• Published 30th Jul 2017
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Blood in the sand - Bronycommander

North Africa 1942. The Africa Corps is advancing, pushing the British forces back. For a German and Italian Private, there is more than just sand and dry winds.

  • ...

Chapter 14 The Search

Chapter 14: The Search

Dinky, Katja and Blau Streifen woke up, finding themselves in Willi’s bakery, seeing how Tim was working.

Tim held back a sneeze as he brushed the loose flour off the breadboard. Watching it all slowly float down to the floor, he sighed.

His uncle had always been better at this sort of thing. He could whip up a dozen pastries seemingly out of thin air. All Tim knew how to do properly was make bread. It was good bread, Willi had always said so and the customers seemed to agree, but he needed more lessons, more time.

Every day it seemed less likely his uncle was going to come home for them.

Tim's docile ears suddenly pricked as the mellow creak of a door sounded behind him. Turning, he found himself looking at a young soldier, tall and weathered-looking but unmistakable.

“Uncle Willi!” he cried happily “I...I had no idea you were coming back! I've made a cake. Came out more like bread but it's good” he chuckled awkwardly, looking him over. His uniform was torn and matted with dirt, which made them worried.

And something else.

Willi's twitching hand was bleeding. Drops of it were spattering onto the doorstep.

“Uncle, you're hurt” Tim managed to say, rushing over and holding the bleeding hand “Let me see if I can patch you up. I have some bandages. I'll need a closer lo-“

He was cut off suddenly, unable to speak, his breath stolen.

The hand that had bled had now seized him by the throat and, with inhuman strength, was now slowly lifting him off the ground.

The kids gasped in shock, trying to move over to him but they couldn’t move, like something held them back, forcing them to watch everything.

Tim's legs kicked and jerked as he felt the tight, dry fingers, of which there seemed to be only two, constricting around his neck like a pair of tongs. Spluttering out incomprehensible pleas, he stared in horror as his Uncle Willi looked up at him.

The soldier's face was rotting. Grey, blood-spattered skin had dried and cracked all over his visage, exposing muscle and bone, his emotionless lips torn open at one side to reveal his teeth like a grisly leer. His eyes were pale, almost entirely colorless, yet there was no uncertainty that they were staring straight at him.

Willi didn't speak. He couldn't seem to do so any more than his suffocating nephew.

Yet a voice rang in Tim's head.

“I told you I'd get you home.” It was low, hissing, as if spoken through a metal tin, and strangely merry.

A bizarre-looking horse made his way through the open door. He too looked as dead as Willi with the one exception of his eyes. They were a piercing blue, tiny black dots darting around like some maddened vortex given life. And his mouth was hidden by some crude metal mask yet there was no doubt that was where the voice was coming from.

And like Fletcher Fray, he had a horn between his eyes, gnarled and twisted and glowing a dark green. The children stared in shock, realizing who that must be, remembering the nightmare they had about it.

“You don't have to be quite so rough, Willi, my boy.” he chuckled, “I want to hear what the little one has to say.”

Tim felt the fingers loosen slightly, enough for him to speak. With watering eyes, he coughed and spluttered violently before pleading.

“Wh-Who...Who are you?! What have done with my uncle?!”

The horse raised one eyebrow and paced in a stilted fashion over to the oven, examining the various appliances with interest.

“I could tell you...” he said disinterestedly. “But I think it would be a lot more fun to show you.” He sighed, “A shame you're not a butcher. I'd have more variety. No matter.” A pair of tongs glowed the same dark green as his horn and levitated upwards, holding themselves in the fire.

“Your uncle didn't have a woman in his life, did he? Wife? Girlfriend? Sweetheart? I'm not fussy.”

“N-N-No...” Tim whimpered.

The unicorn tutted.

“Curd! Just my luck to get the loner! Oh well.” He shrugged as he the tongs whisked themselves out of the oven, red-hot and hissing “I suppose you'll have to do.”

