• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 6,191 Views, 199 Comments

Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls - KnightGomora1994

I came up with the story when I first watched Ultra Galaxy and Equestria Girls, and I wanted to see how both stories would work. I really hope that this story attracts any and all viewers when they get a chance to read it, I'm hoping you all enjoy it

  • ...

Training Day

Night came, and the girls were sound asleep. But Rei was still awake, for he stood outside lost in thought. He starred at the night sky trying to figure out the one important question.

"Why was I brought here...? Who would want to threaten the lives of the people on this planet?"

Unaware to his knowledge, Sunset walked up to him.

"Rei...? you alright...?"

Rei turned to her surprised.

"Yeah... its just, I'm still wondering as to why I was brought here."

"Well Rei... I'm not sure how to answer that myself..."

She then reached and touched his shoulder.

"But I know there is a reason for every purpose, trust me."

Rei looked at her, but soon formed a smile.

"I suppose one day I'll get all the answers... but for now, we should rest... we have a long day tomorrow."

The two Reionyx and Reinoyx Trainee, went back inside to get some sleep. Rei knew if the girls had any chance of fighting the Kaiju, he had to teach them how to defend themselves, and how to summon their own Kaiju.

Canterlot High

The girls were standing in the soccer field as each of them held their Battlenizers, Rainbow Dash however... was messing around with it trying to figure it out how to make it work.

"Come on, why won't you open?!"

"Rainbow, maybe you shouldn't mess with it like that, its not just gonna automatically open for you, even if you try to force it."

"But I'm anxious to see what kaiju I have!"

Once again she tries to force it open, but it wouldn't budge.


The girls couldn't help but laugh as she got more frustrated with it, Rainbow was just about to throw it, but suddenly...


She tensed up hearing Rei's voice, she turned around and saw him with a serious face.

"Rei! uhhh.... hey, sorry... but I'm in such a hurry to know what my monster partner is."

"The answer is simple..."

He reached for a button behind her Battlenizer, and pressed it. Rainbow couldn't believe she missed that.

"Well... can't believe I didn't notice... now, what monster do I have? I hope i-"

Suddenly, the moment she looked inside the Battlenizer, she was shocked to find out there was nothing inside. Rei then laughed in amusement, knowing she had to earn her Kaiju.

"Hey! what gives?!"

Applejack also laughed in amusement.

"Yeah, I kinda got the same reaction... when I first opened my Battlenizer, it was empty. But it hit me when I realized, I had to find my partner."

"That's right... each of you need to find your Kaiju Partners."

"WHAT?!! But that's not fair!"

"I know it may seem unfair, but those are the rules of the Reionyx Battle."

"Wouldn't finding a Kaiju be a little... dangerous...?"

Rei looked to the timid little girl, knowing she would only go stiff as a board if she ever got close to one... but he knew he had to help her in some way.

"Fluttershy, I know that you are a gentle spirit, anyone with your talents would do anything to protect those you care for. That's what I do, if any of my friends were in danger right now, I would do anything to protect them. You one day will do the same."

"You really mean it?"

"Of course I mean it, besides... you're one of my friends as well."

Rei gave Fluttershy a kind smile, which in return made Fluttershy blush, but she returned his gesture with a kind smile of her own. Rei walked to the front of the others.

"I know you're all eager to protect your planet, but I must warn you, fighting the Kaiju is not a joke."

"But jokes are fun!"

"Focus Pinkie..."

"Starting today, you will undergo physical training, in case you run into other Reionyx Battlers."

He then tossed a Bo Staff to each of them.

(This song is a parody of I'll make a man out of you from Mulan)

Rei: Let's get down to business, to defeat the Kaiju!
Did they send me daughters, when I asked for heroes?

He began to lead them in practice, but as soon as they began to follow, Rainbow snuck a toy spider into Rarity's clothes. She began to freak out and accidentally hit the others.

Rei: You're the saddest bunch I ever met

But you can BET-

Rarity accidentally hit him in the abdomen.

Rei: before we're through

Know that I'll make a hero out of you...

He then lead the girls to the Archery Range, and fired three shots at three targets while piercing three apples into them.

Rei: Tranquil as a forest, but on fire within...

