• Published 29th Jul 2016
  • 15,728 Views, 109 Comments

The Bill-inning - EmperorDalek

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Chapter 7 (edited and spellchecked version)

The Force at the Heart of Darkness

Panting like mad, Celestia ran through the dark hallways of the castle. Not bothering to look back as she knew what was there and that doing so would only be wasting time.

Rushing toward her, and at an increasingly shorter distance, was the notorious Luna-creature. The monstrosity that she had first-hoof witnessed being possessed by evil and transforming into the beast that was now pursuing her through the darkened halls of what could be described as a nightmare-ish version of their castle.

As she charged after the normal-looking, white Alicorn, her eyes narrowed and her jaw dropped, hanging open. Black tendrils extended outward, reaching through the air towards her. Black claw-like digits taking shape as the tendrils turned into a pair of arms.

With a violent slam of force, the claws crashed down against the floor! Missing her by mere inches due to her continued running. The floor shattered and crumbled into pieces, which fell down into the black void below, before resealing itself.

"ONCE I GET AHOLD OF YOU I AM GOING TO TEAR YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!" a demonic voice shouted from… somewhere. It could not have been from the Luna-creature’s jaw as it was currently sprouting those black slimy tendrils from its mouth. However, even then, the voice sounded like it was a deep echo emanating from the surrounding walls of the now more appropriately namable "Castle of Fears".

Already panting heavily, she could feel her heart racing faster and faster from the fear that was being generated for every second her monstrously deformed sister was chasing her!

Thrusting her black tendril claws towards her, Celestia quickly leaped up into the air, her wings extending out, and with one mighty beat, she started to fly up in the air! Meanwhile, the Luna-creature’s arm crashed down into the floor, creating a much larger hole in the floor.
Because of her impaired vision, she could not see where she was going, and at the moment when her vision was weakest, her left claw accidentally slipped through the open gap, causing her entire mutated, shadowy form to crash down onto the floor with a loud thud.

In her current state of worry, she could not bring herself to look back at the apparent commotion taking place. She could care less if it had tripped on a banana peel as this moment of hesitation on its part had presented her with an opportunity to finally elude it and lose it within this twisted temple of madness.

She turned left with quick maneuvers, rounding a corner as she came upon it. Flying down the rest of the corridor. The growls and shrieks of the Luna-creature could be heard from behind her in the furthermost parts of the corridor where she had just been.

"I WILL FIND YOOOOUUUUUU…!" that terrible voice echoed behind her.

A flash of light occurred. When it faded, there was a loud echo of multiple, sharp legs crawling along the floor…and the walls…and the ceiling! Everything sounded like it was being assaulted by a physically destitute creature that was made up of billions of crawling forms.


Hearing this only made her increase the intensity with which she was beating her wings.

*Ten minutes later*

Every turn she rounded. Every fork in the road she encountered. She was just forced to take a chance. Some of them, though, unfortunately had some…less than pleasing obstacles: A tall and slender yet completely skeletal, face-less figure wearing a suit had tried to grab her with the black tendrils growing out of its back.

Her body was now pouring sweat, and her heart was literally on the verge of exploding…

Back in the real world, she was moving around uncomfortably in her bed. Her eyes twitching and wanting to open in order to put an end to this nightmare. The stress it was putting on her heart was quickly driving it towards a fatal overload. The sheets were completely drenched with sweat from the physical ordeal she had been through in this unwoken state. Whatever she was actually experiencing, it was no normal dream - or nightmare - by any means. It had actually been designed to wear her down physically while perpetually trapping her mind and soul in the dream world.

But who, or what, could conjure such power to actually control her dreams to that extent? The thought alone was too unnerving to even contemplate.

*Back in the Dream Realm*

She continued flying through the darkened halls and corridors of the castle for as long as her body could hold out.

However, her concern about the durability of her body back in the real world were put on hold as, without knowing about it, she had flown inside a completely different part of the castle. It was a large chamber, which did not really stand out that much from the rest of the castle's dark style, outside of what this room contained.

Obviously, the room was very big. But on the walls, it was aligned with a few stained glass windows, and an especially large one in the center of the room, through which a bright red light shined down upon the floor below.

