• Published 29th Jul 2016
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The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 20

Luna vs Celestia

The entire castles foundation was not only greatly shaken by the near-explosive release of Luna’s hidden power, but also the repeated smashing of walls that Celestia’s body had been forced to endure.

On top of that she had indeed proven when she crashed through the final wall, reappearing outside the castle with many bruises littering her body and left a single bloody wound on her face that exposed the flesh under and partially bits of the skeleton.

As more and more walls, had been smashed through by her body it had slowed the momentum greatly, thus when she crashed through this final wall, reappearing outside the castle, before she could hit a rapidly approaching tower its speed had weakened greatly, and instead of passing right through it she instead merely smashed into it with her whole body, but this time the stone bricks actually prevented her from going any further than where she was now.

Weakly reaching out and grabbing both edges of the crumbling wall Celestia pulled her badly battered and bruised body out of the crippling hole in the tower’s side.


Immediately hearing the same recognizable thing seconds before Luna had punched her directly in the face she suddenly looked up, eyes wide in shock from all that she had seen in these recent couple of moments of her life.

Her eyes were slowly guided down towards the hole through which she had come crashing through, -

…where to her shock and horror, she saw Luna hovering in the air with that strange blue fiery aura around her body and an unimpressed frown on her face.

Lowering her head, she aimed her horn’s tip directly at the cracked wall from which Celestia was trying to crawl out of.

Celestia may have been badly hurt but she still understood what her sister was about to do.

In a violent release of energy, a beam of energy shot from Luna’s horn straight towards the crumbling tower!

“No! Ey-arggh!” she shouted as she threw herself out of the tower, narrowly dodging Luna’s beam –the equivalent of a finger beam – seconds before it shot inside the tower.


In the moments as she was falling through the air Celestia was able a final glance back at the tower before a flash of light consumed it in an intense explosion that scattered large and small fragments of stone in random directions.

With a turn of her head Luna’s eyes followed Celestia as she watched her falling through the air.

Her eyes narrowed, staring at her sister in contempt for having the audacity to make her miss.

Celestia! she thought as her rage started to return, but this time nowhere near close to the level of when she had gained access to this power that had for most of her life been locked off from her.

As her body fell through the air she shortly started to pick herself back up, feeling some of her own power partially rejuvenating the injuries from earlier.

Mid-air Celestia straightened herself up, her hooves facing the ceiling before shortly tapping as they touched the stone surface.

Panting she looked up, seeing Luna hovering there staring back at her with hate filled eyes.

Silently, her body started to float down through the air, gently approaching a nearby tower that had been hit by one of the hurtled stones, and thus been greatly weakened.

As her hooves connected with the rooftop she stood up on all fours, still holding her arms folded while staring at her with an unchanged expression on her face.

For a time, there was a silence between the two sisters, a gentle wind blew through the castle.

Blowing through both siblings’ fur as they continued to stare back at each other, Celestia with a clearly exhausted look and Luna with a furious glare that was only a fraction of the rage that she had felt.

“Hm. Don’t begin to get cocky that just because you dodged a mere beam that you still have any chance of standing up against me. Your fate is sealed no matter what you try and I will make sure that in the end you suffer for the hardship you have put me through.”

“The only thing on my mind at the moment…is how you and Bill are going to share the power once you acquire complete control over Equestria,” Celestia panted, holding her chest as she hoped that her breathing became more controlled before Luna made her next move.

Luna’s eyes narrowed even more, her glare growing angrier as her rage got a momentary boost.

“If I were you I wouldn’t be concerning myself with matters that does not concern you, especially when one such as you try to prevent me from seeing him in the most pitiful way you can think of…, - “a smile soon returned, lessening some of the rage in a way. “Seriously, imprisonment was the best you could come up with? You have no idea how much disappoint you have caused with this lousy scheme of yours.”

As Luna talked Celestia do nothing but pant, its intensity slowly going away.

“I would almost feel sorry for what I’ve done to your face, but after today I guess neither of us will no longer possess any weaknesses holding us from achieving greatness…, -! “she shouts as quickly swinging her arm out towards the side with a swift motion. “Though, only one will draw breath this day!”

Gently chuckling she lowers her head to point her horn towards the white Alicorn, whose eyes suddenly widen in surprise at seeing this.

N-no! I’m not yet strong enough to-

Before that thought can be completed another beam shots from the tip of Luna’s horn speeding through the air towards her!

Exclaiming in panic she can only do what she can think of now: dodge!

Leaping up into the air she quickly teleports away from the beam or any potential places where Luna might fire a soon incoming barrage.

Luna’s eyes suddenly wide as she sees Celestia’s sudden teleport, gritting her teeth furiously.

“W-what!? Where did she-!?”


Hearing the sudden teleportation Luna’s head shots up, -


…but before she can turn around to see who or what it is a punch is suddenly delivered directly to her face.

The force of the punch is so strong it sends her flying forward crashing through a wall.

When she re-emerges at the other end, before she could recover from the attack her eyes can only see white coming towards her.


Luna lets out a painful grunt as the hoof punches her square in the face.

