• Published 31st Dec 2016
  • 2,083 Views, 56 Comments

Entities of Emotion 2: Dark is the Night - Michael_Ravencroft

The Light has had its time, now the Night shall fall again...

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Episode 4: Love, Love, and Dead Love

The Light is in danger…

“Danger? Danger from what?”

The Darkness…it will rise…

Life will fade and Death shall reign…

“How or what is doing this?! When is it coming?!”

The time is nigh…

Gather the light…Gather the light…

“The light?! Do you mean the Entities?! Are they in danger?!”

Suddenly, the world erupted into an explosion of rainbow color. Twilight found herself looking up as each of the seven Entities took up battle positions, much like last time during the Battle of Canterlot. No, the Positive and Negative Entities were standing side-by-side, poised to fight.

Butcher snarled and snorted, Ophidian hissed and coiled tightly in preparation for a quick strike, and Parallax fluttered his insect wings and flexed his claws, baring his fangs at the same time. Ion moaned a whale-like song of battle, Adara released a screech of battle, Proselyte had all seven insignias floating around him as he channeled the lights, and Predator roared bloodthirsty roar.

Twilight noticed that each Entity was deadly focused on something ahead of them, prompting her to change her view. Ahead of them was a black spot, in all the light and color, there was only one spot where it was just black, inky darkness. The fringes of the spot undulated, releasing small tendrils that flicked back and forth as if alive. Twilight felt a chill run up her spine, something about that black spot wasn’t right, it was like an evil she had never felt before. Not even Nightmare Moon compared, no, it felt more ancient than even her.

Suddenly, the Darkness grew, taking up half of the area, pushing against the combined might of the seven Entities. Within the darkness, two red eyes appeared, along with a toothy white smile. All seven Entities released a battle cry as they charged for the dark being.

“NO STOP!!! DON’T GO NEAR IT!” Twilight warned.

The Entities released a combined blast of all seven lights at once, mixing into a spiral aurora beam that roared towards the dark being. The beam slammed into the Darkness, pushing it away. Twilight’s racing heart quelled when she saw the Darkness retreating. But that hope was a lie, the Darkness doubled its efforts, and somehow, it absorbed the light. Like a tsunami, the Darkness rose up high, and washed over all seven, making the light around Twilight fade with each passing second.

Twilight watched in horror as the Entities, the very source of the Emotional Spectrum, were drowning in an ocean of black essence. They struggled and fought, trying to get away from it, but there was nothing they could do as the Darkness swallowed them. Seven glows were seen in the depths, but after a few seconds the glows were snuffed out one by one, until the blue glow, Adara’s, was put out.

The alicorn mare found herself alone in the dark, with a creature lurking in the shadows that could overpower even the Entities. But there was still one light left.

Twilight fanned her wings and called upon the great power that was bestowed upon her. Around her horn formed the White Lantern ring, and immediately after, her body was clad in platinum armor regalia that was emblazoned with the White Lantern insignia. The white light surrounded Twilight and grew brighter by the second, the Darkness seemed to slink away from the light, almost as if it were afraid of it, almost. It wasn’t long before the White Light of Life shined bright enough to push the Darkness back, creating a dividing line between the Darkness and the Light.

“I don’t know what you are, but you’ll never extinguish the light!” Twilight proclaimed.

The Darkness vibrated, as if it were chuckling in amusement. “So naive…So foolish…”

“Princess Twilight…? Princess Twilight?”

The alicorn mare shook her head vigorously, releasing her from her recollection. “I-I’m sorry Dinky, what was it you were saying?”

“I finished learning the teleportation spell!” Dinky exclaimed happily.

It was the middle of the afternoon, many of Ponyville’s residents were getting ready for Hearth’s Warming Day, but Twilight and Dinky were spending this time training. After Dinky discovered her talent for magic, particularly in light type magic, Twilight had decided to take the young mare under her wing. Although Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns would’ve probably served her better, but unfortunately, even between Derpy, Fluttershy, and Amethyst Star, there was no way to accrue enough bits for Dinky to attend.