Three loose parts of the floor (that looked like they had just been up-rooted from the ground) hovered throughout the room, with a fourth one being higher than the others. It was not difficult to see that this must be a throne room of some sort. But the question as to whom it belonged was another story.

With the little energy she had left, she floated up towards the nearest platform and landed, planting her hooves against its stone-cold surface.

"Whoever… or whatever resides in this place must clearly hate decorations. There isn't a single tapestry here; absolutely nothing in this place." Celestia said as she scanned the room, taking in every single detail that she could.

"AH HAHAHAHAHA! That you are correct about, Princess!" a voice uttered before starting to laugh in an insane manner.

The voice echoed for a few seconds, while she looked around the dark room to make sure what she was hearing was "real". In this insane dream, it hadn’t exactly been easy to tell what was normal and what wasn't. She could not pinpoint its source as it was echoing all around her from a multitude of directions, but she could identify its gender: it was… neither. It was an omnisexual voice, meaning it had traces of both male and female voices all blending into one.

She did not know if this was the same being that was responsible for the creation of the Luna-creature, last night, but if it was, she relished the thought of kicking its flank for putting her through such a horribly traumatizing experience. And in her own head of all places!

Her anger started boiling to the surface, and as she was no longer able to repress her frustration, she let out a loud and angry, "Where are you?! Show yourself demon!!"

"As you wish…!" it said.

All of a sudden, a black slimy substance started leaking from the walls, pouring inside the room. However, instead of running down along the wall, it suspended itself in the air as it moved towards the highest platform, splattering down onto it, where it reassembled itself back into a solid mass that stood up, reshaping itself into a tall, dark hooded and robed figure.

With a lift of its hood, it looked down towards the platform where she was standing. Its arms hung down beside its body, where skeletal claws could be seen emerging from the sleeves. Her eyes grew in shock and her face gave it a deadpanned look.

"Then I obey it" a voice finished.

After this, a silence fell over it, during which it did nothing but stare back at her from behind its hood. Being the one to break the silence, it raised an arm up, extending a finger and pointing it towards her.

"You…" it said. Its voice still heavily drenched with no explicit gender. "...are the one I have come for."

This piqued a newfound interest in her towards this strange being. She raised a brow, giving off an aura of intrigue on her face. But for her own safety's sake, she slowly backed away. Worried that it might be provoked by any sudden movements.

It raised its left arm, holding up another skeletal claw.

"I have tormented many of the greatest criminals throughout the history of this universe… But you, you are undoubtedly the worst that I have ever been tasked with sentencing."

It extended both its arms, connecting its fingers, popping them, hearing the joins snap.

"But then again, that is why I am going to enjoy tormenting you…" it said as it waggled its claws in excitement, and then disconnecting them from each other.

"It is not often that I get to enjoy the pleasures of breaking an actual goddess."

She swallowed down. This was beginning to get serious now.

But there might still be one chance at survival. An opportunity to fight back, to live to wander this earth one more day, assuming that this truly was someone sent to kill her. An idea popped into her head. Yes… it was not much, but if she put everything on the line, it just might work. If only for a moment.

She lowered her head, hiding her eyes from its sight. She dropped to her knees – still staring down at the floor. Tears flowing, streaming from her cheeks. Dripping down onto the floor far underneath her, where it dissolved once coming into contact with the dark stones.

"Then, if this is to be my final hour, and if you really are my angel of death having come to claim my essence…" she said, trying her best to make her voice sound as broken up as possible. Everything depended on her fooling this creature into giving her an opportunity to enact her plan.

"Then please tell me one thing, one solitary thing. What is your weakness?"

As calm as possible, she started building up a supply of magic in her horn.

A wind blew through the room, tugging gently at the figure's cape and sleeves. It lowers its arms, letting them hang down on the sides.

"Very well, then, Princess Celestia," said the figure.

It raised a hand, touching it to the right side of its chest.

"I have used a crystal from the Mindscape to travel here. It is what sustains me in this realm. It is what allows me to remain inside your mind for as long as I want without the need for inhabiting your body. It also grants me the power to manipulate your dreams," it explained.

‘There we go!’

"And so, if I am summarizing correctly, you cannot remain inside my mind without that crystal?" she asked, hoping that she had got most of the details correct.

"Correct" it replied, nodding back.

