• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 2,083 Views, 56 Comments

Entities of Emotion 2: Dark is the Night - Michael_Ravencroft

The Light has had its time, now the Night shall fall again...

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Episode 10: The Light Fights Back!

The Black Lantern army continued to hover on the outskirts of the light barrier created by the tree. They hissed and growled at the light, knowing what resided on the other side of it made them furious. Their King wanted the light of the living, and what their king wanted, he got.

However, the citizens of Ponyville were grateful for the barrier, but at the same time their hearts were gripped with fear and dread, their loved ones had been killed before their eyes and then brought back as undead minions. Many had barely escaped, seeing long since dead relatives returned to them as monsters bent on murder.

During this time, Princess Twilight Sparkle tried to reassure the frightened ponies that they were safe, at the same time Proselyte and Adara went around healing the wounded as best they could. Thankfully, the white light that the tree emitted worked just like a power battery, revitalizing them and their light power. When the injured were tended to, Adara and Proselyte met with Twilight in the throne room, both recounted the events that befell both their hosts and made them have to separate from the during the battle.

Twilight listened to this intently shaking her head at this revelation. “Monsters, I can’t believe they would do such a thing! To use the bodies of loved ones like that, to manipulate another’s emotions! Adara, are you sure about this unicorn who was Scootaloo’s father, you sure it was her father?!”

Adara nodded. “I could feel her fear, she was familiar with him, not only that, but he sounded just like this monster from her nightmare. I had often wondered what Scootaloo went through to make her manifest a creature of such pain in her dreams, and now I know.”

Twilight was angered, no, furious upon hearing this. Scootaloo was a like a daughter to her now, and hearing that somepony abused, intentionally infecting her with a degenerative virus, it made her blood boil. The evidence of the anger was made manifest as her body glowed with a red aura of Rage.

“Please Twilight, enhance your calm,” said Proselyte.

“How can I ‘enhance my calm’ when you’re telling me my adopted daughter’s abuser is right outside! Show me which one he is and I’ll obliterate him!”

Adara stepped forward and looked the Princess in the eye. “Twilight, I understand your rage, I truly do! But right now she does not need an avenger, she needs a mother!”

The red light of Rage that surrounded Twilight began to fade as she quelled the anger in her heart. “I…I’m sorry…

“For now, the barrier protects us. For how long is a different story, but the reality is that we cannot hide here forever,” said Proselyte.

“If the Blackest Night isn’t stopped soon, the entire world will become nothing but a land of the dead, and from here, it shall spread to other universes,” said Adara.

Twilight thought hard about this, the tree was a power battery, and it was keeping the Black Lanterns from getting to them, on top of that she now had to deal with hundreds of dozens of ponies who were scared out of their minds.

“Do you think the Life Entity saw this coming?” Twilight asked. “The tree, my becoming a White Lantern?”

Adara and Proselyte glanced to each other. There was no denying that the Life Entity was a shrewd and planning being. Remembering how he had returned life to certain heroes back in their universe in order to set the stage to rid the last remnants of the Blackest Night from destroying the world, and the universe.

The pieces seemed as if they were falling into place, but what was frustrating to them was that the Life Entity never let them in on his plan. However, they had to believe that the Life Entity was working towards something, but until that plan was revealed, they needed to fight against the darkness of this King.

“It’s possible that the Life Entity foresaw this, but for now we must concentrate on the threat at hoof,” said Adara.

Twilight looked towards the barrier, her face scrunching in contemplation as her brilliant mind went to work thinking of way to counterattack. “I need to test something to make sure, for now, try to reassure the townsponies that they are safe inside the barrier.”

Both Entities nodded and left.

The lavender alicorn glanced outside, walking towards the her balcony to overlook the white light barrier, and the hordes of undead that kept careful watch over it, waiting for even the smallest opening to get in. Twilight spread her wings and flew down until she reached the edge of the barrier. She was greeted with the hundreds of decaying or turned faces of Black Lanterns. The Princess of Friendship and Magic’s heart broke at seeing this, many of these ponies had been acquaintances, ponies she said “hi” to everyday, or had seen grow up in this town.

Twilight was but a few inches away from the edge of the barrier. With a deep breath, Twilight began walking towards it, the Black Lanterns backed away from her, afraid of the white light of Life that she radiated. The ring upon her horn shine and generated an aura field that would burn any Black Lantern foolish enough to come close to her.

