• Published 5th Jul 2017
  • 2,189 Views, 112 Comments

Assasinverse: Green Vengeance - Loki777

Rita Repulsa uses Twilight Sparkle as her new Green Ranger to get revenge against the Power Rangers after her defeat at their hands. Two worlds will collide and things will never be the same.

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Chapter 7: Rebulding Bridges

Assassinverse: Green Vengeance

“Chapter 6: Rebuilding Bridges”

Intro: Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Lorde version):

Power Rangers Command Center, Planet Earth

Alpha 5 was trying to get Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Shining Armor to start training again when all of a sudden, the Power Rangers appeared, but with two other rangers with them as he then spoke up.

“Rangers! You’re back and uh….oh no! The Green Ranger is-“

Jason quickly motioned Alpha 5 to calm down as Kimberly told everyone else present to relax for a good reason and they would like it as the red ranger soon spoke up calmly.

“Alpha 5, you don’t need to be scared of the Green Ranger anymore. The reason? She’s no longer under Rita’s spell and the White Ranger Coin works now. Alright then, power down everyone…”

Then, all the Power Rangers de-morphed including Sunset Shimmer who looked the same at Canterlot High, but her leather jacket was now white as the two Equestrians smiled warmly with Twilight speaking up seconds later.

“Hey everypony, guess who’s back?”

After looking her over, Alpha 5 ran off for some reason only for him to reappear as he told them all to get inside the Command Center as Zordon wanted to see Twilight himself along with Sunset Shimmer.

Then, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer were face to face with Zordon as the princess of Friendship felt very nervous as Zordon’s gaze looked her over for a few moments before he finally spoke to everyone present.

“Jason, you and your team did an excellent job with saving Princess Twilight Sparkle from being controlled and used by Rita for her nefarious ends. As for Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer, you two must follow the three basic rules to be a Power Ranger or lose the protection forever; never use your powers for personal gain, never use them to escalate a fight unless Rita or Amadeus Blueblood forces you two to do, and never revel your identities as Power Rangers to anyone that Alpha 5 or I don’t approve of…ever.”

“Zordon? Can Twilight have a moment with her friends please as they wanted to do so since we got here, can they do that now please?” Billy asked.

Zordon merely nodded and the Power Rangers stepped aside as Twilight slowly walked to her friends before they all of a sudden group hugged making everyone present smile as the ponies spoke to Twilight one by one except for Rainbow Dash for some reason.

“It’s good to have you ah back sugarcube.”

“Twilight’s a good ranger now…”

“Twilight darling, are you sure Spike won’t be mad that you have a Dragonzord?”


It was then that the group of ponies parted and Twilight stared at Rainbow Dash whom the latter looked at bit ashamed and embarrassed before she found the words to speak to Twilight as the speed pony finally spoke up.

“Twilight…I’m sorry! I’m sorry I said I hated you the day before you almost died! I should’ve listened to you, but I was being too stubborn and arrogant to listen! I never wanted anything bad to happen to you!”

Rainbow Dash did something she never wanted her friends to see; she cried silently before she finally hugged Twilight and started to sob before Twilight hugged her back, stroked her friend’s back a bit, and then looked at her in the eyes before the princess of Friendship spoke up.

“Rainbow Dash, I forgive you and I don’t blame you for your behavior as was also under stress from my duties. I wanted to help you out as I know you have the potential not only to be a Wonderbolt, but a Power Ranger as well. The biggest question I have for you is this; can you forgive yourself?”

Rainbow Dash nodded and things were patched up between Twilight and her friends as she then looked at her brother Shining Armor as Twilight smiled warmly at her older brother before she spoke up to him.

“Are you crying BBBFF? Or is that the so-called ‘Liquid Pride’ you keep saying?”

Shining Armor then spoke, “It’s a bit of both actually, Twilight…I’m so sorry I couldn’t protect you from Amadeus, those blasted Traditionalists, and Rita Repulsa. I’m not sure if I deserve to be a Power Ranger given what has happened…”

“BBBFF, you don’t need to beat yourself up over it as it is all in the past now as Rita in her blind fury did something stupid; she gave me a power, a power I now own and not her anymore. It was because of the Power Rangers and Sunset reminding me who I really am let me break free from Rita’s spell. Besides, we have a few others to talk to…and for Sunset to face her former mentor for the first time in a long time, I’ll see you all soon.” Twilight said.

With a bit of help from Alpha 5, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer both teleported back to Equestria as Alpha 5 then spoke up to everyone present that unexpectedly crashed the mood.

“Okay then, let’s resume training!”