Her eyes narrowed, and a hidden grin settled on her face. She raised her head, staring back at the figure with a grin on her face.

"Good to know!" she said.

"What?" it replied in confusion.

"You really thought I was going to just die, like that? I don't think so! I plan on going out in a manner worthy of my abilities to protect my little Ponies!" she said as she lowered her head, obviously pointing her lethal horn in the direction of the exposed crystal adorning the figure's chest.

"NOOOOO!" it screamed out, raising a clawed hand to cover its most exposed weakness. It finally realized what she was planning on doing. But it was too late to move out of the way of her strategically aimed horn.

Suddenly, the entire castle began shaking. Celestia lost her hooving and at a rather inopportune moment, as she had just fired off the stored energy in her horn! As it shot through the air, the figure became surprisingly calm as if he were feeling somehow relieved. He stood there completely still. His hood could be seen turning to one side as he was following the beam. He calmly watched as it missed him.

‘’NO!’’ It was her turn to scream out.

Both of them watching as her energy blast impacted the wall, causing a powerful explosion. One great enough to create a large crack in it. Like everything else that had been damaged, the wall regenerated itself back to how it had been just a few seconds ago. This time, it was finally her turn to feel despair and worry.

Her fear-stricken eyes looked to the side, falling upon the figure in front of her.

"Well, well, well…" it said.

The hooded figure turned back, and looked down upon her.

"Seems like your one and only plan has failed, my little Princess," it said, mocking her, and pointing a sharp claw at her. The look of despair on her face told it all it needed to know. From behind its hood, an eye narrowed, staring out at her with evil intent.

Taking a step out from behind the platform's edge with legs hidden behind its cloak, it was suspended in mid-air. Its cloak blowing in the wind that had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Slowly, it descended down towards her until its hidden legs planted themselves down on the stone surface of the platform she stood upon. Its cloak trailing down behind it, obstructing any view of its concealed body. It now wished so badly that she would be cowering in fear from the thoughts of what it might to do her. But instead of fearing it, she stood strong and proud against it.

"I cannot believe that nopony has ever tried that before. Asking me my weakness, and then turning the tables on ME!" it said while touching its claws to its chest as if to accentuate his standing in the universe.

"I admire your bravery and audacity for carrying out such a feat against me, but that will not diminish your punishment in the slightest, 'Princess'."

Suddenly, black tendrils shot up out of the ground, wrapping themselves around her front and hind legs, neck, wings, and especially her horn. A dark crystal appearing at its base, which prevented her from using her magic.

Grinning madly, it stared back at her. Enjoying the sight of her helplessly struggling to free herself from the tight grasp of the tendrils on her body. Their tight hold was scorching her flesh, leaving behind burning symbols around her hooves, wings, and throat.

In the real world, her body did indeed suffer burns, but the only marks to become visible on her was the one on her neck. The symbols in the real world were scorched, flaming, burning (You get the picture).

Suddenly gasping in the Dream world, Celestia raised her hoof up to her throat. Gagging, choking on her own breath, her lungs ceasing to work properly anymore. The breath that was inside of her lungs was beginning to dissipate, leaving her lungs decaying.

Behind the hood, a smile of pure evil settled on the figure's hideous face at how she was suffering.

"You know; it's not often that I get to destroy a being such as yourself. It really should be considered quite an honor." Putting an arm behind its back, it bowed in front of her.

"W-what? The fact that you get to destroy me?" she asked, her voice gagging as she desperately needed air.

"No, that you get to die by my hand. That I was what it took to bring you down once and for all."

It giggled excited at that thought. It was itself impressed with its accomplishing such an undisputable feat.

Suddenly, the ground shook once more, violently spreading throughout the entire room. A deep rumbling followed causing cracking across the ceiling. Stones loosened and fell down, but this time the ceiling and walls did not regenerate.

All of a sudden, the sound of approaching hooves sounded in the distance making both of them turn their heads to see who it was. The sounds grew louder and louder for every second that passed.

Just then, around the corner, hurrying into the giant chamber was a large portrait, which disintegrated into nothing once it was inside.

"What the-?" its voice pierced the wall of silence between the two of them.