Once she stepped one hoof outside the barrier, a Black Lantern lunged for that hoof, upon making contact, a surge of white light energy shot through the undead pony’s body, completely obliterating. The other Black Lanterns backed further away, now knowing that touching the alicorn meant certain destruction. Twilight continued to walk forward, until her head and horn passed through the barrier. It was then that she noticed the barrier wavering, becoming distorted.

Twilight quickly backed away and brought her whole body back inside. Curious, Twilight went back to the edge and this time stuck only her head out. The barrier began to waver again, and once again Twilight brought her head back into the barrier and it stabilized again.

I get it, the tree may be a power battery, but the power source is the white ring. Without me here, the barrier will fall and everypony will be killed……So, that’s why I was compelled to make them, thought Twilight.

“I’ll have to finish them now.”

Twilight’s horn shined and in the blink of an eye she teleported away.

Adara knocked against the door to Scootaloo’s room gently. “Scootaloo? It’s me, Adara. I-I’m coming in now.”

Slowly, Adara pushed the door open. The room was filled with some Wonderbolts memorabilia, a bookshelf with a few Power Ponies comics and Daring Do books. There was a shelf on the other side of the room that displayed some of Scootaloo’s wins over the past four years. The Best Young Fliers Competition, first place. Extreme Stunt Rally, first place, to name a few. However, what she was proud of most was not those, oh no, her crowning achievement was front and center before all those trophies.

It was a picture of herself, with Rainbow Dash mussing up her mane, Twilight rolling her eyes and smiling, Adara caught mid laugh, and Spike smiling with his sharp dragon teeth.

Yes, it wasn’t any wonder why Scootaloo was most proud of this. It was the day she became part of a family, when her life finally turned around for the better.

Adara took her eyes off the shelf and looked towards the lump that was hidden under the covers. The Entity of Hope walked over to the covers and sat at the edge of the bed where she believed Scootaloo’s head was.

“Scoots, it’s me, you’re safe now,” said Adara.

“S-Safe?! W-We’re not ‘safe’, h-he’s out there! He’s coming for me! I-I’m g-going to Tartarus!” Scootaloo cried.

“Shh, shh, Scootaloo you did nothing wrong! He’s the one that hurt you!” Adara reassured.

“He did, but I did something just as bad!”

“Scootaloo, stop it, there’s nothing you could’ve done worse than what he did!”

In rush of movement, Scootaloo made the blankets fall off the bed, as she stood upon it and glared down at her marefriend. “I killed him.”

Adara blinked. “Excuse me?”

Scootaloo jumped from the bed and stood on the floor, looking Adara straight in the eye. “I killed my own father!”

Adara shook her head, not believing her words, but then Scootaloo slowly advanced on her.

“I was hurt by him…after my mother took her own life everything went south! It was little things at first, nothing out of the ordinary. Sometimes he’d hug me longer than normal, or help me with my baths since my mom wasn’t there anymore.”

“Then it started to get weird. He’d invite me to sleep me in his and mom’s room, I figured he just missed her and was lonely, I mean I missed her too and I didn’t feel like sleeping alone at that time. Then after a while, he’d hug me in my sleep, it was nice, with my dad doing that it made me feel safe. But…he started rubbing me on my flanks, it was a little unnerving but I thought it was just something to help me relax…”

“Then it got worse the older I got…things that weren’t exactly normal. I’d catch him sneaking glances of me whenever my tail would swish to one side, and he didn’t even stop when I caught him! Then…one night when I did sleep in their bed…he…he…”

Scootaloo began to cry, gritting her teeth as the painful memory began to play out in her head. Phantom pains began around her body, as if it could not forget what her father had done.

“I wanted to tell somepony! But I couldn’t, he was a doctor, and a good one! He made a lot of ponies in my town better, I couldn’t just accuse him of something like that! Who would believe me?! So I endured it, praying to Faust that maybe he’d stop and be the dad I remembered before her death!” Scootaloo then hit herself upside the head. “Stupid me though, that didn’t happen! It only got worse, making me do things that…”

Adara reached out for Scootaloo, but the orange pegasus mare swatted her hoof away.

