• Published 30th Jul 2017
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Blood in the sand - Bronycommander

North Africa 1942. The Africa Corps is advancing, pushing the British forces back. For a German and Italian Private, there is more than just sand and dry winds.

  • ...

Chapter 10 Failure Part 3

Chapter 10: Failure Part 3

Slowly, his vision became white but his body felt numb and a voice called faintly out, “He’s coming to!” He couldn’t recognize it.

As his vision returned, everything was blurred and he groaned in pain, 4 persons were around him.

It became clear, very happy smiles of 3 children were first in his view. “Fletcher! You’re awake!” Dinky hugged him with her friends, causing him to grunt in pain. The children let go. “Sorry.”

“It’s okay.” Looking around, he was on a bed in a field hospital, his chest bandaged. William looked at him with a relieved expression.

“I’m happy to see that our efforts to save you weren’t in vain. They never left your side, even donating their blood to save you.” The Brit explained.

The unicorn smiled at the children. “For that, I’m very grateful.” Then he turned to William. “How long was I out?”

Uncomfortable the soldier replied, “For quite some time. I’m afraid it’s been one month.”

The Eternal Knight didn’t panic as he feared, rather calm about it. “Could have been worse. What did I miss?” Fletcher wanted to know.

“Well, we forced the Axis forces to retreat to Tunisia and we got reinforced by US troops.They're good for something, I suppose. It looks like the war in Africa is almost over. I’m eager what comes next after it.”

“Guess the only thing you can do is wait and see.” The stallion tried to use magic, only to hiss in pain, almost falling over but William caught him.

“You’re still much weakened. I suggest you rest until you’re fully recovered.”

“I appreciate your concern but…” Fletcher took a deep breath. “Quince. I knew, I knew that disturbance had to have come from something but...I never thought…”

“Slow down, man, explain. What's Quince?” William did not understand, the kids were also confused.

“Not what, who. Quince is...an Equestrian war criminal.” The Eternal Knight explained.

William paused for a second, trying to understand. “Sorry, did I hear you right? He's a...”

“A unicorn, like me. In fact, he went through the same Nanomite procedure. Difference was, they were meant to control him. Instead they just made him worse. He disappeared after the Civil War, nopony heard from him since.”

“You mean, he's been here the whole time?”

“I'm not sure. But one thing is certain, he wants me dead.”

“You said the war was over. Can't he be reasoned with?”

“No. Quince is a different sort of monster, one that makes most others look tame. He's a butcher, a sadist, countless, countless ponies have died simply to satisfy his lust for violence. He's utterly deranged and adept with forbidden magic. William, I cannot stress this enough...You're in for the toughest fight of your life.”

The British soldier stared, trying to process everything. “That sounds very bad but…if that’s the risk to get your friends home, I’m in.” He sounded determined.

“I’m glad to hear that you want to help.” Fletcher smiled, appreciating that William was with him.

“Was Quince the one who did this to you?” Dinky asked with fear.

“Yes, he caught me off guard. When I saw that mist, I knew at once it was him.”

“Mist…” The Brit mumbled, “One of our men came back pretty shaken, the only survivor of his squad. They were on patrol. But all of a sudden, visibility got real bad. It was no sandstorm. The point man gave this strange report. He said he could see something like a skull in the mist. The next moment, he went silent. They scrambled into formation, right before his arms and legs came raining down on them. All of them veterans. They were calling out to each other, but one by one their voices just went dead. Whatever happened to him, he lost consciousness before he knew it. He came to in our field hospital. I guess that was Quince, we got also reports of camps getting completely wiped out, with strange symbols covering them, looking like a Wolf head.”

“Not Wolf, Warg. I don't know if you have those. They're bigger, crueler and far more dangerous. It's the mark of the unit Quince served in.” He shivered for a second.

“What’s wrong?” Katja asked with worry.

“While I was out, I had a terrible dream.”

“What happened?” The Brit asked the Eternal Knight.

“I don't want to think about it. I was in a facility overrun by Aliens, killing everypony in sight. Then, a clean-up crew appeared, killing Aliens and ponies alike.” Fray told with a shaken voice.

“At least it was just a dream. It's all over when you wake up.” William reminded him.


