• Published 9th Nov 2013
  • 736 Views, 28 Comments

Griffons and Magic and Nightmares, oh my! - bahatumay

When the griffons obtain the use of solar magic, Luna swears to stop them at any and all costs.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Another normalish day in Ponyville. No invaders, no crazy mares running around, no enemies from the past resurfacing suddenly. Nope, no problems could be seen. This is what made the day 'normalish' as opposed to just plain 'normal'.

Unfortunately for Rainbow Dash, this day was about to become normal.

Rainbow Dash was, as usual, napping on a cloud. This one was supposed to be pushed out to the Everfree, but surely nopony would notice if she gave Sweet Apple Acres a bit of a watering boost first.

At least, that had been the plan. Then she had decided to do it after her nap, which had started two hours ago.

She suddenly found herself in the shade. Blinking awake, she reared back and yawned. “Aw, who swiped the sun?”

“Dude. Not cool. Do you really not recognize me? You crash into too many walls or somethin'?”

Rainbow Dash stopped midyawn. She recognized that voice.


Sure enough, the griffon stood on her cloud, smiling in a what might have passed for slightly sheepish manner. “In the feathers.”

Rainbow Dash flew and gave her old friend a hug, but then quickly turned it into a friendly punch on the shoulder.

This was not lost on the griffon. “Your friends turned you soft, Rainbow Crash,” Gilda sneered, ruffling the rainbow mane with a claw and using her friend's old nickname, but a hint of a smile that played at the edges of her beak showed that she didn't mean it as an insult.

“Nah, I'm still the coolest of them all,” Rainbow tried to recover, idly brushing a hoof through her mane. “Seriously, though, it's good to see you again. You know, I didn't expect you to come back. How've you been?”

Gilda shrugged. “I've been better. I didn't really want to come back, but I figured my friend would get a little peeved with me if I didn't warn her about the coming attack.”

“What attack?”

Gilda clamped a claw over Rainbow's mouth and looked around wildly. “Shut it, moron! I'm really sticking my neck out for you and your lame-o friends here! If I get caught, I'll have my wings pulled off as a traitor. Let's go somewhere quieter.”

“We can go to the library. It's quiet in there. And that's where Twilight lives.”

“The nerdy one?”

Rainbow's eyes narrowed. “The unicorn who took on Nightmare Moon—alone—and lived to tell about it. The smartest pony I know. The most magical unicorn in this quarter of Equestria. When you can top that, you can start smack-talking her, but until then, making fun of her is my job.” Dash tried to keep an angry face, but soon broke into a giggle. “She is a bit of an egghead, isn't she?”

“About that magic bit...” Gilda started, but then changed her mind. “Let's bounce, Crashie.”

* * *

Twilight and Gilda faced each other. It was obvious they weren't on the best of terms, but Twilight reminded herself that she didn't actually see too much of what Gilda had done on her last trip into Ponyville, and thus had to reserve her judgment until she had gotten to know the griffon.

“So... you had something you wanted to share?” Twilight asked.

“Yeah. So whaddaya know about alchemists and alchemy?”

Twilight answered easily. “It's a bit of a pseudo-science, if you're defining alchemy as 'changing metals into other metals'. Starswirl the Bearded's fifth postulate explains that magic simply cannot change a metal on such a basic level as to change its type and properties entirely. Although you can enchant metal to look like another, you can't imbue it with the properties of the desired metal. Iron enchanted to look like gold will still be hard and unmalleable like iron. Any magic user with a moderate amount of skill can easily distinguish any fakery.”

Gilda blinked, having only understood about five words of Twilight's speech. She glanced at Rainbow Dash. “'Egghead' was an understatement,” she said, already regretting asking that question.

But Twilight wasn't done. “The other branch of alchemy involves using potions and procedures to mimic the effects of magic; this is historically done by earth ponies and griffons. Have you ever heard of Ghiur the Great?” Not waiting for an answer, Twilight continued, “He was one of the more famous alchemists, and definitely the most well-known griffon alchemist. Most of his rules and protocols are still in place currently, and his Fourth Law was the springboard for the discovery of most of the painkillers we use today.”

