• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,728 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

  • ...

Chapter 37

End of the World

“Uurgh, h-uh?”

Celestia groans at hearing the wind blow.

Weakly raising an eye to see she’s lying inside the destroyed tower.

She raises her head and looks around.

Immediately having her attention stolen away by beams of light that’s coming in through cracks in the wall.

Her frown curves upwards into a smile as she rises to her hooves.

Despite the bruises her body, she manages to trot towards the wall.

She extends her hoof.

Pointing directly at the wall and fires a blast.

The wall explodes, and a beam of bright light shoots inside.

However, the light is murky. It’s color muted.

As she trots outside, she looks up in front of her only to gasp at the horrible sight before her.

A hollow wind blows across the barren and lifeless landscape.

From far in the distance, dark clouds stretch out across the sky.

Their darkness blotting out every little ounce of light.

Making an already ravaged world even more bleak and depressing.

The crack of lightning echoes all around the landscape, despite occurring far into the distance.

Unable to keep herself standing, Celestia sits down.

She closes her watering eyes and hangs her head.

The weight of her failure hits her hard!

Harder even when she defeated her sister not an hour ago.

At opening her eyes again, she stares into the distance towards the approaching dark clouds.

“Please…” she softly utters in a breaking voice, “Please, spare one!”

“Let one live!” she sobs.

She extends her wings, and with a gentle beat of her wings flies into the sky towards the approaching clouds…


Meanwhile, far away, a Unicorn Filly’s eyes shot open at the crack of thunder.

“Huh!? What!? Wh-AHH!”

She asks, only to fall back down in agony when she tries to stand.

Looking down towards her left leg, she sees her right hind-leg’s broken.

She tries to perform a healing spell, but the pain intensifies at just the slightest movement. Disturbing her concentration.

“Oh no, if I cannot heal my leg how am I ever going to get outta here!?” she squeaks concerned.

She looks up at the surrounding landscape, but it leaves more to be desired.

She’s still in the forest, but everything looks…bleaker than usual.

Every tree she sees has been uprooted and now lay on their sides. Piling on top of each other.

A faint but growing thicket of fog continues to venture deeper and deeper throughout the forest.

Obstructing everything but the toppled trees, though, at the pace the fog’s thickening it won’t be long before even they become difficult to see.

Suddenly, her head snaps right at hearing a twig break!

Eyes widening shocked.

I-is somepony here!?!?

“W-whose there!?” she calls out.

Her body begins shaking terrified at the thought of someone or some-thing attacking her while she’s so vulnerable!

Leaves close to her begin rustling…followed shortly by a pair of eyes staring out at her!

Her eyes widen in terror, and she leaps back.

Only to scream in agony as her leg hurts

“Ahhh!” a Colt screams as he jumps out of the bushes.

Despite the fresh pain in her leg, she stops screaming.

Shooting the Colt a shocked look.

“Oh thank Celestia, another Pony!” she exclaims relieved.

Groaning a little from the pain in her leg.

However, an obvious question presents itself to her, and she shoots the Colt a confused look.

“Speaking of which, why were you watching me?” she asks.

Raising her brow, suspicious of his motives.

His cheeks immediately go red and eyes widen.

Nervously staring back at her, but not the face of one who had been caught in the act of watching her from afar, but rather from speaking to a girl for the first time in his life.

“I-I-um-uh-!” he stutters.

Trying to avoid eye-contact for as long as he could.

Though, occasionally glimpsing back. Noticing something one time.

“Hey, what’s wrong with your leg?” he asks.

“Why would you think there is something wrong with my leg?” she asks confused.

“Well, there’s the fact that you’re sitting down for one, and you’re laying on your side, which is rather awkward for meeting somepony you thought was “spying on you”,” he replies pointing his hoof at her.

This time she blushed.

She was right.

One doesn’t lay awkwardly after accusing someone of spying on them. That is just ludicrous.

“True,” she hangs head.

Staring at the thinning, grey grass.

He blankly stares at her as she begins moving her hoof through the grass.

He narrows his brows and shoots her a blank stare.

“You didn’t exactly answer my question. Is something wrong with your leg?” he asks again.

Her eyes shot open, and she looks back up towards him.

“Y-yeah,” she softly utters, “I-I broke my leg when that giant…thing exploded.”

“Fortunately, I was further back so it just sent me flying into a tree,” she says, but turns her head and looks down at her leg, “though, it wasn’t exactly risk-free. I wouldn’t recommend it.”