Twilight believed that Dinky’s talent shouldn’t be held back because of financial troubles, even going so far as to offer the family money or even write a letter of recommendation. A letter from the Princess of Friendship and Magic would definitely be more than enough incentive to allow Dinky admission. Despite the offers, Derpy declined, she didn’t want burden to Twilight with such things, even if she was a Princess. So, Twilight made a compromise. Instead of going to the school, Twilight offered to personally teach Dinky. After all, Twilight was the school’s best and brightest, the protege of Princess Celestia, and has learned even more thanks to her studies and experiences pertaining to friendship.

So of course, Dinky jumped at the opportunity, and Twilight was happy to have her very own personal student. Lately, Dinky had been progressing in her studies, showing that she did indeed possess a gift for the arcane arts.

“Oh you have, have you?” Twilight asked.


“Well, let’s see.”

Twilight’s horn lit up and in the blink of an eye she was gone. Dinky smirked as her golden aura lit around her horn. Not a moment later, Dinky was in engulfed in golden light and vanished. Only to reappear further away atop one of the castles branches. Twilight stood on the same branch, smiling at her young student and nodding her approval.

“Not bad, Dinky. You managed to interlace a mana tracking spell on top of your teleportation spell in order to teleport to my exact location.”

Dinky smirked. “Well, I haven’t learned where everything is in the castle, so you could’ve teleported anywhere here, or outside in the town. So I figured instead of guessing, I’d follow you.”

“Very good, however, you may want to be careful with that. What if I teleported high in the sky? I can fly,” Twilight expanded her wings for emphasis, “if you appeared high in the air, it would not bode well for you.”

Dinky’s smile faded slightly. “Oh…I forgot about that…I-I just assumed you would teleport to someplace on the ground ‘cause I can’t fly…I should’ve thought about that before teleporting. Sorry, Princess.”

Twilight walked over to her young apprentice and patted her lightly on the head. “It’s alright Dinky, we live and learn. And you were right, I was going teleport somewhere on land to begin with anyway. I wouldn’t endanger your life like that.”

“I know.”

Twilight slowly strode up the branch, with Dinky following as she listened to Twilight.

“Teleportation is not an easy spell for unicorns to cast. Very few can actually do it, and of those few who can, can only travel very short distances, or just teleport objects. For me, and for you, this spell can be extremely useful for not just mobility, but also to help yourself and others. I can’t tell you how many times I had to cast the spell to get myself or my friends out of a sticky situation. Once you have mastered the basics, I can show you Rapid Teleportation, which will help in situations where you find yourself needing to get away from danger, or, in the worst-case scenario, a fight.”

Dinky nodded with a serious look on her face, taking in her teacher’s words. “I understand, Princess Twilight! I’ll use this spell wisely and master it!”

Twilight nodded her approval of Dinky’s response. “Very good, now let’s head back in, it’s kinda chilly out here.”

The alicorn mare and the teenage unicorn mare disappeared in flashes of rose and gold, reappearing in the foyer, where the fire burned brightly in the hearth. Dinky and Twilight laid on the floor close to the fire, letting it warm their bodies and chase away the small chill from outside.

“So, how are you doing besides? Are you getting along well with Fluttershy?” Twilight asked.

“Of course! Momma Fluttershy is the best, well, both my Moms are the best! She’s really nice, and she makes Mom happier than I’ve ever seen her,” said Dinky with a bright grin.

Twilight couldn’t help but mirror the teenage mare’s smile, feeling her happiness radiate. “I’m really happy to hear that. What about Proselyte? Is he adjusting well?”

“Big Bro? He’s doing alright…” Dinky’s happy demeanor dropped a few degrees, along with her ears which were fully lowered.

“Dinky, is there something wrong?” Twilight asked with concern heavy in her voice. “You know you can talk to me about anything.”

