• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 6,885 Views, 66 Comments

A New Destiny - Pen Dragon

Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.

  • ...



"Equestria?" The name sounded so foreign to me as Sweetie Belle and Applebloom explained it to me.

After fixing they're club house, I began asking questions about the land, and from what they told me. Equestria was probably the safest place on this world. For some reason I found it hard to believe, but it was interesting to hear.

"So these Princesses raise both the sun and moon?" I asked.

"Yep, Celestia raises the Sun, and Luna raises the Moon," Sweetie Belle explained.

Very interesting.

"By the way, how did ya'll fix our club house? Do you have magic or somethin?" Applebloom asked, I could only chuckle at her response.

"Where I'm from, anyone can learn magic, I learned when I was only fifteen," I explained to them.

"So where are ya from?" Applebloom asked, which only soured my mood a bit.

"I'm sorry little one, but that is for another time," I answered, honestly I didn't want to even remember my old home, or my old life in general. After all I left to pursue a new life.

"Aww.... Can you please tell us?" Sweetie Belle asked, both began sticking out their lower lips with they're eyes slightly watering. It was cute that they thought puppy dog eyes would work on me, but just thinking about my home made me sick.

"You two must understand that my world is far different from yours and is something I'd like to keep private until I get settled in this new world of yours," I said in a stern, but calm voice. I didn't want the two to run off screaming and I wanted to learn more from them.

"Sorry Mister Suicune," They both said, I could but smile at their innocence.

"It's quite alright young ones. You were only curious about my origins, but when the time comes I'll tell you."

"Well.... What can ya tell us?" Applebloom asked politely.

I began to think of what I could tell them, but not much came to mind. "I was a protector in my realm."

"So you were like a Super Hero!!" Sweetie Belle said, grinning adorably.

"In a sense I guess I was...." I said hesitantly. If they found out what I actually did. They'd never trust me again.

"That's so cool!!! Scootaloo is gonna flip when she sees you!!" Applebloom said, but I gently pressed my paw against her mouth.

"I think it would be wise if we kept my presence a secret for now."

"But why? Everypony would love to meet you!" Sweetie Belle explained.

"And yet, you were terrified of me when we met. Imagine the other ponies reaction? They would fear me which is something I want to prevent. I'll introduce myself to your people once I learn and understand you're world. Only than will it be easier for them to look at me, not as a monster, but as someone who's trying to find a home," I explained.

Both of them didn't know what to say after that and simply nodded in response, but Sweetie Belle looked at me, wanting to say what was on her mind. I looked at the two fillies, waiting for there response.

"Can we at least tell Scootaloo? She's our best friend and she also hangs out at the club house just like us." Sweetie asked.

I suppose one more couldn't hurt.

"Very well, but I'm counting on you to keep my identity a secret," I said, both nodded in agreement.

"What time is it exactly?" Sweetie asked, I placed my paw on my chin and thought for a brief moment.

"I'd say half an hour past noon," In all honestly it was just a guess. Time does fly by when you're talking.

"Oh, Gosh! We're already late!" Applebloom shouted.

"Late for what exactly?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

"It's Twilight time!" After hearing that, I was just confused.

"Oh, right it's something we do with our friend Princess Twilight. We'll explain it to you once we get back," Sweetie said, running off with Applebloom. I simply shrugged and decided a well deserved nap was in order.

Without a second thought I climbed up the rebuilt Club house and entered inside. My mind and body felt fatigue and I simply collapsed to the ground, I felt like something was pulling me somewhere and yet my body remained in the same place. My eyes felt so heavy that I was at the point where I couldn't keep them open any longer.

I began to stir at the sound of footsteps that sounded familiar. It was than that I immediately opened my eyes and leaped from the floor into a fighting position. I was met with the other four members of The Elder Siblings.

Rayquaza, of the East Region.

Elysium, of the South Region.

Ozai, of the West Region

And of course the most powerful of us all...

Lord Yasha, was the ruler of The Displaced, he watches over us and protects us from harm, Knowing him he was here for one reason only....


"I had a feeling that you'd find me, but I didn't think it would be this soon," I said, glaring at them.

"Did you honestly think that you'd get away Scott-free, you are suppose to be in charge of the North Region, not Zsoltan!" Elysium shouted. In all honesty I never liked her in the least, she was always a pain to work with.