“When you think about it, the fact that you can imagine a situation worse than the one you're in now means life can't be all that bad.” The man figured out.

“I sure hope so.” Fletcher replied with concern.

“Is there anything we can do for you, Fletcher?” Dinky asked him.

He thought for a moment, his armor and weapons were lying next to him. His throat was a bit dry though. “Could you bring some water please?”

“No problem!” Dinky exclaimed with a grin and galloped out of the tent towards the supply tent to refill Fletcher’s canteen.

Once she had refilled it, she went back to the field hospital, spotting a man in black clothes leaning against a wall, arms crossed, head lowered. “Haven’t seen you in a while.” He said, looking up, causing her to stop.

It was Upton and he looked not too pleased. “My nephew didn’t receive the letter I gave you.” His voice was not angry, rather disappointed.

The young filly knew that she couldn’t escape and had to answer. “I assure you it got sent. Maybe it got delayed by an Axis attack or even lost.” It was a lie and she hated it to do, but there was no other way to get out of this. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed how her friends were giving the letter to William, raising her moral about it.

“It could be. The letters I sent afterwards all reached him.” He countered with a cold voice.

“It’s only one letter, what’s so important about it?” The unicorn wanted to know.

“Simple, even one missing letter can discover me, you, your friends. Do you understand?” He asked Dinky nodded.

“All quiet?” They got interrupted as a soldier asked his friend. “Have you heard the latest? Our officers finally could find out how this traitor informs the SS. They are sure that they will get him soon.”

“Good to hear, I can’t wait to see how this traitor gets what he deserves!”

The foal could see fear in the Brit’s eyes, like he wasn’t expecting that they would discover him so fast. The young unicorn was actually happy, this all would soon end and many lives would be saved.

His fear quickly faded and he started to grin at Dinky, something told her that this wasn’t good.

“She's the spy! I suggest we punish her at once!” He yelled at the soldiers.

Dinky blinked, trying to process what he was trying too de, shocked at his action. “What?! NO! Please, let me explain...”

“There is no explaining, admit it, you're the spy!” Upton yelled, trying to bring her to confess it.

“It's a misunderstanding...” She tried to explain but got cut off.

“Liar! William, punish her, she betrayed you, your trust, everything!” He said as the Captain with the siblings walked over to him, William looked very disappointed and disgusted. Did he believe Upton’s lie? Had she lost his trust?

“I won't.” William replied, surprising both. “Why? I haven't the authority to sentence anyone to firing squad without trial, particularly on evidence so flimsy it's almost...suspicious.” He explained, cheered Dinky a bit up by knowing he was on her side.

“Doesn't matter!” Upton quickly interjected, “It's bloody obvious, you dolt! She was seen coming and going to and from the German camp!”

“I'm aware. It must have been very convenient for you.” The Captain countered.

Upton’s Face turned crimson with rage. “Just what are you implying, you insolent gene-freak?!”

William’s eyes blazed by this insult. “I'll pretend I didn't hear that. And to answer your question, I'm not implying anything. I say what I mean straight out like an honest man! I don't expect you to appreciate that but then again, puffed-up double-dealing Fascist worms like you rarely ever do!”

“I beg to differ.” A new voice said from behind.

“Who wants to...” Upton turned around, surprised who was standing before him. “The Green Knight?!”

Correct. And I know who the one who forced her to do this was.” He putted Dinky on his back, she trembled in fear. “You, Upton. As Dinky brought a letter, you were near, overlooking her.” His voice was calm, showing no sign of anger.

Now, Upton was slightly scared, shaking nervously. “Nonsense! I suggest we put her before a firing squad at once!”

“NO!” Dinky yelled, starting to cry, Fletcher felt his neck getting wet as the little filly had a nervous breakdown. “You can’t, you can’t…” she whimpered muffled.

Seeing Dinky crying her heart out, made Fray’s anger boil. “Because of you, Dinky isn't feeling well.” He stabbed his hoof at Upton's chest, causing him a gasp for air. “You're the spy, we know it, it's your handwriting. I took the liberty to investigate the letters and compare them. The handwriting is identical, it's yours. Now, we only need to know why you did that.” His voice was calm yet slightly threating.

“I did what I had to do. To keep my country clean. To give it a leader who could put the filth back in their place for good!” Upton defended himself.