The grayish-purple mare tapped her forehooves together, thinking of the best way to voice her concerns. “Princess Twilight, you have a big brother too, right?”

“Of course, Shining Armor, he’s my BBBFF.” Dinky blinked and tilted her head in confusion. “Big Brother Best Friend Forever.”

“Ooooh, that sounds nice! Well…um…how did you feel when Princess Cadance and your big bro ended up becoming married?”

Twilight let nostalgia wash over as she recalled those memories. “Honestly, I didn’t even know they were in love to begin with. I mean, Cadance was my foalsitter, and the absolute best one of them all. My brother and Cadance always got along, but I never saw them as being in love. But I will say I was very happy when Shining Armor told me he was marrying Cadance, but then…”

Dinky gulped. “Then…?”

Twilight rubbed the back of her head, her cheeks tinting red from the memories. “Well…mind you, the Royal Wedding Incident is also synonymous with the Changeling Invasion. Queen Chrysalis impersonated Cadance, acting out of character of the Cadance I knew and loved. My friends kept saying I was being possessive of my brother, because Cadance - Chrysalis - was acting differently than how I remembered her.”

“But wasn’t that a good thing? Because you knew it wasn’t really her, you were able to unmask Queen Chrysalis and return the real Princess Cadance to the wedding,” said Dinky.

Twilight sighed. “Yes…but, I started to really think about it later on. ‘What if that was the real Cadance?’, ‘What if she was just stressed out like my brother said?’; these were the questions that kept plaguing me after everything was said and done. I kept telling myself that it was because I was trying to protect my big brother, but in the end, I realized that I jealous…”

Was Dinky jealous? Yes. Yes she was. But Princess Twilight proved that it was natural for close siblings to feel that way towards others they don’t think are right for their family, more specifically, not right for her brother.

“But, knowing that Shining Armor was in the hooves of a mare I consider a sister already, made me feel happy for him, and any thoughts of jealousy had vanished, although sometimes I do find myself a little annoyed that I can’t spend as much time with him as I used to,” said Twilight with puffy cheeks.

Dinky chuckled at her mentor’s pouty face, making Twilight join in on the chuckles.

“Okay, Dinky, why did you ask?”

Dinky Hooves rubbed the back of her head, sighing as she prepared to tell the Princess what she felt. “I…well…Lyte told me he want’s to be a doctor. And I’m really happy for him, he’d be great at it! But…Sweetie Belle…”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Sweetie Belle? What about her?”

“Ugh! She keeps finding excuses to hang around bro! She constantly flirts with him! And has no trouble nuzzling up to him!” Dinky proclaimed as she flailed her forelegs in the air. “I mean, Sweetie’s nice and all…for the most part…it’s just, I don’t really trust her to make bro happy…after that whole thing with Scootaloo…and now she’s bi for my brother…!”

The alicorn princess rubbed her chin as she listened to Dinky, noticing that her cheeks had tinted red. “Dinky, let me ask you a question. You want Proselyte to be happy, so, who do you believe would make him happy? Personally, I have faith in Sweetie Belle to do that, but I think you already have somepony in mind, am I wrong?”

Dinky twiddled her hooves as she glanced down at the floor. “It’s not like I have somepony exactly in mind. Just somepony who’ll see him for the good stallion - Entity - whatever - he is. Somepony like…like…”

“Like you, Dinky?”

The young unicorn’s horn sparked with magical energy, at the same time her eyes went wide her face turned bright red. “M-M-M-ME?! No, no, no! I-I don’t love Lyte like that! I mean, I love him, but I’m not in love with him!”

Twilight raised her hoof. “Dinky, there’s nothing wrong with having those feelings towards Lyte. Yes, you’re both family by marriage, but not by blood. It can be hard to love someone as family, when it feels easier to be in love with them. I don’t think Fluttershy or your Mother would have a problem with that.”

“B-B-But that doesn’t…! I mean…Amethyst is my big sister by adoption! So why don’t I feel like that towards her?!” Dinky asked.

“Well, do you like mares?”

