• Published 5th Jul 2017
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Assasinverse: Green Vengeance - Loki777

Rita Repulsa uses Twilight Sparkle as her new Green Ranger to get revenge against the Power Rangers after her defeat at their hands. Two worlds will collide and things will never be the same.

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Chapter 10: Fight for Freedom (Part 2)

Assassinverse: Green Vengeance

“Chapter 8: No Sacrifice, No Victory”

Intro: Everybody Wants To Rule The World (Lorde version):

Angel Grove, USA, Planet Earth

Rita then sent Lord Tirek after the Megazord as the centaur picked up the Megazord and threw it into the nearby hills before he then rammed into it.

“Gah, this guy is N-A-S-T-Y!” Trini shouted.

“Oh, you think?!” Zack asked.

With the Equestrians on the other hand, the Princesses minus Twilight went straight towards where the Zeo Crystal was at to form a barrier around it as did Twilight and her friends. Flash on the other hand flew between the princess and Twilight to use his Dragonzord against Rita’s forces as he then spoke up.

“I need Dragonzord power!”

Bringing the weapon to his helmet, he then played a tune that made the Dragon zord fire a series of missiles first against Lord Tirek and then against Rita’s forces doing a number on them.

Sunset Shimmer on the other hand went to the Power Rangers to help them as she then transformed her zord into Megazord mode and tackled Lord Tirek. This action bought the Power Rangers a bit of time.

“Well if it isn’t miss Whity…” Lord Tirek said mockingly.

“You wish! Tigzerzord! Fireball shots!” Sunset Shimmer shouted.

Out of the Tigerzord’s tiger mouth, a series of quick-rapid fire shots knocked Lord Tirek away scorching him a bit but enraging the centaur even further.

Aside from Lord Tirek, Rita along with the Traditionalists and Unicornia were also major concerns for everyone as the Equestria Power Rangers fought with everything they had on them.

One group of Unicornia soldiers got themselves blown away by Pinkie Pie just as Princess Luna appeared from the sky and then dropped to the ground before using her scythe to decapitate a dozen Traditionists.

Princess Celestia on the other hand was busy fighting Goldar as the monster kicked her away before locking blades with her before speaking to her.

“Give it up sunny! I’m far stronger than you!”

“Go suck Rita’s naughty bits jerk!” Princess Celestia shouted.

“Okay, gross Celestia…” Cadence said nearby.

Nearby, a group of Putty Patrollers tried to get near the family of Jason Scott, but then Applejack appeared out of the blue and shouted a cheesy, one-liner.

“Stop! Hammer Time Varmits!”

Her downward swing smashed two Putty Patrollers with ease before shoving her hammer into the ground and swinging from it to further knock Rita’s minions away.

Fluttershy soon appeared and fired her crossbow to finish them all off as far away, both Cadence and Shining Armor were both using their blades to fight the Traditionalists and Unicornia soldiers.

“This is nuts, but as long as I’m with you, we’ll win Shiny!” Cadence shouted.

Then, Twilight joined them and together, the three took down Putty Patrollers that were threatening a human woman that was none other than Billy’s mom Cadence Cranston as both Rainbow Dash and Rarity got her to safety before rejoining the rest of the Rangers.

Not far away, Princess Celestia was able to wound Goldar into retreating for now as she then went to town on the Traditionalists with Twilight joining in on the fun along with Pinkie Pie.

Nearby, Amadeus was in disbelief as he decided to confront Rita on their forces somehow that weren’t winning, but at the same time, were not losing.

“Aren’t you concerned about us losing?!” Amadeus shouted.

Rita finally had enough of this noble trying to boss her around and promptly struck him with her staff. Reaching downwards, Rita then hoisted the noble up and glared at him before she spoke.

