• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 2,602 Views, 115 Comments

Time Problems with the Sun - KingJoltik

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to visit as well.

  • ...

One Week Later Because Time Jumps need to be Simple

Its all over. I can't do this. Chrono thought as his eyes strained from the sight in front of him. It had been one week since he confessed that he was time magister and accepted the adoption. Since then, nothing but ordeals had happened. First, he had been shown off as the new adopted son of Celestia, causing nobles to go crazy, wanting to start riots in the streets, all over a new alicorn. This honestly didn't make any sense to Chrono since he met all the same nobles a few days before. Then, he found out that because both him and Celestia had been eating so much cake and the chefs aren't prepared for two sweet tooths of their caliber, all the ingredients for said sweets were gone. So, they had to wait till the end of the week before a full, double restock would end up happening. Those few days of no cake left both mother and son very cranky and ill-tempered. That is, till now.

Its all over! This is the end! he thought as he facehoofed for the fifth time. I can't believe I'm doing this.

"I thought you wanted this! We're about to do that Nightmare Night thing! You know, a night of free candy?!"

"Now now, he can't help it in this situation Chaos."


Quiet you two.

"Tch. Fine."

"Don't worry, it'll be alright. We'll be quiet."

Good...and stop making me acknowledge you two. his mind rambled as he facehoofed one more time. He had found these past few days that the two voices weren't going away no matter what he did. Despite wanting to tell Celestia about it, he just couldn't. He already knew that his trust with her was still a little shaky, despite now being her son. That and she was still cranky of being deprived of cakes, though he couldn't deny he was too.

As for why he was angry right now, it was about to be answered by an entering alicorn.

"Chrono? Are you in here?"

"Yeah. Over here mother." Chrono replied as he turned to the sun mover. Over the past few days, Chrono had agreed to call Celestia 'mother' even though she wanted to be called 'mom' or 'mommy'. (She really wanted the mommy one) After a good three hour debate, she finally gave in and let him call her 'mother'. He mainly argued that he was taught to be very courteous and upright in his upbringing as a time magister and that was why he would call her in such a way. He told her that time magisters didn't have a 'foalhood' as they were breed to control time, which meant strict military-like training from birth. The love of cake is a side effect in order to help give each time magister some personality. Time magisters believe that some personality must be present so that they can improvise effectively when it is necessary. Celestia however, just saw this as somepony who didn't know what it meant to have fun, and decided that she and Chrono would do every event she could think of so that Chrono could live like a normal colt. To say the least, he didn't exactly agree to this in a good comforting way.

"Are you still fussing about that?" Celestia groaned as she saw what Chrono was so worried about. "Seriously?!"

"Yes I am...mother." Chrono grumbled, his voice slightly grating. "Does it look like I'm happy?!"

"You look like you're about to destroy that mirror Chrono." Celestia deadpanned as she turned the colt around to face him directly. "And you need to stop."

"But...but this looks so stupid!" he complained as he tugged at his costume. Celestia had picked out a pirate outfit for him to wear for Nightmare Night, only to get a series of complainants, arguments and several choice swear words. She had chosen this since she too would be wearing a pirate costume, only to regret this choice. She had the maids try out several other outfits, only to get same results. Chrono did not want to dress up, which turned to Chrono holing himself up in his room with the pirate costume.

"Please Chrono. Just do this for me."

"No! This scruffy thing will be the end of me. I told you, it's interfering with my skin-tech!" Chrono whined as he tapped his arm, only to get zero response. "Blasted sleeves! This is why we time magisters use our skin tech to make temporary outfits. They don't interfere, unlike these...these garments."

"If that's the case, why haven't you been wearing anything while you've been a pony?"

"Because I noticed that most ponies here don't wear clothes. It makes things even easier that way." Chrono grumbled as he kept tapping the hoof. "Come on...come on!"

Celestia facehoofed and grabbed his shoulder. "Come on son, let's just go and have some fun, okay? Don't worry about your 'time duties' while we're doing this, alright?"

"She's right. Can we just go and get our free candy already?"

"Ugh. You are such a glutton Chaos."

Quiet you two. Chrono mentally noted before he turned to Celestia, sighing. "Ugh...fine. Let's just get the free candy."

