• Published 11th Jun 2017
  • 676 Views, 3 Comments

Patch Day - drunkenpandaren

Starlight Glimmer's efforts to change the present affected the past in many ways, and changed not just Twilight's present, but everypony else in this alternate glimpse into another timeline.

  • ...

Variation 8: Wish Upon Another Star

"Delivery for Princess Twilight," called out the mail mare as she rapped on the door. There was a moment's wait before it opened up, revealing Spike in an apron. "Morning Spike!" chirped Muffins.

"Morning Muffins, you have a package for us?" asked Spike as she nodded and held out a form. He signed for it, making the mark in the wax before she handed over a thick bound paper package. "Huh, it must be another book. Twilight's been getting a lot of these."

"Yeah, they're really heavy," said Muffins with a grin. "Okay, g'bye!"

Fluttering off, Spike shut the door behind him as he called out, "Mails here! Just a package for the Library though."

"Set it on the table, and we'll be done in a minute!" Called out Twilight as Spike entered the library. There, she and her newest student Starlight Glimmer were pouring over a new tome. "See, I think there's a problem with the thaumaturgical circuits here," she said, indicating the page.

"But the influx would cause the device to implode," said Starlight. "It's not as easy as just giving it a rewire."

"What are you two doing?" Asked Spike. "You've been at this all weekend!"

"Well, we're trying to figure out if we can hotwire the portal so that it can go other places," said Twilight. "Starlight brought it up first, as if we're taking the power from one book to connect to another, then what if we can make a portal open in another place?"

"Another world," corrected Starlight as she scribbled another equation on the parchment. "But so far, we're coming out with nothing."

"Sounds tiring," said Spike as he unwrapped the package. "Hey, check this out. It's got a letter too. From... Twilight, this is from A.K. Yearling!"

"Daring Do is writing us?" asked Twilight, dropping her quill as she turned over.

"I didn't know you knew Daring Do in person," said Starlight as Spike unrolled the letter. "Much less realized she was a real person."

"Dear Twilight, I hope this letter finds you well. I've been busy in the Basin when I came across this. It's a powerful enchanted tome, marked with hundreds of spells. I transcribed it, and it's known as the Book of Shatotto. It's got a lot of powerful magic, that I hadn't even heard of. I'm sending it to you, since I know you'll take good care of it. Sincerely, A. K. Yearling." He shook the book a little, just to make sure that nothing was inside it before handing it to Twilight. "Well?"

Twilight flipped through the book and bit her lip. "There's a lot of stuff I don't understand here, but there's a lot of things I do. This is a powerful book, it might be even something that will help us with our studies!"

"Really? Well, I suppose I shouldn't worry about finding some new spell in here. Lets' go through it and..." Starlight trailed off as the cover began to glow. "Is that supposed to be normal?"

"Don't think so." Gingerly Twilight set down the book, seconds before it lifted itself into the air of its own accord. "Well, this is new."

Spike backed up as the book spun around, seeking a target before it focused onto the portal. Zooming towards it, it placed itself atop Sunset's diary before magic crackled. Long born to magical accidents, the trio jumped behind a table and upturned it as magical power crackled loudly. The portal turned a brilliant silver color, the world lit up with radiant energy.

For a long moment, the glow held as the portal had turned from its normal magenta hue to a silver color. And then, the book floated up once more. "Whoo!" Exclaimed the book and the ponies and one dragon looked at each other. "Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck!"

As the book flexed itself, Starlight looked at Twilight. "I thought today wasn't supposed to be weird day."

"This is not my fault," hissed Twilight as the book was flexing. "Excuse me, Mister Book?"

"Present!" Exclaimed the book. "It's missus by the way. Call me Prishe."

"Prishe. Well, um, what are you? Besides a book," asked Twilight.

"Well... I dunno, all I know is that I'm a tome right now. I'm supposed to wake up when the great calling is happening, but other than that, my memory is hazy. I think I need to lead you people on a quest though." said Prishe, the book twirling in place. "To do this, I need to bring you... ponies, to another world."

"Wait, hold on. What happened to the magic portal that leads to the human world?" asked Starlight. "What happens if someone needs to get in contact with us?"

"Oh yeah, I hadn't thought about that," said Prishe. "Well, no matter."

"No matter she says," groaned Spike. "At least let us inform our friends we're going on a adventure!"

The book exhaled. "Fiiiiiine. Gawd."


"So let me get this straight sugarcube. This book, Prishe, wants to take you on an adventure, just you and Spike, and it doesn't even know what its actually supposed to be doing?" Said Applejack sceptically. "Ah wouldn't go."

"When you put it like that, it sounds dumb doesn't it?" said Twilight, sheepishly.

"I think Applejack has it right. It even changed the mirror portal. Who knows where you'll end up, or as what." Exclaimed Rainbow Dash, folding her hooves in front of her.

