• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,011 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 29

Applejack had set her hat aside as Sugar Belle did her hair. As Sugar used the brush to softly stroke AJ's straw blonde mane, Night Gilder and Coco Pommel were trying to find the right attire for her to wear. Garble's words got her thinking, if she started coming across as sweet and compliant, then maybe that would get Spike's father to approve of her quicker.

Sugar then braided her mane and put it up in a bun. They stared in the mirror to observe her handiwork.

The unicorn asked, "Do you think that's good enough?"

AJ smiled, "It's perfect."

Night Gilder exclaimed, "Darn it! There's not one dress in this closet that's good enough for making you look like you're modest and demure!"

Coco offered, "I can make one but I'm going to need a sewing kit."

NG told her, "I'll get it while you find the fabrics that you need."

The two left, leaving Sugar Belle and Applejack alone. There was a bit of silence between them until AJ asked, "So, how you've been?"

Sugar slightly blushed, "It's been quite a week, given how close you were to being punished and getting thrown out."

Applejack blushed as well, "Yeah… that was a close call…"

Sugar admitted, "It was worrisome how you disappeared like that. We knew you were upset about something, that it was decided that I would check up on you before going to bed that night. Of course when I saw your bed was empty I had to alert the guards."

Applejack shook her head in amazement, "Looks like Spike wasn't the only one that saved my life that night… If you hadn't called the guards to alert him then…"

Sugar just nodded, "I'm just glad you're safe."

"Seriously, if there's anything I can do for you, Sugar Belle, you just name it."

Sugar was taken aback by Applejack's statement and ended up stammering while looking down, "I'm not sure if I should be asking this… but would it be okay if I call on your brother…?"

Applejack's eyes widen at this request and turned to face the blushing unicorn.

"My brother? Why?"

"When the families of the Elite came, Big Mac was exploring the castle when I came across him, I soon found out that you were his brother while he found out I was your maid. I started conversing and well… he was so sweet listening to me…" her blush deepened.

Applejack was astounded by this until she remembered Nightmare Night and how her brother was off somewhere with Pinkie's sister. She slightly frowned while thinking.

Big Mac… you better not be foolin' around… If I ever find out you've been tugging at fillies' heartstrings… You've got a lot to answer for.

Sugar then stated, "But I won't call on him if you don't want that, I would completely understand!"

Applejack motioned, "Nonsense, I wouldn't be upset at all if you did that. In fact, I think it's rather sweet that you like my brother that way but I think he might be seeing someone else right now…" she gave a sympathetic look.

Sugar gave a disappointed look, "Oh…"

"But I'm sure with a quick letter to him, I can get the whole story. Spike has a way of sending letters through his fire and he can receive them back."

Sugar Belle lit up at the notion and found some paper and a quill so Applejack could start writing.

Spike and Rarity sat together in a parlor as Spike admitted with guilt about his actions with Sunset and his confessions with Applejack.

He told her, "I still find you a very beautiful, kind, generous, and loving mare, and if things had gone differently I would have chosen you on the spot. But through the skin of our teeth, Ember and I were able to convince our father otherwise."

Rarity frowned, "So… I was right along… I've always been the second choice…"

Spike sighed, "I'm sorry, Rarity. I don't like using you that way but it's… I don't know what it is… there's just something that clicks whenever I'm with Applejack…"

The unicorn uttered, "I know…" suddenly she pressed her lips to his!

Spike's eyes were wide from the impact until she moved back.

"What in Equestria was that for?" he asked, genuinely confused by what happen.

"Did you feel anything from that?" she inquired.

He thought about it and replied, "No, I didn't…" then he nervously said, "Not that it was a bad kiss!"

She shook her head, "Of course not, it was very pleasant. But I didn't feel any spark, did you?"

He shook his head, "Nothing… With Applejack, I actually feel this fire that rages and it keeps on burning even after we finish kissing…" he said that last bit with a dreamy look before realizing he gave out this information to a former crush. He cringed when looking at her face, but to his surprise she was smiling bright at him!

Rarity squealed, "I knew it! She is your true love!"

"You're not upset?" he questioned.

"Oh, Spike, while I am a little disappointed I wasn't more to you, it just shows we were not meant to be… A part of me knew you were still hung up on her and I know for a fact that Applejack felt similar. Then when you two came back a couple of days ago telling us about the Timberwolves, I knew then I had to brace myself to be let go… And I am correct in assuming you felt nothing with Sunset when you kissed her?"

Spike nodded, "I wasn't thinking about how good it was, I was just letting her think she had a chance when she didn't. Needless to say, that was very wrong of me to do that…"

"So you've told me…" she sighed, "But that's in the past now, the important thing right now is for you to focus on your future."

"If there is a future… I worry that she won't gain my father's approval… I know Applejack will try but I'm not sure if that'll be enough…"

Rarity pointed, "Then what you and she need, is a little extra help…" she winked.

Spike was astonished, how could a something like a Selection managed to give him a soul mate and friends he thought he would never have in his lifetime? He asked, "Would you really?"

Rarity merely nodded, "Naturally, for nothing should stand in the way of true love!"

Spike chuckled at her declaration but he felt grateful nevertheless.

Applejack had the letter in her mouth as she went searching for Spike, but when she was passing the library, she heard someone sobbing. She stopped to see who it was figuring if there was any way she could help whoever was crying. But when she found the source, she gasped in shock that the letter dropped out of her mouth. Sunset Shimmer had never once shown signs of vulnerability before and when she caught sight of the cowgirl, she scowled and exclaimed, "Ugh! What do you want?!"