“Us? Ha, you are so foolish and pathetic you stupid noble…Do you think I gave a damn about you? NO! I see your real reason for wanting to team up with me, so you can gain the throne to Equestria that you’ve been trying to do for centuries…Do you think I would share the Zeo Crystal with you? Never! That crystal is mine and mine alone as you and your so-called forces are nothing more than mere expendable cannon fodder for me. If you really want to win, let’s see if you can do it as a monster!”

Using her staff, Rita mutated Amadeus into a dark, demonic looking form that when she let him loose, the mutated Amadeus went straight to Twilight by ramming into her and knocking her down.

“What the? Amadeus? You’re a monster!” Twilight shouted.

Amadeus now had dark, bat-like wings and teeth with dangerous, sharp edges along with his hooves and fingers looking very sharp and wolf-like as then, it spoke to her.

“Yes, but I’m no monster helot! Ever action I take, no matter how dark or cruel it is to you is for the greater good of Equestria!”

Shining Armor then appeared and used his buster sword to force Amadeus back before the brother of Twilight Sparkle glared at Amadeus and spoke to him.

“For the greater good of Equestria my flank! You tried to murder her by using your only son! A real father would never do a thing like that!”

“Blueblood? He was a weakling; he should’ve been born an Alicorn! But what do I get? A worthless Unicorn that my whore of a wife dares birthed! When Majesty was born, things were looking up and then, your Power Ranger buddies screwed it all up!” Amadeus shouted as he lashed out.

Nearby, Flash decided to give the Power Rangers a hand as after getting Amadeus away using the missiles of the Dragonzord, he then contacted them.

“Rangers! Alpha 5 has just told me that my zord can combine with your Megazord to form the Mega Dragonzord!”

“Let’s do it! This guy is really getting on my nerves….” Trini said.

Then, the Dragonzord began to change as the legs folded in as it then transformed further with the arms going over the lower arms of the Megazord as the rest of it went on the top part of the Megazord making it look like it was wearing armor on the top half.

The weight nearly made the Megazord topple backwards but was quickly corrected as Lord Tirek looked at the combined zord with annoyance and anger.

“Really? That all you got?” Lord Tirek asked.

Lord Tirek fired, but the energy was absorbed as seconds later, the centaur got a massive oh crap expression on him as the Mega Dragonzord first punched the armored shoulders and then formed an energy sphere in front of it.

Seconds later, it fired hitting the centaur before Lord Tirek fell and was destroyed in a massive explosion. Rita, seeing this nearby snarled and decided to take matters into her own hands.

“Do I have to do everything around here?!” Rita shouted.

Then, Rita blitzed through and easily knocked down all of the Equestrian Rangers before throwing them all near the Mega Dragonzord as she got ready to finish them off.

“Can I finish them?” Goldar asked.

“No, this time, I’ll do it…” Rita said darkly.

The Mega Dragonzord quickly moved in to block the massive blast as at the same time, the zords of the Equestrians appeared and joined in including Titanus as then, an explosion was seen.

“They’re gone!” Amadeus shouted.

“I think not…as um, look…” Goldar said with fear.

Out of the smoke emerged a massive Megazord, but the thing was it was combined with the Drazonzord, Titanus the carrier zord, the Tigerzord, and the zords of the Equestrian Rangers leaving Rita in just pure shock as the massive machine stared back.

“Guys! We’re a much bigger zord like some giga zord, no wait! I know what we are now, we’re the Ultrazord!” Billy shouted.

Rita then spoke, “HOW!?! THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!”

Angered, Rita then grew Amadeus, Morning Blade, and Goldar and sent them after the Ultrazord as on the other hand, a few Angel Grove residents took notice of the massive zord and both spoke of it.

“That’s pretty big…”

“What will they think of next?”

The Ultrazord was basically a tall, beefed up version of the Megazord as Titanus formed into battle armor for all of the zords that combined with the Power Rangers Megazord.

The cockpit was like a massive booth as the Power Rangers were on the top row, Twilight and her team were on the middle row and lastly, the Royal Sisters along with Cadence and Shining Armor were on the bottom row.

“Whoa, never though this would be like this…” Billy said.

