• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,728 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

  • ...

Chapter 41

Daughters of Death

*Several days later*

A loud ringing suddenly sounds off inside the Fearamid.

Filling the Fearamid' bedchambers with an obnoxious ringing noise.

Obnoxious to the Fearamid's occupant, whom was currently lying down in a king-sized bed.

A pyramid-shaped alarm clock continues ringing until a fist punches it off the nightstand.

Bill Cipher lies on his side in the bed. Silently staring out in front of him towards a wall.

Bill soon sits up on the edge of the bed.

Swings his legs out, plants them on the floor.

Grumbling to himself at standing up on his feet.

He lifts his arms, and bends down on his left and right sides.

Bill then holds his arms out in front of him and bends his knees several times.

Moving up and down.

He matts his (non-existent) mouth and scratches his back.

His feet lifts off the floor, and he hovers through the air towards the bathroom...


A short while later in the bathroom' shower, Bill whistles to himself as he showers.

A loud droning noise fills the bathroom as the hot water keeps running.

Continuing even after the water is switched off, and he steps out of the shower with a green towel wrapped around himself.

Bill looks at his reflection at drying his tip, until he hears a disembodied voice...

"Master, a message has arrived for you."

Bill raises his brow at the disembodied voice, before the mirror turns into a large eye.

The eye opens, revealing a figure clad in a purple and tanned jester's outfit with a face that's half black and white.

Bill folds his arms across his chest at seeing the jester.

"Well? I assume that since you've interrupted my morning shower you've had some development in your search, Dimentio."

Bill says in a partially annoyed tone.

Dimentio's smile immediately changes into a nervous frown at hearing this.

"Um-...Uh, well you see, Cipher-...w-we've not found her yet."

Bill angrily narrows his eye, which frightens Dimentio.

Making him tug slightly at his collar.

"W-we are at the location you sent us to...b-but we've not yet found her."

Dimentio nervously stutters.

Bill's already-angry expression intensifies, and he silently blinks back towards Dimentio.

Sweat runs down along Dimentio's temples, and his frightened expression intensifies.

"B-but we'll find her!"

He exclaims at holding his arms defensively out in front of him.

"W-we'll continue searching!"

Dimentio says as the eye closes.

Reverting back into a mirror that reflects Bill's annoyed expression back at himself.

Bill's annoyed expression softs a little, and he sighs.

He finishes scrubbing and hovers out of the bathroom.


Meanwhile elsewhere, Luna trotts across a barren wasteland a cold yet warm wind blows past her.

She tries to see through the thick sandstorm but is unable to see anything.

"Hello? is anypony there?"

Luna calls out, but suddenly hears an eerie cackle from behind!

Her head snaps behind her, but her eyes widen at seeing a dark silhouette stand up.

Luna's jaw hangs slack at the figure towering over her through the sandstorm!

An evil grin appears on the distorted silhouette's face at lifting its arm.

Holding another silhouetted figure, which it lifts with a tight grasp around its neck.

The wind blows rougher through Luna's mane.

The first silhouette extends a hand towards the other silhouette's head, to which the second silhouette starts to scream in agony!

Luna watches in horror as the first silhouette rips a glowing gem from the second silhouette's forehead...

Following which the second silhouette immediately vanishes.

Fading away into the same dust that blows across Luna.

The silhouette chuckles to itself and intensifies its grin.

Narrowing its glowing crimson eyes towards the circular gem in-between its fingers.

"Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe, but this does put a smile on my face."

The silhouette chuckles to itself at staring towards the gem in a voice that Luna recognizes as female...

However, Luna narrows her brows confused at seeing the female place the gem in her forehead.

The gem starts to glow and lights up...revealing two other similar gems!

Luna's eyes widen and she gasps at seeing the three gems form a triangle on the female's forehead.

The female's head then suddenly snaps towards Luna!

Shining bright beams that blinds Luna...

Luna raises a hoof to shield her eyes but is unable to move as the female extends her outstretched hand!

"The end has come for you, Equestrian!"

She calls out to Luna, before she brings her hand down and grabs her...!

Luna immediately phases through the hand and starts to fall down.

She is still surrounded by sand, but that sand soon spirals inwards.

