• Published 8th Aug 2012
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A Saiyan in Equestria - Reddened Chaos

Red a saiyan with the unusual power to control Fire has journied across planets to find one for him.

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The Chaos Crisis

It's been a few weeks since I destroyed Discord, and got brought back to life at the same time. So far, I've been living in Equestria for about.....10 months I believe, though I could be miscounting, however, that is not important. I've been seeing things, strange things happening recently, for instance, I went by Twilight's house recently, to study up on stars, and the moon, as I heard Celestia tell me that Luna's birthday was coming up soon, and I had something special planned if I could pull it off. I even tried to learn some magic, and to my surprise, I began to perform some magic, how? I couldn't be able to tell you even if I wanted to. It's like Pinkie Pie, i can't explain how I was able to start using magic, if I HAD to give an explanation, though, I'd say that it's because I've lived here in this magical land for so long, I've absorbed some magical energy, or the blast I took from the elements of harmony, saving Nightmare Moon in the process, had some residual effect, of giving me the ability to use magic. Anyway, I was visiting her, to study the stars, and moon, and all of a sudden, when she tried to give me some books with her magic, they went flying at nearly 300 miles per hour, her magic was going out of control. She managed to control it after a few seconds, but, we were both shocked by that. I..I have no idea what happened there...but...I'm starting to suspect something.

I saw a royal guard approach me.

"Red, your presence is requested in the throne room, by both of the Princesses." He said.

"Understood, thank you soldier." I said, before heading off. I arrived soon after, and walked inside. and bowed, finding the princesses sharing a cup of tea together. This was a rare and yet, common occurrence, it was common, because Celestia and Luna would share meals, and tea time together, it was rare, because very few would be asked to join them. like I was..

"You may rise, Red, please, join us." Celestia asked calmly, and sweetly.

"Thank you Celestia" I said, taking a seat next to Luna, whom I hugged, and got a cup of tea from.

"And thank you darling." I said, taking the cup from her. She returned my hug, and nodded, after giving me the cup, and filling it.

"So, what's going on?" I asked, curious as to why I was called now, granted, I don't mind spending time with Luna, but, to be called by them, is quite curious to me.

"Well, I received a letter from Twilight recently, that while you were at her home, researching, her magic went out of control for a few seconds. Is this correct?" Celestia asked.

"Yes it is, and...I think I know why..." I said, continuing to ponder the reason myself.

"What may it be pray tell." Luna asked.

"Well..." I said standing up, and walking a few steps away. "I believe we are witnessing the long lasting effects on having no chaos what-so-ever in the kingdom." I said.

"What do you mean by that Red?" Celestia asked, clearly confused by my explanation.

"Simple, yet complicated at the same time, dear Tia. What I mean, is that this world, thrives on Harmony, and well, as much as you'd hate to admit it, Harmony can only exist when there is Chaos. Chaos and Harmony, they are two sides of the same coin, much like you and your sister, control the day and night, or like how light and darkness are two sides of the same coin. you can't have one, without the other. If you did, there would be massive consequences. I believe that because I destroyed Discord, I effectively wiped out Chaos from this world, and while that may be a good thing, it's causing the Elements of Harmony to go out of control due to the lack of chaos. Such as Twilight's magic to go out of control, because Magic is her element. That being said. I'm afraid, we must find a way to create, a NEW element of Chaos. To restore the balance, and prevent anything else from going wrong." I explained. I then, sat back down next to Luna, and took a sip of my tea. It tasted wonderful.

"That.....seems to make some sense..." Celestia said, after I finished my explanation.

"Indeed it does sister. As much as we hate to admit it, Equestria will need Chaos in order to survive. If the elements of harmony are indeed going out of control, as Red believes, the world could be in danger unless the balance is restored. But...." Luna said before trailing off, I knew why, it was because of Discord, he used to be her lover, when he was known as Harmony, then when he became Discord, it wounded her heart, she was upset. She was hoping, that I wouldn't turn evil, or become something she could no longer love if we were to do this.

"Well, Who would be worthy of such a power?" Celestia asked looking at me.

"......Me..." I said after taking a sip of my tea. This clearly caught Luna and Celestia off guard, as they were shocked.

"No....Red, darling, I...I don't want to lose you too. I lost my first love the same way, when Harmony became corrupted, and turned evil, becoming Discord. I don't want to lose you the same way." Luna begged me, tears in her eyes.

"I won't. and you won't. But I'm the only one here who has the power to even control the chaos powers, you should know that just as much as I do. We have no other option. it's either send me to get those powers, or let the planet destroy itself due to the overflow of harmony, as the elements go out of control. So. What do I have to do to gain the powers?" I asked, looking at both of them, before kissing Luna, to reassure her.

"Go to the ruins of our old palace in the Everfree forest, inside, you will find seven gems, called the Chaos Emeralds, bring them back here to us, and we will conduct the spell to give you the chaos powers. We don't know what will await you inside that forest, you may be tested by the spirit of Harmony and chaos, Discord, to make sure your worthy of the powers." Celestia told me. I nodded, and stood. I then left, and headed out.

I arrived at the Everfree Forest, and had began to venture inside. I explored, looking around, before, I finally saw what appeared to be old castle ruins.

"Here it is..." I said to myself, as I walked in, and soon after, I was nearly blinded by a bright light. I shielded my eyes, and when the light had died down, I saw, an alicorn...with a pure white flowing mane, and tail, but its coat, was a beautiful gold., When he spoke, I recognized his voice instantly. It was Discord. The fact that he still seemed to live pissed me off.

"Hello again Saiyan. What a pleasure to see you once more." He said, though, he seemed, kinder....than he was before. Last time I saw him, he spoke manipulatively, deceitful, in lies, and so on, but this time...not so much.

"Discord....hmph. I'm surprised your still around." I said with a frown.

"I am not Discord. I am Harmony. His original form. It's thanks to the overflowing harmony, that I am able to be here. I will test you, to see if you are worthy of my powers." He explained.

"Very well. Let's have your tests." I said. Harmony then stomped a hoof, and a table appeared, with many weapons, mainly blades of some kind, on it.

"Choose your weapons, and enter the next chamber." He said, and faded into a doorway. I scanned the table, and some weapons caught my eye. though I probably wouldn't need them, due to my own powers, I decided to take them anyway. I chose the dual blades, that looked like giant keys, one white, and one black they were labeled as Keyblades, with the white one called Oathkeeper, and the black one called Oblivion. and I found two green orbs, labeled as spirit weapons. when I picked them up, I saw them change into green tomahawks, then into green knives, and then into a green bow and arrows. Finally, I picked up a blade weapon, that had a small crystal on the end of the hilt, that was shaped like a crescent moon, and was blue, like Luna. it was labeled as the Magi Staff...satisfied, I took them and walked into the next room.

"Oh my..." I said as I noticed what was infront of me. 100 clones of Discord. as I had seen him before. I then smirked.

"Okay...So who's first?" I said, as I readied Oathkeeper and Oblivion. I then heard Harmony call out.

"This will test your tenacity. your will to keep fighting. I have captured your family, Princess Luna, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash, and put them in the next chamber. if you can get through this army, your next trial will await." He said, before laughing, and disappearing. At this point, my rage was fuming again. My mind felt like it was going to fragment, as I heard voices raging in my head, to end Discord, to go back, to turn back, and forget this stupid idea, or to leave the planet to it's fate, or to blow up the planet. I then heard Harmony speak again.

"And this test will also test your will of mind. Will you be able to keep your mind clear and ignore the voices I'm giving you as you fight your way through them?" He said laughing.

The Test of Tenacity and Will of mind.

I jumped down from my perch, above the army, as they began to fly towards me, I instantly got to work, slashing the ones that got in my way to pieces, with Oathkeeper, and Oblivion. I slashed upwards on one, right between it's legs, then diagonally up left, on another one, I stabbed one from behind, then stabbed it's head and tossed it away. I then switched to the Spirit energy, and formed it into two knives, and began to stab, and slice my way through them, before changing it into the dual tomahawks, and hacking and chopping up a good amount of them. Finally, I switched to the Magi Staff, which was in blade mode, though it also had an axe mode. The entire time I was fighting this army, I could hear voices in my head, telling me to be brutal, or sadistic, or just cold and calculating in my attacks, or even to not fight them at all. I ignored them. I would not let anything tell me what to do. I faced off with the final clone, and I had a special thing planned for it. I switched to the green spirit bow, and fired two arrows at it, shooting it with an arrow to the knees. I then switched back to the Magi Staff in blade mode, and looked up seeing the moon shining down. I saw the crystal on the hilt glow blue, as the blade charged up with energy, as I tilted the blade back, getting into a stance.

"Getsuga." I said to myself, as the blade charged up, and began to glow, creating a longer and wider blade, from the energy it was radiating.

"TENSHOU!" I shouted as I spun around, and slashed upwards, sending a wave of energy at the final Discord clone, which struck it and obliterated it in a massive explosion of energy, shaking the entire room, leaving the room in ruins. I dashed for the door, and punched it hard with my right hand, sending it into the next room, flying off it's hinges, and shattering it into splinters at the same time. I stepped through, and hugged Luna, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo who were all together.

"RED!" They shouted as they returned the hugs. We all heard Harmony clapping, as he sat off to the side.

"Bravo. Bravo Red, wonderful performance. You now have one final test." He said.

"The Test of Loyalty." He said, as he disappeared, and far away, I saw another humanoid shape, then blinked.

"No way...it's impossible." I said to myself as I stood. I began to approach the figure.

"Red...it's been a long time my old friend." He said,

"Bardock. It has. it's good to see you." I said to my old mentor, shaking his hand. I brought him to my family and friends in the room.

"Bardock, this is my girlfriend, Princess Luna, the mare of the moon, My daughter, Scootaloo, and my best friend, Rainbow Dash." I said motioning to each one. He was surprised by them, but bowed before Luna, showing respect. He also smiled at Dashie, when he saw her similarities to a saiyan, such as myself and him. He then smiles darkly, as he shoves me aside, and prepares to attack, as Luna, Dashie, and Scoot backed away.

"Bardock, what the hay are you doing?!?" I shouted, as I stood, having been knocked down from him shoving me away.

"This planet now belongs to Frieza, Now I'm going to exterminate the inhabitants, so we may conquer it." He stated darkly. He then turned to me. "STAND DOWN Red. Since your clearly too weak to do that, I'll do it myself." He said as he started to dash at Luna.

"NO." I said as I appeared infront of him, catching his fist. I then glared at him as I powered up, and changed into my new Lunar Saiyan form. "I won't let you hurt my family! Or my friends." I said as I spun around, and threw him back.

"Very well, If that is what you wish." He said darkly, then got into a stance as he prepared to fight me.

"I will not let you or anyone harm my friends, or destroy my new home." I said, getting into a stance of my own.

"I am Loyal to my friends and family. I will never abandon them." I said.

"I'm getting a piece of that guy!" Rainbow said as she started to speed past me. I grabbed her tail as she sped past me then swung her back to Luna, who caught her, and held her in her magic.

"No, Dashie. This is MY fight. You guys wouldn't stand a chance against him, because if I were to go rogue and attack you all, and the planet, there would be nopony, or no force that could stop me. so the same applies to him, I'm the only one who can stop him." I said.

"A piece of Garbage, Not even worth fighting!" Bardock shouted, as he got ready to attack.

"Give it your best shot, I can handle that and more!" I said, as I prepared to do the same.

Student Vs Teacher, Red Vs Bardock

He dashed at me cluching his right wrist, for his Final Revenger Technique, I dashed at him with a similar pose, and intercepted him, and we clashed, rapidly trading punches and kicks, blocking and attacking faster than any normal pony, or person could track, we were on a level all our own. He then slipped up, as I leaned back to dodge one attack, and countered with a swift punch, then grabbed his head, rammed it into my right knee, spun around, hitting him with my left elbow, then spun back around, hitting him with a roundhouse kick from my right leg. I teleported behind him as he flew back, my back facing him, then I turned around, punching him hard with my right fist, kicked him higher into the air with a backwards upper kick, then jumped higher, grabbing him, and twisting him around, and coming down, landing and going to a knee, holding him in a position that would have busted his spine from the fall, having one hand on his leg, and one hand on his chin. I tossed him up, and roundhouse kicked him in the spine again, causing further damage.

He stood up, and his armor was damaged already, he then smirked.

"Not bad, your much better than before, and impressive power. Now, time for me to step up." He said before powering up to Super Saiyan.

"Alright then old friend, Let's go!" I said, as I dashed at him.

Full Power Fight

I Dashed at him, and had crouched down, and elbowed him, dashed after him, unleashing a flurry of kicks, then punched him in the stomach, and elbowed him down into the ground, and jumped above him, and unleashed a Kamehameha into his back. I landed, and after he recovered, and attacked me with some swift kicks, punches, and some hard hitting elbows, I moved to the side, grabbed his leg, and began to spin, and threw him into the wall, and then I proceeded to beat him into the bricks of the wall, pummeling him into it. I then grabbed his head, ripped him out of it, and dashed at the other wall, and slammed his head into it, HARD. leaving him stuck neck deep in the wall.

He pulled himself out, and fell to his knees, powering down.

"I concede. You did well old friend. I'm proud to have taken the offer, so I could have a chance to fight you." He said.

"What." I said, stunned. I powered down, going back to normal.

"I was approached by a strange golden horse creature, that called itself 'Harmony' and was asked to test your loyalty to your new friends and family here. I accepted when I realized it meant I could fight you again. I was told to act like I still served Frieza, and was going to kill everyone on this planet, so that it could be conquered, that way I would get you to unleash your full power, which might I add, was amazing." He explained. I listened, and nodded as I understood, and helped him up.

"It was an honor to fight you again my master." I said bowing to him like a martial arts student would, which he returned the bow. "I hope I see you again sometime." I said, as I waved, as Harmony approached, and sent him back to his home.

"Congratulations Red. You have proved yourself worthy of the powers of Chaos. Take those emeralds. and they will give you the power." He said as he pointed a hoof at the seven multi-colored jewels on an alter. I took them, and after Harmony faded away, I went with my family back to Canterlot, carrying Scootaloo, and flying alongside Luna and Rainbow Dash.

We arrived, and walked into the throne room, where Celestia, and Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie, and Applejack were waiting, with their elements, and Rainbow was given hers after she landed. They stood in a circle around me, after I stood in the center, and Celestia and Luna picked up the Chaos Emeralds with their magic, and put them in a circle around me. and then they stepped out of the center, and off to the sides, taking Scoot, and Luna sat her on her back. Their horns began to glow, as they chanted, Saying the spell chant used to give me the Chaos Powers.

The Ceremony

"Ifaras Zaras Yezaras....Ifaris Zaris Yezarik..." they chanted, as their horns glowed, Celestia's glowing golden, and Luna's glowing a cobalt blue, and they shot a beam of magic at the emeralds, and me, with Twilight and the others doing the same with the elements of harmony. Soon the Chaos Emeralds glowed, and began to float up, and circle around me, as I did the same, floating up a few feet above the ground, and I began to spin, and then the emeralds merged with me, granting me the Chaos Powers, and I began to glow a sandy golden yellow, my body seeming to fade, and leak energy I recognized this, as a very old friend of mine, who was called a Time Lord, and called himself 'The Doctor' had something similar to him happen when he was about to die. He called it a 'Regeneration'...Was I about to die? NO, I thought to myself, I was NOT about to die not when we're so close, and not while Luna still would need somepony. I concentrated. on absorbing the power of the Chaos Emeralds, and soon, my body let off a large explosion of power, burning off the excess energy., as I recovered from the power granting, and I landed, panting, but I recovered quickly. I then looked up at Celestia and Luna, and bowed.

"From this day forward, I am the Element of Chaos in this world, and I pledge myself, to use these new chaos magic powers for the good of everypony. I won't use them to cause general havoc, and to spread mayhem like Discord did. I shall use them to protect others. To help everypony. I pledge myself to thy rule, I shall take my orders directly from Princess Luna. I will only take orders from her, unless she is unable to give them to me, be it due to sleeping, or she is away on royal business. Then I shall be taking orders from Princess Celestia." I said, vowing the use of my power to the royal sisters. They nodded, and bowed at the same time.

"Rise, Red, The Saiyan of Chaos." Celestia and Luna said together, after they rose. I did the same smiling broadly. This was the beginning of a new life for me. We celebrated, as Twilight, Celestia and Luna could feel the powers of the elements of harmony, shrinking down to a normal level, and we partied for a while that night. I left with Luna back to bed, to rest, as the ceremony and spell that gave me the powers took alot out of both Celestia and my marefriend, as well as me and the mane 6, as Twi and the others have come to be called by various citizens. Twi and the others got their own guest chambers in the castle, which they were spending the night in, Celestia had retired to her quarters to rest, and Myself, Scootaloo, and Luna were resting in her bed, so we could recover together. I soon felt something else cuddle up beside me in the bed, and low and behold, it's Dashie. She snuck into the room, and climed into the bed, and curled up with me, Scoot lying curled up on my chest, and Lulu lying on my right, with me having an arm around her. I drifted off to sleep, in the comfort of my family.