“Wh-wh-what do you mean by that?!” the boy wailed "Who are you?! What have you done to my Uncle?!”

“Shh-sh-sh-sh...” the noise he made behind the mask was like rustling reeds, “Don't talk. I said I'd show you. Here's how it started." He nodded to Willi who grabbed Tim's hand and slammed it down on the breadboard as the unicorn stepped forward, his terrible eyes twitching with menace as the tongs hovered over one finger.

Tim's weeping eyes widened with horror as he realized just what the beast was planning.

“No...” he whimpered “No...”

“Leave him alone!” Blau yelled in shock, trying to break free before something them them out of the bakery.

The tongs snapped open over his little finger as the unicorn gave a giggle.

“And this little piggy went...”


Tim's screams echoed across the bakery, then seemingly across the street before the door slammed shut.

In that moment, they awoke gasping, cold sweat running down their faces, breathing heavily as they looked around. It was a relief for them that it had been only a nightmare, being in a prison cell was not a good sign however.

The cell seemed to be in some kind of factory, seeing several kinds of productions lines with busy workers working on them. “W-where are we?” Dinky asked confused.

“At the Mides Canyon.” A new voice greeted their ears, seeing a man with blonde hair and blue eyes in a uniform of a Field Marshal, escorted by 2 soldiers, walking up to the cell.

Dinky couldn’t help himself but to whimper in hear, Katja gulped, Blau Streifen managed to gather some courage. “Whoever you are, you won’t hold us long, the Green Knight will free us!”

“The Green Knight? Ha! He won’t have a chance against German Steel, against the Reich. And you will have a crucial role in that.” The man said emotionless but confident of victory, walking away, past a worker who was working on what seemed to be a track, taking a bit long for it. Without any warning, the officer hurled the worker into the void, the scream carried on for an age before it ceased.

“C-could be this Vahlen we have heard about?” Blau’s sister asked, fearing for the worst.

“I think so...Don't worry. Fletcher's gonna' find us...Don't panic. It's gonna' be okay.” Dinky tried to make her friends hope with a weak smile.

“You’re right, he won’t stop until he has found us.” The young girl also smiled.

“That’s the spirit! Vahlen won’t know what will hit him!” Her brother grinned at her, knowing that Fletcher would make anyone pay who dared to harm them. They hoped for the best.

It turned out that Vahlen’s notebook had revealed the location of his personal HQ: An outpost in a mountain pass. Early recon showed a large force stationed here and tank wrecks suggested that a Tiger division may be operating in the area. It was clear for Fletcher and Karl that Vahlen must be paranoid about security. After the betrayal in Siwa, it would be probably justified. Though it would make the task of infiltrating his HQ and tracking him down a little more changeling. He had set up shop in the ruins of an ancient monument dug into the mountain wall.

Still, that Karl had Vahlen’s notebook made it clear to Fletcher that Linus’ death hadn’t been an accident, Fairburne had killed him to get the notebook, to find Vahlen. It was understandable for Fray, this was how it was in war.

William, together with Duffy and Cutting brought him and the Desert Ghost to their mission, Fletcher used this to talk with his new ally. “Linus Fischer was a good man.” He said, not blaming Karl, but still wanted to hear what he had to say about this.

“I don't doubt that. But when I'm sent to kill someone, I don't let their moral spectrum get in the way of my bullet.” Fairburne replied in his neutral tone.

“So you feel nothing then?” The Eternal Knight asked in return.

“Don't give me that. How many have you killed? You say you're a soldier, a knight. I assume you've done some slaying. Does that ever bother you in the midst of battle?”

“Sometimes. The enemies are just soldiers like we are, fighting for their families, what they believe in.” Fletcher replied, referencing to his strong sense of principles.

“So you'd be happy to let them win?”

“No, I don't think I would.”

“Good. You'd be a pretty lousy soldier otherwise.”

At the pass, Brauer assisted them. “Take the high road. You can spot targets for us.” Karl said to him. Brauer climbed up to get a better look.