He quickly nods back in agreement.

“I bet!”

Staring at her injured leg for a few seconds.

“Yeah, me too. I was in the back, so it wasn’t as bad for me either…though, I guess I got luckier.”

A sad frown settles on his face at looking down towards her leg again. Feeling bad for her.

However, his brows suddenly narrow after a while, and he trots up towards her.

“Um, what do you think you’re doing?!” she asks.

Suddenly feeling very nervous about him approaching her.

He doesn’t reply back.

Only continuing to approach her until finally coming to a halt in front of her.

Staring directly at her injured leg.

Finally, he slowly turns his head towards her.

“Do you trust me?” he asks.


“Do…you…trust me?” he asks again at a slower pace.

His tone, quite serious.

She bits her lip and looks down, but upon looking up into his eyes she freezes.

She cannot explain it, but looking into his eyes she feels…calmer around him.

More trusting towards him.

“Yes!” she softly squeaks.

Blushing at being all alone with a Colt she doesn’t even know.

To tell the truth, she’s finding this all a ‘’little’’ exciting that a Cold is talking to her like this.

If not for her broken leg and the destruction around them, she’d have smiled.

“Alright,” he finally replies.

Looking even more nervous than she does.

“I promise to be as gentle as possible.”

Her eyes widen shocked.

“O-okay!” she nervously replies.

“Shshh. It’ll be alright, sshsshhhh,” he lightly pats her as she lays down on the ground.

He looks down towards her leg.

Closing his eyes as a look of anger settles on his face.

Sorry, I’m so very sorry…!


Meanwhile, Celestia finally reaches the end of her long flight across the ruined wastelands that used to flourish and full of life, but is now nothing but a barren wasteland.

She flies down towards a mountaintop. Planting her hooves against the rock.

Before her was an enormous crater that stretches far into the horizon.

Meaning that it was possibly even bigger what she sees here.

She hangs her head. Closing her eyes as she sighs.

Merely seeing the crater is a painful reminder for her.

“I just hope this works,” she says uncertain.

“Even if anypony survived, I doubt they’ll last for much longer. I’ve got be quick about finding them!”

She closes her eyes as a golden aura envelope her horn.

In her mind, she sees all of Everfree. Only, everything beyond Everfree is shrouded in darkness and the forest itself is highlighted by a green border.

All across the (mental projection) she sees a couple of red dots flash before her.

Indicating (and pin-pointing) multiple energy readings throughout the forest.

However, at opening her eyes, she continues to frown.

It was a couple…but nowhere near enough to make up for the lives she was meant to protect.

Her horns glows, only for her to vanish with a *POP* as she sets off to find the survivors…


Meanwhile, in the devastated forest, five Fillies and five Colts have already begun gathering.

Being the first to recover from the shockwave.

Many of them having gathered together in a large open clearing where they can be seen by any bypassing Pegasi looking for survivors.

Of the Fillies are:

Another was a somewhat chubbier Unicorn with a pink coat and bushy purple mane.

Another was an Earth Pony, whose coat was light-orange and mane curly and orange.

The other Earth Pony, whose coat was icy blue and mane was teal.

There was also a Pegasus, who sprouted a pale amber coat and moderate cherry mane.

A Pegasus with a cyan coat and short orange mane and tail. Her mane hanging down the front like bangs.

And off the Colts are:

One was a Unicorn whose coat was light-grey, and mane was dark-brown.

One was an Earth Pony, whose coat was moderate amber and his mane has silver and grey streaks throughout it.

Another was an Earth Pony, whose coat was light yellow and red mane. He also wore a stretson hat.

A Pegasus with a light-blue coat and rainbow mane.

Another of the Pegasi has a light malachite green coat, a light amaranthish mane.

All having found each other after they became lost from their family and friends…


While not straying too far from where the other Fillies and Colts were, the chubby Unicorn Filly still ventured far enough that she’d be able to gather some firewood. Just in case they’d have to spend the night here in this forest until rescued.

Someone was bound to come looking for them eventually…right?

Her magical aura picked up sticks one after the other.

Gathering them together in a small bundle suspended above the ground with her magic.

Soon, though, she begins to venture a little too far away from the group.

Continually staring down at the ground in her quest to find more sticks.

Brushing aside leaves and bushes with her telekinesis.