"I would err on the side of caution as well, but you did say that the book itself has no bad intentions, just a faulty memory," said Rarity, glancing at the gem-covered book.

"Hey, I didn't say I was evil or anything, I just have a bad memory. I've been stuck in inert mode for 10,000 years!" Protested Prishe. "Besides, it's just a quick jump to the other world."

"Ultimately its up to you to decide on this," said Fluttershy softly. "She said she'd guide you, right?"

"That's right," said Prishe proudly. "And think of what she can learn form me, magic-wise!"

"Ooh, ooh, like conjuring cake from thin air? Or summoning monsters to do her bidding?" Asked Pinkie, bouncing in her chair.

"I dunno if the monster thing I like, but cake is a good idea," said Spike, his stomach rumbling.

"What do you think, Starlight?" asked Twilight.

"I worry that the book is misleading you, but why only you and Spike? I was here too."

"I don't remember," said Prishe, the others turning towards the book with concern. "But I do know is that whoever wrote me, intended for the Princess of Friendship to take this adventure."

"Well she has been saying she's bored out of her mind," said Pinkie helpfully. "Why not?"

"Pinkie I don't think boredom is a reasonable excuse to go to another world," said Twilight, but then realized she did it all the time. "Well..."

"Well if it's all the same to you, I'd rather go along with them, but what if there's that two of us thing going on again?" asked Rainbow Dash. "Twilight even has a double at the school now."

The others nodded in agreement. "Well, this time we have ample time to prepare, so we may as well get Twilight ready fer this adventure." said Applejack. "Ah don't like it but we're not sending her unprepared this time."

"Thanks everypony." said Twilight. "I'll be sure to be careful."


After a few more hours preparation, and much Prishe grumbling, Twilight and Spike were assembled with saddlebags. "All right, are we ready?"

"Ready. As long as I don't turn into a dog again, I'll be fine," said Spike. "Although I did pack some biscuits just in case."

"Ready on my end." Starlight had opted to stay behind, and she was checking the portal. "Mirror Portal is stable. Come back through if you can. If Sunset writes, tell her I've gone on an adventure for the time being."

"Lets goooo already!" Exclaimed Prishe, impatiently. The book was waggling back and forth as Twilight took a step towards the portal. Soon, the pair were stepping through, and Prishe seemed to grin before she followed. The portal hummed but remained stable, as they were flung through the rainbow tunnel.

For a moment, there was darkness before Twilight reflexively lit up the area with a mental command and a flaring of her magic. "Where are we?" asked Spike, having come through the other end with Prishe leading the end of the train.

"I think this is a storage shed," said Twilight, experimentally holding up a hand. "Oh, the magic turned me into a human here."

"Uh, not quite. Your muzzle is still the same," said Spike, indicating her face with a claw. "Look at yourself!"

Looking around, Twilight found a grimy reflective surface. Polishing it with her sleeve, she found a strange mix of human and pony staring her back. "What is this?"

Suddenly, the door opened up and the pair jumped. "What are ye doin' here?" asked a gruff voice. "Someone from the Arcanists guild sent t'clean up in here? What, are they doing chores now?"

"Um..." Twilight peered at the giant in the door before he shook his head.

"Bloody daft, sending venturers to clean now. Well, hop to it. I ain't got all day." The towering man started pulling things out of the room. "This storage place needs to be cleaned up fer tonight. All the stuff in here is to be sent to the Arcanists Guild to be catalogued."

As Twilight began to work, she examined him out of the side of his eye. Spike was much smaller and he darted up into her backpack, as she began to lift. He was a swarthy looking man with dark grey skin, white hair and piercing blue eyes but unlike men she knew, he was massive. Standing at least seven feet tall, much taller than any other man she had seen before, with muscles to boot. Dressed in what appeared to be a deckhand's outfit, he was steadily unloading the things there. When he came across the mirror, he peered at it. "Ye clean this up lass? Good job."

"Um, yes I did," said Twilight. "Excuse me, what's your name?"

"Eh? Well it's Hasty Falcon. And you?"

"Twilight Sparkle," said the woman and he finally got a good look at her, almost dropping the books he was handling. "What?"

"Cor! What manner of lady ye be miss?" Asked Hasty Falcon in surprise. "I never saw your people here."

"Um... we're from far away," said Twilight, lying fast. "Very far away."

The answer seemed to satisfy him. "Oh I getcha, from Othard huh? You musta came over with those new Auri blokes. Well, good to see you around here lass. What's your people called?"

"Po...ni." Said Twilight. "It's Poni."

"Like the horse? Cor. Well, hop to it, lass. We're on the clock, and the Venturers Guild pays by the hour."


"That's the last of them!" Exclaimed Hasty as he and Twilight piled the last of the items in the Arcanists Guild entrance. "Thanks for the help lass, you've earned your coin. Here."

