• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 2,083 Views, 56 Comments

Entities of Emotion 2: Dark is the Night - Michael_Ravencroft

The Light has had its time, now the Night shall fall again...

  • ...

Episode 3: Compassion's Dilemma & Rage's Clue

Fluttershy’s relationship with Proselyte has been…hard to pinpoint, for many. Some days she’ll act like the kind older sister to the Entity of Compassion, other times she’ll switch to a more motherly persona. Which kind of made it hard for others, wondering whether to call Proselyte a surrogate little brother or Fluttershy’s adopted son. But to Fluttershy and Proselyte, labels didn’t matter. Of one they could all agree on, it was that they were by no stretch lovers, they cared and loved each other, but not in any romantic way, as evidenced by Fluttershy’s marriage to Derpy Hooves.

The pegasus mare sighed wistfully to herself, still in disbelief that she actually settled down with somepony. Honestly she found both sexes attractive in their own right, Big Macintosh being the subject of many a fantasy, and even a few mares made their way in there, Rainbow was the first to come to mind, heck, even Princess Luna did, but in the end it was the awkward, clumsy, yet big hearted mare, Derpy, who won her heart.

Fluttershy couldn’t believe how happy Dinky looked when she found out, she practically levitated herself around the house that day. Just as much as marrying was a big change, Fluttershy realized she needed to change a little too. Proselyte and hers fusion allowed her to feel all the Emotional Spectrum, and while Rage had never been something she turned to, Fluttershy knew that there were different ways to use that emotional aspect. For instance, as her friends kept trying to do, help her be more assertive. Her symbolizing of that was the shortening of her mane.

It wasn’t that she disliked her long mane, she loved it, but really, she knew that it was just another barrier to put between herself and others she was afraid to talk to. So cutting it meant she couldn’t hide behind it anymore, that she’d have to face the problems before her without shrinking away or hiding, not to mention, she was a wife now, a mother too. Fluttershy had no doubt that Derpy could be assertive when it came to things concerning Dinky and other things, but she couldn’t rely on Derpy always being there to bail her out.

So, her mind made up, she cut it, and it has stayed cut ever since. Barring a few special occasions where her long mane was needed.

Now, however, Fluttershy was faced with a slight dilemma. She could tell that there was tension this morning between Sweetie Belle and Dinky, Proselyte unfortunately being in subject of that tension.

Fluttershy had watched as the little sister of one of her best friends stuck close to Proselyte, becoming increasingly infatuated with him, much to the disapproval of Dinky. In a way, Dinky was just being protective of her new brother, she just got him and probably wasn’t ready to share him with another mare, family excluded of course. But this morning, it seemed like Dinky was reaching Twilight levels of possessiveness, which made her worry on how her new daughter really felt towards Proselyte.

Suddenly, thundering steps could be heard coming from outside the cottage turned animal clinic. Fluttershy peeked out the window and watched as Proselyte was reigning in the two constellation beasts, the Ursa and Canis Minor. It was nearly night time, the sky having donned an orangey shade of color to it. After a bit, the two constellation beasts bid the Entity of Compassion a farewell.

The pegasus mare watched as Proselyte vanished in a puff of smoke, she then turned around in time to see another puff of purple smoke appear inside the clinic, with Proselyte emerging from it. “Well, those two are getting rowdier, I’m starting to know how their mothers feel.”

Fluttershy giggled, “Well, they are getting to be that age, just give them time to settle.”

“One can only hope.”

The two pegasi began to clean up the clinic, shutting it down early so that they could get home and spend time with rest of their family for Hearth’s Warming Eve. During the cleanup, Fluttershy glanced to Proselyte, believing now was as good a time as any to ask him.

“Lyte, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, what’s on your mind?” Proselyte asked as he swept.

“It’s concerning this morning.”

At this the young pegasus stallion stopped his sweeping. “Yes…sorry about all that…”

“It’s alright, but, I would like to know how you feel about all this.” Proselyte grew silent, but Fluttershy continued. “I see how Sweetie Belle looks at you, and openly flirts with you. I can tell she cares about you, so I was wondering how you feel about her.”

Proselyte turned to look at Fluttershy, rubbing the back of his head nervously as he tried to find the right words. “Well…Sweetie Belle is an attractive mare…she’s also kind, energetic, and talented…”

The pegasus mare sighed. “No Lyte, I mean, how do you feel about her?”