So caught up in her self-assigned job that she fails to notice the warm light of the sun be replaced with a cold shadow as she unwittingly ventures into the forest.

Nearly vanishing from sight until one spotted by one particular figure that soon follows after…

“Ooo, there’s another really good one!” the Unicorn exclaims excited as she spots another stick.

Her telekinesis immediately lifts it off the ground. Inserting it into the bundle of other sticks.

However, as she looks up its immediately apparent that she’s no longer in the same clearing as the others, but instead deeper into the forest!

“Oh no, I’m lost!” she exclaims.

A faint but growing sense of fear takes hold in her.

“W-where am I supposed to go?! H-how do I somepony’s even looking for me?! I-I don’t even know where I am, so how is anypony else supposed to know where to look?!”

J-just imagine the kinds of monsters that live here! W-what am I even going to do if they find me!?

Her paranoid thoughts only make the situation worst.

Preventing the poor Filly from keeping calm and level-headed.

“Psst, hey!”

“AHHH!” she exclaims at the immediate sound.

Flinching and jumping back away from the bushes where she heard it!

Her eyes widen, and she immediately assumes a defensive stance.

Ready to defend herself from whatever was hiding in the bushes, -

“Whoa, whoa, please don’t attack!”

…until a voice cries out from the bushes!

Causing her to halt her attack.

Shooting the bushes, a confused glance, until a Colt suddenly pops out from behind them.

She’s startled once more, but merely flinches.

She closes her open mouths, but continues to shoot him a quizzical look.

The Colt quickly catches on that she’s taken aback by his presence, so he just gently trots forward.

Emerging form behind the bushes into the open.

“Uh, um, -“ he stutters.

Blushing while attempting to avert making eye-contact.

“I noticed you were wandering away from the others…s-so I came to tell you not to go stray too far.”

Despite his lack of stuttering, she could tell that he was nervous about talking to her.

Her quizzical look turning into a blank stare.

“Oh, well, thanks,” she softly replies.

Smiling back at the timid Colt.

He came after to stop me from going deeper into the forest, even though he could’ve gotten lost himself just searching for me?! How sweet!

He looks back up, and nervously smiles back.

“W-what is your name?” he asks.

“Hmm, I’m Cookie Crumbles,” she softly chuckles.

Putting her hoof to her chest, before pointing it right at him at asking, “And what about you?”


She cannot help but giggle at his shy-ness. Finding his timid-ness cute.

“Oh, I-I think we should get on back to the others. T-they’re probably worried about us!”

“Oh,” she replies, “but you still can tell me your name before we go back.”

She lowers her hood back to the ground at watching him avert his gaze from her. Biting his lip.

“N-no! It would be best if we get back to the others before they even notice we’re gone and begin searching for us!” he softly exclaims.


She hangs her a little disappointed by him not wanting to tell her his name.

She was immediately ripped away from her disappointment by the Colt speaking up again.

“W-would you like me to carry those sticks and twigs for you?!”

Her brows jumping at his request.

She looks towards her levitating bundle, and smiles.

Gently turning back towards him.

“How about this; you can carry these sticks for me…if you tell me your name?”

His brows jump at her proposal.

Blushing softly before hanging his head.

“Um…I’m Hondo Flanks,” he nervously replies.

As soon as his name’ spoken, he quickly averts his eyes.

Looking out into the forest.

Despite being taken aback at his quick aversion to meet her eyes after speaking his name, she softly chuckles at being told his name.

“Well, its nice to meet you, Hondo,” she says.

His brows jump in response.

He slowly looks back up at her.

A friendly smile slowly spreads across his face.

Her smile, as a result, grows bigger.

“Well, here you go!”

She holds up the bundle of stick in front of him.

Snapping his attention towards the sticks, even as she merrily trots past him.

Only stopping after a couple of steps to turn her head and smiles back at him.

“You did ask if you could carry the sticks for me…so, here you are!”

She says winking at him.

While turning around to join her, he momentarily smiles overjoyed at having spoken to a Filly!

Quickly hiding it before she can see him…unaware that she saw his excited smile.

She just didn’t let him know she’d seen it.

His magical aura activates. Levitating the bundle of sticks in mid-air.

As he trots up beside her, the two gently trot forward besides each other.

Making their way back out through the thicket.

Only, as Hondo reaches out and pulls away the last couple of branches to allow her to trot out, Cookie suddenly freezes in place at noticing something up ahead.

