• Published 8th Aug 2012
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A Saiyan in Equestria - Reddened Chaos

Red a saiyan with the unusual power to control Fire has journied across planets to find one for him.

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A Chaotic Confrontation

We spent the night that would be our official hooking up as a couple, with Luna or as I have started to occasionally call her 'Lulu' prompting a blush from my sweet Princess of the Night every time I called her that, giving me a tour of the castle and it's surroundings, the biggest stop, being the Royal Statue Gardens. The biggest attraction in that garden was naturally, the statue that looked like something out of a Picasso Painting.

"Lulu, what the hay IS that thing?" I asked motioning to the statue, which had a gleeful smile, and looked like it just came out of a blender, with the head of a pony, two different looking antlers, a single fang drooping out of it's mouth, what appeared to be a goatee, the left paw of a lion, the right talon of a griffon or Eagle, two different type of legs, the tail of a dragon, and a bat wing, and a pegasus wing. Quite frankly, it kinda freaked me out, and made me feel on edge.

"heh, That would be Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, and Disharmony." Luna explained, after chuckling, "He used to be the original spirit of Harmony, who's job was, as I'm sure you can guess by his original name, keep harmony, and balance across Equestria."

"And naturally it all went to crap?" I asked.

"Well, yes and no, my dear, You see, he was my first Special Somepony, in a way, We loved each other, but, we'd rarely see each other. Usually we'd only be able to see each other in passing moments when I was to take over for my sister. We were quite the item all those thousands of years ago. But, sadly, he seemed to disappear, for a long time, Tia and I found out that was because, he wanted to find a way to lessen our duties, so that we'd be able to have more time together." She continued to explain.

"Makes sense. When your love is an all powerful goddess, and you don't get to see them often, you generally want to find a way to make more time to spend with them happen right?" I ask, suggesting Discord, or rather, Harmony's reason for disappearing so long ago.

"Indeed, it does in that way. However, he had changed, he looked like he did now, and he was no longer the Harmony that I loved, he was the exact opposite, creating Chaos, and Anarchy. He was then known as Discord. Tia and I had no choice...but...to....stop him...and seal him up..." She had begin to tear up, recounting the story of what had happened all those years ago. I wrapped her in a hug, to comfort her.

"Hey, I'm right here Lulu." I said to her to help her relax.

"Thank you. It was hard on me, to be forced to have to use the Elements of Harmony, which were created to do the job he originally was meant to do, with my sister, to seal him up. While it was hard on Tia, it was hard on me the most, as I'm sure you can see why. Recently, he had broken free again, because after I was exiled to the moon for a thousand years, my and Celestia's bond to the elements had been broken, and when Twilight Sparkle and her friends had gained them, the seal had weakened, and he broke free soon after. He tore apart their friendship, by twisting their minds, making them become the exact opposite of their elements, Applejack lied, Rarity became selfish, Fluttershy became rude, Pinkie Pie had become mean, Rainbow Dash had become Disloyal, and Twilight Sparkle, after seeing all her friends acting like that, and failing to use the Elements to stop Discord, lost faith in herself. After Tia sent back ALL the friendship reports Twilight had sent her, Twilight had read them, remembering what their friendship could do, she saved her friends, turning them back to normal, and they resealed Discord, as you see him now." She explained.

I felt my unforgiving rage burn brightly as I listened to Luna explain the story of Discord. I almost hoped he broke free again, just so I could pummel his flank into the ground, and burn him to oblivion. Almost. After she finished the explanation, we left, as it was getting close to morning. Surprising, as I guess it's true, time flies when your having fun. As we walked away, we both failed to hear a small cracking noise, as a crack appeared on the Discord Statue.

I watched Luna raise the moon, then followed her to her bed, where I gently tucked her in, by covering her in the sheets of her bed, after setting her regalia in the proper places she told me to place them. I gave her a gentle kiss on the head, and left to let her rest. I flew off, toward Rainbow's house, so I could tell her the good news, and landed outside her house, and walked inside.

"Hey Rainbow, what's up?" I say giving her a friendly hug after she trots in, having woken up earlier, when I walked inside.

"Nothing much, what about you? You seem very happy today." She said smiling, returning the hug.

"I just got a special somepony! PRINCESS LUNA!!!" I said excited.

"R-Really? Your going out with Princess Luna?!?" She freaked, though she seemed a bit.....discouraged.

"What's wrong? You don't seem well." I said, worried about my favorite friend.

"It's...nothing." she said quickly returning to her normal self, or on the outside atleast.

I wasn't too sure about it, but I let it pass, and hugged her, then left, to tell the others my choice. I was congratulated by my friends, with Rarity being especially ecstatic.

"Oh Darling, you simply MUST let me handle the attire for the wedding!" She beamed of clear excitement.

"No problem, I was going to ask you to do that anyway, I'll be sure to let you know when we get married once we decide on a date. Should our relationship get that far." I told her.

