• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,010 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Author's Note:

In honor of my classes ending and the fact the Selection series just recently celebrated five years of being out since the first book. Here's another chapter. I'll be able post a couple of more chapters this week but next week I need to study for a test and finish a paper and then I'll be all done! So enjoy!

"Did I tell you or did I tell you?!" Discord gloated.

Spike was just coming from Applejack's room with a grin on his face when Discord popped up nearly startling the dragon but he quickly got over it and glanced at the draconequus in annoyance.

The chimera continued, "The way she answered those questions with such honesty and passion, you can definitely tell the mare's head over hooves for you!"

"Please tell me you were not spying on us just now because that was a private moment for us!"

The draconequus gave a cheesy smile, "I… might have taken a little peek on that smooch of yours."

Spike groaned and smacked his face.

"So, when are you going to propose?"

"I can't. Not until her feelings for me are sure. She's going to have to make a big decision between me and her family. Whatever she chooses I want to make sure it's one that makes her happy. In the meantime I have to find another mare to be my wife in case Applejack can't be."

"Ugh, I can't believe this! We finally get a dragon prince who wants to marry for love in this Selection and the mare he wants can't accept his proposal without feeling regret! I told Cay-Cay and Lulu this was a bad idea from the start!"

Spike was about to reply when Ember suddenly came up to them, saying to her brother, "There you are! Dad's on the magic mirror and he's demanding your presence."

Spike gulped with Discord scowling and said, "What does the big head want?"

Ember stated, "That is none of your business. And you will do well not to say that about our father again. Come on, Spike."

Spike gulped again when they made it to Princess Celestia's suite with the sun princess looking directly into a large mirror with a large dragon's head looking back.

Torch bellowed out, "What is taking you so long to decide?!"

Ember quickly defended her brother, "Dad! He's only had two weeks and he still has like 25 mares to choose from! Give him a break!"

"I've heard of the griffon attack! If you stay there any longer you're liable to be captured by those worthless birds!"

Celestia spoke up, "Lord Torch, I assure you we are making the necessary precautions to protect your children. Our Royal Guard is more than up to the task."

"I warn you, Princess, if anything happens to them I will hold you personally responsible and the treaty shall be broken!"

The alicorn kept her calm, "That will not happen, My Lord."

The dragon humphed, "Still, just to be sure… I will send my nephew to help protect my offspring."

Spike thought in horror, No! Not Garble!

Ember read his thoughts as she declared, "Dad we don't need his protection, he can't even protect himself! Have you forgotten how I bested him in combat last year?"

"I will not take any chances with you. Without you, Ember, our kingdom shall fall."

Spike thought bitterly, Figures that he cares more for Ember's safety than mine…

"I am not helpless, Dad." the she-dragon crossed her arms, "I know the kingdom needs me but my brother needs me more right now."

Spike smiled at her in gratitude but moment was short-lived when Torch snarled, "I never should have let you baby him, now he doesn't have a spine of his own…" his image in the mirror disappeared making Spike feel bad then before he came into the room.

So much for the perfect night…

Ember turned to him, "Don't listen to him. It's his own fault for not being there when you needed a father the most."

Celestia addressed them in concern, "Is it like this all the time?"

Spike sadly nodded.

Ember explained, "When Mom died, Dad distanced himself from Spike no doubt because he left the raising of his hatchlings to his mate and didn't know how to do it himself."

Celestia wrapped a wing around Spike who was touched by the gesture.

"I am sorry about your mother and the way your father treats you. I am even more sorry we had to put you through this when you had no choice in the matter… I know every other dragon prince before you was fine with this but they didn't have a compassionate heart like you did. You care about these mares as more than mere objects. Yes, I was all too aware of the princes not being in love but as long as the mares they chose were content, there was nothing I could do about it. But if you tell me right now that you don't want this Luna and I will try to think of another treaty."

Spike was stunned from this statement until he said, "You know, had you asked me that before this happened, I wouldn't have hesitated to take up of your offer but… in the time I have gotten to know these mares I actually think I might have something with some of them. I would be a fool to not see how far we can go and find happiness together."

Both Celestia and Ember smiled at his declaration.

The sun princess said, "Then we need to come up with events where you can mingle with them so it would be easier for you to decide. And as it turns out the Royal Canterlot Garden Party is just around the corner so that would be an excellent way for you to talk to the girls and for the mares to enjoy themselves."

Spike beamed, "Wonderful! I look forward to it."

The Canterlot Garden Party was in full swing as the cream of the crop of Canterlot society and the Selected mares mingled with each other. The girls had to dress up in day dresses given it was such a formal affair. Applejack wore a simple green gown while she noticed Rarity wore a yellow dress with a cape and flowered hat. Fluttershy matched her but she wasn't wearing the hat and her ensemble instead was pink. Twilight was wearing a simple blue dress while talking to Moon Dancer. And Pinkie wore bright yellow like she was Celestia's sun herself was bouncing around gleefully much to some of the posh ponies' dismay.

The cowgirl managed to locate Spike as he was talking to several mares including Sunset-who wore teal-as she giggled from something witty he said. She felt a tight knot in her stomach as she had to remember she couldn't get too jealous since she didn't know for sure if she wanted to be his wife. The dragon stole a glance to her which made her flush and quickly turned away.

