• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 2,083 Views, 56 Comments

Entities of Emotion 2: Dark is the Night - Michael_Ravencroft

The Light has had its time, now the Night shall fall again...

  • ...

Episode 13: Rise the Defenders!

The Black Lanterns continued to spread out, searching or creating more dead bodies to add to their ranks. One Black Lantern found itself over Canterlot, it found a gravesite in the back gardens of the castle and quickly descended to it. The undead pony melded into the shadows, avoiding the watchful gaze of the Royal Guards, it wasn’t as if the Black Lantern couldn’t take them easily. But now wasn’t the time, once their numbers were up, all the Royal Guard would know the blissful release of Death.

The Black Lantern continued to creep through the garden until it happened upon a statue. Hidden as if it were a private sanctuary, were bushes filled with white roses, as white as the moon. Even with the black rainwater falling, none of the roses were stained. At the center of the sanctuary was a statue of a pegasus mare, the Black Lantern could tell it was a grave, there were remains resting below the surface. Upon the grave was a flower, a snowdrop, and even it remained unstained in defiance of the Blackest Night.

The Black Lantern smiled sinisterly, it could already feel the connection this mare had to one of Equestria’s rulers, and it would be oh so delicious to reunite them again. The Black Lantern pony stood over the grave and channeled its dark power.

{The Blackest NIght falls from the skies,

Let us hear your deathly cries!

We’ll twist your souls as your light dies,

By Sombra’s command the dead shall RISE!}

The Black Lantern opened its mouth and released the black tar sludge that would soon reanimate the corpse of this mare, the one whose namesake was tied into the flower that bloomed before it. However, upon the black sludge touching the ground, a white light shined and evaporated the sludge as an ethereal voice spoke…


The Black Lantern cocked its head to the side, not understanding why that happened. The undead minion reared its head back and stated, {By Sombra’s command the dead shall RISE!}

Another stream of black sludge began to pour out from its mouth, but yet again, the sludge could not touch the grave of Snowdrop as a field white light shined brighter and blasted the Black Lantern away from it, the undead creature panicked as it saw part of its body had been vaporized, the regeneration process happening much slower than normal due to the light..


It was inconceivable for any being to be truly at peace, everypony has regrets, unfinished business, something that still ties them to the mortal world no matter how faint. The Black Lantern hissed, it didn’t matter, what was one corpse among the thousands that would soon rise.

“Princess Luna?”


“C’mon, wake up already, you can’t expect to sleep right now!”

The navy blue alicorn stirred, blinking her eyes several times to adjust the blurriness from sleep. She took in her surroundings, it was a lovely moonlit night, the shimmering celestial body she governed shown full this night as the stars twinkled amidst a tapestry of blue and black hues. Luna found herself lying under a willow tree, lying on a bed of grass. She recognized this area, the Canterlot Royal Gardens, and this was her private little section, a haven for her should she seek a place to meditate or just relax.

Luna was aware of a comforting warmth nuzzling closely to her right side. The midnight blue mare turned her head and found the one responsible for this warmth, a pegasus mare. Her coat was a pale blue, mane and tail as white as snow, and the milky blue eyes of this mare, the pupils glazed over, which Luna knew meant the mare was blind to a degree. But she didn’t care really, and neither did the mare.

“Forgive me, Snowdrop, did I fall asleep?”

“You kind of nodded off, Princess, are you alright?”

“Yes, I am. And Snowdrop, you know my title is not needed in such an informal setting, after all,” Luna’s cheeks began to tint red and it was times like this she was a little glad Snowdrop couldn’t see, “we are betrothed.”

Snowdrop giggled, despite not being able to see her marefriend’s blush, she could definitely tell she was by the tone of her voice alone.

“Sorry, I guess…I’m still getting used to this. Being friends with you has made me happy,” said Snowdrop as she nuzzled into the crook of Luna’s neck.

The alicorn mare nuzzled the top of her love’s head in kind. “You are the first pony to truly understand my night, and it filled me with such…happiness, that I couldn’t express it. Not as you were back then.”

Snowdrop chuckled. “Because I was a filly and you didn’t want ponies whispering scandalous rumors that the Princess was in a romantic relationship with a filly, how terrible that would be!”

Luna’s lips curled in a coy smile, young Snowdrop had grown to be a kind, gentle, and determined mare, but at times could be quite cheeky. Of course, Luna didn’t mind this, it was actually quite refreshing.

“Humph, please, do not think me so impure. My first feelings were of caring, our friendship is what made me love you even more, and in time, in love with you.” Luna’s expression fell a bit. “Do you…have any regrets? Our relationship grew to what it was, and…there are times when I think that I may’ve stolen you from a more worthy mare…or stallion.”

Snowdrop sighed, she loved Luna, truly, but her self-esteem was lacking in some areas.

I chose you, never did I hear a single bit of deception or control in your voice. The thing about being blind, your senses are opened, and your ability to sense another’s intentions. And not once did I feel that you were trying to manipulate me, not during our friendship when I was a filly, not in mine and yours confessions of love when I was of age, and not even now as we lie here together.”

The pegasus mare moved forward and planted a tender kiss on the moon princess’ lips. Luna was a little surprised, but only for a moment before pressing back and relishing the soft kiss of her lover. Snowdrop broke the kiss slowly, feeling her face burning like an inferno, but just as happy all the same.

“So stop thinking like that, be the strong and beautiful mare that I know you are.”

Luna smiled wider as she slowly shook her head. “Why is it that your words always chase away my burdens, teach me this spell!”

Snowdrop moved forward again, this time her kiss was more passionate and deep. Luna gladly let her mare take the lead, letting her deepen the kiss as Snowdrop’s hooves traced the back of her neck, running through her ethereal mane. The powder blue pegasus began to lean back, using her hooves to drag Luna back with her. Before the alicorn mare realized it, she was atop her lover. Her mind grew hazy as she indulged the direction of this turn of affairs.

Luna moaned blissfully in sync with Snowdrop’s, her right hoof tracing along Snowdrop’s side until it reached her flower cutie mark. The alicorn mare rubbed the mark in gentle circular motions, the sensations causing Snowdrop’s moans to grow louder. The Princes of the Night wanted this so badly, to express her love to this mare who was her first friend and lover, she wanted to shower her in every bit of lust and hear their joined blissful cries. She wanted to hold onto this mare, wake up to and sleep next to this mare for all the time Snowdrop had in this world, and if the All Mothers were kind, even longer.

Sadly though, this would not happen, because, in the end…

“It’s just a dream,” said Luna as she gently ended their kissing.