“Less talking, more fighting!” Kimberly shouted.

The Ultrazord then lurched forward and fired all the weapons on sending missiles, laser blasts, and Gatling gun rounds straight into all three Monsters weakening them greatly.

“Let’s all take a monster and go to town!” Princes Celestia shouted.

The Ultrazord split and the Megazord stood alone, but then, the Tigzerord and the Dragonzord formed once more into the Mega-Tiger Dragonzord.

Seconds later, the two Equestrian Megazords then started to appear. Shining Armor’s zord transformed and formed the legs and torso as the zords of the Royal sisters then formed the arms as seconds later, Cadence’s zord formed the head and wings.

Then, all four shouted together as the machine took a battle stance against Amadeus’ monster form as the two stared each other down with fierce intensity.

“Legendary Equestrian Megazord!”

Then, Twilight’s team had their zords combine as Pinkie Pie’s zord transformed and formed into the legs and waist, Rainbow Dash’s zord then formed the torso, Applejack and Rarity’s zords each formed the right and left arms respectively, Fluttershy’s zord formed the head as lastly, Twilight’s zord formed the battle helmet and wings of the Harmony Megazord.

Rita hated that things were going south for her as using her staff, she forced all Traditionalists, Unicornia soldiers, the Putty Patrollers, the remains of Lord Tirek, and lastly her three monsters into one massive beast with her controlling it.

“Shit…” Jason said.

“Well, it’s pretty big…” Shining Armor said seconds later.

Then, the monstrous creature roared and first went after the Mega-Tiger Dragonzord as it grabbed the zord and after spinning around, it tossed it way.

This angered Twilight as the Harmony Megazord charged forward with it’s sword at the ready that was basically a cross between a knight sword and a rapier sword.

The Legendary Equestria Megazord followed right behind it as it deployed it’s twin arm blades while the Megazord followed suit as all three machines charged and slashed at the monster.

However, all it did was just give it just some flesh wounds as they all healed up within seconds. It then grew two more arms and grabbed all three Megazords before throwing them all near the Mega-Tiger Dragonzord.

Seconds later, they all fell into the hole where the Zeo crystal was at. On the other hand, Rita smiled at her handywork as just as she was about to move, a shot forced her back.

Then suddenly, the Ultrazord came out of the hole as once more, the two stared each other down. Rita snared and charged forward with reckless abandonment.

“Ready…now!” Jason shouted.

The Ultrazord grabbed the monster and at the same time, all its weapons deployed and fired on it before it fell as then, the Ultrazord punched it away.

Moments later, the monster split into the forms of Goldar, Morning Blade, Amadaus and Rita with her still in control of what was left of her monstrous creation.

Rita then formed an army of giant versions of her Putty Patrollers using the remains of the Traditionalists and Unicornia forces that hadn’t run away from the fight.

“Let’s show them our stuff!” Jason shouted.

Then, the Ultrazord fired once more as it carved a path forward towards Rita who was now panicking in fear as she resurrected Lord Tirek and sent him after the Power Rangers along with her other monsters.

“Time to even the odds…for old times sake…” Princess Luna said.

Seconds later, the Ultrazord split apart once more into the four Megazords it was made up of. Then, all four machines unleashed their final attack moves.

“Ready Rangers? Power Sword!” Jason shouted.

The Megazord summoned it’s Power Sword and after charging it, unleashed their attack against Amadeus who took the full blast, crumpled over and then, collapsed and exploded.

Not wanting to be outdone, the Legendary Equestria Megazord charged up with energy and magic as its eyes glowed white before unleashing an X-slash with its twin blades against Lord Tirek and destroyed him for good.

The Mega-Tiger Dragonzord formed an energy sphere in front of it and then, fired the massive, green orb at Goldar as the golden creature was hit badly before falling to the ground and cursing at the rangers before exploding.

