• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 735 Views, 28 Comments

Griffons and Magic and Nightmares, oh my! - bahatumay

When the griffons obtain the use of solar magic, Luna swears to stop them at any and all costs.

  • ...

Chapter 11

And spread they did. With their hometown destroyed, the survivors made their way back to the main base of the army. Each survivor told their story to any who would listen as they searched among friends, family, acquaintances, and inns for sanctuary. As every version spread, Nightmare Moon became scarier and scarier. It wasn't long before the news got back to the second in command, Tryal.

“Surely you have heard the rumors? She slaughtered nine-tenths of them, burning them alive with her black magic! At the very least, we should go investigate!”

“No,” Tryal growled. “Inas'i left me in charge until he got back, and I say we remain still until he does.”


“The magic doesn’t work at night. Do you want to go out in the night, blind and unarmed?”

“N- no, sir.”

“Then shut it. We wait for Inas’i.”

* * *

Needless to say, Nightmare Moon had not factored this into her plans.

“I am bored,” Nightmare Moon announced. She threw back her head and called. “G! Stone! Stop banging and attend your empress!”

“We were not 'banging', your highness!” Stone protested as he rushed to her front and bowed.

Nightmare Moon snorted. “I don't care. Where is G?”

G staggered to her front and bowed. Nightmare Moon frowned as she took in the numerous bandages covering G's body. Stone also had a wrapped leg and one eye that seemed to be opening slower than the other. Gashes too small to need binding also peppered their bodies. She looked around at the other ponies, realizing that their bravado outweighed their stamina. Nightmare Moon was many things, but completely heartless to her servants she was not. These ponies were in no condition to fight another army.

“Change of plans,” she murmured. “Find me a white flag.”

* * *

Another guard ran in and saluted.

“What do you want?” Tryal spat. “I’m not-”

“Sir! The ponies are here!”

Tryal shot to his paws. “Is it an invasion?” he asked, grabbing desperately for his sword.

The guard shrugged. “They have a white flag, maybe they just want to talk?”

“Very well,” he said, putting on his helmet. “We go to talk. But I want a full platoon of guards.”

“Yes, sir. Consider it done.”

* * *

Nightmare Moon stood in the field, her armor looking bright and penetrating in the moonlight. She was flanked by Captain Farsight and Sky Dancer (after her smart remarks, she had already become somewhat attached to the mare). Sky Dancer held the white flag in her mouth, and her teeth were starting to feel sore.

Luckily, she didn't have to hold it much longer. A full platoon of about 50 griffons appeared, flying slowly in a show of intimidation. The leader landed with a soft thump. His assistant also held a white flag. Scattered griffons held torches—they couldn't see as well at night.

Sky Dancer smiled—her sharp eyes could see that their flag had a stain on it. It was probably a tablecloth or something like that. So very professional.

The two groups stopped about fifty feet apart. “We are here. What do you want?” the griffon captain asked gruffly.
Nightmare Moon said nothing. She just nodded.

A Lunar Guard appeared from behind her, carrying armor of some kind balanced on his wings. He walked in front of Nightmare Moon, dumped it unceremoniously in front of the captain, and walked away, disappearing into the darkness behind his leader.

The griffons began to shift and mutter—that was Inas'i's armor!

Another soon followed, carrying the dead and mangled body of a griffon warrior. He also dropped his cargo in front of the griffon assembly, and walked around Nightmare Moon, also fading away into the darkness. A third followed him, bearing the same load. He too let the mangled body fall, and walked away, silently becoming one with the night. A fourth followed him. And a fifth followed him. And a sixth followed him.

With each succeeding guard and body, Sky Dancer saw their expressions wilt and will weaken even more.

Eventually, the pile had grown so large that the griffons could not see over it, and still the bodies came.

The chain was interrupted by the appearance of Nightmare Moon in front of the leader with a flare of purple teleportation magic. He toppled over and squealed in fright.

“The war is over,” Nightmare Moon growled. “Return to your lands.” She lit her horn and lifted the foremost griffon by the throat. “If I catch even a rumor of a griffon using magic in Equestria... I trust you have heard of the game I played with the village on the border?”

The captain could do nothing but nod, terrified beyond all reason.

“I will 'play' with your entire nation. And I do not promise to use a fair coin as I did before.” Her eyes narrowed even as her mouth curled in a smile. “Now go,” she said, dropping him unceremoniously on his tail.