Her eyes widening at glimpsing the figure before her.

Hondo isn’t too far behind as he too notices the figure, and its appearance has the same effect on him as it did her!



As Cookie and Hondo trot off into the forest, an Earth Pony Filly with an orange coat and light-orange mane trots up towards a part of the forest where a Colt is sitting looking up towards a part of the clearing where trees lay on their sides (up-rooted).

At trotting towards the trees, she passes by two Earth ponies (a Colt and a Filly) whose busy digging in the ground.

“Look, I found another one.”

“Good job.”

One remarks and the other responds as they find a rock while digging.

The Colt’s coat is light-yellow with a red mane, and a stretson hat perched comfortably atop his head.

His head is hung at looking towards the devastated forest.

She sits down beside him, which causes him to turn and look down towards her.

“Any luck?” she asks in a southern accent.

He just shakes his head.

“Ey’ nope, Pear,” he shakes his head.

“These trees are tougher than they look…even for bein’ uprooted!”

Her concerned frown turns into a sad frown.

“Oh,” she sighs disappointed.

Momentarily hanging her head before looking back up at him.

“Well, what about the trees? Any luck with’ em?”

He just closes his head and shakes his head from side to side.

“I’ve managed to uproot a few of the smaller ones, but the larger ones are taking a lot longer.”

Now she closes her eyes.

She sighs at hanging her head disappointed.

“Don’t worry, Bright Mac, -” she smiles at him.

Her smile fades fast at looking back towards the trees, “…but if we’re gonna have a chance of signalin’ anypony where we are, we need those trees to raise that tower,” she says.

“You should rest up. You’re of no use exhausted.”

She smiles warmly.

“Thanks, though, not too long.”

Cracking a smile, she responds with a chuckle.

“Just don’t over exhaust yerself too much.”

Pear and Brick Mac touch their noses together, and gently nuzzle against each other.

Meanwhile in the skies above, two Pegasi flies above the clearing.

Scouting the distance for any sign of rescue or survivors.

However, due to the damage the forest’s sustained from the explosion, searching for survivors is a lot more difficult.

The Pegasi Windy Whistles and Rainbow Blaze has little luck in searching for survivors, and despite being able to fly they don’t dare venture too far from where they won’t have visual contact with the clearing and everyone else.

The best they can hope is that they’ll soon be noticed by a search party looking for survivors.

Bright Mac did say someone is bound to come looking…once everything settles down!

However, that could take hours, -

And time isn’t something they have!

“Hey, Whistle, any luck!?”

She immediately stops in mid-air and looks down towards Pear.

“No! Me and Rainbow’s not had any luck in finding anypony else!”

Despite being high in the sky, Windy still notices Pear hang her head and sigh disappointed.

Eventually looking back up again.

“How about findin’ a way outta the forest!?”

Regardless of Pear being able to see her, Windy shakes her head.

“No! There’s nothing but trees for miles!” she calls down.

She outstretches her hoof and points into the distance.

Nothing but devastated and collapsed forest for miles.

“Well keep trying, we’ve gotta find a way’ outta here!” Pear calls up.

“Will do!”

Windy salutes before she flies off.

Pear watches her friend fly off.

Smiling up into the sky at her friend flying off to continue looking for survivors or a way out of the forest.

Her smile though contorts into a frown as she hangs her head.

She gently looks up and trots back towards the two other Earth Ponies who were tending to the rocks…

“Hey, Cloudy, Igneous,” she waves to the two Earth Ponies.

“Hi, Pear,” they reply in unison with a wave of their hooves.

Uhh! That’s still creepy!

Pear thinks to herself.

“Have ya found what yer lookin’ for?”

Cloudy and Igneous shook their heads.

“None of these rocks are the angle we need to chip them together and make the spark necessary for a fire.”

“Oh!” Pear sighs disappointed.

She stares at the ground as she sits down.

“I was hopin’ we’d at least have somethin’ to make a fire with by now.”

Igneous puts a hoof to his chin in thought.

His eyes shoot open at an idea popping into his head.

“Hey, maybe we can ask Cookie if she can use her magic to make the sides exactly like we need them?” Igneous interjects.

Pear touches a hoof to her chin at thinking his suggestion over.

“We could, but she appears to’ ave gone missin’.”

“But it should be possible, right?” Cloudy asks.