“I…I…don’t know…”

Fluttershy walked over to Proselyte, gently clasping her hoof on his shoulder, drawing his attention to her kind, teal eyes. “Lyte, I know how you work. You’d rather put other’s emotions and feelings before your own. I know, I’ve done that before. But right now, it’s important that you know how you feel, just as much as Sweetie, and Dinky.”

The Entity of Compassion’s ears drooped as he released a bewildered sigh. “I’ve never…well…It’s the nature of Compassion to put others before yourself, being the Entity of Compassion, I must allow myself to empathize with each of the other six emotional lights so that I may better understand them and bring balance, however, I’ve never thought of myself. So when it comes to Sweetie’s advances, I am unsure how to respond.”

Fluttershy flashed the young stallion a sympathetic smile. “I understand Lyte, but you can’t be with Sweetie Belle just to make her happy, it wouldn’t be fair to her if you’re only doing it because you don’t want to hurt her feelings.”

Proselyte nodded his understanding, caring about someone and loving that someone were two different things. He loved Fluttershy, that much he knew, more like an elder sister rather than a mother, so it was easy knowing where he stood with her. He cared deeply for Derpy, because she made Fluttershy happy, Amethyst Star, well, she had finally come around so he cared about her too. With Dinky though…

“Fluttershy…I think Dinky might care--or rather love me more than what she may let on,” said Proselyte in a cautious tone.

“You sensed her light?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yes…I’ve noticed it steadily shift between fraternal and romantic love…dependent on the situation. I sense these emotions are conflicting within her, but I am unsure to which I should appeal to…”

Fluttershy sat down. “Well, do you love Dinky that way?”

“I…We’re family now, it is not right for me to think of her in that way.” Proselyte lamented as he sat next to her.

“Well, I can’t speak for Derpy, but, I certainly wouldn’t hold it against you. The both of you were just a colt and filly, two strangers who have never lived together. It’s not unnatural for you or her to feel this way. Although, marrying Derpy may’ve made it difficult for her to acknowledge these feelings.”

Proselyte slapped his hoof to his forehead and groaned. “What am I do to do?”

Fluttershy tapped her chin as she contemplated some options. “We could talk to your sister, Predator?”

That notion made Proselyte’s eyebrow twitch involuntarily. “P-Predator?”

The yellow pegasus thought on that more, remembering the Entity of Love’s excentricities and quickly shook her head, eliminating that option right off the bat. “Okay, um, maybe Princess Cadance would be better?”

Proselyte thought about that, all the sagely advice without the over-the-top craziness that usually followed Predator? Who could say no that? “I believe that would be easier, but let’s keep that a private meeting if you please. The last thing I need is for Predator, or any of the others, to start meddling in their love lives.”


(Somewhere on the frozen tundra)

The wind howled and blustered, the temperature in the air was below freezing, enough to chill you down to the bone. All around were near endless fields of powdery white, and in the distance, glaciers the size of foothills and small mountains. All this was par for the course when living in Stalliongrad. The border city that laid on the dividing line between the Griffon and Equestrian territory.

Along this city was the outpost walls, where griffon and pony alike stood guard at the border, subduing any and all would-be troublemakers from either side looking to cross. Equestria and the Griffon Kingdoms had maintained a steady peace over the years and they intended to keep it that way.

Suddenly, a pack of Frost Biters came running across the snowy field, their white fur with highlights of blue made it easy for them to blend into their surroundings, but their yellow and red eyes would be the only thing you’d see when they were upon you. They had sabertooth fangs made of sharpened ice, both as hard as diamonds, the rest of their dagger-like teeth were strong as well, but it was those icy glaives that were the biggest threat to anyone. That, and their incredible size, which was about the size of an average minotaur, sharp claws, and strong muscles, all of which made these predators a dangerous element in this territory.

Even now, this pack of eight had caught wind of something tasty, pony meat, along with some griffons. The Frost Biters all had experience fighting the winged half creatures, it had been practically ingrained into their instincts how to fight them. But what concerned them were the ponies with horns, they usually proved to be trouble and have often times made acquiring a meal difficult, but they had learned to spot those with horns and take them out as swiftly as possible, failing that, injure them badly enough that it made it hard for them to use their power.

