• Published 11th Jun 2017
  • 676 Views, 3 Comments

Patch Day - drunkenpandaren

Starlight Glimmer's efforts to change the present affected the past in many ways, and changed not just Twilight's present, but everypony else in this alternate glimpse into another timeline.

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Variation 9: Time Trippin' Ride

It had been a tense sort of afternoon, after the Apple siblings had returned from their quest to learn more about their parents. When Granny Smith and Grand Pear had made up and the older man moved into the house, things had gotten into those little family squabbles.

“You eat too many apples,” scoffed Grand Pear that morning at breakfast at an all-apple laden meal. “Land sakes, can’t you let me cook once a while Granny?”

“I’m not letting you near my kitchen you old varmint,” scoffed Granny as she worked at the kitchen, spooning up apple pancakes. “You’ll just spoil them with pears.”

“And what’s wrong with that?” asked Grand Pear, returning the bout as the three Apple siblings sighed, realizing a cat fight was in progress. The pair might have made up, but they were always at each other’s throats for one thing or another.

“Ah’m going to school early,” said Applejack, getting up from her breakfast. “Big Mac, can I use the scooter?”

“Ayup,” replied Big Mac as Apple Bloom quickly shoveled her face full of pancake and grabbed her bag.

“Wait up!” She exclaimed thickly, running after Applejack.

Once on the road, Applejack sighed a little. “I love those two but they’re always arguing,” remarked Applejack, pulling up to the stop that would turn into town. “You could have waited for Big Mac.”

“And endure that? No thank you,” scoffed Apple Bloom. “Look sis, I love our grandparents a lot, but I need to deal with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon tormenting me tomorrow.”

“You know Principal Celestia can do something about that,” said Applejack, pulling away.

“It’s my problem,” replied Apple Bloom. “Oh speaking of which, aren’t we supposed to dig up our parents time capsule tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Can’t believe it’s been ten years.” The pair fell to silence as Applejack drove them to school. Ten long years since their parents passed away. Apple Bloom hadn’t even been five years old before their mom died, and their father passed away of heartbreak.

As Applejack pulled into the school, she took her helmet off and said “Huh, Sunset Shimmer’s here.”

Sure enough, the flame patterned motorcycle sat there as Apple Bloom looked over at her sister. “You sure you don’t need me to talk to your friends?” asked Apple Bloom, thinking of how much had changed in the school since Sunset Shimmer got nailed by a giant rainbow laser.

“Naw, it’s okay. You go meet with your friends, and I’ll meet with mine.” said Applejack.

Nodding, Applebloom got off the scooter and handed Applejack her helmet which she stored away. With that, Applejack turned the scooter off and doffed her helmet. Time to go talk to her friends, she supposed as Applejack headed into the school.

Sunset would be in one of her favorite haunts, the art room at this time of day, probably working on a project. Arriving at the door, she exhaled before opening it. “Hey sugarcube,” greeted Applejack.

Sunset Shimmer looked up at her from her painting of the blue sky and a meadow with a bright, if tired smile. “Morning Applejack. It is morning right?”

“You’ve been here all night?” asked Applejack, tilting her head at the flame haired girl.

Sunset yawned, a deep resounding noise before she rubbed her cheek. “Since four. I couldn’t sleep and since I have a key, well…”

“Bad dreams?” Sunset’s dreams ranged the gauntlet from simple friendship dreams to nightmares, a problem she hadn’t encountered in ages.

“No, nothing like that.” said Sunset, dabbing the paint on the oil canvas. “I just got this feeling. Like something big is about to happen.”

“Well, your feelings are pretty spot on, with your magic being all attuned to the nature of minds and hearts.” said Applejack. “Can’t say the same for mine.”

“That’s the thing. It’s not a feeling of wrongness, it’s the feeling of something out of place.”

“Out of place?” asked Applejack. “How exactly?”

“I dunno, and I hate saying that.” said Sunset. “But we’ll face it together, I promise.”

Applejack nodded as she went over and gave her friend a hug. “You’ve ain’t steered us wrong before Sunset, and I won’t stop questioning it now.”

“Thanks Applejack.” Sunset yawned as she hugged back and set down her paint. “I could use a short nap before class, so I’m going to bunk down in the library. See you in homeroom?”

“Sure thing.” said Applejack. “Sleep tight.”


“So bored,” thought Applejack to herself that afternoon during class. Normally she’d be attentive but her mind was on the time capsule that her parents had left them. The day passed slowly, as if time was standing still. Counting down the seconds, Applejack found herself waiting for the day to end when her senses went aflame all of a sudden at the stroke of 2:22. As it something was amiss, she sat up. Across the way, Pinkie Pie stiffened as well, ears perking up. And then, all of a sudden, the sensation passed.

At that moment, the bell rang as Mr. Doodle called out, “Read chapters three to six for tomorrow’s exam!”

Gathering up her books, she went over to Pinkie who exclaimed, “Did you feel that?”

“Ah sure did,” said Applejack. “Like something crawled over me all of a sudden.”

“We should check with the others.” Nodding, the pair made their way to their usual spot, the music room. Barging in, Twilight Sparkle looked up at their rapid entrance. “What’s gotten into you two?” she asked curiously as Rainbow Dash looked up from tuning her guitar.

“You two didn’t feel that?” asked Applejack.

“It was like the skin was crawling on my skin!” Exclaimed Pinkie.

Rainbow and Twilight shared a look, and Rainbow arched an eyebrow. “You sure you two aren’t experiencing a sympathetic thing or whatever?”

“Ah’m telling you, it was like…” Applejack shivered. “I don’t know what to feel, but it felt like something was WRONG.”

“Hmm, we should look into it,” said Twilight. “There’s the final class of the day before school lets out.”

“Sounds like a plan, I’ll go gather the others.” said Rainbow, dashing out the room at superspeed.

After everyone had gathered and the explanation was made, Rarity looked at the pair, head tilted thoughtfully. “Darling, I don’t mean to ask but what’s the link? Only you and Pinkie Pie felt this, right?”

“We’re not sure,” said Pinkie with a deep sigh. “If it was magic, shouldn’t Twilight notice first?”

“I dunno either,” said Twilight ,shaking her head. “There’s nothing we can do right?”

“But if there’s something coming, then we need to be ready for it.” said Sunset, frowning. “Something’s wrong, and I’ve been on edge all day.”

“So we’ve got a mystery, cool,” said Rainbow with a wide grin plastered on her face. “This is going to be AWESOME.”

The door opened at that moment as Big Mac and Apple Bloom stood there. “Hey sis, got a minute?” asked Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, sure I got a moment. What’s up?” asked Applejack, walking over.

“Big Mac just mentioned feeling weird around the same time I did,” said Apple Bloom. “You don’t think it’s sickness do you?”

“... Ah don’t think so,” said Applejack. “Something’s wrong if all of the Apple Family is feeling it.”

“Don’t forget about me,” said Pinkie. “I’m still family too. And I felt it.”

“So whatever this is might be connected to the Apple Family,” said Sunset. “What’s important about today?”

“Well… I remember thinking about the time capsule… that’s it!” Exclaimed Applejack. “The time capsule must have something weird in it. I mean think about it.”

“Well… it’s a possibility,” said Fluttershy. “I mean, if such an important date is coming up…”

“We should go dig it up. It’s buried out front in the school right? I’ll go tell Principal Celestia about it.” said Apple Bloom, running out the door.

“What do you think it could be?” asked Rarity. “Some kind of device?”

“It might be Equestrian Magic,” said Sunset. “We don’t know how long magic’s actually been in this world. Some could have leaked over when Starswirl banished the Sirens here.”

“Maybe it’s some kind of amazing power,” said Pinkie. “I mean, we just got our geodes and they get stronger when they’re being used.”

“Maybe, but it doesn’t affect how off I feel,” said Sunset. “Let’s get that thing dug up then.”


Locating the spot hadn’t taken more than five minutes and soon, the group were crowded around the capsule: a tin box with a latched lid. Taking out a key, Applejack opened the lock. “Okay, here goes.”

Opening it up, everyone peered into the box. “Well?” demanded Rainbow Dash. “Is it treasure?”

“I’m not too sure.” Applejack pulled out a ornate belt and a plastic black case as Big Mac and Apple Bloom opened up a letter.

“What is the next stop? The past or the future?” said Big Mac, reading off the letter’s simple phrase.

Apple Bloom pulled out the third item and her expression went puzzled. “A… pudding cup? Eeew, it must be all rotted by now!”

“Lemme see that!” Exclaimed Pinkie, plucking the pudding cup from the girl’s hand. “Nope, it’s good!”

“Why a belt, a train pass, a letter and a pudding cup?” asked Sunset. “What’s the connection?”

Suddenly, from far away and everywhere at the same time, a train whistle could be heard as a train appeared through a rainbow bridge of light. It zoomed past the group, as a large red demon thing yelled, “THIEF! That’s my pudding! You damnable DiEnd, back, back, back it up!”

“What the…?” Exclaimed Rarity, staring as with everyone.

“That’s my pudding!” Exclaimed the red demon thing, shaking a hand at the food. “It’s been missing for ten years!” Then he noticed the belt in Applejack’s hand and screamed, “AH! It’s you! Den-O! Guys, guys, I found the new Den-O!”

The group looked at each other, moments before a bear monster, a dragon monster and a turtle monster escorted them all onto the train in a flurry of motion, some bodily carried away. Minutes later, the train whistled and pulled out.

At the door of the school, Grand Pear and Granny Smith sighed. “There they go,” said Grand Pear. “On the trip of a lifetime.”

“They’ll be fine you old coot,” said Granny, but there was no heat to it. “They’re our grandchildren after all. A long line… of Den-O awaits them all.”

“I just wish… well, enough for wishes. Wishing is what got us into this mess in the first place.” said Grand Pear. “C’mon Granny, let’s get lunch.”

As the pair headed into the building, Diamond Tiara passed by. “What a boring day,” said Diamond Tiara, looking into the sky. “They still haven’t fixed the statue base? They should probably charge Sunset Shimmer for that.” She sighed. “But that’s not Sunset’s fault at all. And Apple Bloom isn’t even rising to my taunts anymore… I don’t see the point of it all right now.”

She groaned as a orb of light floated down overhead. “Stupid mom, forcing me to be the top dog. Why can’t she see I want something more? And dad’s obsessing over his land projects…” She leaned against the statue, mindful not to lean against the open door. “This sucks.”

In that moment, the orb of light struck into her back and sand poured from her body. As she leaned against the portal, a voice intoned, “Tell me your wish and I will grant it. I just require one thing in return…”

“Honestly?” said Diamond Tiara, not really paying attention to the voice. “I just want what Apple Bloom has: family who care.”

“Contract Accepted. I will find you family who care.” And from the pile of sand on the other side of the statue, a wicked looking bat monster materialized. “Time to hunt for “family”.”

Spreading it’s wings, it took off into the sky.


Apple Bloom hadn’t stopped staring at the monsters, and neither did the monsters. “Boo,” intoned the purple one and she stumbled. “Yay, I won!”

“Okay, this is the oddest thing I’ve ever experienced,” said Applejack.

“Yup,” replied Big Mac.

Pinkie Pie slurped the coffee she was served and she let out a whoop. “MAN that’s good!” Exclaimed Pinkie loudly. “Another please!”

“We got way too many,” said the turtle monster as the red oni fidgeted with a toy. “Senpai…”

“Stupid turtle,” grumbled the red oni. “I just got excited.”

“Not that I don’t mind a train ride, but where are we?” asked Rarity. “You’re scaring Fluttershy!”

“Actually I think they’re fascinating and scary,” said Fluttershy with a squeak as the burly yellow bear snored in the seat opposite them.

“You should probably start talking,” said Rainbow Dash. “Before we all decide to bust our superpowers out.”

“Now now, now is not the time to get into a fight my lady,” said the turtle charmingly towards Rainbow Dash who made a face. “Oh! Did I strike a nerve? I’m sorry, I truly am. I was trying to be friendly for the sake of our trainmates.”

“Well uh…” said Rainbow, stammering.

“Okay, I think that’s enough everyone,” said Twilight and Sunset nodded.

“Yeah, we need to know what’s going on?” said Sunset. “Are you guys the reason why I’ve felt so uneasy?”

“Not quite,” said a slow, ponderous voice from the door as the monsters stiffened. A man dressed in an impeccable brown suit appeared at the door, cane in hand. “You are all passengers on the Train of Time, DenLiner.”

“The Train of Time, DenLiner?” echoed everyone.

“Yes.” said the man as he sat down in the corner across from a large plate of fried rice set before him. “DenLiner.” Brandishing a spoon, he cut into the food. “You see… every world is like a tree branch, every time distinct in itself. Some worlds, DenLiner may be steward to the Nogami family. Some other worlds, to others. In this world, we are Contracted to the Apples.”

“Specifically the three of you right now,” said the red oni. “I’m Momotaros. The pervert turtle is Urataros, the bear is Kintaros and the brat is Ryuutaros.”

“What’s so special about us?” asked Apple Bloom. “We’re just Apples.”

“All Apples are Singularity Points.” said Kintaros, speaking for the first time. “To your grandparents we were contracted to, and to your parents and now to you three. With our power, you can become Den-O, the Rider of Time.”

“Wait, but where does that leave Pinkie? She’s a cousin,” said Applejack, as she turned towards Pinkie.

“The Pie family are contracted to another. We will be meeting him shortly.” said the man.

“It’ll be good to see Deneb again, eh Owner?” said Momotaros.

“Indeed.” A lower train whistle could be heard as he looked up. “There he is now.”

From a nearby moving train, a large figure leaped into the door of the moving DenLiner from the ZeroLiner. “Greetings,” said the large man with a mask for a face, bowing low. “I am Deneb. Ah, you must be my Contract Holder! Have some Deneb Candy!” Exclaimed Deneb, holding out the basket of candy.

“Okay, he’s totally cool in my book,” said Pinkie instantly, taking some candy.

“That’s all well and good, but where does that leave us?” asked Rainbow Dash. “We’ve got powers too.”

“Your aid has been unprecedented,” said Owner. “I will issue you all Rider Passes for the time being. Den-O has always been a family matter, but with your aid, you will keep time alive.”

“But how?” asked Fluttershy.

“Memory,” said Owner. “People’s memories don’t change. And memory makes up time. In fact, there might be someone in need right now.”

Momotaros stiffened. “Imagin.”

“Ah don’t know much about being a Den-O or whatever,” said Applejack. “But I won’t let anyone threaten my family.”

“Applejack,” said Big Mac suddenly. “Maybe I should do this.”

She turned to her brother, eyebrow upraised. “Why?”

“You have powers already, I don’t. Apple Bloom’s too young,” said Big Mac, earning a “hey” from Apple Bloom. “I just want to be useful.”

“Don’t worry too much about it,” said Urataros, bringing attention to himself. “Everyone in the Apple or Pie family can use the time powers of Den-O. Just keep the belt handy.”

“This thing?” asked Applejack, holding it up.

“That thing. So c’mon, let’s go bust some heads!” Exclaimed Momotaros as he held out his hand to Applejack.


Cup Cake was certain that this monster was gathering people, the way it had kidnapped every parent in the area. “Family who cares, I made the wish come true,” said the Bat Imagin as he held Diamond Tiara in his hands. “Now… open up your memory to me.”

“Hold it!” Exclaimed Applejack as the train came to a stop and everyone piled out. “You’ve got some nerve kidnapping these folks.”

“Huh... “ said the Bat Imagin. “Why? I don’t think it’s a bad thing. She made the wish, I’m filling it.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” said Applejack as her friends moved to get the civilians away. She held up the belt and wrapped it around her middle in a swift motion. “Momotaros!”

Cup Cake looked up at the name, and she gasped. “It’s like Buttercup all over again,” she murmured as Applejack’s hair flared with red in it.

“Listen up,” said Applejack, her voice rougher and more masculine in timber. “I don’t do warning shots. From start to finish, I’m at a climax.”

“Hmph,” said the Bat Imagin as his grip on Diamond Tiara tightened. “Bring it.”

“Transform,” said Applejack, pressing a button as a chime resounded. Throwing her arm across her middle, a suit formed with red highlights. “I have arrived!”

“She’s not the only one here,” said a voice as a fishing hook lanced out and pulled Diamond Tiara away. A smirking Apple Bloom reeled her classmate in. “Whoops, sorry there,” said Apple Bloom, a streak of blue in her long hair as she wore glasses. “I didn’t mean to be so rough my lady. Shall we get dinner later?”

Diamond Tiara sputtered. “W-well…”

“Hey, no flirting on the prefight banter!” Shouted Den-O Sword as Apple Bloom let go of Diamond Tiara and adjusted her own belt.

“Later,” said Apple Bloom, winking at Diamond Tiara as she lazily swiped her belt. “Transform.”

A suit of blue appeared, forming instantly as she shouldered a large rod. “May I reel you in?”

“Two Den-O?” demanded the Bat Imagin. “Oh how sad I might cry!”

“Cry? CRY? My strength will make you cry!” The third appearance of Big Mac with a bright gold stripe in his darker hair as he took a sumo pose. “Transform!”

“So three for three,” said the Bat Imagin as the three Apple’s encircled him. “But still green.”

“Four actually!” Exclaimed Pinkie from the roof of ZeroLiner which managed to sneak up on the Imagin who whirled in surprise, seconds before the bull train headbutted it into a tree. “Sorry I’m late! Transform!”

Her body shifting into a green and gold form with black accents, she proclaimed, “Don’t look now but we’re really strong!”

“Well crap,” said the Bat Imagin seconds before a flurry of athletic violence descended upon him.


“Everyone was rescued, the Imagin was defeated before it flew to the past, all’s well that ends well with three Den-O and a Zeronos.” said Sunset. “Now if only the sense of impending doom didn’t lift I’d be happy.”

“Well, for now we’ll have to patrol the area for trouble,” said Applejack as she entered the Sweet Shoppe. “C’mon, don’t worry Sunset!”

“I won’t. We’re in good hands. Oh hi Mrs. Cake.” said Sunset as the owner approached the pair with a bundle in her hands.

“Applejack, dear, I’d like to give you this.” said Cup Cake. “Your mother wore it when she was your age. I think she’d be happy you have it too. On her adventures I mean.”

“You knew ma?” asked Applejack, taking the package and finding a coat that draped over her shoulders. “It fits…”

“She wanted to give it to you when you were old enough, and assumed the mantle of Den-O. Your mother and I had some adventures, and your father too. I guess the family’s just blessed with adventure.” said Cup with a smile.

“Thanks Mrs. Cake. I’ll wear it forever.” said Applejack, tightening the jacket over her shoulders.

“I’m happy for you Applejack,” said Sunset with a smile. “You’ve got a bright future ahead of you.”

“Yeah, yeah I do.” said Applejack with a nod. “But I won’t have it without my friends.” Slinging a arm around Sunset’s shoulder, she grinned at her. “C’mon, let’s go get those drinks with the girls.”

Author's Note:

Posted 12/1/2017
Series: Equestria Girls, Kamen Rider Den-O