• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,010 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

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Chapter 24

The very next day, Spike headed to Applejack's room and when he got to the door, he took a breath before knocking and when the door opened there she stood with her bright orange coat, silkily blond mane, cute freckles, and especially those beautiful emerald eyes that looked straight into his soul. It was just like on the first day they met only without the harsh words as this was much friendlier when they saw each other and he felt a certain spark that he hadn't felt in awhile between them.

She gave a tiny smile at him, "Hi…"

He smiled back, "Hi…"

They stood there for awhile until she said, "Um… do you want to come in?"

He nodded and she let him in. When he was in the room he stated, "I have another surprise for you."

She gawked, "Another one?! Land sakes, Spike! You given me so much already that I'm trying to repay ya back but if you keep givin' me stuff, I'm never going to be able to catch up!"

Spike gawked this time and inquired, "Applejack, what makes you think you have to repay me back?"

"Isn't it obvious? You have done so much for me and yet I've never once given you something… Rarity has given you something for the birthday present you gave her… Shouldn't I do the same?"

He ended up smiling, and slowly gestured toward the bed so they could sit on it. When they did, he took her hooves and told her, "Applejack, I wanted to do those things for you… I didn't want you to repay me. It's sweet of you to think so and it was sweet of Rarity did, but I do the things I do to make you girls happy… After all, it's my honor and my duty…"

She felt a grin creeping on her lips, but she still wanted to give Spike something for all he's done for her. "It maybe your honor and duty, but it would make me feel better if I gave something back to ya. To really show you how important those things were to me…Think you can hold off on your surprise until I have that?"

Spike was beyond speechless. She wanted to give him a gift to show how thankful she was of his gifts to her. Between her and Rarity, it shows how giving both girls were and it just made him feel so touched. He rarely had that back home and to have a wife that was benevolent to him, made him feel so happy. But first things first, he has to be sure which of the girls would be his wife.

He asked, "How much time do you think you need?"

Applejack bit her lip, "I'm not sure."

Spike gave a concern look, "Well, I hope it won't be too long… Because you do realize there won't be much time until I have to make another elimination, right?"

She made a slight frown, "I do know that Spike…"

"Do you? My family is already pressuring me to make a choice because in the previous Selections it's never taken this long. My uncles were quick to make their choice within a matter of days! It's been about two months now since the start of our Selection and I haven't even narrow it down to the final three yet. It's so overwhelming, that I'm not sure how much longer I can hold it off."

Applejack sadly said, "Spike, I know… but I still need some time to decide if I want to live in that world… You told me you understood how hard it was sitting on the sidelines…"

"And I do. And we won't have to sit on the sidelines forever, once Ember becomes the next Dragon Lord, things will change but for now, we have to obey my father's commands in the meantime."

AJ shook her head, while it was reassuring things would change in Dragonia once Princess Ember takes the throne but how long will that take? She asked just that.

Spike sighed, "I can't say for sure… It's my father choice of when he'll pass the Bloodstone Scepter down to Ember. But I promise you this, when she does have it we'll be able to do things that my father would never stand for. We just have to wait it out for the time being."

Applejack didn't like the idea of waiting. And it must have shown on her face because Spike got up with a sigh.

"I know it's very hard asking you to do this, but by the end of next week I need an answer to you wanting this or not. I can't send someone home who does want this and who wants me. You know I have feelings for you but if you can't go through with this in the end I would like to know that before it's too late…" he went out the door before she could reply.

A couple of days later, Applejack was in the leisure room contemplating Spike's words. She felt so confused on where her heart lied. She wanted Spike but she didn't want to live in his homeland. Then there was also the matter of him liking Rarity, and since the feeling was mutual so who's to say even if she did stay he won't change his mind and choose Rarity instead! She looked at the remaining girls still here.

Fluttershy and Pinkie were playing checkers, Rarity was sewing something, and Sunset was reading as usual. Pinkie said she was going to drop out so once she was gone, it was just going to be her, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Sunset. Eventually, Sunset will get thrown out followed by Fluttershy. In the end it would be between the fashionista and the work horse, just like her and Rarity had stated at the slumber party. But what if she did decide she couldn't stay? Would Spike just end it there? Would he just pick Rarity right there and then? That would be good, right?

The knot in her stomach said otherwise.