"I thought I sent you to- " Suddenly, before it could finish, Princess Luna entered the chamber after swiftly rounding the corner, and she came to an abrupt halt once inside the chamber. She was obviously confused by the new surroundings, and she looked up at the different things about this chamber that attracted her attention. Her gaze eventually falling upon the four platforms hovering in mid-air, and upon the two figures on the one.

She gasped, bringing a hoof up to her mouth in shock.

Celestia's eyes went wide as she stared back down at her sister. She turned her head. Her eyes looking fiercely at the figure before her, tears streaming down her cheek, and through an angry voice she managed to squeeze out the words:

"No! Not my sister! You leave her alone… I'm the one you want! She has nothing to do with this!" she screamed out at the creature who barely acknowledged her remark. It turned its head, looking down at the blue, winged Unicorn below. A devilish smile forming.

"I have no need for Luna, she is of no consequence to me. You, Celestia, are my sole target, not her."

It raised its right arm. Holding it up as it reshaped into a fierce-looking blade, which was interspersed with flesh, and a reptilian eye in it.

"Either way, I believe that it is time for us to conclude our business together, my dear."

A shining glimmer could be seen along the sharp blade, as it was held in the air. Clenching her eyes shut, she awaited the forthcoming pain from the weapon with which it intended to end her life once and for all.



However, instead of a painful sensation, which never came, her ears picked up the sound of something altogether different:

The firing of a beam, and something being shattered into bits.

Her eyes slowly opened. Blinking them a few seconds, before turning her head towards the spot on the large floor where she had last seen her sister.

With great astonishment visible in her eyes, she was amazed to see smoke rising up from the tip of Luna's horn, which she blew away with a single breath.

With a smirk upon her face, her eyes narrowed, and an overwhelming confidence came over her, which shocked even her big sister.
Raising her hoof, she suddenly felt herself being gripped by magic that was pulling her down and safely away from the now less menacing figure, who had been standing there motionless the entire time. Not moving an inch from the spot where he stood. With gentle care, she was placed back down on the floor again. The black tendrils around her body dissolved into small fragmented pieces that drifted upwards into the air and vanished.

"Celestia, are you okay?" a concerned voice asked her.

Her head turned, and her look fell upon a figure that she never expected to find herself being saved by.

"Did he hurt you?" Luna asked, putting a hoof on her sister's shoulder. But the only thing Celestia could do at this moment was stare with a dropped jaw. Shaking her head in disbelief.

"Luna…" She said and then paused.

"H-how did you do that?" she asked in astonishment.

Luna’s mouth opened, and she was about to speak, when an unexpected voice weakly uttered the following words from above them. Both Alicorns heads turned, staring up at the platforms again.

"Yes, Luna…" the figure said.

"H-how did one such as yourself manage to destroy my enchantment?" it asked, clutching at dead air with its left arm, while also looking to be in terrible pain.

Luna smirked back at it.

It continued, "There is no way you could have known about the crystal…"

"You are right…" she replied. "But never underestimate me, Judge." Her voice was suddenly changed into… well, not the normal voice of Luna. Both Celestia and the Judge seemed to realize this. Celestia gently backed away from the form disguised as her sister.

With a raise of her hoof, a finger-snapping sound filled the room. What followed next was so bizarre and so strange that even Celestia was shocked by it. The form disguised as her sister started to morph. Her eyes were forced to watch as the fake Luna's form shrank down into that of a triangle, while her royal regalia changed into a top hat and bowtie. Her hooves then changed into arms and legs. Her face faded away, leaving only a large eye with a slit pupil in the center, with bricks at the bottom.

"WHAT?!" the Judge reacted, screaming out in disbelief. "Bill Cipher?!"

Lacking a mouth, the floating yellow triangle called Bill Cipher was still able to make a clicking noise, pointing one of his hands up at the platform where the Judge was standing.

"That’s my name, don’t wear it out," he replied in delight.

"B-but how can you be here?! YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE!" it shouted down at them.

Its restored claw tightened, still grabbing at nothing but the dead air in front of it.

"Do you have any idea what you’ve done?!" its voice was loud, dripping with rage.

"Yeah. I’ve just stopped you from killing the Princess of Equestria, duh," he said, summoning a yellow cane out of nowhere, and leaning on it. It growled, its fists tightening.

"You may have destroyed my crystal, Cipher, but I can still kill Celestia with the little time that I have left in her mind."

