• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 6,190 Views, 199 Comments

Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls - KnightGomora1994

I came up with the story when I first watched Ultra Galaxy and Equestria Girls, and I wanted to see how both stories would work. I really hope that this story attracts any and all viewers when they get a chance to read it, I'm hoping you all enjoy it

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Kaiju Rising


In the beginning, a powerful entity named Reiblood Seijin, ruled the universe. With his army of monsters, he was unstoppable... but one day, heroes from Nebula M78, the Ultramen, stopped him and his monster army. With his army defeated, the Ultramen sealed Reiblood away, never to return. But Reiblood swore revenge... to destroy the Ultramen.

After a millennia, Reiblood was close to being free, but a Human Reionyx named Rei stood in his way. Reiblood offered Rei to join him, so that they could rule the universe together. Rei refused, and challenged Reiblood to a final battle. The battle was long and hard, Rei's kaiju partner, Gomora, was being beaten to the very inch of his life by Reiblood, who had possessed the armored Kaiju, Armored Darkness. But just when Reiblood was going to deliver the finishing blow, Red King, Grande's partner, saved Rei and Gomora. Together, the two Reionyx unleashed their power as Gomora and Red King transformed into EX Gomora, and EX Red King.

The two powerful Kaiju soon gained the upper hand, Reiblood was on the verge of defeat, but he refused to yield. So EX Red King raised his powerful fists into the air, slamming them into the ground as a trail of explosions headed straight for Reiblood hitting him hard. EX Gomora then unleashed his Super Shockwave upon Reiblood, forcing him to retreat out of Armored Darkness. With Armored Darkness destroyed, Rei and his team had to escape before the planet that trapped Reiblood destroyed itself. But Reiblood was far from done, if he were to die on the planet, he would take Rei with him. The Pendragon ship was close to getting crushed by Reiblood, but suddenly two rays of pure light stopped Reiblood from reaching them. Reiblood looked to the sources of the rays, and saw it was Ultraman and Ultra Seven.

The two Ultra Brothers unleashed their rays upon Reiblood, forcing him back into the dying planet, and in that moment... it was over, Reiblood was finally destroyed, and Rei was freed from his fate. However, to Rei... he felt that his journey was far from over, it was only the beginning.

Canterlot High

Sunset Shimmer and her friends had recently returned a few months since their trip to Camp Everfree. Life was normal for them, well... almost normal. The magic geodes they got from Gloriosa Daisy stayed with them, but they kept the magic to themselves, so that the world doesn't go into a panic. Rainbow Dash however, couldn't help but boast about.

"I'm still psyched over these new magic powers we have! I mean think about it, we could be like Super Heroes with these things!"

Sunset Shimmer on the other hand, wanted to make sure she didn't go over her head.

"As awesome as it is Rainbow, we can't let the whole world see it. Otherwise something terrible might happen."

"Come on Sunset, whats the worst that can happen?"

Applejack soon looked behind Rainbow and found Twilight, sitting by herself looking sad. This got Applejack concerned.

"Have ya'll seen the way Twilight's been acting? She looks gloomier than a dark cloud over there."

Sunset and the rest looked to Twilight seeing her expression.

"That can't be good."

"What do you think is wrong with her darling?"

"I don't know Rarity... but I'm going to find out."

Sunset then walks over to Twilight to see what's wrong with her, Pinkie sneaked up next to Rainbow without her noticing.

"I think I know!"

Rainbow soon tensed up as she leaped into the air screaming, and then she fell to the ground.

"Ow! Pinkie, seriously, you really need to stop sneaking up on people!"

"Even if I did, the Author would never let me, be me."

Applejack looked to her with a raised eyebrow in confusion.

"Who are you talking about?"


Meanwhile with Sunset, she soon walked up to Twilight, she was about to speak to her but Twilight turned away from her hiding her face. Sunset sighed knowing something was wrong.

"Twilight... what happened...?"

Twilight stayed silent for a few seconds until finally she spoke.

"... Timber and I broke up..."

Sunset was shocked to hear this news, sure Timber was bit of an odd ball. But he was a sweet guy, Sunset had to find a way to comfort her. She then sat next to her friend and put a hand over her shoulder.

"Twilight, I'm really sorry... but I'm sure what happened between you two wasn't your fault."

"That's the thing Sunset... nothing happened, he just... figured since we live long ways away from each other, he thought it was best that we stopped seeing each other. I wanted to say something... but I understood what his heart was telling me."

Sunset looked at her saddened, she soon pulled her into a comforting hug, surprising the little scientist. Twilight didn't know what to do, but let her tears fall as she wrapped her arms around Sunset.

"... Its okay... just let it out..."

Rarity and the others watched the scene, tears soon began running down Rarity's cheek feeling sorry for Twilight.

"Oh, poor Twilight... if only there were something we could do to help her."