Dangnabit, Spike! Why in Equestria would you give me an ultimatum like that?! I understand that you have to make a choice soon but still! Couldn't you have just holded on for just a bit longer?!

Despite her inner turmoil she still had to give Spike a gift to repay back his kindness to her.

Still, even if I do go home in the end the least I can do is clear my conscience before he leaves here. After all he's done so much for me and what have I given to him in return? Nothing, that's what. So come on, Applejack, think of something that Spike would like… He likes gems, but Rarity has already given him emerald, so that won't work. If anything, gems would probably just remind him of her… I suppose I could bake him an apple pie… but that seems lazy compared to the gifts he's given me… Money for my family, a tree sapling, a visit with Twilight… how can I possibly top all that?

She was stump.

"A gift for the prince?" Silver Shill asked when Applejack found him by Sir Hoity-Toity's suite.

"Right. Because let's face it, Shill, what have I done to repay back all his generosity? Nothing! That's real terrible of me to do that when he's been nothing but kind and noble to me."

"Uh, I guess I can see how tough that might be… Just what is your status with the prince? Are you willing to stay with him or are you thinking of going back to Ponyville?"

"I'm still figuring that out. I don't want to stay if he's just going to choose someone else after all but I don't like the idea of being apart from him…"

"Everypony knows how close you two were before Miss Twilight's banishment, it seems so weird that you don't know a good present to give him now."

Applejack shook her head sadly, "It feels like there's gap between us and we're both afraid of jumping to get to the other."

"I'm sorry to hear that… If it makes you feel any better I can wait as long as I have to for you. My feelings haven't changed since you got drag into this Selection."

"I believe it. From what you told me on Nightmare Night I understand that's been goin' on for a long time."

"Yeah…" he slightly blushed and rubbed his neck.

"Are you sure you want that? Because if I do choose Spike can I count on you to move on?"

Silver nodded, "Absolutely. It would take awhile to get used to but it's your choice, Applejack."

She slightly scoffed, "My choice… Seems nowadays that everything is my choice to make… but I don't have enough time to make them…"

Applejack lied on her bed, tossing and turning. She was so lost on what to do for a gift. All her gift ideas have been nothing but plain and homely compared to how grand Spike's had been. Why was this so hard for her? Surely she would have some clue to what Spike wanted in his life?

You. He wants you… Her heart beats out.

Yeah, but he also wants Rarity… Her head reminded her heart.

But the heart was quick to point out, Yes, but if she tells Spike that she would go with him to Dragonia, then that will finally give him the edge he needs to end to the Selection… And think about it, what better gift to give him then by giving him what he needs to end this?

Her eyes widen when she realized how much her heart was correct was in that matter. That was it, she was going to tell Spike she will agree to marry him and that she would be willing to live in Dragonia because of that. She quickly got off the bed and ran out of the room.

She searched the hallways hoping to find him then she came across two guards and asked them if she seen the dragon prince.

They glanced at each other in uncertainty when one answered, "I'm not sure he wishes to be disturbed right now…"

She furrowed her brow, "What does that mean?"

The other cleared his throat, "He's… currently with another mare right now, miss…"

"Oh." was all she could say, and immediately thought of Spike being with Rarity right now, the knot came back in her stomach but then it made her see by having that jealous feeling in her belly, it just showed that she wanted Spike more than ever. She told the guards, "Uh, thanks." she went pass them and suddenly heard a psst sound.

She turned to see Fancypants carrying a tea set with his magic. He addressed her in a soft voice, "Is it urgent that you speak with his highness?"

"In a way." she replied, "I have to tell him something that I hope will help end this Selection."

Fancy slightly smiled, "That's wonderful to hear. We've been wondering if you two would ever get back together…" he leaned his head forward to whisper in her ear, "Try downstairs, that's where I last saw them…"

She smiled in gratitude as Fancy moved on then she ran down the steps and into the foyer. She looked around but there was no one there. She figured she was too late and started to go back up when she suddenly heard a flirtatious giggle. She turned to the side of the stairway that was dark and hidden from view. But as she got closer she could see the shape of a dragon pinning a mare to a wall and were deep in a kiss. Then in the dim light she could see who the mare was and her blood ran cold.

That amber coat was unmistakable, as was the red and orange mane that hung to the side of her face. There was no question about it. Spike was kissing Sunset Shimmer.