Fancypants then approached the mare with a smile, "Ah, Miss Applejack, lovely day for a garden party, isn't it?"

The country mare slightly chuckled, "Yeah, it sure is." then she jested, "I'm surprised you remember my name given that day when I got off the train, I was just the mare from Ponyville."

He vaguely laughed, "My apologies, at the time there was so many of you that we had to keep track of which town you came from. But once Sir Discord did the interviews it was easy to distinguish the lot of you, and I must congratulate you on what a spectacular job you did at your interview. I know it wasn't easy to have Discord give you such personal questions, but I dare say you handled them rather well."

"Aw, shucks. I was just being truthful, is all."

"Well you've certainly hit the core of who Prince Spike is. I've been here in the castle for about five years now and when he and his sister, Princess Ember came for visits, he has shown nothing but compassion to everyone around him. Quite odd behavior for a dragon I must admit."

"How so?" she questioned.

"Dragons are usually known for their greed and are selfish."

"Guess Spi- uh, the prince is the exception."

Fancypants chuckled, "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure at this point everypony expects you to use his name, after all, no other mare has expressed such tenderness to his highness in the interviews."

She blushed, "I… I didn't mean for it come out like that… it just… sort-of slip out."

"I dare say in the castle we're already expecting a marriage proposal between the two of you very soon."

AJ felt guilty that she might be letting ponies down if she chose her family in the end but she had to be honest to them and herself, "I'm afraid you're going to have to wait a bit on that. The prince and I have a mutual agreement that we take it slow first so we can be sure of our feelings to each other."

The unicorn stallion smiled, "A wise decision. For as important this Selection is, it's always a good idea to take these things in a lethargic way. One should always be sure of their true feelings to the other."

She nodded, "And that's what I intend to do."

"While I do enjoy our talk, I must go greet some of the other guests. Please excuse me." he bowed his head and went on.

Applejack started walking around the gardens when she noticed Twilight was a fair distance from the party and close to where guards were station around the area particularly an orange stallion in golden armor as she sat on a stone bench, she went up to the unicorn, asking.

"Takin' a break?"

Twilight looked at her with a small smile, "Something like that."

AJ gestured to the bench, "May I?"

The unicorn nodded and the earth pony took her seat. They were quiet for a few moments when Twilight suddenly said, "Applejack can I tell you something important…?"

The orange mare faced her curiously, "Sure sugar cube, you can tell me anything and I promise I won't say it."

Twilight gave her a tiny smile then she turned serious as she uttered out, "I don't think I want to marry Spike anymore."

Applejack gapped at this.

Twilight continued, "During our date I got a glimpse at what his life was like back in Dragonia, it made me feel unsure if I wanted to live there after all. In a sense I do still care for him but… I don't think we were meant for each other."

AJ found her voice, "Have you told him this?"

"Not yet and… I'm afraid of how he'll react. I promised him he could choose me as a last minute decision if he couldn't find anyone else."

AJ shook her head, "He has to know. He wants love, Twilight, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't want to choose you if you don't feel that way toward him."

"Speaking of…" Twilight slightly smirked, "I've noticed you've been giving him glances recently and if what I heard from your interview is any indication… Is there something you want to tell me?"

Applejack nervously chuckled, "I know I said I wasn't going to stand in the way of you competing… but…"

Twilight giggled, "I can't believe how much our roles changed in this. First I was the one who wanted him but now I don't and here you are… You said you wouldn't stay long because of your family but now… What exactly made you change your mind?"

AJ sighed, "Things just kept happening between me and Spike. I discovered I had something in common with him after all and he's always so generous to me that I was slowly falling… I kept tellin' myself it was nothing but when we kissed… I felt somethin' with him…"

Twilight gaped this time and gasp out, "You kissed him?!"

Applejack nodded sheepishly.

The unicorn had near tears in her eyes, "Oh, Spike…"

"Uh-oh, does this mean you're back in?"

Twilight shook her head, "No, it just occurred to me that the baby dragon I've known for so long is really gone… I knew he grew but I always thought he would stay a baby dragon with what innocence he still had but I can't stop him from growing anymore I can stop you from pursuing him. The way I'm feeling now to him is like how a mother watches her child grow up…"

AJ gave a tiny smile, "I know what you mean, it's like when I see Apple Bloom when she begins to show signs of growing up…" at the thought of her sister she felt another prick in her heart.

"Now I'm more sure then ever we weren't meant for each other. I think all this time Spike was like the little brother I never had…"

"All the more reason you have to tell him."

Twilight suddenly fret, "No! Not yet! I need to stay a little longer!"

Applejack furrowed her brow in confusion, "But why? You just said that-"

"I know, I know! But this is something I have to find out about."

"Find out about…?"

"I know I have your promise you won't tell anyone, but if someone forced you to reveal something, would you be able to cover it up?"

Applejack's eyes widen, that was a good point, as much she could keep her promise at the same time she couldn't lie even if she wanted to. "Gosh, Twilight… I'm not sure…"

Twilight nodded, "I thought so. You're very honest Applejack. So it's better this way…"

Applejack agreed. As much as she wanted to know what was going on with her friend, the less said the better.