The Eternal Knight took a deep breath. “Right...I want you to know something.

Dinky is not like you.

She has a mother who has fought a serious mental condition and the ridicule that comes with it nearly all her life.

She has a father who has travelled to worlds and fought cosmic horrors I don't think anypony in Equestria can even comprehend.

She goes outside into Ponyville each day with a simple goal. Make their days a little better. A goal she completes each day. Whether she joins the Cutie Mark Crusaders in their escapades or whether she helps little Pipsqueak fit in or whether she gives anypony around a helping hoof or even just a hug, she's made a difference.

She is, quite honestly, a joy to know.

And you tried to take that joy and turn it into a weapon you could use to harm others, without caring if or how it would scar her or anyone else.

Words cannot describe how much you have hurt her by tricking her this way.

And I promise...I will do very hardest to ensure you experience the same pain you made her suffer. Take him away!”

William drew his revolver, other soldiers trained their weapons on Upton who was stunned. “With pleasure. Bloody Traitor, forces a child to do your work, you're nothing but a coward!” He took him away.

Fletcher gently took Dinky of his back, she was still crying. “Dinky, listen to me. Please. You were scared. No-one can fault you for that. And, in truth, it would be hard to fault you for not supposing people would lie to you.

Dinky, if there is one thing I'm dreading more than this war, it's finding a way to bring you out of it.

You don't deserve this. You should never have had to experience this madness.

I promise, to you, to your parents, to everyone you know and love, I will get you home and I will help you put this behind you.

But in order to do that...you're going to have to trust me.”

“Dinky, you aren’t to be blamed, Upton forced you, blackmailed you to do this. We are friends and friends stay together.” Her friends spoke in union.

The young filly sniffed, looking up. “I trust you, Fletcher. And I appreciate your help, you two.”

“That’s what friends are for.” The siblings hugged her, she returned it, Fletcher joined too.

William came back. “I thank you all for helping us to find and arrest this traitor. It will save many British lives.” He smiled at them.

“You are welcome, after I heard how he abused Dinky for this, I couldn’t leave this unnoticed.”

“I agree with that. I suspected he might be behind this for some time. Anyway, you should stay hidden, as the Prime Minister is going to visit us and he’s not very pleased about your actions.” Hill explained.

“I’m aware of that. I just couldn’t let anyone harm civilians. It’s a matter of honor for me.”

“I know and I respect that. And I’m behind you.” He promised Fletcher.

“Appreciated.” Just as Fletcher had this, the same black limousine the kids had seen at El Alamein drove up.

Fletcher used this to get back to the field hospital to rest as Lieutenant Cutting opened the door and Churchill stepped out. “Welcome, Prime Minster!” The Captain greeted him.

“Thank you, Captain Hill. You all did excellent work at El Alamein. With the help of the Americans, we will push the Axis out of North Africa once and for all!” he strode in with a warm smile, proud of his soldiers.

The soldiers cheered at his words. “Anything to report, Captain?” He asked William.

Hill thought for a few seconds, trying to find the right words. “Well…yes, sir. Do you remember the Green Knight?”

“Of course, did you capture him alive?” The minister wanted to know, getting curious.

“Not exactly. We found him mortally wounded in the sand, managing to save him. He’s here to get the children home my squad found.”

Churchill seemed to be surprised. “Is he responsive?”

“Yes, he is. Follow me.” The soldier led the Prime Minister to the field hospital, his 3 friends greeted Churchill friendly.

“Hello again, children.” The elderly man greeted back as he entered the tent, Fletcher got up as he saw him.

“Prime Minister Winston Churchill. Famous for leading Britain through nearly the entirety of WWII. Proud soldier, dedicated statesman and man of dry wit. A pleasure.” The unicorn held his hoof up for a shake.

The minister refused the shake, looking rather serious. “Can’t say the same about you. You killed British soldiers, what do you have to say in your defense?”

“I only try to protect the innocent as good as I can. They suffer enough already.” Fray replied honest.

“I see. Normally, something like this wouldn’t go unpunished but as I heard you saved one of my brave soldiers, I look the other way.” His expressed changed to a friendlier look. “I mean, a bloody talking green unicorn taking pot-shots at dodgy buggers between both trenches...Just when you think you think you've seen it all. Sit down, sir. I should like to know who you are and what brings you here...and to share some of this truly disgusting wine.” Churchill pointed outside to a wine bottle on a table.

