• Published 20th Aug 2016
  • 1,641 Views, 66 Comments

Welcome To Ponyville High - xxGamer101xx

Princess Celestia sends her chosen pupil, Twiligt Sparkle to learn the magic and wonder of friendship at high school

  • ...

Chapter 12

Twilight sat in the school library, typing away on the computer in front of her. She was completely focused on the text in front of her, until she noticed someone sit beside her. The blonde sat down next to her and gave her a small smile. She turned to him with a confused glance.

“Hey, there,” he greeted with a wink. “The name’s Zephyr Breeze, by the way.”

“That’s… uh…. nice,” responded Twilight as she went back to typing.

Zephyr thought for a moment and soon asked, “Aren’t you one of my sister's friends?”

Twilight drew her eyes away from the computer to examine him. She couldn’t see anything immediately similar to her friends. “I’m not sure. Who’s your sister?”


Twilight eyes widened in shock at his response. She gave him a nervous smile in response. “Oh yes, we’re friends.” The memory of suddenly appearing at a dinner table came back to the front of her thoughts, and the boy who smiled at her.

“Yeah,” Zephyr said with a nod. “Didn't you like, just appear in our kitchen that one day? That was so weird.”

“Yeah,” muttered Twilight in response. “That was super weird.”

“How did you get there, anyway?” he asked, pulling out a notebook from his bag. “If you don’t mind me asking.”

“Uhhh...” Twilight’s mind went into overdrive as she tried coming up with something. Anything, at this point.

Zephyr raised an eyebrow in response and replied, “I’m listening.”

“Well….you see……”


“.....about that…..”

“Are you going to say anything?”

At the corner of her eye, Twilight saw Rainbow entering the library. As she walked in, Twilight noticed Zephyr’s gaze wandering to her friend.

Oh thank Celestia.

As Rainbow made her way to Twilight, she saw the mopey grin of Fluttershy’s brother and shot him a look of annoyance. She dropped her bag on the table and sat opposite from Zephyr on Twilight’s other side.

"What are you starring at Zephyr?" said Rainbow as she shot a glare at him.

Zephyr didn't say anything as he was still smiling at her, Rainbow only scoffed as she sat down at the table next to Twilight. Twilight gave a sigh of relief as her friend came in at the right time.

Rainbow, thank you so much for coming in the time you did.

“Hey there, Rainbow,” snickered Zephyr Breeze as his smile grew wider.

“Zephyr,” muttered Rainbow, ignoring his smile and wink. “Don’t you have someone else to bother?”

“Why would I bother anyone else when I have you to talk to?”

Rainbow just rolled her eyes in response. “Whatever.”

“So hostile,” teased Zephyr, giving her another playful wink.

Rainbow just shrugged in response and muttered. “Whatever.”

Zephyr smiled as he stood up. “I never took you for the jealous type there, Rainbow. I mean, I know it's hard since you have this monster crush on me since we were kids.”

"Me have a crush on you?" Rainbow laughed at Zephyr's remark as she leaned back. “Yeah, right.”

Zephyr laughed too and his smile morphed into a smirk. “The more you deny it, the more it's true.”

“Whatever you say, Zephyr,” she huffed, taking out a notebook.

Zephyr laughed as he grabbed his bag. With one last wink, he waved them goodbye and started for the exit. “See ya, Rainbow. Stay beautiful.”

Her face turned red immediately, and she looked down to her notebook. Twilight watched her for a second, then giggled to herself. Rainbow had muttered to herself as she quickly began to scribble down into her notebook.

Rainbow lifted her head to glare at Twilight, who stopped her giggling after feeling the contempt in her gaze. She then sighed as she slumped back into her seat. “Shut up.”

Twilight smirked and let out a soft chuckle. “I didn't say anything.”

Rainbow grabbed a pencil out her bag and went to writing in her notebook. “Whatever.”

Your face says more than anything I could say.

"Whatever." was all that Rainbow Dash said before she stormed out of the room.
Twilight tapped the book in front of her impatiently. She was the first of her friends to arrive at the lunch table. She drew her gaze back to the book and opened it, sighing in frustration as she saw that the book was still blank yet again.

“Hey, Twilight!” Pinkie chirped as she sat down beside her. She frowned when she saw the frustrated look on her face. “What’s wrong?”

Twilight closed the book and put on her best smile. “It's nothing.”