Before her hooves can be brought up to cover her face and protect it from any other blows to the face/or head a kick with greater strength than the first punch hits her in the stomach.

Its intensity is violent enough to almost knock the breath out of her.

She is sent flying up into the sky like a bullet!

Teleporting to her position, Celestia is already standing ready to throw multiple punches.

Seeing Luna weakly open her eye Celestia knows that she has the all-clear to go ahead, and unleashes everything she’s got without hesitating or holding back anything.

Giving one after another Luna is subjected to an intense of barrage of punches hitting her in the chest, face and stomach, each pain-inducing pain forcing her to come to terms with the terrible pain as a direct consequence of defying Celestia.

Down at the castle at the same time as Celestia is giving Luna an intense beating a presence halts as it stops in front under a cracked portion of a tower.

Raising its head, it looks up into the sky, silently observing the battle between Celestia and Luna.

Perfect. Everything is going as planne-, the hooded figure thinks, but instantly prevents another thought from being uttered as it notices that the figure beating up on the other is not Luna, but in fact her sister.

Exclaiming in surprise his face contorts into a look of surprise as he realized that his potential future apprentice was actually being beat pretty bad.

No! This cannot happen! I won’t let it!

He would have leaped in to join the fray when he remembered something very important that held him back just enough.

No…I cannot interfere. This is Luna’s greatest test, and as is the meaning of the test I must see that my potential student is worthy of studying under my great and infinite wisdom.

Growling enraged at this fact he folded his arms across his chest and he looked up, continuing to watch the onslaught in patience.

No... Patience in this fight is what will bestow me with a great apprentice.

Down along his head a small bead of sweat ran.

Back up in the sky all Luna’s sight was meet with was a continued barrage of fists that flew directly at her face, each blow bringing a sharp pain with it.

With a sharp thrust of her leg Luna kicked Celestia away from her, leaving a bruised imprint of her hoof on Celestia’s stomach, making her cough up blood for the second time…whereas she had coughed multiple times due to the white Alicorn’s relentless punches.

Being afforded a moment to catch her breath Luna panted as she looked her sister directly in the eye.

However, Celestia was not about to take a brake until she saw Luna pass out from exhaustion, and immediately charged directly at her without hesitation, but this time Luna was ready for her.

As the punches started to fly Luna – while already mighty exhausted and badly beaten – managed to catch a good deal of the punches that Celestia sent her way, but most of the punches that got through were dealt to her shoulders and while ensuring pain was felt they were not enough to do any serious damage. Most of which concentrated on random parts of her chest.

Hmmm. It would seem she has learned a thing or two over the course of her life. She wasn’t just always just a whining mouth with a body attached to it…but how do I actually defeat her? Even if I manage to keep her occupied with defending herself for a time there won’t be anything either of us can do to end this stalemate we’re in…unless…yess, it could bring about an end to this pointless conflict, Celestia thought amidst throwing punches and doing her best at not giving her a single chance to strike.

Suddenly, before Luna could react Celestia teleported away, disappearing from sight in the blink of an eye…, -

Huh!? What the-



…and before she had a chance of mounting a suitable defense against her sister’s speedy counter-attack sliced the tip of her horn across her back, leaving a noticeable wound – out from which blood immediately started running down her back, staining her fur.

Luna let out an agonizing scream as the sharp pain tormented her for all but a few seconds.

Recovering from the attack somewhat quickly she would have turned around to mount her own counter-attack in self-defense of what Celestia had tried to pull…, -

…however, all her efforts were suddenly undermined as another sharp pain suddenly pierced her left arm!

Her eyes shot open and her whole body tensed as the pain she was experiencing now was beyond anything she had ever felt before.

Shakily, and very slowly her head turned to look to the side, but when she looked down her eyes jumped yet again, and out through an open mouth she could utter no other sounds than chocking on her own words as she struggled to words which she could actually speak.

N-no! she thought gritted teeth as she the tip of her sister’s horn coming out the front side of her left arm.

Blood was dripping from the protruding tip and even running down through her fur, the feeling of which made Luna’s body shiver from the intolerable pain of one’s own blood moving down along her fur/flesh.

Growling through gritted teeth she tried to move, but every time she made another movement the horn twisted itself inside her wound, bringing back the original pain but also being accompanied by a secondary sharp pain that went on to last a few more seconds after the first finally faded, before the cycle all over again.

With the opportunity that was presented to her Celestia raised her right hind-leg and thrust it towards Luna’s back, kicking her hard in the back!


Like so many times during this battle with her sister Lunas’ eyes jumped at the shock from the sudden pain, and her mouth opened, letting out an intense painful scream as she could feel several bones begin to fracture.

While nothing but chocked stutter could be heard being uttered by her greatly wounded sister Celestia stared frowningly at the blue Alicorn in front of her as started to relentlessly deliver one punch after another into Luna’s back.

Each punch was hard and quite painful, but was separated from each other by an individual second that provided a second-long pause between one punch and the next of the nine – but was supposed to be ten – punches that Luna was forced to suffer through.

After the first eight punches Luna, finally couldn’t handle it anymore.