Twilight was about to fire an arrow but Spike snuck an apple onto the arrow, which only caught Rei's attention as he scowled at the pup. Spike couldn't help but force a nervous smile at him.

Rei: Once you find your center-

Rainbow Dash threw some stones at him, but he managed to grab his staff and block them.

Rei: you are sure to win

You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot-

Fluttershy was then up to block some stones, but when Rainbow threw some. She dodged a few and managed to only hit one towards Rei, and he managed to dodge it.

Rei: And you haven't got a clue

Somehow I'll make a hero out of you...

Rarity: I'm never gonna catch my breath!

Rainbow Dash: Say goodbye to those who knew me!

Pinkie Pie: Boy, was I a fool in school for cutting gym!

Rei was teaching Sunset how to defend herself, but then he managed to kicked her towards a tree, causing her to hit it. Applejack took a wet towel, and squeezed it over her head.

Applejack: This guy's got 'em scared to death!

Sunset: Hope he doesn't see right through me!

Fluttershy was then balancing on wooden posts trying not to fall in the water.

Fluttershy: Now I really wish that I knew how to swim!

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Rei: We must be swift as the coursing river!

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Rei: With all the force of a great typhoon!

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Rei: With all the strength of a raging fire,

Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!

Time is racing toward us till the Kaiju arrive!

Heed my every order and you might survive

But if you're unsuited for the rage of war,

then pack up, go home, you're through!

How could I make a hero out of you?

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Twilight: We must be swift as the coursing river!

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Applejack: With all the force of a great typhoon!

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Rarity: With all the strength of a raging fire!

Rainbow Dash: Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!

Rei see's they are making better progress than before, and smiles proudly. He then started Sunset's defense practice, and blocked her attacks. But suddenly he gets kicked in the face, he looked to her while rubbing his jaw. He smiled at her like a proud teacher would, he then tosses them the Bo Staff's, and leads them.

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Sunset Shimmer: We must be swift as the coursing river!

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Fluttershy: With all the force of a great typhoon!

Rainbooms: Be a hero!

Pinkie Pie: With all the strength of a raging fire!

Rainbooms: Mysterious as the dark side of the moon!

After a whole day of intense training, the girls have earned the rest they needed.

"Man... you weren't kidding about intense training, because I'm feeling pumped! And even more awesome than before!

"You're right about that, I feel more prepped than a Rodeo Bull Fighter!"

"You girls still have a long way to go, all you need to handle is finding your monster partners."

"Well that's not gonna be a problem... because I'm ready! I can't wait to find my Kaiju Par-"

Just as she was about to finish her sentence, the ground began to shake, and the winds started to pick up. They looked only to see a Tornado coming toward them.

"Now what?!"

The tornado go closer, but it suddenly stopped. It soon disappeared, but what came out of the tornado... was a giant two headed bird, named Pandon. A 40 m, 20,000 t Fire Breathing Kaiju, the girls were shocked by it, as it reared its heads and roared out like a ferocious beast.

"What is that?!"

"Pandon... its a two headed Kaiju, and its a fire type."

Pandon looked to them, and snarled as it started marching towards them.

"Not good... Rei, now would be a good time to-"

Suddenly a giant foot landed behind them, they turned around to see what it was. To Rei's surprise, it was Red King, a 45 m, 20,000 t kaiju. He roared at Pandon challenging it. Pandon gladly accepted and charged at him, Red King charged and tackled the two headed kaiju.

"Whoa nelly! that one looks strong!"

"That's Red King, he's considered to be one of the strongest out of all the Kaiju."

"I hope he's on our side!"

"Not likely..."

Red King swung a powerful right fist at Pandon, punching it really hard in the left head. Pandon shrieked in pain as it backed up, Red King went to punch it again, but Pandon breathed fire at him. Causing him to shriek in pain, but he would not give in. He charged through the flames and grabbed Pandon by its tail, he pulled as hard as he could, and lifted Pandon of its feet into the air. Spinning him around, he threw Pandon to the ground. Pandon shrieked in pain after crashing on the ground, Red King feeling weak in the knee's after charging through the flames. He soon fell on one knee.

"Oh no, going through those flames must have weakened him. We have to do something!"

"Way ahead of you..."

Rei pulled out his Battlenizer.

"Go! Gomora!"

"Battlenizer! Mons Load!"