“No turning back now.”

“Getting cold feet?” Fairburne asked.

“What? In this heat? Hardly.” Brauer looked through binoculars. “I can see plenty of work for a sniper!”


Karl and Fletcher moved through the wrecks of British tanks and trucks. “There’s one. Over there.” Brauer pointed a lone soldier out, standing at the end of the lines of wrecks, Karl sneaked up behind him, grabbing him by the mouth to silence his scream as he got stabbed into the neck, Fletcher hoped it wasn’t Konrad or any of his friends.

They sneaked through a Stollen, hearing an officer ordering his men to stay alert, leaning against the wall at the exit. The American got behind the officer, breaking his neck. The sound of an engine came closer as a Halftrack drove past, not noticing the two, Fairburne placed a mine in the road. “Let’s wait.” He said, his ally nodded.

After a few minutes, the Halftrack came around again, driving over the mine, getting destroyed in the explosion. “Let’s investigate that!” The guards got distracted by it, giving the snipers an opportunity to move past them.

As Fletcher stepped outside, his archer sense warned him of being targeted by someone in form of an rising sound in his ears, quickly turning around, firing his bow at a sniper in a tower, eliminating him before he was able to fire and alert the others.

Karl stopped as he saw smoke in the distance, a Nebelwerfer was firing, positioned on a small hill in the direction of Vahlen’s HQ, Fray noticed another one in the opposite direction at the end of the road, explosive red barrels around the Nebelwerfers. They both nodded, readying their rifles, Karl aimed at the Nebelwerfer near the HQ, Fletcher at the other one.

A plane was flying past them, the engine sound was perfect to mask their shots, destroying the Nebelwerfers in 2 small explosions, making life for allied troops operating in the area easier.

The distraction had caused that only 4 soldiers were guarding the HQ, the unicorn recognized them. “Wait, Karl.”

“I guess those are your friends you mentioned? Go ahead, I’ll wait here.” the OSS agent replied, waiting in the shadow, as Fletcher moved the stairs up to talk with his friends, who were quite surprised to see him.

“Fletcher? What are you doing here?” Matteo asked him.

“Long story short, after you moved out, the SS commander kidnapped our young friends on Vahlen’s orders, I try to find them.”

“What?” Konrad exclaimed in shock. “That…bastard! After we told him that Linus only said to us we would travel to Berlin, we got placed under his command to ‘prove’ our innocence and loyalty.” He let out a taunting laugh. “He just wants to be sure we won’t betrayal him. Kidnapping the children is crossing the line!” He said in anger before calming down, pointing to a letter on the table. “This might help you to find him.”

Fray didn’t hesitate to read it.

Note from Vahlen: In my absence

Seuche needs my attention. I will be at the facility to oversee the final stages of construction. Oberst Johann has command in my absence. Report to him in the event of enemy incursions. He will also have the combination to the safe if its contents are required.

“That helps definitely, thank you.” Fletcher walked out, informed the OSS member about his found and they moved out, the Archer stopped at a small hut to check for supplies, finding another letter.

Axis Account: Dangerous Ambitions

Hitler does not know what he has unleashed. Vahlen has his sights set beyond Africa and even Europe. I have heard him refer to the Führer's methods as inefficient and crude. I think he has dangerous ambitions.

That sounds very much like Solomon. Fray shivered at the thought before catching up with Karl, seeing the officer in the distance in a small hut, guarded by 2 Elite soldiers and a sniper on the roof, the unicorn quickly took him out with his bow before he could spot them.

Again, Karl and Fletcher timed their shots with a plane flying past them, masking their shots, the officer did not notice anything, allowing Fairburne to sneak in and take him out, checking the combination with Fray.

Note from Vahlen: Code combination

Johann, watch over this place while I’m away. I have a bad feeling that trouble might be approaching. The combination for the HQ safe has been attached if its contents are needed. Guard it with your life. Alert me if the Desert Ghost is near – help will be on his way.