Gilda did not know what to say to that. She turned to Rainbow Dash. “Remind me to never ask this pony a question again,” she said.

Rainbow rolled her eyes, already used to Twilight's quirks. “Next time just say 'mad scientist',” she suggested.

Gilda shook her head and continued. “So as I was saying before you started giving me a really boring egghead lecture, griffons are good at alchemy. And one figured out a way to let griffons use magic.”

Twilight, of course, took this dubiously. “I'm not sure what to say to that, but I'm 97.6% sure it's not true.”

Gilda had been expecting such a reaction, and had prepared a demonstration. She raised a claw. It glowed with gray light, and she shot a bolt of magic at Twilight.

Unfortunately for Gilda, Twilight was quick. Instinctively, she formed a reflective shield (not a large bubble; she didn't quite have time for that), and the magic bounced off and hit Gilda in the face. The force of the impact knocked Gilda backwards, sending her crashing into a bookcase and spilling books everywhere.

Gilda had NOT been expecting that. And she sure wasn't expecting Twilight's response to the exchange, either. Her field of vision was quickly filled with an ecstatic purple unicorn vibrating with excitement, saying something like, “Oh my gosh you can use magic I didn't think that was possible but that is so cool you don't have a horn or anything though I have no idea how but then again Discord used magic without using his horn and I know other ponies have inherent magic but I didn't think griffons had inherent magic but that is really awesome and your magic is strong because you got knocked back I mean I could feel it on my shield so I knew it was strong oh wow so this is so exciting please please please let me do a little research on this!”

Gilda blinked. “Crazy unicorn say wha'?”

“You used magic!”

Gilda lifted herself back up and coolly brushed off her shoulder. “Psh. Sha. Toldja I could.”

“This is awesome!”

Gilda had gotten annoyed with this unicorn already. Griffons as a species are fairly proud, so getting knocked back on her own tailfeathers by her own magic was a low kick right in the pride. Compound that with Twilight's fangirling, and you had one seriously irked griffon. “Yeah. See how awesome you think it is when you get invaded by a bunch of magic-wielding griffons. See who's laughing then.”

That had the desired effect of shutting the unicorn up. “Run that by me again?” Twilight asked nervously.

“The head alchemist, Inas'i, gave griffons magic. He's training them right now, and when he's done, he's going to lead an army and take over Equestria.”

Twilight's eyes snapped open in surprise. “We gotta tell the princess!”

Gilda reached out a claw and pulled her in close. “No! If you tell the princess, she'll want to know where you got that info!”

Twilight blinked in surprise (and tried not to reel at the smell of unwashed griffon). “You just gave it to me.”

Gilda groaned. “Yeah, but I wasn't supposed to, and I don't want to be here when the excreted fecal matter hits the rotating air circulation device.” Rainbow Dash blinked in confusion. Gilda smirked. “See? I can speak fancy too.”

Twilight shook her head and her horn began to glow. Gilda instinctively raised a claw pulsing with gray magic. The two stared at each other in a terse standoff until Twilight broke the silence. “The princesses can handle this threat,” she said, but Rainbow thought her confidence had flickered briefly.

Gilda's eyes narrowed. “There is a lot of magic here that you don't know. I got my magic a week ago, and look how strong I am already. Some griffons have been training for months. They are strong. I don't think you can win. Inas'i—the leader—he's insane. He's powermad.” Her eyes flicked back to Rainbow Dash. “I just figured I owed it to a friend to let them know they should de-tail the area with all quickness.”

“I'm sure...” Twilight levitated a scroll over to Spike. “Spike? Send this, would you?”

“Sure thing!” And with a quick burst of green fire, the letter was gone.

Gilda looked around in confusion. “What just happened?” she demanded.

“She sent a letter to Canterlot,” Rainbow explained, instantly realizing that that had been the wrong thing to say as Gilda's eyes widened, and then narrowed angrily.