"You so sure about that buddy?" Bill’s eyes narrowed, showing delight, his hand pointing up at the ceiling above them.

"What are you talking about, Cipher?" Its eyes narrow, staring at the triangle with an angered, but also weary confusion.

"Don't you know, Judge?" His eye grins.

"NOPONY... messes with my FRIENDS!" he says. His voice oddly shifting back between normal and demonic. He snaps his fingers, causing the whole room to shake like mad.

The entire chamber then starts to shake, as if being ravaged by a terrible earthquake!
The bricks of the ceiling are ripped away from their place, tearing the ceiling to pieces, as the fragments started flying up into the air!

This creates an even larger and larger opening up into the sky.

"Wha-what is this?! What is happening?!" the figure asks in horrified confusion, as it looks down, watching as the sleeves of its robe start to be lifted up. A pulling sensation taking hold on its form.

Raising her head, she looks up into the sky. Her jaw dropping as she laid eyes on the force behind the violent shaking!

"Celestia!" Luna utters in another corner of the castle. Her face is practically plastered to one of the glass windows. Her eyes are peering out, staring up at a large form of light above the darkened castle.

A large tear in the fabric of reality is in the skies above the castle, or what little could be seen of its contents, and it is spilling out a bright red and orange light down upon the world underneath it! Waves of swirling energy are moving around inside of it. Multiple colors are presented to its observers! Fragments of its edges are being pulled up into this other reality, but are still clinging tightly to the crack in reality.

The pulling force grows stronger.

Slowly but surely, the invisible force is getting a more secure hold of the Judge, and it is beginning to lift him up off the platform.

The Judge is moving around frantically in a desperate attempt to free himself from the gravity of the tear!
Turning his head downward, he looks back at Bill and Celestia.

"NO!" he screams, his form is already beginning to glitch out (in the form of TV static).

The time has come. He could no longer sustain itself inside her mind without the crystal. He pulls his arms back, and then thrusts them forward. His arms extend forward, turning to black slime, which grab at the floor, which stops it from being pulled into the crack.

While Bill is not looking, the Judge lunges with his arm extending outward at Celestia. His black mass envelopes her, and forms a giant claw that grips her tightly in its hold!


His arm is finally starting to deteriorate along with the rest of the Judge’s form. The black slime cannot remain solid, and becomes a runny liquid, loosening his grip on the floor, and his arm retracts, and is incorporated into its original source.

His other arm retracts too while still holding Celestia in its grasp. Despite her best efforts to fight back against it using her (somewhat) fiercely pounding hooves against its still-solid skin.

The arm returns to the Judge without releasing its grip on her. Celestia looks back up at the dark hooded face of the Judge and stops struggling with it.

"Yesss, that’s right, Princess. Resistance is useless now…It will all be over soon," he said, sounding slightly friendly for the first time during this entire encounter with her.

"Hey, Judge?" a voice calls up from the floor below them.

Both Celestia and the Judge turn their heads, looking back down. "Did you know that Celestia is my girlfriend?!"

Raising his brow as he turns around, the Judge looks back down at Celestia, and is confused by Bill's remark.

"What is it, now, Cip-?" he says as his form freezes in place upon noticing a bit too late that a fist is heading directly towards him.

With violent force and a painful impact, he is punched in the stomach, causing him to flinch from the intense hurt he was feeling after taking a blow from the over-sized, cartoony glove that had done such damage to his form.

"Which means hands off, creep!" he heard Bill’s voice, as he reeled from the pain in his stomach. Both of his hands reached down to grab at where it had been hurt, causing him to release his grip on Celestia in the process.

With a snap of the finger, she is suddenly teleported away from the Judge and re-emerges back on the floor beside the hovering triangle, Bill Cipher.

Wheezing as it regains its breath, it is unable to do anything about being sucked into the rip. He lets out pained groans as the two entities watched it being sucked up towards the rift.

In the last moment before it vanishes into the rip, it manages a last stare back down at the two of them. It weakly raises its arm, and points a claw down at Bill.

"Heed my words, Bill Cipher... a day will come when you will look back...and you will regret interfering on this day!" it shouts down at them…before finally being sucked back into the wild flurry of colors of the rift and disappearing from sight.