Ponies weren’t built for this cold, but they were, so pain on top of bone cutting wind and cold would be more than enough to throw them off. The pack approached the edge of a snowy hill and crouched low, still catching the scent of pony and griffon meat. The alpha peeked over the hill and spotted a small caravan heading towards the large city in the distance. The wall that had separated both the pony and half creatures territories was a few yards away, but well out of range for anyone to help.

This was their chance. The pack broke off into four groups of two. Two ran ahead to cut off the front, while the other two groups slowly crept on their rear. The alpha Frost Biter barked to his ranks, giving them orders to split apart. One Frost Biter from each group splintered off, taking flanking positions on either side of the caravan.

The beast snarled and grinned wickedly, they would feast well tonight. Despite the flurry that was getting kicked up, the Frost Biters could see in such terrible conditions, and once the alpha was sure that they had inclosed the caravan tight enough to cut off escape, it howled at the same time the wind gusted, masking the howl of the beast. Although the griffons and ponies couldn’t tell the difference, the others could easily distinguish the sounds of the wind and the calls of their kin.

With the signal given, the Frost Biters charged in, ready to blitz the caravan from all sides. But just then, something happened. The area was bathed in crimson and sudden primal fear crept into the hearts of each beast. The caravan stopped, hearing a loud whistling sound getting closer and louder with each second. The light grew brighter as well, and suddenly, that light came down from the heavens and landed a yard away from the caravan.

A shockwave erupted, blowing away the snow for a good fifty yards and revealing everything that it had hidden. The wagons filled with supplies and wears for the city, families wishing to visit relatives, and a few griffon BP Officers and Royal Guards. Without the cover of the storm, the Frost Biters’ positions were exposed for all to see, as well as the one responsible for revealing them.

He stood taller than any pony or even their wagons, red as blood, with muscles that rippled with great might. It’s eyes were an angry scarlet color, its lower half covered in black fur, and its horns were oddly shaped. They curved upwards, but two other points curved close to the jawline of this minotaur, as if giving it the appearance of tusks. It wore a jacket, similar to the unclad griffons in the city, and wielded a mighty crimson battle ax with the symbol of Rage on it.

The minotaur looked to and fro, counting each of the eight Frost Biters which barely came up to his chest. “Only eight of you?” The minotaur snorted. “Well, at least I’ll dine well!”

The beasts growled and roared at the minotaur, forgetting the caravan as their primal instincts blared a warning that this being was the most dangerous thing and needed to be dealt with before anything else. Ignoring the caravan, the Frost Biters charged the minotaur.

The red minotaur smirked, twirled his battle ax in the air and then slammed it on the ground before him. The impact generated cloud of snow that hid him from view, making the Frost Biters stop in their tracks as they tried to find their prey’s whereabouts. Suddenly, the red minotaur dashed from the cloud of snow, his red ax gleaming from the reflected light of the snow before coming down on a Frost Biter, cleaving it in twain with one stroke and staining the pure white snow with blood.

The others sensed the death of one of their own, confirming it when the smell of blood hit the air. However, the red menace was not hard to spot, against the white backdrop, he stuck out like a sore thumb. The red minotaur was already making a beeline for his second target, kicking up a flurry of snow in his wake from his incredible speed. Two of the Frost Biters flanked the red minotaur, bearing their frozen fangs in preparation to kill the monster.

“Commendable teamwork, however!”

The Frost Biter on his left lunged forward with its sabertooth fangs. but the red minotaur simply jumped some twenty feet into the air, causing the Frost Biter to accidentally slice the jugular of its comrade. The Frost Biter skidded to a halt and gazed with widened eyes at the fact that it had just killed its fellow packmate. The beast snarled with bloodlust at the minotaur who caused this to happen. The red minotaur landed a few feet away, twirling its ax and assuming a fighting stance.

“Against me, beasts, you’ll need more than teamwork,” he bellowed.

The Frost Biter charged again, ready to disembowel the minotaur. But as soon as the Frost Biter was in range, the red minotaur brought its ax overhead, a surge of red shot up the minotaur’s arm, up the shaft of the ax, and into the blade. The red minotaur then brought down his weapon, striking the ground and sending a wave of crimson energy roaring towards the Frost Biter. The beast didn’t have a second to even think about dodging it before the blade of energy passed through it. Slicing it in half, the wake of the blast burned the remnants away into ash and wiping away any trace of the Frost Biter.