Gomora shot out of the Battlenizer, and formed through the golden light as he tackled Pandon in mid air. Pandon stumbled and looked to him, Gomora snarled in anger at Pandon and charged at it. Meanwhile, Applejack ran towards Red King who was badly weakened. Red King noticed her and started to growl at her.

"Easy big guy... I'm not gonna hurt ya..."

"You do realize he's not as tame as Gomora right?"

"Rainbow... not helping..."

She then looked to Red King feeling sympathy for the creature, who tried to fight a foe which was stronger than him. She calmly walked up to him, Red King growled at her even more fiercely. But Applejack wasn't afraid, she reached out to him and gently touches his giant hand. Red King's eyes widen in surprised at this action, a single human trying to comfort him.

"Don't worry... you're gonna be alright tough guy."

Red King looked at her, suddenly he noticed her Battlenizer starting to glow. She looked to it, and pulled it out. When she looked at it, it opened up, and a stream of pure energy shot towards Red King. Engulfing him in an aura of light, making him shrink down to enter her Battlenizer. Applejack was surprised by what happened, as were the girls who stood watching. Meanwhile Pandon grabbed onto Gomora's horn crest and threw him like a rag doll.

"Oh boy! Gomora's getting his tail kicked out there!"

"Not for long... because he's about to have back up! Come on out Red King!"

"Battlenizer! Mons Load!"

A light shot out of her Battlenizer, and struck Pandon in the chest. Causing it to fall to the ground. Red King reemerged, back to full strength.

"Now that's what I'm talking about! Give Gomora a hand!"

Red King walks over to Gomora, and helped him stand up. The two Kaiju looked to each other and nodded, they turned to Pandon as it stood back up, shrieking in anger.


"Red King"


Gomora and Red King charged at Pandon, but it shot a barrage of fireballs at them. Red King, begin back at full strength, shot a barrage of explosive rocks from his mouth at the fireballs.

"Keep at it Red King! give Gomora a chance to get at that overgrown, two headed buzzard!"

Red King ended his barrage and his fists were engulfed in flames, he snarled and punched at the fireballs. Gomora charged toward Pandon, and swung his megaton tail, landing a powerful hit at Pandon's torso. It shrieked in agony as it fell to the ground, but got back up, and swung a claw at Gomora. Red King grabbed Pandon's attack before it could hit Gomora. Gomora kicked Pandon in the chest, and Red king blasted another barrage of exploding rocks at Pandon. Pandon hit the ground from the barrage, and got back up only to limp in pain.

"Gomora! Super Shock-wave!"

Gomora's horns glowed brightly, as he unleashed a wave of energy at Pandon, landing a direct hit. Pandon rived in agony, as all the energy overheated its body, causing it to explode. Gomora and Red King roared in the air in victory, their bodies soon glowed and returned to Rei's and Applejack's Battlenizers.

"Wow... I'm definitely gonna have to get used to this."

"But AJ... you managed to find your Kaiju partner."

"And you should be proud of yourself darling!"

Applejack couldn't help but smile at her friends.

"Thank you guys."

Rei walked up to them with a proud smile.

"And I should thank you Applejack... you and Red King saved Gomora when the battle was getting to intense."

"Eh, it was no problem Rei... besides, I'm just glad everyone, even you, are safe from that overgrown plucked turkey."

Meanwhile, Pinkie was puzzled...

"I still don't get why he's called Red King, wouldn't his skin actually be red? Becauseitsmoreofayellow,becauseifhisskinisyellow,wouldn'theactuallybecalledYellowKing.Becausethatwouldmakealotmoresense-"

Red King hearing this from AJ's Battlenizer, immediately took offense to that, and was roaring out in anger. Applejack heard it clear as day, and couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle.

"Easy there Red King, she's just being Pinkie."

Red King only huffed, and crossed his arms. The girls couldn't help but laugh, Rei could only smile as his friends celebrate. Though... he couldn't help but wonder, "how did the kaiju arrive in this world?"

Author's Note:

Here is my next chapter, sorry it took me long, had to work on the song Lyrics, and of course in the process, had to wait a whole weekend, because my house computer isn't hooked up, and neither is my wifi, but I promise, when it is, I'll also be back to my art work.

Kaiju in the Chapter


Red King: