• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 2,188 Views, 112 Comments

Assasinverse: Green Vengeance - Loki777

Rita Repulsa uses Twilight Sparkle as her new Green Ranger to get revenge against the Power Rangers after her defeat at their hands. Two worlds will collide and things will never be the same.

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Chapter 3: First Blood

Assassinverse: Green Vengeance

“Chapter 3: First Blood”

Intro: Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Lorde version):

Canterlot, Equestria, Planet Harmony

The Power Rangers stared their opponent down as did the Green Ranger before then, the battle stared while everyone else got out of the way of what was to come.

Blueblood on the other hand having been blasted outside the mansion by the Green Ranger minutes ago was crawling away while battered and injured as he found a dying Lady Sundancer lying nearby as he then spoke to her.

“I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!”

Then the noble died as Blueblood then staggered to his feet and ran away running into the arms and the bosom of his aunt Princess Celestia who arrived to see what she could do along with Princess Luna, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, and the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony except for Spike who stayed behind back at the castle.

If it wasn’t for the seriousness of the situation, it would’ve been funny to have seen Blueblood run into Princess Celestia’s breasts as the co-ruler of Equestria quickly spoke an order to her sister.

“Luna, get Blueblood to safety while the rest of us will deal with these monsters…”

As soon as Princess Luna left with a wounded Blueblood, Rita showed up on the scene wearing her armor minus the helmet face covering as she soon spoke up while looking at the Equestrians.

“Two Alicorn princesses coming to save the day along with the Power Rangers, how cute…”

Shining Armor then spoke, “You must be Rita Repulsa?! The original Green Ranger who is attacking Equestria right now with your new Green Ranger and your rock golems?”

Rita couldn’t help but chuckle at the comment in a darkly fashion and prepared to face off against the Equestrians by eying Fluttershy as the weakest one to take out first as she then spoke to the ones challenging her.

“I am Rita Repulsa and you should stand aside all of you before I destroy all of you if you don’t tell me how to get back to Earth so I can not only get my hands on the Zeo Crystal, but also so I can rule the universe!”

“Like that’s ever happening!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

Then Rainbow Dash flew up and attempted to tackle the evil sorceress as Rita on the other hand looked rather bored at the attack that was launched on her as her friends tried to warn her including Applejack who spoke up quickly.

“Rainbow no!”

Rita laughed and spoke, “Predictable…”

Clutching her staff, Rita saw dodged the first attack by Rainbow Dash and swung her staff like a baseball bat and smacked the speed pony away into a wall knocking her out of the fight.

While Rita was busy with the Equestrians, the Power Rangers on the other hand made their move against the new Green Ranger as Jason tried to charge Twilight while Billy and Zack tried to flank her from the sides.

Twilight used her magic to send Billy and Zack flying way while running towards Jason with one of her swords deployed that clashed with Jason’s blade as Trini and Kimberly were busy helping the Royal Guards fight off Rita’s minions as Jason spoke to Twilight.

“Listen! You don’t have to fight us! We’re both Rangers! Rita’s only using you for your power!”

Twilight then spoke, “I follow the will of my empress! Anyone who refuses her will shall die!”

Jason then tried to use his left leg to hook Twilight’s right leg only for Twilight herself to do a back flip with her wings and slashed at Jason sending him backwards, but not for long as Jason quickly rebounded as Trini and Kimberly soon approached to help Jason.

Twilight then flew up and grabbed Trini with her legs before using her wings to send her tumbling to the ground just as she managed to intercept a punch from Kimberly before giving her a Judo throw into a nearby store before resuming her sword duel with Jason managing to parry his blade before she delivered another slice to him before she punched him sending him away.

Flipping backwards, Twilight delivered a reverse kick to Billy’s head knocking him to the ground before she engaged Zack in hand to hand combat with a few punches being matched, but then she managed to punch him in his guts and delivered a double kick to him sending him to the ground before she jumped away and landed on a street post with ease before she spoke to the Power Rangers.

“You rangers think you’re all so tough? Too bad that’s a lie!”

On the other hand Rita was easily taking care of Twilight’s friends as she managed to beat Fluttershy by just merely scaring her silly and using an energy blast to knock her aside.

Applejack tried to deliver a kick to her, but Rita caught it and used her staff to easily break her left leg sending the farm pony into serious pain as she then punched her away as Pinkie Pie tried to use her party cannon on her, but the weapon was soon destroyed by Rita as seconds later, the party pony was kicked away towards a light post that knocked her out of the fight.

Rarity used her magic to send bits of various objects at Rita, but the former Green Ranger easily either dodged them or sliced them apart before she grabbed the fashion pony by her neck and started to strangle her before she decided to kick her away into a mud puddle and breaking her nose in the process.

“So much for you so-called heroes of Equestria being good, what a bunch of pathetic fools…” Rita said with a snarl.

It was then that she got hit with a magical blast from Shining Armor clad now in his old purple Royal Guard regalia holding a shield and spear as he then spoke to her.

“They may have fallen, but you will be stopped!”

Rita laughed and spoke, “Try and get me fool…”

Shining Armor then ran forward as Rita’s staff caught his sword and the two dueled as at first both were matched as Shining Armor did managed to deliver a few strikes on Rita though not doing much damage only scratching her armor as he used a shield spell to push Rita way and blast her with a spell.

Rita then managed to get up and intercept his latest sword attack as she then seconds later, managed to grab his shield and sent it flying towards Cadence who got hit by it enraging Shining Armor as Rita then punched Shining Armor in the chest, denting it before she sent him flying with a right upper cut punch knocking him out of the fight.

She walked over to Shining Armor and was about to deliver the final, fatal blow when a magical burst from Cadence and Princess Celestia made her divert her attention to the two Alicorns.

“Leave my Shiny alone!” Cadence shouted.

“How cute, he’s your shiny? Pathetic…” Rita said.

Cadence then fired another magical shot to send Rita away from Shining Armor before she then unleashed a magical burst to destroy a good chunk of Rita’s Putty Patrollers as Princess Celestia got rid of the rest before the two engaged the former Green Ranger in close-quarters.

“Shining Armor and the Royal Guards may have been defeated, but I will protect my subjects from you Rita!” Princess Celestia shouted.

While the ruler of the day fought against Rita, Cadence decided to help the Power Rangers as the heroes from Earth were getting their rear-ends handed to them.

Cadence then charged up her magic and punched the Green Ranger who she didn’t realize was Twilight Sparkle under that armor and under Rita’s control.

“Back off Green Ranger!” Cadence shouted.

“Ha! A pony of love can’t defeat the Green Ranger!” Twilight shouted.

Then to everyone’s surprise, Cadence then changed her wear into something more; a Royal Guard outfit that belonged to the Crystal Ponies which was a silver blue color as Cadence then unleashed her twin crystal swords to fight the Green Ranger.

“Whoa, pinky has some bad ass moves…” Billy said.

As the Power Rangers managed to help get the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony and Shining Armor away, Cadence kept on dueling with the Green Ranger as she then spoke to the warrior.

“Stop! You don’t know what you’re doing! If you are a Power Ranger, then you would fight for Zordon! Not for Rita!”

“I know! That’s why he’ll fall and Rita will reign supreme! And you will be dust first!” Twilight shouted.

But before the two could continue, Rita all of a sudden was blasted backwards to them as Princess Celestia wearing some golden battle armor and looking rather pissed due to her mane and tail now resembling flames.

“THOU SHALL NOT HARM OUR LITTLE PONIES!” Princess Celestia shouted in her Royal Canterlot voice.

The two warriors then fired their respective powers at each other causing the two to meet half way as both tried to overpower each other, but then caused an explosion that blasted the two backwards away from each other.

Both quickly got up and locked their weapons at each other as Rita then spoke to the ruler of the day with malice as Princess Celestia glared at her greatly.

“You need a teacher! I can show you how to fight like a Power Ranger!”

Princess Celestia then spoke, “I don’t need no teacher as since the Changeling Invasion not too long ago I have been brushing up on my combat skills so that what happened with Queen Chrysalis will not happen again!”