With quick enough movement Luna thrust her elbow back, punching Celestia hard in the stomach, interrupting her barrage of punches and momentarily knocking the air out of her, -

…and with even more pain involved as she moved it back out, her telekinesis quickly pushed Celestia’s horn back out of her wound.

Hearing an agonized groan Celestia was about to look up when her face was instead meet with another punch to the face that immediately caused her to move back away.

Moving back around to the front where they once again saw Celestia saw how badly bruised Luna’s face was, in response she folded her arms across her chest, glaring back at her defeated opponent.

“H-h-how?” Luna asked weakly. “H-how can you be this strong? I-I-I got a significant boost that should have rivalled your own power,” she stuttered.

“Simple, Luna, your power increase was unexpected, but you were so confident in your own abilities that it never dawned on you that perhaps you should use it conservatively.”

Panting, Luna did nothing but stare back at the white mare with her remaining eye.

“Evil-doers like yourself are always so confident in your superior might you never take the time to understand it properly, and once I noticed that you were starting to miss I could see a small window of opportunity.”

“B-but my power! H-how could it be wasted s-so fast?”

“Ah, a simple question asked by a simple mind deserves only the simplest of answers.” Celestia replied in a mock tone. “You have only just tapped into this power, but that doesn’t mean your body will be used to it. All of these attacks you have been pulling off required a huge amount of energy, and as such you unwittingly began drawing on your own so that you thought you would be able to finish me off,” she said, her smile spreading from ear-to-ear.

“You may have been strong enough to defeat me, and would have…if you did not recklessly waste it all in toying with me…, -” as Celestia continued to talk Luna lowered her head in defeat, feeling the blood that would not have been there if she had not failed run down through her fur. “…and based on that alone you give me no choice but bringing your body to the gates myself. You may try to escape and death is not a fate I have planned for you.”

With a new serious frown a ball of energy starts to form at the tip of Celestia’s horn, growing in strength for second that went by charging the level of energy in the ball.

Her eyes closing as her sister’s words sunk in.

“Luna…” a disembodied voice spoke to her, her eyes shooting open as a result.

Hearing a voice speak to her – and it did not belong to her sister – she slowly looked up back again, staring out at the source from which the voice was coming from…, -

…however, as she looked to see where the voice had come from she could not see anything but her sister hovering suspended in the air in front of her.

“Luna…” the voice suddenly said to her again.

With a turn of her head she started to look around at her surroundings…but seeing only white clouds and a blue sky overheard.

“W-who are you? W-where ar-re you? I can’t see you.”

“Hm?” Celestia reacted as her smile deteriorated slightly, staring back at the bad condition Luna’s body was in.

She watches in stunned confusion as Luna slowly looked around, staring in one direction after another as she was seemingly searching for something.

Maybe I hit her a little too hard? Celestia wondered as she just blinked at the sight that she was seeing.

Turning her head around Luna looked out through her remaining good eye to try and find this mysterious voice that she had heard speaking to her just moments ago, but wherever she looked there was nothing to be found of anyone present aside from her sister.

Turning back her gaze accidentally moved past her sister, and she would have just ignored her and continued her search if not for a single thing that had changed since last, she looked out in front of her.

It was not her sister that she was seeing anymore…but instead a being that she did not recognize now stood before.

Her eye shot open, staring back in stunned silence at the dark silhouette as its blue eyes was the only thing she could see of its face, but as soon as she took notice of its blue eyes they seemed to narrow.

“No!” she gasped in surprised shock. “B-but you’re…dead,” Luna said, the sensible part of her mind immediately telling her that this was not real to try and rationalize it.

However, as she spoke to him, he remained silent. Only returning her surprised expression with a stern one.

“Why?” the dark figure asked softly.

Her eyes shot wider again, surprised by the question it had posed.

Stunned into a silence she looked back into its eyes as she knew that it was impossible for her to avoid his stern gaze, uttering a constant stutter as she chocked on her own words.

“Why did you let everything I was die for nothing?”

After that was said to her eyes jumped in surprise.

“B-but your death was not in vain…y-you sacrificed yourself so that I could live to fight another day.”

“Hmpf,” he scoffed bitterly, narrowing his eyes so he looked to have gotten angrier. “I gave my life for you, and this is how you chose to repay me? By letting your weak, inferior sister defeat you in a battle where this would be nothing to what I could do?”

“N-no…I-I did everything I could to beat her…, - “lowering her head she hung her head in defeat. “…but in the end, it was still not enough to overcome her.”

“Hmpf,” the dark silhouette scoffed, once again showing its angry expression with its eyes. “Still you are a slave to your sister’s words. Just because she gives you an explanation for something it does not mean that it is the truth.”

What? she thought in her mind, but did not actually utter a single word in reality.

“While I will agree with her point that you have spent a considerable amount of energy and that has made you vulnerable, I can assure you that Celestia is still far weaker than she is letting on. She fears you, and believes that this final lie will be enough to bring you back under her boot long enough to forever doom your future.”

She lied? H-how could she still be lying to me after I’ve already threatened to obliterate her?