“It would be a pleasure for me.”

“Captain, would you please join us?”

“Of course, sir. Children, you mind leaving us alone?”

“Not at all.”

The 3 children went to one of the tents, playing cards.

“I must say this wine tastes not bad.” Fletcher said after having taken a sip. He now saw the rest of the British base, apart from the field hospital, there were many tents for the soldiers, crates of supplies were carried around, MGs, anti-tank guns and AA guns were placed around the base for defense.

“No? Well, each to their own I suppose. Personally, I think it's the heat. You can't drink champagne in the bloody desert. What you need for that is some good brandy but we've just run out of that, damn it all. The port is quite good though, I'll send for some of that if you like.” The Prime Minster offered.

“Thank you, but that won’t be necessary.” Fray replied, then told Churchill about his origin and mission.

“I'm a soldier myself. Used to be, at least. I remember how eager I used to be...to see my first battle...kill my first foe. Course, that was back when war was still seen as such a glorious thing.” Churchill eyed his nearly-empty brandy glass. “Yes, it's been a long time...But I still remember every face. Do you remember your first?” He asked Hill.

“Of course, sir.” William still remembered as it was yesterday.

“Good man. Who was it?” The elderly minister wanted to know.

“A Dervish. At Somaliland. Never got his name. All I remember was that he was riding a large, black camel. I'd never seen anything like it. He looked important so I thought in our best interests to him down to earth.” He seemed to have no regret in his voice, or remorse in his expression.

“You actually saw some action at Somaliland? Ha! Cheapest war we've ever fought!” Churchill couldn’t believe it.

“It was a fairly non-eventful conflict by all accounts. But I went ahead beside the Kings African Rifles. They were sent into the pass and did what they do best, held the line.” Hill told.

“Ah yes. Good chaps, the African Rifles. How did you kill him? The Dervish on the black camel.”

William shrugged. “Shot him in the head. Wasn't much to it. He was drawing a lot of attention to himself.”

“Ah...quick one. Lucky for you. Mine was some Pashtun tribesman at the Marakand Frontier. I'll never forget it. There were fifteen of us, scouting ahead, with a few-dozen Sikhs marking the path. Saw them massing in the valley and opened fire. Then they came at us. Hundreds of them, swarming like flies. By the time our captain had realized we'd wandered into an ambush, they'd got him in the chest. Four of us carried him but the buggers just kept coming. They had bombs of sorts, must have done. The soil gave way, the grit and pebbles spurted up at us like sea-spray. I must have blacked out. When I came to, one of the lads, Benfred-something, I don't quite recall his name, and one of the Sikh boys dragged me to safety but our poor captain was left in the dirt, reaching out to us helplessly, bleeding from the mouth. Then I saw him. Rising up like a wraith, swathed in bloody cloth and a scimitar the length of a man's arm raised above him. And he brought it down. And again and again, carving up our captain like a beast on a butcher's table.” The minister stared into blankness, having no emotion as he continued.

“There and then, I forgot everything else at this moment except a desire to kill this man. We had to pull out. The brave old Sikhs bid us enough time to gather ourselves and head back but we caught a few out in the open. There I was, trudging over the hills, the rest of the platoon lost in the mist when I see him again, running at me with that damn scimitar, screaming and yelling, this wild, shrieking fiend. I didn't have time to line up a sight so I let him have it with the bayonet. Happened before you could blink. God, I was strong then. Stabbed him right through the gut, probably punctured every organ in his belly. I stood over him, rifle in the air. Right before I opened his throat, he shouted something...I didn't speak a word of Pashto, I had no idea what he said. And by the time I'd returned to camp, I couldn't, for the life of me, remember how he'd spoken and who to ask for a translation. Could he have been pleading for mercy? Cursing my name and kin? Praising my courage and keenness? I have no idea. Perhaps I'll get the chance to ask him in the next life. Wouldn't that be something?”

He sighed, “Stupid old man. The Pashtuns were quiet after that little spat. He could have lived. He could have just stayed at home and minded his own business...till the day the officer and the chaplain came to drag him and his brothers off to fight the cruel, foreign men with guns and tanks and gas...Damn it all, I need more brandy.”

