• Published 22nd Jan 2017
  • 2,607 Views, 115 Comments

Time Problems with the Sun - KingJoltik

Celestia was having a bad week. Discord had came back from his stone prison and now her student almost went crazy. All she wants is some peace. Too bad an interdimensional time magister decided to visit as well.

  • ...

Order, Chaos and How They Love Shoulders

Chrono could only sit there, alone in the library. To be fair, the librarian was there too, but she was too absorbed into a romance novel to notice somepony else was there. That and she couldn't see him anyways, Chrono was behind several bookcases and a few books on the ground. As for Chrono, he was just sitting there, staring at the screen above his hoof. The screen was showing him a reminder for free candy, one week from now.

Free candy. was the only thought that plagued Chrono's mind. Leave sooner or free candy. I'm supposed to chose that?! ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME?!

"The choice is simple pal, trust me. Stay for the candy." said a sudden voice. Chrono began looking around, trying to find the voice's owner, only to see a small puff of smoke pop onto his shoulder. After the smoke disappeared, there stood a little red version of himself with red horns on it's head. "Take advantage of the situation pal. Stay here and get the candy."

"Who are you sup-"

"Oh no you don't!" exclaimed another voice, a puff of smoke soon following. A small blue version of himself appeared after the smoke, complete with a small halo above it's head. "You need to do your duty! Don't listen to that red snake!"

"What is-"

"Oh come on! Listen here you blue wimp, he needs his sweets and you know it!"

"Now hold on-"

"Now now, I never said he didn't need sweets. I just said he needs to complete his job! He is a time magister and must complete his duty!"

"Okay, that's-"

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Listen pal, we need those sweets and that means we stay."

"Alright, that's enou-"

"Oh dear, did you not hear what you just said? Life is more than just tasty treats you know. We need to-"

"ENOUGH!" Chrono yelled, causing the nearby bookshelf to rattle from the noise. Surprisingly, the librarian didn't hear it due to her absorption into her book. The other two did, and quickly shut up after hearing the outburst. Seeing that they had finally calmed down, Chrono took a deep breath and said, "Okay. Explain who you two are. NOW!"

The duo looked at each other before the blue one spoke up. "Ahem. Greetings, I am...Order. In other words, I'm the good and balanced side of yourself."

"You're me? As in, some thing in my mind right now?" Chrono asked, sarcasm and skepticism ripe inside his voice.

"Yes." the blue one nodded and then pointed to the other. "And he's Chaos. He's your-"

"Bad side?" Chrono interrupted, his voice grating.

"No I'm not." Chaos yelled before somehow pulling out a pair of sunglasses and putting them over it's eyes. "I'm your awesome side! I'm here to take you down the path of coolness and sweets!"

"You most certainly are not going to take him down that side! I can't believe you...you...you red snake you!"

"You're just jealous cuz I can look cool and you can't." Chaos then twiddled with it's horns. "After all, I got these and all you got is that flying tutu over your head!"

"Why you little-"

Chrono then facehoofed as he let out a serious groan. Aw man, I can not believe this is happening right now. Why is this happening to me? I thought I was here to get a scroll and go home! Why is-

"Hey, uh...you do realize we can hear your thoughts, right?"

"Huh?! You can?!"

"We're in your head dear." Order replied before adjusting it's halo. "Don't worry. After all, I'm here to help."

"Yeah. You're here to help him be a **** **** loser!" Chaos puffed out it's chest. "I'm here to make him into an awesome winner!"

"You do realize that's not a goal, right? After all, being 'awesome' is subjective." Order snidely remarked before turning to Chrono. "Now, how about we-"

"How about we shut you up and then me and him can-"


The sudden noise caused all three to stop and look around, only to see that Chrono's hoof was 'beeping'. Ah! It's done recording! he thought as he pulled up another screen. Let's see here...ten chapters over different time spells, theories and other explanations. Well, I don't need the theory, I need the magic. I am time magister after all, time theory is basic learning for me. Tapping the screen a few more times, he was presented with several rows of texts.

"Oh dear. That's the a lot of different spells."

"Agreed. This 'magic' of this world is quite fascinating."

"Is there any time spells that speed up the 'becoming awesome' process?"

"If there was, I'd make sure you'd never use it!"

"Oh yeah?! Let's see you try you **** blue *****!"

"Why I never-how dare you use such language!"

"I can ******* swear all I ******* want you **** ****! What are you gonna do about it, you little **** ****?!

"Why you-"

"Will you two please be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate here."

"Oh! Um...apologies. Please go on. We'll make sure to be quiet."

"Thanks. And...uh..."

It was this moment that Chrono's brain finally caught up to him. He blinked several times as he slowly turned his head back and forth, glaring at the two. "Hey, wait a minute!"

"What's wrong?"

"Why am I acknowledging you two?! In fact, why am I talking to myself, which for some reason is split into two?! Why is..."

"Don't stop. Keep going pal, you'll answer your own question eventually."