“I’m sorry…I want to…the All Mothers above know I do, but…this is but a dream…”

Snowdrop raised her hoof and placed upon Luna’s cheek. “Does it matter if this is dream? Your feelings are real, and mine are too.”

The Princess shook her head solemnly. “I may love you, Snowdrop, but you are but a dream sprite…not the real Snowdrop…”

“And you don’t believe that she’d feel the same way?”

Tears began falling from the alicorn’s eyes as she smiled back at the dream sprite Snowdrop.

“Unfortunately, I will never know…” Luna raised her head, seeing a pony shaped figure in the hanging branches of the willow tree. “That is enough…Tantibus…”

The pony shaped figure parted the willow branches, revealing itself. It was in the shape of a unicorn pony, but its body was made of swirling hues of blue and violet energy, with sparkling particles that flowed throughout its body, one could say that this Tantibus was made of the night sky. The Tantibus’ horn glowed, making the world around Luna disassemble into particles of blue light. Luna looked down at the Snowdrop in her hooves, the dream sprite still smiling in spite of its body disappearing.

However the dream world stopped mid dispersal, making Luna look about in confusion. A light shined at the center of the sprite, making it reform itself before her. Luna looked to the Tantibus and incredulously asked, “Tantibus, what are you doing?! I ordered you to stop this!”

The Tantibus looked as if it wanted to speak, but then it looked to Snowdrop and lift.

“You must awake before it is too late!” Snowdrop warned.

Luna cocked her head to the side in confusion. “What do you mean ‘before it is too late’, too late for what?”

“The dark ones have already tried to bring me back to hurt you, but I am without regrets, and therefore cannot be brought back, but that does not mean others are safe, Luna, you and your companions must wield the light to save everypony, to protect the living!”

Luna shook her head. “I-I don’t understand Snowdrop, what ‘dark ones’ what tried to bring you back?!”

A light shined from the moon above them, it was a strange phenomenon as Luna was the Dream Walker, the world of dreams was her domain and the moon, her symbol was always under her control. So to have it glow without her willing it, was not normal.

Once Snowdrop saw the glowing moon she sighed heavily. “It’s time for me to go, any longer and they might succeed in bringing me back. Fight on Luna, all of you, I don’t want to see you in Elysium for a long while.”

As Snowdrop walked towards the light, Luna reached out with her wing, placing it on her crush’s back. “Wait, Snowdrop, please! I wanted to tell you…if…if this really is you I need you to know that I’m sorry!”

Snowdrop glanced over her shoulder and then turned to Luna fully. “Sorry for what?”

“For…For becoming a monster! For forsaking you, my first real friend…and for not telling you of how I felt…” Luna confessed.

Snowdrop walked up to Luna and used her feather to wipe away the tears. “Luna, you needn’t apologize, I’ve seen all you’ve gone through. You were gripped with fear and jealousy, and I wish I was there more to make you less of both.”

“How could you…? You were but a filly, just barely becoming a mare…I was the immortal being, I should have been stronger than to rely on…” Luna couldn’t go on as she felt herself choke back a full on sob.

Snowdrop smiled warmly at the alicorn mare and brought her into a hug. “I never stopped believing that you would find the light again, Luna. Even when I heard what happened to you, becoming Nightmare Moon. I always would gaze up into the night sky, I couldn’t see it clearly at times, but I knew the moon was out, and I felt that you were watching me, reaching out in dreams and with the unusually loud twinkling of the stars.”

Luna blushed at that, even while trapped in her dark persona, she still had some influence over the night, but she never knew if Snowdrop could hear those sounds, until now.

The light behind Snowdrop reverberated, pulsing into the dream realm. Snowdrop looked to the light and nodded, “Luna, be strong, you and your friends can survive this night, but you must awake now before it is too late!” Snowdrop leaned into Luna and whispered into her ear, “The Entities of the Emotional Spectrum cannot win this alone…”


“SNOWDROP!” Luna shouted as she awoke with a start. “Snow…drop…?”

Luna found herself staring into the dark of her room. But something was not right, the moment she awoke she could already feel a great disturbance in the night. Luna glanced to the window and heard the pitter patter of raindrops against it, accompanied with a flash of lightning, and the roaring thunder.

“What madness is this?” Luna spat as she threw the blankets off her body and walked to the window. “A rainstorm? On Hearths Warming Eve?”

It had to be a mistake, the pegasi ponies would have given the Princesses a heads up if they had to suddenly change the weather for some environmental reason or another. But then, a greater fear formed in Luna’s mind. Did I unconsciously conjure this storm?! Was my dream so strong that it affected my magic to cause this?

Either way, she had to stop the storm and figure out how to make a formal apology to the citizens of Canterlot, and her sister.

Luna summoned her magic, causing her horn to glow a navy blue tint. Concentrating, Luna focused her magic on the clouds, willing them to cease and disperse, however, the moment she reached out to do so something snapped back at her.

The midnight blue alicorn stumbled back, her mind reeling from the violent retaliation. Luna tried once more, but again, the storm would not yield to her command and showed its defiance by lashing out again at her mind. The power surge was strong enough that it actually sent Luna flying across her bedroom and slam against the wall with a hard THUD, knocking the air from her lungs as she collapsed to the floor.

The batpony guards quickly entered the chamber and saw their diarch on the floor, groaning in pain. One batpony guard tended to Luna, while the other kept watch over the room.

“Princess Luna, can you hear me?! What happened?!” he asked.

Luna slowly rose to her hooves with the aid of the guard. “It’s…It wasn’t an assailant, I was trying to stop the storm, but…something pushed back against me, as if the storm has a mind of its own.”

It was then that an annoyed scowl formed on her muzzle. She then did an about face and headed straight for Celestia’s bedchambers. Once she arrived, Luna knocked at the door, mostly for etiquette, and opened the door.

“Sister, if there is one thing I’m not letting Discord slide by on it’s this! I –!” Just then, Luna saw her sister sprawled out in the middle of the room and directly across from her was an open window. “TIA!”

Luna rushed to her sister’s side and nuzzled her gently, trying to wake the older mare. With a light groan, Celestia managed to regain consciousness, her magenta eyes looked up and met with her little sister’s eyes. “Lulu…? What…?”

Just then, Celestia noticed something crawling up above them. Her heart raced as she saw the shadowy creature spider walk on the ceiling and twist its head around until it was staring down at both of them. “LUNA LOOK OUT!”