Peter refilled his glass.

“Tell me Mr. Fray, who was your first kill, not including any dragons or manticores or any of that lot. The first kill that really gripped your art and made you realize 'This is war'?”

Fletcher had think much about it. “Ah...My great-uncle.” He replied swiftly, emotionless.


“Your...great-uncle?” Both Brits couldn’t believe their ears.

“Yeah. My family, the House of Armbrust, was betrayed with all the Oberfurst's loyal retainers when the Gildenpakt, a congregation of plutocratic conspirators, assassinated him and his family. My great-uncle, Count Grollen Von Nahkampf-Messer, was no friend of the family. He'd treated his step-daughter, my mother, abominably in her childhood and when my father vied for her freedom in a tournament, he tried to have them both killed. After he was banished, great-uncle Grollen must have thought it would be a good idea to betray us all. Led the Gildenpakt Mercenaries through a secret tunnel into Armbrust Castle and had...massacred everypony they found.” He told them in detail, remembering it very clear to this day.

“Oh...sorry, old chap.” Churchill smiled sad at him, showing his sympathy for the Eternal Knight.

“So...you found him and killed him? How?” William wondered.

“I'd found my father's spear...I hadn't used it yet. As I ran to and from every room I knew, finding nothing but corpses, I saw him. Standing over my mother's body, mocking her, kicking her, stabbing her. Then he saw me. I was still a foal. I'd barely got my Cutie Mark. But he lunged at me, sword in the air. There wasn't much to it, I just held the spear out and he landed on it. I felt the spear jump in my grasp, shudder in mid-air and then just sort of...slide in. The sound...like a bursting fruit, wet and fleshy...as he ran himself through, right through the chest. Right before I landed the final blow...he spoke.”

“What did he say?” The Captain asked.

“Wait. He held up his hooves, pleading as he bled out on the floor and shouted 'wait'.” Fletcher paused to collect his memories. “That was when I knew he had to die. He'd betrayed my family, butchered my parents and tried to kill me without a word...And now he was begging for mercy. Whatever he had to tell me, whatever he wanted from me, I wasn't interested. I put the spear through his open mouth...and held it there until he stopped writhing. Then I ran...and never looked back.” The unicorn looked at the stunned Brits. If that's all, sir.”

“I’m gonna get you!” Blau exclaimed as he played tag with Dinky and his sister, interrupting their conversation. The adults smiled happy at the kids seeing them having fun.

Suddenly a terrifying scream could be heard in the distance, causing the 3 friends to stop dead in their tracks.

“W-what was that?” Katja asked scared.

William drew his revolver. “I don’t know. Fletcher, stay with the others while I and Cutting check it out.”

“Okay.” He was understood with that due being weakened, in this state he wasn’t able to fight.

The 2 Brits moved as fast as they could to the origin of the screaming, seeing Duffy in the distance, crawling backwards on the ground, completely terrified of something.

“Stay back! Stay back!” He yelled in panic. At first, there was a shadow of a man, making them think that this was nothing to worry about as they came closer.

A terrifying groan showed them that they were wrong and the man stopped slowly into sight, making the 2 veterans very nervous, their hands started to shake.

Said man with very pale skin and whitened pupils, blood covering his head, having a hole in it, looking like he has been dead for weeks, stumbled towards the terrified man in a stumbling motion.

Duffy lost his nerves, firing his sidearm at the man, he shrugged the bullets off like it was nothing before breaking out in a animalistic sprint towards the two men.

He knocked down Cutting and struggled with William, trying to feast upon him. The Captain punched him several times into the head, causing his attacker to let go.

Both soldiers were also terrified but more experienced than Duffy, managing to stay calm, despite having never seen or experienced something like this before.

Before Hill had a chance to react, his attacker charged again at him, also knocking him down before sprinting away towards his 4 friends and the Prime Minister.

What is that thing?! Hill wondered as he and his friend tried to catch up before it would reach the kids.

The 3 children wondered what was going on, while Fletcher and Churchill tried to calm them down. “Don’t worry, I’m confident they will be safe.” The elderly man was confident of his men.

