• Published 20th Aug 2016
  • 1,641 Views, 66 Comments

Welcome To Ponyville High - xxGamer101xx

Princess Celestia sends her chosen pupil, Twiligt Sparkle to learn the magic and wonder of friendship at high school

  • ...

Chapter 18

Twilight sat in the lunch room, staring at the Elements sitting in their book. She ran her thumb across the headpiece of her crown. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Applejack heading towards their table. She quickly shut the book and stuffed it into her bag as her friend reached her.

“Twilight, why do ya have the Elements with ya?” Applejack asked.

She smiled at her friend in response. “I need to make sure that if Discord ever attacks, we’ll be ready.”

“Yer letting this Discord thing get to ya, sugarcube,” she replied, shaking her head softly. “Why would Discord attack a school?”

“What’s the point of making sense?”

Celestia’s words echoed in her head. They weren’t free from the chaos. But what was it and how would she free them? “I guess… I might be overdoing it a bit,” Twilight stammered, setting her bag beneath the table. “ You're right AJ. I just have to relax, right?”

Applejack smiled reassuringly and winked. “That’s the spirit.”

Twilight decided not to go further and looked off into the distance. In the past couple of days, she’d been very careless. She would hide the Elements underneath her bed and not go anywhere near them. It was to the point where she gave up on trying to find more information on Discord. However, that didn’t keep her from at least keeping the gems with her. What Celestia had shown her only proved that he could pop up at any time, and that she would have to be ready.

And when he decided to pop up, he’d be sorry. She only wished her friends were as prepared as her.

Twilight was brought out of her thoughts when she heard the cafeteria chatter get louder suddenly. She shook her head free of her thoughts and looked up, watching Pinkie point across the room.

“Why can’t girls send the flower to the guys too?” asked Pinkie. She was gesturing to Ditzy Doo running from table to table delivering flowers. "It just doesn't seem fair that only the guys can send flowers to the girls."

“You could if you wanted too,” Rainbow said with a shrug. “I mean, nobody’s stopping you.”

Rarity squealed girlishly as she watched one of the jocks hand Bon Bon a flower. “There it is, girls. This years Flowers for Hearts,” she gushed dreamily, sighing as she closed her eyes. “I wonder who will be my Prince Charming?”

"Yer worse then my sister when she saw one of Winona's puppies." remarked Applejack.

“How are you gonna know who’s Prince Charming?” asked Pinkie as she raised an eyebrow in confusion. “I know everyone’s name in school and I don’t know anyone named Prince Charming.”

Rarity rolled her eyes with a grin. “It's a figure of speech, darling.”

“Well ah can’t believe that yer looking forward to this nonsense,” Applejack huffed, crossing her arms.

“Oh, come on, AJ. Lighten up a bit,” smirked Rainbow Dash. “Let Rarity get all dreamy about her knight in shining armor.”

The farmgirl shot a suspicious glare at her rival athlete. “Why are ya taking Rarity's side, Rainbow?”

A blush had appeared on Rainbow’s face. She tried her best to hide it, but her friends already saw it. “I-I’m not… it’s just… you know, um… I just want Rarity to enjoy the Flowers for Hearts!” She put up the most genuine smile she could, whilst the entire table stared her down. "It's not like a I want a flower or something."

Pinkie finally broke out laughing, scooting around the table to hug her. “I doubt that, Dashie!” she giggled, wiggling her eyebrows. “Someone wants a flowerrrrr!”

Shooting Pinkie a fiercely embarrassed look of anger, Rainbow pulled herself away and crossed her arms. “Well I know who Pinkie wants to get a flower from.”

PInkie’s grin dropped and turned into a frown. “That’s not fair!”

Rarity shook her head as Rainbow smirked triumphantly. “Well isn’t this wonderful,” Rarity chirped giddily. “Rainbow Dash isn’t a complete tomboy after all.”

Rainbow’s face got even redder as she stammered out, “S-shut up.”

“Aren’t you girls nervous at all about the Spring Fling coming up soon?” mumbled Fluttershy. “I mean, I would. An anonymous flower gets sent to you and a week later a… boy asks you out?” She took a long breath and held herself. “I mean, I would be terrified about it.”

