• Published 20th Aug 2016
  • 1,641 Views, 66 Comments

Welcome To Ponyville High - xxGamer101xx

Princess Celestia sends her chosen pupil, Twiligt Sparkle to learn the magic and wonder of friendship at high school

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Chapter 17

Ever since that fateful day in the Everfree Forest, the days seemed to go by in a blur. Everyday after school, Twilight would try her best to find out more information about who and what Discord is. Everyday would end the same way. Hours of digging through the library, coming up empty, and wondering if there really was any information about him. The only thing her books would tell her was his title and what he looked like.

“There has to be more about him,” Twilight murmured as she dug into yet another tome. “I just know it.”

Like the last dozen books she found nothing but a mentioning and his title. She glanced to a book beside her depicting what was said to be him. A mess of a being with parts of mythological creatures and animals.

“The only thing these books are telling me about Discord is his appearance.” murmured Twilight as she went through the pages of the book. She gave a sigh of frustration as she closed the book and grabbed another one and began reading through that one.

“Discord. God of Chaos and Disharmony,” she repeated to herself, sitting back against a tower of books. She sighed as she looked at the clock that hung on the wall. “That’s all the books are telling me about him. I need to find more.”

“Twilight, darling. What are you doing with all of these books?” called Rarity, entering with the others. They made their way through the towers of various tomes to where Twilight was.

“Ah think yer letting this Discord thing consume you there, Twi,” Applejack said. Behind her, Rainbow gasped as she bumped into a stack and grabbed the pile before it could fall over.

“Yeah,” Rainbow nervously laughed. She did a quick glance at Twilight and the amount of books that surrounded her. “You look like you’re in egghead paradise.”

Twilight shook her head in response as she stood up from the library floor. “Well, where else do you get information from?”

The girls all shrugged. “Did ya try asking the Princess?” asked Applejack.

“What do you mean?”

“Ah mean, she should be able to help ya find something on him, right?”

Twilight facepalmed and groaned loudly. “Of course, that sounds fairly obvious now, doesn't it?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow chuckled. “Don’t you write letters to her or something like that?”

Twilight’s eyes widened in shock as she looked at her friend. “How did you know that?”

Her friends didn’t respond back. They just stood like frozen statues standing perfectly still. Their brightly colored features were no more and completely dull and absent of color, almost like a shell. Twilight waved her hand infront of her friends’ eyes trying to get a reaction. Moments passed and the girls stood frozen still like a perfect stone statues.

“Guys?” Twilight hesitantly called. None of them made any movements. The color around her began to drain. “Guys! Snap out of it!” She tried shaking Applejack, but she held firm… like a statue.

I’m going crazy… I really must be losing it.

“No, Twilight,” a soothing voice whispered. “Far from it.”

“That voice,” mumbled Twilight. “Why does it sound so familiar?”

Blinding light flashed behind her, and she turned to see but had to cover her eyes from the powerful rays. A woman dressed in white appeared, a golden tiara depicting the sun in her long flowing summer colored hair. She smiled down to her student, who was stood frozen in awe at the sight of her mentor.

“P-Princess!” Twilight managed to say. Never had she seen such a display. It was like she was… magical. After shaking from her stupor, she rushed to hug her. “I’m so glad to see you.”

Celestia held her close as she smiled. “It’s good to see you, too, Twilight,” she giggled softly.

“Princess, what are you doing here?”

Her radiant smile vanished almost immediately, and she took on a look of urgency. “I’m here to show you what you need to know.”

“And that is?”

Her eyes began to glow, and the world around them broke down. “The reason why you and your friends are in this world… and what you must learn if you wish to defeat Discord.”

“Discord?” asked Twilight, her eyes widening in shock. “What do you mean?”

“See for yourself.”

Before she could even blink, Twilight found herself standing in the middle of a destroyed Ponyville.The sky was a dull gray with pink clouds. There was rain, but it wasn’t water. Instead, chocolate milk poured down on them like any storm. She could see chunks of land floating upside down, some with houses or trees. From where they stood, she could see Canterlot… or what was left of it. A chunk of the great city was reduced to rubble, the iconic towers of the castle leaning over buildings in ruin.

“Where… where are we?” Twilight asked. She looked in every direction, but couldn’t seem to find anyone else.

“A world the God of Chaos has claimed as his own,” her mentor replied.

“What do you mean, ‘claimed as his own?’”

Celestia gestured to the side. Twilight turned to where she pointed and looked upon a statue untouched by the disorder around it. It even seemed to shine across its surface. It was a creature of many different animals thrown into one… just like Discord. The more she looked at it, the more she saw the similarities. It wasn’t just a depiction… he was laughing.

“The Discord I saw looked different from this one,” she remarked. Celestia walked closer to the statue, angered at it’s mocking presence.

“You saw the Discord of the world that you are in. What you are seeing is the Discord of the world you are from.”

“Is this like the dream I had with that pony Princess Luna?” Twilight questioned, rubbing her head in confusion.