The creature screeched as it descended, but Celestia’s warning was quick enough that Luna was able to form a barrier dome around them. The creature collided with the barrier and was sent flying against the far wall.

“How dare you try and attack me, and my sister! Cowardly assassin, if you have the balls, fight me now!” Luna declared as she made her horn flare, illuminating the shadows.

The assailant was soon revealed, an earth pony stallion, with part of its face decayed and showing skeleton bones hissed at the Princess of the Night, and he wore a black uniform with the symbol of Death upon it.

Luna’s eyes widened at the sight of this pony, an undead monster had been sent to attack them. “What foul necromancy has been wrought here?!”

{Rulers of the Sun and Moon, my lord and master requests you join in our ranks!}

The living corpse repaired the damage to its body as it peeled itself off the wall. But before Luna or Celestia could mount a counter attack the Royal Guard entered the room. Two unicorn Guards formed a barrier, enclosing the attacker in the corner of the room, while two others primed their horns to release magic bolts.

“Sorry for the delay your highnesses, we were investigating a disturbance in the halls when we heard the commotion!”

Luna raised an eyebrow at that. “A ‘commotion’, is there another creature like this in the castle?!”

“We sent another unit after it so we could assist.”

The Black Lantern smiled, well, as much as it could with most of its facial features rotted away. {The Blackest Night falls from the skies! Let us hear your deathly cries!}

Black light construct swords appeared within the imprisoning field, the black blades then pierced the dome and ripped it open, much to the shock of the Royal Guards and the Princesses. With its Spectrum Vision, the Black Lantern could see the colors of its victims.

Celestia radiated with Hope, Love, Compassion, Fear, and Willpower.

Luna shined with Willpower, Rage, Compassion, Fear, and Love.

The Guards around them leaned towards either yellow Fear or green Willpower, one born from loyalty to their Princesses, and the born from a fear for their life. The Black Lantern raised its swords and launched them at the Princesses, but two the guards ran towards them, and intercepted the blades as they pierced their sides. It was that one act that made the lights shift in them and now it knew who to attack.

The Royal Guard on its left was shining with Fear, so the Black Lantern formed a construct tentacle that wrapped around its forelegs and tossed the unsuspecting guard to the ceiling and held him up there. The Black Lantern jumped up and crawled along the ceiling until it was right on top of him.

{We’ll twist your souls as your light dies!}

The Black Lantern layered its hoof with black light energy and plunged it through the chest plate and into the stallion’s chest. Blood flowed down and speckled the ponies down below as they watched on in horror.

The undead monster retracted its hoof and ripped out the guard’s beating heart, which was glowing yellow before it evaporated into yellow dust. {By Sombra’s command the dead shall RISE!}

The Black Lantern then began spewing the dark sludge into the open wound and making the corpse of the guard convulse violently before letting it fall all the back to the floor.

“EVAC, NOW!!!”

The remaining guards fired a volley of magic bolts at the ceiling, each one hitting its mark and exploding with thunderous force, causing the ceiling to crack. The Royal Guards quickly helped Celestia up and got her out of the room, Luna stayed behind as she watched the body of the guard that was killed began to rise, its armor transforming into black metal and the star symbol that was upon it becoming the same as the Black Lantern.

Luna shut the doors and ran to the other guards, noticing however that they had not moved. “Why are we stopping we need to move!”

“Look,” said Celestia as she pointed down the hallway. More Royal Guards appeared, but they were not living anymore, Luna saw their armor and knew that they too had been turned.

The doors to Celestia’s room were the splintered apart as two Black Lanterns exited, widening their stances as they got into attack position. Celestia stood on her own strength and gazed upon the six Royal Guards. With tears in her eyes she lit her horn ablaze with magical energy.

Luna did not have to ask to know what she was thinking. Their guards were dead, walking corpses enslaved to Sombra of all beings. Better they be wiped out by them then have them continue on as they are. Luna’s horn shined with ethereal navy blue light. That light took form before her as she summoned her divine weapon.

The two Black Lanterns that stood before the Princess of the Night dashed for her, black construct claws at the ready to rip her heart out. But they never made it as Luna disappeared, and in the next instant, both Black Lanterns found themselves cut to pieces with only the faint glow of a white crescent appearing behind them.

Luna had summoned her most powerful weapon, the weapon forged from her own magic and magical metals, a scimitar, with a powder blue hilt, a golden crescent guard, and a five foot long, curved blade, sparkling like silver starlight. Midnight Crescent.

Celestia, in response to her sister’s attack, unleashed a column sized beam of solar magic right down the hall. The Black Lanterns could only screech as their forms were burned away by the light.

It hurt the alicorn mare’s heart to do that to her own subjects, ponies who had dedicated their lives to protect the ponies and crown, but Faust willing their souls were no longer a part of the undead and it was only their bodies.

Celestia narrowed her gaze as she tightened her jaw. Sombra, whatever dark hole you have crawled from, I will make sure to throw you back in and burn it and you to cinders! How dare you defile my little ponies like this!

“Soldiers!” Celestia commanded, causing the Royal Guards to stand at attention. “Alert the Castle, Canterlot is under siege, move with swiftness and all due caution, this is an enemy we cannot take likely!”

“YES, YOUR MAJESTY!” The Royal Guards shouted as they teleported away.

Celestia wasted no time in summoning her own divine weapon. Blazing yellow light mana pulled the weapon from the aether and brought it forth before the Solar Princess. It was a halberd, with a polished white oak shaft at least eight feet in length. At the butt of the shaft was a golden cap, with three blades shooting off to the right, left, and down. Further up the shaft the Crest of the Sun was at the center connecting it to a long golden ax blade, a three foot spike, and a five foot long blade at the top, perfect for stabbing or slashing. Her favored weapon Daylight Glare.

Luna backed up until she was standing side-by-side with her big sister. “Feels a bit freeing, not having to move around with our regalia on.”

Celestia smirked. “Freeing, yes, but I do feel a little exposed.”

“Embrace the exposure, Tia, it wouldn’t be the most scandalous thing you’ve done in a century,” said Luna with an impish grin.

“I’m still trying to figure out how that young pegasus colt was even able to get that photo of me eating cake!”

Their talk ended when they saw the remnants of the Black Lanterns they had slain rise again, reforming themselves as if completely unfazed by their previous attacks.

“This is going to become tedious, sister,” said Luna.

“Very,” replied Celestia.

(Canterlot Boutique)

Sassy Saddles, a powder blue, and rather tall unicorn mare, was helping with the preparation of the fine wine and elegant snacks that they would dining on tonight. Sassy had once heralded herself as the best marketer for many a fashion shop and up and coming designers. However, her marketing style often landed her either out the door or driving the designer to quit all together.