"Elysium, I'll handle things from here, so Please stay out of this?!" Yasha stated, as he walked up to me. I didn't bother to look at him, he was once considered my friend, but now we were complete strangers.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"A better question would be 'Why Not?' I've spent over four thousand years watching over the realm of The Displaced and for what? Just to lose everything I cared about,"

"Your acting like a child.... you knew the consequences when you accepted this task, Suicune. Regardless once we figure out how to rebuild the portal, you'll return to The Displaced immediately," Yasha stated, I could only scuff at the ridiculousness that he was spouting from his mouth.



"No, I won't go back to that hell hole, and you can't make me you fool!" I shouted, as my claws began to dig into the ground as they all looked at with shock.

"How dare you speak to him in such a manor! Once we find out where your hiding I'm going to make you beg for life!" She argued

"Elysium! That is enough!" He demanded, but suddenly Ozai stepped in.

"My Lord, she was only defending your honor and I have to agree that....Suicune must be punished by death for abandoning us. After all we wouldn't want our realm to be discovered," Ozai explained, giving me the stink eye.

"I hate to admit, but Ozai does have a point my lord," Rayquaza said, agreeing with Ozai and Elysium. I could only look on with betrayal. The only people I knew left had betrayed me, I could only hope that Yasha would over rule this and live me be.

Yasha soon turned towards me, but said nothing for quite sometime, at least for a bit until he finally said. "I'm sorry my brother, but seeing that the rest of the council has come to an agreement. Once we complete our portal you shall face judgment,"

With all said and done I had awoken immediately, sweating with tears streaming down my face. I was betrayed by my fellow displaced and now I have no one.

I'm alone now.

I wiped away all my tears and got up on my paws and headed out left the clubhouse for a walk through the Apple Orchard.

Even escaping to another world, my past will always come haunt me and I hate it.

I gritted my teeth as my class dug deep into the earth beneath me, as I growled in anger. I knew I shouldn't let my emotions get the better of me, but it hurt so much.

I began to take deep breaths as I retracted my claws, heading back to that club house to wait for those little fillies to show. I was wondering why they haven't showed up yet, it's been more than an hour.

And just like that I began hearing they're voices as if I was asking for them. Of course I thought it was just a coincidence or something.

"We're tellin ya Scoots there's a real live alien in our club house an he's amazing.," Applebloom said, praising me.

"Yeah, true he did trash our clubhouse, but he fixed it with his magic quickly," Sweetie Belle added.

"I'm still having a hard time wrapping my head around this.... You mean to tell me that you let an alien into our clubhouse without asking what it's really up to?" The I assumed was Scootaloo asked and even though I had said I wasn't here to bring harm. She did make a good point.

Why didn't they try harder to stop me? Are they smarter than I give them credit for? Is it all an elaborate scheme to lure me into a trap?

"Well at first we were going to tell somepony about him, but he was really kind to us and helped rebuild the clubhouse. Trust us Scoots he's not going to hurt us."

"Well I still say we should keep an eye on this....Sui-cune guy until we find out what he's really up too. Besides I doubt he's that tough," Ouch for a little filly she can say some really hurtful things.

I slowly crept up to them with a smirk. When I approached behind the three little fillies, casting my shadow over them. Scootaloo, slowly turned her head and looked directly above, frightened by the looks of it.


"Ahh!" They all screamed very loudly as I covered my ears.

"For a couple of fillies you sure can scream loudly," I said rubbing my ears from the ringing going on.

"Is.... that him?" Scootaloo asked, both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom nodded with a light chuckle.

"You sure got us good, Mister Suicune," Applebloom said, with a grin. I couldn't help but grin back, my mood was slightly better now that they were here. They took my mind off things.

"I take it you must be Scootaloo?" I asked, laying down. The little orange pegasus nodded in response, still a little frightened. "You have nothing to fear little one, it was only a little scare. Now I take it you three have more questions?"

"Yeah we do?" Both Sweetie Belle and Applebloom said in agreement as they sat down. I could only suppress my chuckle.

Scootaloo looked at me with distrust and I wouldn't blame her, after all I'm an outsider from another world. Still I think she did know I wasn't going to hurt her as she approached us and took a seat next to her friends.

"Can you tell us some stories about your homeland?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You really want to know don't you?" I asked, raising a brow, they all nodded in excitement.

"Very well I guess I'll tell you a bit about my origints, but you have to promise not to tell anyone about this?" I asked, and they nodded in agreement.

Even if my fellow displaced do come, these fillies will know of our world.

"Very well I should start with how our world was formed."

Author's Note:

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and this did take quite sometime to write and all I can say is that I did feel emotional when writing this.

Now expect the next chapter sometime this week.