He handed Twilight a heavy sack of coin as he grinned at her. "See you around lass. And welcome to Limsa Lominsa."

As he walked away, Twilight collapsed onto the table in exhaustion. "That was so rough," she groaned. "If it weren't for my magic...!"

"We done?" asked Spike, poking his head out of the bag. "Now can we get on this adventure?"

"I thought you were bored," grumbled Twilight as a tall woman with light blue skin and red hair walked over. Twilight stood up on shaky knees as she held up a hand.

"At ease, lass," said the woman. "I see Hasty must have mistaken a newcomer to Limsa as one of our Arcanists, even if you are dressed the part. And a exotic one at that. I had thought that the people of Auri were exotic."

She smiled at her. "I am Acting Guildmaster Thubyrgeim, of the Arcanists Guild. I thank you for taking on this adventure even if you weren't assigned it. The one who was, skipped town in search of adventure."

"I'm Twilight Sparkle," said Twilight as Spike poked his head out of the backpack. "And this is Spike."

Thubyrgeim startled in surprise at the sight of Spike. "My stars, a dragon!"

"Yep, born and raised." said Spike happily.

Recomposing herself, Thubyrgeim nodded. "From your exotic appearance, you are a race of man I can see that. However, the Ishgardians will regard you with suspicion that you have a dragon familiar. Even if it is a dragon of another land. Even now, I hear they are in conflict with the Auri who landed in their lands over a perceived slight."

"Oh. So people don't like dragons here?" asked Twilight as Spike looked like someone kicked his puppy. "I'd hate to have Spike hide. He's family."

"We can arrange that you will be well protected in Limsa." said Thubyrgeim. "Now, to your needs. What have you come to the town for?"

"Well that's the thing..." Biting her lip, Twilight explained her situation as she held up the book. "Prishe, the book said that we had to go to this world. For whatever reason I don't know."

"How curious," said the Guildmaster. "A quest with no end goal in sight." She shook her head. "There's much to be said about undertaking such a quest."

"Originally we were supposed to go back through the portal, but now that it's in your possession we need to make sure it stays there," said Twilight. "I have to admit, this isn't something I'm used to. Having no goal in sight."

"Indeed. Can I see your friend, the tome I mean?" Asked Thubyrgeim.

Handing the book to her, she read through it as it opened up to a page. Reading through it, Thubyrgeim nodded. "It seems that your journey is of exploration. The writer of this book hints towards the items we call Job Crystals. You need to find these people who hold them, and make contact."

"So vague," said Twilight with a shake of her head. "Where can I find these people?"

"Well. It just so happens that I know where a particular student of Arcana went." Thubyrgeim smiled. "Go up to the upper floor and there is a man named Alka Zolka. He knows where the Adventurer with the Scholar Crystal would be."


Questioning the Marauders of Alka Zolka's whereabouts lead to Twilight finding a small man hunched over a thick dusty tome. For a moment, she was confused as men this small were not familiar to her. Was he a child of some sort? No, his age seemed to belay any youth under the age of 15. And yet... He was rounded, with short stubby arms and legs. He reminded her of a potato, but his expression was determined as he flipped through the musty tome.

Twilight cleared her throat as Alka didn't look up. "Yes, can I help you? I'm in the middle of studying this tome."

"Alka Zolka? My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I was hoping to ask you a question or two." Said Twilight.

Looking up, Alka startled, jumping up to his short feet. "Goodness me girl, I was surprised there for a moment! I hadn't realized a newcomer to these shores was here much less in company of a lizard."

"Dragon, not lizard, I don't do that tongue thing," said Spike irritably, even if he did so.

"Hmm hmm... and what would a girl dressed as a Summoner ask of me?" asked Alka.

"I was actually looking for information. I'm on a quest Mr. Zolka, and I need to find your friend, the Adventurer girl with the Scholar crystal."

"Ah yes, Moondancer," said Alka. "She looked surprisingly like you, but with thick glasses. A powerful Arcanist, and she took to the healing and tactics of Scholars quite well."

"Do you know where she went?" asked Twilight. "It's important we find her."

"Well..." Alka made a face. "Last I heard, she was in Gridania, in the accompaniment of another girl like yourself. A "mare" was it? Named Sunset Shimmer. Another one of the newcomers to these shores."

"I see." Twilight tried not to be too surprised. After long discussion with Sunset, she had determined there must be alternate reality versions of everyone out there, including herself after what she had seen. "How long of a trip is it to Gridania?"

"Oh not long at all, just a few hours by airship," said Alka. "She's a fine girl, that Moondancer. It seems like she likes the taste of adventure Eorzea brings to the newcomers. If you go to the Drowning Wench, you can speak with Baderon about getting a airship pass.

"Then we'll get going. Thank you for your time, Mr. Zolka."

