• Published 8th Aug 2012
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A Saiyan in Equestria - Reddened Chaos

Red a saiyan with the unusual power to control Fire has journied across planets to find one for him.

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Training to become stronger, and to capture the heart of the moon, begins.

I woke up the next day, Luna's bed was the most comfortable think I've ever slept on. EVER. Of all time. I thought back to what happened the previous night, because I was believing the fact that I was in Luna's bedroom, sleeping with her the night before to be a dream. If it was, I certainly didn't want to wake up. Choosing to find out if I was dreaming or not, I punched myself in the side, I felt it, and it hurt. I wasn't dreaming at all. and my heart soared. Not only did I sleep with the beautiful Princess of the Night the night before, but I had transformed into a Super Saiyan. I know my friends Goku, Gohan, Trunks, and Vegeta had gained that level before, I even heard my old mentor Bardock tell me he was one, I saw him become one once, it was awesome. Now I was among their ranks as a Super Saiyan as well, but I wasn't anywhere near the power level of my friends from earth, those Saiyans, were FAR stronger than any saiyan I've ever met, stronger than anyone I've met before. I hope I can come close to their power atleast. I stepped out onto the balcony, and sat down and closed my eyes, now going to meditate, in an attempt to become able to transform at will. Goku told me he trained hard to do just that, to transform into a super saiyan without his emotions running wild like they did when they caused the transformation to happen originally. I heard the sound of hooves clopping against the floor approaching me as I was meditating, and I stopped, and turned around to look. It was none other than Luna herself. I smiled, she was the most beautiful Pony I've seen since arriving here a few days ago, with Lady Rarity from back in Ponyville coming in a close second.

"Good Morning Red." She said.

"Good Morning Luna, my princess." I said, bowing after standing up.

"Oh Red, you don't have to do that." She said with a chuckle, motioning for me to rise, which I did.

"On the contrary my dear, It is common courtesy to bow before royalty. And I also wish to be at your beck and call, I would be honored to serve you." I said proudly. "and to take you out sometime..." I whispered to myself.

"What was that last part?" She asked, noticing me having whispered.

"Oh...uh.. heh, I said I'd also be honored to......take you out sometime....." I said hesitantly.

My statment about being honored to take her out sometime clearly caught her off guard. She blinked, having a clear look of surprise on her face. I smiled nervously.

"I believe I will let you think on that one, then. I should get over to Ponyville to try and get a job so I can earn some money of my own to be able to live here after all." I said attempting to get out of the awkward moment and stepping back into the room, I put the hat, and the rest of my clothes back on, then stepping back onto the balcony I prepared to leave. Before I did leave, I turned back to Luna, who had seemed to snap out of the shock she was in from my previous statement, and smiled.

"Permission to hug thy beautiful self?" I asked.

"Permission...not needed for thee." She replied, and I stepped over and embraced her, with her doing the same, wrapping her forelegs around me in a hug as well.

"Will you be my friend Luna?" I asked sending her into another state of shock for a moment.

"You wish to be my friend?" She asked, stunned.

"I would be honored to be thy friend Luna." I replied nodding.

"Yes, I will Red." She responds, a tear coming from her eye, causing me to wonder why, I believed it was possibly because she didn't have many friends, being a Princess, or because she is the one who brings the night, which not many ponies would appreciate due to sleeping through it. I'm also guilty of doing so, but I enjoy the night, because of how peaceful it is. Quite ironic, being a saiyan who would naturally love the action, enjoying peace and quiet. But that's one of the reasons I'm different.

"Thank you Luna. I will see you around, and if you decide on my proposal to take you out sometime, just send me a message. I'm sure I'll get it, somehow." I say even though I'm not telepathic, though a friend of mine King Kai, was.

"Then hold on a moment." She said stepping over to me. and her horn began to glow with a cobalt blue aura, and she gently touched it to my forehead.

"What did you just do?" I asked

"I used a spell to permanently allow you to be telepathic." she said with a smile.

"Telepathic? Oh like earlier with the Spirit Bomb?" I asked.

'Yes.' She responds telepathically, her beautiful voice echoing in my head.

'This shall certainly make talking to others easier, who all would I be able to talk to like this?' I asked in the same way.

'Anypony. regardless of kind. They would only need to think about you when responding to be able to talk to you in the same manner.' She responded.

"Thank you Luna. This will certainly come in handy. And if that's the case, when you've decided on my offer to take you out sometime, just send me a message via the telepathy. See you around Luna." I spoke giving her a final hug then stepping up onto the balcony itself, facing her, and leaned back, with my arms outstretched falling down, going straight down.