Tryal needed no second invitation. He turned and sprinted away as if his tail were on fire and all the prisoners of Tartarus were chasing him. Seeing their leader run was more than enough impetus, and the whole platoon of guards quickly followed.

As they ran, Nightmare Moon’s dark laugh followed them, ringing in their ears like a threatening pall of destruction.

* * *

Nightmare Moon returned to the palace in a miniature explosion of purple. She stood every inch a war-mistress, with her armor scuffed and dripping in blood. She trotted up to her sister, still trussed up, hanging upside down, a string hanging from her mouth.

"Good night, Celi," she greeted her sister.

Celestia's eyes flickered open. "Luna? Did you make it?"

The black alicorn's eyes narrowed. "My name is Nightmare Moon. And of course I did. Was there ever any doubt?" Nightmare Moon hissed in return. "There will be a new system in place. One day for every three nights seems fair, does it not? And that's only if my ponies are on good behavior.” She paused. “Perhaps it is my bloodlust speaking, but I am half tempted to merely kill you right now. Fortunately for you, I am secure in my power."

Celestia sighed. "You won, Luna. You have done what I could not. It.... appears you are my superior."

The part of Nightmare Moon that was Luna felt a thrill of exhilaration at hearing her speak those words, but she hid it well. "But of course, sister." She walked up closer, taunting Celestia. "So, it has come to this."

"Always one for drama, weren't you?" Celestia murmured.

Nightmare Moon strode forward and hoof-slapped her sister. "Silence! If I do execute you, it will be very slowly and very publicly."

"Ah, but that is a big 'if', Luna."

Nightmare Moon leaned in until their faces were touching. "Call me Luna, one more time," she hissed.

Celestia reared her head back and flipped the string hanging from her mouth around Nightmare Moon's horn. Deftly catching it with her teeth, she pulled tight, pulling Nightmare Moon's head down.

“Why, you…!” Nightmare Moon reared back, casting a spell that would have blasted Celestia halfway to Trottingham, but her magic just fizzled.

Too late, she noticed that the string hanging from Celestia's mouth was actually magic-reducing silk.

Too late, she felt the pull of Celestia's magic, for the silk around the white horn was not the magic-reducing kind.

Too late, she noticed the mares appearing as if from thin air as the cloaking spell was removed.

Too late, she noticed that they were all wearing golden necklaces or crown thingies.

Celestia teleported away to the top of the room as the Elements of Harmony were activated again, dousing Nightmare Moon in rainbow light.

When it had cleared, Celestia slowly lowered herself to the side of her sister. "Luna?" she asked.

The blue alicorn had returned to her normal colors, but she still looked so helpless and hurt, laying on the ground with her head down.

Celestia knelt down next to her sister. "Luna?"

Luna looked up, and the slitted eyes of Nightmare Moon stared deep into Celestia's.

Before Celestia could respond, she saw a blur and felt a searing pain in her ribs. Her sister had stabbed her! She looked down at her wound. Blood trickled from the wound, but that was not what drew her eye. It was the black, tainted glow around it. She watched in horror as her healing abilities surged, cleaning the wound—but unable to remove the black glow. It degressed into a cut, then a scar, then smooth fur again, but still the faint back glow was present.

"Never underestimate the darkness," hissed Luna, in a voice that was not her own. Then she twitched once, shuddered deeply, then fell to the ground again.

Celestia's wound was not deep, nor had the taint spread far. But the taint was there.

Luna's eyes flickered open, and then she rolled over, coughing and hacking like a coal miner. "I… I'm back,” she murmured. “Did we win?"

Celestia hid the wound behind her wing. “No, Luna. YOU won.” She bent down to nuzzle her sister affectionately. “We no longer have the threat of the griffons. And it is all thanks to you.”

Luna smiled, but then her expression turned serious. “Do I want to know what I did?”

Celestia shrugged. “Probably not, but there will always be time for that later.”

“She's right!” Pinkie Pie interrupted. “Now it's time for a party! Party until the sun comes up!”

Celestia checked her internal clock and winced. “The sun was supposed to rise an hour and a half ago,” she said.

Twilight Sparkle had spent much time with Luna since her original return, but she had never seen her pull puppydog eyes. Then again, there was always a first time for everything.

Celestia sighed. “Another hour wouldn't hurt, I suppose,” she conceded.

Author's Note:

Welp, somepony didn't read rules three or eleven of the Evil Overlord List.
Also, the So, it has come to this rule.