"Take care. And do watch yourself. Gridania is home to many newcomers from Ishgard. They will not take kindly to someone whom they deem a thrall to dragons." Said Alka. "Not that I believe it myself. The thought of dragons mindwashing the masses is lunacy. Not with the Warrior of Light stirring up her troubles in the city."

What Alka said made sense, and yet, Twilight felt a pang of worry. If they got too close to this Ishgard, would Spike be in danger?

As they headed out, Spike sighed. "That's the second time that someone's mentioned dragons and how dangerous it is. Maybe I should hide in your backpack, Twilight."

"Maybe, but I would feel bad about it. C'mon, lets go ask around..." A flash of violet caught her eye as a woman with long violet hair was standing in the crowd, dressed in a simple if fashionable outfit. "Rarity...?"

"Where?" Asked Spike, looking around and then alighting on the woman. "That does look like Rarity. You don't suppose...?"

"Lets ask. It couldn't hurt, right?"

The pair followed the woman down the walk towards the large tower in the middle of town. As they entered the room, a hand shot out of the darkness and grasped Twilight, dragging her into the shadows. Spike made to grab a leg in alarm, and a shine of a dagger could be seen. Twilight's breath hitched in alarm as a familiar voice intoned in their ear. "That's far enough darling. Why are you following me?"

"I..." Gasped out Twilight, the woman's grip on her shoulder like iron.

"Calm down Rarity, they ain't trouble," drawled another familiar voice as Rarity let go. "Put yer stabbers away." A familiar face, similar to the one they knew in Equestria and the Human World pushed up her Stenson. "Sorry bout that. Doman girls get pretty worked up."

"I do not," said Rarity as she placed her daggers away. Both women were of the same race that Twilight was, that curious blend of half human and half pony. "Apologies darling, but when I noticed you were following me, I assumed the worst."

"I'm fine," said Twilight. "Spike, you can let go of her leg."

Spike looked down and sheepishly withdrew his claws. "Sorry."

"Quite alright sugarcube. I'm Applejack, and this is Rarity." Applejack wore hard looking armor and she had a axe slung over her shoulder. Her familiar hat topped the ensemble. "I'm guessing you came on the boat too huh? I hadn't seen you around our village before."

"I'm Twilight. And I'm from the city," said Twilight. "You said there's more of us?"

"Many of us," said Rarity. "You really are out of touch darling. Most of us came over on the boats months ago. The majority of us are living in Revenants Toll."

"I see." Looking at the pair, she sighed. "I need to get going, nice meeting you. I'm going to Gridania and I need to talk to that Baderon fellow about getting an airship pass."

"You take care then, sugar." Said Applejack as she turned to Rarity. "We're just waiting for our third member to join up before we head on out."

Nodding, Twilight continued through the crowded room. It was a tavern with three open air venues as she made her way to the front. There was a couple of people talking to a man whom she supposed was the innkeep. As they headed off, Twilight walked up. "Excuse me, sir? I'm looking for a man named Baderon."

"Ye found em, lass," said Baderon. "Welcome to the Drowning Wench. Am I guessing yer a new venturer?"

"Well, not really... but we are on a quest." said Twilight.

"We're trying to find a woman named Moondancer," said Spike. "Have you heard of her?"

"Cor, that a dragon?" Baderon squinted at Spike before chuckling. "I never figured that dragons cross the seas could talk like a child o'man. All right, lass, ye've got me attention. Aye, I know Moondancer, and her friend Shimmer. They went to Gridania on me behest. They're planning on do some work fer me counterpart in Gridania, Mother Miounne."

Baderon gestured towards Rarity and Applejack who had taken up a chair while waiting for their companion. "I was askin' these two lasses if they wanted to do some work fer her as well."

"That's all well and good, but it's important that I speak with Moondancer. Is it possible to get an airship pass?"

Baderon whistled. "Fraid not lass. Airship travel is strictly regulated an' passes aren't cheap. You can get a trip there, but you need coin t'board."

"Is this enough?" Asked Twilight, removing the small sack of coins from her pouch and handing it to him.

Baderon took it, inspecting the amount before shaking his head. "Fraid not lass. This will get ye a bed an' all tonight, but it won't be enough for the airship fee."

At her expression, Baderon sighed. "I must be getting soft. Tell you what lass. Go approach those two younguns that look like ye. And tell them Baderon would like th' three of you to work together. There's a little issue we've been havin' with pirates in Satasha. I'd like ye t'clear em out fer us. If ye do that, I'll pay fer your trip."

"Well... if it'll pay for our trip, then I don't see the problem," said Twilight thoughtfully. "What do you think, Spike?"

"Well, it's something right?" said Spike. "Thanks mister."

"That's the first time a dragon's thanked me. I can toss it off me bucket list." Laughed Baderon.

Walking over to the pair, Applejack waved at the pair. "Howdy y'two. Care fer a pint?"