“No. No,” Gilda said. “I am not sticking around for this. This is not my fight and I don't want to be involved in this. I just wanted to warn you and that's it. Griffon, out.” She turned and stomped to the door and opened it, getting an eyeful of white. This wasn't surprising, as griffons had excellent eyesight and her eyes would have adjusted to the dimmer light of inside the library, making the outside world look much brighter. What was surprising was the fact that the white wasn't resolving into other colors. Gilda looked around, and looked up—and realized that the white was actually a pony. A very large pony with very large wings and a very long horn and a very long, very colorful mane.

Spitting a rather explicit griffon curse, Gilda stumbled back into the library and instinctively fired a blast of gray magic at the Princess. A small shield made of golden magic appeared instantly; when the gray magic hit, the golden magic simply wrapped around it (looking for all the world like a truffle being unwrapped, but in reverse) and absorbed it.

Twilight gasped.

This process was repeated for the next three blasts. Celestia's responses were quick and accurate, and absorbing magic was not an easy task.

Celestia slowly advanced, backing Gilda into a corner. She leaned forwards, meeting her eyes. Gilda shot another blast of magic from point-blank range.

Celestia stood there and took it. No knockback, no wincing, no blood, nothing. She just stood there, impassive.

Twilight's mind had been blown.

Celestia spoke, her eyes never once leaving Gilda's. “You were right, Twilight. The griffons do have magic. I had heard rumors from the cities along the griffon border, but the disturbing rush of foalnappings took higher priority over what I thought to be unfounded rumors. It seems I have... misjudged.” She smiled wryly. “Equestria has indeed gotten stranger these past few years.”

“Well, Equestria as we know it is gonna get a little weirder,” Gilda said. “I'm one. There are at least twenty-two thousand more. He's attacking soon, you're all gonna die.”

Celestia leaned in. Her voice dropped low, and her eyes hardened, glinting dangerously. “I will not stand for attacks against my little ponies. We will be ready. Return to your master and tell him that we do not fear his threats, and that he should begin digging the graves for his soldiers.”

Gilda looked to the side, almost sheepishly. Rather impressive, for a griffon (these expressions don't come out well on feathered and beaked faces).

Celestia understood in an instant. “You are a traitor,” she observed.

“I prefer the term, 'on a permanent, unapproved leave of absence', your shininess,” Gilda said. Even face-to-face with an alicorn that had just easily withstood magic blasts that would have knocked out any normal unicorn, 'sarcasm' was Gilda's first language.

Celestia sidestepped the barb with amazing grace. “I thank you for your bravery. Saving the lives of the Elements of Harmony would save Equestria, and I know what the griffons do to traitors.”

The visible shiver that ran down Gilda's spine revealed that she, too, knew too well what the griffons did to traitors.

“Why risk all that?” Rainbow Dash spoke up. “What's worth it?”

Gilda, never one for sharing touchy-feely things, retorted angrily, “I guess I was hoping you could do something. I guess I was hoping you'd survive, as a shot at him for killing everyone else. I don't know. I don't know why I'm here, I don't know why he's even planning this war, I don't know and it's killing me!”

“What do you know?”

Gilda's expression hardened. “I know what he did to the rebels.”

* * *

Griffons are a very proud, very tough race. As a general rule, though, they do not initiate conflicts. They have no qualms about finishing one, though.

So when Inas'i outlined his plan for Equestria domination, many were nervous and did not wish to participate. After all, angering the one that moves the sun on a daily basis is risky at best.

He, as retaliation, ordered a forced draft and massive fines and long imprisonment sentences. And griffon prisons are not pleasant places.

Late one night, a small group decided to stage a coup. It was night, they could be sneaky, and no one could use magic. At least, that was the plan.

Imagine their surprise when Inas'i unleashed magic on them, in the middle of the night.

“I have forgotten more about magic than you all will EVER know!” he roared, scattering them with blasts of gray magic.

