• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 2,607 Views, 115 Comments

Time Problems with the Sun - KingJoltik

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to visit as well.

  • ...

Hospital Beds and Cake. Lots of Cake.

"Okay, let me get this straight." Celestia moaned as she rubbed her forehead with her hoof, her ears twitching as she continued, "We don't have any records on the colt? Is that correct?"

"Yes your majesty. Nothing on a colt of this size with this type of mane and coat." said a pony in a long white suit.

"You do realize that alicorns don't just pop out of nowhere, right? Ponies have to ascend to become an alicorn and all alicorns are connected in one way or the other." Celestia grit her teeth as the next words came out. "That means I would have felt the ascension. Instead, this colt comes out of nowhere and you're saying that's all we have on the foal?"

The pony made a huge gulp and replied, "Um...yes."



"Yeah. Okay. I'm done for the day." Celestia grumbled as she clapped her hooves. "Guards!"

"Yes your majesty?" one guard responded as he rushed in.

"Tell my main cook that I want three triple decker chocolate fudge cakes. This week is going to be the end of me and I need my sweets." She then slammed her hooves, a small rumble covered the room from the impact. "Make it snappy!"

"Yes your majesty!" he said with a salute and then took off.

"But your majesty! Your main doctor, Death Preventer, said that if you eat too many-"

"Don't care." Celestia said as she flashed her hoof. "I'm gonna indulge myself and get some help while doing it. And by help, I mean lots and lots of cake with my name on it." She then glared at the pony with a stare that could cause spirits to flee. "That is all."

The pony made another gulp and replied, "Understood your majesty. I'll take my leave now."

"Good." Celestia waved her hoof and the pony ran off. Celestia's horn then began to shine and some paper floated in front of her. "I believe this calls for some extra help." she said to herself as she wrote down some notes on the letter and then teleported it away. "I just hope I can figure out what to do with our new alicorn friend..."

Meanwhile in the castle infirmary...

The young alicorn laid there, his body twitching as his hooves shook. He was still asleep, his eyes fully closed as he shifted under the covers. As he continued to move around, the nearby doctor walked up and nudged him.

"Hey! Are you awake now? Hello?"

"Uhhh...oooohhh..." he moaned as he tossed and turned. His eyes soon began to open as a yawn escaped from his mouth. "Oooohhhh...wha...what happened?"

"Ah! You're awake! Good! Can you see me? Can you hear me?" the doctor then shined a small light over the alicorn's eyes before turning it's head and yelling. "Nurse! Inform Princess Celestia that he's awake!"

"Yes doctor!" the nurse responded as she ran out of the room.

"There we go." the doctor turned back to the colt, still shining the small light. "Now, how are you? Can you see or hear me?

"Bright...too bright..." he moaned as he tried to swat the light away. "Can't see."

"Ah, sorry." the doctor put away the light and asked, "I just had to check and see if you could see me. I'm glad you're awake! How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?"

"Feeling?" he mumbled, his mind still in a complete daze. The doctor's word fell on deaf ears as the colt started blinking several times as he tried to look around. It was then that his eyes grew wide as he saw the pony in front of him. This was mainly due to the fact that he had never seen a pony before. After all, all he knew about his mission was a scroll, not the species using it. What in the name of time itself?! What the-what is that?! It looks like some kind of- he thought before he felt an odd brushing feeling on his side. He slightly turned his head, only to see he now had wings. What in...oh no. Don't tell me...

"Are you okay? Is something wrong?" the doctor continued to ask.

I have wings? Wait...did the main time transporter do this? It shouldn't have fully transformed my body. Well technically, it can do that in terms that if I needed to use my age as a disguise...but not my entire body! What the time traveling ****?! he thought before he looked at the doctor and saw another sight. And why does he have a horn on his head? Wait, my head feels a little funny... he then lifted his hoof, quickly staring at it for a bit, realizing all his digits were now gone. Still trying to adjust, he tapped his forehead. At least, it was supposed to be his forehead. Oh you have got be kidding me. I have a horn too?! WHAT THE ******* TIME **** ON A ******* PARADOX!!!

"Um...perhaps you can't fully understand me? What language do you speak?" the doctor asked before starting to ask in different languages. "Uh...parlez-vuos prenchais? Er...hablas esprancol?"

