• Published 5th Jul 2017
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Assasinverse: Green Vengeance - Loki777

Rita Repulsa uses Twilight Sparkle as her new Green Ranger to get revenge against the Power Rangers after her defeat at their hands. Two worlds will collide and things will never be the same.

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Chapter 9: Fight for Freedom (Part 1)

Assassinverse: Green Vengeance

“Chapter 8: No Sacrifice, No Victory”

Intro: Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Lorde version):

Canterlot, Equestria, Planet Harmony (the next day)

After Blueblood was buried in secret in a location only Cadence knew, the Harmony Rangers and Twilight returned to Canterlot Castle to ponder what was to be done.

Twilight was amazed that the Royal Sisters let alone Faust had created a Command Center like what the Power Rangers had, but the mood was dampened a bit from her no longer being a ranger.

The Power Rangers soon arrived and Zordon appeared in the center tube meant for someone like him as Kimberly joked that the would now being talking to a floating head instead of a wall lightening the mood a bit.

It was then that Alpha 5 while linked at the one on Earth in a special video link to the one in Equestria decided to tell the Power Rangers something that he knew they would be in for a big shock as when he discussed it with Zordon, the mentor of the Power Rangers was reluctant to want it to be unleashed, but given the circumstances, it was needed as Alpha 5 soon spoke up.

“Power Rangers, I have something that I need to tell you…”

Billy then spoke, “What is it Zordon?”

Zordon then showed an image of a large, mechanical creature that none of the Power Rangers had seen before though it was based on a dinosaur design as he then spoke quietly.

“This creature is Titanus the Carrier Zord that is the key to creating the powerful battle machine known as the Ultrazord.”

“Ultrazord?” Zack asked.

“It is when the Megazord, Dragonzord, and Titanus form together to create a powerful war machine. Though the Tigerzord is still uncertain.” Alpha 5 said.

Pinkie Pie then spoke, “What about us? We just morphed and barely did anything. Are we going to be more involved?”

“Yes, Pinkie Pie you and other Harmony Rangers will as I fear it will only get worse…” Zordon said.

“There is also one other thing you all need to hear and see…” Alpha 5 said.

“What is it?” Trini asked.

With a wave of his mechanical hand, Majesty Blueblood appeared before everyone though something was very different about her; she looked older about their age range that prompted Jason to ask out loud.

“What is this?”

“It turns out that Majesty Blueblood was older than she appeared, it was a strong aging spell used on her when she found out about her father’s plans but was aged backwards and her memory wiped.” Zordon said.

“Yikes, now that is the worse father in history.” Billy said.

Zack nodded and spoke, “Yeah as my dad was a lot nicer than Amadeus or I think he should be called Judas Blueblood or Benedict Arnold Blueblood.”

“Yeah, reminds me of Shinji’s dad from that one anime that was very depressing and full of angst and confusion.” Kimberly said.

“Question, what about Twilight? She looked a bit pale afterwards.” Trini said.

“The thing is that her last battle with Rita drained her powers as Rita tried to suck away her life force as revenge for us freeing Twilight from Rita’s control, but while Blueblood’s sacrifice saved her life, she sadly can no longer be the Green Ranger.” Zordon said somberly.

Billy then spoke, “Then who will be the Green Ranger?”

“First off, we were able to restore the coin, so it can no longer be used for evil. Now then, as who will be the next green ranger, it would’ve been Flash Sentry, but it requires an Alicorn for the Green Ranger powers to function until it can be refined to allow a non-Alicorn user to use. Therefore, the Green Ranger…for now is…Cadence.” Zordon said.

“Twilight will still be a ranger but will be the Magic Ranger of the Harmony Rangers team. Her brother gave up the power since he will be going to find Titanus and there, the Power Coin for Titanus. The Green Ranger Power coin allows for reading thoughts and emotions while the one for Titanus can allow for brief visions into the future. For the White Ranger, the Coin allows one to see light in another or…darkness.” Alpha 5 said.

On the other hand, Shining Armor was now wishing he had said no to go and fetch Titanus and the special ranger coin forged for controlling him.

“Yeah, real smart Shining Armor, go in and get the coin needed to control a semi-sentient creature that hates your guts and that of Zordon’s as well.” Shining Armor said to himself.