Flash Sentry soon walked up and see's it, he looked to Rarity and the others.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Rarity soon gasped and looks to him, an idea soon popped into her head. She reached and grabbed Flash by the jacket pulling him down with enough strength.

"Flash! thank goodness you're here, we need your help!"

"Whoa, whoa! slow down Rarity... what's going on?"

Pinkie Pie jumped up from under the table.

"Timber and Twilight broke up."



Applejack scowled at Pinkie Pie for saying it. Meanwhile Flash was shocked hearing it, sure he wanted to let go of Twilight. But for him to hear they broke up, he was Angry, and Sad at the same time. He looked to Twilight, who soon wiped away her tears. He looked to Rarity.

"What can I do to help?"

"You've always had a crush on Princess Twilight, why no be there for this worlds Twilight?"

"What?! but... Rarity, her heart was just broken, I can't do that to-"

Fluttershy soon walked up and touches his arm, he looked to Fluttershy noticing her pleading eyes.

"Please Flash... there's no one else who can be there for her."

Flash looked at her and looked down thinking of what he must do. He then looked to Rarity.

"All right... I'll see what I can do."

Rarity soon leaped and gave him a warm hug.

"Oh thank you darling! you really are a gem!"

She soon gave him a friendly kiss on the cheek, causing the guitar player to blush as he backed up.

"Okay, lets not get too thankful... I'll go talk to her."

Flash soon noticed Spike giving him a look, Spike soon pointed at his eyes and pointed right at him saying "I'm watching you." Flash gulped, and soon made his way to Sunset and Twilight. Sunset looked to him wondering why, it didn't take her long to figure it out.

"Sunset, can I speak with Twilight please?"

Sunset's eyes darted to Twilight then to Flash, then in a rapid motion of looking to both of them. She shrugged her shoulders.


Sunset walked away to let them have a moment with one another, she walked to her friends and gave them a serious look. Mostly to Rarity...


"Come on Rare, this has your name written all over it. You know Twilight's going through a tough time right now."

"Well I for one can't stand to see our dear Twilight being heart broken, so I had to do something!

Sunset sighed knowing she was right, she then looked to Twilight and Flash hoping things run smoothly. At the table Twilight and Flash sat at, they didn't talk yet. For there was bit of an awkward silence between the two students, until...

"Are you going to-"

"Oh, sorry... you go first."

Flash rubbed the back of his neck feeling nervous.

"I... heard about the uh..."

"The break-up?"

Flash winced knowing he might have mentally hit a nerve.

"Well... yeah... and look, I'm sorry that it happened... and I just..."

Flash sighed as he tries to calm down.

"This isn't really easy for me... but if there's anything you need, anything at all... I'll be there if you ever want to talk about it."

Twilight was surprised at how well he was willing to help her, she looked down for a moment but then looked to Flash with a kind smile. She then placed a hand on his shoulder.

"I would like that."

Flash smiled at her as he began to blush, meanwhile the girls are watching the scene.

"AWW! I knew it would work."

"They ain't a couple Rarity."

"Not yet at least."

Applejack soon facepalmed only to feel the very ground begin to shake.

"What in tarnation?!!"

All the students of CHS felt the powerful tremor but soon looked outside, and from the streets, a large spike rose out of the ground. Revealing a giant monster known as Grangon, a Lava Kaiju that was 55m, 62,000 tons.

It reared its head up and unleashed a powerful roar, frightening all that witnessed it. Principle Celestia and Vice Principle Luna soon ran into the cafeteria.

"Everyone! we must evacuate the school immediately!"

"Everyone! move quickly! Watch where you're stepping!"

All the students moved as quickly as they could, meanwhile Grangon could hear the screaming from the school. It turned in their very direction and snarled as it began its march toward the school. Sunset see's it coming, and starts to panic.

"Hurry everyone! It's coming this way!"

Suddenly she saw Pinkie Pie rushing to the giant monster.

"Pinkie! what in the name of Celestia are you doing?!"

Pinkie Pie soon ran up to Grangon being her usual self.

"Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, I run the party planning comity of Canterlot High, what's your name? doyouhaveaname?I'msureyoudo,Imeanwhatcreaturedoesn'thaveaname-"

Grangon noticed but found her squeaky little voice quite annoying, so he roared fiercely into her face. Pinkie Pie was blown away from the strength of the roar, and hits the ground. She sat up as her puffy hair was swooped back.

"Hey! you didn't have to be such a grouch! I was just trying to be friendly!"

Applejack and Sunset ran up and helped her up.

"I don't think its here to make friends Pinkie!"

"We need to get out of here! now!"

The trio began running from the beast, but it was hot on their heels. But then it soon noticed Flash and Twilight, it looked mostly to Twilight as it sensed a powerful magical force coming from her. It then started to charge at them.

"Twilight, run!"