The ruler of the day then concentrated and did a back flip before she crossed her arms in a pose that would’ve made Wonder Woman proud and fired a much stronger shot of magic before following it up with a sword slash with her royal blade she had on her delivering a damaging slash to Rita’s armor.

Seeing that things were going south for them, Rita decided as much as she hated it to retreat for now and plan her next move carefully as she then called out to her Green Ranger.

“My Green Ranger! We’ll fall back for now…”

Breaking off her duel with Cadence, Twilight reluctantly did so and acknowledged the order from her empress and both soon enough teleported way, but not before Twilight in her Green Ranger outfit spoke one last thing.

“This isn’t over!”

With that done, Princess Luna soon arrived to see what she could do only to see that the fight was over for now. Cadence then landed near her aunts and removed her helmet and spoke to them.

“I doubt we’ve seen the last of Rita…”

Princess Celestia nodded and spoke, “I agree Cadence, Luna and I need to talk to Zordon as we need to find a way to better handle ourselves after our tussle with not only Rita, but also the Green Ranger as well.”

Nearby and hiding from the shadows, Amadeus Blueblood watched the whole ordeal and spoke to himself quietly once he got back to Blueblood manor and to his personal study.

“You had one job Blueblood, one job and you failed me in the most epic of ways. Time to dispose of the waste as I need to accelerate my plans though teaming up with that Rita Repulsa might seem like a tempting idea, but for now I need to rid myself of that waste I called my son…”

On the other hand, the Power Rangers were busy guarding the wounded as they watched the Royal Sisters collect the dead of the Royal Guards that not had been killed by Rita, but also by the Putty Patrollers and by the Green Ranger herself as the city area where the battle had taken place was damaged greatly.

“Our first defeat as a team, not how we wanted to make our first impression on the locals…” Zack said grimly.

“I know Zack, but for now we need to rest up and plan how to counter the next attack as I fear that this is just the start for this world…” Jason said.

Far away underground, Rita had a little surprise in store for her Green Ranger as she led her to a large area of the caves as seconds later, she lit the area and spoke with pride.

“Behold my Green Ranger…your very own and brand new Dragonzord!!!”

The massive creature was very tall with a long tail that was a drill for the tip of its tail that could turn into a deadly whip-like weapon, the head was a throwback to dragons of old-Europe of Earth that had a pair of horns that were swept back like what was on the Megazord of the Power Rangers along with a silver Mohawk like-thing on its head with spikes going horizontally in front of the feature, had a pair of black and dark green wings for flight, it's arms and legs were covered in spikes while the arms each had a dagger on them made of the very metal that was used to try and kill Twilight not too long ago, it's body was very long and bulky yet slim enough it could take a beating along with a series of jagged spikes running down its back, and was decked in mostly dark green with gold on the shoulders that looked very crystal-like though looking like armor pieces with silver as a secondary color with a circular device on its chest with six dots on it as it roared to life for the first time.

For the Power Rangers and their allies, the battle for Equestria and Earth had just began……

To be continued…

Ending: Go Green Ranger Go!

Author's Note:

A/N: Here is the third chapter of this story and the first battle against the Green Power Ranger.

Sorry if it wasn't long enough as I'm still working on creating good action sequences for fanfictions.

The Dragonzord I made is similar to the one we all know from MMPR, but wings added just so it can be called a Dragonzord as the original was more or less a mechanical Godzilla.

I had Blueblood be the only survivor of the Conspiracy against Twilight for a reason as the real mastermind Amadeus Blueblood was the real mastermind in the original stories taking place in the Assasinverse.

Once more, give this story a chance and give me some ideas on how to make this even more epic.

Don't worry, Shining Armor and the other bearers of the Elements of Harmony will get a chance for payback along with a few others as well.

Sunset Shimmer will make her appearance soon enough so don't worry about that.

EDIT: Made the Dragonzord a bit more tough and European like with a bit of Space Godzilla thrown in manly on the shoulder parts.

EDIT 2: Princess Luna wasn't present due to her getting Blueblood medical help and helping to keep any civilian away from the battle that was going to help clear things up.

Power Rangers (C) Haim Saban.

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic (C) Hasbro Inc.

Assasinverse fan universe belongs to Rated-PonyStar.