“Not…like that, no.”

“Then there you go.” Twilight saw her young apprentice lower her head in dismay. She then reached out and placed a hoof under her chin, gently tilting Dinky’s head up to look her in the eyes. “Dinky, I can’t tell you how to feel about Proselyte, but you have to make the decision for yourself. Do you love him as a brother or as a stallion? You should figure this out, otherwise it’s not really fair to either Proselyte or Sweetie, they at least deserve to know why you’re jealous, and so do you.”

Dinky sighed knowingly, she understood, she needed to admit to herself first before anything, but the problem is…Dinky wasn’t sure where her love stemmed from.

(The Crystal Empire)

Growth had been seen in the northern region of Equestria. The Crystal Empire had expanded its borders, and built up the city to accommodate more of the Crystal Ponies. Crystal spires protruded out of the ground, catching the rays of the afternoon sun and casting a prism effect over the ground and the crystal ponies that walked beneath them. All around the mood was one of happiness and love, and this reflected in the Crystal Heart, which would, every so often, release of pulse of radiant light through the city, as if beating to the rhythm of its citizens. And why not, it was a special occasion after all.

Hearth's Warming Eve was a celebrated time in the Crystal Empire years before their return, of course, with Sombra’s reign, such celebrations were outlawed, for it brought about the spark of hope, and hope was something the ancient Tyrant King was quick to stamp out of their hearts before his ascension to power.

Thankfully, now those dark days were over and done, and Hearth’s Warming Eve could once again be celebrated. But there was a dual reason for the Crystal Ponies’ merriment, for you see, it was announced but not ten months ago, that Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor were with foal, the Empire would finally have an heir!

Inside the royal palace, none were more excited than the happy couple, well, except for maybe one other.


“Yes, Cadance?”

“Um, could you please stop staring at my belly, it’s kind of…creepy.”

Cadance was lying down on a cushion, using her magic to help decorate the tree with Shining Armor. Meanwhile, Predator, the Entity of Love, was lying beside Cadance, just continually staring at Cadance’s pregnant belly with fascination and a giddiness that could be considered childlike wonder.

“I can’t help it!” She exclaimed. “I’ve heard of life born from the love of two beings, but I’ve never actually seen it up close like this!” Predator began to gently prod Cadance’s swollenness. “Is it alright? Does it need anything? Can you tell what it’s thinking? Does it talk to you?”

“Predator, please stop poking my stomach.” The Love Entity put her hoof down, yet her tail continued to swish back and forth like an excited puppy. “Secondly: The baby can dream, I think, but, sometimes, when I’m asleep, I can hear her, see her.”

Shining Armor could hear his wife and smiled, the thought of being a father both terrified him and filled him with immense joy and pride at the same time. This mare, whom he loved since first laying eyes on her, this mare, who accepted his love and hoof in marriage, this mare, who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with, was now going to be a mother. The day the two of them found out, they cried tears of joy. Shining Armor sighed, realizing that soon, he’d have to put up a Hearth’s Warming doll for his child soon. It would be a world of firsts for their unborn child, and secretly, Shining Armor was preparing to make a nerd of her. It was then that the stallion felt the gaze of Predator on the back of his head, and he turned to see that he was correct.

“What?” Shining asked.

“Took you long enough,” said Predator with a cat-like grin.

Shining Armor blushed brightly and furrowed his brow. “And what is that supposed to mean?!”

“Well, only that you two have been married for a while, even before I got here, and yet in all that time, you two haven’t had a child ‘til now?”

Now both were blushing.

“I-It’s not for a lack of trying, Predator,” said Cadance.

“Now that I think about it, I think it was during one of our, ‘Every other week’ nights. ‘Cause I remember that it wasn’t too long after that when you said you were pregnant, Cady.”