Hanging down beside her body, her remaining functioning hoof tightened in rage, small bursts of electricity appearing randomly on her body.

What!? No! She can’t be...!

“If you will not put your faith in anyone but her, then cast her truth aside and believe the one I am telling you now, which is the truth.”

Slowly raising her head again, she looked back out at the white Alicorn, whom she visibly sees was shocked by her no longer see her so defeated and broken because of her brutal defeat.


“Do you still remember the technique I taught you long ago?” he asked with his eyes that looked to be delighted.

“Yes, I still remember it. How to perform it at least, but I guess that is enough.”

Smiling a creepy smile, her fiery aura suddenly ignited again, flaring wildly around her form as she glared back at her sister very scared sister.
Raising her sole functioning arm up, she extended it out so that Celestia was unmistakably unable to escape from her attack.

“Ka…Me…Ha…Me-…, - “she said as a blue ball of energy started to form, imbuing it with what remained of her power.

Huh? What is happening? She suddenly seems to be preparing for battle…but wait, how can she still be kicking after an intense beat down like that? Surely, she would be done for already, he thought in reaction to what his vision was showing him.


“Good… now give her everything you’ve got, MAKE HER SUFFER AS SHE HAS FORCED OTHERS TO SUFFER! He shouted loudly before quickly jumping out of the way, once more revealing the sight of Celestia to Luna’s eyes.

Narrowing her eyes/eye she glared back at the white Alicorn, seeing at that moment that she was preparing to fire back at her even in this weakened state.


Shouting as loudly as she could on the top of her lungs she quickly thrust her hoof forward, the ball of energy that she had been powering

Immediately thrusting her hoof forwards, an intense blast of energy shot forth towards the being hovering in the air in front of her.

“NO! I WILL NOT DIEEEEEE!” Celestia screamed as she saw the beam of golden energy towards her, -

…and just like Luna she too fired off a blast that contained nearly all the power she had towards the one that shot towards the blue Alicorn.

As both blasts clashed the moment both impacted the other it sent a powerful that flew out from its center point.

Sweeping across the castle it caused the large structure to suddenly begin shaking from the immense energy that had just hit it.

Watching from his spot, his previous look of concern was replaced by a look of pure delight.

“Perfect, she is holding her own against her sister far better than I was expecting,” he commented aloud to himself.

The surrounding trees all started to sway violently as the wave of energy washed over them, pulling at them with all its might, hoping to rip them from their place and send them flying through the air to be randomly dispersed, few were uprooted…but neither of them were sent further than crashing into another tree.

Cracks opened in the ground, swallowing up whatever once stood above the darkened crevices.

Back with the two sisters both were separated by two – differently colored – beams of violent rage that were both at odds with the other, the other threatening to swallow up the other as the ones that were firing them were putting all their energy into overwhelming their opponent.

Uttering chocked grunts through gritted teeth Luna was using everything she had put into this one attack, but even despite that fact she was surprised to find that not only was her attack not getting anywhere close to pushing her sister’s bac…but that her sister was actually starting to gain bit of an edge over her and slowly pushing her attack back.

Grunting she tried to stabilize her physical condition so that she did not suffer too great of strain to where it could lead to her downfall, but as things were going now they did not look too good.

Trying even harder to concentrate she closed her eyes.

It helped a little as she pushed her sister’s blast a little further back, but still it was not enough to keep her at bay forever.

On the other side of the intense clashing of energy Celestia had extended both her arms out in front of her so she could better control her beam as it seemed like they would be here for a while.

Wearing an expression-less frown she was in full control of her own attack, giving it all she could.

Back on Luna’s side, behind her a darkened figure faded into existence, its eyes narrowing as they stared back at her as she was failing to combat her sister…greatly.

“Luna! Give it your all!” She heard a familiar voice call out to her from behind.

Her eyes shot open and she slowly turned her head back, looking over her shoulder, her eyes jumping as she saw the figure hovering in the air behind her.

Luna and his surroundings all started to change from blue skies and white clouds to a vast chamber that had many columns along the walls of this circle-shaped chamber, each of the walls having giant rips and cracks in them, a part of the dome ceiling had collapsed onto the ground, the marble floors had lost their former shimmer as they were now covered by sand and dust.

The darkly silhouetted figure changed from hovering in the air to laying on his back on the cracked and ruined floor, a torn cape being blown through the wind that entered into the chamber, blood was running from his cut torso and from his left shoulder where he was missing an arm – his arm laying on the floor in front of him while the lower half of his body was nowhere to be seen.

“Mairon,” Luna whispered as she looked back at his badly injured upper body as it lay motionless on the marble floors.

Standing in the center of the chamber in front of his unconscious body she was now standing clad in battle-torn armor still in the process of doing the same attack that she was currently doing her head slowly turned back to look out in front of her.

Like currently she was also fighting off another powerful energy beam that clashed with her own attack, but because she was inside the chamber and the opposing beam was being fired from the outside she could not see the identity of who was firing back at her.

Like currently she began to focus, pouring everything she had into staying off this other attacker…, -

“L-luna…” but it was not until a faint and weak voice spoke up to her that she was distracted from the battle.