“Fluttershy, darling,” said Rarity in a soft tone, “you don’t [i}have to go if you’d rather not. You could even ignore the flower if it helps you feel better.”

“But… wouldn’t that be rude? Just ignoring someone like that?”

“So don’t do that,” laughed Rainbow. “I mean it's as easy as it sounds, Fluttershy.”

“I guess so….” mumbled Fluttershy, moving her hair out of her face. “Still, it doesn’t make you girls paranoid at all that you have no idea who sent their flower?”

“Not at all,” Rarity stated, grinning deviously. “A little suspense can do wonders for effect.”

“I lose track of time like all the time,” Pinkie giggled softly.

“Frankly, ah don’t care if ah get one or if ah don’t.” added in Applejack.

Rainbow only shrugged. “I don’t really care about this stupid Spring Fling stuff.”

Fluttershy sighed and mumbled. "I guess I'm the only one then."

Ditzy smiled and waved to them as she approached the lunch table. She reached into her brown messenger bag and handed the six girls a flower for each of them. She then grabbed another flower and handed it to Rainbow.

“Rainbow Dash!” remarked Rarity. “You got two flowers?”

“Huh?” Ditzy handed her the flowers, and she simply shrugged and gave a nonchalant grin. “Guess I did. That’s pretty cool.”

Twilight looked down at her flower; a red rose symbolizing love and romance. Who could have given her this flower? As far as she knew, no guy in this school had ever caught her attention. She would find out eventually, but that didn’t stop her from trying to figure it out herself.

“You got two flowers Dashie?!” asked Pinkie with huge grin. “That’s so cool!”

Rainbow shrugged in response. “What can I say? Oh wait, maybe it’s because I’m just that awesome.”

Their entire table rolled their eyes in unison. “But seriously, Dashie. Who gave you the flowers?” Pinkie questioned.

“Eh, beats me,” smirked Rainbow.
When Twilight opened the door to her bedroom, she was greeted by the sight of a tall and skinny man sitting on her bed. He looked like he was homeless, with a ragged colorful shirt underneath a brown vest and slacks. She looked to his face, grimacing at the sight of his crooked smirk.

“Hello there, Twilight,” he chimed, smiling brightly at her.

Twilight’s bag had dropped down to the floor as her eyes widened in shock. She then blurted out, “What are you doing in my house?!”

“Visiting you in your dreams got a little creepy,” he shrugged. “So I decided it was time I meet you personally. You never fail to impress. You’ve gotten a lot farther than I thought you would.”

“Discord.” Twilight’s expression hardened, her legs slightly trembling as she realized who sat before her.

“God of Chaos? The one and only. So tell me, Twilight, do you know why I’m here?”

“You want to stop me from freeing my friends from your chaos,” Twilight evenly replied. “Well I’m here to tell you, that my friends and I are going to stop you.”

Discord started chuckling humorously as he rested one leg on the other. “Oh I’m going to enjoy watching you try,” he snickered. “Well, you're right about one thing. I’ve been meaning to pop in and ruin everything, but being God of Chaos means a busy schedule.”

“What are you doing in my room?” Twilight snapped, her eyes widening as he floated up to the ceiling.

“I just wanted to congratulate you on your victory against Nightmare Moon,” Discord said, feigning innocence. “So where was I again? Oh yes, now I remember. Congratulations!”

Twilight glared at the smirking man. “Are you sure that’s all you want?”

Discord snickered in response. “Oh, my dear Twilight. This is only the beginning.”

“Beginning? Beginning of what?”

“The beginning of a new start for chaos.” Discord exclaimed loudly. He then brought a finger to his chin and laughed. “Instead of telling you what’s going to happen, how about I show you instead?”

With a snap of his fingers, he was gone. She looked around her surroundings and noticed where she was now. She was now standing in the hallway of her school. Twilight turned around and started to walk forward before she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw Braeburn, who chuckled softly as he recognized her.

“Well ah’ll be,” he said, tipping his hat to her. “We have to stop meeting like this.”

Twilight examined him thoroughly, unsure if this was the real Braeburn. “Braeburn?” she finally asked. “What… what are you-”

"Ah'll love to talk to ya, but Ah got somewhere to be." Braeburn smirked as he waved his hands with a smile. “No need to apologize. I’ll catch ya later, Twi!”