From out of the rift, a concentrated wave of energy erupts. Coming down from the sky, it passes over the castle as it makes contact with it. It goes down all the way until it reaches the surface of the world underneath.

In the Real world, the scorch-marks start to disappear.

Smoke and steam emerge from the parts of her body that were afflicted.

Back in the Dream world, everything is calm. A silence hangs over the castle… alas, it was nothing but a temporary calm…

The castle starts to shake. This time much more violently than the first as tremors are striking in full force! All throughout, in hallways, corridors, chambers, rooms, it is all starting to come crashing down on itself. Pieces of the wall come loose, as the bricks start to float upward and are sucked directly into the rift! Windows shatter and float up along the same path as the bricks.

"W-what is going on?" Celestia asks with her hooves reaching out towards Bill in panic.

"The castle is coming undone. Without the Judge to control it, or maintain it with his power, there is no longer a reason for it to exist. It is coming undone,’’ he explained.

"Well, what are we gonna do?!" she asks him.

Looking into his one big one, she hopes that he has the answers.

"Well, duh, we leave…" he replied, but the look in his eye revealed to her that he was being rather smug about the situation.

"Here, let me show you," he says holding out a hand to her. She hesitates to take it at first, but when the ground tears open, and several of the bricks start floating upwards, she flinches, and takes him up on his offer. She extends her hoof, grabs his hand, and he take a firm grip on her hoof.

He snaps his fingers, which causes both of them to quickly disappear with a POP.

Running through the crumbling castle, Luna does not know where she can go. Ever since that rift in the sky had opened, everything has gone to Tartarus. But oddly enough, it did not start destroying the castle at first, as it had instead hesitated for a few minutes, and well…now she is in her current position.

At the moment, she is just running for her life through this cursed place. When it started to collapse she had tried to exit Celestia's mind the normal way, but something must have happened to return control to her sister, as her magic was not strong enough to break through the mental barriers of her sister's mind.

The floor is crumbling to bits and the bricks are starting to float upwards. They vanish upon reaching the void above!

"AHHH!" she screams as she falls down through the collapsing floor.

However, she does not fall because someone, or rather something, grabs her hoof and holds her.
She looks up…not believing the sight that greets her. Namely, a yellow triangle with one eye, limbs, and clad in a top hat and bowtie is holding her up with his arm.

'Tia was not kidding when she said that she was saved by a triangle in the first dream.' Luna thought.

"You know, you could help me a little?" the triangle said with a strained voice, which seemed to snap her out of her stupor. She shakes her head, and with a swift motion thrusts her other arm up, so the triangle can grab it – which it does.

With an almighty pull, she gets lifted up. She lifts herself up over the edge of the collapsed floor, and returns to standing up on her hooves.
Raising her head, she immediately sees Celestia and the triangle beside each other – Celestia’s face betrays her concern.

"Come on, Luna! Quickly!" she says with a lot of urgency in her voice. She extends a hoof, holding it out for her sister to take. Luna leaps forward, grabs it and clings firmly to her sister’s hoof!

With a turn of her head, Celestia faces Bill. "Now, get us out of here!" she instructs him.

With a raised hand, Bill is about to snap his fingers when Luna opens her eyes. She looks down and notices that he is not standing beside her sister, but rather hovering!

"Wait, are you…hovering?" she asks.

But in that moment Bill snaps his fingers, which causes the trio to disappear out of the crumbling hallway.

The rest of the castle is swallowed up, stone by stone. Every one of the castle’s battlements, towers, and great dungeons all crumble to pieces, reducing it from a solid mass to a large gathering of disconnected stones that all get sucked up into the rift! Not one stone is spared or forgotten. In the end, the Dream world is returned to how it had once been: Nightmare-free.

Back in the real world, Celestia’s eyes shoot open!

Author's Note:

Thought i might as well release a new chapter since i was feeling a little up to it. Don't worry, i will still release a chapter on friday like i always have. This was just something i thought i'd do for the heck of it.
I hope i did well on this one too:twilightsmile:

Edit: saying that this chapter was hard to edit doesn't even cover it. For anyone who read this chapter previously i appolagize for all the mistakes that you must have experienced. This was one of the worst chapters that i and my editor have gone through.

I just hope that he will continue to be my editor after this one.

Link - Doctor Who Unreleased Music - Forest of the Dead - River's Death