“I may be weakened but can still fight should it be necessary.” Fletcher assured him.

Katja pointed to something behind him with a terrified expression. “W-watch out!” She yelled.

As he turned around, something throw him to the ground, he instinctively struggled against it, seeing that a human was his attacker, trying to feast upon him.

While the Prime Minister was just as shocked as the children, he took a protective stance in front of the children. “Stay behind me.” His fighting days may be long behind him but that doesn’t meaned he could still fight if he had to.

While Blau Streifen was completely terrified, seeing that what appeared to be a walking corpse attacking Fletcher, Dinky couldn’t’ watch this, she had to help him.

Sparkler had shown her once a defensive spell that would stun the target. As she had never used it before, she hoped and prayed it would work as she casted it, taking effort into it.

In the moment the stallion managed to punch the attacker off him, the young filly shot the spell at the man, he twitched and jolted, almost paralyzed, being stunned but not completely out.

The Prime Minister despite his age, made a dash towards the attacker, punching him into the face, knocking him out. “I haven’t felt such adrenaline since…forever.” He breathed heavily.

“Are you okay?” She asked with concern as she noticed that he was bleeding from his left fore hoof.

“Just a flesh wound, Dinky.” He replied as William and Cutting arrived.

“Everything alright, Prime minister?” They asked with worry.

He waved a hand. “I’m fine, thanks to the fast reaction of Dinky. What happened?”

“We don’t know, when we arrived, one of our men got attacked by this…thing.” Peter explained to him, trying to catch his breath.

Fletcher took a closer look at the body. “I have seen this before. It’s necromancy, forbidden magic.”

“Are you sure?” Cutting asked unsure.

“I have no doubt about it. You should lock the body up, just in case it rises again.”

“You have heard him, take care if it!” Churchill ordered, not wanting to take any risks.

“Yes, sir.” The 2 soldiers replied, Duffy also helped as he joined them, while Fletcher headed for the field hospital to treat his wound.

For some reason, the kids couldn’t help but follow the Brits to the cell blocks where captured POWs were held.

Just as they reached it, they saw the man slowly standing up with a moan. He wasn’t attacking, just stared empty out of his cell. A nurse, having brown hair with matching eyes was with them, the same that had helped to patch Fletcher up, her nametag showed that her name was Wendy Thwaites as they could now see.

“What in the world is wrong with him?” Hill wondered.

“He has an inch-wide hole punched clean through his skull.” The nurse said after having examined it.

“Which, ideally, would kill a man. It's done so enough people since now. So why is he standing here?” Churchill added.

“I just checked with the quartermasters. His name is Ricky Hanson, was killed some time before El Alamein was attacked.” Duffy explained.

“Any details?” His Captain asked him.

“They said sniper bullet but when I looked over the records, I found mention of a name.”

“The Green Knight.” Dinky figured out.

“As far as I can tell, Hanson had been trying to have his way with some local rough, er...ahem, beg your pardon,” He corrected himself, “indecently assaulting local females. The Green Knight, evidently, didn't take kindly to that. His death was written off as death in the midst of desertion.”

“Huh. Refuse. What's he doing skulking home like a slab of cat's vomit, I wonder? You in there, are you going to answer your Prime Minister or would you prefer the firing squad?” The elderly man demanded but Hanson was not responding to anything, even finger snapping wasn’t working.

“Maybe he's in some kind of a trance.” The young unicorn suspected.

Like on command, the diseased soldier suddenly looked up, staring straight at Dinky. “Dinky...Doo...” His voice was echoing, sounding like multiple people speaking at once.

Wendy gasped. “Oh...goodness.”

William shielded Dinky, fearing that Hanson would might try to attack her. “How...does he know your name? This man was dead long before you showed up.” He asked her with concern.

“Ahem...young one. Could you try talking to him? He seems to respond to you. Don't worry, we'll see to it he doesn't try anything.” The minister assured her.

Dinky was quivering. “O-o-okay...” She gulped in fear, her 2 friends putting their hand/Hoof on their shoulders to give her courage, despite being as scared as she was. The unicorn nodded with a weak smile before clearing her throat speaking timidly, “Hello? Mr. Hanson?”

“Hanson...Gone...Hanson...Mine.” The former soldier mumbled.