“Okay, we got what we need, let’s regroup with Brauer.” Karl suggested.

They moved down the road to a high tower, Fairburne called out, “Brauer? Brauer!”

The intelligence officer revealed himself on the tower. “You were right.” The American said to him with a barely noticeable smile.

“You see, didn’t I tell you-“ Brauer suddenly turned around before looking back with a horrified expression, followed by an explosion, destroying the tower.

“Brauer!” Karl and Fletcher drew their rifles, seeing a Tiger tank rolling down the road.

“Hide here until I shoot.” Fairburne ordered, Fray wondered what he was up to but agreed still, hiding behind a wall, seeing how Karl climbed up on the room of the building where the officer had been in the distance.

The tank drove past the unicorn, not noticing him, towards Karl. As the Tiger was about 100 meters away from Fletcher, Fairburne fired and Fray heard how the bullet hit something inside the tank, followed by the scream, the Tiger stopped abruptly.

Killing the driver and immobilizing it, smart idea. The stallion thought impressed, as the commander hatch opened, seeing a familiar face.

Metzburk. He was looking around, trying to find the shooter, being exposed to enemy fire.

“This is for the children!” Fletcher aimed down the scope and pulled the trigger, the bullet went right through the commander’s head, blood sprayed from it as the body fell back into the tank, it’s turret slowly turning into Fletcher’s direction.

Knowing it might take several shots to penetrate the grill without armor-piercing rounds, the Green Knight switched to his bow, charging up his arrow, exhaled and fired, the arrow went right through the grill damaging the fuel tank, causing the Tiger to go up in flames.

Despite this, the remaining tank crew opened the hatches, climbing out of the tank, the snipers picked of as they did so, the wreck exploded after the crew was taken care of.

“Okay, now that that’s taken care of, let’s see what’s in the safe.” Fletcher mumbled as he joined Karl.

Another Halftrack was driving towards them, Fairburne quickly aimed for the grill and fired, as he had loaded Armor-piercing rounds, the bullet went right through it, damaging the engine, causing the halftrack to explode into pieces.

Almost at the temple, a truck stopped at it, and Elite soldiers were about to step out as the Desert Ghost fired at the fuel tank, the truck exploded, taking it’s passengers with it.

Konrad and the others opened with Fletcher the safe, ignoring the American as the unicorn putted a film-dose out of the safe and into the projector, showing pictures of a giant tank.

“The Tiger tank. The pride of the Afrika Korps. A formidable weapon, feared by the Allies. With more impenetrable armor with bigger armaments, it would be unstoppable! This is the latest Wunderwaffe, the Ratte P-1000. It is armored by nine inches of hardened steel. The primary turret is modified from a naval heavy cruiser turret and there are four secondary turrets mounted with anti-tank and Mauser MG guns. With a battalion of these, we would crush the Allies in North Africa and from there, Europe. One thousand tons of unstoppable steel to herald in the Thousand Year Reich!” Vahlen’s voice explained in triumph as the film ended.

“That’s his project? That is crazy that will never work!” Hans was shocked to see this.

Good thing that Solomon never built something like this. Fray thought in shock and awe.

“Okay, we know where Vahlen is and what his project is, our work is done. Would you help me to bury Brauer?” Karl asked, showing that he wasn't without friendship.

“Of course.” As Fletcher stepped out, he noticed 2 scope glints in the grass, seeing that 2 snipers waited for him and Karl. An idea popped into the pony’s head.

Lighting up his horn, he used a special combat ability, called shadow strike, allowing him to quickly strike down multiple targets in quick succession with melee attacks but took a lot of magic. “Hostiles neutralized.” He announced heavily breathing as they moved on.

On the way to Brauer’s body, Karl took care of another sniper, waiting on the building he had used to kill the driver of the Tiger tank, Fletcher took care of another sniper on a hill at the tower.

Brauer’s body was bloodied and covered in splinters but still mostly intact. The 2 snipers and the German squad gave him proper burial, leave an improvised grave. Fray noticed how Karl took a round from Brauer’s gun.