“Three down,” the red minotaur looked to the remaining, “and five to go!”

The pack changed tactics, running around as fast they could, zigzagging to blend into the snow and to confuse the minotaur. There was a moment when the red minotaur lost track of one of them, and it was in that moment that the beast opened its mouth and clamped down its jaws on his right forearm. The red minotaur grunted in discomfort, accidentally dropping his ax. Another Frost Biter barreled into the minotaur, sending all three of them tumbling forward and away from his weapon.

The beasts believed his ax to be the source of his power, separate the weapon from the wielder and he’s no stronger than the average minotaur. Unfortunately, they were wrong when it came to this minotaur.

The red minotaur grabbed the Frost Biter that had barreled into him by the throat, hoisting him up with one hand and exerting pressure on its throat. The beast slashed wildly with its claws, trying in vain to kill him, A few swipes hit his chest, causing hot blood to ooze from the wounds, but the pain did nothing to stop this minotaur, compared to other battles, such a thing barely registered on his pain senses. With a growl the red minotaur clenched his fist, crushing the Frost Biter’s throat in one move. He then threw the beast away like a rag doll and focused on the one trying to bite his arm off.

His keen hearing alerted him to the approach of another, thinking quickly, the red minotaur flexed his muscles on his right arm, making the already hard task of piercing his muscled flesh even harder. With his left, the red minotaur worked his hand into the beast’s lower jaw. With little effort, he managed to pry the Frost Biter’s jaw open, earning a sickening snapping sound as its lower jaw became dislocated. Without much thought, the red minotaur reached into its mouth and yanked the diamond hard sabertooth fangs clear out of its head.

The approaching Frost Biter was now in range for a lunging attack, preparing to stab his throat. But the stabbing was on the other hoof, as the red minotaur raised both hands and thrusted both fangs into the throat of the attacking beast, blood sprayed out from the twin jugular wound, wet gurgling noises came out of the monster’s maw for a brief moment before it went still. The red minotaur threw the beast to the side, standing to his full height with blood of both himself and the Frost Biters on him, and both fangs in each hand.

Suddenly there was shuffling coming from behind him, he glanced over his right shoulder, seeing the injured Frost Biter try to find its footing to launch an attack. It kept releasing these awful sounds between caterwauling and croaking. In a last desperate attempt the beast tried to lunge, only to receive its frozen fang stabbed up through the upper palate of its mouth and right into its brain, putting the poor thing out of its misery. The red minotaur released the other fang and pointed his open palm towards his ax.

The two beasts watched as the crimson death bringer floated up and flew at great speed towards the minotaur, who caught it within mere seconds. “Die now or later, either way makes no difference to me!”

The remaining two Frost Biters glanced at each other and then hightailed as fast as the wind, the red minotaur could swear he saw yellow patches of snow where they stood. The minotaur then turned towards the caravan, his hoofsteps making even the snow tremble.

“Any damage or injuries? Speak up now,” he ordered.

The BP Officers and Royal Guards each took fighting stances, scared at the sight of the blood drenched minotaur who so easily dispatched the Frost Biters in such a savage manner. The red minotaur snorted in irritation, he just saved their miserable lives and now they turn their weapons on him!

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! Everypony and griffon stand down now!”

The ponies and griffons looked towards the sky and watched as a griffonness descended and put herself between the minotaur and the frightened officers and guards.

“I’m Sergeant Gilda of the Border Patrol! This guy’s one my officers, so put your weapons and horns down!” Gilda ordered.

One of the griffons looked at Gilda in confusion. “Are you nuts?! He just--did you see how he killed those things?!”

“Yeah, and from the looks of it, you’re all alive ‘cause of what he did! Now, if any of you aren’t injured I suggest double timing it to the city, I doubt they’ll try that again, but don’t count it!”

Some of the ponies and griffons looked apprehensive about leaving the griffoness with the overgrown minotaur slayer, his appearance did nothing to make them feel that she would be safe, or if she was a hostage trying to keep him from killing others. Gilda, frustrated, inhaled deeply and released a powerful roar that garnered the attention of everyone in the caravan, and earned a smirk from the minotaur, noting how the force of the roar pushed some of the snow away.

