• Published 1st Oct 2016
  • 6,885 Views, 66 Comments

A New Destiny - Pen Dragon

Ever since I opened that email I was turned into a Pokemon and was forced to take responsibility for the sake of the others that came after me. But unlike them I'm immortal, and it's been nothing but a curse. I had only one option left...leave.

  • ...

Different Lifestyle

Different Lifestyle

"My world was once a beautiful place."

"The sky's were pure purple and the clouds were white as snow."

"The one thing I enjoyed the most about it was the meadows, it was filled with luscious blue roses and daisies. It was a calm and peaceful place and I would always go there to take in the scenery every morning,"

"But of course that peace could not last long, ever since I became the founder of my world I had too... take responsibility for those around us. Before I was only seen as a leader, but thousands of years have passed and I was seen as a deity."

"So you're just like Celestia?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"In a sense yes, but I'm nothing like your ruler, She managed to keep her kingdom safe from corruption, where I failed to do so. I'm only here to start over and find a new purpose in my life," I answered.

"Well what are you going to do?" Scootaloo asked, I could only place a paw on my chin and hummed to myself. Trying to think of what a former ruler could do?

"I honestly have no idea? Guess this means I'll have to figure it out as I go along," I said aloud.

They all looked confused when I answered.

"What do ya mean you don't have any idea?" Applebloom asked, while giving me a ludicrous look as if I said something wrong or funny. Maybe both?

"How can you just come from another world without so much as a plan or even a backup plan?" Sweetie asked. I could only shrug in response.

"Well y'all have to come up with something otherwise there's gonna be trouble." Applebloom suggested, I was a bit surprised that these fillies were thinking ahead of me. Where I on the other hand have planned on escaping my world, but not so much as think of something to do for a living.

"Perhaps I should have thought ahead, but I don't think it matters at the moment after all I have time to figure things out on my own," I explained.

"Is there anything awesome you can tell us? I want to know about all the monsters and aliens from your world?" Scootaloo asked, I could only chuckle at her enthusiasm to learn more about my world.

"No, I want know what kind of magic they can do?" Sweetie asked.

"Well I think we should ask what kinda places he visited?" Applebloom countered.

"Listen little ones, there's plenty of time for questions later, but at the moment I do believe it is time for me to take a look around this town of yours," I said.

"Aww," they all said at the same time. Honestly it was just adorable to see them pout.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." I said, as I turned invisible. When I was apart The Elder Siblings I had to learn a lot of different techniques and abilities to be able to protect both myself and the other Displaced.

With that said I took off, leaving the young fillies confused, it seemed rude, but I had to see where I was exactly. I continued to run across the orchard until I arrived at an open road. It was than I noticed the small town off in the distance.

I should be fine as long as I have my invisibility on, then I should be fine.

I didn't know what to expect as I approached the little town, it was than I noticed a large colorful sign a few feet in front of me with a one word written, Ponyville. It was a peculiar name for a town, but just by looking around I can see the pun in the name since there was only ponies as far as I could see. When I entered the town I made sure that I was still invisible.

I noticed that everyone...er everypony in town was happy, which was something I haven't seen in over a millennium. It was actually peaceful to see these ponies smile and laugh as I pasted by them, unnoticed by the crowd. Fillies would run around playing and laughing and I felt a bit of joy as a smile slowly creeped up across my face. I was reminded of the golden age of the Displaced when I first became an Elder Sibling, I remembered when I wasn't treated as a deity, but as leader who cared for everyone and newcomers.

But that legacy had drifted off into the past as a corrupt system took over all of us and we were treated as gods. It sickened me more, but looking at this town, the way it is, just brought me peace.

"Hey Rarity?" A voice called. I turned to see a lavender Unicorn with what appeared to be wings on its back was talking to a white unicorn. Which wasn't something I was expecting a unicorn to have might I add. "Do you still have that book on obscure unicorn history that I lent Sweetie Belle?"

Hearing her name caught my interest as I approached closer to listen to their conversation.

"Sadly I don't have it with me, it's still with her I'm afraid," The one named Rarity replied.