“It got so bad I wanted to fly away and never look back, but my wings weren’t strong enough, and now I know why! Because that sick bastard infected me with a virus! I got desperate…I hid a knife from the kitchen under my bed, I never planned on using it on him…I had planned on using it on myself when it got to the point where I just couldn’t stand it anymore!”

“He’d always call me his ‘little bird’ ‘cause I was a bird trapped in his cage, no way out! Finally…one day…I just couldn’t take it anymore, he was going to do things with me again one night and I said ‘That’s it!’ I ran to my room and got the knife and readied to stab myself in the heart! But then he walked in on me and tried to make me let it go, we wrestled around for a while, he was using his magic to pull at it while I tried to tug back!”

Scootaloo looked at her hooves as she spoke her next words. “I…I don’t know what came over me…It’s as if my mind saw what needed to happen and my body reacted. I jumped forward when he pulled and he must’ve panicked because he didn’t stop the knife even though he still had control of it, and then I pushed forward…there was blood…so much blood…and the look in his eyes…it’s as if I betrayed him! After everything he did to me, he looked at me as if I was guilty!”

The orange mare began to cry, shutting her eyes tight. “And he’s right…I am guilty…I killed somepony…my own Dad…because I was too weak and too scared to stand up and say something…! I ran away and ended up in Ponyville…I managed to go unnoticed as far as being homeless and even managed to bury all those memories of what happened to me away…but you saw how well that turned out.”

Adara nodded.

“I’m such a coward…as powerful as you and I were united…despite standing up against the Negatives, Queen Chrysalis, and Nightmare Moon, after all of that, I still broke down like a scared little filly…!”

Adara carefully inched herself closer to Scootaloo, she then brought the teenage mare into a hug, allowing her to rest her head on Adara’s shoulder. “I’ve witnessed several heroes in my original universe battle beings that were like gods, others that were devils of the vilest sort, and face many disasters that not only threatened planets but whole galaxies. Yet, not all can face the demons that haunt them. Some buckle under the pressure of their past, from their regrets and past sins. However, the strongest heroes are at times those who do not allow themselves to be crushed, but to be refined. Until that being shines like a diamond.”

Adara gently ran her hoof through Scootaloo’s mane, holding her tight to reassure her that she was alright. She even spread her wings and wrapped them around her as much as she could.

“You, Scootaloo, are a diamond.”

“I’m not…I was fine with forgetting all of my past and just focusing on my life right now! If I had to, I would’ve been fine with never having you, Twilight, Rainbow, Spike, or anypony, finding out about what happened to me! I didn’t want you all to look at me like I was broken…like…I was a monster…!”

The blue light of Hope began to radiate from Adara, allowing its comforting power to sooth the worry and heartache in Scootaloo. “You are not – nor ever will be – thought of as a monster. The real monster is outside. You should have seen Twilight, she shined with the red light of Rage, bright enough to even make Butcher jealous.”

Scootaloo smiled a little from hearing that. “Have…H-Have you told Rainbow yet?”

“Not yet, but I assume Twilight will soon,” said Adara.

When she said this, Adara glanced towards the door. Through the crack, she spotted a few strands of rainbow hair moving about outside before it completely disappeared.

“So…you saw Daddy back in Canterlot?” Dinky asked.

Sparkler nodded. “I’m sorry Dinks…I should have told you and Mom…but I never thought…I never thought he’d show up, especially like that!”

Derpy walked over to her adopted daughter and rubbed the top of her head. “Muffin it’s alright, to be honest I would’ve said all those things to him regardless, I meant every word. But…I am a little concerned that you attacked him like that, sweetie.”

Sparkler winced, remembering how angry she felt. Seeing red and just acting without thinking, if her father wasn’t already part of the undead, she would’ve surely committed murder then and there. “I…I know…and I’m sorry…I was just so angry about what he said to you, and all I saw was red after that. I was angry that he abandoned us, never even wrote to us after Dinky and you almost died in that blizzard! I…I’m sorry.”

Dinky walked next to her big sister and nuzzled her cheek in comfort. Derpy felt happy to see her youngest cheering up her oldest daughter. Now though, if she could only do the same for her wife.

Fluttershy had been hollow since Proselyte returned her to the castle, barely speaking a word to them. It wasn’t until later that Proselyte took some time to explain what had happened. Of course the others were in shock about this revelation, but even more so that the darkness that had corrupted Depry’s husband had also raised the dead body of Fluttershy’s little brother.

