• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 6,885 Views, 66 Comments

A New Destiny - Pen Dragon

Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.

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Ronan the Accuser Part Two

Ronan the Accuser Part Two

Suicune could only watch as Ronan held his hammer over the poor mare’s head, she cried, begging for him to let her go, but the Kree did not respond to her pleas and continued to cry. Everypony around the two displaced could only watch in fear, unable to do anything against the power of the Accuser.

“RONAN!!! LET HER GO NOW!!!” Suicune roared out in rage, but Ronan did not flinch a muscle as his hammer began to glow a bright red.

“I’ll release her once you tell me how to take your powers. And if you cooperate with me than maybe I’ll spare this pitiful village. You’ll only have until the count of three Suicune.” Ronan demanded, but Suicune could only growl in response. “One…”

“Ronan you can’t possible understand the consequences of my powers. You’ll only bring pain and misery for yourself. I’ve been around long enough to know that eternal life is not a gift, but a curse! No good will come from this-”

“I’ve heard enough out of you deserter! You were treated as a god and were worshipped by all! You lived a life of luxury and you threw it all away! Hehehe… It’s a real shame honestly, but that only means that I can take the mantle and obtain immortality.” He said with a smirk as he glanced back at the pony beneath his foot. “Two…”

There has to be something I could do? I can’t let him kill that pony, but I can’t just let him take my powers… He’ll try to destroy this world.

“This is your last chance!” He warned him a final time as his Ultimate Weapon glowed brighter, he smirked at the Pokemon. “Three-”

But before he could kill the young mare, he was struck by a purple beam of magic and sent crashing towards the ground. The same lavender alicorn from the other day landed a few feet from us with the other Element Bearers not to far behind.

Suicune couldn’t have been more relieved to see anyone or anypony as they say, but even so he could tell that she was not happy to see the two displaced, but turned his attention towards the nurse as she struggled to hooves and decided to help her. “Madam? Are you alright?”

“I-I’m fine… W-who are you?” She asked, before earning a smile from the displaced that made her heart flutter at the sight.

“I’m nobody special… Just someone here to protect you and everypony else.” Suicune answered with a wink before turning his attention towards Ronan. “Get to safety ma’am. I’ll take care of this murderer.”

I better finish Ronan off now, before he can do anymore damage to the town. After that hopefully those ponies will listen to reason once this is all over.

“Impudent little pony! I’ll be sure to exterminate you after I deal with-” Before Ronan could even finish, he was soon tackled to the ground by Suicune. The legendary Pokemon began to dig his claws into his chest before taking a bite at his shoulder. He then lifted him off the ground with his twin tails and slammed to the ground again and again, repeatedly before tossing him into a fountain.

“Ronan! It’s time for you to surrender!” Suicune shouted only for Ronan to laugh in response. Soon Twilight approached the displaced Pokemon with a glare, her horn glowing brightly as the two stared down one another, before he returned his attention towards the Accuser.

“And what if I don’t? You’ll kill me? Hahaha… You can’t because the ponies here will think you're no better than me.” Ronan said with a smirk and Suicune knew he was right as much he hated to admit it, but there was more to it than that. Suicune wanted ponies to see him as a normal being, someone that they could rely on. He didn’t want to be seen as a deity or as a monster anymore.

“You’re right… I won’t kill you, but they will make sure you won’t hurt anypony here again!” Suicune stated, moving aside as the element bearers began to glow brightly with their manes colors altering slightly.

Soon a bright rainbow fired from the six bearers, blasting Ronan with tremendous force. He watched in horror as his body began to slowly turn to stone. First his legs were solidify and his torso soon after. Slowly each part of his body was turned to stone and he was left with a look of anger and horror. Suicune could only sigh as he looked away from the Accuser, but soon noticed his weapon was laying on the ground. In order to prevent him from causing harm again if he were to escape his stone prison, Suicune crushed it into pieces with his paw began to take his leave.

“Stay where you are… Whatever you are!” The Pokemon soon turned to face the Princess of Friendship and her friends, who each glared at him. Seeing this he simply rolled his eyes before speaking.

“Is there something you want Princess?” He asked, raising a brow as the ponies around gasped as he spoke softly towards them.

“Y-yes why are you here in Ponyville and where did you come from?!” Twilight demanded, only for him to shake his head in response.

“You are not ready to hear my tale Princess of Friendship! You have no rights to give orders to those you have only met! I helped save your town from a dangerous being who would have killed that Nurse! I am not here to cause trouble and I will do everything in my power to defend myself if you only see me as a threat!” Suicune growled, before a blue pony with with a rainbow mane flew up towards him with a scowl, butting heads with him.

“You have no right to talk to my friends like that Bub! Especially a criminal like you!”

