• Published 20th Aug 2016
  • 1,641 Views, 66 Comments

Welcome To Ponyville High - xxGamer101xx

Princess Celestia sends her chosen pupil, Twiligt Sparkle to learn the magic and wonder of friendship at high school

  • ...

Chapter 10

As Twilight walked out the front door, she made her way to the bus stop at the corner. She looked ahead of her and saw Fluttershy standing there, just like always. From the way she moved her head, Twilight assumed she was humming.

“Hey, Fluttershy,” Twilight greeted as she gave her a warm smile. “How are you today?”

“Oh, hi, Twilight,” Fluttershy replied in her usual soft voice. “I’m okay. How are you?”

“I’m doing fine.” Twilight smiled as she looked beside Fluttershy and saw a white bunny hopping towards her. The bunny hopped to Fluttershy’s ankle and snuggled up to it.

Fluttershy bent down and petted it gently. “Hello, there,” she cooed softly.

Twilight laughed as the bunny kept snuggling up on her ankle. “Fluttershy, I think that bunny knows you.”

“Oh?” questioned Fluttershy as she looked closer at the cute rabbit. “Oh, there you are, Angel.”

“Angel?” asked Twilight as she raised an eyebrow to Fluttershy’s response. “Is that his name?”

“Yep,” Fluttershy giggled, kneeling down to pick him up. “That was the name I gave him.”

“That’s so sweet,” Twilight chuckled, watching her pet him.

“Oh, Angel Bunny, I'm so glad to see you!” Fluttershy quietly squealed as she snuggled the bunny close to her face.

Twilight smiled too when she saw the cute white bunny rabbit. “I didn't know that you liked animals so much, Fluttershy.”

Fluttershy smiled too as she bent down to put the bunny back on the ground. She went into her purse and pulled a carrot out for Angel. She stood back up as she soon said to Twilight, “I love being around animals. And the animals seem to love being around me.”

“Well you seem to be very good at it,” she said with a laugh, gesturing to the bunny nibbling at its treat.

Fluttershy smiled. “I’m a volunteer at the local animal shelter. I go there after school every day,” she told her.

“It must be nice. Since you love animals,” Twilight chuckled, thinking of how those places usually smelled.

“Sometimes it feels like being around animals is much more easier then being around people.” Fluttershy murmured, quickly glancing to her friend right after.

“What was that?” Twilight questioned softly.

“Nothing,” sighed Fluttershy, relief evident.

“Okay. If you say so,” replied Twilight as she gave the girl an awkward smile. Moments passed and soon Twilight was the first to speak up. “You seem to very good at caring for animals.”

Fluttershy smiled again as she gave a light chuckle. “It’s almost like caring for animals is my special talent.”

Twilight laughed too as she gave a warm smile to her friend. “Yeah. When you put it like that it does seem that way.” They turned to the road as the school bus came into view. Once it stopped, they climbed on, and she went towards her usual seat in the back. As she was sitting there, a voice began to run through her head.

“Element of Kindness.”

That voice from before. It sound so familiar. Is it Princess Luna? It sounds alot like her.

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock as the voice rang in her head. She soon shook the thought off as she muttered to herself, “Yeah, I can see that.”

“See what?” laughed Comet Tail as he sat next to her. He gave Twilight a big toothy grin as then said in a upbeat tone, “Seen any cool stars lately?”

Twilight’s face grew red as she quickly drew her look from the bus window and back towards Comet Tail’s smirk. She gave him a nervous smile and laughed. “Not recently” she muttered as she ignored her blushing face.

“If you say so,” Comet snickered with a smirk.

Twilight's face grew redder. She then muttered, "Shut up."
“Applejack,” Apple Bloom said as she seated herself opposite her sister. “Can Ah ask ya something?”

Applejack put her milk carton down as she offered a warm smile to her sister. “What’s wrong, sugarcube?”

“Well, ya see….” stammered her sister as her face grew red, her voice lowering to a whisper. “Ah need advice on a boy in mah gym class.”

Applejack’s smile was now replaced with a frown as she shot a glare to Apple Bloom. “Is he making fun of you? Ain't no boy gonna make fun of mah sister.”

“It’s not that!” Apple Bloom quickly said, her eyes widening in response. She then sighed as she looked at the lunch table for a moment and then back at her sister. “No, AJ. It isn’t about that.”

“Then what is it about?”

“Ah... kinda like him,” she muttered.

Applejack frowned at her sister, unable to hear her. “Speak up, Apple Bloom. Ah can’t hear ya when you mumble.”

Apple Bloom’s face grew red as she sighed. She swallowed the lump in her throat and sighed. “It's about a boy that I... like.”

“... that’s all? You got me all worried about nothing!” Applejack laughed as she fixed her stetson. “If ya don’t mind me asking, who’s the boy that got yer fancy?”

Apple Bloom’s blush deepened as she fiddled with her outfit. “Tender Taps.”

"Tender who?" asked her sister as she raised an eyebrow to her response.

Apple Bloom smiled and added, "Well, he's the most nicest and cutest boy in mah gym class sis. Every time Ah'm around Ah get all fuzzy and mah face gets all red."

Applejack laughed at her sister's discomfort. “Well look at that, mah sister’s got her first crush!”

“AJ!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she frowned. “Ah’m serious, Applejack. Please, Ah need your help.”

“Alright, simmer down,” she chuckled. “What do ya need help with?”

“How do Ah talk to him?” asked Apple Bloom, her frown now replaced with a look of concern. "Whenever Ah try, mah face gets all hot and Ah say the stupidest things."

Applejack ignored her sister's comment and resumed her teasing. “It seems like yesterday you and your friends were complaining about how gross the boys in your grade were.”

“Applejack! Please, this is serious.” Apple Bloom whined, her face getting even redder. She shook her head and glared at her sister. “C’mon, I don’t know what to do.”

Her older sister nodded softly and simply shrugged. “Just be yourself,” she plainly stated.

“But, whenever Ah talk to him Ah get all flustered,” sighed Apple Bloom as she glared harder at her sisiter. “Ya gotta tell me what to do.”

Applejack chuckled at her sister's response. “You’ve got nothing to worry about, sis. Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.”

Apple Bloom raised her eyebrow in response. “Really?”

“Eeeyup,” nodded Applejack as she offered her sister a reassuring smile. “Just be yourself. Ya shouldn’t change yourself for some boy.”

“Really?” sighed Apple Bloom. "That's all Ah have to do?"

“If you like this boy and he likes you, then you should have no problem being yourself,” smiled Applejack.

“Are ya sure?”

“Yes, Apple Bloom! You gotta be honest with yourself. If you aren’t, then you’ll never be able to know what you want.”

Apple Bloom nodded as she stood up from her seat. “Thank ya, Applejack.”

“No problem. Just remember whenever ya need any advice, ya can always come to yer big sister,” smiled Applejack. “And don’t forget, always be honest. Nobody likes a liar.”

As Apple Bloom was walking away from the lunch table, Applejack smirked as she took a sip from her milk cartoon. As Apple Bloom went back to her table, Rarity had smirked at the farm girl.

“I wouldn’t think you would be the one getting questions about boys from your sister,” teased Rarity as she smirked to her.

“Ah don’t see what yer laughing about there, Rarity.” Applejack snickered, giving her fashionista friend a devious grin. “Not like I don’t see you eyeing up a pretty-boy over there.”

Rarity's face grew red at Applejack's comment. The farm girl had laughed and quickly Rarity shook her head and simply muttered, "I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Ah don't need to be a rocket science that boy yer eyeing up is mah cousin." teased Applejack as she smirked at the blushing fashionista.

Rarity had glared at the girl, "Don't be ridiculous Applejack. I don't have a crush on your cousin."