Shining and Cadance were about to open their mouths to protest or offer another explanation, but unfortunately, as the gears turned in their heads, they slowly came to a realization that Predator might be right. Shining Armor had accepted that Predator did still love Cadance, and Cadance reassured Shining Armor that he was her husband and lover, and that would never change. However, Predator was a being of love itself, and after much apologizing, Shining Armor caved into the Entity of Love. Predator’s status was Prince/Princess consort, and technical apprentice to Cadance.

And they made a deal that one night every other week, they’d “consort” together, all three of them. It was during one such night, that Predator’s light shined brightly. Cadance and Shining remembered being filled with love’s light, amplifying their feelings for each other, and even feelings for the dark pink unicorn mare. Both husband and wife then blushed so much that their coats turned red, gaining a smirk from Predator.

“Hmm, so, technically…” Predator moved forward and gently wrapped her forelegs around Cadance’s belly. “This little one is like my child, too!”

Not even, thought Shining Armor.

“But, it does bring up something that we were both wondering about,” said Cadance.

Predator released Cadance and quirked her head to the side curiously. Shining Armor walked over and stood beside Cadance, both entwining their hooves as they looked at the Entity of Love.

“Predator, we were wondering, if you’d like to be our child’s godmare?” Shining asked.

The Entity of Love blinked in confusion. “‘Godmare? But I’m an Entity, practically a god.”

Cadance chuckled. “Not literally a ‘god’, it’s a term or title given to another pony, much like mother and father, or aunt or uncle. What we’re asking, Predator, is if you’d agree to look after our little filly. In a way, we’re asking you to officially become part of this family.”

Predator’s eyes widened as a large smile formed on her lips. “O-Of course - Of course I will!” Just then, Predator caught onto something. “Wait, you said ‘look after your filly’. What do you mean by that?”

“Well, Predator, in the event that something happen to either myself or Cadance we’d like you to help raise her,” said Shining Armor.

The Entity of Love’s eyes widened with worry as she shifted her gaze between both the stallion and mare. “What are you saying?! Is Cadance alright?! Are you two sick?” Predator began running around the room in a panic, as if she forgot where the door was and was scrambling to get out. “I-I-I - I know! We can go to Proselyte! He can heal you two! I’ll just change and -!”

“PREDATOR!” Both Shining and Cadance shouted, making the pink unicorn stop in her tracks.

“Nothing’s wrong with either of us Predator,” assured Shining Armor.

“It’s just something that we’ve been thinking of, Faust forbid anything happen to us, but we trust you, Predator, and she’ll need somepony like you in her life.”

The unicorn mare’s cheeks blushed as she rubbed her left foreleg awkwardly. “Y-You s-sure? I mean, after everything I’ve done? After all, I’m - and I quote - ‘somewhat unstable’. Yes, I’ve gotten better control of myself since I first arrived, but…I don’t think I’m the best pony to help raise her…”

“You and Cadance bonded, you learned about love through becoming one with her. If there’s anypony we can trust other than my parents, or Twily to raise her, then it’s you Predator.”

The Entity of Love’s heart swelled with pride and joy after hearing that, she had worked hard to build a level of trust with the couple after her previous debacle a couple of years back, and now, she was given the ultimate sign of trust. She was being offered the chance to be a true member of their family, and to help raise this soon to be born child.

“Of course I would, I’d be honored!” Predator exclaimed with joy.

Suddenly there was a loud knocking coming from the large double doors, an Adamant Guard peeked his head inside and spotted the two royals and Entity of Love. “Um, your Highnesses, it would appear you have a couple of…guests.”

“Guests? What guests?” Shining Armor asked suspiciously.

Suddenly the door opened, wrapped by a jade colored aura. The Guard jumped out of the way, startled by the quick opening. On the other side were two ponies. One was tall, about as tall as Princess Celestia. Her body was a pale green color, with iridescent butterfly wings that shimmered in the light of the fireplace and laced with intricate patterns. Her mane was sleek and luxurious, as if emeralds themselves were woven into each strand. The mare held herself with a sense of regality, and smiled coyly at the three. Her irises were soft blue, eyes which she kept a constant vigil on the Entity of Love.