AJ said she'd handle the catering, and Fluttershy said she'd handle the music, Pinkie said she'd take care of the reception, Oh boy, I was looking forward to this already. I went and told Scootaloo, after finding her, after she left School, with the teacher, Ms. Cheerilee congratulating me as well.

"Hey Scoot, I'm curious, just what are your parents like?" I asked her, walking her home.

"..." She didn't respond.

"...Oh...you don't...have any...do you?" I asked. Her slow, and sad nod was all the evidence I needed.

"Where do I go?" I asked.

"Wha?" She asked, confused.

"Where do I go, to adopt an adorable filly like you?" I said, picking her up, as I continued walking.

"Do....Do you really mean that?!?" She asked, beaming with excitement.

"Shock yeah I do." I said giving her a hug.

"Ponyville Orphanage, actually, Ms. Cheerilee should be there by now." She said, explaining that Cheerilee was both the teacher, and the caretaker of the orphanage.

"So, she's both the teacher, and the caretaker of the orphanage huh? Seems legit." I thought, as I followed her directions to the orphanage.

We arrived at the orphanage fairly quickly, it was just outside the town, it was a large place, that's for sure, though it seemed to be in need of repairs, a few of the windows were boarded shut, and some places had holes in them. I followed Scoot inside, and we went to see Cheerilee.

"Good afternoon Ms. Cheerilee." I said entering the office.

"Hello Red, what a nice surprise." She said, her face clearly showing the surprise that she didn't expect to see me show up.

"Hey I'm going to Adopt somepony here today." I said smiling.

"Oh really? So, who's the lucky filly?" She asked, starting to look through the paperwork.

"Scootaloo." I said, excitement beaming.

"Oh how wonderful, she's needed somepony as a parent for a long time. and as both her teacher, and legal guardian as the caretaker of the orphanage, it's very hard to do in my position." She explained, which I well understood. She's the caretaker of the orphanage, so she's her legal guardian, but she's also her teacher at school, so she can't show favorites like that. She then pulled out Scoot's files, and gave me a pen, with the files.

"Sign Here, here, here, initial here, and your done." She said, pointing a hoof at each place I had to sign, or initial.

"Thanks Cheerilee." I told her, and gave pack the pen, and kept the file, as it was now mine to keep, as her legal guardian.

"Congrats Scootaloo, I'm now your adopted father." I said with pride, hugging my new daughter tightly, which she returned.

"AWESOME!!!" She replied, literally beaming with joy and happiness.

"Come on, why don't we go find Rainbow Dash and tell her the news?" I asked.

"YEAH!!! I WANNA TELL HER!" Scoot beamed, as we walked out

I tucked Scoot into my undershirt, her head was poking out of it, with her front hoofs, just below my neck. I then took off, and started to fly up to Rainbow's house. When we arrived, I stopped, after landing, because, I heard crying...strange, why would there be crying in Rainbow's house I wondered. I set Scoot down.

"Wait here for a bit Scoot, I'm gonna see what's going on alright?" I said, worried as to what was going on.

"Alright dad." She said, as I walked inside.

I looked around, to try and find the source of the crying, and found, to my surprise, RAINBOW DASH, in her bedroom, crying her flank off. She was distraught, Fluttershy seemed to be trying to comfort her, but to no avail, not even FLUTTERSHY could comfort Rainbow it seemed. So now it's my turn, I peeked inside, and Fluttershy saw me, and gave me a sad shake of the head, telling me she couldn't cheer up Rainbow. I nodded, and motioned to myself, to tell her to let me take over, she clearly needed somepony else to try and comfort her. She nodded, and after giving Rainbow a final hug, she left, and told me something that shocked me to the core.

"Rainbow Dash is so distraught, because you chose Princess Luna over her, she loved you. She STILL loves you." My super shy friend explained. I could believe it, she and I were quite alike.

"I see..it makes sense, she and I have quite a lot in common. I'll see if I can comfort her, and calm her down, maybe make some sort of agreement." I told her whispering so Rainbow wouldn't hear me. I gave Fluttershy a hug thanking her for telling me, and snuck into Rainbow's room, being careful to not make a sound, while she cried her eyes out. I slowly, and quietly, sat down next to her, and wrapped her up in a tight hug, tears were coming to my eyes as well, because I didn't want to see my favorite friend crying like this. It was a disgrace-no, that's my Saiyan pride talking. It was horrifying to see Rainbow this upset, and I was going to do whatever I could to comfort her.

"Dashie...SShh..I'm right here. I'm sorry I chose Luna over you, but, My heart belongs with her. However, You will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart, because we have so much alike. So just let it out for now, and use me as your shoulder to cry on." I said quietly, as I hugged her, she continued to cry. She said something then, that surprised me.

"Thank...You...Red." She managed to get out as she cried on my shoulder.

"I love you Rainbow, your my best friend. Again, though my heart belongs to Luna, you'll always be right there with her, as you'll always have a piece of my heart with you. I'll be loyal to both Luna AND you until the day I die. Heck, I'll find a way to be loyal to you from beyond the grave. Now come on, show me that smile I love to see." I said stroking her spectrum mane as I held her close, and let her cry.

She smiled as she looked up at me with those rose eyes of hers, and started to calm down.

"Thanks. Now, I've got something to tell you, or better yet, SHOW you." I said to her, keeping her held close to me, to let her stay calm.

"What?" She said, as she sniffled a bit, before drying her eyes.

"Scoot, come in here please!" I called out. Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, looking confused, as I just gave her a smile.

"How the hay did Scootaloo get up here? She hasn't learned to fly yet." Dashie asked, confused as to how the small filly was able to get to her house.

"Take a wild guess Dashie." I told her smirking. The reason Scoot was able to get up there clicked and Rainbow realized I flew Scoot up here.

"Guess what Rainbow!" Scootaloo said beaming with joy when she entered the room.

"What's up Squirt?" Dashie replied, as she looked over at Scoot.

"RED ADOPTED ME!!! I HAVE A FATHER NOW!!!" She shouted, jumping with joy.

"WHAT? Are you kidding me here Red? Did you really adopt her?" Rainbow asked.

"Hay Yeah I did. I like Scoot, she's a good kid, and a good friend. So, when I talked with her for a bit, I found out she had no parents, and I adopted her." I showed Rainbow the proof which was Scoot's adoption papers.

"Proof in paper." I said, after showing them and putting them away, I saw Rainbow's jaw drop open, then she smiled.

"Nice job Red, Very nice. I approve!" She said, smiling brightly.

"Great." We then heard an explosion come from far away.

"What the shock was that?" I asked, looking out the window, to see some smoke coming from Canterlot.

"Oh no...Luna. Rainbow, Let's roll. you get the others, and get up to Canterlot, I have a feeling something is going on there." I said, starting to climb out.

"What about me dad?" Scootaloo asked.

"You stay here, where it's safe Scoot. I just got you, and I don't want you hurt. You could be in danger if you went with us." I explained, taking off, and flying toward Canterlot.

"Your dad's right Scoot. It's probably dangerous there." Rainbow said, agreeing, then flying off.

"Okay then." Scoot said, and started to have fun, both being excited that she was in her hero's house, and she was adopted.

I got to the castle, and was very shocked to see the place in pieces, floating above a Checkerboard ground, and looking like something straight out of a video game... I manage to get to the throne room, and saw that my wish may have come true. Discord had gotten free.

"Well Well Well, what have we here, a Saiyan huh? Ohhh I'm really scared, so your the one that everypony's been talking about huh? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Discord cackled madly.

"Hmph, Indeed I am, Red's the name." I say, then glance over and see Luna. Injured, and I saw blood on Discord's claw hand. My rage burned.

"What did you do to her?" I demanded.

"Oh Nothing much, just a little scratch, for sealing me in that stone prison for thousands of years, after ABANDONING ME!! She also tried to stop me earlier when I got free." Discord yelled.

"Grr...your going to Pay for that." I said.

"Sure, whatever, just let me finish something." He said, as he slowly turned, and approached Luna, who was on the floor, bleeding from a claw mark, on her chest.

"No." I said to myself, as I started to go after him, and punched him, sending his head off his body...

"OH now that's just rude. I told you, I was going to finish something, then I was going to have some fun with you." He snapped his fingers, and his head popped back on perfectly.

"If your aiming to harm Luna, Your going to have to Kill me first." I said, taking a stance, and turning Super.

"Oh very well if I must." He said, with a wicked grin.

He then began to attack me, striking out with his claws, and punches, even trying to whip me with his dragon tail. I countered by grabbing his tail, and swinging him around, and into the wall. I smiled as I walked after him, and started to fire off ki blasts, I wasn't about to let this freak get away with attacking Luna. I stopped blasting and stood there, I heard the doors open soon after, and saw my friends, the bearers enter in the room, who immediately went to Luna, to help her up, and had the elements on, ready for anything.

"Look who's tardy to the party." I said with a laugh, as I looked back at them. and then when I went and started to walk away, I saw something. Discord, was hiding, and then he dashed for Luna.

"NO! UGH..." I gasped out, and teleported in between him and Luna, and was impaled by his left hand, a strike that was clearly meant for Luna. and after he withdrew his hand, he poofed away, to cause more chaos

"Hahahaha, I may have not killed Luna, but I certainly caused her great harm. I'm off to have some fun. Farewell!" He said with a grin as he poofed away.

"No RED!" Luna said as she approached me, I looked up at her and the others, and coughed, blood being spurted out as I did so.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. Lulu...I love you. Rainbow. I'm asking you, no...I'm begging you, Protect Luna. Okay? protect her as if she was your own mother." I said with a weak smile.

"But...I don't have any parents...No matter. I will do as you have asked." She said, crying, as were the rest of the bearers. Luna was crying the most, as she kissed me.

"Goodbye." I said with a smile, as I closed my eyes, and died. My body had faded away, leaving the friends I had made, and my marefriend, crying.