"Actually..." said Twilight. "We need your help."

As she explained everything to them, Rarity folded her hands in thought. "So you need our help, and we'll get your help in this little pirate problem, is that it?"

"Yes. I'm pretty good at magic, but I need your help to clear out the pirates. Is that a problem?" Asked Twilight.

"Aw shucks, ah don't mind, what do you think Rarity?" asked Applejack.

"Well, we'll certainly have to wait for the fourth member of our little party before setting out. Where is she anyhow?" Asked Rarity.

"She's probably getting food for that finicky rabbit of hers." said Applejack. "Twilight I know you're new in town, but this'll get you a nice feel for the area. Mind going down to the main part of town and ask around Hawker's Alley fer Fluttershy? She's a pink haired mare with white robes."

"Got it."


"Go here, go there, talk to this person, sheesh," groaned Spike. "This is more tedious than anything I've ever done!"

"Well it's almost over." After finding a few people who had seen Fluttershy, she found her sitting at the Fisherman's Guild docks with a small flock of little critters around her. Like the others said, she was dressed in white, a staff of gold and white stone set beside her. "Excuse me?"

Fluttershy jumped and turned, her curtain of pink hair obscuring half of her face. "Yes?" She asked quietly.

"Sorry to interrupt, but your friends are looking for you," said Twilight. "Are you all right?"

"Mmm, I'm fine," said Fluttershy.

"Oh. Well, are you going to head up to them? They're waiting for you at the Wench." said Twilight. Thinking quickly, she added, "I've been added to your group. I'm Twilight Sparkle."

"I'm Fluttershy." This being the third go-around, Twilight expected the mumbled reply.

Realizing this was his cue, Spike waved. "And I'm Spike."

"A baby dragon!" Twilight neatly sidestepped the lunging tackle. "Oh you're so cute!"

"Yeah I get that a lot," said Spike, pleased with the results. Same old Fluttershy.

"I'll let the two of you talk if you come up to the Wench with us. Your friends are waiting." said Twilight, temping Fluttershy with the promise to listen to Spike's life story. Again.

"That would be nice. Okay, it's a deal." And she picked up Spike, and he grinned.

As Spike and Fluttershy chatted, Twilight reached down and picked up Prishe from her mount. "Prishe, is this all of this needed?"

"Duh," whispered Prishe back. "This is totally Adventurer 101."

"But I have a task!" Exclaimed Twilight hotly. "Why do I have to do all of this?"

"Because its cool," said Prishe simply. "And you have no reputation in this world. Why wouldn't you do things to build it up? Speaking of which, memorize this spell."

And Prishe flipped several pages over to a spell. "It's called Ruin. You'll need it."

Returning to the Wench, Rarity smiled as she stood up. "There you are! Are you two ready to go?"

"We'll catch the ferry to Aleport, and then take a nap before going. Stocking up, well, you got everything right Shy?" asked Applejack. Fluttershy nodded. "Good. So, Twilight, what do you need before we head out? I see your equipment is pretty good, but do you need medicines or food?"

"Well... I guess a bit of that will help," said Twilight. "I have some food in my backpack though."

"Best not to run out then of medicines," said Rarity. "I was eyeing those Mithril knives but darling those prices."

"Market Board Gougers," grumbled Applejack. "Lets get moving then."


The trip to Aleport was easy enough with the seas calm. It had been the first time Twilight had been on a boat before, and she could see Limsa Lominsa in the distance as they pulled up. Rarity had changed as well, dressing in a dark violet outfit with knives sheathed along the legs and waist, giving her the image of some kind of thief or rogue. She called herself a ninja, and what that entailed for Twilight she would soon find out.

"The Seagrot isn't far from here," said Applejack as she stepped away from a Yellowjacket, one of the guards. "Just an hour's walk from the entrance of the entrance to Aleport. From there, it's all straight forward. Y'all ready?"

The group nodded and soon, they were off, walking up the landscape. Twilight took note of the barren trees and the browned grass and asked, "What happened here?"

Rarity and Applejack shared a confused look while Fluttershy provided the answer. "Bahamut happened. His flames scorched this land, and turned it into a near-inhospitable area to live in."

"Y'sure are out of touch," said Applejack, concerned. "Why wouldn't you know about the moon fallin' and the big ol' dragon coming out of it?"

"There's a reason for that," grumbled Spike as they continued northward. When he refused to speak about it for now, Twilight cleared her throat.

"It's not really an issue, we'll be fine. So, what's this Seagrot like anyhow?"

"Cold, wet, not really a place I'd like to be in if you get my drift, darling," said Rarity with a shake of her head. "However, the case may be is that we're looking at pirates who have potentially moved in after it was cleared out by the Warrior of Light several months ago."

Nearing the entrance, the cave loomed open as a Yellowjacket stood at the entrance, guarding it with several others standing around. "Hail, Adventurers," said one of them, raising her hand. To Twilight's surprise she had feline features, with a pair of cat ears sticking out of her helmet, and a long bushy tail. "Are you the ones sent by Baderon?"

"We are," said Applejack. "We'll take care of your pirate problem in no time."

The Miqo'te woman nodded, before noticing Twilight. "Summoner, did you forget your Eigi?"

"My what?" asked Twilight, causing everyone to look at her cross-eyed. "Your Eigi," repeated the Yellowjacket. "Your familiar?"

"Um... I don't have one?" said Twilight.

"You don't have an Eigi? What kind of Summoner are you, darling?" asked Rarity.

"Hey, stop putting pressure on Twilight," protested Spike, drawing attention to himself. "She can't help it, there's a lot of things we haven't really gotten used to."

"Maybe we should hold off, if our Summoner can't perform properly..." said Applejack, pausing as Fluttershy made a noise. "Fluttershy?"

"I think we should give her a chance," said Fluttershy. "Even if she doesn't even have a Carbuncle we can help her along..."

"Fluttershy..." said Twilight, relieved she had someone on her side.

"Well darling, if Fluttershy likes you then I guess its settled," chuckled Rarity. Turning to the Yellowjacket, she said, "We'll do fine. There's five of us."

"If you say so," said the Yellowjacket, letting them pass. "Though letting an unskilled Adventurer go out without even a Carbuncle is madness..." she muttered, loud enough for Twilight to wince at the tone.


The inside of Satasha had seen better days. While the interior was covered in luminous coral and sparkling lights, Applejack lead the party into the first room which was a cave with sparkling algae and luminescent lights. "Not much has changed," she said, "Maybe a bit though. Rarity?"

"I'll be right back, darling." Rarity vanished in a cloud of smoke and Twilight blinked.

"How did she do that?" asked Twilight.

"Rarity is a Ninja," supplied Fluttershy. "She can scout ahead while we move through the cave."

“I see.” She didn’t see. “So, Satasha huh? What’s the deal with this place?”

“The Satasha Seagrot was infested with pirates a year ago,” said Applejack. “Those varmints stole people’s livelihood, and often their lives.”

“They murdered them?” Gasped Twilight.

”Murdered, pillaged, raped, Eorzea needs Adventurers to take these terrible people out. The worst part is when they’re in league with a Primal, then it’s a fate worse than death.” Said Applejack, her expression dark.

“A Primal is a god, usually to the beastmen tribes.” Said Fluttershy. “They fear the power of Man, and any threats. To feel safe, they call upon the gods to protect them, and the gods answer with feverish prayer and crystals.”

In the silence that followed as Twilight digested the statement, they were waiting for a few minutes before Rarity faded back into view. "Two groups of three pirates, all with octopi on their heads," she reported. "I slit one up on the way in when he got too close. Fortunately he didn't raise the alarm."

Twilight turned a little green. "Slit one up as in... you killed him?"

"Well yes, that is the intent," said Rarity, flicking green goo from her knives. "Don't look so surprised, darling. That's what we're here for."

"Can't we just negotiate with them?" asked Twilight, feeling a little unsettled. Applejack turned to look at her.

"Look, sugarcube, ah don't like it either, but these are vicious criminals. And even then, they won't obey the law and let us capture any of them." said Applejack. "Besides, they're all tempered too, aren't they, Rarity?"

"They are," said Rarity with a nod of her head. "They were burbling about Lord Leviathan."

Yet another word that Twilight didn't recognize and she was certain that burbling wasn't one of them. Fortunately Fluttershy supplied the explanation. "When a person is tempered, they become slaves to a Primal. And then they won't stop offering prayers to them. People have been kidnapped and tempered as offerings to the Primals. Leviathan is the god of the Sahagin, and he is capable of drowning entire settlements along the coast."

"How terrible..." Twilight exhaled. "If we can get through with minimal fighting, is that fine? I can't be certain if I can... kill someone I mean."

"That's fine. It never gets easier, darling. But we all know this." Rarity nodded. "I'll scout ahead, and incapacitate most of them. That'll leave the path open. And then we can bar the door."

"Sounds like a plan," said Applejack. "Three minutes, Rarity. And then we come charging in."

Rarity nodded, and vanished once more. Three long tense minutes passed as Twilight consulted Prishe’s notes on Ruin and continued on to Bio and Miasma. The collapsing lungs part was a nice, if morbid touch, but soon Rarity reappeared.

“The way is clear, but there’s a giant sea scorpion at the bottom of the path.”

“That’s where I come in,” said Applejack, shouldering her weapon which was a massive axe. “All right, everyone stick to the plan.”

The trip down was quiet, as they crept through the Seagrot. If they weren’t there to kill everything in sight, Twilight would have loved to study the area. Rarity and Applejack seemed determined enough as the beast was lurking at the bottom, pacing restlessly. Fluttershy murmured a incantation as prismatic diamond shaped shields sprung up around everyone. “All right, on three. I’ll get its attention.” Said Applejack, moving into position.

One. Two. Three. And then Applejack suddenly burst into what appeared to be crimson flames as she charged the monster, moving faster than expected in a bolt of crimson light. She slammed bodily into the scorpion, driving it backwards as Rarity vanished and reappeared on its head, driving her daggers into its head.

Twilight snapped into action, casting Ruin into the side of its head, as the monster contended with Applejack who fended of its massive claws with her axe. Flipping up and over, Rarity leaped high as she brought her finger together into a set of symbols as lightning crackled overhead and crashed down.

There was a yelp from Applejack but she endured, as Fluttershy brought her staff up. “Cure!” She exclaimed, glowing light forming across Applejack, healing her wounds.

The monster however, suddenly turned towards Fluttershy as she squeaked. It brought up its tail as it spun it around, and a tornado formed under Fluttershy’s feet.

“Look out!” Fluttershy was suddenly pushed away from Twilight who had lunged at her, pushing her away from the tornado. However, she was hurled into the air and landed with a heavy thud.

“Twilight!” Exclaimed Spike, emerging from her backpack. His eyes flashed angrily as he inhaled and breathed a cone of flame. Small, but big enough to send the monster keening to the side.

“Heal her! We need all the help we can get!” Exclaimed Applejack, as she contended with the monster, axe clashing with the beast as Rarity chipped at its armor from behind.

Fluttershy nodded as she rushed over to Twilight’s side and laid her hands on her. “Benediction!” Holy light flared as Shy’s strongest healing spell took hold, and Twilight sat up.

“WHOA!” Exclaimed Twilight. “How did you…?”

”No time, please help the others!” Exclaimed Fluttershy. “We need your help!”

“But I barely have any spells, I don’t…”

‘Awaken Me…’

At the soft voice, everything seemed to go quiet for a moment as Rarity was thrown off the monster, and Applejack was driven into the wall. The monster raised its stinger, and Twilight let go.

Lightning crashed as energy poured off Twilight, and with a great cry, a massive horse with a ornate horn erupted from the ground. Twilight was suspended in light, as Ixion rose to to meet its summoners call.

“SWEET KAMI!” Screamed Rarity as Ixion challenged the monster, and the monster turned its attention to the stormhorse. The two met, crashing and hooves and claw slamming once another as Ixion’s body crackled with incredible light.

With a loud neigh, the Primal took hold of the creature, and with a final blow, everything erupted into thunder. The thunder crackled along the Seagrot, electrifying enemies for malms as everything perished its storm. But the lightning did not touch the Summoner, or her Allies as everything grew quiet.

The Seagrot smoked as Ixion moved towards Applejack and her team, and Applejack held up her axe in challenge. But the Primal chuckled, a horse’s whinny as it nudged Twilight in the cheek.

Slowly, the pillar of light faded as Twilight regained her senses. “What’s going on?” She asked, looking up at the being in front of them. “Princess Celestia?”

Ixion seemed to smile, and then, without fanfare, dissolved into aether which scattered to the winds.

Silence, and the smell of smoked fish was in the air as Rarity said, “A Primal Summoner, one with such enormous aether, they can call on the very Primal itself.”

”Ah’ve never seen that before, or heard of it. A unicorn no less.” Said Applejack as Twilight leaned on Fluttershy. “How in the world did you manage to do that?”

“I don’t know, I just heard a voice. Awaken Me.” Said Twilight. “I… I’m sorry, just I needed to help and…”

”Everything’s all right.” Said Fluttershy. “We’re all alive and that matters.”

“Still, someone needs to check the rest of the Seagrot. Before anyone manages to find out that our new friend can call the gods to her side, and manage to avoid getting everyone in a twenty malm radius Tempered.” Said Applejack.

“I’ll do it.” Said Rarity. “Keep an eye on our friend here.”


“There’s that novice summoner…”

“Destroyed the Seagrot in a single go…”

“They say she called upon a Primal.”

“Maybe she’s tempered, that would explain it…”

“Thrall of the Dravanians maybe, she carries a drake with her…”

The murmuring of the people of Aleport made Twilight shrink in on herself, as Fluttershy stood guard over her. Returning to the small coastal town and explaining what had happened, the Yellowjackets had asked, politely, if Twilight would surrender herself into custody until an investigation was finished.

Applejack stood guard over the door, and Rarity glanced from window to window. Both were closed, for the moment. But the uneasy mutterings of the people of the local town could be heard through the walls.

Twilight wished she had way to talk to Prishe on what happened, but due to the terms of her custody, she was not allowed her Summoners Tome, and instead, she and Spike were sitting in the corner quietly.