“They are no longer the ponies you knew. They are nothing but dark agents, with only one mission. To manipulate and to kill. They will use the precious memories of your loved ones to make you let your guard down, or to illicit a certain emotional response. Once they see what they want in you, they will take your heart and turn you. Even the greatest of heroes in my universe had trouble fighting against their own friends and family long since dead.”

“That’s what Lyte said…but, he also said that they beat this in his universe, so we have a chance,” said Dinky.

“He also said that his world was filled with wielders of the light, as well as thousands of heroes to fight and who possessed all kinds of powers, we’re just…ponies, with just magic, and four alicorns,” said Sparkler.

“Don’t forget, we have Lyte and his brothers and sisters, they can help.”

Derpy decided to let her children discuss their chances of surviving this night. Right now she needed to see to Fluttershy, she was, at this time, just staring out one of the windows. “Honey…? Are you alright? Oh, what am I saying, you’re not alright…I…I’m sorry.”

Fluttershy glanced to her wife and smiled sadly. “It’s fine, dear, don’t worry…” The pink maned mare turned to her gaze back to the window. “I shouldn’t be here anyway.”

Derpy tilted her head to the side in confusion. “What do you mean?”

“I mean I shouldn’t be alive. Headwind was right, he gave his life for me and I didn’t change from the filly I was when he died…”

Derpy shook her head and stood before Flutterhsy. “No, no, no, honey, you’re sooo much stronger than you were back then, you were and are the same strong mare I fell in love with four years ago!”

A ghost of a smile appeared on her lips. “I’m not strong…I should be stronger…I should’ve become a stronger, less timid mare after Headwind died…and yet…I was still the same. Weak, scared of my own shadow, being a burden to my friends…”

Derpy hated hearing this, all these things Fluttershy was saying were not true. “If you were all those things, there’s no way you would’ve been able to help Princess Twilight defeat Nightmare Moon, reform Discord the Spirit of Chaos, stare down a cockatrice and a dragon, and there’s definitely no way you would have been able to fight alongside Lyte if you were the mare you’re saying!” Derpy put her hooves on Fluttershy’s shoulder and made her look at her, the normally walleyed mare focused to make her eyes look directly at Fluttershy. “You even cut your mane to show how much stronger you are, and it’s that strong mare we need right now! You’re family, right here, needs you!”

A spark seemed to light in Fluttershy’s eyes for a bit, making her feel less numb than she was earlier. “I’m sorry…”

Derpy smiled as she cried and brought her lover into a tight hug. “And stop saying you’re sorry…!”

During this talk, the family of four didn’t notice that a certain rainbow maned pony was listening from around the corner, upon hearing enough she walked away.

Rainbow Dash didn’t know what to do. Her best friend’s soul had practically been shattered, her adopted daughter was having a mental breakdown. Fluttershy’s brother had been raised from the dead, and apparently, Scootaloo’s molester father had been too. Both were sources of great pain for either of them, it was frustrating. She wanted to comfort Scootaloo but there was nothing she could say to her right now, not with the monster who hurt her still lurking outside the barrier. Not to mention, she confessed to killing her father.

No she didn’t kill him, it was self-defense. Scoots isn’t a killer. But now…UGH! Damn this whole Blackest Night crap!

“Hey Rainbow Dash!”


Rainbow Dash jumped back and assumed an aggressive stance, but relaxed when she noticed it was just Pinkie Pie. The premier party pony of Ponyville, and undoubtedly Equestria, hadn’t changed that much in the last four years. Although she had taken to wearing her mane in pigtails, which ended up looking like she had two puff balls on her head.

Unlike Rainbow and Twilight, and Fluttershy and Derpy, and Applejack and Ion, Pinkie Pie and Rarity remained the only pair of their group of friends who remained single. Rarity was busy with her business, and stated that she didn’t have time to find a date, despite having time to spend with her friends. Pinkie Pie, well, Pinkie had already become part of a family.

She cared about everypony, and all of Ponyville was like family to her, most so were the Cakes. Although having a family of her own, the Cakes had asked if Pinkie wanted to become an official member of the family by becoming the twin’s godmare. Of course she said yes, and from then on she had taken on a more active role as their godmare. This did not however dampen by any means her bubbly, upbeat attitude.