Pear frowns dumbfounded at Cloudy.

“Do I look like a Unicorn?”

“No,” Cloudy replies.

“Well in that case let’s wait until we find Cookie before we begin wondering about hypothetical “this and that’s”.”




However, as Cloudy replies, a bright light suddenly appears not far away from them!

Bright Mac turns around and looks directly at the light!

Windy and Rainbow stop in mid-air and look down towards the light!

Pear, Igneous and Cloudy continue to watch the light grow so bright they have to cover their eyes!

The bright light flashes and then dies down…revealing Princess Celestia standing there!

Everyone of the Fillies and Colt’s eyes widen shocked at seeing her.


Pear asks softly with an astonished tone as she gently approaches the Alicorn.

Celestia turns her head and looks down towards the approaching Earth Pony.

Windy and Rainbow gently flies down.

Planting their hooves on the ground.

Bright Mac gently trots up from where he was previously resting.

And from the nearby forest, Cookie and Hondo trots out…only to freeze in their tracks at spotting the Princess, herself!

Slowly making their way over towards her as well.

The small crowd of Fillies and Colts grows bigger and bigger with each of them.

Soon, the Princess is crowded by the many Colts and Fillies, but it soon becomes apparent to them that something’s wrong.

Watching Celestia silently look them all over, before she frowns and eventually sighs.

“Princess Celestia, is somethin’ wrong?” Pear asks.

Celestia turns back and looks towards the curious Filly.

Her frown changing into a smile.

“No, it’s nothing, child,” Celestia replies.

She raises her hoof and gently pets Pear’s mane.

“I’m just glad to find that all of you are unharmed.”


Immediately, everyone’s attention snaps towards the forest at hearing an agonized scream!

“I think you spoke too soon, Princess,” Igneous interjects.

“Oh no, it sounds like somepony’s in danger!” Windy exclaims covering her mouth.

“Then what are we waiting for?! Let’s go!”

Before there’s even a chance of reacting, Rainbow kicks-off against the ground and shoots into the air!

A shockwave shoots out across the clearing.

“Hey, wait up, Rainbow!” Windy calls after him.

Unfolding her wings, she immediately flies after him.

Celestia looks back down towards the other Fillies and Colts.

“Don’t worry. Just stay here, and we’ll come back for you,” she says.

Unfolding her wings, she leaps into the air and flies after Windy and Rainbow.

“Wait, Princess, how are ya gonna find us again!?” Pear calls out after her.


“Hey, Rainbow, wait up!”


Turning his head, Rainbow looks back and spots Windy trying to keep pace with him.

“Oh, so-“

He excuses himself at slowing his pace, -

Only he does it too fast, she’s barely given any time to properly react before shooting straight into a tree.

His ears perk up and eyes widen as he sees her posterior stick out of a tree.


A golden aura envelops and pulls Windy out of the tree. Placing her down on her hooves.

Windy looks up, only to come face-to-face with Rainbow.

She scowls at him for her sudden stop.

“He he, sorry!” he softly replies with an innocent smile.

Spotting a figure behind him, her eyes shoot wide open.

Her scowl turns into a blank stare.

He turns around and looks behind him.

Staring up as Celestia plants her hooves on the ground in front of him.

Now, Celestia is scowling.

However, it doesn’t take a genius to understand her reasons.

He immediately hangs his head in shame.

Celestia’s scowl softens up a bit.

“I’m sorry for running off, Princess,” he stutters.

She sighs and opens her mouth to speak, only for her head to snap away at hearing an ear-piercing scream through the trees!

Windy and Rainbows’ heads snap towards the source of the screaming.

“W-what is that?!” Windy nervously asks.

Wide-eyed, Celestia stares out in front of her towards the trees.

She gasps as the screaming intensifies.

Her head snaps back towards Windy and Rainbow.

Shooting them concerned stares.

“You two, go back to the others now!”

“B-but Princess-“


However, before Windy can speak up, Celestia quickly vanishes as she teleports off to investigate the screaming.

Leaving the filly and colt to exchange confused glances with each other…


Back with Twilight Velvet and Night Light, Twilight’s screams finally die down.

The intense pain coursing through her leg dissipates.

Her eyes shoot open, and she looks up only to see Night Light back away from her.

Soon stopping as he looks back at her with a smile.

Her hanging slack, she slowly turns and looks down at her leg.

Her brows jumping at seeing the injury having faded!

