• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 6,191 Views, 199 Comments

Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls - KnightGomora1994

I came up with the story when I first watched Ultra Galaxy and Equestria Girls, and I wanted to see how both stories would work. I really hope that this story attracts any and all viewers when they get a chance to read it, I'm hoping you all enjoy it

  • ...

Unpleasant Dreams

It was the middle of the night, Canterlot city was sound asleep. However, in the home of Vice Principle Luna, she was having anything but a good night. She has been tossing and turning, trying to get some sleep. But something in her dream was keeping her from getting it. In her dream, she see's a beautiful city that appeared to be on the moon, she could hardly believe what she was seeing. Until, something crashed in the middle of the city, she looked to what it was. It was a Kaiju, but it appeared to be fighting another one. They fought as many of the people were trampled over, and buildings were being crushed.


The larger of the two Kaiju breathed fire at the other one, but it disappeared and the fire breath was heading towards Luna. Her eyes widen in shock as the flames reached her, she soon snapped out of her dream screaming. She breathed heavily and started to sweat from what she just saw, she wondered as to what the Kaiju were. However, the only thing she could worry about is trying to sleep after seeing that dream, and by dream, she believed it to be more of a nightmare.

Canterlot High, Vice Principle Office

Luna was filling her cup with some coffee, but started to doze off. Suddenly Celestia opened the door causing her to jump, and spill coffee onto her hand.

"Ouch! Hot!"

"Morning Luna!"

She could only sigh at her sisters cheerfulness.

"Thanks Tia, but I don't know what's so good about it..."

She turned to Celestia revealing how tired she looked, not to mention her hair was a total mess. This had Celestia concerned for her sister, she walked over and sat next to her.

"Luna, are you alright?"

"I don't know Tia, but I haven't slept well last night."

Luna rubbed her eyes a bit as she tried to stay awake, she started taking a sip off her coffee.

"Was it some kind of nightmare?"

And just when she said the word, Luna spat out her coffee.

"Tia... I really don't want to talk about it, so please... just leave me alone."

Luna got up and walked out with her coffee, Celestia began to grow even more worried. She knew something was troubling Luna, but she had no way of finding out. But then she realized, Rei could be the best option. She picked up her paperwork, and went out to find Rei.

Canterlot High School, Gym

"Pinkie, you're being ridiculous..."

"But I saw it! There was a Red Ghost hiding in my basement, and when I got close to it, POOF! It vanished!"

"There are no such things as ghosts Pinkie, there never was."

Rei was working on his push-ups as he heard the conversation.

"I don't know Twilight, this so called Red Ghost is starting to sound pretty familiar."

"See?! Rei believes me!"

"I'm not saying I believe you Pinkie..."

He stood up on his hands and leaned forward landing back on his feet.

"I'm saying there might be a possibility this might be another Kaiju we're dealing with."

Applejack was practicing her self-defense skills with Rainbow, suddenly she threw Rainbow like a rag-doll.


"I'm with Rei on this one, its got to be another kaiju."

"Guys! Come on! I'm being serious right now! The author better get me my Kaiju Partner soon, because I'm itching for a fight!"

Rei looked at her with an arced eyebrow and looked to Flash.

"You sure she's sane?"

"Not always..."

Pinkie soon noticed Principle Celestia walking into the gym.

"Oh, hi Principle Celestia!"

Rei looked to her noticing the concern on her face.

"Rei, can I speak with you please?"

Rei new by the tone of her voice, it was serious.

"Of course... lets talk in your office."


She walked out of the gym with Rei, Sunset watched them wondering as to what could be happening.

Principle Celestia's Office

Celestia set down a cup of coffee down for Rei.



He took the cup and blew on it to cool it down, and took a small sip. He looked to Celestia still seeing her worried expression, he set down his coffee knowing something was really wrong.

"So what's going on?"

Celestia had a moment of silence for a minute, but she looked to Rei in hopes he could help her.

"Its my sister... I found her this morning exhausted."

As much as he wanted to understand, he couldn't understand where she was going with her situation.

"I'm not sure what you want me to do about it..."

"You don't understand Rei, when I mentioned the word nightmare, she snapped at me for no reason."

Rei was beginning to understand what's going on.

"In other words, you want me to find out what's wrong...?"

"Yes Rei, please... I'm worried about my sister."

Rei took a moment to think it over, he looked to Celestia knowing he had to do something.

"Alright, I'll help."

Celestia smiled happily that he was willing to help, meanwhile outside the door, Sunset was listening. She was curious as to what was going on, she needed to help Rei with Luna.

Canterlot High Main Foyer

Rei was walking to Vice Principle Luna's office to check on her, but before he could reach it. He saw Sunset waiting by the door, he didn't know why, but he had a hunch.

