• Published 9th Apr 2017
  • 3,010 Views, 185 Comments

A Dragon's Selection - CartoonNerd12

A Selection AU. 35 mares. 1 dragon. The competiton of a lifetime.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Spike was lying on a couch looking at the ceiling in boredom when a familiar giggle brought him face to face with a mare he recognized in his youth and gawked.


She nodded her head as she took a spot next to him, "It's great seeing you again, Spike. I hardly recognized you, you've grown so much!"

He chuckled, "Not a baby dragon anymore, am I?"

She shook her head.

"I can't believe you ended up in the Selection!"

"I think that was Princess Celestia's doing, she knew what good friends we used to be every time you came to visit. I think she wanted you to have a familiar face in this large sea of mares to make yourself comfortable during this time."

He smiled, "I'll have to repay her for this." then asked in seriousness, "So, do you actually see us having some kind of future together?"

"Is that what you've been asking the other girls?"

"No, I ask them what they like to do and see if I can find something I like about them then decide if I want to keep her or not. Since you and I already have history there's no need to ask that. Instead, I'll ask if you're okay with the idea of marrying me."

"Well, I certainly don't reject the idea, as I do want to see if it's possible for us, but I would also like to offer myself as a last minute choice if you cannot find anyone you like for a wife just so the peace treaty is kept up…"

His smile widened, "Thank you Twilight, that means a great deal to me. Shall we have dinner sometime this week?"

She nodded.

By then the fifteen minutes was up and Ms. Harshwinny brought in the next candidate which was Sunset Shimmer as she strutted into the room. Twilight had left the room but not before giving Sunset a distrusting look and once she was gone, Spike asked.

"So, Miss Shimmer, what is it you like to do?"

She smirked, "I study. From books to trying new things, I just like to get my hooves dirty."

"Really? That sounds very interesting." he said with a genuine tone in his voice.

"And you, your highness? Is there something you like doing?"

"Oh, I don't get to do a whole lot of things. I spent most of my days in the library to learn more about the culture of Equestria and I will admit I would like to see for myself of what I have read. I would like to explore more of this kingdom but well… as you know that's out of the question as of this moment."

For one brief moment, Sunset actually felt sorry for this dragon prince and wanted to console him but she reminded herself that she couldn't get into deep here and that power and riches is what matter right now. Instead she said in the best sincere voice she could muster, "Aw, how sad. Maybe I can tell you about my many adventures so it would seem like you were really there to experience it for yourself."

Spike seemed to brighten up at the thought, "Yes, I think that would be a good idea. Thank you, Miss Shimmer."

"Please, call me Sunset." she gave a flirtatious smile.

When Sunset's fifteen minutes was up, the next mare that came in had a snowy white coat with three diamonds for a cutie mark, her mane was purple and was curled, and she had the most pretty blue eyes, Spike had ever seen. No doubt about it she was a very beautiful mare and it made Spike's heart thump just seeing her.

The mare batted her eyelashes and said with a smile, "Hello, your highness."

Spike found himself staring at her and couldn't say a word.

The mare grew concern, "Is… everything alright?"

Realizing he been staring too long he shook his head and gave a big smile, "Sorry about that, I was… lost in thought." he slightly blushed.

The mare smiled, "Oh, I understand, your highness, you are very busy after all especially when it comes to choosing from thirty-five mares… I am Rarity."

Spike felt himself swooning on the inside and uttered, "Rarity… A lovely name for a lovely pony…"

Rarity giggled, "Thank you, your highness. You're too kind."

He then pulled himself together and started asking, "What is you like to do, Miss Rarity?"

"I am a fashion designer actually; I own my own boutique back in Manehattan and I'm pleased to say that business has been going very well."

"That's wonderful to hear! Tell me, what made you enter in the Selection?"

"Oh my… Well, I do like imagining myself as royalty but I could never marry unless it was for love. I must be terribly honest with you, your highness but it's hard to imagine myself with a dragon but if you and I can have something in common then maybe I'll be able to look past the difference in our species."

Spike asked, hoping this was something he could have in common with this mare, "Do you like gemstones?"

Rarity gasped excitedly, "Why yes! In fact I have a whole line of dresses that has gemstones on them!"

"That's great!" he beamed, "Because in Dragonia we have lots and lots of gemstones that you could use to make your dresses!"

Rarity inquired, "And what do you use the gemstones for?"

He flushed in embarrassment, "Honestly? For eating."

"Oh. How… tasty…" she gave an uneasy laugh.

The fifteen minutes was up then and when Rarity left, Spike saw a sight that made him smirk as he teasingly said.

"Hello, my dear."

Applejack rolled her eyes but smiled getting his jest. "I am still not your dear." she said.

Spike chuckled then he said, "Applejack you've already told me your reasons of not wanting to be here but upon meeting me and knowing the truth, could there be any chance that maybe you…"

Applejack quickly replied, "You are not like anything I thought you would be and I'm glad for that, but I'm afraid my heart belongs somewhere else…" she gazed toward a window.

Spike gave a disappointed look, "Oh. I see… You're in love."

"I am, with my home and family."

His brow lift in confusion as she faced him, "I must be honest with you, your highness-"

"Spike. You can call me Spike."

She gave a tiny smile, "Spike… you know I need the money for my family and our farm, so if you let me stay for say a few weeks that I would be willing to make a trade with you."

"A trade? What kind of trade?"

"Finding out if one of those thirty-four mares in the next room is the best choice for you. With me on the inside I should be able to get real good look at their characters. So far I think Twilight is your best option but it's always good to have a back-up plan in case things don't work out between you two."