Pinkie glared at her friend for several moments. Twilight’s smile faltered a bit under her scrutinizing gaze. “Okie dokie,” she slowly said. She went to reach for something, then slapped her forehead. “Oh, horse apples. Forgot a napkin!” Pinkie turned and started skipping back to the lunch line.

“Howdy there, Twilight,” greeted Applejack, sitting down across from her. She looked at the book, curiosity slowly forming as she did. “Whatcha got there?”

As Twilight was about to open her mouth, she was stopped as she watched Pinkie hopping around the cafeteria. The bouncing girl stopped and waved at her two friends. She giggled as she sat down, glancing to the book as well. She took the book without a second thought, flipping through the pages with a confused expression. “What kind of book has blank pages?”

Applejack leaned over as Pinkie showed her. “Ah don’t know. Twilight?”

“Maybe it's a picture book?” wondered Pinkie as she kept looking through each page. She then sighed as she closed the book. “Not a picture book.”

“Then what kind of book is it?”

“Maybe it's a sketch book?”

“It’s actually-”

“Ah mean that could be a possibility,” Applejack said with another shrug.

“That’s cool! I didn't know that you liked to draw Twilight. That is so cool!”

“It’s not a sketchbook!” Twilight exclaimed, snatching the book back.

She grabbed a pen and began to write on the first page. As she was writing, Rarity and Fluttershy soon arrived. Twilight ignored the two girls and continued writing more and more. She turned the book back to the others once she was finished.

“Watch this.” Their faces all took on a confused expression as they watched the text disappear.

“Whoa, let me try!” Pinkie laughed as she grabbed the book from Twilight’s hands. She then grabbed her pen and began to write. The cheerful girl’s smile disappeared when she realized her ink hadn’t even come out on the page.

Applejack grabbed the book and flipped the page. “What is this?” she asked, checking for any writing on the page after it.

“What’s what?” asked Rainbow as she dropped her lunch tray down on the table. She grabbed the book from Applejack and simply shrugged as she tossed the book back onto the table. Rainbow laughed as she settled next to Pinkie. “Who gets a book with no words in it?”

“Maybe it's a journal? A diary perhaps?” asked Rarity as she too examined the strange tome.

“That’s a really big diary,” Fluttershy commented as she watched on beside the fashionista.

“It's no journal,” remarked Twilight as she took her book back. She gestured to the cover and looked at her friends. “It's a book on the Elements of Harmony, but all the pages are blank.”

“Oh wow. That’s… unusual,” said Fluttershy.

“That isn’t the oddest part of it,” Twilight said as she wrote a simple “Hello” on the page. The girls gasped as they saw “Hello, Twilight” appear afterwards.

“Where did ya get this book?” asked Applejack.

“I got it from the school library,” she replied as she closed the book. “The voice I’ve been hearing… one of them, is the one who wrote back.”

Rarity scoffed softly with a deadpan look. “Don’t be ridiculous, Twilight. Books can’t talk to people.”

“It sounds like magic” said the soft voice of Fluttershy.

Rarity shook her head. “Magic doesn’t exist, Fluttershy. It hasn’t existed for a long time.”

Rainbow took the book and looked at the gems decorating the cover. “Well, how do you explain all the strange stuff that’s been happening to us?”

“Magic hasn’t existed since Luna and Celestia were ruled Equestria together,” Rarity reminded them. “It couldn’t just suddenly pop up now.”

The athlete shrugged in response. “I don’t know, Rares. Ever since Twilight got here all sorts of weird stuff’s been happening recently.”

“And we’ve all been having the same dreams,” Fluttershy quietly added.

“Ah gotta agree with Rainbow Dash here,” sighed Applejack as she crossed her arms. “Ah mean, there’s no other way to explain any of it.”

Pinkie harrumphed at her friends as she grabbed some candy from her hair. “So when I tell you people I have weird dreams, you tell me to lay off the sugar.”

Without any sort of explanation or answer, Rarity sighed and conceded. “So we agree these events are all happening because of magic?” she asked, hoping someone would offer an alternative.

“I guess so,” Rainbow replied weakly. “It’s the only thing that could explain any of it.”

Twilight pulled the book away from them and rested it on her lap. “So you’ve all been having the same dream?”

Rarity nodded. “Yes. Sometimes I hear a voice, or it’s just eerie laughing.”

“Yeah, and the laughing never shuts up about winning,” Rainbow added, crossing her arms.