Everypony groaned as Jason and his friends grinned in amusement before laughing a bit before offering to help train them though telling Alpha 5 to let the ponies go back home to tend personal matters while learning how to be rangers as on the other hand, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer had magically appeared back in Equestria at the entrance to the throne room of Canterlot Castle.

“Do you think Celestia will forgive me for all I’ve done?” Sunset Shimmer asked.

“You freed me from Rita’s control with the help of those Power Rangers and you’ve changed for the better. I can’t say what will happen but be ready for anything.” Twilight said.

The two ponies then entered the Throne Room and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna sitting in their respective thrones when the Royal Sisters caught sight of them as the pair faced them fully.

“Celesta, Luna…I’m back and no longer under Rita’s control anymore. On top of that, Sunset Shimmer is here as well.” Twilight said softly.

This was a bit never wracking for Sunset Shimmer as the last time she saw her former mentor, it wasn’t on good terms and now that she’s a Power Ranger, it added a bit more to the awkwardness.

Princess Celestia was the first to come down to the pair followed by Princess Luna as the ruler of the day looked at Twilight a bit before she embraced her fully while she started to cry as she then spoke softly.

“Twilight, it’s good to see you’re okay now. I’m sorry if I rushed you into princess-hood. I’m sorry if I didn’t see the attempt on your life. I’m sorry if I let that blasted Rita control you under my watch. With all that said, it gives me great joy to see that you’re okay now.”

Twilight nodded and returned the hug as Princess Luna and Sunset Shimmer both looked on as the heartwarming reunion was taking place before them.

Then, both parted as Princess Celestia then looked at Sunset Shimmer as this was the first time the two were seeing each other on better terms than what had happened all those years ago.

“Sunset Shimmer…” Princess Celestia said softly.

Sunset Shimmer bowed and then spoke, “Princess Celestia, the last time I saw you it was when I was your snide and bitter student who ran out on you and betrayed you. I come before you a changed pony asking you for your forgiveness, guidance, and knowledge…”

Princess Celestia walked over to Sunset Shimmer and then gently hugged the former student of hers as Sunset returned the hug and both wept silently.

“It’s good to have you back Sunset even if it’s temporary, come we have much to discuss.” Princess Celestia said.

The group then walked down to another part of Canterlot castle that only the Royal Sisters knew that Amadeus Blueblood never knew of as they soon arrived at a set of doors that were taller than the sisters that were adored with a lightning bolt that was the symbol of the Power Rangers.

“What is this place?” Twilight asked.

“It is a place our mother set up years ago if a being like Rita Repulsa would appear and since she has appeared, the time is now.” Princess Luna said.

The large chamber opened, and the group stepped inside while the doors behind them shut completely. Inside the chamber was a massive tube at the end while flanking its sides were a series of ranger-like costumes though their designs were different looking compared to the ones Twilight had seen.

“What is that tube for?” Twilight asked.

“Auntie Luna said its for whenever Zordon had to come here or someone like him were to appear.”

That voice belonged to none other than Princess Cadence who appeared a bit wary of Twilight, but was calmed down by Princess Celestia who told her that Twilight was free from Rita’s control.

After they did their dance, Twilight decided she needed to talk to her parents and left for her parent’s home. Getting there, she knocked on the door and Twilight Velvet answered.

She did get scared at first, but then after Twilight explained what had happened, her mother embraced her and cried tears of joy and let her into the house.

Both got a shock when they saw Zack of all beings sitting at the family table eating a slice of buttered toast with Trini confusing them as Night Light came in and spoke to them both.

“They just came by to see how things are going for you Twilight.”

“Thanks you two and don’t you have things to do?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, but we wanted to check on our newest ally.” Zack said with a smile.

Twilight smiled at this and hugged them both before the two Power Rangers left by teleporting. While that was going on, Rita on was secretly regaining her power after she killed another Unicornia solider.

“You may no longer be under my control, but I will make you pay for siding with those power punks…” Rita said darkly.

Rita would soon reappear, and it would be ugly….

To be continued…

Ending: Go Green Ranger Go!

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long as I was busy with other things in life.

Twilight is on the path to redemption, but Rita threatens all that.

Next chapter will have a death and it won't be Flash Sentry sorry.

The Equestrian Power Chamber was made in the event Zordon and his team needed a base of operations, but never happened and thus it is now being retooled and will be explored more in later chapters.

Assasinverse (C) Rated-Ponystar.

Power Rangers 2017 Film (C) Lionsgate Films and Saban.

MLP FIM (C) Lauren Faust and Hasbro Inc.

One last thing, give this story a chance.