Now looking good as new, with only a line going down along the center of her leg.

“M-my leg, it’s healed!”

She extends her hoof and gently touches her leg.

Feeling up her leg, she feels only a strange lump, but aside from that her leg really is healed.

Still with a look of shock she looks back up at Night.

He looks down at her leg and softly scoffs.

“Eh, I did what I had to,” he shrugs.

“I couldn’t just leave you like that, now could I?”

Her brows jump.

Taken aback by his response, she just stares at him.

Unsure of how to proceed after hearing something like that from a colt of all ponies.

He chuckles softly at the shocked stares she’s giving him.

H-he…cares about me that much?!

She thinks to herself shocked.

“Here,” he chuckles at extending his hoof towards her.

After accepting it, he pulls her up onto her hooves.

Standing up once more, she looks down at her hind leg.

Her eyes widen, and mouth hangs agape at the lack of pain she experiences.

“It’s fully healed!”

She turns back towards Night Light, and stares into his eyes.

Her jaw hangs a little slacker due to the shock of him being able to use such advanced magic.

“Yeah, I noticed, -” he chuckles softly, before suddenly looking off into the forest, “but no worrying about that now. We should find a way out of here and try to see if we can find anypony else to help us reach civilization.”

Velvet doesn’t pay any attention to what he’s saying.

Instead just opting to stare to into his eyes dreamily.


She’s soon snapped out of her trance-like state at him speaking to her.

She immediately shakes her head, and quickly nods back.

“Good, then let's get going. Don't want to be trapped in here forever, do we?"

Shaking her head, Velvet smiles back.

"Right-ey ho then!" he proclaims in a comedic fashion. Raising his hoof in the air and trots off.

With a roll of her eyes she trots after him.

However, Night suddenly stops in his tracks. And extends his arm out besides him to stop her.

"Night, is something wrong?" she asks, only to be meet with silence from Night whose frozen in place with a look of wide-eyed shock on his face.

She looks out in front of her towards what's grabbed his attention, only for her brows to jump at the sight of a pair of glowing eyes staring out from the trees.

This time Velvet's brows jump, and she grabs Night's hoof out of fear.

The glowing eyes blink back, -

...just before a figure steps forward, and emerges from the trees and approaches them!

Both filly and colt's eyes widen in shock...


Meanwhile, back at the encampment, Rainbow and Windy flies back out of the forest towards their friends. Whom are still waiting for them in the spot they'd last seen Celestia.

The crowd of children rush over to greet the pair of Pegasi, but their excitement soon gives way to confusion as they notice Celestia is not returning with them.

''Um, where is the Princess?" Hondo asks.

Windy and Rainbow both look at each other. Exchanging blank stares, before they turn back towards Hondo and the others.

"We don't know," Windy replies with a shrug.

"She sensed something and flew off to investigate," Rainbow explains.

"Yes indeed, young filly, -" a familiar voice speaks behind them.

Drawing all their attention towards the trees as a recognizable figure emerges from behind them.

She stops in place, but then looks behind her towards the trees, "...and I did find something interesting in the forest."

Everyone looks towards the trees, only for their eyes widen at the sight of another filly and colt that trots out from the trees.

"They're Twilight Velvet and Night Light, -" Celestia says as she trots up beside the Unicorns, and places both hooves on their shoulders, "and they've told me that they, just like you, found each other in the forest."

Cookie narrows her eyes, and turns to give Pear an intrigued look.

"But enough of that. You can befriend each other once we're all out of this horrible forest," Celestia immediatly interjects.

To which everyone of the couples nod and voice their agreement for her suggestion.

"Well then, everypony gather around me," Celestia says with a smile.

Everyone of the children replies by gathering around the white Alicorn.

Celestia closes her eyes, and her horn begins to glow.

The golden light of her magic intensifies until it explodes. Enveloping Celestia and the children in a bright light.

When the light dissipates, Celestia and everyone else are gone.

Author's Note:

A very delayed HAPPY 2018, and chapter upload considering i've been close to finishing this chapter but i've been instead working on a future story.

Either way, after leaving you on a stellar cliffhanger back in 2017, I present you all with chapter 37. The continuation of the Bill-inning.

Hope you enjoy and as always your feedback and comments are appreciated:pinkiehappy:

Link1 - The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers CR - 03. Lost In Emyn Muil
Link2 - The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring CR - 13. Gollum