“Perhaps he's...undergoing some form of gross cranial trauma...though I've never seen anything like this.” Wendy was fascinated and disturbed at the same time.

“He's been dead for weeks. That's simply not possible.” Hill relied, knowing that this was impossible.

“Hill...Bucknell...Hill...” Hanson said, now staring at him.

Unsettled, he replied, “...yes?”

Hanson grinned widely. “You're...next...” That caused William to take a step back, trying hard not to show his unnerve.

“Alright...either we're looking at the biggest case of not-quite-dead syndrome the world's seen since or...” Duffy trailed off.

“Or what?” Hill asked him for an answer.

“Do you read the Bible? The bit with Legion?” Duffy asked in return.

“Oh dash it all, Sergeant, there's enough madness in this war already!” The minister exclaimed in frustration. Dinky, keep talking, we're getting somewhere.”

Dinky tried to find the right words. “...What do you mean...Hanson's Gone...and Mine?”

Hanson was still grinning, staring directly into Dinky's eyes. “Fletcher...kill...Hanson...” He poked a finger right through the hole in his skull. “Arrow...Leave...Mark Mark...I...Seek.” The man took the finger out and sucked on it a moment, causing Wendy and Duffy to take a step back, wincing.

“Dear god.” Churchill mumbled quietly, getting unsettled by this too.

“Fletcher...Killed...Hanson...I...Kill...Fletcher...” The former British soldier continued in his unsettling voice.

Wendy’s face went pale. “I can't take much more of this. This is ghastly.”

Dinky: started to shake. ”Wh-wh-who...who are you?”

“I...Am...Quince. Fear...Me...” Hanson replied before his veins flashed bright green and his body blackened, burned and disintegrated before them.

For what seemed like hours, mostly the heavy breathing of the 3 kids could be heard before the elderly minister said in a distinctly unwell tone, “I need a sodding drink.”

Fletcher joined them, seeing the fear in everyone’s eyes. “Did I miss something?”

“Well, we just got confirmed that this was Quince’s work indeed, being not only after you but your 3 friends and me as well.” Hill replied with a shaken voice.

This also unsettled Fray a bit, trembling a bit. “As I had feared. But, I promise I’ll do anything I can do to take him out as soon as possible.”

“I know to appreciate your bravery, Mr. Fray, but in your current condition, you wouldn’t survive another fight against him. Captain Hill, you said you were about to go on leave, am I correct?” Churchill asked.

“Yes, sir. Why do you ask?”

“Because I think your new friends are much safer in Britain and you too, Fletcher, until you have recovered.”

They all understood what the Prime Minister had in mind, guaranteeing their safety.

“A good idea, sir. I’m sure my family won’t mind it. Do you mind it, children? Fletcher?”

“Not at all.” The 3 friends replied in unsion.

“Do I have a choice?” The Green Knight asked in return.

“I think not. Now, if you’re excuse me, I have to inspect the other bases too and think of a way how to deal with this Quince.” The Prime Minister said goodbye and left.

The group walked down the hallway, past to soldiers guarding a cell, they saluted the captain. He stopped upon noticing that they were guarding an empty cell. “Where's Upton?” He asked them.

One of the soldiers sighed. “I really wish you hadn’t asked, sir.” Before anyone could process this, the same soldier knocked Hill to the ground and putted a knife to his throat.

The sound of somebody running was behind the group. Before Fletcher could even react, someone knocking him down and he heard a scream.

Quickly getting up, he had to see that Upton had been freed by the 2 soldiers, having Dinky grabbed with his left arm, holding a knife closer to her throat, she struggled in vain, Katja and Blau Streifen slowly backed up, seeing the fear in her eyes, not wanting to endanger her life, Duffy did the same.

“Stay back or she’s dead!” Upton threated, “That damn child and her friends have to be punished for selling us out!”

“You forced her to do this! Stop with your nonsense!” Blau exclaimed angered for being blamed for this.

“You shut up, you with your German names, that marks you as traitors!”

The Eternal Knight knew he had to save Dinky, yet negotiated in a calm but serious tone. “Sir Upton...let her go...please.”

“Ha! You're begging for her life now, is it? You can’t save both of them.” The traitor taunted.

