• Published 8th Aug 2012
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A Saiyan in Equestria - Reddened Chaos

Red a saiyan with the unusual power to control Fire has journied across planets to find one for him.

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Vindicta Lunaris

Oh joy, I'm here AGAIN. though strangely, or rather not so, I'm the only one here who's body is NOT a pony shaped one. I'm still standing in Line though. Why the hay am I doing it still? I must get back to save Luna and the others from Discord. I can hear the judge's voice booming from back here.

"Next, Strip, Next, Strip, Next, Strip......Nice." He said

"Recoome Thanks you." A random spirit way ahead of me said. I didn't get a good look at him, nor did I care, all I cared about was getting back to Luna. I stepped out of Line, and started to walk out..

"HOLD IT!" The Judge boomed.

"No way, I don't have time for this, Either you let me go, or I'll burn that precious desk of Mahogany you got there, then all go ALL THE WAY TO MALCIOR 7 AND BLOW IT THE SHOCK UP so you'll never have any of it's Mahogany ever again." I didn't realize this, but I had actually gotten right infront of the massive pony who was the judge, and was eye to eye with him. I backed away, then flew out, with no further resistance, or attempts to stop me.

"Now then." I started to mentally search for Luna's power, or Celestia's Power, I felt it. I felt Luna's but it felt...both stronger, and at the same time...weaker...

"Oh no...she's dying..." I concentrated, and teleported using Instant Transmission to get down there.

(Celestia's POV)

I had seen Red be murdered at the hand of Discord, just moments ago, then his final moments with Luna and the element bearers, and then for some reason or another, he disappeared. Strange, however, I did not expect what happened next. My sister Luna, was an emotional wreck, and why wouldn't she be? Her Special Somepony, which she finally had gotten since the first Discord Incident when we created the Elements of Harmony, had just died not only to save her, but also ironically, at the hand of her first love. But what happened Next, well, was a surprise all it's own. Discord left, and started to terrorize Ponyville, and after crying for a while, Luna started to growl, and change. Her eyes were covered in tears, as she was mad at Discord now, and it was clear, she wanted revenge. Just then, her body changed to black, as black as night her regalia changed, into a sky blue type of armor, her eyes changed, to become more dragon like, she grew taller, and her horn grew longer, and thinner, and her spectral mane and tail changed color slightly. Then she looked at me. Her transformation to Nightmare Moon had completed again. She was overtaken by her emotions. What surprised me next: her first statement to me.

".......Celestia....Let me go...and have my Revenge. I do not care for bringing about Night Eternal, like I did before from the jealousy I had for you. That Draconequus will Pay for killing our Special Somepony. Do not try to attack me, lest you suffer my rage as well." The tears that were in her eyes, proved her truth to me. I nodded.

"Go." I said. and with that, she flew out toward Ponyville. I wondered, if her doing this may cause everypony to not fear her anymore like that....

"Come on girls, We'd better go, Nightmare Moon's free again as well as Discord, and the elements are our only hope." My Faithful Student, Twilight said.

"No girls, This is Luna, or rather Nightmare Moon's fight. do NOT interfere. In her current state of rage, while she may be thankful for the assistance in fighting Discord, she will not hesitate to turn her rage on you. This is one of those times, where you must sit back and watch, as she wants to get revenge for what Discord did to Red, and for what he did to her long ago." I explained. I then told my friends, the story of what had happened, of Discord's original job, and about how he and Luna were originally a pair, and that they fell apart when he turned evil. They listened, nodded, and left, with Twilight telling me one more thing.

"Princess, We're going, to help only if we feel we must." She told me. I nodded.

"Do what your heart tells you is right. But do NOT under any circumstances interfere with the fight between Nightmare Moon and Discord unless you have to. Do NOT attack Nightmare Moon, or she will turn on you." I said, before sending them out. I then followed them, why? Well, My sister just turned to her rage filled persona Nightmare Moon, and rather than try to attack me, she ASKED me to let her go and have some revenge against Discord. I'm totally going to sit and watch the fireworks! Heheheheheh.

(Red's POV)

I appeared high in the skies above Ponyville, as I locked onto her, and I was surprised by what I found, She had turned into a darker version of herself, she was pure black, her eyes, were more dragon like, she wore some azure blue, or sky blue armor, her astral mane and tail were a different color slightly, and her cutie mark looked the same, but rather than being a black starry sky, it was now purple....was this the dark mare known as Nightmare Moon? I floated there, and watched, her fight Discord. While she was certainly a powerhouse, she was both gaining and losing ground, I could also see my six friends standing watch from farther away, with the elements, possibly to jump in if needed, and ...is that Celestia eating some POPCORN OF ALL THINGS??? WHAT THE HAY?!? Anyway, I stood there watching, contemplating what to do next, before I saw Discord knock Nightmare Moon back, hard, with a swift punch from his lion paw, then he grabbed her by the neck with his dragon tail, whirled around, and threw her down, causing her to land with a crash and slide near Twilight and the others, her helmet comes off after wards. That was the final straw for me, I looked closer at Nightmare Moon's body, and saw various cuts, that were still bleeding on her body, legs, and neck, some bruises, and she was clearly in no shape to continue fighting. Why this had happened, I don't know. But I suspect she transformed soon after my death. Well, Time for me to make My entrance.

Red Returns

I dashed down onto the battle field, much faster than I've ever flown before, so fast, I appeared as a blur, and then started to fly around in a circle around Discord, as I saw Twilight and the others start to charge him, cutting them off, and him from them. After making a small blue wind tornado, I stopped, landing facing Nightmare Moon, with my back to Discord and I glanced back at him.

"Sup Bubblegum." I then smirked, before starting to take some steps toward Nightmare Moon's body, as she seemed unconscious.

I glanced over, seeing Celestia and smiled as she fell back with a thump from the seat she was in, and her popcorn dropped down. I knelt down next to Nightmare Moon's head, and gently started to pick it up.

"...mmnngghh...Who...dares..." She starts to say as she wakes up then she gasps when she sees me. Her draconian eyes begin to tear up, more than they appeared to have already been.

"...Is...Is it really you Red?" She asked, clearly seeming in denial that I'm back.

"Yes. Luna, is that you in there... Wha?!?" I asked, then was interrupted when I felt about not only her weight, picking herself up using me to do so, and then she drew me in a huge hug, and then Twilight and the others joined in, after they let go, and I helped Nightmare Moon up, she spoke up.

"..Yes...It's me Red...I ....I didn't want you to ever see me like this. This is the form you have heard of before, called Nightmare Moon. Her spirit awakens whenever I am in immense Emotional stress, such as when Discord killed you earlier.." She explains.

"Which brings me to ask, just how in the hoof are you back?" Twilight says speaking up. She then looks up and notices the halo above my head.

"Wait, are you still dead???" She asked pointing her hoof at it.

"Well, yes, and no. I am technically dead, but I wasn't about to give up my life without saving all of you first. besides, I still have my body, and both my loyalty to my friends, and my Saiyan pride won't let this warrior's body pass on until I finish what I started." I explained. I then heard 7 yelps of pain, as Discord summoned a massive version of his Lion Paw, and knocked aside all of my friends and Nightmare Moon, and yet somehow, completely missed me....wierd. I then heard what sounded like a filly. Scootaloo.

"DAD!!!! HELP ME!!!" She called out from nearby. She was trapped in a large box, about to be lowered into something...what the heck, was that a giant cup of hot chocolate?!? Good lord this guy's crazy.

"Scoot! NO!!!" I looked at all of my friends, and Celestia, who was starting to get up, and saw all of this, then glared at Discord, my rage fuming, yet, I felt...calm...at harmony with the world around me. with Luna, with the others, I closed my eyes, as I turned and faced him, then I punched my right palm, and cracked my neck by leaning it to the right then to the left and opened them, as I stared down Discord.

"You have No idea what kind of trouble you are in." I said in a dark voice my only responce was a wild cackle

"GAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I'm in trouble?!? Your the one who bothered to return. Besides, I just wiped the floor with the elements of harmony, and Nightmare Moon, the greatest threats to me. You couldn't even kill me last time. And if I kill you now, your gone for good!" He said with a sadistic smirk.

"BEHOLD THE ULTIMATE POWER!!!" I bellowed, as my eyes glown white, with power, I could see him be forced back by the force of my voice....was this what Luna called the Royal Canterlot Voice?

(The Ultimate Power of Red)

I began to power up, and transform, my power going beyond what it did before, as a super saiyan, my hair stood on edge like before, but instead of gold, it changed to an orange hue, the exact same orange that Scootaloo's coat was, My aura darkened as it surged, turning into the same shade of dark sapphire blue that Luna's coat normally was, My eyes changed to a sky blue, like Luna's mane and tail were back when she was younger, from what I saw in dreams Luna gave me, and memories she shown me, and pictures of her from back then that I saw. And then, the final step, Lightning began to surge around my body in my aura, like a Super Saiyan 2's aura, but this lightning, was special, it was Rainbow colored... like the spectrum mane and tail of my loyal friend Rainbow Dash. I smirked, as I glared down at him again, before I spoke.

"I am the Lunar Saiyan. Discord, I'm gonna make you pay." I said as I charged up my right hand with flames, now burning brighter than before, and shot my hand forward, causing a chain spear to come from it, and stab Discord, I grabbed it with both hands, and yanked back.

"GET OVER HERE!" I yelled as I dragged him right up to me, then grabbed his throat.

"Your days of tyranny are over forever." I said as I held him, then kicked him up into the sky with my left leg, I jumped after him, and flew past him, then stopped, and spun around, hitting him with a right roundhouse kick, sending him farther back in the opposite direction, then I flew after him again, and right when he started to right himself, I decked him with a punch to the jaw, I knew I felt his jaw go completely out of joint from it, and he went even farther flying, I chased him down, grabbed his tail, then flew back down to the ground, and slammed him into it spine first. I believe I heard the satisfying snap of some bones. I then performed a few backflips, charged up a blast in my right hand, and fired a massive one handed Kamehameha at him, which had a dark blue outer shell, orange core, and rainbow lightning traveling down it's beam from my hands. He got back up, clearly surprised, and made the mistake to charge me. I grabbed my right wrist, and shouted.

"Vindicta Lunaris!" I cried out, then dashed at him, punched him with my right hand, kicked him higher with an upper kick from my left foot, dashed after him, yelling, punched him again with my right hand, sending him higher, and teleported behind him, locking him in a head lock, and I proceeded to knee him in the back three times, and flipped over, kicking him higher, and I dashed up after him.

"BEGONE!" I yelled, as I brought my hands together, for a double handed smash and knocked him back down to the ground, where he landed with a crash, and a crater appearing. I dashed after him, and he tried to gut me again with his talon, but I thought he may try it again, and I caught it, then with a sadistic smile, I twisted, and yanked, ripping it off, causing his blood to spill, and make a streak of red onto the ground., as he screamed in pure pain, he then flew far into the air, both in pure terror, and rage.


"U MAD BRO?" I said as I charged up a blast in my right hand standing where I was.

"VOLATILE THANKS FOR ASKING!" He shouted as he charged his lion paw with pure magic, and fired a massive blast at me.

"THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T CAUSE SO MUCH DISCORD!" I shouted back launching mine, and they clashed, as I steadily pushed his back with little to no effort.

"I AM DISCORD...Wait..I get it NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" He yelled as he was consumed by the blast and obliterated.

"Ha... amateur." I said as I put down my hand, then walked over to Nightmare Moon, who seemed to be in pain, and set a hand on her, and started to put in some of my own power, and she was healed, and she woke up, surprised to see my new form. I smiled at her, as I started to feel weak, as my time remaining outside of the otherworld it seems was drawing short. Twilight seeing this, and seeing me with Nightmare Moon, gathered the rest of the element bearers, who were standing back up, and charged them, as Nightmare Moon backed away, most likely out of fear.

"What?!? NO!!! DON'T!" I said but the massive rainbow that came from the elements attack sprang forth, from them, and it went toward Nightmare Moon, with the last of my new found and still fading strength, I dashed between it and her, and took the blast. Everypony there watched in horror, as I started to glow, then, when it stopped, I dashed into the air, and set off a massive explosion wave to burn off the excess power, which came out as a massive rainbow wave, similar to the Sonic Rainboom, with a bunch of smaller rainbow explosions happening inside of it as it spread out. after that, I reverted back to normal, my energy now drained, and fell to the ground, with Luna, who had changed back to normal out of shock of what I had done, catching me with her magic, and lowering me to the ground. Where I rested, before waking soon after.

"Ugh...what the hay?" I ask, as I start to sit up, I felt different, like my body wasn't as dense as it was before, when I was dead...

"Am I alive?" I asked stupidly, and I felt above my head, and to my surprise, I didn't feel a Halo above it. then I notice something. On my upper arms, a mark, had appeared, a Full Moon, with a flame emblazoned in the center of it.

"What the shock? DID I JUST GET A CUTIE MARK?!?" I cry out, as I stand up, looking at it. The others couldn't believe it as well, and they all hugged me, Scoot jumping over everypony else, and tacklehugging my neck, having been fried by me destroying Discord. I hugged them all back tightly. Happy that both I was alive again, and I had gotten by some miracle, a Cutie Mark.

"What does it mean dad?" Scootaloo asked me.

"I'm not sure, but If I had to guess, the full moon represents my saiyan heritage, and huh?" I looked closer at it, and there was something else on it, a Moon Lily. It was in the center of the flame. Yet it was not being burned by it.

"The full moon must represent my Saiyan background, the flames represent my flame powers, and the Moon Lily, no doubt represents the beautiful Luna, who I love and because the flame surrounds it, and doesn't burn it, they must represent my burning loyalty and devotion to her, and how I'm willing to protect her no matter what." I said, going out on a limb. Celestia and Luna looked closely at it, and nodded, smiling, agreeing with my explanation of it.

That night, we all went to Canterlot, and celebrated with Doughnuts, and some hot cocoa, as it was starting to become cooler outside. Boy was it all good, and in the throne room, I now had a window painting of my own, of me, in this new Lunar Saiyan form, destroying Discord. Finally, I lied down in the bed with Luna at my side, sharing a room with her again, and now, Scootaloo was lying on my chest curled up behind her tail, so adorable. I set a hand on her, kissed her head, then kissed Luna, and drifted off to sleep.