• Published 12th Mar 2017
  • 6,191 Views, 199 Comments

Ultra Galaxy Equestria Girls - KnightGomora1994

I came up with the story when I first watched Ultra Galaxy and Equestria Girls, and I wanted to see how both stories would work. I really hope that this story attracts any and all viewers when they get a chance to read it, I'm hoping you all enjoy it

  • ...

Battle in the Fog

It was just a normal day for Canterlot City, despite the fact there being recent Kaiju attacks, and property damage. But things managed to return to normal for the time being, especially for one gentle spirit. Fluttershy was on her way to the Animal Shelter to check up on the animals, by the time she got there, it was bit of a mess after the battle with the Subterranean Kaiju.

"Oh dear... I guess I should have asked the girls to help out with cleaning up everything."

Then out of no where, Rei popped his head out of the door to the hamster house.

"Oh, Fluttershy... I didn't know you worked here..."

She yelped in surprise after seeing him.

"Rei... w-what are you doing here..?"

"Well I was in the neighborhood, and saw this place... it was messy when I came in here, so I thought I'd clean it up."

"Y-You didn't have to... I mean, it is very nice of you to help."

Rei smiled kindly at her.

"Well its the least I could do... come on, lets get this place fixed up."

Fluttershy smiled as she grabbed a broom, and started sweeping to floor.

2 hour later

The Animal Shelter was looking spick and span, even the animals loved how clean it was. Rei cleaned off his hands and cleaned some sweat from his forehead.

"That should do it..."

"Thank you so much for helping Rei, but you didn't have to go through all this trouble."

"Its no trouble at all, I'm just happy to help."

Fluttershy smiled as she hid a faint blush behind her hair, it didn't go unnoticed by Rei.

"Oh... sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you."

"N-No! It's okay, I mean... for someone who's from another dimension, you're quite kind."

Rei's smile soon started to fade, he looked down knowing he didn't have a good first impression on his other team.

"Actually... I wasn't always so kind..."

Fluttershy was surprised by his response.

"What do you mean...?"

"When I first became a Reionyx... the only thing I ever thought about was fighting other Kaiju, letting my anger out towards them..."

Visions of his vicious nature began to appear in his mind, he couldn't bear to picture what would happen if it were to run loose again. Fluttershy began to see how worried he is about what he is capable of, Rei looked to her with a gentle smile.

"But that was when I met Captain Hyuga and his team, they changed who I was then."

Fluttershy smiled relieved to hear the news, suddenly Rainbow Dash came rushing in.

"Rei! Fluttershy! we got a mission!"

They looked to her in unison, and the animals began to go berserk.

Canterlot High, Principle Celestia's Office

"There have been some new reports of Kaiju running rampant, there's no detailed description of it. But a group of hikers that survived described that it had large pincers."

There were many kaiju that had large pincers, but as to which one it was... even Rei couldn't figure it out.

"Is it possible we can question one of the hikers?"

"Of course, in fact you may know one of them Twilight..."

Twilight arced her eyebrows for she was both surprised and confused.

"I do...?"

"Yes, you see... Flash Sentry was one of those hikers."

Twilight's eyes widen in horror, Rei noticed and looked to Sunset.

"Flash Sentry?"

"Remember when you first arrived and saved Twilight? She was holding Flash as he laid unconscious."


Twilight was panicking, to hear that Flash was attacked by another Kaiju, that's crossed the line.

"We need to get going..."

Rei noticed the eagerness in her voice, and new this wasn't just about Flash.

"Twilight, you sho-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Twilight shot a angry glare at him which made his skin pale.

"I said, lets get moving!"

She stormed out of the office, leaving Rei looking stiff as a board.

"Was that the same Twilight we knew before?"

"Not really."


"Absolutely not."

"Not so much."

"I wish it was."

"She's clearly upset about it, we better go after her before she does something crazy."

Canterlot City General Hospital

Flash was getting a few bandages wrapped around his arm by Nurse Red Heart, even though he only get a few scrapes. He looked to the door and saw Twilight enter the room.



She ran to him and wrapped her arms around him, he winced a little bit because of the bruises he had.

"Easy Twilight, I'm not dying."

She let go and looked to him.

"I was worried, when I heard you were attacked, I came here as fast as I could. Are you alright?"

Flash touched her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile to help calm her down.

"I'm fine Twilight, just a few scrapes and bruises, nothing too bad."

Twilight was relieved to hear he's alright, Flash soon see's the rest of the team. Rei walked to them, and Flash immediately recognized him.

"Hey... you're the guy who saved our lives. I never got to thank you for that."