"Ah, then you already know of my and Twilight's history…" A smile crept on his face, "I love your plan. Thank you, Applejack, between you and Twilight I believe this Selection just got better."

She smiled back.

"You know, your family is really lucky to have you."

"It's my destiny." she said motioned to her cutie mark, "See these three apples? I got them the day I realized I was meant to live on my family's farm of Sweet Apple Acres and how important my family was to me."

Spike thought with shock, No wonder she doesn't like the idea of a mare being taken from her home! Applejack is meant to live on her family's farm so if you try to take her to your home you know she'll never be truly happy there… It's better this way, you help her, she helps you, it's as simple as that.

But then why did a part of him feel that he would be crushed when she leaves?

After Applejack, he met with a few more mares and then Ms. Harshwinny came into the room to announce, "That was the last one, your highness."

He sighed in relief, "Thank goodness." he handed Harshwinny a list of eight mares he wrote in after knowing he wouldn't be able to keep them around, "Can you have these mares on here come back into the room, please?"

The mare bowed her head, "At once, your highness."

In mere minutes Spike was faced with eight bawling mares. He winced at the sight and tried to calm them down.

"Please believe me when I say I did this for the sake your happiness and mine."

One mare shouted, "I can do better!"

Another yelled, "Me, too!"

The others pleaded as well.

Spike shook his head, "It's not going to change anything. I'm very sorry to have caused you pain," he muttered under his breath, "And shattered your hopes and dreams…" then said to them, "But I can only choose one wife. While having a harem is tempting I just don't have it in me to take in so many wives. I'm sorry."

The most of the girls kept crying while others glared and stomped out of the room. When they had gone, Spike sighed and collapsed on the couch holding his claws to his face.

This is going to be a long Selection…

At lunch the girls were in a room that Ms. Harshwinny told them would be their leisure room for the remainder of their stay. Applejack counted off the remaining mares still there: Twinkleshine, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Flitter, Cloudchaser, Trixie Lulamoon, Sunset Shimmer, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight, Starlight Glimmer, Amethyst Star, Sunshine Smiles, Cloud Kicker, Berryshine, Lightning Dust, Junebug and about nine others that were still in the running. The country mare felt bad that Blossomforth wasn't there anymore but guessed that she wasn't compatible enough for Spike.

Which is going to make my job a little harder… it's not exactly certain as to what Spike is looking for in a wife but maybe if I start working my way around and observe…

She got up from her spot and moved around the room acting casual while hearing the many conversations taking place.

Fluttershy was talking to Rarity about how scare she was at first about meeting the prince due to having a fear of dragons until he showed her how kind and polite he was that she began asking him questions about dragons and what it was like to be one.

AJ smirked at that, no doubt that's why he kept Fluttershy for her curious nature about dragon culture.

Rarity responded back by saying that the prince was indeed handsome for a dragon and there was a sense of chivalry about him but it would take some time getting used to him as she expressed how much she wanted to fall in love with the right person.

Applejack moved on and saw Twinkleshine, Minuette, Moon Dancer, and Twilight talking in a small group. I'll have to ask Twilight later of what these girls are like. she kept going around the room and found Trixie and Sunset together making Applejack think, Keep your enemies closer… then saw that Starlight joined in on their conversation.

She was about to move along until a guard rushed in shouting, "Heads down, ladies!"

Confusion went throughout the room until they heard a thump on a glass window. Looking out, Applejack could see griffons attacking the guards! The girls panicked and did as the guard said. Applejack was the only one who didn't couch down as she continued to watch the griffons fight against the royal guard. Suddenly she felt herself being pulled down by a large weight and her eyes met with green draconic eyes.

Spike whispered harshly, "Do you want to be hit by flying glass if the griffons get through?!"

She huffed, "I can handle myself just fine! And I don't think the griffons could get through even if they want to!"

"You'd be surprise… They managed to get in the front doors the last time I was here. Luckily, the guards were able to push them back."

"Just why are the griffons attacking? What's going on?"

"The griffons claim the dragons stole something from them. The Idol of Boreas. But we have done no such thing and yet they insist we have and attack us. They dare not attack in Dragonia where our numbers are greater but since Ember and I come here on royal visits it gives them an opportunity to strike a blow."

"What happens if you're taken captive by them?" she asked in concern.

"Most likely I'll be used to trade for the idol. Which is of course pointless."

"And you can't reason with these griffons because…?"

Spike snorted, "Because both sides are too stubborn to see reason. The royal sisters in their good wisdom managed to stay out of it knowing this was a matter between dragons and griffons. But they always make sure Ember and I are protected within these walls whenever we visit."

She shook her head, "I know a thing or two about pride but I also know how important it is to not let it cloud your judgment. I hope you'll be able to come to some understanding."

He smiled, "We hope so too, when Ember becomes the Dragon Lord after our father she plans to settle this once and all with the griffons."

She furrowed her brow, "Settle it how exactly?"

Spike shrugged, "I can't say for sure."

Another thump came at the window and they saw a griffon was throwing rocks before a unicorn guard stopped them. Finally, the guards won the skirmish and the griffons retreated. Applejack got up and saw the other girls were still couching in fear especially Fluttershy who was whimpering and weeping.

Spike went straight to the pegasus mare and started comforting her telling her it was alright now and the griffons were gone. That seemed to ease her and she began to calm down. The dragon then assured the others one-by-one that this was a minor attack and nothing too serious.

Applejack couldn't help but think, Yeah, it may not be serious for us but it sure as heck would have been serious for you had those griffons gotten their talons on you.