’d do is cause you and Captain Armor trouble.” He sighed and changed to a lighter topic. “So? Do you have somepony new in your life?”

“Not at the moment,” Upper stated. “A few new recruits, but nothing personal.”

“Well… I’m sure a stallion would be happy to have you,” Flare nodded with a smile. “I mean, you’re still a pretty mare.”

“Oh I’m not so sure I can find the time, really.” Upper stated and drank the rest of her fill. “I’m still quite busy.”

“We’ll see about that,” Velvet mused as she thought about what to tell Cadance.

After dinner and dessert, Upper Crust bid her son farewell and left for home. While Flare let out a long sigh and smiled.

“Well that went better than I’d hoped,” he smiled at Velvet. “She’s not normally so… complacent towards a marefriend of mine.”

“You’ve had many?” Velvet asked as they headed upstairs to find Daring.

“Two or three,” he said with a shrug. “None of them compare to you and Darling Do though~”

“Oh that’s probably because she knows me,” Daring chuckled, before frowning. “Wait, she does know me… Why is she so calm about this? Has she really mellowed out that much?”

“…Well now I’m scared,” Flare replied. No way was Mom and Mellow used in the same sentence. “I blame Velvet. She somehow tamed her.”

“I am simply that good,” Velvet nodded. The she pulled out a collar from under the bed. “Speaking of tame… come here my pretty little pegasus~”

Daring’s eyes widened and she took a couple steps back, “Velvy, come on. Don’t start with the jokes.”

Velvet smiled as she kept advancing on her. “Aww, that's adorable. But you need to be punished for stealing Flarey like that pet~♡” She’d said that Daring would fly straight for a month and she intended to make good on that promise~