Applejack was quick to reply, "I heard crying and thought I should investigate. I never thought in a million years that it would be you doing the crying…"

Sunset wiped her tear-stain eyes in anger, "Let me guess you're going to tell everyone that Sunset Shimmer has weaknesses too."

"Hey, it's none of my dang business. Besides, I don't even what you're cryin' about. You're usually so confident and intimating."

Sunset gave a sad smirk, "That I am… or rather… I used to be…"

Applejack gawked to that response, asking, "What happen to you? Where's the Sunset Shimmer that would throw insults, provoke ponies, and hit her maids?"

The amber unicorn shrugged, "Guess I got a taste of my own medicine… Spike, he… You know, I thought I had him in the palm of my hoof since day one… But… he managed to see right through me and used me the way I was using him… He's a smart dragon."

AJ slightly chuckled, muttering, "He is…"

"It's been you, hasn't it?" Sunset inquired. "It's always been you."

"Well, I wouldn't know about that… I wasn't exactly an option when we first came here. I wasn't even planning on sticking around until Spike…"

Sunset snorted, "Typical… Of course when I first came here, I couldn't wait to be a princess and have it all."

"Why? No offense, but you don't strike me as being a trophy wife."

Sunset raised a brow, "Trophy wife?"

Now it was Applejack's turn to be confused, "He never told you? Mares chosen from the Selection don't have a say in Dragonia affairs. They just stay on the sidelines for the rest of their lives."

Sunset uttered, "So… I never would've…" she eyed the mare, "How do I know you're not lying about this?"

Applejack sighed in exasperation, "Sunset, I hate lyin' to anypony. Lies hurt. I know firsthoof how that is. So I'm not lyin' about this, and if you still don't believe me, you can ask Spike yourself."

She scoffed, "Like Spike is going to talk to me, the way he left me the other night, I'm pretty sure he's done with me. It'll be a matter of time before he kicks me out."

"You know, this is crazy talkin' to you casually like this." Applejack realized. "It's like you aren't that mare that insulted me, Twilight, and the other girls that have been here."

Sunset's eyes widen before she showed a look of remorse making the country mare even more surprise.

"Wow… I really have been awful… haven't I…?"

Applejack couldn't help but smirk, "Yeah, you pretty much were."

Sunset chuckled, "You weren't kidding about your honesty."

This made them both laugh, it's like the last few months didn't matter at this point. Their first encounter? Gone. The same went for their fight about Twilight.

Eventually this broke the ice for them as Sunset started to explain her cruelty in the beginning.

"I've been on my own a lot ever since I was little… I grew up in foster homes, so I never had a place to call my own…And it was pretty much why I didn't have any family showing up on Nightmare Night like the rest of you."

"So that's why you weren't with us when we greeted our families…" Applejack expressed quietly.

Sunset nodded, "It was just a fresh reminder I would never have what all of you have. That was the main reason I wanted to get out of Equestria. Also, I thought I would show up everybody that's ever told me about not making it big because I was a no one, and what better way to do that is by being a princess to a powerful kingdom?"

AJ shrugged, "Make senses to me."

"So I formed a plan to make sure I would win, even if it meant undermining the competition. Of course, that plan has gone down in flames, literally… by a dragon that was smart enough to manipulate me in turn."

"Like that kiss he gave ya a few nights ago?"

Sunset gapped, "You saw that?"

Applejack nodded, "I was lookin' for him when I came across your make-out fest…" she muttered that last part bitterly.

"So that's why he ran off!" Sunset proclaimed and stared at Applejack before smirking. "What's the deal with your hair?"

"Uh-oh, are you goin' back to mean Sunset now?"

Sunset shook her head, "Nah, I'm just wondering why you're wearing your mane like that. It's not your style."

Applejack agreed, "It's not. But I'm tryin' to change up my appearance so I can come across as obedient."

Sunset furrowed her brow, "Whatever for?"

"It's like this…" and in a few short moments, she explained the problem of her staying under control or else Spike can't choose her.

Sunset sucked her teeth, "That is indeed a problem."

"So, that's why I'm tryin' to change my appearance, maybe if I feel different I can be different."

"Not bad, but there is a flaw here… Would Spike like you being different? Because at this point you two love each other so…" she trailed off when seeing Applejack's grim face. "Let me guess, you two haven't admit it yet."

Applejack solemnly nodded her head and confessed, "I can't… What if I tell him and it's out in the open like that only for me to lose him in the end?!"

Sunset rolled her eyes, "You're being overdramatic…"

She slit her eyes, "Am I? He almost lost his life when he saved me from those Timberwolves! And recently, I would have gotten punished and thrown out for running away had Spike and his sister not talk their father out of it! Not to mention the time I pushed him away only for him to get close to Rarity! I can't say it! I won't say it!"

Sunset stated, "Then we need a game plan to make sure you and Spike can be together."

Applejack stared at her in awe, "You'll help me with that?"

Sunset smiled, "I know, I'm the last pony you would expect help from. But it's the least I can do for all the terrible things I've done, especially since I did give you that nasty cut on your cheek."

Applejack grinned as she thought, It's hard to believe this is the same Sunset Shimmer that was so ruthless to her fellow contestants, but now this mare that's sorry for all that's she done… and said, "I'd be a fool to not accept your help."

The earth pony held her hoof out and the unicorn took it with joy as they shook.

Author's Note:

Now there's the Sunset Shimmer we all love! While a reviewer made an interesting suggestion about her teaming up with Garble, I wanted to keep true to the third book of the series, The One. It's because of this book I casted Sunset as Celeste because whenever I read passages about the character feeling remorseful of her past deeds, it reminded me of Sunset so much! Besides, reformed Sunset is the best!