Applejack smirked and shrugged as she went back to eating her lunch. "Whatever ya say there, Rarity."

“Element of Honesty.”

Twilight smiled as she looked at the smirking Applejack. “Well who could deny it?”
“Now class,” shouted the booming voice of Dr. Heartstrings as she stopped her writing on the whiteboard. She turned around to face the rest of the class. “Time to grab your textbooks and turn to page 323.” The class did the what the teacher asked and grabbed their textbooks and turned to the page.

“We are going to learn about the scientist Lamarck. Whose theory of evolution was that the traits that survive are passed down through the mother,” explained Ms. Heartstrings as she began to write on the whiteboard.

“Well look at that,” Rarity said in mock amusement, looking to the whiteboard for a split second. “She’s teaching for once and not going insane about her rambles today.”

“Lamarck says the traits are passed down through the mother. Does that mean if your mother is a horse does that means there’s a chance of you being a horse too?” questioned Lyra as a new thought crossed her mind. She began to write frantically on the whiteboard. “Now then, let’s see if hybrids like this are possible.”

“Nevermind,” Rarity sighed, laughing bit. She resumed to filing her nails but soon stopped as she heard a hushed whisper of a voice.

“Aww, man,” muttered Ditzy Doo as she gave a sigh of defeat. She then muttered again, “I just don’t know what went wrong.”

“Hmmm?” asked Rarity as she peered over. She gave a concerned look to Ditzy Doo, who was sitting next to her. “What seems to be the problem?”

Ditzy Doo sighed. “I forgot my book at home.” Her eyes wandered away and she played with her fingers nervously. “Again.”

Rarity gave the blonde girl a smile and handed over her textbook. “You can have mine, if you want.”

“Really?” Ditzy asked in disbelief. “But wait. Don’t you need the book for class?”

Rarity smirked as she gave the girl a dismissive wave. “Knowing Ms.Heartstrings, she’ll get to her insane ramblings more than the curriculum.

Ditzy cracked an awkward smile and took the book. “Yeah, you’re right about that.”

“That shouldn’t stop you from using the book, however,” she jokingly scolded.

“Thank you.”

Rarity smiled again at the girl. “Think nothing of it, it’s a pleasure to help.”

Right then and there, Lyra began her ranting on how the horses would rebel and when it would happen. Now, she was talking about the possibility of the existence of half horse and half human hybrids.

“Now, class,” announced Lyra as she pointed to the white board. It was covered with drawings of squares with various letters inside. “If this punnet square is accurate, then it’s soon possible to create half-horse, half-human hybrids.”

“And here we are,” sighed Rarity. She began to file her nails while tuning out the rant that the teacher was going on. “Right on schedule.”

“Now, the chance of these hybrids existing could be the end result of an event I like to call the ‘Equine Rebellion.’”

“Oh, Sweet Celestia,” muttered Rarity as she sighed and slumped back into her chair. She then said in a dramatic tone, “Please let this a bad dream. This surely can’t be real.”

“Element of Generosity.”

Twilight watched them for another second, scribbling in her notebook as she thought “They’re all connected… just like Luna said,” she quietly said to herself.

“Twilight.” She lifted her head and saw Rarity looking at her. “Did you say something?”

Twilight slowly shook her head. “N-No.”

Rarity shrugged at her response and went back to filing her nails. “Well alright, I suppose,” she said.
As Twilight sat in the kitchen and wrote in her notebook, she covered her mouth and sneezed. As soon as she sneezed a puff of purple dust flew from her nose as she flew from the kitchen table and back into the fridge.

Her brother then came running down the stairs, the sight of his sister in a mess of papers and notes. Shining rushed over to his sister and helped her up from the floor. As she got up from the mess, she rubbed her head in pain. But as she made it back on her feet, her whole body froze.

“Element of Magic.”

“Twilight, what happened?!” She was sure he’d been asking various times before, but only now did she hear him. He then put his hands on her shoulders and gently shook her. “Are you okay?”