Luna had rushed to the edge and looked over the edge to see me hurdling toward the ground far below, and I decided to have a bit of fun, and when I was just a foot above the ground, I pulled up and my aura surged as I flew back up, performing a few rolls and high enough to be equal with her balcony, and gave her a wave as I flew away, heading back toward Ponyville.

I saw a familar cyan blur with a rainbow trail speed by and followed it smirking as I knew it was Rainbow Dash. I sped up as I caught her draft and tapped her on the back.

"Hey Dashie!" I called as I flew next to her, she looked at me and blinked.

"Wow. Your fast if you can keep up with me." She responded with a smirk.

"Heh, Oh so sure of your speed Dashie? How about a little race action?" I ask responding with a smirk of my own.

"Ok, and stop calling me 'Dashie' only Pinkie Pie calls me that. Besides, if we were in a relationship then you could, because it would make sense." She said, blushing a little, most-likely embarrassed that I was calling her by the pet name her friend used.

"Ok, how about this, if I win, I get to call you 'Dashie' if I want to, if you win, then I won't call you Dashie unless you say I can." I proposed.

"Deal, first one to my house wins, it's right over there!" She said pointing with a hoof at the large house that looked like it was made out of clouds.

"Wow. READY SET GO!" I said at first awe struck by it's beauty, then getting it out of my head to wait until after the race, and I boosted ahead.

"GO!" She calls out and she does the same.

Rainbow Dash flapped her wings harder, catching up to me and just barely edging me out and getting a lead, I flew faster, making the race in flight be pure neck-in-neck. We flew closer and closer to her house, and it was still anypony's race. I flew faster, and I saw a speed cone forming showing I clearly had broken the sound barrier atleast. I glanced over at Rainbow Dash and saw she had one as well, and she was flying faster, and hers was extending to a point, I tried to focus, and fly faster, to match her speed, my own speed cone coming to a point. What happened next, was a shock to me, and to her. She suddenly shot forward, faster than mach 5 or mach 10 I don't know how fast she was going from that, but she was SPEEDING, if Sonic the Hedgehog was here, he'd be jealous for sure. in her place behind me, was a circular rainbow wave, that was expanding.

"What was that?!?" I called out after she flew ahead and landed at her house.

"The Sonic Rainboom!" She called back with a look of pride and satisfaction on her face.

"Awesome. I wonder if I can do it." I responded curious.

"No way, I'm the only one who can!" She replied clearly doubting I could.

"Let's find out!" I yelled out as I pushed the speed cone I had further, hoping I could do the same thing she did.

"Allons-y!" I cried out remembering something I heard from a VERY old friend once..

Suddenly, I felt the tell-tale feeling of myself bursting through barriers of sound, going atleast mach 10 and I landed at Rainbow's house landing on the cloud and looked behind me at what I had just done, a circular rainbow was extending just like hers, except mine seemed to have some flames dancing along it as well. I looked back at Rainbow and she was sitting on her haunches, her mouth was wide open. I was surprised her jaw didn't just bust through the cloud floor we were on given the look of shock on her face.

"Y...You did...a Sonic...RAINBOOM?!?" She asked clearly surprised.

"I think so..." I answered, not entirely sure myself, but it sure looked like I did.

"You know what, I know I won the race, but you can call me 'Dashie' anytime you want considering you pulled off a Sonic Rainboom like that." She told me with a happy smile.

"Thanks Dashie." I responded, and put a hand on her head running my fingers through her mane.

"What are you doing?" She asked me.

"Oh...uhh. Sorry, reflex..." I answered, slightly nervous.

"It's ok. That felt kinda nice." She responded.

"Oh, well. Hey mind giving me a tour? This house of yours is shocking AWESOME." I told her, blown away by how amazing it was.

"I'd be honored too Red." She told me and trotted inside, with me walking after her, having some shaky steps as I was on clouds, but I got used to it.

I looked around in awe at the sight that was the home of Rainbow Dash. To say it was amazing would be an UNDERSTATEMENT.

"Rainbow, I'll be honest, this is the most AWESOME. HOUSE. EVER. OF ALL TIME." I stated loving the place.

"Thanks, I know it is, it's awesome just like me!" She stated motioning to herself with a hoof.

"Actually, you think I could stay here with you? Since I'm staying on this planet after all. It'll keep me away from any real prying eyes, unless it's a Pegasus who's trying to find me." I asked, a little nervous, as I loved the place, and I hoped she didn't mind.

"Sure." She replied with a smile.

