• Published 11th Jun 2017
  • 676 Views, 3 Comments

Patch Day - drunkenpandaren

Starlight Glimmer's efforts to change the present affected the past in many ways, and changed not just Twilight's present, but everypony else in this alternate glimpse into another timeline.

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Variation 1: The Doctor called Genius Gamer M

Ponyville, 16 years ago…

Flashes of light, was all Fluttershy could see as she drifted in and out of consciousness. The sounds of beeping could be heard in the background, soft and muted. “She’s coming around,” said a voice, unfamiliar to her.

“Not yet, we need to put her under some more. Hurry, quick!”

Strong hooves kept Fluttershy down, and she started to groggily move. But a soft female voice cut through the haze. “Don’t worry,” said the doctor. “I will save you.”

With that, Fluttershy let go, and drifted back into slumber.

Hours later, Fluttershy woke to the concerned expressions of her parents, and her younger brother Zephyr Breeze who was trying not to chew through a rawhide strap in worry. “What… happened?” whispered Fluttershy.

“Oh my dear girl,” said Mrs. Shy, brushing a lock of pink hair away from Fluttershy’s face. “I’m so sorry…”

“We didn’t realize an accident would happen at flight camp,” said Mr. Shy, looking upset and ashamed at himself.

“N-no, it’s okay, really…” Fluttershy tried to move but she winced. Surprisingly, Zephyr Breeze held her hoof, to keep her from trying to move.

“Don’t move sis, you had a bad fall. You almost lost your life there.” He said softly.

The door opened at that moment, and a older mare stepped into view, wearing a doctor’s jacket. She was consulting a clipboard before hanging it onto her bed. She smiled for a moment at Fluttershy who tried to smile back through the ache of her body. “You’re very lucky, you had a friend who noticed you were missing.” said Redheart, moving to her bedside. “How do you feel?”

“Tired…” said Fluttershy. “And I hurt.”

“Don’t worry,” said Redheart, holding out a small portable game device and placing it next to her. “Doctors are here to make sure you smile again.”

Fluttershy looked down at the device, and Redheart smiled before adding, “You’ll clear the game, with no continues.”


Patch Day


16 years later…


Doctor Fluttershy stepped into the room with a calming smile for her patient, as she checked her chart. “How are you feeling today, Snips?”

“Better than usual, doc,” replied Snips, the young foal said as he sat on the bench next to the examination table. “That workout you prescribed is really working out!”

Fluttershy smiled widely as she gestured for him to get onto the scale. “I see that,” said Fluttershy as she checked his weight. “Down two pounds. Just three more to go and you’ll be in top shape for your body mass.”

“I couldn’t have done it without you doc,” said Snips with a wide grin on his face.

Fluttershy went over to the candy bin and fished out a sugar free snack and offered it to Snips. “Now remember to continue your exercise, and you’ll be fine. Remember, three laps every day around the schoolyard before classes. And three afterwards.”

“Thanks doc! You’re a lifesaver!” Snips took his treat and with a wave, added, “See you later doc!”

Giving Snips a wave, Fluttershy checked her appointments and frowned for a moment before walking out to the lobby. “Nurse First Aid? Where’s all my appointments?”

“Ah, about that.” said First Aid. “It seems the new doctor is coming in from Canterlot today and I was hoping you could show her around.”

“Oh, well it’s not that much trouble. Who is it?” asked Fluttershy curiously.

“It’s that new popular surgeon from Canterlot. You know, the mare that everypony is talking about for saving several lives with her skill in medicine?” said First Aid.

“Oh.” Fluttershy sighed. “I wonder why she’s transferring over here? Is Canterlot General not good enough for her?”

“It seems like she was recommended by the Ministry of Health. We’ve been missing a surgeon for a long time now.” said First Aid. “All of our emergency cases are flown to Canterlot General for treatment.”

“I know. I just want to make sure our new doctor will fit in here.” said Fluttershy. “What’s her name again?”

“Doctor Twilight Sparkle.” said First Aid, reading off the clipboard. “She’ll be arriving today around 13:00. Why don’t you go greet her?”

“I should actually. Thanks First Aid. Can you hold down the office till we’re done?” said Fluttershy.

“Of course. Take your time, Doctor.”


The outdoors always had a pleasant feeling to them, reflected Fluttershy as she walked along the pathway towards the center of the town where most arrivals from Canterlot migrated to. As she walked along, several ponies nodded and waved at her, and Fluttershy waved back for a moment as a raspy pitched voice called out to her. “Fluttershy!”

Looking up at the cloud, Rainbow Dash looked down at her with a weak smile. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Rainbow Dash! I didn’t think you’d be in town today,” said Fluttershy as the rainbow maned pegasus fluttered down to meet her. “It’s been a while.”

“Yeah it has,” said Rainbow awkwardly, blushing a little. “Sorry, I just got caught up in a lot of things. Rarity’s been really working me hard lately.”

“Your mane is teased again,” said Fluttershy, observing the mare’s mane which wasn’t straight or spiky, but rather swept into delicate curls. “I like it.”