Lastly, the Harmony Megazord had its wings deploy fully in a very grand display before it clutched its sword and then delivered six, separate slashes before turning the sword into a massive gun cannon before firing off one shot that hit Morning Blade that made him explode into a fireball killing him.

Rita emerged from the destruction weakened and battered as did Morning Blade, Amadeus and Goldar as seconds later, Amadeus shouted one thing.


The rangers approached the fallen noble as he glared at them while struggling to stand up as he then spoke again in a very hostile voice at the heroes.

“You…think…you’ve all won? What I did, was for the greater good of Equestria! It was going to be led to ruin thanks to that helot’s reforms! Can’t you see that?! You know I’m right?! Right?”

Everyone shook their heads at the rage of Amadeus as Jason commanded the Megazord forward a bit with his guard still up and spoke to the disgraced and traitorous unicorn noble while the other Megazords were right behind him.

“Forget it, what you did was for your own selfish needs, your son was one of many who you used as part of your grand coup against the Royal Sisters and Equestria along with the clear intention of genocide against any species you saw unfit to live including my own human race. While we may be flawed, we are still capable of so much more. For now, we need you to surrender and we’ll turn you over to the proper authorities and let them be the judges on your actions…”

“Like the Royal Sisters and our planet’s United Nations.” Kimberly said.

“They, judge me? NEVER!!” Amadeus shouted in anger.

Then, Amadeus in a blind rage ran towards the Power Rangers intending on killing them when Pinkie Pie moved quickly just as Twilight quickly spoke to her.

“Pinkie Pie! Now!”

Pinkie made the Harmony Megazord punch Amadeus into the air and straight into a mountain knocking him out for good while Rita tried to run only for the Power Ranger’s Megazord to slap her away into space for a second time and this time, into Earth’s moon.

“NOT AGAIN!!!!” Rita shouted.

Goldar was then kicked way by the Legendary Equestrian Megazord as he followed his boss right, straight into Earth’s moon as Morning Blade was then knocked out by the Mega-Tiger Dragonzord.

“Jason, did you just slap Rita for the second time? Pinkie Pie, Did you just Falcon Punch Amadeus? Your highnesses, did you just Char Kick Goldar? And lastly, did Sunset and Flash both pound Morning Blade into the ground like Wack-a-Mole?” Billy asked.

“We did, we all did all of that to them, weird right?” Jason said seconds later.

Everyone laughed their heads off at the irony of Rita’s second defeat mirroring that of her first one not too long ago. Once it was done, everyone sighed in relief that it was over.

“We did it….” Cadence said.

With Rita was defeated for the second time with Amadeus Blueblood, the Traditionalists, and Unicornia being defeated for good, the Power Rangers had all their zords split apart and return to base.

They made sure to collect Amadeus and Morning Blade as Unicornia surrendered and agreed to withdraw back to their homeland. Most of the Traditionalists were dead so a few were left but were collected.

Once that was all said and done, Flash then took Twilight aside to ask her one, very important question. Then, right in front of Zordon, Alpha 5 and the other Rangers, he got on one knee and pulled out a ring.

“Twilight Sparkle, I love you with all my heart, will you marry me?” Flash asked.

No one didn’t need to see what the obvious answer was as Twilight tacked Flash to the ground, kissed him like crazy while crying tears of joy and then shouted one thing.

“Oh Flash Sentry, my answer is YES!!!”

Everyone clapped as Billy stared to dance in joy as with Rita defeated, the rebuilding could start….

To be continued…

Ending: Go Green Ranger Go!

Author's Note:

Here is the last chapter of this story as their is still an Epilogue left to deal with.

Reason it took so long was I got distracted by many things including politics as I get so wined up that I lose focus, but I thank those who remind me to stay focus and finish this story.

I took some liberties with the Megazords in this battle.

Once more, please stop judging this fanfic on the part that it's anthro. I've seen some works where anthro works were not porn.

MLP FIM (C) Lauren Faust.

Assassinverse (C) Rated PonyStar.

Power Rangers (C) Hasbro and formally Saban.