Celestia shook her head. “I’m only showing an illusion. But don’t confuse what I’m showing you what I’m telling you,” she said firmly. “Many worlds exist, and you were sent to one. You are in a world where humans walk and talk, yet you are from a world where ponies walk and talk. Discord tricked you into leaving to make sure nobody would be able to stop him.”

“What? What do you mean? I’ve never met Discord before,” Twilight told her, still struggling to grasp what she was being told. “What are you talking about?”

Celestia conjured a bubble in her palm, showing her group of friends and Discord sitting together… at a picnic. “In this world Discord had us believing he was reformed and done with his evil ways. It was all a lie, and he had fooled all of us.”

Twilight examined the bubble, unable to remember a time when she had ever seen Discord. “And what happened to me?”

“When our guard was down, he managed to send you here, so that the Elements would never be able to use their magic against him,” she explained, the bubble showing her friends wielding their respective gems. But she wasn’t present. “By the time we discovered what he’d done, it was too late.”

Equestria was covered in his magic, spreading until it broke past the country's borders and over the world. Discord’s laughing came, the two all too familiar with his evil cackling.

“Why can’t you and Luna stop him? You did it before and I’m sure you could do it again.”

“We defeated him with the Elements, Twilight,” she reminded her, conjuring a copy of her tiara. “Without all six, they’re stones. And… Discord wasn’t as careless as before.”

Her eyes glowed brightly before they flashed. Once again their location changed. Only know, she could recognize where she was. The ruins of Canterlot Castle’s throne room, albeit with a chunk of the castle missing. Standing on either side of a now barren throne, were two horses, one bigger than the other. The larger of the two wore a crown with a sun, and the other with a crown for the moon. The symbols of the royal sisters:

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna.

“It was his revenge for what we’d punished him with,” she said softly, touching the cheek of Luna’s pony face. “Without us or you to guide the Elements, no one stood a chance against him. Which is why, Twilight, you are our only hope.”

She turned to Twilight, the fake tiara sitting itself on her head. “You want us to stop Discord?”

The princess nodded in response. “You six are the only ones left that can defeat him. It seems as though Discord was planning this attack for quite some time, but he didn’t count on you coming this far. His magic is failing with the Elements in your world active again. You’re breaking free from his chaos.”

“But are the Elements enough?” she asked. “How could he have gotten me here? How come I don’t remember being a pony.”

There was a flicker of grey in her eyes, like with her friends. Instead of freezing, she shook her head and made her eyes shine like before. “I’m losing my control… I’ve said too much,” she grunted, gripping her head in pain. She grabbed her student by the shoulders as she fought the pain. “Twilight, you must free your friends from the chaos. You all must break free and find Discord.”

“B’But how?! Princess, what’s-”

“We have to go. This is goodbye for now, Twilight.” Her hair dulled and she fell to her knees. “We’ll see you again, soon.”

In a flash, Princess Celestia disappeared and Twilight was back in her room. There was a knock at her door, but she kept still.

“Twilight!” Pinkie sang. ”We’re gonna be late for school, lazypants!”

She exhaled shakily and wiped the sweat from her forehead. “I’ll be down in a second!”

Twilight waited until Pinkie’s skipping went silent, then ran her hands through her hair and let out a long sigh. "Wait. What is Pinkie doing in my house?"

What in Tartarus is going on?

Pinkie began to knock on her door. “Your mom is super nice Twilight. Anyways you don't want to be late for the History test, do you?”

“Hold on Pinkie, I'm getting something.” spoke Twilight as she grabbed her bag on her bed.

Spike snored loudly, but he was nowhere to be found. She looked under her bed, finding him asleep with his bone. She carefully pulled him out and rested him on her lap, petting him softly. His ear twitched and he lifted his head up, his tail wagging as he nuzzled into her chest.

"Aren't you a little sleepyhead?" teased Twilight as she gave Spike a playful grin.

Spike jumped from her hands and playfully barked. This time when he barked, bright green flames were coming from his mouth.

“Dogs don’t breathe fire,” she mumbled to herself. Thinking about what the Princess had told her, one thing nagged at her. “So if I was a pony in that world… then what were you?”

Twilight sat in disbelief at what she just saw. She just stared at Spike who was wagging his tail eagerly.

“The only things I know that breathe fire are dragons,” she paused to gather her thoughts for a moment. “Spike, are you a dragon?”

He tilted his head and barked again, more flames coming out. Everything in this world was fueled by Discord’s magic… so what was the past month? The memories she had? Was there anything untouched by his magic?

“Twilight, come on we’re going to be late.” sang Pinkie's voice much more louder.

As Twilight’s hand reached the door knob, she looked down at Spike who playfully barked and wagged his tail.

“Something else that I have to figure out when I get back home.”

She turned the knob and as the door opened up, she was greeted by Pinkie’s playful grin. Pinkie grabbed her hand and the pair began to descend the stairs quickly.