Fluttershy offered a timid smile as she said, “Thanks for saving me, Twilight.”

“I just did what I had to,” said Twilight. “You’re my friend, and…” She caught herself on the statement. While Fluttershy bore some resemblance, Twilight had to remind herself that there wasn’t anything that could make them friends, for now.

Soon however, the door opened up as a man strode inside, followed by two others; a tall, grey skinned woman in a black jacket and the assistant Arcanist’s Guild leader. The tall woman in black wore two pistols at her side, and the Yellowjackets stood at attention. So did Applejack, Rarity and Fluttershy.

”So,” said the woman in black. “You are the summoner from another star, am I correct?”

“Uh… yes, I am.” Said Twilight, uncertain of where this was going. “I apologize for any problems I’ve caused; it was not my intent to cause such a fuss.”

The woman took a report and held it up. “Two whole crews of tempered men dead. A seagrot rendered uninhabitable due to electrical damage, and a kraken seared to ash. You’ve been busy, for a woman who hasn’t been causing trouble.”

Twilight shrunk in on herself as the woman made a expression before turning to Applejack. “You were the leader of the group, am I correct?”

“Yes Admiral,” replied Applejack, and Twilight looked up in surprise. “Ah was reluctant to take her on, but she has a good heart, and meant well. She saved the White Mage of our group as well.”

“Indeed. If it weren’t for her actions, I would imagine you and your party would be food for a sea scorpion by now.” Looking up, the woman introduced herself. “I am Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn, I am the Admiral and leader of the Maelstrom. Summoner from another star, if you were wholly unaware of the consequences of summoning a Primal to your aid, I would be more lenient. However, your comrades informed me of them telling you what that entails.”

Twilight shrunk into her corner, biting her lips as Spike spoke up. “But it’s not Twilight’s fault! She didn’t realize she could summon a Primal, she didn’t know she could summon at all!”

“Indeed, which is why I am granting clemency.” Said Merlwyb, impressed by the young drake’s defence of his master. Or perhaps his spirit, it was hard to tell despite the devilish expression on her face. “Princess Twilight, of the star known as Equestria, you did the right thing by telling the leader of our Arcanist’s guild your tale, lest you be put to the sword for a threat larger than our nation.” She nodded towards Thubyrgeim who smiled at Twilight. “She has contacted Foreseer K’lyhia, a member of our company who has set it upon herself to study your magic mirror. She has also passed through it, and has apparently startled several members of your world with her knowledge of geometrics. That being said, we do not wish to anger a nation, even one filled with pastel ponies. A military power is still a military.”

Twilight breathed a deep sigh of relief. “I am thankful you said that. I was afraid I did the wrong thing.”

“Do not mistake this as a leniency, Princess.” Said Merlwyb sternly. “You are here as a guest, and thus due to your actions, missives have been sent to the three other Grand Companies of Eorzea, though I believe the Ishgardians will be slow upon responding. You will be in the care of your party members, where upon you will be allowed to continue your tasks at hand, however vague they may be. We only ask that you refrain from summoning a Primal within the environs of our nation’s capitals, or not summon at all. As you will be dealing with a small group dedicated to exterminating the Primal threat when it arises.”

Holding out a small package to Applejack, the Admiral continued. “You will travel to Gridania, as per your request. However, this unknown summoning power of yours requires close monitoring. Your party will accompany you along on your journey to find these things you require. But know this: if you bring disaster upon our star, there will be retribution in blood.”

Twilight swallowed. “I’ll be careful. Thank you for understanding Admiral.”

Merlwyb’s expression softened for just a moment. “Your contacts are Thancred and Y'shtola of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. They have requested to meet outside in the Eastern Shroud, at a place called the Hawthorne Hut. I trust you will make your way there swiftly?”

“Aye Admiral,” said Applejack, saluting. Merlwyb nodded in reply.

“Navigator light your path then. Take your charter, the airship leaves from Limsa Lominsa in an hour.” With that, Merlwyb stepped out of the room, and a notable tenseness left in her wake.

Fluttershy sighed a little, relaxing. “No matter how many times I meet with the Admiral, the more I feel unnerved by her intenseness. I don’t know how you do it, Applejack, being enlisted in her Grand Company.”

Applejack smiled weakly before she said, “It’s nothing sugarcube, just doing my job. Now then, let’s get on that boat, before any ugliness starts up.”

”Indeed. I’ll make sure our way is clear.” Said Rarity, vanishing into a cloud of smoke.

Applejack turned towards Twilight and sighed. “Look, we’re put together for a reason apparently, and I don’t want too much trouble. If you have to summon, just summon over there?”

“I’ll try,” said Twilight as a burly man returned Prische to her.

Author's Note:

Published 7/20/2017
Series: Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn Patch 3.2, My Little Pony
Style: Normal Ponies > Anthropomorphic Ponies