"Awesome, so, where do I sleep?" I asked, as I pretty much had all my things, but I would check Rarity's place later, as I believe I had left my armor and such there.

"You can sleep with me." She told me, walking toward what I believe would be her room, which I followed her in.

"Wait WHAT?!? Sleep with you? Surprising answer, I'd be happy to sleep with what I believe is the most awesome pony, second ONLY to the Princess of the Night!" I told her, prideful.

"Heh, understandable, Nopony is as awesome as Rainbow Dash. Royalty like the Princesses don't count, because of royal factor, that's the only way they are more awesome than me." She replied, puffing her chest out to look awesome, which she did VERY easily.

We walked into her room and my jaw probably could have broken through the cloud floor, HUGE room, and a bed big enough for myself, her, and atleast 2 other ponies, one maybe the size of an alicorn like Luna or Celestia, and maybe even one the size of a foal. Normally, that wouldn't be possible, but it was made out of CLOUDS, so it gets a rating of 20 out of 10 on the awesome meter. Also, when you have powers that let you do ANYTHING with fire, and were planet hoping for quite a while like I was, coming across a planet with talking anthropomorphic animals who ran EXTREMELY fast, and one world that looked like it was in the future, using enhanced sets of armor, which if I recall correctly was called 'Mjolnir Mark VI' last I checked, I even have an all black version, with some weapons I got for free as a souvenir from that planet, but I digress, when you've seen things like that, things like this, seem possible, and blow them out of the water.

"Awesome room Dashie, I can't wait to sleep in the bed." I told her, eager to lie in it when I went to sleep.

I looked at a mirror in the room as well, surprised to a degree that it was hanging on the cloud made walls without falling by now, but also, my appearance after I took off my hat having put it back on after we landed. My hair had changed. It was no longer the Jet Black color it was originally, now it was a dark brown color. Also, the style had changed, now looking kinda like Bardock's hairstyle, but with only four spikes stretching out, on the right side, and they were very short, about three spikes drooping down infront of my forehead, all three close to around the center, and a small spike starting to pop out at the left side, just above my ear. the rest of my hair was just straight, and not spiked at all, just looked like it was combed down, it was also possibly due to me wearing my hat, my bandanna was still tied around my forehead the entire time though, which probably helped...maybe I don't know, but I liked this new style, so I am going to keep it.

"Heh. So how much do you like my new hairstyle?" I asked Rainbow, having caught her staring at me as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"A lot, it's awesome, it totally fits you, a lot better than your original hairstyle actually. You look like, 20% cooler than you did before!" She told me, she was clearly impressed.

"So glad you approve, I'm keeping the style." I told her. Her smile shown all the joy she had in me doing so.

I set my backpack down, and opened it up to put my hat in, and too my surprise, I found my armor, and full leather outfit in there as well. This bag was bigger on the inside. This was the Best Bag Ever. Of All Time. I'd go back to my ship tomorrow and pick up the rest of my armor, and assorted things tomorrow, then maybe detonate the ship a safe distance from the town.

"Well...time certainly goes by quick when you had fun doesn't it?" I asked, noticing it was almost night.

"It sure does Red, it sure does." Rainbow said agreeing.

"What an amazing view." I said as I stepped out to the window, looking toward Canterlot, allowing me to see the first Moon Rising on Equestria. It was the most beautiful event I have seen here EVER. Of all time.

I set my backpack off to the side, surprisingly, it didn't fall through. Rainbow explained that the clouds used to make houses, have special magic imbued into them to allow for furniture and belongings to be put on them, such as saddlebags, backpacks, mirrors, TVs, Tables, beds, and so on, she also told me that they clean themselves, so if I were sick, or injured, I wouldn't have to worry about cleaning up puke, or blood. I lied in her bed, starting to drift off, due to it being so comfy as a massive cloud, and she lay next to me. I cover us both in the cloud sheets, which felt very warm, and soon, I felt something snuggle up to me. I look over, and see, you guessed it, Rainbow Dash, with her hooves around me, and she was nuzzling me as well, heh, it was an awesome site, quite cute as well. She's a lot like a saiyan Rainbow Dash, Prideful, competitive, a little thick headed, like me, but she's very loyal, I can say the same thing about me. I closed my eyes, and drifted off to sleep.

"Good Night Dashie." I whispered as I hugged her, setting my arm around her, to keep her close.

"Good Night, Red." She responded, then falling asleep.

I fell asleep, cozy in the bed of clouds, with Rainbow Dash next to me. This was the Best Day Ever. Of All Time.