• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 735 Views, 28 Comments

Griffons and Magic and Nightmares, oh my! - bahatumay

When the griffons obtain the use of solar magic, Luna swears to stop them at any and all costs.

  • ...

Chapter 6

As she walked down the castle halls, she bumped into two Solar guards on patrol. Nightmare Moon stood up straight and proud, awaiting their response.

If she was expecting genuflection and oaths of service, she was sadly disappointed. The guards shrieked like little schoolfillies and ran.

“Of course,” Nightmare Moon hissed. “The light has always feared the night. Soon I will get the respect I deserve.” Growling, she continued along the corridor, all the while scanning Luna's memories. Her eyes narrowed as she discovered the invasion and the costs. The Lunar guard. She needed the Lunar guard.

As she entered the main chamber, she stopped short.

Solar guards stood, shoulder to shoulder, filling the hallway. Nightmare Moon raised an eyebrow. This had been a quick gathering. She was almost impressed.


Shining Armor stepped forward. “Nightmare Moon,” he shouted. “You are still an enemy to the state. Prepare to be taken into custody.”

Nightmare Moon certainly had no intention of doing that. She lifted her tongue to her top teeth, and whistled. At least, it looked like she whistled; but nopony heard anything. They did see the brief shine of Lunar magic that sparked on her lips, though.

“What is she doing, sir?”

“She's summoning the Lunar Guard,” Shining hissed, his eyes flicking wildly from side to side.

* * *

Sky Dancer was practicing throwing blades with her wings when a shrill whistle filled her ears. In surprise, she threw it high, and the throwing blade embedded itself in the ceiling.

“Who's doing that?” she demanded. She turned around to see Lunar Guard in a bigger state of excitement than she had ever seen. Armor was being strapped on, manes were being quickly brushed, Sparkwinder even abandoned a cookie on the table, so great was his rush.

“We're being mustered!” shouted Farsight. “Let's move, nightwalkers!”

Sky Dancer felt a rush of energy flow through her. This was what she had been waiting for!

But, of course, no event would be complete without an off-beat comment by Red Hoof, and he delivered as he picked up the abandoned cookie. “Personally, I prefer relish meself, but I'll take what I can get.”

* * *

“Th- the Lunar Guard, sir?” the private stammered.

Nightmare Moon smiled in affirmation.

“Then where are they, sir?”

The private jumped and let out a squeak as another voice sounded in his ear. “I think a better question would be, where are we not?” Giggling playfully, the Lunar Guard stepped forward and began to recite. As he spoke, other voices joined as if from nowhere, filling the air with an eerie, unholy recital as Lunar Guards seemed to materialize from nowhere; stepping from shadows that seemed far too small to hide a pony, dropping from the ceiling like overgrown bats, emerging from unseen hidden passages in the nooks and crannies of the wall.

There are those who fear and rue the night
as it fills them all with fear and fright,
But there are those who shun the day
and wait until the night to play.
We are quite few, our breed is rare,
But if you meet us, you should take care.
We swiftly attack, but more swiftly defend,
We are dangerous foes, but more dangerous friends.
Our bark is awful, our bite more fierce,
with sharpened teeth to rend and pierce
Pupils slitted, nerves like steel,
Nothing hidden, all revealed.
This is the time for fighting our foes.
A time for vengeance and crushing blows,
This is the time for power and might.
This is beauty and majesty. This is the Night!

Nightmare Moon stood majestically, surrounded by Lunar Guard. Most looked nervous, but all surrounded her as if protecting her. Any hopes of assistance was dashed, as was any hope of a fair fight—the Lunar guard easily outnumbered the small Solar Guard platoon by at least twenty to one.

“Are you... defending her?”

The Lunar Guard captain, decked out with blue stripes along his chestpiece to show rank, answered with a flippant, “Psh. Yeah.”

Shining Armor was, to put it nicely, quite miffed. “Your oath was to protect Equestria!” he raged. “How dare you betray your oath, your country, and your mothers!”

A Lunar guard shook his head. “Actually, the Solar Guard oath has changed over time, and they do swear allegiance to Equestria; but the Lunar Guard still uses the ancient oaths, written back when each guard swore allegiance to a single princess. A Lunar Guard's allegiance belongs exclusively to the Princess of the Night.” He looked at Nightmare Moon. “Through life or death, no matter the conditions.”

Nightmare Moon felt a flare of pride at her guards.

Shining Armor looked as though he were about to have an aneurism. “You're... that's grounds for charges of treason! Sedition! Insubordination!”

At this, Nightmare Moon scoffed. “Insubordination? But my dear captain, they are not under your command; they are under mine.” Her eyes narrowed further. “And I, Empress of the Night and ruler of Equestria, remind you, oh lowly guard, that you would do well to remember your place,” and she accentuated that last word with a blast of magic. He was propelled backwards, hit the wall with a sickening crunch, whereupon he slowly slid to the ground, and lay still.

She raised an eyebrow. “Anypony else?”

She scanned the room, looking each in the eyes. None could hold her gaze. Never before had the Royal Guard looked so cowed.

With a satisfied nod, Nightmare Moon turned. “Now I go to address my subjects.” She strode through the gathering towards the parapet designed for that purpose, and not a single solar guard attempted to stop her.

Soon, the convoy was at the balcony. The lunar captain bowed. “Do you wish for an introduction, your eminence?” he asked.

“No, I shall speak myself. Thank you...” Nightmare Moon quickly scanned Luna's memories for his name, “Captain Farsight.” Standing on the edge of the parapet, she began, using the Royal Canterlot Voice to ensure that she was heard. “Ponies of Canterlot! I, your true ruler, have returned!”

She had been expecting cheers and screams, of course.

Unfortunately, the screams seemed to be of terror, rather than joy; and the cheers seemed to be sarcastic ones of the “Yay! We're all gonna die!” variety.

Her expression sank into a frown. “Citizens! I mean you no harm!” she tried.

She could hear their complaints even from up high.

“First magic griffons, and now eternal night? What else could go wrong?”

“How did she get back?”


“We're all gonna die!”

Again? Really? Nightmare Moon shook her head and tried again. “I have heard of the troubles with the griffons and their invasions! I swear that as your ruler, I will eliminate this threat and restore peace to our land! And then we all shall return the Night to its former glorious station!”

Her announcement was greeted with silence. A tumbleweed drifted across the empty street.

Enraged, Nightmare Moon reared up on her back hooves and slammed her front ones into the stone wall. The stones crumbled under the assault. Not the mortar holding them together; the stones themselves.

The Lunar Guard stood shocked at this display of raw, brute power.

Muttering something incoherent under her breath, Nightmare Moon disappeared in a flash of purple light and returned to the Lunar Sanctuary.

* * *

It was really quite disturbing, how much Nightmare Moon was like Luna and yet so dislike her at the same time.

“After all these years!” Nightmare Moon fumed, pacing around the common room. Her Lunar Guard stood at attention at regular intervals against the wall. “Still they see me as somepony to be feared! Me! I have naught but their interests at heart! A love for beauty!” She turned to face the closest Lunar Guard, who couldn't hide an involuntary flinch as she raged not even two inches from his face. “Why is that so hard to see?”

Attempting bravely to keep his shaking under control, Quartzite swallowed and assented gently. “A crying shame. You are just misunderstood, your grace.”

“Misunderstood?” Nightmare Moon howled, causing the stallion to step back in fear. Fortunately for him, Nightmare Moon's rage was not directed at him. “Misunderstood is putting it lightly! Does nopony care for the beauty of the night?”

“I- I do, your eminence. A week ago, you put a new constellation in the house of Virgo, and the meteor shower that followed was beautiful. A nice long one, too, over ten minutes long.”

Nightmare Moon scanned Luna's memories, and found the new constellation and shower indicated. She also noted, with no small annoyance, that she had received not a single letter of appreciation or praise.

“So it was,” she said dryly.

The guard tried not to let his relief show on his face. That particular night had been the night Twilight Sparkle had been in Canterlot, and he had been assigned to escort her to Luna's chambers—and she had chatted incessantly. Grateful that he had made a token attempt to listen, he made a mental note to never say anything bad about her again.

“Congratulations, Quartzite. You have been promoted to ambassador. Take a small group—five should do—and go speak to the griffons under a banner of peace. Find their terms, and report. If they do not seek peace, tell them that Nightmare Moon, Empress of Equestria, shall wage war against them until they do.”

Now uncertain as to whether he should thank his lucky stars or curse the fates, Quartzite bowed. “And where might I find the leader, your majesty?”

Nightmare Moon paused. “You have a point...” she muttered. “How indeed...” Then, an evil smile slowly curled across her face. “I believe I can bring him straight to us.” She turned to another guard, and quickly scanned Luna's memories for his name. “Stone?”

Stone snapped to a salute. “Yes, your majesty?”

“Fly down to the kitchens and retrieve for me a glass of warm milk.”

To Stone's eternal credit, he managed to keep a straight face. “Warm milk, your highness?”

“Cows' will be sufficient; though if there is one more rich, bring that.”

Stone saluted again and flew off, returning in almost no time with a large mug of warm milk.

Nightmare Moon conjured a cloud and sat down on top. Lighting her horn, she took the mug and took a long drink before tossing it away and laying down. She rolled over, curled up like a tiny foal, put her hooves under her head, and soon fell asleep.

The Lunar Guard decided that it would be safest to retreat a safe distance away.

“She looks so innocent when she's asleep,” Sky Dancer whispered, feeling somewhat conflicted. Clearly, Nightmare Moon was evil… wasn’t she?

“Aye, but so did my cousin, and he took great pleasure in cuttin' manes of sleepin' ponies and playin' all manner of pranks. I'd rather be servin' under her, so I would.”

“You can’t compare the two,” Sky Dancer protested.

“He stuck a pencil up mai tailhole while I was sleepin’!” Red Hoof hissed. “If that's not evil incarnate, I don’t know what is!”

* * *

Around half an hour later, Nightmare Moon awoke, stretching and yawning just like a filly. She opened her eyes and grinned, dissipating the cloud with a quick kick. “Quartzite!” she called. “Time to prepare.”

Quartzite jumped. “Where shall I go, your eminence?”

“Oh, he will be coming here.”

Quartzite paused. “How can you be so sure, your highness?”

Nightmare Moon smiled evilly. “Let us just say that my name is not Nightmare Moon for nothing.”

* * *

Inas'i awoke in a cold sweat. He sat up, breathing heavily, panting as he tried to regain control of his .

One of his attendants rushed to help, pulling back the thick curtain and letting in the light. “My king?” she asked hesitantly.

He grabbed her by the front of her shirt, pulled her close, and hissed, “We need to go to Canterlot! Now!”

Author's Note:

The Lunar Recital was one of the first things written in this story, and it's still one of my favorite pony things I’ve written.
If there’s one thing I didn’t like about Aegis Shield’s Lunar Guard stories (besides the fact that he kept cancelling the later ones), it was this one line in the Lunar oath, which is replicated here:

In the dark, we tear and rend
To end all evils, with spines to bend.
Lust and power, hunger and might
By Luna’s will, and dark of night!

You don’t bend spines; you break them. Ask Bane. He’ll tell you.