She must be Sweetie Belle's mother, the resemblance is uncanny.

"Is she still having a hard time with the curriculum? I can tone it down if you want?" Twilight asked, as the two began walking together.

"Actually no she's actually enjoying her time with you, but she hasn't finished the book quite yet. Since she has been taking notes and conducting her own research in her room. If I didn't know any better I'd say she was turning into you," Rarity teased, causing the lavender unicorn to blush slightly.

"Well ever since Applebloom left with Applejack to Appleloosa and Scootaloo leaving with Rainbow Dash for flight training..."

"I know and me leaving to Manehatten for the week, and having her stay at your place for the duration of my trip," Rarity added.

"Yeah, well she's been learning a lot and I have to say that she's been excelling in most categories of magic usage. It's actually very impressive." Twilight commented, and I have to say that I was actually impressed by Sweetie's abilities as well.

"She's really come along that far? Huh, I never would have thought that my little sister would be a magic prodigy," She stated.

Oh, sister....that does make a lot more since now..

"Well she has been working hard and now that her friends are back, she can actually take sometime to relax for awhile. But I also wanted to tell you something?" Before she could reply I accidentally knocked over an old barrel and spilling water. Not wanting to be noticed, I leaped into the air and landed on the rooftop of a building.

Both mares were startled, but figured that they must have bumped into and didn't notice. For the slightest moment I believed that I would have been discovered, but I guess I got lucky.

I can't afford to make a mistake like that again, but I do wonder what else do these ponies have to talk about?

I decided to keep my distance for now as I listened in on their conversation again. "Really does Celestia know what you've been planning for her?"

"No not yet, but I was planning on telling her once I spoke with Sweetie Belle first," Twilight answered, but I didn't know what they were talking about now.

I decided that I eavesdroped enough and decided to continue my exploration of the town. It was than the most delicious aroma filled my nose with delight as I approached this bakery that was shaped as a gingerbread house. Which was weird considering that it should be impossible to make it completely out of gingerbread, but it could only look like that and it's not really that at all. Still my nose told me to enter and I did so obligey as I heard my stomach growl. I realized that I haven't eaten since I arrived in this world.

I know this is wrong and risky, but I'm certain they won't mind a few pastries missing. Right?

I slowly made my way inside the bakery and noticed that there wasn't that many ponies, aside from a few. Which made things slightly easier for me, but in the back of my mind, I knew that if my sister caught me doing this, she'd never let me live this down. I slowly approached the counter and saw a fresh batch of chocolate cupcakes, just sitting there.

It's not cake or fish, but it'll do.

Without a second to lose I quickly grabbed a cupcake with my paws, removed the wrapper and devoured the pastry in a single bite. I would have felt guilty, but eating it was just so worth it. But I did felt like a child now that I think about it. In my younger years I was a bit of a thief when it came to food in the Displaced.

I can't believe I had to resort to thievery just to get a little bit of food in me. It's ridiculous, but it's better than living in a corrupt system.

Compared to my previous life this was pretty much a fair trade and even though this is only a one time thing. I wasn't planning on stealing anymore. I would earn my pay and find my own place to live, but at the moment I didn't have anything to even afford myself food.

"Hey, does anypony know what happened to the cupcakes?" A loud high pitched voice asked.

From the sounds it was female.

"Huh, so nopony did?" Soon a very pink pony came into view and began looking around.

"Pinkie we'll just make another batch," Another mare called out. For a moment I thought I only took one, but after look at all the wrappers on the ground I must have eaten them while I was in deep thought. Well so much for not stealing anymore.

"Okay Mrs. Cake, just give me a second," before I knew it, she placed a napkin right next to me with another cupcake and smiled. "Enjoy the cupcakes Mr. Invisible friend."

After that she bolted towards the kitchen, leaving me completely astonished. She was able to see me, even with my invisibility spell on and yet she saw me. But how?

At the time I didn't think to hard on it, as I took the cupcake with kindness and left a note for the young mare on the counter, before leaving It only had two words written on it.

Thank You,

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait guys, but believe me this was hard to write and I had to do a collab with a friend. Also I made a short story which you guys should see soon.