The second was mare a as well, about half the size of the other. She was a bright pink, with butterfly wings that had cute whimsical patterns in them. The shorter mare gave the taller one a nudge with her foreleg, helping the taller mare to snap out of her trance. “Um, your Highness, I don’t think they were expecting us.”

The taller mare quirked her head curiously. “Really? You didn’t know? Predator, I thought you told them?”

The Entity of Love smacked her forehead. “Oh crap, I knew I forgot something!”

“Um, Predator, is that…who I think it is?” Cadance asked.

The taller mare walked closer, but the Adamant Guard blocked her way. The mare rolled her eyes and decided to answer from her current position. “Well it has been some time since you last saw us, and you’ve never really seen us like this. I guess I should reintroduce myself, my name is Chrysalis, Queen of the - once forgotten - Flutterpony race.”

Shining Armor and Cadance’s jaws dropped, they knew Predator was helping out the Changelings heal from the after effects of the fear energy from Parallax, but they didn’t know that they had undergone such a transformation. Cadance had to get up and walk towards the former Changeling Queen, using her magic to usher the guard outside and back to his sentry post.

The alicorn mare stood before the new Chrysalis, reaching out a hoof and gently touching her former rival’s cheek as if still in disbelief that this was the mare who nearly stole her husband and drained him of his love and magic, the very same mare who took on the Entity of Fear in order to save her race by converting them into fear monsters, and she was…beautiful.


“It was supposed to be our little Hearth’s Warming present…” Chrysalis spoke in an unusually shy tone. “Back before we became…what we were…this is how we looked. We were not Changelings, we were Flutterponies. Protectors, defenders of nature, and of life. We were a race that did not need to feed on the love of beings, but we flourished from the love generated from within ourselves, and what was given freely. Certain events occurred, events that forced us to become…monsters…shades of her former selves, I know that it might be some time before we can truly form a trust between us, which was why Murmur and Predator suggested we start with Hearth’s Warming, it seems to be an important holiday to you all…was this a bad time?”

Cadance smiled and, to the surprise of the Queen, embraced in a warm hug. Chrysalis was speechless, she hadn’t figured that Cadance would even stand that close to her, she definitely didn’t expect a hug from the Princess of Love.

“No, Chrysalis, it’s not a bad time. Hearth’s Warming is for everypony, it’s more than just the founding of Equestria, it’s also about family,” to this glanced at Predator and Shining Armor, “and celebrating new and old friendships, and the forgiving of transgressions.”

At the word “transgressions” Chrysalis ended the hug and walked around Cadance, heading straight for Shining Armor. The stallion tensed up, not sure what to do at this point. The image of the insectoid mare was in stark contrast to the mare approaching him, even her voice sounded less conniving and manipulative, barely a trace of the superior tone she carried, well it was still there, but not as heavily. Now, she sounded gentler, almost reminding him of Twilight’s friend, Fluttershy, to a degree anyway. The Queen of the Flutterponies stood before Shining Armor, her head tilted down and unable to meet his gaze, nervously she rubbed her right foreleg as her wings fluttered in response to her nerves.

“I…I wish to say that…I’m sorry, Shining Armor. I manipulated your love for Cadance, and used it to almost conquer your home, and made you even turn against Twilight Sparkle, your close sister…I know forgiveness may never come, but…I would like to try and earn it.”

It was obvious to the other mares just by looking at Shining Armor’s face that he was conflicted on this. Out of everypony involved in that incident, Shining Armor was the most harmed, drained constantly, mind controlled, yelling at his LSBFF for trying to warn him and save him, locked inside his mind and struggling to get out to save his family and home. Such things did not go away, and left some scars, more mental than physical. In fact, part of Shining Armor believed that this was all a ruse, the suspicious, Royal Guard, ex-mind control victim, part. Chrysalis was a Changeling after all, this could be a disguise.

However, Predator has shown that she was unable to be mind controlled, the Entity of Love could’ve wiped out the Changelings at her leisure if they showed any signs of trying to harm either Cadance or himself.