“Well you know, Rainbow Dash always dresses in style,” chuckled Rainbow weakly. “Rarity’s a good boss after all. But she always gets on my case for dressing properly while working in the stores and on the runway.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I’m glad you met Rarity. Last I saw you, you were pretty down on yourself.”

“Well, when you flunk out of Wonderbolt Academy, there’s not much work for somepony like myself.” admitted Rainbow a bit sourly. “But that’s in the past.”

“So anyway, you would not believe who I met in Manehatten,” said Rainbow, trying to keep the conversation going. “Remember Applejack?”

“Vaguely.” Said Fluttershy. “I think I hadn’t moved down to Ponyville yet.”

“Ah right. She’s more Rarity’s friend. In any case, Rarity and I were working a charity function when Applejack showed up, her mane all teased and delicate, wearing this awesome dress. Rarity recognized her on the spot, and they got to talking. Seems like she’s been living in Manehatten as a socialite for most of her life, and she’s coming back to visit. She’ll be here with the next train in.” said Rainbow. “You should come see her. Rarity’s going to be there.”

“Well, if it isn’t much of an issue then I’ll come.” said Fluttershy. “But I’m also waiting for the new doctor to arrive.”

“Oh yeah, that super awesome surgeon from Canterlot.” said Rainbow Dash. “I heard of her. Aren’t you worried that she’ll take all of your patients?”

“I don’t think she will,” said Fluttershy, shaking her head. “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

“Yeah, I guess so.” Rainbow wing-shrugged as she pointed with a wing towards a pink colored pony in the distance. “Oh hey, look who is in town, it’s Pinkie. She must be delivering a set of geodes to Rarity’s place.”

Fluttershy looked over at a spry young pony with a pink mane and pink hair, pulling a cart. She looked like she was humming, despite her drab appearance but she waved. “Rainbow Dash!” She called out. “And Doc! What’s up?”

“Oh not much, just waiting for friends to arrive.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Hello Pinkie,” said Fluttershy, smiling. “We’re just waiting for Applejack to come on the train, and Doctor Sparkle to arrive.”

“Oh that’s swell,” replied Pinkie as she unhooked her cart. “I was just delivering geodes as you can tell. Ma and Pa don’t mind it if I take time off the farm after all and since tomorrow’s the Summer Sun Celebration, I’m going to spend the night here in the Ponyville hotel.”

“That’s good,” said Fluttershy. “It’ll be nice to have you around.”

“Yeah. I mean, the stress of the day’s been pretty bad. Ponies have been running around, Rarity and I have been working overtime…” said Rainbow Dash.

“I get that feeling.” said Pinkie as she noticed a young filly across the way. “Hey, isn’t that Apple Bloom?”

Looking over, Fluttershy frowned for a moment at the way Apple Bloom was pulling the cart. Her steps were uneven as she suddenly toppled over. “Oh dear,” said Fluttershy, running over. “Apple Bloom?”

“Hey Doc,” groaned Apple Bloom. “Ah don’t feel so well…”

The girl suddenly gasped, and started balling up in pain as Fluttershy gently checked her over. “What’s going on?” asked Rainbow as the three observed a strange orange energy at the base of Apple Bloom’s neck. “What the hay…?”

“She’s sick,” said a new voice, and the three turned to see a lavender mare holding up a stethoscope in a glow of magic. Pressing a button, a readout appeared as she frowned. “Spike!”

“Right here, Twilight,” said a baby dragon, running over with a case. Opening it up, he produced a pair of devices, one neon green and the other a bright blue device.

“Stand aside, the operation needs to begin.” said Twilight as Fluttershy looked up in alarm as the dragon named Spike equipped the Gamer Driver onto her body.

“Operate? With that?” demanded Fluttershy as Twilight held up the device. “Who are you?”

“Doctor Twilight Sparkle.” Replied Twilight as she held up the blue device. On the side of it read “Taddle Quest” and she proclaimed, “Proceeding with Level 1.”

Pressing the button, a large graphic appeared behind her as chests materialized across the middle of the town center, startling ponies as Rainbow and Pinkie backed up in alarm. “A game?” said Pinkie.

Suddenly Apple Bloom shot to her hooves as she exclaimed, “Fool, to think you can separate a cook from its job?!”

Without warning, Apple Bloom transformed, growing huge into a large bulbous creature on two legs that towered over the ponies. “A monster?” exclaimed Rainbow Dash, gasping.

“That game is Taddle Quest, a sword and magic RPG,” said Fluttershy. “Why do you have an electronic version of it?”

“Transform,” said Twilight, ignoring Fluttershy as she plugged the game into the belt. [CLICK TO LOAD!] Announced the belt as Twilight selected her icon from the Player Select screen that appeared in front of her with a nudge of magic.

[Let’s Game! Super Game! Ultra Game! Whatcha Name?! I’M A KAMEN RIDER!]

Armor formed around the pony, and within seconds, the newcomer doctor was dressed in armor which made her look like a blocky pony, with oversized limbs. A sword materialized from a weapon select screen and she proclaimed, “Separating the Bugstar from the patient.”