“Winning?” Twilight questioned. “He’s never said anything about that before.”

“He?” Applejack asked. “So ya know him?”

Twilight gave a wary glance around them. “He calls himself Discord. He’s supposed to be the God of Chaos.”

“Discord?” Fluttershy repeated curiously. “I… I feel like… I should know what that means.”

“Something about that name does seem to be very familiar,” Rarity chimed in agreement. “It’s almost like I should remember him.”

Twilight felt relief and some happiness flowing through her at the comments of her friends. “So I’m not going crazy after all.” She then added in a mutter, “That’s good.”

“Well, we could all be going crazy,” Applejack chuckled, followed by the rest. “Now, what does this book have to do with any of this?”

Twilight gave her friends a sheepish smile. “Would you girls call me crazy if I told you Princess Luna was using it to speak to me?”

Pinkie stopped her munching on the pile of candy that was in front of her. She smiled and then laughed, “Don’t worry, Twilight. People say I’m crazy all the time.”

“Well that’s because you kinda are,” blurted out Rainbow as she went back to sipping her energy drink. She stopped when she noticed Pinkie was glaring at her. She then shrugged and said, “What?”

“It's not my fault I have dreams of cupcakes talking to me,” Pinkie huffed as she threw more candy into her mouth.

Rarity rolled her eyes at Pinkie’s response. She then gave Twilight a reassuring smile. “With all of the stuff that’s been happening to us, it would be wrong of us to make that claim.”

“Yeah,” added Fluttershy in a soft smile. “But, I thought she was banished. How can she be talking to you?”

“I don’t know. One day I was in the library and heard a voice calling me,” sighed Twilight as she explained. “When I first opened this book, it was all blank. But then one day I just saw words popping up. She’s using it to talk to me.”

Rarity kept quiet for a moment before something clicked in her head. “So that’s the book my sister and her friends have been talking about.”


“My sister was talking about this book she saw where all the pages were blank.”

“So did mine,” nodded Applejack.

“Okay, well that still doesn’t explain how Princess Luna can be banished and still able to talk,” Rainbow reminded them. “Did she say how she was doing it?”

This is where Twilight felt the most doubt her friends would believe her. “Would you believe me if said that she was a… pony?

None of her friends said anything. All they could do was stare at her with their mouths open. “A PONY PRINCESS LUNA?!” blurted out Pinkie. She squealed for a moment before narrowing her eyes on Twilight. “Wait, wouldn’t she be banished, too?”

Ignoring her question, Rainbow closed her mouth and leaned forward. “Twilight, how can you be talking to a pony? And besides, she can’t be Princess Luna. She’s a person!”

“Maybe it's because of magic?” asked Pinkie as she looked up in thought. “I mean with magic, anything is possible!”

“But how can that be possible?”

Pinkie then shrugged as she shoveled more candy into her mouth. “I mean… it's what Ms. Starlight said. If you really believe in something then anything is possible.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought so, too,” muttered Twilight as she looked down at the book. “Could something like that be even possible?”

Rarity shook her head. “I’d give the magic a chance, but a pony, Twilight? A talking pony? It sounds like something Ms. Heartstrings rambles about.”

"Trust me Rarity, I know what I saw and I indefinably saw a talking pony version of Princess Luna." declared Twilight.

"Well okay then Twilight." sighed Rarity as she gave her friend a warm smile. "Then well I guess I believe you on this."

Twilight blinked. "Really?"

Rarity had nodded in response. "Yes truly I do Twilight. We are friends after all."

“Well, maybe magic can do anything,” Fluttershy said nervously. “M-Maybe… it could make any animal talk. Like Angel.”

“Or a book that can let two people talk,” Pinkie added.

Rainbow had rolled her eyes at Pinkie's comment. "Two people can already talk, Pinkie."

"No, not that Dashie. I mean the book can be used for two people to talk to each other."

Applejack also said, “Or give us all the same dreams.”

Twilight responded in a nervous laugh. “I mean, if you believe anything is possible, right?”

All Rarity could do was sigh as she looked away in the distance. “I suppose that’s one way to look at things.”

Twilight didn't say anything. All she could do was smile as she was finally able to tell her friends what has been bothering her. As she was done telling them, she felt a so much weight get off of her shoulders. Finally, she was now free of the the guilt she had gotten whenever she had lied to them. It felt good to finally be able to tell them the truth.

So, I’m not going crazy after all. That’s relieving.