However, when she met Rarity, and was introduced to the “Rules of Rarity” she was able to see the folly in her actions. She was prepared to quit then and there on the spot, ready to better herself. But then Rarity stopped her and kept her on to learn the Rules of Rarity, and apply them to Canterlot Boutique each and every day.

Needless to say that Sassy was very moved by this, no other had shown such generosity and understanding as she did, by now Sassy would be scouting out her next, most likely to fail, business venture. But now she had a permanent place to work, and a wonderful, gracious…hot…boss to work for.

Over the last four years she had developed an infatuation with Rarity, one that she had tried to keep under wraps, subtly dropping hints here and there. A little flirtatious shake of the rump, an “accidental” falling that resulted with Rarity either on top of or underneath Sassy. And even sharing some spa time with her.

Sassy believed this Hearths Warming would be her chance, as scandalous as it would be to profess your affection for your employer, Sassy had to, at the very least, make Rarity aware of her feelings. She knew well that there was a chance Rarity would not return the affection, but it was better than pining over her and just hoping she would notice.

(Somewhere in Manehattan a teenage dragon sneezed.)

Alas, Sassy Saddles was not without competition for Rarity’s affections. No, there was another mare, an earth pony mare from Manehattan who was almost as skilled as Rarity in dressmaking.

Her name was Coco Pommel. The mare was sweet, kind, and a demure. She was once the intern to Suri Polomare, but left her side when she saw how much Rarity cared for her friends, even though she had been tricked into thinking she lost, it didn’t faze her, she cared more for them than the winning, which was opposite Suri.

Thanks to Rarity, Coco was able to see the true way, and with Rarity’s help, she was able to become the head costume designer for Bridal Way.

They had enjoyed frequent conversations through letters, and with Rarity popping in to see how the mare was doing, and to attend some plays. They would trade design ideas back and forth, some Rarity helped to inspire, and others Coco inspired in Rarity.

Eventually, the friendship that she felt evolved into something else, love if she dared say. Of course, Coco tried to tell her, but each time her anxiety of ruining their current relationship as work partners and friends was always prevalent fear.

But Coco was determined to make this happen, and so she planned to arrive at Canterlot on the last train from Manehattan, feigning that she had forgotten the time and “accidentally” stranded herself in Canterlot for the holidays. Of course, Rarity took the mare in and told her she could stay and they would have a Hearths Warming celebration all their own.

An offer that was accepted, without realizing that she had the company of Rarity’s little sister, Sweetie Belle. Which wasn’t too much of an inconvenience, if all went well she would be her sister-in-law, so it better to get off on the right hoof with her now. But she was not prepared to see the unicorn mare, Sassy Saddles. One look at each other, and then to Rarity, and Coco knew she had just met her rival in love.

While they were clearing the table, Sassy made small talk with Coco. “So, Ms. Pommel, I feel that it is best that we acknowledge the elephant in the room.”

“Oh, what might that be Ms. Saddles?” Coco asked.

“The fact that you seem to be infatuated with Ms. Rarity.”

Coco’s cheeks blushed, but she did not falter. “If that is the case, then I would have to point out that you, too, have a crush on her as well.”

Sassy’s cheeks blushed, but she was not fazed, better they both knew where the other stood. “I will admit, it was a good strategy, stranding yourself here in Canterlot, planning on only the two of you here. It is quite the romantic setting if I might say so. Too bad for the proverbial monkey wrench and all that.”

Coco balanced the dishes on her back and carefully put them into the sink before saying, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I simply lost track of time and circumstances led me to ask for a place to stay until the trains ran in the morning. But, I would look twice to you Ms. Saddles. An employee lusting for her boss would be a bit on the scandalous side, and could hurt Rarity.”

Sassy had to give the mare that one. As an employee she would most undoubtedly cast Rarity in a bit of a negative light, even if they somehow came out with their feelings, tabloids would no doubt have a field day with it.

“Be that as it may, it would not change how I feel,” said Sassy with conviction.

A small smile appeared on Coco’s lips. “I’m glad to hear that.”


“If you were really worried about something like that then I’d definitely say that you had no right to pursue her like that, but…hearing you say that you don’t care what it would do to your reputation, makes me feel a little better,” said Coco.

Sassy blushed at the compliment and continued to clear the table. She walked over to the sink where Coco was and began drying off the dishes she cleaned with her magic. The unicorn mare glanced to her left and said quietly, “Thank you.”

What neither mare knew, however, was that the object of their affections was around the corner, listening to their conversation. Rarity’s heart raced and her face felt flushed, hearing both her friends speak of how they were in love with her was not something she was prepared to hear.

Rarity cursed under her breath as she quietly made her way back upstairs. She needed to talk to Sweetie Belle, she needed somepony to talk to.

All my life I’ve wanted a prince charming, and here I am with two mares who seek my affections! I…I don’t know whether to be happy or panic – maybe both? – oh dear. If there’s anypony I can talk to it would be Sweetie Belle, Celestia knows she talks to Predator enough to be at least somewhat of an expert.

As Rarity trotted up the stairs and stood before Sweetie Belle’s room to knock she paused upon hearing something from other side.

“Leave me alone! I don’t belong to anypony! No…No you can’t hurt them! Stop!” Sweetie’s voice screamed.

Rarity’s heart raced with concern, and foregoing any courtesy, used her magic to force the door open, fearing that somepony may have broken in and was assailing her little sister. However, upon forcing the door open, Rarity only saw her little sister, on the floor and holding her head as if suffering an intense headache.

“Sweetie Belle!” Rarity exclaimed as she rushed to her side. “Sweetie what’s wrong?!”

“They’re coming! They…They want me!” Sweetie shouted in fear.

“Who, who wants you?!”

Rarity gasped when Sweetie Belle’s eyes opened and revealed pools of darkness, even her horn began to take on a dark shade. “I…I was brought back…I…I was dead, but they don’t like that. They’re all coming…for any who have cheated death…and…I’m the one they can’t stand!”

The older mare took her sister in her arms and hugged her tightly. She didn’t understand what was happening, her voice sounded distant, like an echo in a long hallway. Whatever had possessed Sweetie Belle was not of this world.

“Sweetie, I-I don’t know what’s happening but please try and come back, you’re scaring me, darling,” said Rarity.

Hearing Rarity’s voice, somehow lit a light in Sweetie Belle’s mind that guided her back to this moment, her eyes lost the shade of darkness and returned to their normal jade coloring, even her magical aura changed back to normal.