The Bugster, as it was called, started to swing at the pony who dodged and blocked with the small shield she wore, as well as the weapon itself. [GASHACON SWORD!] Proclaimed the sword as she swung it, flames emitting from the weapon as she knocked the Bugster backwards.

“What is that thing?” demanded Fluttershy of Spike.

“That’s the Bugster Virus, a new deadly strain of techno-magical virus which only one equipped with a Gamer Driver can defeat,” said Spike, not taking his eyes off Twilight. “Doctor Twilight Sparkle is the only one who can fight this threat.”

“If you ask me, she looks like she needs some help,” said Pinkie as Twilight was knocked backwards.

“Impossible. Not just anyone can use these,” said Spike, showing off the device. “There’s training, tests, the compatibility surgery--hey!”

Fluttershy, without hesitation, grabbed a Gamer Driver and a pink gashat. “Stop, you can’t use that without the surgery!” Shouted Spike but Fluttershy was already in the field, running forward as she slapped on the device with a wing, and pressed the button with the other.


“I’ll clear this with no continues! Transform!” Taking to the sky, Fluttershy transformed into a squat form with spiky hair as she came down on armored wings. She bounced off the Bugster, jumping and rebounding on its head three times before landing next to Twilight. “Doctor, let me help you.”

“I don’t really need it.” replied Twilight as the pair dodged the oversized Bugster. “You haven’t read the manual or learned how to operate.”

“I might not know how to operate,” said Fluttershy, dodging another strike. “But I am a doctor, and Apple Bloom is my responsibility as her family doctor!”

[GASHACON BREAKER!] A hammer materialized and she grasped it with a wing. Flying in, Fluttershy took a sharp right and smashed a brick as a large emblem was inside it. “And I do know video games. I spent my whole childhood playing them! Mighty Action X gains more power when you get more power ups!”

Armed with a strength up boost, Fluttershy slammed the weapon against the Bugster’s head, and it fell over with a crash, exploding into a million pieces as they hopped away. But moments later, the hopping virii transformed into squat pony-shaped minions, with a large four legged monster in a tall chef’s hat. “Salty!” Salty exclaimed, brandishing it’s cookware.

“Monsters!” Exclaimed Rainbow Dash, as she and Pinkie Pie backed up.

Twilight snorted. “There’s nothing I can’t cut. Proceeding with Level 2.”

Opening the belt’s lever, Twilight launched into the air as her belt sang out, her body undergoing a change as she shifted into a sleeker form, a second form pushing through a pair of doors which appeared.

[Level Up! Battle for your future, fight for the adventure! Welcome to Taddle Quest!] sang the belt as she landed, Gashacon Sword landing into her grasp.

“Proceeding with the Bugster Elimination,” said Twilight as she launched herself into the battle.

“Level Up, of course.” said Fluttershy as she reached up to where the belt was attached and she opened it up with a flourish. “Transformation Plus!”

[Level Up! Mighty Jump! Mighty Kick! Mighty Mighty Action X!]

Her own body undergoing the change, Fluttershy landed as she took the Gashacon Hammer in a wing, and tapped the A button. [Tadaaa!] Proclaimed the weapon, flipping it open as she ran in, slashing with either wing, spinning under the attacks.

Salty charged in, weapons crashing against Twilight’s Gashacon Sword as the pair fenced back and forth as Fluttershy rampaged through the minions. Twilight spared a glance and then pushed Salty backwards a few steps. “Not bad,” she allowed, removing the Taddle Quest weapon and throwing it into the belt loop device.

[Finishing Move!] Exclaimed the device as Twilight crouched low, her weapon crackling with flames. [TADDLE CRITICAL FINISH!]

Salty gasped and moved to run, but Twilight’s blade came down, cutting through the Bugster as the Game Clear was announced. Fluttershy finished with the rest of them in a second strike as the Level began to dissolve.

“Apple Bloom!” Exclaimed Fluttershy, deactivating the Driver and tossing it aside to care for her patient. “Are you okay?”

“Ah’ve been better. I feel awful but sorta refreshed,” grunted Apple Bloom as Fluttershy checked her over.

“Well you’ve got no injuries, thanks to Doctor Twilight’s work,” said Fluttershy as Spike retrieved the Gamer Driver and Mighty Action X Gashat. “But let’s get you to the hospital for a full check.”

Apple Bloom nodded as she was lifted onto Fluttershy’s back, and the pair headed off, with Pinkie and Rainbow Dash following behind.

“She cares more for the patient than beating the game,” said Spike to Twilight who snorted and deactivated her own Driver. “Twilight, shouldn’t we be reaching out to her? You know what’s going to happen if we don’t.”

“I don’t think I should,” said Twilight, her cold demeanor dropping for a moment. “I don’t want to burden her. Not with what I did to her.”

“Twilight…” said Spike as she headed off towards the nearby hotel. Moments later, a carriage touched down as a similar purple mare got off with Spike, but she was smaller, and wore a wide smile.

“I’m here,” said Doctor Twilight Sparkle, as she grinned happily. “I can’t wait to help everypony here!”



Author's Note:

Posted 6/11/2017 - Variation 1
Series Fused: MLP:FIM/Kamen Rider Ex-Aid