In a remote part of Equestria in the Bad Lands, Titanus was putting up a fight against Shining Armor. When he arrived, he saw him and despite his best efforts to try and talk to it, he was now trying not get killed.

On top of that, it was guarding a series of blaster guns and a trio of Power Coins making things more complicated as Shining Armor just barely avoided being roasted by Titanus.

“Think Shining Armor…think…. got it!” Shining Armor shouted quietly.

Using a quick flash spell, Shining Armor dove under Titanus and managed to grab the case that had the mystery blasters and the trio of mystery Power Coins.

Titanus on the other hand, wasn’t very amused and fired a blast at him as suddenly, a magical barrier formed around the Equestrian as the energy waves went around Shining Armor as he heard Faust speak to him.

“Don’t steal from Titanus, if you wish to seek his help, apologize and make your case better than before him. A true Power Ranger never steals. Make it right or you won’t be worth of being a Power Ranger again.”

Next thing that happened was that the spell disappeared as Shining Armor approached Titanus and spoke to the semi-sentient zord as he gently placed the container, he had just swiped away from Titanus in front of it.

“Titanus, if you can hear Faust calling and if you please hear me out, I am sorry for stealing the items you guard as they are needed against a coming evil that threatens not only this world, but others as well. We need your help and whatever being gave you a bad treatment to warrant your anger like this, we are all deeply sorry. So please, help us and in turn, I will never steal from you or Faust again.”

The zord paused for a few moments, then opened its mouth not to fire a beam at Shining Armor, but rather it was a Power Coin that had the zord’s head on it that gently rested in Shining Armor’s hands as he heard Faust speak to him once more.

“Those three Power Coins by the way are for the Royal Sisters and for Cadence your wife. Titanus has judged you worth of the Power Coin to use him for good only. As for the Green Ranger Coin, I will select the one who is worthy in contrast to what Zordon wanted to have be the new Green Ranger. Now, be on your way.”

With that said, Titanus lowered his head and Shining Armor climbed on top of his head and placed his coin into a golden morpher that appeared like magic as seconds later, Shining Armor morphed as he shouted out loud.


Back at the Equestria Command Center, everyone was getting a bit anxious for Shining Armor to return when suddenly, a bright light illumined the main chamber.

“What in tar nations?” Applejack asked.

Then, a figure appeared and gently descended to the main floor. The figure was a Power Ranger that was a silver metallic gray in color. His diamond patterns were a light gold while the cuffs on the lower legs and arms were black with gold details

Lastly, a large chest piece adored the upper torso with gold circles on it as a pair of blasters hung on either side of his waist as the helmet was modeled after Titanus himself.

“I take it you were successful?” Zordon asked.

Then, the Power Ranger showed who was he as the helmet came off and everyone saw it was none other than Shining Armor as everyone was in shock no more so than Cadence who seconds later, she fainted.

“I’m here and guess who’s back?” Shining Armor said.

Soon, all the Power Rangers and Harmony Rangers gathered around Shining Armor taking in the awe of his new outfit as Billy spoke up with joy.

“This is great! You got Titanus on our side!”

“Speaking of which, I need to take care of something right now.” Shining Armor said.

Shining Armor while placing his helmet aside on a nearby console terminal, walked over to where the fainted Cadence lay as he gently knelt before her and spoke to her softly.

“Hey there, time to wake up…”

Cadence then woke up and saw Shining Armor in his Titanus Ranger outfit and upon seeing his reassuring face, she got up slowly as she then spoke.

“I can’t believe it is you…you look great.”

The moment then came to a crashing halt when Alpha 5 came on and spoke with a bit of fear and embarrassment as everyone wanted to know what was up with him.

“Uh, hate to break the moment, but we have a bit of situation.”

Zordon then spoke, “Is it Rita? Or Amadeus?”

Everyone looked and saw it was none other than Rita Repulsa with Amadeus Blueblood with an army heading straight for Equestria as they heard her shout something that wasn’t good.

“Equestria will fall and soon, Earth! When that’s done, the Zeo Crystal will be mine! HA HA HA!”

Seeing that Amadeus was clearly declaring war not just on Equestria, but also that of Earth as well along with Rita, the two teams of Power Rangers knew it was time to fight back.

Before they moved, the Green Ranger coin the floated in the air and went straight to Flash Sentry as it gently then rested in his hands.

“What is this?” Flash asked.