Soon, black and white rocks are added into the mix.

Causing the spiral to become predominantly black and white.

However even as she falls down the mysterious spiraling vortex, Luna looks down.

Watching as images appears, composed of variously colored rocks;

One image shows a bearded humanoid clad in black robes with especially long sleeves that covers its arms.

The figure's pale face resembles a skull, and a white beard reaches down to his chest. Atop his head rests a crown that looks like its made from bones.

He holds a staff in his right hand, and a crystal ball in his left.

Luna watches as the humanoid thrusts his staff out in front of him and fires a blast towards Celestia.

Celestia dodges the blast and fires a blast of her own towards him.

He side-steps her blast and fires another blast towards her.

"Dread it, run from it, destiny still arrives!"

A disembodied voice speaks around Luna as she (continues) falls.

The vortex finally reaches its end, but Luna keeps falling.

She falls out of the vortex into a dark void.

Luna looks up just before the vortex seals itself up. Taking away the light that shines out from the vortex.

Everything around her envelops in utter darkness and she continues falling...until she eventually slams against the darkness.

"Huh? What the-?"

Luna asks confused at sitting up on the darkness.

She taps the surface with her hoof, and the surface immediately starts to change.

Reality alters around her.

Changing from pure darkness into a large metal surface...adrift on a vast ocean!

She turns her head back and forth.

Looking around her surroundings as reality continues to alter around her...until a large object appears in front of her on the water (as reality around her finishes changing)!

Her eyes widen and jaw hangs slack at seeing the large object...that's heading straight for her!

The object (as seen from above) resembles a triangle with elongated sides, on the water.

"In time you will know what its like to lose. To feel so desperately that your right, yet to fail all the same."

Luna suddenly hears a disembodied voice, as it echoes around her.

She quickly turns her head but doesn't see anything or anyone.

Luna then hears and watches the object shooting an energy blast into the sky.

She turns her head at following the energy blast...but freezes at seeing where its going.

Gasping as the blast hits a skyscraper, which explodes and collapses.

Crushing several smaller skyscrapers underneath its weight.


Luna immediately turns around at hearing something behind her...but gasps as a tendril grabs her throat!

The large object, the ocean, and everything becomes grey.

Everything but an organic black mass, whose tendril's wraps around her throat.

Luna struggles against the tendril, but the black mass merely pulls her closer towards itself.

The front of the black mass pulls back, and Luna gasps at seeing two blue eyes staring out at her.

A (blue) glowing jagged smile appears...

Luna's fear intensifies at seeing a mare's head slithering out towards her (on an elongated neck).

White markings appear on the mare head's eyes and opens its maw.

Revealing countless sharp teeth, as it extends a long tongue towards Luna's face.

"Dread it... Run from it. Destiny still arrives!"

The mare head speaks in a creepy, unnatural voice.

Luna stares in terror towards the mare's head...but she soon notices something behind the shadow mare that draws her attention more;

A massive wave that towers over the large vessel in front of her and the shadow mare!


Luna utters before the wave hits.

"... When i'm done, half the universe will remain!"

Luna hears the disembodied voice a final time...!


Luna screams as she abruptly sits up on a bed (she's been sleeping on).

Her eyes shoot wide open at her rapid panting.

She sits up right on a bed in a dark cave.

The cave is illuminated by countless candles. scattered throughout.

As she calms down, Luna's head snaps towards a cloaked and masked figure that approaches her.

The equine figure holds a spear with four curved tips, which doesn't inspire confidence with Luna...

However, the masked mare gently approaches Luna.

"Princess Luna of Equestria, do not worry. We mean you no harm."

The masked mare says at abruptly stopping in her tracks.

Defensively holding her hooves out to the frightened princess.

Luna raises a suspicious brow at hearing this.

"Circumstances beg to differ; an unknown location, a guard. This is more ensuring I don't leave."

Luna sternly replies at narrowing her brows.

The masked mare stares blankly back at the blue alicorn.

"N-no, you've got it all wrong. You're not being held prisoner at all!" she nervously replies.

"W-we saved-"

Before the mare can continue, though, she's and Luna's attention are directed towards the doorway at hearing approaching hoof steps.