“Well, we are leaving, there’s nothing else we can do here. Still, we support you in any way we can to help find the children, Fletcher.” Konrad said as he and the others took a truck, driving away.

After that, Fletcher and Karl went back to base to plan their next move.

So Vahlen’s mission in Africa was to develop a super-tank: The Ratte. It was hard to imagine the destructive power if it’s ever deployed, still Fletcher wondered how they could get the fuel for such a giant thing. But the tide of the war was turning; the Allies had retaken Tobruk and thinned Vahlen’s supply lines. He was desperate to finish the Ratte before losing favor with Hitler. A combination of that desperation and allied Intel had helped them locate the construction facility. This would be the last stop on the way.

With the help of the Long Range Desert Group, they’re to disable the Pont du Fahs Airfield and completely sever Vahlen’s supply route. They would move in from the west and set up near the south gate, proving covering fire when the LRDG would begin their attack.

Both snipers knew that all hell would break loose when the LRDG would show up, so it would be a smart to take out the communications tower and cut down reinforcements. Either way, it would get loud.

They both moved in under the cover of the night, the sandy way split up into two ways. The right leaded to the airfield, the left to the control tower. “I suggest we split up, I take the right way, you the left.” Fairburne suggested.


As they moved out, both could overhear a conversation between 2 Elite soldiers. “Have you heard the latest stories about the ‘Desert Ghost’? They’re nonsense.”

“No, they’re not. You think you’re safe and then…BAM! Your head’s gone. Just like that!”

Wouldn’t surprise me if they tell such stories about me too. Fray thought as he sneaked past 2 soldiers warming themselves at a campfire.

“That eastern ridgeline makes me nervous. Are the snipers up there?” One guard, being an officer asked the other soldier.

“Yes, sir!”

“Good. We need to be careful. The damned LRDG have been doing raids nearby. I want to be prepared.”

With that in mind, the Eternal Knight watched the ridge as he moved towards the control tower, seeing that the 2 snipers weren’t looking in his direction, also noticing an SdKfz 222 patrolling the area.

In the tower was an officer, relaxing in a chair with his legs on the table, the stallion got quietly behind him, putting a hoof over the German’s mouth to prevent him from screaming and slit his throat to make it quick and painless.

Seeing a letter on the table, he decided to read it.

Allied War story: Last defense

The men are drinking to Second Lieutenant Phillips. I can’t bring myself to do it. The whole scene keeps playing in my mind – all the other anti-tank guns were destroyed, so we were forced to retreat, Phillips stayed behindwhile we ran, waiting for the Panzers to come into view before firing the last gun. He got one. I could have sworn he was smiling when the Germans hit the ammunition stack and killed him.

Sometimes, you have to sacrifice someone to save the others. The stallion knew this all only too well, having seen it many times.

Using his binoculars, he could see how Karl stood near a malfunctioning generator, using it to mask his shots as he destroyed a spotlight on a watch tower, killing the operator too, firing a bullet at the grill of the armored car, destroying its engine, causing it to explode into pieces and took out the snipers on the ridge too.

Then Fray watched as the American moved to the 3 bomb depots, seeing how Fairburne used flint and steel at one of the explosives, then got to a safe distance and threw a grenade into the second depot, the explosion took out all depots at the same time, the unicorn looked in awe at it at it was a pretty big one, a giant fireball, big enough to cause the guards to investigate.

This should limit their defense against vehicles.

With that done, they both meet at the radio room, Karl shot the radio operator in the hand with his silenced sidearm, it was called Welrod if Fray remembered correctly, then moved to the bunker entrance, where the American hit the switchbox with his elbow, causing it to spark and the doors to open.

“Assigned soldiers are to report to the cells for execution of the prisoners.” An intercom buzzed.

Not on my watch! The unicorn thought in disgust, as they moved into the bunker to find a map with the location of the Ratte factory and to free the prisoners, seeing Hans and an Elite soldier up ahead.