Once more looking over her shoulder she saw the poorly conditioned body trying to stand itself back up with its right arm, but clearly struggling as it was too weak to move anymore.

“L-…luna,” it managed to utter one final time, its stumpy arm trying to extend its arm out towards her…, -

…before both the bleeding arm and the torso fell back, falling back to the ground.

Grasping tightly at the floor it managed to shatter a few pieces of the marble floor, but with a final breath it lost consciousness, laying lifeless on the floor.

Underneath it the blood had formed a quite large puddle underneath him that stained him red.

Behind her the bright light of the opposing beam was growing stronger, being just mere moments from engulfing her.

As time seemed to slow down for her she was silent as her eyes could seemingly not look away from the body that she had just witnessed drawing his final breaths…and they had been spent calling her name.

A single tear ran down her cheek.

Through the opposing energy beam a dark silhouetted figure could be seen, being the cause of the energy beam that was weighing down hard on Luna.

Back outside the chamber a distorted laughter started to sound, echoing around the chamber, bouncing off the walls only to be meet with Luna’s ears.

Lowering her head, she soundlessly started uttering unseen noises that the being firing the opposing beam could not hear.

“Finally giving up are ya?” the dark and distorted voice inquired to her as it could see something happening with her. “Surrender is the only way out for you now, and even there I will not hesitate to enforce my will upon you.”

Watching her slowly raise her head the being clothed in darkness smirked as it could see that she was thinking about her options. She may be strong to endure quite a beating, but not even the mighty Luna could stand up to the might it wielded.

Sharply turning her head and looking back at the being she was battling, Luna breathed heavily through gritted teeth.

“Uhh!?” the dark entity was surprised by her enraged glare; its pride and sense of victory being greatly wounded by this sudden display of rage.


Screaming in terrible rage the structure suddenly vanished as an intense explosion erupted from behind its own walls, destroying the entire structure in little no more than a few seconds.

The shockwave generated from the explosion was so powerful that it would have destroyed an entire forest the size of the Everfree, leaving behind nothing but a single stone column atop which the foundation of the destroyed structure remained – as the only thing indicating its existence.

Calming itself, the wind eventually returned to where it was manageable, accompanied by the falling of destroyed stones, dust and – now cracked – stone bricks.

“Urgh…gurgh!” the dark entity stuttered as it took everything it could to not let up its attack as this would be its only chance to finish off the Princess Luna, herself.

“You miserable-…brat?”

…but as her eyes once looked in Luna’s direction they immediately shot wide open from fear.

Having re-ignited around her Luna was once more enveloped in the fiery aura from before, but instead of its usual blue it was now golden, but this time far more violent and intense than she had been battled before. Electricity sparked all around her in a matter of only one second, -

…and she was now looking up at Celestia with a rage filled glare that could not be simply ignored.

Gritting her teeth for just the loneliest of seconds Luna shared only the briefest of stares with her opponent before finally unleashing the loudest and most aggressive scream she had ever uttered before in her life.

A bright flash erupted from where Luna was standing.

It was so bright in fact that it blinded Celestia, making it impossible for her to see what was happening.

“GRAHH!” she exclaimed as she quickly turned her head, looking away from the bright light.

“DAMN YOU!” she shouted.

When the intensity finally dropped to a more manageable level she gently opened her eyes again, daring to see for herself if it truly had become more tolerable.

“You brat, I’ll tear you to-! “she growled, but a look of surprise suddenly overtook her face as soon as she looked down in Luna’s direction.

A loudly screaming voice tormented her ears to the point of almost making them bleed.

The fear of death consumed her heart, destroying any other thoughts that attempted to enter her mind.


Through her own eyes, she wanted to believe that what she was seeing was not true, that it was just an illusion, a trick of the mind that Luna was trying to pull in order to get the slip on her, but her mind as well as her body was paralyzed with overwhelming fear.

There was nothing she could do.

Luna’s beam was no five times bigger, crushing Celestia’s own beam, shattering the energy to pieces as it finally started to push back.

Celestia could not sustain her own attack, her hooves shaking too much to properly defend against such overwhelming power, as well as any of her remaining energy having already been spent on breaking Luna’s defenses.

“NNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO…!” Celestia let out final screeching scream as Luna’s attack finally managed to cut right through her defenses, her own attack barely standing a chance of holding it back any longer.

Her attack was swatted aside like nothing, shattering it to pieces for a final time as she finally destroyed Celestia’s chance at delaying the inevitable, -

…giving her just a second before it all swallowed Celestia up too!

“AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Celestia screamed in a loudly agonized final scream as the blast finally consumed her whole body and blotting out anything else other than the intense golden light from Celestia’s vision.

The pain was unbearable, like hundreds of knives all penetrating her flesh at the same time, stabbing at her body.

Her entire vision was taken up with nothing but white as it finally came to a complete and utter stop!