"Sunset... you were listening to what me and Principle Celestia were talking about, weren't you?"

Ashamed of what she did, Sunset knew she couldn't lie to him.

"I did... Rei, I want to help."

"You think just by eavesdropping, I would let you help?"

"I know it was wrong, and I shouldn't have done that... but please Rei, if Principle Celestia's sister is having trouble, my magic might be able to help."


"When ever I touch someone, I can see their memories, or thoughts, and if possible, it might allow me to see Vice Principle Luna's nightmares."

As much as Rei was upset with her for eavesdropping, but one look in her eyes, he knew she was determined to help. He closed his eyes and had a long pause for a moment, he opened his eyes looking to her.

"Alright, but no more eavesdropping ."

She smiled and walked into Vice Principle Luna's office, but when the got in, Luna was sleeping on her desk.

"Guess staying awake wasn't easy for her..."

"Will that magic spell work while she's asleep?"

"It should, no reason why it should fail now."

She walked over to Luna, but looked to Rei.

"Give me your hand Rei..."

"What? Why?"

"In order for us to know what's wrong with her, I'll need you to see what I see."

She held out her hand to him, Rei looked at her for a moment, knowing there was no other option. He took her hand as Sunset reached and touched Luna's shoulder, her eyes along with Rei's glowed brightly as they shared the same vision. In the vision, they see a civilization that once lived on the moon, Sunset could hardly believe what she was seeing.

"A city... on the moon?"

"Seems that way..."

He looked out seeing two meteors falling from the sky, they crash landed in the center of the city. The meteors revealed themselves as two Kaiju, Rei watched carefully as he tried to identify them. Once the creatures cleared themselves out of the smoke, Rei recognized them completely. The larger one was Lunaticks, a 58m 63,000t Full Moon kaiju that looked like a monstrous rabbit, the other one was Nova, a 57m 10,000t Red Ghost kaiju.

"Lunaticks... and Nova..."

"A Red Ghost... oh man, I think we owe Pinkie an apology..."

Rei soon looked to the ground and saw Luna standing near the battle, his eyes widen as Lunaticks unleashed its Fire Breath at Nova. But Nova vanished into thin air as the Fire Breath shot towards Luna.


Rei's voice was enough wake Luna up from her sleep before she could get hit by the Fire Breath, she looked to him and Sunset as they shook their heads from the vision.

"Wow... didn't think that it would hurt this much."

"What are you two doing in my office? What were you doing?"

"Luna, your sister asked for me to find out what's wrong with you, and now that Ive seen your nightmare. I have reason to believe that this was no mere dream."

"You're right Rei, this was more like a vision, or memory."

Luna was confused as to what she meant.

"Sunset Shimmer, I would know if I was on the moon."

"Not your memories Luna, but possibly a past life."

"Who ever showed you this vision, must be warning you of a catastrophe that is going to take place."

"But why me?"

Rei had a few possible idea's as to why, one is either that Lunaticks is planning an attack, or Nova is. It was a riddle he couldn't solve, but he knew he had to figure it out soon.

Canterlot High School, Gym

Back in the gym, Pinkie was still going on about the Red Ghost. Only to receive and annoying glare from Twilight, for she had just about enough about it.

"Pinkie, you're seriously being ridiculous!"

"Oh yeah? how?!"

"If there were a Red Ghost, we would have seen it at your house. But I know for a fact, there are no such things as ghosts!"

Suddenly Applejack grabbed her by her head, forcing her to look in a different direction.

"Ya might want to take another look there sugarcube."

Twilight looked to what she was looking at, and what she saw, was the very Red Ghost Pinkie saw. Nova was standing next to the climbing rope, Twilight wanted to believe it was just a trick.

"Okay Rainbow Dash, if this is some way of pulling a childish prank, its not funny."

"Um, Twilight... I'm over here..."

Twilight looked behind her seeing Rainbow Dash, she looked to the others to find out who it is.


"Don't look at me, I don't make such ridiculous outfits like that."


"Not me, I'm scared of Ghosts."


"Ive got nothing to do with it."

Twilight's eyes widen as her heart skipped a few beats, she slowly turned around to Nova. Which apparently was standing right behind her, she looked at it as she began to tremble. Nova looked down to her, suddenly its face turned into an evil grin with demonic fangs. Twilight's skin turned pale, Pinkie and the others started shaking like crazy.


Twilight and everyone ran from Nova, and it started chasing after them. The girls ran down the halls trying to escape Nova, and quickly made a right turn down another hall. Nova followed after the passing the lockers, however the girls came out of hiding in the lockers. The exhaled a sigh of relief, but suddenly Nova popped out from behind Pinkie causing her and the girls to scream and run again. Students walking by hear the screaming, and what caught their eyes mostly was Nova chasing them. They panicked and ran into the lockers to hide, allowing them to pass by. Flash grabbed a trash can and threw it at Nova, as it hit Nova in the head, it got angry as its eyes glowed and continued chasing them.