"Don't mention it, but listen... we need to know exactly what happened when you and your friends were out hiking."

"Well... it's kind of hard to explain."

Twilight reached over and touched his shoulder.

"Just take it slow, think clearly to what you saw."

Flash took a moment to collect his memories of what he saw, and then exhaled to calm the nerves.

"Okay... me and my friends were heading to Amber Lake, just outside the city. It was sunny and clear, perfect moment for band practice outdoors... but suddenly, a thick fog began to form."

"What happened after that?"

"We tried to find our way back to the city, but suddenly we smelled something. It smelled like... blood, like a predator just recently caught its prey. But as we got closer, we found a half eaten body of a grizzly"

Fluttershy's eyes were wide as dinner plates, to hear that a grizzly was killed by a larger animal than itself... she just snapped. She reached over and grabbed Flash by the collar, pulling him closer to her.


Rei and the others eyes were completely shocked at how she reacted, and slowly backed away.

"And she's supposed to be the timid one...?"

"Fluttershy has always cared for animals, whether its a small bunny, or a large bear."

"Which sounds kind of crazy when you think about it."

"Yeah... no kidding..."

"Fluttershy, let him finish!"

Fluttershy was still fuming with anger, but she let Flash go so he could finish his story.

"Okay... now, we soon heard a strange shriek that was close by, we looked to the source. But it was shrouded in the fog, but I managed to take a picture of it. Then we ran as fast as we could, but somehow it managed to catch up to us."

"Wow, must be a fast Kaiju."

"Then its pincer knocked us off our feet, and we went rolling down the hill. We managed to get away with minor injuries, but I doubt we'll be able to play for a while."

Rei was trying to put the pieces together as to what the kaiju is, and the only answers to what it was, was in Flash's phone.

"Do you still have the picture?"

"Yeah, its still in my phone."

Flash pulled out his phone, and searched through the pictures he took. By the time he found it, he showed it to Rei. Rei took the phone and looked at the silhouette of the Kaiju. It had horns curving upwards, long neck, and pincers for hands. Putting the pieces together, Rei finally figured out what the creature was.

"I know this creature... its Rock Monster Sadora..."


"Yes, and if there's one, there's likely a pack."

"A pack?!"

"Yes, Sadora's travel in packs, and hide in fog banks to catch their pre-"

Before he could finish, Fluttershy gave him a look that sent chills up his spine. He knew she would kill him if he even uttered the word, so he had to come up with something else, or else he will be dead meat.

"To find food sources, and if they run out, they will come into the city."

"Then we need to find them, before they find the next food source."

Rei looked out to where the fog was forming, he figured it was only a matter of time before the Sadora began their advance.

Amber Lake National Forest

Rei and the girls walked to where Flash and his friends first saw Sadora, Rei stopped in place and kneeled down to touch the ground. By the looks of the scene, Sadora was definitely here. But how many there were, he didn't know.

"Sadora's around here somewhere, they won't leave the area until they're ready to hunt again."

"So what's the plan?"

"We split up, teams of two."

Even though Fluttershy was in a bad mood, she began to tremble at the thought of splitting up.

"Um, don't you think it would be safer if we stick together?"

"I know it seems risky, but it would got a lot quicker and a lot easier."

She gulped as she felt more uneasy about this mission, Rei came up with an idea that would help keep her calm. He held out his Battlenizer and summoned a familiar face, it was a miniature version of Eleking. She leaped into Fluttershy's arms, literally surprising her.


Eleking chirped softly at her, to let her know she will look after her.

"Oh, thank you..."

Rainbow Dash looked to Rei with a shocked expression, mostly because of how he summoned Eleking.

"How did you do that?!"

"I mostly used just a portion of my power to summon Eleking, only to be as small as a puppy."

"I must say, she does look rather adorable this way."

Eleking chirped at her for what she said.

"She says thank you."

"Alright, Rarity, you're with Applejack, Rainbow's with Twilight, Sunset you're with Pinkie, me and Litra will search from the sky."

They all nodded in unison, and went out leaving Fluttershy with Eleking. She looked to Eleking with a worried expression, and looked down one trail that lead deeper into the forest.

"I guess we go this way."

Eleking chirped twice as in yes as Fluttershy started following the trail.

Amber Lake Shore

Fluttershy and Eleking walked along the shore of Amber Lake, searching for any signs of Sadora. But they have had no luck, Fluttershy felt disappointed in herself and sat down on the sand.

"I wish I could have stayed at home, I'm not cut out for this sort of thing."

Eleking chirped surprised and wondered why.

"Oh Eleking, you don't understand... I'm not one to fight monsters, I'm just an animal caretaker."