“And why should I care Rainbow Dash?! I’ve committed no crimes against you ponies and you automatically label me as a criminal! Tell me how’s that remotely fair?!” He asked only for the six ponies eyes to widen in surprise.

“How in tarnation do ya’ll know her name?!” Applejack asked.

“I’ve been here for a few days and was able to learn your names as well as learn some of your world’s history. I know who you all are and I do not fear you nor do I fear your princesses.” Suicune stated as he turned his back towards them and headed back to the Everfree Forest.

“HEY!!! Get back here! You didn’t even tell us who you are?!” Twilight demanded and before he could enter the forest once again, he couldn’t help but smirk before turning his head back to face the ponies once again.

“My name is Lord Suicune.” He answered before disappearing into the Everfree.

“Come on girls! We gotta catch that creep!” Rainbow said, trying to chase after the legendary Pokemon, but was quickly grabbed by her tail in Applejack’s mouth.

“It’s fine girls… We can’t do anything to him since he hasn’t exactly done anything wrong. We’ll have to either reason with him to tell us his story or wait for him to cause trouble. I have a feeling this won’t be the last we’ll hear of him.” Twilight explained.

“I suppose that would be wise, after all we don’t want to get our hooves dirty. Right Fluttershy?” Rarity asked as the yellow pegasus smiled gently.

“Oh yes, I’d rather wait then go into… the Everfree Forest. It’s much safer here in Ponyville.” Fluttershy agreed shyly.

Rainbow for her part only groaned as she landed back on the ground beside her friends. “Are you guys serious?! He’s just going to cause trouble if we let him go! I say we go after that freak and make him talk!”

“Rainbow he tried to save Nurse Redheart so I think it would be best to leave him be for now. Like I said, we’ll see him again if attacks like this keep happening. But if you really want to make sure, I’ll send a letter to Princess Celestia about this… Suicune character and hopefully she’ll be able to deal with him, but for now we should make sure everypony else is okay.” Twilight said before heading over towards Nurse Redheart who looked happy for some odd reason as a pink blush adorned her cheeks. “Are you okay Redheart?”

“I’m perfectly fine… I was just remembering how that stranger tried to save me from that monster! I… I just wish I got his name so I could thank him properly.” Redheart answered as she tried to hide her blush, but failed to do so.

“Well… He said his name was… Suicune I believe.”

“Suicune…” Was all Redheart could say as she bowed to Twilight and began to make her way back to Ponyville Hospital with a gentle smile and a blush still adorning her cheeks.

Back at the Everfree Forest, hours had passed and Suicune had managed to find a secluded cave that a had fresh spring water. The Pokemon had soaked himself in it for almost two hours after his fight with Ronan and he began to wonder if he could have done things differently than before. He had tried to change his ways by refusing to kill, but his hatred for the Elder Siblings and other displaced that were power hungry made it difficult for him. Now that they were traveling to this world just to kill him had put many of the inhabitants in danger.

'All I can do now is hope that the Elder Siblings never make their way to this world. My magic runes should prevent them from just crossing over the easy way and hopefully I won’t have to deal with them for at least a thousand years if I’m lucky. Still if they want a war…'

“Then I’ll give them one!” He said aloud his eyes shimmered slightly as he held a look of malice for the displaced. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep this world out of their hands.”

In the Southern Region of the Displaced, Elysium sat upon her throne with a scowl on her face as she watched through an orb and witnessed one of her faithful servants were turned to stone. “Damn that arrogant child! I knew I should have sent someone else to handle this job!”

“I take it your assassin failed to eliminate Suicune?” Ozai asked as he appeared behind her, earning a slight chuckle from the angel.

“At least we know that he’s alive… Despite his current situation, I believe we may have learned a little bit about this world’s defences in a way. Now we can be better prepared next time to deal with him and those pesky ponies.” Elysium said, clenching her fists tightly before turning towards the firebender with a smirk. “All we need is a little more information about their world.”

“Beast King and Monster X will gather the necessary data from this world and we’ll know how to counter against them.” Ozai said.

“Fine the sooner we end Suicune, the sooner we can begin with phase four.” She reminded before the two began to laugh maniacally.

‘It would seem that my plan is working perfectly~’ A voice whispered in the shadows before vanishing without a trace leaving a single grey feather with smoke evaporating from it.

Author's Note:

Another Chapter is out guys and this is where the second ark of our story begins.

The Beginning of The Elder's War.

I'll have the help of
PyraFlare Bullet They agreed to help me with The Elder's War by either offering Characters or writing side stories of the War. I'll be making this second Ark around 15-20 chapters long and hopefully. You guys believed in this plan when I wrote my first Displaced story. This is opened to everyone who wants to be apart of this war, because this war will be on a universal scale.

So Get ready because the next few chapters are going to get juicy XD