The griffons stood their ground as best they could, but Inas'i had loyal guards.

And powerful magic.

And intense interrogation techniques.

And soon, the rebellion was crushed.

* * *

“Then he rounded everyone up—their families, friends, chicks, neighbors, and everything—and decimated them,” Gilda said softly.

“Whoa!” Dash breathed. “So he just wiped them out?”

Gilda rolled her eyes. “No, you moron, he decimated them. Lined them up, and killed every tenth griffon.”

As absolutely horrible as that had been, Twilight was very grateful that someone had used ‘decimate’ correctly.

Celestia made the connection instantly. “You had a friend among the slaughtered, didn't you?”

Gilda's right eye twitched once very slightly, but other than that, her face was a stony mask. That was her only answer—but the only one Celestia needed.

“A special friend, then.”

“Fiancee,” Gilda whispered so softly that even with her augmented hearing, Celestia barely heard it.

Celestia returned to her full height. “Twilight? Send word to the other Element bearers to meet here as soon as possible. You are now under Royal Protection.” She turned to Spike. “Yes, that includes you.”

Spike rubbed his claws in glee. Finally! He got to be part of the adventure!

She then looked at the stone-faced griffon in the corner. “Griffon, you are welcome to the same protection if you wish.”

“I can take care of myself,” Gilda snapped.

Celestia nodded serenely, having been expecting a similar answer. Griffon pride was an interesting thing—had Celestia not offered, she would have been considered offensive, inhospitable and insensitive; but for the griffon to accept such an offer was tantamount to an expression of weakness.

And griffons do not well tolerate weakness.

With a brief nod farewell, Celestia disappeared in a flash of gold.

Twilight turned to Rainbow Dash. “If you've got Fluttershy and Applejack, I'll take Pinkie Pie and Rarity.”

Rainbow nodded assent and flew off, leaving her trademark contrail behind.

Twilight turned to her other guest. “Gilda...”

The griffon waved her off. “Don't mind me, girlie,” she said, flopping on a couch. “I'll just chill here until you get back.” Her eyes flicked to Spike. “Hey, lizard-dude, you got anything good to eat around here?”

Twilight's eye twitched once. She decided it would be more than prudent to hurry back.

* * *

Celestia appeared back in her rooms in a flash of golden light. She turned to face the guards that stood at attention by the doorway.

“Leave me,” she commanded. “I have important matters to ponder.”

The guards saluted and turned to leave.

As soon as the large doors closed behind them, Princess Celestia slumped over in pain. Gritting her teeth, she examined where she had been hit. The mysterious gray magic had left a sizable bruise. Sure, her healing ability had soon kicked in, but it had hurt a lot more than she had expected, and a lot more than normal magic would have. She examined the bruise with interest, trying to discern what she could from the residue of the magic that remained. It was solar magic, yes, but it had been tainted somehow. It... tasted wrong, for lack of a better term. When she had absorbed the attacks, it had been straining, but not impossible. The griffon had been powerful, and Twilight's letter had indicated that she claimed recent knowledge of magic.

It was at this time that Celestia determined that it was very possible that this could end very, very badly.

Author's Note:

I totally don't judge people when they use 'decimate' wrong. ...*cough*.

Deleted scene (cut because it was pure dialogue, and was basically just Spike and Gilda, and they aren't the main characters here)

“Dragon. I am a dragon.”
“Whatever you are. Lizard, dragon, same difference.”
“Is not! I don't do that tongue thing. And I don't eat bugs.”
“You're gonna be eating dirt if you don't tell me where I can get a decent snack around here.”
“I don't know what you eat, but us dragons eat gemstones.” And he pulled out a ruby and demonstrated with a bite from his sharp teeth.
“Mildly impressive. Now go make me a sandwich or somethin'.”
Spike went to the kitchen, grumbling about being so small and what he would do were he a foot and a half taller. Gilda briefly wondered what those dragon teeth would do to griffon bones, and decided not to push him too much further.