"I can speak your language." he replied in a deadpan tone, tired of hearing the questions. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Um...sure." the doctor stuttered, surprised at the mature tone of the colt.

"Where am I and how did I get here?"

"Well..." the doctor twiddled with his hooves. "You are in the Canterlot Castle Infirmary and...we don't know how you got here."


"You suddenly appeared in a crater of smoke in the royal garden."

"..." the foal just blinked at the statement. His mind had decided to talk instead. Oh great. I ended up in some overly public place. I seriously landed in a castle garden?! That means it'll be harder for me to make sure I don't interfere with the timeline. Now how am I gonna get that time device that looks like a scroll?! How am I- his mind stopped as he glanced at the doctor. "Hey uh...could I ask you a big favor?"

"Sure. What is it? Are you hungry?"

"Could you leave the room for one minute please?"

"Leave? Now hold on little colt, you just woke up. I don't mind helping you but I'm going to be your doctor during your stay here." the doctor replied as he shook his head. "I'm sorry to say, but I need to stay here and make sure you're alright."

"Little?" was all the colt could say after hearing that. It was then that he looked down and back at the doctor. Wait...I'm a kid?! Are you ******* kidding me?! What in the name of all that is holy timelines is going on?!

The doctor then put his hoof on the colt's shoulder and gave a soft smile. "Listen, I know you just woke up, but I need you to answer a few questions. Don't worry, it's nothing serious, I just want to help you."

The colt however, didn't want to respond. To be fair, he didn't want to do anything. All he wanted to do was curl up and fall asleep, hoping that this was just a bad dream. No no no...why?! I just wanted to get the job done and have some cake! Is there no justice in the timeline?!

The doctor patted him again. "There there, it's gonna be okay. I'm here to help you." The doctor took a slightly rigged stance next and adjusted his glasses. "Now, are you okay? If you aren't, just tell me."

"I'm...I don't know." he replied with a groan. He began to rub his face with his hoof. "I can't make heads or tails of anything."


"PREVENTER! Are you in here?! I was told that the colt is awake!" said a sudden loud voice, interrupting the doctor. The duo turned to see a large white alicorn enter the room. The doctor quickly got off his seat and bowed while the colt just blinked at the sight. "Ah! You are awake! Hello my little pony, are you alright?"

Whoa. That one's huge! She's a giant compared to that doctor! he thought as the alicorn sat down on the other side of the bed. She shinnied a big smile as she patted his shoulder.

"Greetings little one. I am Princess Celestia. Could you tell me your name, little pony?"

"My...name?" he stuttered as he stared at the alicorn. Shoot. I don't know what my name is in their language. In fact, I don't know if I can pronounce... he then glanced at his right hoof, his eyes seeing a small line that only he could see. The translator is still working. Hmm...should I make up a name?

"Death Preventer, has he said anything?" Celestia said as she turned to the doctor.

"Uh, not much. But he did just wake up." the doctor said as the two continued to talk.

Death Preventer? Their names are like that in this world? Hmm...okay. I have an idea. he thought before he let out a cough. The two quickly turned to the colt, hearing the cough. "Um, my name is...Chrono....uh...Stream."

"Chrono Stream?"

"Yeah." Chrono nodded, only for his brain to start yelling at him. You idiot! You just gave her a hint that you're a time traveler! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!

"Very well, it's a pleasure to meet you Chrono Stream."

"Uh...yeah. Nice to meet you too." Chrono gulped before he rubbed his eyes in frustration. This is not good. I've been discovered by what is obviously a large figure in this world's timeline. Now I'm gonna create a paradox unless I can get out of this timeline right now and-

"Your Majesty!" yelled a voice as it entered the room with a large tray. "Your cakes are ready!"

"Yes! Bring them in!" Celestia exclaimed while her doctor just facehoofed. As the tray was brought in and the cakes showed themselves, the triple decker cakes towered over everypony but Celestia. It was then that Chrono began to lick his lips at the sight.

Maybe there's an upside to this after all...

Author's Note:

Here's the second chapter...can't believe I'm doing this. This was fun to write, maybe the random stuff is more my thing.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!