Eleking chirped sadly, but she knew that there was more to Fluttershy than she believed. She chirped at Fluttershy to reassure her that she's stronger than anyone she's ever seen, Fluttershy was surprised by what she said...

"You really think so?"

Eleking nodded and chirped happily at her, as she did a back flip. Causing Fluttershy to giggle happily, she then pet Eleking on her head.

"You're right, I don't have to change who I am to become stronger."

She looked out to the lake, admiring how beautiful it was.

(This song is a parody of I can go the Distance from Hercules.)

Fluttershy: I have often dreamed, of a far off place.

Where a great warm welcome, will be waiting for me.

Where my friends will cheer, when they see my face,

and a voice keeps saying this is where I'm meant to be!

She begins walking along the shore, Eleking follows her closely.

Fluttershy: I will find my way,

I can go the distance...

I'll be there someday.

If I can be strong,

I know every mile, will be worth my while.

I will go most anywhere to feel like I... belong.

If Elekeing had a face, she would form a smile at Fluttershy, but instead of a smile. She leaped onto Fluttershy's shoulder and nuzzled her face. She giggled happily knowing that Eleking was happy. She then looked out to the sky, where the sun was.

Fluttershy: I am on my way,

I can go the distance!

I don't care how far!

Somehow I'll be strong!

I know every mile, will be worth my while.

I will go most anywhere to find... WHERE I BELONG!!!

Amber Lake Cave

In a cave not far from Fluttershy's location, loud snoring could be heard from inside the cave. A giant creature within the cave was sleeping soundly, but soon its eyes started to twitch. For it heard Fluttershy's song, its eyes slowly opened. The creature rose its head and began to stand up, wondering who could be near his home. But soon it sensed something big, something... hungry.
It ran out of the cave to confront it, whether to protect his territory, or to protect its visitor.

Amber Lake Shore

Fluttershy and Eleking continue their search along the lake shore, suddenly she yelped as her communicator goes off. She exhaled only to calm down, and answers it.

"This is Fluttershy, go ahead."

"Fluttershy, any luck finding any of the Sadora's?"

"Nothing yet, we're sear-"

Suddenly her communicator started to get some interference , she tried to recontact Sunset.

"Sunset? Sunset! Oh my... please tell me this is just a joke, because its not funny."

She tried as hard as she could to establish contact with either one of her friends, but soon she began to notice the thick fog that was forming around her. She looked around but soon started to hear Eleking growling, she turned to her to see what's wrong.

"Eleking? what is-"

Suddenly a loud shriek came out of no where, and she looked to the source, and it was a Sadora, 60 m 24,000 t. It looked to Fluttershy and Eleking and saw them as an easy meal, it licked its lips as it hissed at them. Fearing for their lives, Fluttershy quickly grabbed Eleking and ran, but Sadora was hot on her heels, it reach out with one of its pincers and went to grab her. But before it could, a new creature tackled Sadora away. Fluttershy stopped and looked to the new creature, it reared up and unleashed a powerful roar at Sadora. This Kaiju was Bolgils, a 53 m 59,000 t Kaiju, Fluttershy and Eleking couldn't believe what they were seeing. Bolgils soon stood in front of them to protect them, Sadora stood back up and glared at him. It snarled and extended its arms to reach out and strike at him, Bolgils reared up and caught its arms. Sadora struggled to break free of his grasp, but Bolgils used all his strength and lifted it from the ground. Slamming Sadora against the hill, Sadora cried out in pain but managed to get back up. Bolgils charged quickly at Sadora, taking its giant claws and slashing its throat. Sadora felt its life starting to slip, it soon lost enough blood causing it to fall to the ground. Bolgils looked to it and roared out in victory, Fluttershy was amazed by its strength and speed.


Eleking chirped the same exact word, Bolgils soon turned to them, causing Fluttershy to panic. He walked up to her, holding his head high like a lion. He looked at her with eyes that didn't show hunger or of anger, but curiosity and gentleness. Fluttershy noticed it, and was stunned at the sight of this creature that saved her life. Suddenly a pair of pincers struck him, causing him to fall to the ground.


She looked to the source, and see's that there were two more Sadora's that surrounded them. They shrieked in anger because of the loss of their brother, and began charging at him. Bolgils tried to defend himself, but the two Sadora's were beating him down to the ground.

"No! leave him alone!"

Fluttershy threw a stone at one of them only for it to bounce off its leg, the Sadora she hit soon looked to her and began to hiss. Fluttershy see's it starting to advance towards her, she wanted to scream. But her vocal cords were paralyzed with fear, all she could do... is wait for the finishing blow. But Suddenly, a stream of electricity hit Sadora in the head, causing it to fall on the ground. Fluttershy was surprised at what happened, but she looked to the source, and saw it was Eleking in her full form.