Sweetie felt as if her mind was in a haze for a long while, only now understanding where she was and remembering what she said. “Rarity…?”

The older unicorn parted slightly and was relieved to see her back to normal. “Oh Sweetie Belle, you gave me a fright! Your eyes…your horn, I was so afraid that…that you were dying love!”

Sweetie Belle looked at her hooves, feeling a cold chill run up her spine. “It felt like I was…but at the same time I wasn’t, like I was caught in between.”

The sounds of hooves making their way up the stairs drew their attention as Sassy and Coco entered the room, seeing the door that was practically hanging on one hinge.

“Buttons and bonnets Rarity what happened?” Sassy asked with honest concern.

“Well…honestly I’m not quite sure myself, but –”

Suddenly, sirens began to sound out through the city of Canterlot. Anypony who lived in the city long enough knew these sirens were instilled not too long after the Battle of Canterlot a few years ago, a way of early warning for the citizens. After a while the sirens cut off and a voice came over the speakers.


“An attack, on Hearths Warming Eve?!” Coco asked in shock.

“I think we should move, quickly!” Sassy suggested.

Rarity nodded but then looked to Sweetie Belle. “Sweetie, precious face, can you walk?”

Sweetie didn’t feel weak, but she still felt something was off. However, she wasn’t about to let that hinder them getting to safety. “I’m fine, Sis, let’s go!”

No sooner did Sweetie state that did an explosion went off outside, all power was knocked out throughout all of Canterlot, leaving the city pitch black. Sassy, Rarity, and Sweetie quickly cast an illumination spell, shedding light upon the darkness.

“What in a Equestria was that?!” Sassy exclaimed.

“Rarity, I think we may need help, you know, the big and bright kind of help!”

Rarity knew what Sweetie Belle meant, but right now everypony was scattered across Equestria. Ion and Applejack in Manehattan, Predator in the Crystal Empire, Proselyte and Adara in Ponyville –

As if one surprise was not enough, a figure crashed through the window of Sweetie’s room, causing all four mares to jump back in shock. The figure groaned loudly, as it rose up, the popping of bones echoed in the silent room, making them cringe. Sweetie poured more of her magic into her spell, making the room light up more, and that’s when they saw it.

A pegasus mare, with glass fragments stuck in her flesh and staring at them with dark eyes, and two faded white dots. The pony didn’t even look alive, almost as if it had been buried underground for years. The pegasus mare glanced about the room, with its Spectrum Vision, the undead pony could see the lights within them.

Love shined in Rarity, along with Fear.

Sassy and Coco also shined with Love, but also Hope and a bit of Avarice.

But Sweetie Belle, her light was different. She had been touched by Life, but she was marked by Death.

{You…} spoke the mare as she pointed at Sweetie Belle. {You cheated Death! You died, but were taken by Life! You belong to the darkness!}

The undead mare released a horrifying scream as it dislocated its jaw to open it wider for the scream. The Black Lantern lunged for Sweetie Belle, but Rarity concentrated her magic to her horn, building up more and more power until it released a magic bolt that struck the undead mare and sent it flying across the room and against the wall.

Sweetie, Sassy, and Coco all looked to Rarity with surprise. The fashionista rubbed the back of her head embarrassed. “Well…after the whole incident at Canterlot, I had asked Twilight to teach me some basic self-defense spells. Barriers and such.”

After shaking off the stupor of seeing Rarity blast a pony with a spell, which incidentally made both Sassy and Coco feel bit flushed from seeing such action, all four mares ran out of the Boutique and headed for the nearest Royal Guard.

The rainstorm continued to rage with thunder and lightning, the black rain drenching everything in sight and making the already arduous task of running in the dark even worse.

All around them they could hear the screams of ponies one after the other, making all four believe that the dead looking mare was not alone, that this was the unknown force.

Soon they were able to spot a group led by a unicorn Royal Guard, his horn shined bright alongside the other ponies who were casting the illumination spell.

“Follow me, we’re heading to the shelter!” he ordered.

Sassy, Coco, Rarity, and Sweetie joined the group and were underway to the safe haven. During their run to the shelter, Sweetie Belle couldn’t help get what that undead pony had said to her. Telling her she belonged to the darkness, to Death itself. Sweetie shuddered, when she was first told that she had actually died, the little filly couldn’t believe it, even more so when she heard that it was through Scootaloo sacrificing her ability to fly to do so.

Were they right? Was her resurrection an affront to some ancient power that kept life and death in balance? That thing was after me because I was dead once…if that’s true then…OH NO!

“HALT!” the Royal Guard ordered as formed a barrier around them.

The group looked up ahead and watched as several Black Lanterns stalked towards them, some even crawling on the walls and leering down at them.

They’ll attack everypony…but…that other one only attacked me. Okay…Okay!

“HEY!” Sweetie Belle shouted as she jumped out of the barrier. “YOU ZOMBIE…THINGS! COME AND GET ME!”

All the Black Lanterns’ eyes shifted onto Sweetie Belle, their Spectrum Vision showing them that she was brought back from Death, her living was an affront to that and she belonged to them. All the Black Lanterns released a screech before rushing towards her.

Sweetie Belle ran in the opposite direction, looking back only once to see if her plan was working. Just like she thought, they wanted her more than her sister and the group, the undead avoided them like the plague.

Great, now they’re coming after me! So what was step two Sweetie? Oh right, RUN!

And run she did, galloping through the streets and trying to avoid getting close to groups of ponies who were still trying to get the shelters. As she ran, Sweetie Belle noticed several explosions coming from the castle, explosions that resonated with powerful magic, normally that would be terrifying, but in this case the fact that the Princesses were actively combatting these creatures was a good sign.

However, Sweetie Belle’s elation was cut short when five Black Lanterns fused their black light into one giant construct claw and thrust it forth, balling it into a fist and slamming it against the street. The impact sent a shockwave that made the ground shake violently, causing Sweetie Belle to lose her hoofing and fall to the ground, rolling until she hit a lamp post, making her grunt in pain.

“What didn’t I ever ask Twilight to teach me teleportation?!” Sweetie lamented through gritted teeth.

The Black Lantern hordes began to circle Sweetie Belle, she was a cheater of Death, and that was not allowed, she belonged to the darkness, and they would have her.


At that moment a beam as bright as day fired down from the heavens and drew a circle around Sweetie Belle, several Black Lanterns were caught in the blast and others were forced back.