“Jeez, Pinkie Pie, do not sneak up me like that! Especially tonight, do you want me to punch you in the face by accident?!” Rainbow lashed out.

Pinkie Pie had a hurt expression upon her face. “S-Sorry Dashie, I-I didn’t mean to…”

Rainbow Dash sighed and rubbed the back of her head as she made her way to Pinkie Pie. “No, I’m sorry, I’m just really on edge right now with all this stuff going on. It’s not your fault.”

Pinkie Pie smiled and nuzzled her friend’s cheek. “It’s no problem, but Rainbow Dash, you look a lot more stressed out than what I thought you’d be.”

“Ugh…I am. This Blackest Night thing is going hurt ponies in more ways than one, it’s already messed up Fluttershy and Scootaloo, I won’t go into detail about Scoots, but Fluttershy’s…it’s like she’s lost the will to fight or something since she saw Headwind, her little brother,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Oh…I wish I could do more to help…but, I’m not like Adara or Proselyte, and I don’t have a ring like Twilight…and without all of us, our Elements of Harmony won’t work,” said Pinkie Pie as she tried to figure out some way they could turn this around. Pinkie Pie then smiled. “But as long as we’re still alive we can still find a way!”

Rainbow Dash smiled and bumped Pinkie’s shoulder with her own. “Always a silver lining, huh?”


Suddenly, a white orb flew through the hall, it separated into more orbs that flew in different directions. The orb broke and revealed a construct of Twilight before Pinkie and Rainbow.

‘Please come to my basement laboratory, it’s time we pushed back against this Night.’

The message ended, but the construct reformed back into a sphere and shot off towards the mentioned meeting place, and both mares wasted little time as they dashed off.

“Thank you all for coming,” said Twilight.

Most of the ponies she wanted to see were here. Fluttershy and Derpy, along with Amethyst Star, Dinky, and Proselyte. Scootaloo and Adara, along with Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash.

It had been awhile since Rainbow Dash had entered her wife’s basement lab. Machines of varying use were littered all around the room, bookshelves filled with tombs of magic and science. Workbenches were setup, each with an array of beakers and test tubes containing, Celestia knows what.

But all attention put towards the workbench behind Twilight, with a tarp covering it. For some reason, Twilight looked a little more haggard than she did a moment ago.

“First off, I have to let you know I conducted an experiment earlier. I tried to leave the barrier, but when my ring left the barrier began to waver. It is my belief that my ring and the tree’s power are connected, and must be within the area the barrier encompasses. So…”

“That means that venturing beyond the barrier boundary will put everypony in danger, at the same time, it means you cannot enter the fray,” said Proselyte.

“It’s that bad?” Dinky asked.

Adara nodded. “The white light of Life that Princess Twilight wields is the strongest weapon we have against the darkness of the Black Lanterns, with this limitation, she won’t be able leave the castle to fight against the one behind all of this.”

Twilight, unfortunately, agreed with this assessment. “But, you did mention to me that the green light of Willpower combined with another light of the Spectrum can destroy a Black Lantern, correct?”

To this, both Entities nodded.

“Hence our meeting here.”

Twilight’s horn glowed with rosy-violet light and immediately the tarp was removed. All eyes went wide at what was on the work bench. There were bracers, each one colored to one of the seven lights, and each color having a different number of bracers.

The red light of Rage had two bracers. The orange light of Avarice had one. The yellow light of Fear had one. The green light of Willpower had five. The blue light of Hope had three. The indigo light of Compassion had two. Lastly, the violet light of Love had three.

“Twilight…you made these?!” Rainbow asked.

“Yeah…although, I had to rush in the last couple of hours to make them. I’ve been tinkering with them on and off the past few years, but it’s only been recently that I understood why I was compelled to make them. The ring was telling me to make them because of this. They’re not as cutting edge as the ring on my horn, but they’ll do the job they need to.” Twilight explained.

Adara and Proselyte broke off from the group and inspected the bracers, having seen the rings usage many a time, they would be the ones to see if these devices were able to channel their power. After a couple of minutes, both Entities gave their approval.

“You’re right, Twilight, it does lack the advanced technology that our world’s ring wielders possess, but the overall capability of these bracers will allow the wielder the ability to channel the respective light and create constructs,” said Proselyte.

“But they don’t seem have a charge, Proselyte and myself can charge the bracers for our lights, but without the others we can’t use them,” said Adara.

“I know, and that’s why I’m going to pour the lights of Rage, Avarice, Fear, Willpower, and Love from my ring into the bracers,” said Twilight.

The others had worried looks on their faces. Scootaloo stepped forward and asked, “Is that okay for you to do that? Will it hurt your power?”

Twilight shook her head. “It shouldn’t. So long as the white light is still at a hundred percent, then we’ll be fine.”

“Okay, then I say do it Princess!” Dinky stated. “We need more light if we want to fight those zombies, so let’s light up the night!”

“Mm-hmm, everypony stand back, Proselyte, Adara, with me.”

The Entities of Hope and Compassion stood on each side of Twilight. Their bodies glowed as their respective lights began to power up, at the same time, Twilight’s ring shined with red, orange, yellow, green, and violet light.

Proselyte and Adara fired beams of indigo and blue light towards the bracers that bared their insignias, charging them to their fullest. Twilight fired five beams of light from her ring that hit the other remaining bracers, the others squinted at the rainbow light as it shined throughout the room.

[Rage: 68%, Avarice: 70%, Fear: 55%, Willpower: 40%, Love: 82%.]

“What’s that?!” Scootaloo asked.

“The ring is giving me the amount of emotional energy left for each of the lights!” Twilight answered.

[Rage: 0%.]

The bracers of Rage rose up as a female, albeit, aggressive and ethereal voice spoke from them. [Power levels at max, seeking proper wielders. Rage detected.]

One of the bracers teleported in a flash of red light, while one bracer remained. The bracer floated off the table, everypony parted and made a path for the object, not sure where it was going until it stopped and hovered before Amethyst Star. The fuchsia unicorn didn’t understand what was happening, was this item telling her that she –

[Amethyst Star of Equestria, you have great rage in your heart. Born of need to defend familial bonds, will you accept the power of Rage?]

Scootaloo managed to snap herself out of her mental breakdown long enough to remember what happened with Nightmare Butcher. “Amethyst no! That will turn you into a rage-a-holic, destruction machine!”

“It’s safe, Scootaloo!” Twilight called out. “The ring told me about the negative effects of the Rage light, I’ve worked to minimize them in these bracers! You won’t lose yourself in rage Amethyst, but you must focus to keep it controlled!”

The unicorn mare looked upon the bracer again, the symbol of Rage burning bright upon it. With audible gulp, she asked, “This thing…it really will give me the power to help fight these things?”

“Yes!” Twilight shouted.

[Avarice: 0%.]

The single bracer for the orange light of Avarice rose up and began to pulsate as it sought out its potential wielder.

[Power levels at max, seeking proper wielders. Avarice detected.]

With that said, the bracer teleported.

Amethyst Star furrowed her brow and held out her right foreleg. Before the bracer could take hold, Dinky got in front of her and looked her big sister in the eye.

“Sis, you know what this light can do! It killed Sweetie Belle! If it wasn’t for Scootaloo, she’d be dead! The same power that Nightmare Moon used, you’re going to use!” Dinky pleaded.

The unicorn mare looked to her little sister and then to her mother. Derpy was also giving her a look of apprehension, not wanting to see her child be consumed by this negative light.

But Amethyst knew that their options were limited. They needed more light, and ponies who could wield it. This was a war, a war between the living and the dead, and right now, Amethyst needed to do her part and not sit on the sidelines. Besides, her adopted father was out there, he was lurking and waiting for the perfect moment when the barrier would fall to storm the castle, like the rest of the undead.

“Sorry Dinks, but I’m doing this to protect you, Mom, and…” Amethyst glanced towards Fluttershy. “…Mom.”

The bracer closed the distance and attached to her right foreleg. Already, Amethyst could feel the Rage power coursing through her veins. It was a rush of power unlike anything she had ever felt before. The raw, unfiltered power of Rage was empowering her, making her stronger.

Amethyst backed away, spewing crimson flames from her mouth as she roared out. The Rage threatened to consume her, despite Princess Twilight’s efforts to try and keep this from happening, the power of Rage was not be controlled, but to be free and destructive. The unicorn mare’s eyes began to shine red as she looked upon everypony, wanting so much to lash out and crush everything in her sight.