"Not good..."

Rei and Sunset soon stepped out of Vice Principle Luna's office, but before they could react. Twilight and the others accidentally ran into them falling to the ground, Nova saw it and only snickered. It soon noticed Vice Principle Luna inside her office, and came up with a plan. Rei and the others got up after a strong crash, Rei looked to them with an irritated look.

"What is your problem?!"

Pinkie grabbed Rei by his jacket.

"Rei! Trouble! Red Ghost! Chasing us! Look!"

By the time she pointed to where Nova was, it was already gone.

"It... It was just there!"

"Pinkie, I know who the Red Ghost is... its Nova..."

"Where'd it go?"

"Looking for me...?"

Rei and the others turned only to see Nova taking over the mind of Vice Principle Luna.

"Vice Principle Luna!"

"I knew somehow this woman was seeing the memories of her past life, but I needed proof to see if I was correct."

"Let her go Nova, she has nothing to do with this!"

"Sorry, but I have some plans for her... as of now Lunaticks is on its way here to try and destroy me."

"What are gonna do to her?!"

Luna grinned unwillingly as she was still possessed by Nova.

"The answer is simple... she will be a sacrifice to the beast, and I will forever roam free!"

She laughed like a mad person, only to earn a fierce glare from Rei.

"You little...!"

Nova blasted red smoke at him before he could attack, Rei shielded himself from it and see's that Nova escaped with Luna. Fearing for what might happen, he looked to the others with a plan.

"Find her, we need to bring Luna back alive, Nova... either way."

"I can go with that."

"Flash, since you're also a member of this team, you're gonna have to suit up."

"And I have his outfit ready and waiting."

"Lets go, Lunaticks is on its way here, and we can't let Nova use Luna as a sacrifice."

Canterlot City

Luna walked down the street with Nova sitting on her shoulder, she stopped in the middle of the street and looked up seeing something fall from the sky. Ash it crash landed, Lunaticks rose its head roaring out. Nova grinned knowing its been so long since it last saw Lunaticks, but now... the long battle they've waged against each other will finally end.

"Come Lunaticks, take the life of this soul so that we may finally end this conflict."

Rei and Flash searched everywhere for Luna and Nova, Lunaticks looked exactly where she was. Seeing that Nova was sitting on her shoulder, his mouth soon filled with flames. Flash noticed it and followed to where its point of view was, his eyes widen as he saw Vice Principle Luna standing still.


Rei looked to where Luna was, and saw Luna was still being controlled by Nova.

"Flash, you're closer! You have a better chance of getting to her before me!"

Flash nodded at Rei and ran quickly, Luna held out her arms as Lunaticks fired its fire breath at her. Nova grinned as it was close to being free, but before the flames could reach Luna, Flash tackled her out of the way knocking Nova off.


Nova looked only to see Luna was still alive, unconscious but still breathing. Its eyes glowed bright red and it snarled angrily growing in size, Flash saw it as Nova swung its whip and scythe hands. Twilight and the others arrived just in time, checking on Luna's condition.

"She's unconscious, but luckily she won't be able to remember what happened."

Lunaticks roared out challenging Nova, Nova was so close to being free of Lunaticks. It had no other choice but to fight, it charged at Lunaticks with the intent to kill. Before Nova could strike, Lunatick's eyes shot out blasting Nova. Rarity was shocked from what she just saw, as was Applejack.

"Did we see what I think we just saw?!"

"I'm trying to un-see it!"

"Nevermind that, lets get Luna out of here!"

Lunaticks charged at Nova ramming its head against its torso, Nova swung its whips and smacked Lunaticks in the back. But it only succeeded in making Lunaticks angry, as he raised its his knocking it against Nova's. Nova backed up but was not willing to give up, its Scythe and Whips disappeared as it took the form of a flying saucer. Lunaticks see's it and went to blast him again, but Nova was faster in this form as it dashed and struck Lunatick's several times. Lunaticks shrieked from the intense pain it recieved, Nova reverted to its solid form unleashing a Hell Fire Ball from its mouth. Lunaticks see's it and gets hit in the chest, as it writhed in pain and hit the ground. Nova cackled as it started walking towards him, Pinkie see's it and does the craziest thing she's ever done in her life. She started running towards the battle, Rei looked to where she was noticing what she's doing.

"Pinkie! Are you crazy?! Get back here!"

Pinkie ignored him and kept running, Nova stood over Lunaticks forming its demonic grin on its face. It rose its scythe hand ready to finish Lunaticks once and for all, but just when it was going to strike him down.