From the sky, Celestia descended with a thunderous impact, her horn glowing in the darkness along with her halberd, Daylight Glare. “Are you alright Sweetie Belle?”

“P-Princess Celestia?! How – what?” Sweetie stammered.

“While battling these creatures, Luna and I saw a large number of them heading in the opposite direction, it was as if they found somepony or something more worth their time than the citizens –!”

One Black Lantern stallion charged from the group, but Celestia saw him coming. With a swift flick of Daylight Glare, she cleaved the zombie in half, and set both halves ablaze. Two tried to attack Sweetie Belle, but Celestia moved so fast that she appeared as a white blur, appearing before both Black Lanterns. She reared back and bucked one in the face, sending it flying into the nearby building, another she struck with the butt of her halberd, spun it around, and delivered another blow its jaw and sent it rocketing into the sky.

It was in the air that the Black Lantern found itself assaulted by several streaks of silver light before it was blasted away by a navy blue beam of mana.

The Black Lanterns on the ground were then attacked by the same stealthy silver streaks that slashed them to pieces one after the other. The Black Lanterns scattered further out, trying to put some distance between them and the unknown attacker. That attacker made herself known, the darkness of the night peeled away like flower petals and revealed Luna, holding Midnight Crescent aloft as she took her place next to Celestia.

“I’ve spotted more coming, I know not why they seek young Sweetie Belle with such fervor, but it’s drawing them away from the evacuation,” said Luna.

It was then that Sweetie Belle got an idea. “Use me.”

Both Princesses looked to the young mare.

“Use me as bait to draw them away from everypony! Even if I go to a shelter, they’ll track me down and kill everypony there!”

Images of Rarity, Sassy, and Coco being devoured by the undead pony horde ran through the young mare’s head, filling her with a fear and terror she could not – did not want to see happen. If making herself to be the proverbial carrot on a stick to get the living dead to come after her instead was a better option, then so be it.

It was then that Celestia stamped her hoof against the ground, causing a mini-tremor to surge through the street, she then glared at Sweetie Belle and spoke sternly, “I will not nor will I ever use my subjects in such a way!”

“I’d have to agree with my sister, Sweetie Belle, to use you in such a manner would besmirch our honor and titles as the Protectors of the Realm! We will drive this menace from our home and then take the fight to Sombra!”

The Black Lanterns kept their narrowed eyes on the Princesses, their bodies shifting towards a single Emotional Light respectively.

Suddenly, two bright stars shined in the distance. One a violet-pink and the other green. Both stars streaked through the rainy sky weaving around one building after the other, the horde saw these lights and tried to intercept them. However, the dual stars spun around in a helix formation, combining the lights. The moment a Black Lantern neared them they pierced through it, obliterating them on the spot. The horde finally got out of the way and allowed both to appear before the Princesses.

The violet bracer appeared before Celestia and the green bracer before Luna, both lights cast a barrier of combined light around them, protecting the mares from the horde.

[Celestia of Equss, you have great love in your heart. You love this world, and the ponies in it. You would fight for them, die for them, and would do all you could to chase away the sadness and the darkness. You are the Sun, and so that sun will shine with the light of Love. Well you accept?]

[Luna of Equus, you have the ability to overcome great fear. Despite your actions as a begetter of evil, you have rose to defend those who would have once shunned you, and through your own will have regained their trust. Will you accept this power, to protect and defend, will you accept the light of Willpower?]

Celestia and Luna glanced to each other, they recognized the symbols upon each bracer, and new well of the tales of the ring bearers from the Life Entity. With that in mind both sisters held out their right forelegs and the bracers quickly latched onto them.

Luna’s body was covered in black mesh-like chainmail. Green armor appeared over her forelegs, hind legs, and torso, the center emblazoned with the symbol of Willpower. Upon the alicorn’s head formed a battle helmet which sported a curved horn groove to protect her spiral horn. The light of Willpower surged into her sword reforming it.

Midnight Crescent still sported the long hilt, but the guard was a round circle, with a powder blue crescent and the Willpower symbol cradled within it. Now instead of one crescent blade, there were now four, the shard edge glowing green like an emerald.

Celestia’s armor formed over half of her forelegs, full body armor formed, which amazingly enough contoured nicely to show off the alicorn’s elegant curves. The final touch came in the form of a crown, with the symbol of Love shining upon it.

Daylight Glare transformed, the blade becoming pure star sapphire crystal. The eight-pointed star formed the guard with the sun at the center, all connected to a snow white spear shaft that had a diamond shaped star sapphire crystal at the end.

Celestia could feel it, her love for the subjects of her realm fueled her power, the love she had for her sister, and the love they had for her. It culminated within the alicorn’s body made her magic and light flare with greater might.

Luna’s resolve and steadfastness were finally given power and form. The drive to become more than the Nightmare she once was, now became her power, the drive to protect those she cared for was her might to wield.

Now these creatures would do well to take caution, and beware their light.


Back in the Big Apple, Parallax and Babs Seed were working their way back to her house. At first they were moving at a good pace, the Black Lantern hordes were randomly attacking, and Parallax was able to counter them easily enough with his limited power.

However, things were taking a turn for the worse. A good number of Black Lanterns were shifting to solely attack them, at first Parallax thought himself paranoid, but it was soon fact when he saw some of the Black Lanterns avoid easy targets to head straight for the two of them.

These damned things, Nekron must be trying to kill me while I’m still just a mortal creature!, Parallax thought.

A Black Lantern pegasus swooped down from overhead head and made a beeline for Babs. The Changeling focused his yellow light and reformed his scythe, slashing just in time to cut the undead minion in half and sending both halves to fall to the wayside.

Babs saw this and looked over her shoulder, smiling she said, “Thanks Perry!”

Part of Parallax loathed to be thanked for saving a life, but for some reason it didn’t irk him as much when she said it.

Parallax could see through Nekron’s plan, he knew targeting him alone would be a challenge, but if he had to protect Babs Seed along the way, it made eventually killing Parallax all the easier. It was a sound strategy and frankly it was the most logical choice. Certainly something out of my playbook.

Two more Black Lanterns lunged for Babs, but Parallax was quicker, summoning two claw constructs that grabbed both Black Lanterns and tossed them like ragdolls into the distance.

While he was busy doing that, Parallax did not see the incoming black javelin that flew down from a Black Lantern pegasus, landing in his left hind leg and making the Changeling hiss with pain.

Babs skidded to a halt and shouted, “PERRY!” before running back to him.