(It was a difficult toss-up between these two videos, so in the end i'll just leave it up to you to decide which one fits better)

As the beam hit Celestia with full force it forced forth an explosion the size of Luna and Celestia’s castle – being so big it was all Luna saw, sending forth a shockwave that this time uprooted many trees, scattering them randomly in separate directions, the ground was ripped wide open from the sheer force, and part of the castle was shaken to where it collapsed into a pile of broken stone bricks!

Grunting he held up his arm to shield himself from the explosion as it passed overhead.


While the outer reaches of the forest survived, the inner circles were all but uprooted, leaving nothing behind but a mere crater.

Up in the air with her one injured arm and the other still extended out Luna panted heavily as she finally started to the flames and the black smoke fade away.

I did it…

Suddenly, from out of the black smoke and scorching flames Luna noticed something fall down towards the ground.

Still panting she did not move as her eyes followed the plummeting flesh-and-blood creature as it fell out of the sky towards the castle.

Sister… she thought as she followed the white being fall through the sky, only stopping when she violently crashed into the ground, blowing up sand dust from where she landed.

Hm… she scoffed, her panting expression contorting into a panting frown.

Slowly, she began to descend down towards the ground.

Looking up from where Celestia’s body had crashed into a wall he craned his head back up, watching Luna slowly descend from the sky which made him grin in delight.

Excellent. I could not have asked for that battle to go in any other direction.

Turning around he walked back the way he had come, disappearing off into the castle.

[Down at the castle]

With the uttermost of strength was left in her body Celestia very weakly pushed the large stone up off her.

With a very frail and badly injured hoof Celestia gently pulled her body out of the pile of rocks, her entire body shivering from the pain that she had just gone through and was still experiencing way after the explosion had ended.

Laying on the ground her body spasmed, still feeling some smidge of leftover pain from her sister’s attack that she was no longer capable of just shrugging off as nothing anymore, but instead forced to endure.

“G-g-got to g-get to- “

*Tap Tap*

As fast as she could – in her current state – she turned her head, looking to her left side.

Her eyes widened as she laid eyes on the still figure as its glowing eyes meet her own.

She tried to crawl away from this being as fast as she could, but in her current state a fast escape was an impossibility. She didn’t even possess the strength possible to heal herself fast enough to even pull off something even resembling an escape.

“I-rgh-I won’t die!” Celestia said as she tried using what little functionality remained in her hoof to get away from the tall figure that she had spotted.

“There is no need to escape, sister, your fate was already decided long before this battle even started.”

Coming to a sudden stop Celestia hesitated for a few seconds before slowly looking back up above her.

Her eyes shot open, and chocked noises sounded from her mouth as she couldn’t find anything to say as she saw her sister descend from the sky towards her.

She too seemed badly beaten up, but like Celestia her condition was hardly a scratch.

Planting her hooves on the stone floor she looked down glaring at her sister.

Raising her right hoof, she pointed it at her sister’s face, her frown slowly contorting into a pure look of evil delight.

A few feet away from her the hooded figure watched the two sisters in anticipation.

He smiled at seeing the ball of energy forming at Luna’s hoof.

Just a little more now, you’re almost there.

As the ball grew to almost reach the size of Celestia’s head Luna’s eyes narrowed as they looked into the fearful ones her sister possessed.

“Don’t worry, Celestia, I will make sure your sacrifice was not in vain. Equestria will become a better place when I claim the throne for myself.”

The brightness from the growing sphere of energy now all but obstructed Celestia’s face, meaning she could not be seen at all.

“Yesss, do it!” a sudden voice spoke up from Luna’s left side.

“Huh?” Luna reacted.

Turning their heads both Princesses looked to their sides at the source of the voice, both staring wide-eyed in shock at the tall, hooded figure that stood before them. Its face obstructed by a hood that covered its head.

Luna found herself confused by this new presence.

If this was a new enemy she’d have to battle she’d surely fall since so much of her energy had already been spent battling Celestia.

“W-…who are you?” Luna inquired, still holding her ball of energy ready to kill Celestia.

“Who I am does not matter, but who is about to die, is.”

Extending a hand out from its dark robes it pointed a finger down at the weak and frail form of Celestia.

“You were about to kill her…you will not have to worry about me interrupting, as a matter of fact I want you to kill her and rid yourselves of someone so weak and pathetic compared to the overwhelming might you wield.”

Luna looked back down at her sister, staring back in shock.

“If we are to work together we should come clean so you know my reasons for wanting her dead.”

Suddenly turning back Luna’s original confusion turned into shock at what she had just heard.

“‘’work together’’? What!?” she exclaimed.

The hooded being smiled in approval behind the shadow cast by its hood.

“Correct, I have been searching for someone worthy of the knowledge I can provide…and from the list of powerful beings in the universe I have chosen you as my apprentice.”


“Yes. You are the ideal vessel to wield the knowledge I possess, and with your wisdom I have no doubt that you will use this knowledge for the well-fare of your subjects.”

*Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap*

As he walked closer Luna couldn’t take her eyes off him.

“Kill your sister and complete the final test, and I will know that you are more worthy of responsibility than she ever was, more worthy to sit upon the throne and determine others’ lives. The choice is yours, your Highness.”

Returning his arms back inside his robes he turned silently towards Celestia, staring at her broken and beyond battered body, seeing every bruise and every wound that littered her body from not just the damage already sustained by Luna but from the intensity of her final attack.

Luna turned back, staring down at Celestia with a blank face.

“Hm. You hear that, sister, seems I’m not the only one who believes I’m more deserving of leading others than you ever were…would be a shame to disappoint him.”

A soft chuckle was uttered by him as his eyes narrowed, staring down at Celestia with a wicked grin.

Her charged energy ball had already grown big enough to where it would finally kill Celestia, so Luna finally saw no point in holding back her whole purpose for betraying Celestia in the first place.

“Goodbye, sister, you were useful for a time…but even you have now become obsolete.”




Before Luna could fire her attack and finally end this something suddenly hit her, sending her crashing into a nearby wall.

“Huh!? What!?” he reacted as soon as he saw Luna get hit.

From a nearby wall he could see dust rising upwards, and a giant crack in the wall she had been sent to.

Sharply turning back around he laid eyes on the being that had sent her flying, his eye jumping at the sight of another tall figure clad in robes like it – except these robes were white.

“UH!” he reacted as he saw the newcomer’s extended fist. “Hm,” which was shortly followed by a scoff as he retracted his arms back inside his robe.

“Well well well, look what the tide hauled in, a nuisance,” he remarked as his eyes narrowed, and a bitter frown appeared.

“Still looking for an apprentice, I see?” the newcomer asked as he lowered his fist down beside his robes.

“Hardly, the apprentices find me.”

“Hm ~ Not impressed,” the figure’s whose hood was white replied.

“You don’t have to be, facts are facts no matter who says them…and the fact is that this young mare has the potential to be something great, and I plan on giving it to her,” he said with a sharp turn of his body, pointing a finger back at where Luna had crashed into.

“Is that the universe’ fact or your own? Cause sometimes it’s difficult to tell with you.”

“Rrrghh,” he growled in anger at being insulted like that.

“Hm…, - “he chuckled, his rage changing into a subtle smile. “Whatever, I’ve got more important matters to attend than the likes of you.”

Turning around he started to walk back towards the cracked hole in the wall that Luna had still not yet emerged from.

Stopping in front of the wall he reached his arm inside the hole, momentarily pulling the unconscious body of Luna out.

Hanging her over his shoulder he turned back towards the other hooded figure, staring back with a glare.

“Anyway, everything I need to see has been seen...and I think it is about time for us to depart from this tiny planet,” he said as he raised two fingers up to his forehead behind the hood.

Chuckling behind his own hood the newcomer smiled a delightful smile.

“See we shall.”

Watching the figure suddenly disappear Celestia’s eyes finally closed shut, too exhausted to keep looking anymore.


Before he and Luna both teleported away he was able to utter a soft growl.

For a brief moment after they had vanished from sight the newcomer held his position, staring towards where they had previously been standing.

A soft wind blowing through the devastated castle grounds, blowing through his hair.

“Hm,” he uttered with a grimace on his face, before turning around and hurrying over towards Celestia’s beaten and battered body.

Holding her in his arms he reached inside his pocket, searching for something.

“Princess Celestia, speak to me, how are you feeling?” he asked with genuine concern as he looked down at her.

She coughed several times, many of which indicated that she was still alive – for now – but included along with her rough coughs was also a lot of blood.

“Oh my, this is worse than I thought.”

Pulling out a small bag he quickly opened it and reached inside, pulling out a small green bean.

“Here, eat this, Princess.”

To his great surprise, he expected Celestia to not respond at all, but she actually opened her mouth as she was instructed to.

“There…now chew,” he said after inserting the green bean into her mouth – and obviously removing his fingers.

Her body was already so badly damaged that even the simplest of movements was causing her nearly unending agony just trying to move a muscle, but still she managed to push through it and at the least chew the strange bean that her savior had given her.

“Hey! You!” a voice suddenly shouted to them.

Looking up from the broken and crippled Princess his eyes shifted to where the voice was coming from.

Out of the corner of his eye he could see a large group of golden armored Royal Guards rushing in their direction.

When they had him and Celestia surrounded they quickly pointed the tips of their spears at him.

“Release the Princess at once.”

“B-but she hasn’t- “

“Release her or we will use force!” the Captain interrupted before he could finish.

“Rrgghh,” he uttered as a low growl at this stallion’s lack of respect.


“Fine then,” he said releasing his grip and letting her drop to the ground with a thud.

Following her body collapse – and watching as it hit the ground – the Captain suddenly looked up at the tall hooded figure that he had seen looming over their beloved Princess.

“Rrggh – You are going to wish you hadn’t done that, bud,” he growled through gritted teeth as he entered into a battle-ready stance.

“Hmpf,” the newcomer scoffed as he stood back up, towering over the six armor-clad equines.

Narrowing his eyes he looked directly at the Captain, his arms folding across his chest as he waited for the first one to try and attack him.

“Hyaahhh!” a mare shouted as she leaped at him from behind with her hoof raised to strike, -


…only to fail in hitting her target, having her hoof pass down through air.

