• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 6,885 Views, 66 Comments

A New Destiny - Pen Dragon

Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.

  • ...

Forest and Memories

Author's Note:


Okay I can't write in first person anymore, so this will be the last chapter for first person and I'll be switching to third for the remainder of the story.....it's just been exhausting and honestly writing Suicune in third person would be so much better. Also please do forgive me for the poor execution for this chapter. I wanted to get this out of the way so I could finally be done with the first person. I'll correct every error in this chapter as well as the previous chapters. Let me know in the comments below on what you think?

Forest and Memories

I wondered the forest, searching for food or even a river to replenish myself, but almost an hour had passed and I have yet too find any source of food or water, but that didn't stop me from searching high and low. I didn't know if leaving those fillies alone was a bad idea or not, if I was lucky they'd think I was just a dream, a memory to be forgotten. True I could have erased their memories of me with no issues, but children deserve to make memories and I'm sure that when they grow up I'll be nothing more than a imaginary friend created in the mind of a child.

I continued my travels through the Everfree Forest, until I noticed a pair of yellow eyes stare at me from within the shadows of the forest. The creature began to growl as it stepped out to face me. What I didn't expect was it to be a wolf made from wood as it approached me, I figured it was created from some kind of magic from a warlock. "Why are you here stranger?"

"I'm not here to cause trouble... creature! I'm simply searching for some food and water," I answered, judging from it's voice it was obviously female as it began to sniff me.

"I am a Timberwolf named Akino daughter of the Alpha wolf Okami, but I never seen anything like you before let alone another creature that could understand me?" She said looking at me strangely as she approached me. I could only roll my eyes in response, before turning my head to the side. "What are you exactly?"

"I'm the legendary Pokemon, Suicune and as I have said, I'm not here to cause trouble for you," I repeated before shoving passed her, she simply growled at me. "If your planning to attack me, it wouldn't be wise... not only am I larger than you, but I have power that one can only dream of having wolf! So I suggest that you return to your pack!"

"You dare walk into my clans territory and threaten me! Who do you think you are?!" She barked as she bared her fangs at me. I couldn't help but smirk at the little wolf as she tried she tried to bite me with her sharp jaws. I evaded her every time she tried to bite or claw at me, before I lifted her up in the air with my magic, bringing her close to meet my eyes.

"This is a fight you won't win little wolf, so I suggest that you leave now before you regret it!" With a slight growl, I threw Akino towards a tree with my magic. The sounds of branches cracking left an irritating sound as she howled in pain, I warned her, but she didn't listen. If I had to guess I'd say that her pride and anger was her greatest weakness.

"M-my pack will hunt you down... for what you did," She growled, limping into the woods.

I warned her... guess there's nothing I can do about it for now.

As I continued my way through the forest, I had finally came across a small pond, even though the pond itself looked disgusting it was nothing my powers could not fix. With a single touch from my paw, the bacteria in the water began to vanish as the pond began to glisten brightly under the sun as I slowly climbed in. I felt my own strength was returning as I no longer felt hunger driving me insane anymore, it was peaceful, quiet as birds chirping flew by.

Hard to believe that it's been almost two thousand years since I've had to use that technique... besides I don't think I could bring myself to steal any kind of food from the ponies... it wouldn't feel right. Even though this world is alien to me, these ponies have hearts as pure as they come. My kind would despise a world as peaceful as this... and will most likely try to conquer it... I promise I shall keep this world safe from the Elder's grasp.

I began to rest my head against a rock as I relaxed into the water, my powers continue to grow in this world for some reason, but I didn't mind. It was better to be prepared for anything, rather than sit and wait for the danger come at full force. Ever since I came to this world, I haven't dropped my guard once as I explored and study the inhabitants. True it was only a little town, but from the knowledge those fillies had given me was more than enough for me to get a good idea on what I should worry about.

Only three beings on this world could rival my own power, this Princess Celestia who raises the sun, Princess Luna who raises the moon, and Discord who embodies disharmony and chaos itself. In my previous life I've battle against all sorts of foes that possessed incredible power and only three beings have ever defeated me and they of course a friend who died before she could become an immortal and two Elder siblings that I despise more than anything now. I couldn't trust most displaced, but a selective few such as Exuberant, Zsoltan, and my two apprentices who would one day become my true successors. Of course I've given my position to Zsoltan, but he'll simply take my place until they are ready.

"I do hope that those twins are alright?" I wondered to myself as I began to hum a little tone I've picked up from Sweetie Belle, I wouldn't admit this, but I find the music in this world to be both amazing and relaxing to say the least.

I felt myself about to drift off, but I suddenly heard a familiar young voice call out to me. "Mister Suicune!!"

I could only groan as I exited the water and drying myself off as I followed the sounds of the three fillies calling out to me. It took me no longer than a couple of minutes to reach them, due the a steep hill I had to climb up due to all the stones and twigs in place. "Little one why are you here?" I asked.

"We were just wondering where ya'll went off too? Don't ya know that the Everfree is dangerous?" Applebloom asked, checking the area before looking back at me with concern. I couldn't help but chuckle as I leaned down to the three fillies eye level.

"Listen little ones, in order for me to find my purpose, I need to start searching for it on my own. I promise that once I find it.. you'll be the first to know," I replied smiling at them as they looked at each other first, unsure whether or not to believe me, before looking back at me with a simple nod. "Very good little ones... Now I shall escort you back to the club house before your folks realize that you've traveled in the forest by yourselves."

"But Mister Suicune? We want to stay with you!" Sweetie belle said.

"Yeah... your our friend an we can't let you stay here all by yourself!" Scootaloo added.

"I am capable of taking care of myself girls... We should get you all back... I know what will happen if your family finds out that you've traveled alone," I warned them, as they looked at me.

"But your with us," Applebloom pointed out as I stared at her blankly.

"That's not the point little one... Let's just head back before you do get in trouble," I said, lifting the three fillies onto my back with my magic and began heading back to the orchard.

In another part of Equestria a wormhole opened up in the center of the badlands revealing two large massive figures coming from it.

"Are you ready to finish the traitor Beast King?"

"Hahaha... Only if you are X?" Beast replied as the duo began their journey to kill the former Elder Sibling, Lord Suicune.