“Look, you’re wasting time! It’ll be dark soon, and colder! If you don’t want to be caught by those things again, you’ll hurry up NOW!” Gilda shouted.

The caravan quickly shaped up and sped away towards Stalliongrad. Gilda held her POed expression for another couple of minutes before releasing a heavy sigh and turning to face the minotaur. “Went medieval on the Biters, didn’t ‘cha Butch?”

Butch snorted. “There were eight of them, and they had those fools surrounded. I just gave them a target they couldn’t resist not wanting to kill.”

Gilda raised an eyebrow. “Uh-huh, and you’re not about to tell me that you didn’t enjoy all of that?”

Butch tapped his fingers against the shaft of his battle ax, keeping his gaze on nothing in particular, but certainly not on Gilda. The griffoness smirked, knowing she pegged the minotaur.

“Alright, alright, but next time just scare the piss out of those things, you can go slaughterhouse on them when they’re out of sight,” said Gilda.

“For your information, I did scare the ‘piss’ out of them. Observe!” Butch pointed to two yellow spots on the snow with his ax.

A mischievous grin appeared on Gilda’s beak. “Yeah, and how do I know you just didn’t make those yourself?”

“That is absurd!” Butch shouted.

Gilda raised her claws defensively. “Hey, I don’t judge dude, if ya gotta go, ya gotta go.”

Butch shot Gilda a deadpan expression. “You test my patience like no other, why do I endure you?!”

“‘Cause ya like staring at my ass,” said Gilda proudly.

Butch smacked his forehead against the flat of his ax and groaned loudly. “You are insufferable.”

“Love ya too, Butch.”

Gilda and Butch, or as he was also known as, Butcher, the Entity of Rage, made their way back to the outpost. It was a rather large section of the border wall, overlooking the gate and providing a good vantage point for both sides of the wall. By the time they arrived back at the outpost the sun had fallen and turning day into night. Although, it was hard for it to get totally dark outside, as the white snow tended to reflect even the minimalist of light and making the night bright. Sleep was almost hard to obtain unless you had an eye mask or blackout curtains.

The door to the outpost opened, revealing another griffoness, her feathers were a hazel brown, with light-green eyeliner, and eyes of blue-green that were just as sharp as any griffon. She wore a BP Officer's uniform as she ushered the duo inside and quickly shut the door to keep in the heat.

“Jeez, Butch, what the Tartarus happened to you?!”

“Ah don’t worry Greta, Butch’s been through worse,” said Gilda.

Greta looked the minotaur up and down, noting the claw marks and blood. “Shouldn’t we…I don’t know, break out the medkit?! Clean his wounds?! I mean, that’s a lot of blood for someone his size!”

Butch waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry, it’s not all mine. At least ninety percent of it isn’t.”

Greta’s eye twitched at how nonchalantly Butch said that, and with a straight face. She then turned to Gilda. “S-Should I be worried about him? For us?”

Gilda scoffed and then laughed. “Greta, babe, don’t worry about it! Butch is tall, scary, and a total fight happy rageaholic. But he’s a friend, now stop worryin’ and come ‘ere.”

Gilda quickly swooped in and brought Greta into a passionate kiss, practically erasing all worry in the griffon’s mind about Butcher. The Entity of Rage rolled his eyes at the action, love would forever be a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Still, the whole “friendship” thing, it wasn’t as terrible as he had once thought it would be. Butcher had found a strange kinship with Gilda, as well as her housemates, Summer and Sonya.

Butcher had watched Gilda, how she seemed to act strange when she heard Greta was in the BP and was being assigned to her unit. Apparently the two had history, something about crushes (and not the fun kind either) and feelings, and blah, blah, blah. The main point was, Gilda had a thing for Greta, and Greta had a secret thing for Gilda, long story short, they kissed, they screwed, and now they’re a couple. He was the Entity of Rage, things were simpler in battle, kill the enemy before he kills you. With love, there was all this secrecy and tiptoeing around subjects.

Why she never just came out and said anything was beyond him, would’ve saved a hell of a lot of time. Butcher snorted. Whatever, she’s got her mate, guess it was worth it……somewhat.

The two griffonesses parted beaks, both panting heavily from their make out session. “Gilda, you really need to stop shutting me up like that.”

Gilda scoffed. “Please, you like it. But if you don’t, I’m sure there are other ways I can…”

Greta felt a shiver go up her spine when she felt Gilda’s tail travel south. “G! Not when Butch’s in here!”

“Pfft, B don’t give a crap, do ya B?!” Gilda asked.


“See, not even paying attention.”

Greta’s face went red, she then used her own tail to swat Gilda’s away. “I-I’m not really into voyeurism…”

“Oh we’ll change that when you meet Sonya and Summer, but until then, fine.” Gilda walked over to the coffee brewer and poured herself a cup. “Hey B, you should head to the showers and clean off that blood. Don’t want to explain to the next shift why there are bloodstains on the couch and floor.”

Butcher grunted but heeded her advice and headed to the showers, just then a thought occurred to Gilda.

“On second thought don’t! We could totally scare the crap out of the next shift when they get here! It’ll be like a friggin’ horror movie!”

“Gilda,” said Greta in a warning tone.

“Fine, never mind. Party pooper.”

Butcher rolled his eyes and proceeded to the showers. Thankfully the shower heads were high enough that even his enormous bulk could stand underneath it. The Entity of Rage pulled the lever and turned on the shower, allowing the hot water to pour over his body. The temperature stung his wounds, but they’d close within a matter a minutes any. Of course, it’d be seconds if he still had access to his full power.

Four years had passed since the seals were put upon the Negatives, each one forcing them to either feel or understand the opposite emotion or forever be cut off from their power. It really didn’t faze Butcher too much, he was more reliant on brute strength than his powers. For Parallax and Ophidian it was a devastating blow, but to himself, only a minor one. That being said, the seals didn’t fully cut off their powers. Evidenced by Ophidian’s ability to absorb magic and light to a degree, and Parallax’s ability to sense what others are afraid of and feed off it.

As for Butcher, his wounds healed at a faster rate, not as fast as before, but definitely faster than the average creature. His energy could still be used, but only when channeled through his ax, and his napalm blood breath was more like fire breath now, lacking the acidic properties. Butcher had decided to look upon it as a handicap to others, he was the Entity of Rage, battle and destruction came easy to him, and made all but his fellow Entities easy battles to win. In a way, he saw it as training, for when the day he did unlocked his powers, he’d only be that much stronger for it.

“Love…” he whispered, “Only until I love someone or something can I have my power back. A love of battle is obviously not the answer…”

So what was? Was the Butcher, the Entity of Rage, born of the first act of murder, supposed to fall in love with someone? If he had to choose, Gilda wasn’t too terrible a candidate, the two of them already had a kind of mutual trust and respect for each other. Still, her inclination towards females kind of makes that near impossible, if such a thing was even possible. Sonya and Summer Breeze seemed pretty open, and they too trusted him.

Butcher thought on this and shook his head. No, the two of them were open, but not that open. Besides, romantic love wasn’t something he’d find. Almost every creature he met either got out of his way in fear of him or was on guard thinking he would kill them. And they wouldn’t be completely off base, given a time he would have slain all in his path. But now…but now...


Butcher’s head snapped up and he dashed for the door, pushing it open and making it slam against the wall. “WHAT HAPPENED?!”

The Entity of Rage’s eyes fell upon both griffon females, both of which were on the couch, with Gilda perched in a very suggestive manner, and with Greta beneath her. Both griffonesses stared with reddened faces at Butcher who had apparently just walked in on the two of them.

“Uh…B, you alright?” Gilda asked.

“I…I just…There were sounds of distress,” said Butcher.

Greta cleared her throat and embarrassedly raised her claw. “T-That was me…Gilda kind of nipped me in a sensitive area and…um…sorry.”

Butcher slapped a wet palm over his face and dragged it down, without a word he closed the door behind him and left them to do…whatever it is they were about to do. As he walked back to his shower stall, Butcher saw something peculiar. In front of his chest was Predator’s symbol, the insignia of Love, and for just a moment Butcher’s body flared with the red light of Rage, making all the wounds he had received close almost immediately. But only for a moment before power surge disappeared along with the symbol.

The Entity of Rage looked upon himself, somehow, he had tapped into his true power, the seal had nearly given way.

“But why…?”

Author's Note:

Next TIme:

Dinky gets a bit of sagely advice on big brothers...from Twilight. Yeah.

Meanwhile a big surprise awaits the Crystal Empire's royalty, and a giddy Predator can't wait.

And, the dark king...