Parallax gritted his teeth, the black light of Death burned at his being, even more so as a mortal. It would be so easy, so easy to just leave Babs and find Ion. Parallax could already sense Ophidian nearby, if he was able to link up with another Entity, the odds of survival were good, better with Ion, but still good.

Although, when Babs rushed to him and looked at him with those green eyes, full of concern and fear for him, and not of him, it made the Entity of Fear push that thought to the side. They wouldn’t accept me back that easily without a peace offering, and delivering her back in one piece is just that, nothing more, nothing less!

Another Black Lantern came rushing towards them, but at that time, the only thing that Parallax could do was say, “LOOK OUT!”

Babs reacted faster than he anticipated, the Manehattan mare balanced herself on her forelegs and in one swift motion, bucked the incoming undead stallion in the face. The sickening sound of bone cracking and flesh tearing echoed from the blow, which sent the Black Lantern flying until it hit a food cart.

Another one came from Babs’ left, but she quickly sidestepped the swipe of its construct claw before delivering an uppercut to the zombie’s chin.

Parallax stared at her, impressed. “Kckt, you seem to be able to fight when your life’s in danger. Where was this resolve with that stallion earlier?”

“Eh…I was a little off my game then, but I guess all this mess is just pushing it to come out,” said Babs. “Or maybe it’s because ya make me think we can make it through this.”

A brief spark of blue light shined before them, making Parallax feel a little more of his power come back. It proved to be enough, allowing Parallax to focus his light to create a claw construct and grab hold of the black construct spear. With a swift tug, Parallax pulled out the construct and poured the remainder of his light power into healing the wound.

“Perry, ya think you can still move?” Babs asked.

“If not walk, I can still fly. Damn these Black Lanterns, they may not be smart, but their leader is……At this rate we may not be able to get to your residence, if only I could use of my full power!” Parallax spat.

Just then another group of Black Lanterns headed straight for them. Without thinking, Parallax formed a dragon’s head construct that roared towards them. The group countered with a black light construct of a demon horse head that charged for the dragon head. Both heads struck head to head, creating a shockwave that made both constructs fall back a few feet. The dragon head construct charged again, biting the exposed neck hard and sinking its Fear powered fangs into it.

The horsehead neighed, mostly out of annoyance, it then turned around and bit down on the dragon’s neck, hard. The dragon head construct’s eyes widened and released its grip on the black construct. The horsehead construct sunk its fangs deeper and harder until cracks showed on the surface, spreading quickly. The horsehead construct then threw the dragon head into the air, the demon horsehead opened its mouth and fired a beam of black energy that completely shattered the dragon head.

Parallax narrowed his gaze in frustration, his power was returning, but it wasn’t strong enough to combat them in a group like that. Knowing his light wouldn’t kill them was one thing, but in his true form his light attacks would be stronger and last longer against their black light, but as he was.


Babs looked to Parallax with a bit of worry, she knew him to be a strange Changeling, but laughing like he was mad was a bit disconcerting. “Perry, what’s wrong, I really don’t need you losing your mind right now?!”

Parallax put a hoof to his face and shook his head. “Butcher was right, I am weak…but I have always been weak! I was born a mere insect, fearing for my life I ran and ran! Until I was sick of it, I didn’t want to be afraid, I wanted to be feared! So I became Feat itself! I became the Entity of Fear! Relying on using the fears of others and drawing on that power to make myself stronger, and now…I find myself back in that same position, afraid…a mere insect about to be killed.”

Babs brow furrowed at hearing this from Parallax and stamped her hoof. “Seriously?! You’re just givin’ up?! Let me tell youse, I’m scared right now, like out of my mind scared! But after that day when youse saved me, I felt like somepony was actually lookin’ out for the little guys! So I’m not givin up on ya Perry! And it’s not just me, you’re a hero to most of the ponies of Manehattan!”

Parallax smirked. “You would not think that if you saw my true form.”

Babs grabbed the Changeling and brought him face to face with her. “Honestly, whatever it is, can’t be worse than these things, but no matter what, I’ll believe in ya!”

Parallax widened his smirk, and gently pushed Babs away. “You’re even crazier than I thought, to think the Entity of Fear inspired a creature…”


Suddenly, blue light shined once again, but instead of a sparks it transformed into a bright shining blue light that illuminated the darkness and stopped the rain for a few short moments. The symbol of Hope appeared over both of them and in the next instant it shattered apart. The moment it did, Parallax felt a surge of power, greater than ever before, his true power had been released after four long years. The wound on his leg quickly healed up, allowing the tall Changeling to stand to his full height, many of the Black Lanterns that approached them stopped in their tracks, obviously sensing the surge in light power from him.

Parallax walked a bit passed Babs and glanced at her over his shoulder. “You said you didn’t care what I looked like, that they are scarier than whatever I was right?”

Babs nodded.

“Then I’ll hold you to that!”

Parallax fanned his four insect wings, the symbol of Fear that was woven into each wing shined with golden light, along with Parallax’s eyes. Yellow light energy lapped off his body like lightning, and in an instant, a golden lightning bolt roared out from Parallax’s position, brightening the entire area and causing both Black Lanterns and Manehattan citizens alike to stop and bare witness.

The Changeling’s body morphed, growing larger and longer, two arms formed lined with sharp claws, and two long legs with talons to match. Giant insect wings flapped quickly, generating a gust of wind that nearly knocked everypony down. When the light dimmed a bit, everypony was now gazing upon the true form of the Entity of Fear, Parallax. The Entity’s long neck craned down to look at Babs Seed who was staring up at him, strangely not in fear but in awe.

Before Parallax could address her, he had to clear the area. The Entity of Fear swiped his claw, and cleared out several Black Lanterns, sending them flying into multiple buildings. Parallax’s pincer tail went to work on the rear, snapping at one Black Lantern after the other and tossing them up or smashing into them.

The Entity’s body began to glow with yellow light as he gave a loud roar and formed dozens of spikes that fired off in all directions. At first the ponies thought that they too would be skewered, but a quick command from Parallax made each spike weave around them and lodge themselves in the Black Lanterns and sent concentrated yellow Fear light into them in the form of electric shocks, effectively paralyzing them for the time being.

Babs watched all this go down, she felt a strange mixture of fear, elation, shock, and awe. She remembered Perry telling her of what he really was, where he came from. To be honest, Babs wasn’t sure how much of it was true, with Perry being a Changeling and all. But she never believed he could become something like what she was seeing now.