Twilight didn’t respond as she hugged her brother. She buried her head in his chest as she started to cry. Shining hugged his sister slowly and unsurely, as he was trying his best efforts to calm his sister down.

“Shining, I’m scared,” she whispered into his shirt.

“Scared of what?” asked Shining in a confused tone as he hugged his sister back. “Please, Twilight. Tell me.”

“All these strange things are happening to me and I don’t know why,” cried Twilight as she pulled away to look up at him. “I don’t have anyone to tell.”

Shining frowned as he placed his hands on her arms and gave her a firm look. “Twilight you can tell me anything. I’m your brother. You don’t have to keep this to yourself.”

“Really?” sniffled Twilight as she began to wipe away her tears. “Even if I tell you… you probably won’t believe me.”

Shining Armor gave his sister a reassuring smile. “Trust me, I’ve heard some pretty crazy things. You're my sister, so no matter what you tell me, I will always believe you.”


“Yes,” smiled Shining Armor. “You don’t have to be afraid. Whatever’s on your mind, you can tell me.”

“A-A-are you sure?” stammered Twilight as she gave her brother a nervous look. “Are you sure that you can believe me?”

“Of course, Twilight. What kind of big brother would I be?”

She weighed her options, unsure of how it would all sound. “Well, what I’m about to tell is crazy,” Twilight murmured as she frowned. “I have a feeling you wouldn’t be able to trust me.”

“If I couldn’t trust you, then would be able to be your Big Brother Best Friend Forever?” smirked Shining Armor as he tried to add some humor to the situation.

Twilight softly laughed too as she smiled at her brother’s comment. “Okay, BBBFF.”

“Come on,” replied her brother as he pulled her into another tight hug. He pulled away and gave his sister another friendly smile. “Spill it.”

Twilight broke from the hug and smiled at her brother. As she opened her mouth to speak, the voice of Princess Luna began to echo in her head.

“Twilight, you cannot tell your brother about this. His mind is clouded like the rest. They will not listen to you. My sister learned this truth the hard way. You must wait.”

She slowly closed her mouth and wiped her eyes as she felt new tears coming. Without another word, she separated from Shining and started past him.

“Twilight,” he called quickly. “What are you doing?”

“Going to sleep,” replied Twilight in a hushed tone. She then looked back at the stairs and muttered, “I’m tired.”

“Aren’t you gonna tell me?” questioned her brother as he gave her a concerned look. He then added. “Come on, I can’t leave you like this, can I?”

“Yes… you can,” she coldly answered, resuming her walk up the stairs. “You don’t have to worry about me, Shining. I’m fine.”

Shining watched as his sister rushed up the stairs, and soon he heard the loud slam of her bedroom door. He sighed as he went to the living room and sat on the couch. He couldn’t say anything to her. Something was bothering her badly, but she wouldn’t let him help. For now he had to trust she could handle it… and trust she would come to him if she couldn’t.

“Whatever you say, Twiley.”

Lying like this. To all these people, it makes my head hurt. It’s awful.”

After slamming her door, she went and laid on her bed. She screamed into her pillow and let out a loud sigh. As the she was staring at the ceiling she heard Princess Luna’s voice going through her mind.

“I know how much it pains you to hide the truth from your loved ones. You will be able to do so in time, Twilight. I promise you.”

“I can’t do this Luna. I can’t keep lying to everyone,” Twilight whispered. She sat up on her bed and waited for the Princess to respond. As moments passed and no response was made, she sighed as she went back to screaming into her pillow. "It makes me awful that I have to lie to my friends and family like this."

"I know it pains you to lie like this. But, it has to be done Twilight Sparkle. Trust me, it will be easier.

Twilight's ignored Luna's voice as she screamed more into her pillow, "Why does my life have to be so complicated."

Why couldn’t I be a normal teenager? I just wanted a normal high school experience, not all of this.