With a heavy sigh, Shining Armor spoke calmly. “Chrysalis…I won’t lie, it’s not exactly easy to forgive what you put Cadance and I through. In fact, part of me still thinks this is some part of a plan your scheming.”

“Shining Armor,” began Cadance.

“No,” Chrysalis interrupted, “he has every right to feel that way. I don’t blame you, Shining Armor I -”

“But, it wouldn’t be fair to judge you like that, at least not without getting to know the real you. This is the real you, right?” Shining asked as he gestured to her new form.

Chrysalis smiled, took a few steps back, and walked in a circle and stretched out her wings, giving Shining Armor a three-hundred and sixty degree view of her. “It is, this is the true me, no magic or illusions.”

The stallion let out another sigh. “Very well, you can join us, but I’m still watching you.” To this Shining Armor gestured with his hoof, pointing to his eyes and then to Chrysalis.

Chrysalis chuckled and turned to join Cadance, but not before glancing over her shoulder, and winking at the stallion. “Wouldn’t have it any other way.”


Chrysalis cursed herself, and flashed Murmur a nervous, yet apologetic smile. “Sorry…”

Murmur sighed and shook her head. “Honestly, your Highness, you must break that flirting habit of yours.” She then turned her head to the side, her cheeks reddening a little. “…Especially since I’m standing right here.”

“What was that Murmur?”


(In a forgotten land…)

Sombra, the Entity of Death, tread upon the barren land. His power, the black light of Death, spoke to him, guided him to this place. He had a plan, and if it were to succeed, then certain factors had to be in place. Winning a war was just as much a mental battle as it was a physical one.

“Where are you…the remnants of a forgotten race?” Sombra took a few more steps and when his obsidian armored hoof made the next step, a surge shot up his foreleg, and the Tyrant King smirked evilly. “Ah…I see, now I know why I was drawn to this wasteland!”

Sombra’s eyes could see it now, this land, it was tainted with death. The Dark King raised his right hoof and stamped it hard onto the ground, a surge of black energy shot through his hoof and into the ground, causing massive fissures to erupt in all directions. Within a span of a few seconds the ground caved in, crumbling beneath him. Luckily, his power allowed him to stay where he was, hovering over the giant hole that he had created beneath him.

When the quakes and crumbling earth stopped, Sombra floated down into the hole. Beneath it, the Tyrant King could see that there was a giant chamber beneath the ground. The rancid smell of death and decay still lingered on the air, stale from years of being covered up. Sombra kept floating down till his hooves met the ground, and then a cracking sound followed.

Sombra looked down, seeing a blackened surface, curiously, he took another step. Yet again, the crunching, cracking sound echoed out. Sombra used his newfound powers to allow his eyes to see past the shadows, revealing what was hidden. The former king’s eyes widened with wicked glee, beneath his hoof was the carapace of a dead Changeling. Sombra looked, seeing the underground chamber stretch on for what seemed like miles and miles, littered with the dead bodies of Changelings.

The undead unicorn flew through the underground chamber, noticing that, in the distance, was a single ray of light. Sombra continued flying until he reached the spot where the ray of light was shining. On a pedestal of rock rested a carapace, laid atop a bed of flowers that grew around it as if offering comfort to it.

Oh this will be fun, he thought.

“The Blackest Night falls from the skies,

Let us hear your deathly cries!

We’ll twist your souls as your light dies,

By my command the dead shall RISE!”

Sombra’s mouth opened as a black tar-like substance bathed over the corpse, but it did not stop there, it continued on, flowing over the numerous carapace shells that littered the underground cavern, stretching on as far as the eye could see. Soon, the entire cavern was a literal sea of darkness, bubbling and churning, restless as if something was stirring beneath it.

“Queen Lilianna…RISE.”

Author's Note:

Next Time:

The darkness RISES, and two Royal Guards will be reunited with those they loved, in the worst way possible.