• Published 11th Jun 2017
  • 676 Views, 3 Comments

Patch Day - drunkenpandaren

Starlight Glimmer's efforts to change the present affected the past in many ways, and changed not just Twilight's present, but everypony else in this alternate glimpse into another timeline.

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Variation 3: Origin of Music

As the newly re-instated Princess of Friendship, Twilight had a realization that sometimes she needed to look at the other side of things. The events with Starlight Glimmer said as much, and as such, she was nose deep in books for the time being.

Paging through the worn tomes in the library that she had set up in the new castle, Twilight flipped through it irritably, the pages rustling with each and every flip. "Ugh," she groaned finally, putting the book aside instead of casting it into the hall in frustration. "There's nothing here about the Sirens other than what I already know!"

A rap at the door however caused her to look up, as a blue-maned head stuck its way in. "Yo!" Exclaimed Vinyl with a grin. "Spike around? He asked me to install this sweet turntable in the banquet hall."

"Oh, uh I think he's actually out at the moment but I can let you in," said Twilight, surprised that Vinyl Scratch of all ponies would just walk right in. Getting up, she headed over to the door to open it more fully. "How have you been doing, Vinyl?"

"Eh, same old," replied Vinyl as she turned to lug the turntable and speakers into the building. "Octy's been getting on my flank lately about being too loud in public."

"That's odd, considering the you in the other world didn't speak a word. Must be one of those weird differences," mused Twilight, getting a raised eyebrow from Vinyl.

"Different strokes," replied Vinyl easily. "She might be just into the groove all the time. Speaking of which, whatcha looking up? I saw a copy of music of the neighties fly by before I came in."

"It's nothing really, I'm just looking up some things on the Sirens," said Twilight as the pair moved the items into the banquet hall. "A recent incident got me thinking about other sides of the stories, and I needed to see what they were really like so many years ago."

"Pssh, the Sirens? Those cats were totally cutting edge. They're legends in the music circles," said Vinyl as she began hooking up the sound system.

"Really?" Exclaimed Twilight, eager to hear what Vinyl had to say. "What sort of things?"

"They pioneered about 80% of the modern music back during Star Swirls era," said Vinyl, sticking her head under the turntable. "Real music fans attribute all of that music to others, but the Sirens? Came first. There's a story among real music fans, that Star Swirl had a 30 day rockoff with them, creating all the music genres you know today. But Star Swirl, man, he was a piece of work that guy."

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

Vinyl popped her head back up. "What I mean, is that he was a sore loser. He couldn't beat the Sirens at their own game, so he exiled them to another world. No consequences for HIM at least."

"Really..." It made sense in a vague way. Celestia claimed that Star Swirl in his youth was never good with friends, and the only friend he had in his final days was Celestia. And even though the Sirens had gone out of their way to try and take Equestrian magic for themselves, it was almost like... self preservation. "So... do you think he was wrong to send the Sirens away?"

"Maybe," replied Vinyl, connecting wires. "On one hand, they were trying to feed on negative energy yanno? But on the other hand, Star Swirl's a bit of a jackass for being a bad sport and just using magic to get rid of them. Doesn't seem fair that they had to be sent away just because he didn't beat them."

Vinyl connected the last wire and dusted her hooves. "There we go. All good. Anything else you need, Twilight?"

"No, that's everything. You've given me plenty to think about. I'm sure Spike's going to appreciate it too. Thank you, Vinyl." Twilight had a lot to think about, and a lot to do. She needed a checklist.

Hours passed and Twilight opened the portal. Stepping through it, she found herself arriving late in the evening. Luckily no one was around.

Holding up the enchanted stone that she had prepared in the previous few hours, she hoped it worked as she give it a little squeeze. A magic arrow began to swivel around in its depths and she grimaced. "Come on, come on...!"

For a moment, it pointed towards the north, and then swung wildly about before pointing South-West. Taking her best shot, she followed it through the unfamiliar streets.

It took about twenty minutes and bumping into a couple of familiar faces before she found herself standing at a corner store. Opening the door, she looked around for a face she could recognize before locating what she needed: a familiar mop of gold hair hunched over a lone taco.

Gathering her courage, Twilight moved over to her and cleared her throat. "Adagio? Can I speak with you for a moment?"

The teenager looked up and instantly her expression darkened. "Oh it's you," she grumbled, sounding tired and worn out. "Come to brag more about your victory yesterday?"

"... it's been four weeks," said Twilight in surprise.

"Pffh, time," said Adagio with a sneer. "You have no idea how slowly it moves in this world, do you? Whatever. What do you want, princess?"

"I... well... that is, a friend of mine told me about your battle with Star Swirl and... I just wanted to... apologize, for his actions." Said Twilight.

Adagio blinked. "That's a first. What, do you expect me to just take that from you as a Royal Apology?"

"No, I didn't think you'd take it at all," said Twilight with a sadness to her tone. "I just.... think that you need a friend. You and the other Sirens. Star Swirl... I don't say this often, and I don't think I've ever said it, but I think he really did you wrong. I mean, you were... being who you are. And being who you are, even if it hurts somepony, needs to be expressed."

And with that, Twilight bowed at the waist. "As Princess of Friendship, I apologize, not just for myself, but the others around me."

A long moment passed as Adagio regarded her. "Huh. So the great princess of Equestria apologizes for the deeds of one barmy old man." With a snort, Adagio folded her arms. "Look Princess, I don't like you. But I'll accept your apology IF you do me one thing."

"... what's that?" asked Twilight warily.

In response, Adagio held out the shattered remains of her gem. "Get these fixed for us. Me and the others. If you do that, we won't cause large-scale problems anymore. They're... important to us. Real important. They're like who we are."

Cautiously, Twilight took the gems and placed them into her skirt pocket. "Deal. I'll have them fixed for you soon. Just hang tight till then."

As Twilight turned to leave, she added, "It's not fun, being half the pony... ore siren, isn't it?"

"What would you know about that?" asked Adagio sharply. "You never..." She broke off, seeing Twilight's expression. "Huh. You lost your MAGIC recently didn't you?"

"How...? Oh, uh, yes, I did. I got it back but..."

Adagio waved her hand. "I can almost smell the stench of separation magic on you. It's almost delicious in a way. Go on, before I change my mind. You'll probably be back anyhow so come here to drop them off."

With that, Twilight left, almost brushing up against a girl with dark violet-and-green hair before heading back to the school.

Said person sat down across from Adagio with a confused look. "Who was that?"

"Just someone I know from out of town," said Adagio with a shrug. "So Starlight, you're buying tonight right?"

"Only if you eat normally," said Starlight Glimmer, as the pair watched Twilight run past the window. "That girl looks familiar."

"Oh don't mind her, she's harmless," said Adagio with a grin. "Now where were we?"

Author's Note:

Variation 3: 6/11/2017
Series: MLP FIM, Equestria Girls