“Why are we executing these men?” The Wehrmacht soldier asked.

“Vahlen’s orders. He wants all intruders eliminated. No risks.” The Fallschirmjäger replied and walked away.

The stallion used this to show himself to Hans. “Missed me?” Fray asked, having already suspected he would see his friends here.

“Not at all, we already thought you would come.” Hans replied as the others joined him, happy to see him.

“I guess you want to free the prisoners? Just down the hallway to the plane fuel depot.” Escher pointed to it, they followed him and Karl to the cells, seeing 3 British soldiers sitting on the bench with lowered heads. For some reason, they were familiar to Fray but he could see their faces to their lowered heads, hoping they weren’t too badly wounded as one of them had a bloody cut on his left arm.

As Fairburne opened the door, the creak of it, caused the soldiers to look up, filling Fletcher with happiness and relief as he looked the officer into his hazel eyes, smiling at him.

Duffy, Cutting and William. “Thank you. I thought we were done for.” Duffy was grateful.

“Entering the battle like most Americans, I see.” The captain commented with a neutral voice and expression.

“Fearless?” Karl asked unimpressed.


“Fashionably late.”

“Girls, stop bickering. We got to find this factory.” The Green Knight reminded them. “How did you end up here?”

“Got caught while doingreconnaissance for you. I guess I owe you something, Konrad.” Hill said to his German friend with a grateful smile.

“You owe me nothing, I won’t let on old friend die.” Escher replied with a smile of his own.

“Yeah, let’s get out of here.” The Allied soldiers sneaked their way out.

Cutting groaned quietly in pain, holding his wounded arm.” Sodding hell. Broken out of prison by a Yank, a Kraut and a Talking Bloody Unicorn! We'll never live it down!”

“Oh stop bellyaching. We're all in this together, let's make the most of it.” William reminded him.

“The map is just down the hallway on a table.” Willi pointed down the corridor, true to his words, the 2 snipers found the map to the factory.

“We will leave the airfield and go to the Ratte factory, assisting you to get the children to safety. Kidnapping them was a bad mistake from Vahlen.” Konrad said in an uncharacteristic dark tone, causing Karl and Fletcher just to nod as the squad left.

“We have what we came here for, now let’s get to the sniper point to cover the LRDG.” Fairburne said and he moved with Fray to a small hill where they had a perfect view if the airfield. The pony noticed a letter on a stone.

Axis Account: Desperation

The airfield is operation at maximum capacity. With the fall of Tobruk, Vahlen has to filter all supplies through here, although he is becoming desperate. His much-vaunted efficiency is slipping from his grasp and no amounts of threats can increase the productivity of this airfield. Not that it stops him trying.

The enemy is more dangerous when he gets desperate. Fray knew it all too well from Solomon.

After this, he got into position with the Desert Ghost and just in time, as the LRDG broke through the south gate with a light armored car, firing at the defending soldiers, driving back and forth, the 2 snipers shot at the Germans with their rifles.

They fought waves of Elite soldiers, the LRDG destroyed one plane after the one on the airfield with they pass they made, soon, Elite soldiers with anti-tank rifles joined their comrades, the snipers took care of them first, to avoid that the LRDG would get destroyed.

Fray lost count of how many Elite soldiers he and Karl took out, it felt like there were endless waves of soldiers.

It stopped as he was close to running out, using the moment to refill his ammo at an ammo crate next to him.

Fairburne noticed a glint on the tower he had taken out the spotlight, taking out a sniper, shooting right through the scope.

The Eternal Knight noticed a large dust could in the distance, using his binoculars to check it.

One SdKfz 222 and a Panzer IV were moving in, Karl had already the driver of the armored car in his sight, shooting through the vision slit, stopping it dead in its tracks, Fray aimed for the tank, noticing that the commander was looking out of the hatch with binoculars, seeing someone he recognized.

Metzburk?! I thought I killed him! Must have mistaken the Tiger commander for him.