“It means very likely that you are worth of being the next Green Ranger…” Zordon said.

“Okay, everyone...It’s morphing time…” Jason said quietly.

With a quick flash, everyone including the Royal Sisters and Cadence held out their morphers with the Equestrian ones being a gold and silver color and shouted out loud.


















Then the Morphing Grid opened above the rangers as it bathed all of them in a pure golden, white color energy as everyone morphed as then, it was over as everyone was now morphed into their ranger forms.

Luna’s ranger form was a dark shade of midnight blue with silver accents and with a silver visor in the shape of the moon as her weapon was a scythe that could transform into a long naginata-like weapon.

Celestia’s ranger form was a pure white color that had gold accents with a golden visor in the shape of the sun itself as her weapons were a pair of twin katana-like swords that could combine to form a staff weapon.

Cadence’s ranger form was a sky purple-gray metallic color with her cutie mark as her facemask as she had a short sword and a shield that she could store the sword in.

The three Alicorn princesses had shoulder pieces and wing cutters on their wings like that of the green ranger as Twilight’s new ranger form had it as well. Twilight’s new weapon was a smaller form of the weapon her brother had.

What was now different was that the ranger outfits didn’t look alien but were a cross between being armored and spandex though the spandex was flexible, yet strong. (*)

Twilight’s ranger form was the same color as when her brother wore the outfit but was now tailored to her form as once everyone had a good look at each other, the Rangers went off to war.

“Alright rangers, your zords await and good luck…” Zordon said to the massive team.

The Power Rangers first boarded their zords before their Equestrian friends did the same but their zords were different in comparison to Jason’s team.

Applejack’s zord was a wolf, Rarity’s zord was a mountain lion, Pinkie Pie’s was a cross between an alligator and a crocodile, Rainbow Dash’s was an eagle with a secondary ‘Tank’ mode for land battle, Fluttershy’s was a jackalope bunny rabbit and Twilight’s new zord was a barn owl.

Flash would be in command of the Dragonzord while Sunset Shimmer would still retain control over the Tiger zord. Shining Armor’s zord would be a lion, Cadence’s zord would be a crane, Princess Celestia’s was a phoenix and Luna’s zord was a horse-like creature with eight legs.

When everyone was ready, they all raced outwards toward the battle for Canterlot. At the head of the attack force, Rita calmly awaited the Power Rangers while Amadeus waited for his chance.

It didn’t take long for the Power Rangers to show up as Rita then watched them appear across from her as she heard Jason speak to her sternly from his zord.

“This ends here Rita!”

“Oh really? We’ll see about that….” Rita said darkly.

With one motion, the armies that she had amassed started to attack as Jason’s team lead the charge. The Equestrians followed second with both Flash and Kimberly shooting down any airborne Unicornia scum.

“Hey! Don’t leave us out!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Both Rainbow Dash and Twilight both used their zords along with Princess Celestia to keep all Unicornia forces grounded along with Princess Cadence.

With Amadeus on the other hand, he was in disbelief at the air forces being knocked out as seconds later, any and all ground forces were finding themselves running for their lives.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! They’re getting slaughtered!” Amadeus shouted.

"I don't care..." Rita said.

Amadeus tried to stab Rita, but Goldar stopped him in his tracks as Rita then smirked as she looked at the noble before she spoke to him.

"Did you really think I was going to share my conquest with a fool like you? NEVER! Unlike me, you're not willing to get your own hands dirty and rely on others do you work for you. At least I get involved when I need to and I enjoy it. Unicornia was just a mere stepping stone on my own plans for this universe. I'll still keep you around, but as a servant...."

With a wave of her staff, a group of Unicornia mages started the process to open a portal while at the same time, a group of Traditionalists manage to get Rainbow Dash grounded, but she had an ace up her sleeve as she activated ground mode of her zord.

“Didn’t se that coming did you bastards huh?” Rainbow Dash asked in mocking way.

What no one was seeing in the middle of all that chaos, Rita was planing to secretly slip away as she was able to get a bunch of other Unicornia mages to successfully open a portal back to Earth and out of sight of the heroes. Rita didn't care if they were to end up dying or not, all that mattered was her plans to get the Zeo crystal.

Back with the rangers, a group of civilians were about to be cornered by a bunch of Putty Patrollers when Billy plowed through them along with Pinkie Pie as if they were just merely snow.