The giant insectoid monster used its immense power to change its form, reducing its size considerably, now standing three heads taller than Babs. “That will not hold them for long, I will need more power to fend them off, and there’s only one way I can think of. I don’t normally…ask this…”

Babs gulped. “Uh…Okay, what do you want me to do Per - um - Parallax?”

The Entity of Fear sighed. “You may call me that, no reason to change it now that I’m this.”

Babs sighed and regained her confidant smile.

“Now, I want you and I to Unite, to become one being of even greater power.”

Babs cocked her head to the side in confusion. “‘Greater power’? But you were a giant a second ago, and you bashed them all away!”

“My power like this is akin to a blunt bat, whereas, with a host, it can be honed into a sword. Your imagination, your fierceness and willingness to use fear for reasons other than just scaring others is something that can bond us. The choice, however, must be yours. I have possessed many, taking them over without consent and more or less controlling them. However, I will willing become one with you, if you accept?”

Babs thought about it, it was true, since meeting Perry, she had learned that fear was not a bad thing, it was how it was used that was the problem. When it was used on her, she felt small, vulnerable and fragile, but when she used it, and on her cousin and friends, Babs regained some control, she was no longer afraid but feared. However, it almost cost her the friendship of her family and two others who would later become her friends. From then on, after she met Perry, she learned to be feared, not by her friends, but by those who would bully and belittle. This was the same case yet again.

“I don’t know if I really am the right pony for the job Perry, but I’m not goin’ to sit around on my ass and do nothin’!” Babs exclaimed.

Parallax’s smirk widened. “Heh, for that - kckt - you are better suited than most of my previous hosts.” The Entity of Fear stood before Babs Seed and held out his claw to her. “Place your hoof atop my hand, and speak our oath.”

Babs placed her hoof on his hand, but then looked up at him. “W-W-What kind of oath? “

“Anything that speaks to you!” Parallax glanced about, seeing his construct spike shockers were starting to wear off, evidenced by the Black Lanterns starting to suppress them with with their black light. “No pressure, but any time now would be good!”

Babs felt the surge of Fear, it gripped her every cell with terror, filling her with the fears of a every creature that ever existed. Fear of death, fear of loss, even phobias of all kinds were funneling into her mind. It was too much, it felt as if her mind and body would be torn apart, bearing the fears of all living things since the beginning of time itself. Babs’ eyes widened as she felt her throat constrict, like it was going to kill her, she was going to die from this.

NO! Babs shouted in her mind. I won’t die like this!

Babs saw it, the fears of every living thing, manifested as several creatures and objects in the form of yellow light constructs. The Manehattan mare gritted her teeth and narrowed her eyes as she glared down the fears manifested before her, she marched forward through them, some tried to latch onto her but she merely shrugged them off, some even shattered before her when she gazed at them.

But then she arrived at the last of the fears, she saw before her Apple Bloom, her beloved cousin, the first of her family to accept her and give her a second chance. Soon others appeared, her cousins Applejack and Big Macintosh, her mother and father, Granny Smith, and her big sister Sunflower. All of them, devoured by the Darkness, by the living dead. Babs felt the fear again, but she didn’t let it control her, she instead used it, fueling her drive to defend those closest to her.

With that, the final barrier broke and the oath made itself known to her.

“Youse who are evil, sinister and dead

I’m the scariest thing you’ll ever dread!

Come on you creeps, show your might,

I’ll crush you all with Fear’s yellow light! Yowza!”

Yellow lightning soared into the sky and cracked with mighty thunder as both Babs Seed and Parallax, the Entity of Fear, began their Unification. Parallax’s body broke down into particles of yellow light that surrounded Babs and infused into her body. Immediately Babs was covered in a black suit, covering her from head to hoof. Yellow armor gauntlets formed over her lower forelegs and hind legs, and produced six spikes on both. Armor covered her chest, two pony skull studs formed on the armor near her neck, their eyes shining. White crescent patches formed over the mask, and within those patches, Babs’ eyes opened, appearing as pools of yellow light energy.

A the final piece came in the form a large yellow cape, held in place by the two skull studs, it extended out to a ridiculous length of eight feet, with tattered ends, and a turned up collar. The column of light faded away, revealing the newly minted hero of Fear. The Black Lanterns seemed more cautious now that they united, choosing to circle her rather than attack.

‘Yowza’, really?’ Parallax asked.

I just got caught up in the moment, so sue me, said Babs.

Two Black Lanterns tried to rush her, but the skull studs sprang to life, launching from her chest plate as chains formed in their wake. The skulls sprouted four pronged, razor sharp pincers that struck at the throats of both Black Lanterns, taking them for a ride all the way into the wall, the pincers then clenched, cutting off the heads of the undead.

More Black Lanterns became emboldened and tried to attack, several at once. Babs raised a hoof and stomped on the ground, immediately yellow light shined beneath her and from it erupted hundreds of snakes that lashed out at each Black Lantern that dared try and approach her. The Black Lanterns were wrapped, constricted, and bitten by the construct snakes, immobilizing them.

Babs leapt into the after, her long cape flapping in the air as she zoomed towards a horde going after a group of ponies. She spun in midair, the cape wrapping around her and making her appear as a specter or wraith, when she was upon the horde, the cape released Babs giving her a menacing appearance that even caught the Black Lantern’s attention. She struck the first one with her hoof, sending it flying into a building, she then whipped around and kicked another with her right hind leg, practically cutting it in half from the force of the blow.

More chains with clawed pincers shot out, but they manifested from under the cape, piercing or ensnaring the Black Lanterns and hurling them into the air. Babs channeled her light energy into her eyes and fired dual eye beams, the beams shot out in the form of yellow lightning, hitting one Black Lantern and spreading to the others before each one exploded from the overwhelming power.

Get outta here, as fast youse can! Babs ordered.

The group of ponies obeyed and hurried along.

‘This is a good start, but we must link up with Ion and then we can -!’

Suddenly a bright green light shined from the direction of Babs home. “Looks like they’re getting at already.”

Author's Note:

Next Time:

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara regale Apple Bloom with the tale of how they met, befriended, and eventually became the hosts for Ophidian, and how Ophidian feels about the situation.

Meanwhile, the commotion has finally awakened the power of the green light of Willpower, Applejack and Ion merge and take the fight to the Black Lanterns, assisted by a now empowered Babs Seed as Parallax's host. However, can Applejack's will withstand a reunion...with her parents?

Babs oath was modeled after a Green Lantern by the name of Jack T. Chance. Her outfit was inspired by an equally feared being, Spawn.

And with this, we mark the mid season hiatus. Have to work on a few things first, will update when I have a few chapters ready. As always....