“Wha-… How!?” exclaimed the mare surprised as she failed to hit the hooded figure with her hoof, only to have it pass through the dead air his body used to occupy.

“Wha-!” the Captain – as well as everyone gathered – reacted at seeing this incredible mastery of what they believed to be teleportation, startling everyone present at the scene.

“W-where did he go, Captain?” a fellow guard asked with concern at such speedy teleportation.

“Right here,” a voice replied from behind.

Every single one of the guards suddenly tensed as they heard that familiar voice again, and so soon too.

Speedily turning around their eyes looked up towards the top of one of the less-badly damaged pillars that still remained after the intense battle that had taken place between both sisters.

Seeing the figure standing at the top they all gasped in surprised shock, not enjoying the sight that greeted them.

Still laying on the ground Celestia gently stirred where she lay, softly uttering sounds.

“My, my, my, you really are to learn some manners when addressing others, you know that?” he said down to them as it stood with his boots planted firmly against the top of the pillar with his arms folded as he looked down at the guards that had just attempted to attack him right after trying to arrest him.

Neither of the guards opted to say anything, all they could do was stare up in shocked awe.

“So, I see we’re finally done wasting time? Good,” he said while his body was slowly lifted up into the air off the pillar.

Hovering through the air he kept his arms folded as he slowly descended back down towards the surface that the guards stood on.

However, as the guards watched him descend back down to them it became evident that unless he was really good at hiding his fear that there was nothing they could to harm him.

Frightened by him they backed away as he descended.

*Tap Tap*

Planting his boots firmly back down on the ground this made all of the guards present utter chocked sounds as they did not know what his next move was.

Raising his head, he looked back up, eyes staring directly at them where they all stood surrounding the Princess.

“You are all right to be scared…but in the end, it will not be enough to save you...”

However, after what he had just said had been uttered it only made them cower from him even more.

Slowly extending his arm he pointed his index finger back at the group of guards.

All of them expected for him to fire a blast or something at them.

In a last-ditch effort to protect their sole hope they all huddled around Celestia’s downed body in order to protect her.

“T-then why don’t you just finish what you came here for?” the Captain shuddered as he held the Princess tight.

“Because even as we speak the great danger of which I speak is leaving the planet with its prize.”

[Equestria’s orbit]

Flying up into space a small spacecraft flies out into the vastness that is the universe.

Aboard the spaceship, a dark hooded figure is standing beside its two pilots that is wearing identical armor, looking out through the observation screen into space as the two of them pilot the ship.

Silently turning around the being walks towards a nearby door, which automatically opens for him to exit through.

Another door opens and he proceeds into a darkly lit room which only source of light is a bright blue that is emanating from the center of the room.

Raising his head his eyes fall upon a transparent rectangular pod that is connected to both the ceiling and the floor by a base.

Inside, the pod is filled with healing fluid, -

…surrounding a solitary being whose body is badly battered and bruised after its first real intense battle in years.

Its mouth covered by a half-mask – meaning it only covers the mouth but not the whole face – as a tube connected to the mask is providing a continued amount of oxygen to the being inside the pod.

Its eyes twitching slightly as if plagued.

“Yess, Princess, let the hate flow through you, let yourself be imbued with the strengths that would have been all but alien to while you were still Celestia’s slave,” he said with a delightful grin.

“Soon a new order will throughout the universe, and all who chose to dispute it will fall under its might.”

A soft chuckle escaped his lips as thoughts of the future started to come to him, visions of a galaxy united under a single name;


Outside in space the Starship flew towards the Moon, rounding the corner and flying to the back.

For a time, nothing was seen or heard until a large shadow started traversing across the surface of the large celestial body, its engines humming as they started to power up.

Once it was out in the clear, far enough from the Moon, a large Starship in the shape of a massive circle with many smaller circles aligned along its side, and with one large circle at the front rotated itself around until its Bridge was pointed in the direction it wanted.

With incredible speed the massive ship shot forward, disappearing from sight as it vanished to other parts of creation, where its true destination was but a mystery.

[Back down on the surface]

Sensing something in the skies above he craned his head up, eyes gazing up into space.

His blank stare contorted into a stern frown as he felt the presence vanish.

“It has begun…, -”

Finally realizing that he was not going to attack them the guards turned back as they looked at him, not understanding why he was looking up in the air.

“…and my advice to you for the days to come; watch the skies,” he said as he slowly lowered his head.

“Never take your eyes off the skies.”

His eyes staring directly at them.

Hovering high in the air, nothing but three outlines as golden light shone down upon the world below.

An eye with a slit pupil returned his stare, narrowing its brow.

Soon the outlines started to melt away into the golden sphere until nothing could be seen remaining of either the three lines or the eye with the slit pupil.

Author's Note:

Sibling rivalry, mysterious newcomers who have observed them from the shadows, and a deviation from what you were expecting -

...this can only mean one thing; a new chapter is starting.

I like to be cinematic, was it too subtle?

Link1 - Dragon Ball Z Original Soundtrack - Solid State Scouter
Link2 - Dragon Ball Super OST 46 - Frieza is Resurrected