• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 2,607 Views, 115 Comments

Time Problems with the Sun - KingJoltik

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to visit as well.

  • ...

Starting to get Somewhere

Okay. I really need to figure out my life right now. Like...right now. Chrono thought as blinked at the sight in front of him. He had just spent the last few hours eating cake for breakfast, getting a tour of the castle he would now being staying in despite asking to not be adopted though he was a young colt, (He still didn't get that one.) and being presented to the press that he would be the new prince of Equestria due to him being an alicorn. Now, he was being presented with a late lunch. However, he couldn't get himself to eat. I just don't get any of this. I did say I didn't want to adopted, right? And yet she's acting like it happened anyways...not like I can escape this situation right now. Not only that, I still can't figure out these blasted new legs! Ugh...I gotta stop being depressed. Surely there's something I can-

"Chrono? Are you okay? You haven't touched your lunch." Celestia asked, causing Chrono to snap back into reality.

"Huh?! Oh...right. Sorry. I'll uh...eat my lunch." Chrono stuttered before trying to grab his sandwich. "Grrr...this is hard."

"We need to teach you levitation magic." Celestia remarked as she gulped down a second sandwich.

"Yeah...I think I would like that." Chrono replied as he munched down on his first bit of food. That and figuring out what to do with myself.

"You don't look that enthused. Is something wrong?"

"Uh..." Chrono looked down at his plate, his sandwich just barely eaten. He had already figured out that it was very hard to hide things from Celestia, even when she didn't have cake to bribe with. "I don't know." He looked back up and stared at her. "I'm just...I have no idea what to think."

"About what?"

"About this!" He pointed at himself. "And you! I told you I didn't want to be adopted and you still act like you have! I'm no prince, Celestia!"

"I know." Celestia nodded. "But you are an alicorn. Our species is seen as royalty and the populace will be see you as such, regardless of what you try to do. That's why I want to adopt you, it'll make things easier and it will let me help you even more."

Chrono opened his mouth, but nothing came out. Ugh. Why do I get the feeling she's right about that? Grrr...why did I end up in this form?! Why couldn't I have ended up as something this world considers 'normal' so I could just finish my mission in peace...and in secret. Chrono took a deep breath before trying to change the subject. "So, what are our plans for all this? You know, the whole me not being adopted by you and still being a prince either way."

"Well...nothing else really. Except for teaching you magic and...I was thinking we could participate in Nightmare Night."

"Nightmare Night?"

"Yes." Celestia nodded again. "It's a holiday where young ponies dress up and get free candy from the older ponies. Most families do this to..."

Whatever came next out of Celestia's mouth was drowned out by certain thoughts in Chrono's head. Free candy?! Oh...candy is a luxury that most time magisters only get every once in a blue timeline! I mean, we can usually get away with ordering cake due to how most of the staff like some form of it, but...candy?! That luxurious delicious treat?! If it truly free, I must take advantage of this at once!

"When is this event happening?!" Chrono yelled, cutting off Celestia's informative rant.

"Um...one week from now."

Chrono's eyes shined with excitement. "Let's do it. I want that free candy!"

Celestia wanted to chuckle at his sudden excitement. "Sure. But, you do realize that the event is one week from now, right?" However, she soon realized her words fell on deaf ears as Chrono just sat there, daydreaming about candy. Following a facehoof, Celestia's mind began to wander, Just when I thought I had found a way to make him realize that the adoption has to happen, this happens instead. I must say, he sure gets distracted easily. Maybe I should try something different...


"HUH?! Oh, uh...yes?" Chrono replied, knocked out of his daydream. "Um...sorry about that."

"It's no problem." Celestia shook her head. "Now, since we have a week before Nightmare Night, why don't we practice some magic after lunch?"

"Um...sure. Sounds good to me."

After this final exchange, the duo devoured their lunch. It was here that once again they were greeted by another dish of cakes thanks to Celestia's chef. Their mouths soon became full as they jumped into the sweet goodness that was the tasty treat of cake. After that, Chrono left the room in a moderate, albeit still clumsy pace due to his inexperience with four legs. As he left, Celestia motioned one of the guards, who then gave her a book labeled: Parenting for Clueless Monarchs. As her eyes shifted through the pages, one thought went through her head. Okay, time for plan G. Here's hoping I can use candy to get the adoption going...

The next day...

Or not. Celestia thought as she watched Chrono levitate a small orange after she had picked him up from a morning with Cadance. Turns out, he was quite adept with magic compared to walking. And flying. He wasn't much good with his body compared to his magic skills but it thankfully didn't bother him much. However, it did bother Celestia that she was unable to convince him to just join the family and not worry about anything else. He still wouldn't agree, even with candy bribes. I'm just...not getting this, am I? I know he's hiding something, but I can't just ask him. I know that look he gave me when I found out he didn't know what and where he was. That look was the look of somepony that will not show what they're hiding no matter what. So...what to do?

But that thought wouldn't help her. Lesson after lesson went by as she still just taught him magic, still unsure how to ask him about the adoption. Even when she brought in some candy. And more cake. (Mainly for her though) After a few more small lessons of magic, Celestia told him she was done for the day. She had a few meetings to attend, so he was open to any kind of free time that he wanted. Seeing this, Chrono quickly retreated to his room and tapped his hoof. Several screens popped up as he watched data fly through the air. His mind kept going as he observed the information, Okay, looks like I'm still on track. I haven't diverged from the timeline, that's good. Now...even though I can't get to the scroll till two months from now, that doesn't mean I can't find out how the scroll came to be. It's obviously similar to this 'magic' this world uses, so...

Chrono glanced around the room, only to see a small bookshelf. Of course! Books! We time magisters no longer usual such primitive means of containing information, but thanks to my skin-tech, I should be able to read anything here. Which reminds me...when Celestia gave me that tour yesterday, we did go by a castle library. Maybe I should pay a visit...

One trip through the castle later...

Thank time that the librarian here is totally oblivious. Chrono thought as he snuck into the library while the librarian was reading a book. He shifted down several bookshelves, his eyes quickly trying to find books over time magic. He tapped his hoof several times as several screens shifted over his eyes, helping him scan the books. No. No no no...hmm...is there no books over time? I was sure that this 'magic' would have some power over time. Perhaps I'm being to hasty...

Chrono began levitating several books in front of him as he went down an isle called 'Advanced Magic'. Let's see...there's this book called, 'Advanced Magics of Plants and Forgery'. There's also 'How to kick flank with Plumbing Spells', 'Destruction and Death: 101 ways to use Cooking Magic', and 'It's called **** not **** or 50 spells of the ******* good **** stuff'...What the **** are these books?! Chrono put the novels back into their shelves and looked at another shelf. No. Still no...huh. Is there really-wait. What's this?

Chrono pulled out another book titled, 'Starswirl's Special Spells over Time, Space, Reality, and that other dimension that nopony cares about'. He quickly opened the book, viewing the table of contents. Huh. Looks like this might be the clue I'm looking for. It seems this 'Starswirl' made a few chapters over time. Tapping his hoof again, another screen appeared over his eyes. "Begin scan and record. I want every bit of this."

As his advanced tech began to record every word, only one thought went through his head. Perhaps this will lead me to the scroll. Then I can leave this world, not get adopted and get back in time for some cake...hopefully. Then I can finally abandon this world and... That is, till another screen popped up, showing him a reminder he had set earlier. The reminder said the following: Remember, do not go back until you get free candy.

A facehoof soon followed.

Darn it.

Author's Note:

100 imaginary points to anypony that can get the pony I'm referencing with the book names.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!