Both watches as several more of the robed and masked ponies runs into the room.

"What is happening?"

Another masked mare asks, at staring toward the masked mare that was guarding Luna.

"S-stand down, sisters!"

The first masked mare extends her hoof out towards the other masked mares.

"You will only antagonize the princess!"

The group of masked mares stops in place and looks towards Luna and the first masked mare.

The first masked mare gently turns back towards Luna.

"You can trust us, princess. You have nothing to fear from us."

The first masked mare says to Luna with an outstretched hoof.

However, Luna only stares skeptically at the mare's hoof...unaware that a dark figure watches from the doorway.

"It doesn't matter what you tell the princess, sister, -" a voice suddenly speaks from the doorway.

Drawing Luna and the other masked mare's attention.

Everyone but Luna gasps at seeing another masked mare in the doorway...

This mare, though, wears a black robe with curved shoulder plates, and a headdress that has six horns curved upwards.

The masked mare also grasps a staff with four curved tips that points upwards.

"High Priestess."

All of the masked mares immediately bows before her.

Luna just looks at all of them and raises a confused brow at staring towards the High Priestess.

The High Priestess trotts down into the room towards Luna.

Her staff taps against the floor with every step.

She soon stops in front of Luna.

Blankly staring into Luna's eyes, as Luna stares into her eye(holes)

"You must have many questions, my child," the High Priestess says.

Luna calmly nods in confirmation.

"Hmmm..." the High Priestess responds.

"Follow me."

She says at turning around, and trotts back towards the doorway.

"And I should trust you because...?"

Luna asked, at which the High Priestess stops in her tracks.

She (the High Priestess) looks back over her shoulder at the blue alicorn.

"You don't."

"I am merely offering you a choice; stay here or come with me."

The High Priestess says at turning back and trotting out of the room.

The High Priestess and her ''sisters'' trotts out of the room.

Luna hangs her head in contemplation, but soon looks back up and trotts out after the High Priestess...


Sometime later after Luna and the High Priestess trotts down a long corridor, they soon trott outside.

Luna blinks confused.

"Where are we?"

She asks at seeing the wasteland before them.

"The Badlands, -" the High Priestess replies.

"Now, goodbye."

The Priestess says and turns away from Luna.

Trotting back inside the large doorway they just trotted out through.

"Wait what!?"

Luna exclaims confused at turning back after the High Priestess.

The High Priestess stops in her tracks and turns back towards Luna.

"I only told you to follow me. I never said anything about what follows once we arrived at our destination."

Luna blinks confused at the reply.

"So, what, you're just going to let me go? Just like that?"

She asks confused.

The High Priestess chuckles and turns around to face Luna.

"Our purpose, princess, was never to impede your recovery...but assist it," the Priestess replies.

"It was only foretold that we, daughters of Hela, shall aid the Princess of the Night in her recovery before the final battle...but not to participate int he game of thrones."

The Priestess explained.

"This is your test, and one you must face on your own."

The Priestess says at extending her hoof and taps Luna's shoulder.

However, at touching Luna's shoulder the Priestess abruptly looks down towards Luna's shoulder.

"And yet...I sense that you are not alone."

The Priestess says, before she retracts her hoof.

She turns around and trotts back inside the doorway they exited through.

Luna's mouth hangs open at seeing the High Priestess trott back inside the mountain.

Soon, Luna shook her head.

Recovering from her confused stupor and turns around.

She flares her wings outwards, and with a mighty beat flies up into the sky.

Making a U-turn in the sky, she flies north towards the Everfree Forest.


Luna flies for many hours.

Passing over horrific and surrprising sights, until she soon plants her hooves upon a hillside.

The hillside overlooks the Everfree Forest, which she gasps at seeing the trees has turned into iron.

Her attention is soon directed towards a large castle-like structure with a tall tower in the center.

Luna narrows her brows towards the castle, but an explosion suddenly flashes a bright light out towards her from the castle.

Blinding Luna, before hitting her with black and white waves shortly after!

Author's Note:

Link1 - Aku's morning routine (Soundtrack)
Link2 - Aku's Theme (9 Min version)