As Braeburn walked passed her, she saw Comet Tail walking towards her, a red rose in hand. The same red rose she got during lunch, and the one she found in her locker.

“How’s my stargazing buddy dong?” smiled Comet Tail. He twirled the flower in his hand and held it out to her. “Got something for you.”

Twilight slowly took the flower and looked at it as well. It felt like a rose… and it looked like a rose. “What’s this for?”

“I figured you don’t have enough flowers, so I’m going to give you another one,” smirked Comet Tail.

Ignoring the blush that was spreading on her face, Twilight took the flower and brought it to her nose to smell it. It smelled like a rose, it looked like a rose, and it felt like a rose. Could all of this be real? Or just one of Discord's tricks. “Um, thank you.”

“So, Twilight,” said Comet Tail as he shifted to one side and put his hand behind his head. “Do you maybe… want to go to the Spring Fling with me?”

Twilight’s heart fluttered about, and she felt her tongue twist and spaz out like she never knew tongues could. Just as she found a will to speak, she stayed quiet. One minute she was speaking to Discord, then she was in school getting asked to the Spring Fling? Part of her believed that all of this was real, but deep down she knew this was one of Discord's tricks. She went with her gut and didn't want to fall for it. “No.”

Instead of responding, Comet Tail stood there in the hallway frozen like a statue. The color in his face had dulled and was now gray. Panicking, Twilight looked around and saw all the other kids in the hallway were frozen like statues. Features now a dull gray and frozen in time.

“Aww, isn’t that just adorable?” teased Discord as he appeared right next to Twilight. “And here I thought you were too buried in books for boys. I’m sure if this was the real deal you’d jump on it, hm?”

Twilight jerked her head towards his voice and saw that Spike was in Discord’s arms. She backed away and stood in silence as she was trying to gather her thoughts.

“I don’t have time for your tricks anymore, Discord. Stop this now!”

“You’re no fun,” grumbled Discord. “You sound exactly like Celestia when she told me to stop making chaos.” He rubbed Spike’s ear, eliciting a small growl of discomfort.

“I don’t care what you do to me, just leave Spike out of this.”

Discord brought the dog close to his face and frowned. “I don’t know any dogs that are purple and green.”

Spike barked at Discord and spat green fire at him. Discord shouted out in surprise as his face caught on fire, then set Spike down as he laughed. Twilight quickly bent down and scooped the dog up into her arms and held him away from the strange being.

“I also don’t recall dogs breathing green fire!” wheezed Discord. His head was now burnt black, but he dusted off the ashes with a small broom. “Now that just doesn’t make any sense. Now does it?”

“I said to leave Spike out of this!” shouted Twilight.

Discord held his hands up with a grin. “No need to get hostile now,” he assured her calmly. “You have questions, and I have the answers to those questions.”

“You didn’t come through all this trouble to answer my questions,” Twilight barked, prompting Spike to growl at the strange man. “Now why are you here?”

His aloof countenance creeped into a more sinister expression. “Well you asked for me to make sense. So here I am. Making sense now.”


“Wait,” said Discord as he crossed his arms. “This doesn’t seem right. I didn't want to show you this.”

The world around them dissipated again, leaving them in an empty void of white.

“Oh that’s right.” Discord snapped his fingers again, and a set of doors fabricated itself into existence beside them. “If you think you and your friends are able to defeat me,” he extended his arm and pointed to the door, “go through that door and I’ll take you where you need to be.”

The God of Chaos was… helping her? Celestia warned her about him for a reason. She wasn’t about to stop doubting him now. “Why are you doing all this?” asked Twilight in confusion.

“Just trust me Twilight.” smiled Discord. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”

She didn’t seem phased by his words of assurance. “Give me one reason why I should trust you after all of this.”

Discord smirked and put his hands on her shoulders, forcing Twilight to look at him face to face. Whatever Discord was trying to do, Twilight tried her best to resist it but it wasn’t working. She felt at ease, her pupils dilated ridiculously.

“Why don’t you go through those doors over there?”

Twilight nodded softly in response and moved to the entrance. She opened both doors and moved through, the door slamming shut behind her.

“Just because you were able to break free from my chaos doesn’t mean you win. Your friends aren’t completely free….yet.”