Flash took Twilight by the hand and started running from it, but Grangon didn't plan on letting them get away. Its mouth was soon filled up with flames as it powered up its signature attack, and unleashed a fireball at them. As it made impact, Twilight and Flash felt the force of the blast and fell to the ground. Flash was unconscious, but Twilight was wide awake, she looked to him and began to worry.

"Flash... Flash! Wake up!"

Despite her efforts, she failed to notice the colossal lava monster walking up with a look of hunger in its eyes. She soon looked to the beast as fear filled her heart believing this was the end, knowing that not even the power of the geodes could stops this colossal creature. But there was only one thing she could do.


Planet Xira, Terra Universe 2017

Meanwhile in another universe, a battle between two Kaiju was taking place. Gomora, a 40m, 20,000ton monster, was battling against Aboras, a 60m, 35,000ton monster. Aboras sprayed a form of acid foam at Gomora to obliterate him, but Gomora was quick to come up with a disappearing act as he quickly burrowed underground. Aboras looked around to find where he went, meanwhile at a safe distance, Rei, the human Reionyx, smirked knowing where Gomora is.

"Gomora! Now!"

The ground soon began to shake beneath Aboras' feet, then dust shot out of the ground as Gomora leaped out and slammed his tail against Aboras. Aboras then crashed onto the ground, and struggled to get back up. But Gomora had to finish the battle, so he charged at Aboras and rammed his horn into Aboras. Aboras shrieked in pain feeling the horn in his chest.

"Super Shock-wave!"

Gomora's horn crests glowed brightly as he unleashed his Super Shock-wave into Aboras, destroying him from the in side. Aboras shrieked in pain, and suddenly explodes. Gomora raises his head and roars out in victory. Within the Pendraon, Rei's friends were celebrating as Gomora and Rei emerged victorious. Captain Hyuga smiled proudly at his friends, Kumano soon walked up seeing it.

"You look like a proud father."

"In a way, I suppose I am."

Oki turned to them.

"Its a shame he didn't let out his recently reacquired Eleking, then Aboras would have been finished a lot quicker."

"Even if he did Oki, there would have been two monsters to deal with."

Haruna hearing the two bickering, she looked to Rei and Gomora smiling. Rei leaped down to ground level, he then looked to Gomora smiling proudly.

"You did well Gomora, but if you didn't go underground. You would have been a goner... but hey, get some rest now... return."

Gomora roared out as his body turned into pure energy and returned to Rei's Battlenizer. He smiled at it and put it in his holster, but suddenly he sensed something. He turned quickly about to grab his firearm, but is suddenly blinded by a bright light. He tried to shield his eyes from it, suddenly he saw a being, a woman from the looks of it. She looked at Rei knowing he is the one who could help save her world.

"My world is in need of your help, Human Reionyx..."

Upon hearing those words, Rei was surprised that she knew he was a Reionyx.

"How do you know of me..?"

"There is no time to explain... you must come with me, or the lives of the world I watch over will perish."

The light soon intensified as both the unknown being disappeared along with Rei, his friends witnessed it. Haruna was surprised at what just happened.


Captain Hyuga looked at where Rei stood, wondering what just happened.

Canterlot High

Rei soon stirred only to find himself lying on top of Canterlot High's rooftop, he stood up and looked at his surroundings. He had reason to believe that he was on Earth, but at the same time it wasn't earth.

"Where..... am I...?"



Rei quickly turned around, and see's Twilight and an unconscious Flash Sentry. But he quickly took notice that Grangon was going to devour her and Flash. Acting quickly, Rei pulled out his Battlenizer.

"Go! GOMORA!!!"

"Battlenizer, Mons Load!"

A light shined from his Battlenizer and shot out towards Grangon, while it wasn't looking. Grangon was then struck by the light as it shrieked and fell to the ground away from Twilight. This surprised her as she looked to where the light is, as the light soon turned into Gomora.

"Another one...?!"

Gomora reared his head up as he roared to the sky, he then looked to Grangon with a fierce glare as he wanted to protect Twilight and Flash. Rei soon jumped down in front of them. Twilight looked to him, wondering who he is.

"Who.... Who are you?"

Rei glanced to her.

"My name is Rei... and this is my friend, Gomora."

Twilight was stunned to hear that the monster behind her, was his friend.

"That thing is your friend?!!"

"I don't have time to explain, just leave this creature to us. Get your friend out of here."

She looked at him but nods as she gathered all her strength to get Flash out of harms way. Grangon soon stood up, roaring in anger as it looked to Gomora. Rei looked to Grangon as he held up his Battlenizer.

"Ready Gomora?!"

Gomora nodded as he glared at Grangon, the students of CHS watched in awe. Two giant monsters standing against each other, one monster that seeks to destroy, the other to protect. The only question that remained...

Who would win?

Author's Note:

Here's is my first chapter, and so far it looks pretty good, I hope you guys like it.

Here are what the monsters look like

Kaiju in the Chapter