“I'm begging for yours.” Fletcher said in a calm yet slightly threating voice, “Because I promise you, whatever you do to Dinky I shall do to you a hundredfold. You've no clue, no comprehension of the nightmare you shall suffer if that filly is harmed at all by your hand. And I have no wish for anyone, least of all these foals, to witness it. Because I don't want to prove them wrong. They think I'm harmless but I'm really not. I'm not like the others. I was raised to fight and kill. I was brought to Equestria to slay creatures of Tartarus and hunt down the worst ponies alive. I'm one of the few ponies in Equestria who the Princess relies on when she needs something hurt or killed. Dinky's death by your hand will guarantee you the former in abundance. The latter? Well...I'll get to it eventually.” Fray countered.

Upton stayed quiet, not saying a word but his threating expression stayed for a few minutes.

“Let her go, Sir Upton, this is your last warning. I really do not want to get angry in front of the foals. My anger is something none of us will remember fondly.” Fletcher warned frank, the threating tone became clearer, feeling he had enough magic for this, the captain also struggled in vain.

“...I think you're bluffing.” Upton taunted with hesitation, showing a small hint of fear in his eyes and voice.

“Then you're not a good thinker.” Fletcher replied calm, lighting his horn up, shooting a non-lethal spell at Dinky’s captor, at the same time, Duffy hit the captain’s captor from behind with the butt of his knife, knocking him out, then did the same with the other soldier.

Upton screamed in pain before falling backwards, allowing the filly to break free, running into the Eternal Knight’s arms. “Shh, it’s over now.”

“T-thank you for saving me!” The filly was very grateful

“No need, it’s my duty to keep you save.”

The two soldiers putted Upton and the 2 other soldiers into the cell, locking it. “He won’t escape a second time. Either he bribed those men or they are his henchman, but honestly, I don’t care. Well done, Duffy. A good solid clout.” He praised his comrade with a proud smile.

“Aye, takes me back to sports days.” He replied, smiling at the memories.

Hill looked at the knocked out men. “I don't want to know where you went to school.”

For the rest of the day until the ship would arrive, the children played together to pass the time, while Fletcher and William exchanged tactics. “We have already a war to fight, dealing with Quince will be another problem to deal with. How do you think our forces could defeat him?” William asked, hoping that Fray had some answers.

“Well, like me, he can regenerate from injuries as long as they aren’t too serve. If regular forces have to deal with him, explosives, like grenades, artillery, heavy firepower like tanks and machineguns could do the trick. Even…” He shivered at the thought, “Flamethrowers could do it. But as I never fought him in this state before, I’m can’t say it will work.”

“I hope it does, otherwise the war will be our smallest problem.” Hill told with concern having a worried expression.

The rest of the day was quiet, the children and Knight helped out on the base as good as they could as the ship would arrive later.

In the evening, Dinky asked Fray, “If you don’t mind Fletcher, how do you and your friends help the princess? I mean, 3 ponies can’t be enough.” It made her curious.

Fletcher thought for a moment how he could explain. “We have a personal squad completely made out of volunteers, called the Dark Horse squad. They are trained to stay undetected in the field. They use all manner of techniques to remain inconspicuous in the field. If you EVER saw one, they'd have some serious explaining to do.”

Blau Streifen giggled. “I can imagine that.”

After dinner, the ship arrived, William took them to their cabin. “I wish you a pleasant sleep. I’m sure my son will like you. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight, William.” They all replied.

Katja and Blau Streifen climbed into their cots, falling fast asleep.

Fletcher tucked Dinky in “Goodnight, Dinky. Sweet dreams.”

He was about to leave as he had an own cabin but Dinky said, “Wait. You remind me of my father. Could you please stay with me?” She asked with a hoping expression.

Even an Eternal Knight couldn't resist that. “If you like Dinky, I don't mind it.” He putted his weapons on the table.

William walked in to check on the guests, what he saw, warmed his heart. Dinky was sleeping peacefully, hugging Fletcher Fray who was sleeping beside her. The Green Knight had a smile in his face, like he hadn't experienced such company or joy in a long time.

You earned it, Fletcher. You are a good soldier. He thought as he went for his own bed, happy to see his wife and son once again.

Author's Note:

A close call for Fletcher, but how long will it last?