“Don’t mess with blue!” Billy shouted.

Fluttershy on the other hand was in a bit of a pickle as at first, she was doing well, but now Unicornia mages and Putty Patrollers were staring to overwhelm her.

“HELP!” Fluttershy shouted.

Then Alpha 5 spoke to her, “Fluttershy! Your zord can use your ‘Stare’ as a weapon! Do it!”

Upon hearing that advice, Fluttershy leaned forward in her zord and a mask covered her helmet as seconds later, her zord unleashed a zord version of Fluttershy’s stare.

This made the bad guys run away in the opposite direction and right into Applejack and Rarity’s arms as both demolished them with little effort.

Zack and Trini were both using their zords to help get the civilians away from the danger along with Princess Luna. As did the task, Zack saw a little filly pinned under an overturned apple cart with her parents trying to get it off her with little success.

Without hesitating, Zack got out of his zord and pulled out his Battle Ax and fired on the Putty Patrollers trying to stop him from getting in his way.

Pinkie Pie saw it as well and quickly moved to cover him as well by getting out of her zord as well and pulling out her weapons to give Zack cover fire.

A second later, Zack was near the filly and managed to get the cart off her as the little filly looked at him with a bit of fear as the parents didn’t want him near her before Zack spoke them.

“It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt your daughter, I’ll help you…It’s okay….”

Gently picking her up, Zack ran with the filly in his arms with Pinkie Pie covering his back along with the parents as he managed to get the trio to safety before leaving to help his friends.

As he left, the filly’s father looked on in admiration and spoke quietly to himself as the Royal Guards treated his daughter’s twisted left ankle as the group headed into the Canterlot Caves for safety.

“Thank you, Black Ranger for saving my daughter Diamond Tiara…”

Rita then changed a random Changeling into a bigger creature at the edge of Canterlot prompting Zordon to talk to the Rangers as their Equestria friends were too busy at the moment.

"Rangers, it's time to form your zords into Tank mode..."

"Okay, let's do this! Tank mode!" Jason shouted.

Then, both Billy and Trini's zords came in front of Jazon's zord as the legs of the T-Rex folded allowing the two zords to connect to the knees while the two zords folded up their legs.

A second later, Zack's zord came in and transformed to form two arm cannons while Kimberly's zord came in lastly to connect to the back to form secondary guns.

"WOW! That's so cool!" Pinkie Pie shouted nearby.

In the cockpit, the rangers sat together for the first time as Jason sat front and center while Billy and Zack were behind him facing either left or right with Kimberly and Trini facing sideways.

"Ready? Fire the guns!" Jason shouted.

The Megazord in Tank mode charged through Canterlot firing its guns greatly damaging the massive creature before the Rangers decided to shift tactics.

"Alright, switching to battle mode now!" Jason shouted.

"MEGAZORD Sequence has been initiated!" Billy and Zack said together.

Everyone watched as the Megazord then transformed into robot mode with Kimberly's zord folding up to form the head as the Megazord activated.

Working together, the Rangers then fired beams of energy from the horns off of the Megazord's head punching a hole in the monster and destroying it.

Then suddenly for some reason, the Unicornia forces and the Patrollers started to retreat leaving all the rangers very confused as they felt something was not right.

The answer of what was wrong soon came to light as Zordon spoke to them suddenly, but he was very afraid and scared as all the rangers heard him.


“What is it?” Jason asked.

“The attack on Canterlot was a decoy! Rita’s real target is Angel Grove!” Alpha 5 shouted.

The Rangers all quickly teleported to Earth as Rita on the other hand was watching her forces smash their way through the humans trying to stop her from getting the Zeo Crystal.

“Pathetic…” Rita said.

Then, she heard the Power Rangers showing up much to her fury. No, not before she was so close to winning as she summoned Tirek and used her dark powers on him.

“Make my monster grow!”

Triek grew to his massive size as just as he was starting to move, Rita saw the Megazord along with a bunch of other zords near it as Rita then smile darkly.

“This time…I’ll win…”

To be continued…

Ending: Go Green Ranger Go!

Author's Note:

Here is the beginning of the end of this story.

MLP FIM (C) Lauren Faust.

Assassinverse (C) Rated PonyStar.

Power Rangers (C) Ham Saban, Hasbro and Lionsgate.

(*)Outfits look more like their TV forms.