Pinkie dashed in front of Lunaticks in hopes to save him, but Nova didn't hesitate and went in for the kill. Lunaticks noticed Pinkie and quickly grabbed her just in time, but as he did, his eyes along with Pinkies glowed brightly. Nova saw it as it was close to killing them, Lunaticks looked to him and blasted a fireball at it. Nova dodged it and leaped back to a safe distance, it looked to Lunaticks as it stood back up. Lunaticks held up his hand to look at Pinkie, she shook her head from what just happened.

"Wow, what a head rush."

She looked and noticed she was in the hand of Lunaticks, she looked and saw him face to face. Lunaticks smiled kindly at her for showing such bravery, and immediately set her down on the street for safety. Pinkie was amazed by his actions, and formed a huge smile as she immediately figured out that he was her Kaiju Partner.


Nova grew more furious as he lashed its whips against the ground, he went to charge, but suddenly a tail wrapped around its neck. Nova struggled and looked to source, finding out it was Bolgils. He snarled and swung Nova away from Lunaticks, slamming it into the ground.

"Good work Bolgils!"

Nova got back up shaking its head, but before it could recover... Shepardon snick up on Nova and clobbered it. Nova writhed in pain from the attack, its head shook its head and looked to three more Kaiju. Gomora, Lidorias, and Red King stood together, preparing for one last attack. Nova knew from looking at them, it was in trouble, its scythe and whip hands disappeared and it went into saucer form trying to escape.

"Not so fast pal!"

Lidorias flew towards it and grabbed hold of its cloak, she swung it around throwing it towards the ground. Nova crashed feeling intense pain, Red King charged at Nova with fists engulfed with fire, and began beating him into submission. Bolgils charged and slashed through Nova with his claws, Red King powered up one fist and punched Nova away. Nova slid across the pavement and hit a building, it stumbled trying to keep its balance. Gomora, Shepardon and Lunaticks powered up their signature attacks.

"Eye Bomb!"

"Victorium Flash!"

"Super Shock-wave!"

They unleashed their attacks as they combined into one, Nova see's it as it had no where to run. The blast hit it causing Nova to explode, Lunaticks snorted knowing that his enemy was finally destroyed. Pinkie meanwhile was cheering for her partner, knowing she got payback for what Nova did in scaring her and her friends.

"That's what happens when you scare me and my friends you sad excuse of a kaiju!"

Gomora and the other kaiju returned to their masters Battlenizers, Rei looked to Vice Principle Luna and walked over to check on her.

"You okay Vice Principle Luna?"

She groaned as she held her head.

"I really need to drink less coffee..."

Sunset smirked knowing she's going to be alright.

"She'll be alright, but I'm sure after today, she'll get plenty of rest."

Rei sighed in relief, he looked to Pinkie as she walked up.

"Rei, I know I disobeyed your orders, but I needed to do something, I di-"

Rei held up his hand to stop her.

"Anyone like you would have done something even crazier, but you won't do something like that again, will you?"

"Nope, that's the only time I will do that."

Rei smiled and walked away, Pinkie meanwhile looked out.

"Or will I?"

She winked at the ones reading the chapter, being her usual random self.

Realm of Light

The being who brought Rei to Canterlot High was watching them make such progress, she smiled but soon sensed a familiar presence.

"How long has it been Zoffy...?"

The ultra warrior that stood behind her was none other than Zoffy himself, he walked up to her watching the images in front of her.

"Too long... I heard of what has been going on, but for you to bring Rei to this universe..."

The being frowned knowing he was rather upset.

"I had to... I needed him."

"But for what purpose...?"

She stood silently for a moment, but worked up the courage to look him in the eyes.

"An old enemy of ours has survived..."


She shook her head at him and looked to him with a worried expression.

"Someone far worse than Belial..."

Zoffy began to realize what she meant.

"Milady, you must let us help... if he has really returned, you need the power of the Ultra Warriors."

"No... this is a task only Rei and his friends can accomplish."

"But they're just teenagers."

She looked to Rei and his friends, seeing something Zoffy couldn't.

"It may seem that way... but I know they can win."

Sensing her confidence, Zoffy could only sigh and nod at her decision.

"Very well, just promise me, you will do everything you can to help him."

"I can make no such promise... but I will do everything I can to make sure our enemy is defeated."

Zoffy nodded and turned away.

"Take care... Lady Harmony..."

Zoffy vanished, and upon hearing her name... Harmony removed the cloak she wore revealing herself. She looked out sensing the enemy becoming anxious, she knew in the future she had to confront him.

Author's Note:

Here is the next chapter, sorry I took Long, but it was hard finding all the kaiju, hope you guys like it.

Kaiju in the Chapter:



Red King:



