• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 736 Views, 28 Comments

Griffons and Magic and Nightmares, oh my! - bahatumay

When the griffons obtain the use of solar magic, Luna swears to stop them at any and all costs.

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Chapter 7

The griffon army marched. The general tone seemed to be disgruntled; they had been aroused early this morning by urgent orders from Inas’i himself that they needed to go to Canterlot. He had refused to say anything else on the matter, and the sudden departure and fast pace coupled with the lack of information (and the memory of their previous experience in Canterlot still fresh in their minds) meant that the griffons were restless.

Still, Inas’i marched.

And then the envoy of five Lunar Guards came.

* * *

Waiting was never something Nightmare Moon found easy. That might be one reason she trained so hard on the moon—she needed something to do constantly to keep from going mad in the solitary silence.

In the throne room, Lunar Guards and Solar Guards held an uneasy peace. Some didn't handle it so well (for example, Shining Armor had regained consciousness and was sitting in a corner, glaring angrily at anypony and everypony as he held an abnormally large ice pack on his head), while others seemed to enjoy it. Red Hoof, for example, had found a Solar Guard of his same heritage, and the two had taken to sharing stories and jokes that got increasingly raunchier as the day continued (and causing quite a few blushing faces from the younger members of the party). Various games of cards or dice were scattered around the room, and the sound of metal scraping against metal and blades being sharpened mingled with the conversation.

This was interrupted by a call from a Lunar watchpony. “Your eminence! The envoy approaches!”

Nightmare Moon threw down her cards. “Finally!” she said, rushing to the top of the tower. She looked out, and saw one guard returning. He walked slowly, unsteadily. Nightmare Moon frowned, and teleported in front of him. “Why do you not rush your report back to me?” she demanded, but her voice trailed off.

It suddenly occurred to her what it meant that only one guard had returned although she had sent five. Looking closer, she noticed the pain etched on his face. Her eyes took in his missing tail, and the bloodstains scattered on his flank area. “What happened,” she demanded. It did not come out as a question.

Shuddering sobs racked his body as Quartzite gasped out the story. “Your majesty... We were... mistreated... captured... they do have magic... They pulled out our tails... We were... I was... I...” His head fell.

Nightmare Moon paused, and then her eyes widened. Only one thing could cause a stallion such shame. Abandoning all pretense, she bent down and looked at his undercarriage. A gasp slipped unbidden from her lips.

“They gelded you,” she whispered in horror.

He shuddered as he ashamedly pressed his rear legs together and nodded, ashamed. “They gelded us all, your grace. We were all to return, but then their leader Inas'i asked, 'how many messengers does it take to deliver a message?'.”

“Only one,” whispered Nightmare Moon, already knowing the answer.

The stallion nodded, unable to bring himself to meet her eyes. “I'm the only one left. The message of peace was refused, and a return challenge issued, and many insults to your majesty that I do not wish to repeat.”

Even in pain, he kept up the formality. Nightmare Moon was proud. With a quick glow of magic, she regenerated his tail, healed the bruises, and soothed the physical pain. “That is all I can do for now, but I will not soon forget your sacrifice.”

Quartzite nodded, his newly regrown tail tucked firmly between his legs.

With a flash of light, she returned to her waiting troops. “Lunar Guard!” she began, activating the Royal Canterlot Voice. She never ceased to be amazed at the effects of the Voice as all her guards stopped and faced her, enthralled at once by its power. As she well knew, the Voice was a magic ability that could inflame emotions in the listeners. In its original purpose, it was used to evoke awe or wonder at the Princesses. Sometimes, it was used to incite fear, thus becoming a psychological weapon during battle.

Other times, as this time, it was used to incite bloodlust in the royal troops.

She began to pace, meeting guards in the eyes as she walked in front of them. “I sent an embassy of peace to the griffons. They have refused. They insulted your empress! They killed my messengers! They killed your brethren!”

A chorus of derisive hisses and boos spread through the crowd, even as those who knew the ambassadors twitched. It is never easy knowing that your friend that swiped your food this morning might be dead right now.

Nightmare Moon continued, “They tortured your fellow guards! They pulled out their tails!” Her voice dropped in horror. “They removed their stallionhood.”

The growls and hisses increased in intensity, even as every single stallion in the room (Lunar and Solar alike) flinched and drifted a hoof back to their own for reassurance.

“And this is after they had the audacity to enter our country, kill our citizens, and eliminate our wondrous night! By my stars I will not stand for this.” She paused, looking around at her guards, and pointed a hoof accusingly. “Will you stand for this?”

No!” came back a chorus of roars. Nightmare Moon or no Nightmare Moon, the Lunar Guard was a close-knit group. You messed with one, you messed with them all.

“No,” Nightmare Moon whispered, her voice dropping dangerously low. “I thought not. These griffons thrive in the day, and they fear the night.” Her eyes narrowed again as she raised her Voice loud enough to shake the dust off the ceiling. “I say we give them something to really be afraid of!”

The growls and cheers grew into a roar of vengeful frenzy. “VIVAS NOCTUS! VIVAS NOCTUS!” Long live the night! Long live the night!

She turned to the group of Solar Guard congregated warily in the back. “Do any of you wish to join?”

None moved.

Nightmare Moon let a small smile play on her lips. “Then I hope you all enjoy latrine duty. Your first assignment will be to clean up the aftermath of this battle. Sans magic.”

“And if we refuse?”

Nightmare Moon didn't even take the time to determine who had said that. She just shot a bolt of magic in the general direction, sending guardsponies flying through the air and crashing messily into the walls.

“Any other stupid questions?”

The Lunar Guard cheered again, working themselves into a bloodlust. THIS was their leader. THIS was their figurehead. THIS mare was made of POWER. Now was their time to shine. No longer shunned, feared, distrusted. The Lunar Guard would rise again!

Nightmare Moon smiled, exposing her sharp teeth. With a flare of magic, armor made of solidified moonbeams materialized over her body as she became once again the mare that left entire generations traumatized. As they watched, the armor of the Lunar Guard seemed to grow thicker and sharper, the edges of the armor and bracers covering the wings becoming keen and bladelike.

The Lunar Guard was going to war.

“We fly!” she called, and took off.

“Go on, then!” one stallion said. “You won't be coming back!”

Red Hoof couldn't resist a jibe back. “Aye, but if we win, ye'll be cleanin' our flanks wi' a toothbrush, so y' will.”

* * *

Celestia watched through the window and waited to make sure her sister—or what used to be her sister—didn't return, and then she shook her head. The loosely-bound silk slipped off, and with a flash of light, Celestia was back to her full, happy (relatively speaking) self. She smiled as she magically wiped up the ‘blood’, and with another quick flash of her horn, the protective wards around seven others dissipated.

Twilight Sparkle and the rest of her friends slowly came out of hiding. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” Twilight asked hesitantly.

Celestia gave a small, mirthless smile. “No. I do not know what will come of this. But my sister has made her choice, and I have made mine.”

“Now what?” Rainbow Dash couldn't help but ask.

“Now? Now, I go back in time so that Princess Celestia can retrieve you six, hide you and cast the protective wards around you, and then hang myself up and knock myself out.” She grimaced. That sounded much weirder out loud than in her head. “And then... we wait.”

“Wait?” Rainbow asked.

Celestia nodded. “Wait... and trust my sister.”

Author's Note:

If you've read Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series, this depiction of the Royal Canterlot Voice should sound reminiscent of a zinc-burner (Rioter).