Litra soon flew by, Fluttershy see's her and see's Rei riding on her back. Her heart leaped with joy after seeing him, Rei leaped down to check on her.

"You okay Fluttershy?"

"Yes, I'm fine... just happy you're here."

"Sorry I took so long."

"Better late than never."

The two Sadora's shrieked as they readied to battle Eleking, Rei turned to Eleking knowing she was ready to fight.

"Go! Eleking!"

Eleking screeched and charged at the Sadora brothers, the two brothers charged at her. One of the brothers extended one of its arms to strike her, but Eleking's tail managed to catch it. She swung her tail with the Sadora still snared, slamming it into its brother. They hit the ground crying out in pain, one got back up and charged at her. When he wasn't looking, Litra had turned into her Phoenix form, and shot her Fire Strike ability into its mouth. Sadora shrieked in pain as it began to burn on the inside, then it burst into flames, turning into cinders.


Eleking looked to the final Sadora, it went to form a fog bank to escape. However, Eleking had other plans, she swung her tail and snared it. Sadora struggled to break free, but Eleking used her Electric Tail ability to shock Sadora with an endless current of electricity. Sadora cried out in pain, and it finally died from the electric current. Eleking let Sadora's body fell to the ground, she screeched in victory as she and Litra returned to Rei's Battlenizer.

"That should be all of them..."

Rei looked to where Fluttershy was, she was standing in front of an injured Bolgils. He watched as she gently touches his snout, trying to comfort him.

"I'm sorry... its my fault you were injured, those creatures ambushed you when you could have been able to fight back."

Tears begin to form in her eyes, as she started to cry. Bolgils see's her tears, despite his colossal size, he had keen eyes.

"I wish you weren't hurt because of me, I'm no use to anyone."

Bolgils looked at her and couldn't bear to see her cry, he gathered his strength to raise his head and gently nuzzle her. Fluttershy felt it as she heard a soft growl coming from him, she soon put her arms around his snout. Rei was amazed at what he was seeing, and smiled at the scene. Suddenly something caught his eye, Fluttershy's Battlenizer was glowing bright. It soon came to him, that Bolgils is her Kaiju Partner.

"Fluttershy! Your Battlenizer!"

Fluttershy looked to it, and realizes what she needed to do.

"It will help heal him."

She pulled it out and see's it open, a light shot out from her Battlenizer and reached out to Bolgils. He started to glow brightly, and started to shrink. He soon went into her Battlenizer, Fluttershy was amazed as she looked inside. Bolgils was soon back to full strength, and it was due to Fluttershy's kind heart it happened. She smiled joyfully as she held the Battlenizer to her chest, Rei was proud of her, not only did she find her partner, she found her courage.

Canterlot High

"So its been taken care of...?"

"Yeah, but I doubt that's the last we'll see of Sadora, because there might be more of them out there."

Pinkie Pie soon popped out of no where, as usual.

"Never mind that! We should be celebrating the fact Fluttershy got her Kaiju Partner!"

Rei and Flash jumped like scared rabbits.

"Seriously Pinkie, must you do that?!"

"Hey! its how I roll, now lets party!"

She skipped away, leaving Rei and Flash to follow behind.

"She always like this?"

"Since the first day I met her."

Rei could only chuckle, at the fact how Flash could even deal with her.

"Hey Rei... when Twilight first found out about what happened to me, how did she react...?"

"Well... she was shocked, and worried. Then a twist, she was angry."

Flash was surprised at how he described it.

"That doesn't sound like her."

"But most of all, she was really worried about you. It gave me a reason to think she actually cared about you."

Rei walked on ahead, but Flash suddenly stopped. He could almost believe a word Rei just said, but at the same time... he could almost feel happy. Twilight looked to him, noticing he was standing all by his lonesome.

"Hey Flash! you coming?"

For the moment, Flash wanted to help Twilight, despite what happened when he heard about the break-up. But when ever he looked at her, he still saw the same Twilight he cared about.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

He ran to them so he could join the party, despite there are still kaiju running loose. This party was worth it, even for Fluttershy. Rei wore a proud smile, one that a brother would wear. Unaware to his knowledge, someone was watching him. She smiled at the progress he made in trying to protect the world she cherished, but she was also worried about what he will have to face in the future.

Author's Note:

new chapter is in, and in case you guys already know or not, yes, I ship Twilight with Flash, I'm sorry most of you wouldn't approve, but its how I feel about them. Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter.

Kaiju in the Chapter