"That's the spirit!" Celestia exclaimed with a hug, causing Chrono to chuckle at her glee. Celestia then went into the hallway and yelled. "Guard! Tell my sister that me and my son are leaving for Nightmare Night!"

"Um...she's already left the castle your majesty."

"She has? Where did she go?"

"Ponyville your majesty."

"Oh...okay." Celestia shrugged. "At least she's finally getting out. Twilight will probably help her get over the Nightmare Moon stuff. Less work for me."

"Twilight?" Chrono asked, hearing her name for the first time.

"My student. I'll explain later." Celestia put her wing over her son. "Come, let's go annoy a bunch of snobby nobles for candy."

"Sounds good to me."

Some time later...

Turns out, Nightmare Night was a lot more fun than Chrono thought. He honestly didn't care about having fun, he just wanted to do two things, get candy and eat candy. That was all that mattered. Instead, most nobles gave him and Celestia what could be considered to be the most interesting reactions ever. Chrono's personal favorite was the entire noble family fainting from seeing Celestia just visit their house, which included two maids falling over onto each other in a 'certain type of embrace'. It honestly made him want to use his time powers to put the scene on repeat, but he knew couldn't risk it for something so small.

"So, are you enjoying the sweets?" Celestia cooed as she watched Chrono stuff his face.

"Mmph. *smack* *chomp* *gulp* Yessss...me like candy." Chrono slurped as he gulped down another piece before grabbing a glass of water Celestia gave him. "Ohhh...the last time I had something like this was twenty-five time cycles ago..."

"Twenty-five cycles?" Celestia asked, cocking her eyebrow.

"Yeah, it's a time magister term. It would roughly translate to...five years in your time, I think?" Chrono replied as he chomped onto another chocolate confection. "Ooohhhh...this is too good. SO GOOD!!!" a few tears went down his face as he kept eating.

Celestia shook her head as her horn shined, levitating the rest of the candy away. "That's enough for tonight my son."

Chrono immediately started to wave his hooves in anger. "Hey! I want more! No fair!"

"No. That's enough Chrono. You can have some more tomorrow and-"



"I DON'T GIVE A *******-"

One argument and punishment for swearing later...

"Good night Chrono."

"Good night...mother." Chrono grumbled, his teeth grinding at the statement. That and his body now tied down with five different binding spells so he couldn't escape his bed and get the rest of the candy. That and the candy was under about ten spells to prevent Chrono from getting the confectionaries. As Celestia finally left the room, Chrono sighed and thought. Its okay. Just fall to sleep and get candy tomorrow. Candy...tomorrow...candy...tomorrow...AUGH! ITS TOO FAR AWAY!!!

The next day...

Turns out, Celestia finally found out her limit in terms of binding spells that day. Overall, she could cast about ninety-five before finally running out of energy. Chrono also found out his limit, at least for now since he hasn't had much magic training, which was about twenty bindings he could get rid of before tiring out. He did eat half of the remaining candy before the rest were sealed away though. That, was the morning and middle of the day for Chrono. That night on the other hoof was a different story, as it began with Chrono 'finishing' his maic training for the day. Unfortunately, the training so to speak didn't exactly go well since candy was all that going on in Chrono's mind. Order was convinced that Chaos had found someway to control him, but he denied it everytime.

"******* mother. Can't believe she did that." Chrono grumbled as he walked down a hallway with Celestia. "Blasted ******* candy restrictions..."

"You do realize I can hear you, right?" Celestia growled as she glared at Chrono. "And what did I tell you about language?"

"I know. That's why I'm ******* swearing mother. I'm angry and rebellious because I want my candy." Chrono then gave her a deadpan glare. "You did want me to act like a colt, right?"

"Yeah yeah, whatever my son." Celestia facehoofed before a guard came up to her, telling her the news about her sister. Her eyes widened as whatever the guard had just told her reached her ears. "What?! My sister has found an alicorn filly? And she's named Nebula?"

"Nebula?" Chrono raised an eyebrow at the name. I don't like the sound of that name.

Author's Note:

Nebula from Silvak's Nocturnal Mayhem finally appears! Now the fun really begins...

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!