NO! Her mind cried out. I am in control! I won’t become a monster, I will protect my family!

The bracer shined, the metal growing out until a black mesh-like chainmail wrapped around Amethyst’s body up to her neck. Red armor plates formed around her, and a helmet of crimson metal formed over her head, with a bladed holster to house and protect her horn. Amethyst’s body sizzled as the red energy settled, she panted a few times, semi-exhausted from taking control of the power.

Dinky carefully walked to her big sister, knowing what might happen, she prepared to summon a shield spell just in case. “Sparkler…Sis…are you alright?”

Amethyst raised her head and opened her eyes. They were no longer glowing bright red. However, her irises had changed to a glowing red. “Yeah, I’m fine Dinky, don’t worry I’m in control.”

The room released a sigh of relief, more so from the Entities, knowing full well that the last thing they needed was a rampaging Red Lantern in the room.

[Fear: 0%.]

[Power levels at max, seeking proper wielders. Fear detected.]

[Love: 0%.]

[Power levels at max, seeking proper wielders. Love detected.]

[Willpower: 0%.]

[Power levels at max, seeking proper wielders. Willpower detected.]

[Power levels at max, seeking proper wielders. Hope detected.]

[Power levels at max, seeking proper wielders. Compassion detected.]

The beams from the Entities and Twilight cut off, with Twilight collapsing to the floor. The bracers all rose up and began disappearing. All three of the violet bracers teleported away, three of the five green bracers teleported, two blue bracers, the yellow bracer, and both indigo bracers.

One of the green bracers began floating towards Rainbow Dash and the blue bracer towards Pinkie Pie.

[Rainbow Dash of Equestria, you have the ability to overcome great fear. Despite the danger, you’re willing put the safety of those around you before yourself. Such selflessness demands a power to match it, will you accept the light of Willpower?]

[Pinkie Pie of Equestria, you have the ability to inspire great hope. A life spent in the pursuit of bringing happiness and joy to others around you, a heart that is full of hope requires the power to make that hope shine. Will you accept?]

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie glanced to each other. There was no questioning this decision. Both mares held out their right forelegs and the bracers quickly attached to them.

Pinkie Pie felt power, it was calming, and happy, connecting her to everypony. It was as if she was becoming one with their hopes and dreams, and Pinkie Pie felt the power of those hopes, and that power was hers to channel and wield. She was an extension of those hopes.

Once again, black mesh-like chainmail formed, coating her body up to her neck. Blue armor plates formed, spotted with a few vines that traced whimsical patterns on her armor. Pinkie’s mane was released from its pigtail look, and redone with a blue ribbon that tied it into a ponytail. Her already crystal blue eyes shined bright as the light of hope filled her being.

Rainbow Dash too was undergoing a transformation. The green light of Willpower was strong, it was as if the very power of all living things, moving and continuing on through hardships was within her. Rainbow remembered when Applejack became one with Ion, the Entity of all Willpower, she could now hardly believe how her friend was able to contain this much power, comparing the bracer to becoming one with the very source of that power was nothing, but if it was even a fraction of this, she would do it, for Twilight and her family, she would take control and fight for them.

The mesh formed over Rainbow Dash as green armor plates formed. Green lines formed on the armor, glowing with the light of Will. Rainbow’s wings transformed, becoming armored plated and elongated. Rainbow Dash gave an experimental flap of her metal wings and grinned like a Cheshire cat.


“Wee!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed as she began floating around the room. “Floaty!”

[Willpower detected, attack options unlocked.]

[Hope detected, power levels rising.]

Adara’s aura flared up, already feeling her light becoming even stronger in the presence of Willpower. But her attention was turned to Twilight, helping her back to her hooves.

“Are you alright, Twilight?”

“I…I’m fine, it was a little more draining than I thought,” said Twilight as she glanced upwards. “At least now Equestria will have a bit of a fighting chance.”

Author's Note:

Next Time:

The Blackest Night continues as it spreads to Manehattan and Apple Bloom, in the midst of the chaos, fines help from the last two ponies she'd expect.

Meanwhile, Butcher comes to grips with the Seal of Love, can the Entity of Rage figure out how to break it in time to save his comrades?

Stay tuned!