"I..." Chrono stopped. Chaos had a point. All of this was in Chrono's head. He was just having a real hard time acknowledging it and making it go away. It was at this point that Chrono decided to figure out what to do next. Thankfully, it was right in front of him. "Nevermind. Back to time magister business."

A few sessions of reading later...

"Let's see...perhaps this is closer to what I'm looking for."

"What's that?"

"Looks like this Starswirl guy theorized, which it's annoying that I had to look through the theories, but he theorized that the best way to time travel would be using certain objects and embedding them with time magic properties. In other words..."

"He probably made the scroll!"

"Great. Just one more step towards not getting candy. And also staying for more free cake."

"Now now, he needs to do his duty. After all, that is a time magister's job."

"Agreed. Which I really shouldn't be agreeing with you since you aren't real, but whatever." Chrono groaned as he shifted to another screen. "Still...it seems he did make a few time spells that don't need the scroll. Perhaps this one will help."

"Is that a good idea? You do know you only have enough power in your tech for one trip home. That's it, nothing else."

"I know. But this spell just uses my horn, not the tech." Chrono then squinted his eyes as he tried to read the full spell. "Though...looks like the recording couldn't get all of it. A bit of it is faded and this book is old but...ah, who cares? Let's try it! I got nothing to lose right now! Besides, this spell should just propel my mind a few days into the future, nothing too serious. That or reverse the mind process, but that shouldn't happen as long as my mind goes foward."

"But shouldn't we-"

However, Order's words fell on deaf ears as Chrono fired up his horn. A magic aura quickly appeared, entrapping the horn as he closed his eyes in concentration. He remembered the lessons Celestia taught him. Though brief, she had confirmed that he had certain talents in magic, especially when it came to spells in the long drawn out variety.

Unfortunately, Chrono didn't realize that the spell was meant for unicorns. So, as his alicorn horn fired up...a sudden spark appeared as the magic aura began to encase his horn. After that, well...the spark turned into a duo of an explosion, knocking him backwards into a wall and a beam, which repeatedly flew across the room. The beam ricocheted again and again, bouncing off everything until finally hitting it's own sender.

"Was that supposed to happen?" Chaos asked as a pile of smoke covered Chrono.

"I don't think so." Order replied as the smoke began to disappear, showing a dizzy Chrono. "Oh dear, are you alright?"

"He doesn't look it. Say, wasn't that spell supposed to shoot him into the future? That or make him younger?"

"It should, but just his mind. But it doesn't look like it fully worked."

"Yeah...so what did the spell do?"

"Well...if it still hit him, then that means it either sent him through time anyways, or reversed time for...something." Order gasped as it started to realize the situation.

"What's wrong? Why are you suddenly looking like a space **** staring at a sun?"

"Well, if it didn't affect his body..." Order then looked at Chaos in horror. "It might have affected his brain."

Finally catching on, Chaos stuttered out, "Are you saying he's now got the mind of a-"


And like that, Order and Chaos were gone. After all, they were figments of Chrono's imagination, which wasn't exactly the same at this moment. Instead, a different kind of mind was present inside that small alicorn body. The mind of a younger, happier time magister...that was still half unconscious.


"What do you mean you don't know where he is?!" Celestia barked at a guard. "You were supposed to guard the hallway where his room is! Where is he?!"

"I-I-I don't know your Majesty! All I know is that some guards saw him running towards the library wing!" The guard stuttered out as his body shook like a leaf.

"Ah! So that's where he went." Celestia replied before turning around. "Next time, say that first!" The alicorn then went into full-sprint mode as she ran down the hallways, quickly reaching her destination. There, she found the librarian who was still hypnotized by her romance novel despite the explosion of magic going on in the desolate library. Following the scorch marks of magic, she soon found the small unconscious alicorn colt. "Chrono? Are you alright?"

"Ooooohhhh...I feel funny." Chrono muttered, his eyes barely opening. As his vision adjusted, he then saw the alicorn which his new memory had never saw before. "WHOA! Who are you?!" he exclaimed as he tried to scurry away. "What is this?! Where am I?!"

Celestia was quickly set back from the response. Thankfully, her mind was thinking about what she should always ask Chrono. "Um...are you okay Chrono? Do you want some cake?"

"CAKE?!" his colt mind instantly brightened at the thought. "Oh! Oh! I want cake!"

"Um...sure. Let's get you some then." Celestia levitated the colt onto her back as they started to leave. However, before she started to leave, her eyes caught one sight. Chrono was reading some book in here...gotta make sure to ask the librarian to keep those books separate from the rest.

As they both left, two other 'voices' rang out in the silence that was Chrono's subconscious.

"So uh...what do we do now? We just wait in the back of his head?"

"We don't have a choice. I just hope Celestia can fix this."

Chaos shined a cocky grin. "You do realize if she does do that, she'll know he's a time magister, right?"

"Oh dear."

Author's Note:

And my mind is going further and further down the tube. I can't believe I'm writing this.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!