He aimed for the driver and fired, the tank came to a halt as the bullet hit the driver.

Then he aimed for the SS commander. As the unicorn pulled the trigger, Metzburk ducked down to give orders to the remaining crew, yet the bullet found it’s target in a different way.

The sniper bullet hit the binoculars, causing it to spay into Metzburk’s eyes, he screamed in pain. “Sir!” one of the crew members shouted, checking the officer’s injuries.

I can’t see! Light up a flare!” The officer shouted in pain, seeing only black. “Where is it?”

“Right in front of you, sir!” The crewmember replied, holding a flare in front of him.

The SS soldier stared at it, not able to process what had happened to him for what seemed like hours before letting out a scream of anger, realizing what had happened.

He was blind.

“Give me a blindfold!” Metzburk yelled in rage, donning it after the crew member gave it to him, shouting, “I’m the Führer’s sword of justice! The death bringer to all enemies of the Reich!I am the Herald of the Black Sun! The Brazen Talon of the Reich Sadler! Cleansed be the Fuhrer's Soil! Cleansed be the Reich! Purge the Unclean! Purge! Erase! EXTERMINATE!” firing a Luger pistol and a MP40 randomly in a fit of insane rage.

Karl used this moment to destroy the armored car with a shot to the engine, it exploded in a small fireball. Smoke got popped around the tank as the remaining crew but Metzburk who was still shooting in a blind rage, abandoned the tank.

“Go to the evac point, I finish this and join after this is over!” Fletcher yelled, running towards the smoke, the OSS agent didn’t hesitated to sprint to the middle of the airfield where the LRDG and William with his men waited for him, having a feeling that Fray knew what he was doing.

They all watched worried as the unicorn vanished into the smoke, the gun fire continued for a while before there was an explosion, making the captain hope that his friend had survived.

It seemed like hours until they noticed that something was coming out of the smoke, aiming their weapons at it.

Slowly, the silhouette of a pony became visible, the Green Knight came out, covered in blood, carrying a peaked cap with his magic, looking very exhausted.

He dropped the cap in front of the soldiers, then reached for his canteen, breathing heavily.

“Are you hurt?” Duffy asked concerned, the Eternal Knight got a little startled by that, looking in all directions for the sound, apparently deaf and a little shell-shocked. “You’re bleeding.”

“That’s not his blood.” William realized, which seemed to cause a weak smile from Fletcher.

“Now, let’s get to this factory and get the kids to safety.” The stallion spoke in a monotone voice.

“Right. We will be nearby to get you and your friends to the closest town once you’re out of the factory.” Hill offered.

The only response from Fletcher was a simple nod as the unicorn got with the Desert Ghost into the back of a captured Opel Blitz, driving off.

This would be it. End of the line. The Ratte construction facility, dug into the sides of the Mides Canyon. An odd place to build a tank, but the sheer drops would help with hiding bodies. It was time to destroy the Ratte and the entire facility. The Reich couldn’t be allowed to build this again.

They’d had to take out the production lines on the way through. And then, when’s that done, they’d deal with Vahlen once and for all.

At the factory, a lone guard enjoyed the view, drinking from his canteen. “That’s a long way down.” He commented.

Suddenly he felt a hand over his mouth...a knife shoved into his back, a quick sharp pain and everything went black.

The American threw the body over the cliff before he and Fletcher moved on.

“Hello? ECHO? Nothing.” Another soldier was in their way, Karl took him out with his Welrod.

As they walked down they could see the factory, dug into the canyon on both sides, connected by metal bridges, stopped behind the wall as two workers had a conversation.

“The production line is too unstable. Vahlen will have our heads if there’s another failure.”

“You might want to look at the main transformer, if that goes down, everything stops working.”

With that as information, Fairburne made a sign for Fletcher to take out the transformer on the side they were on, while he would take care of the other one on the other side, which the stallion acknowledged with a nod.

All workers were too focused on their work, so Fletcher could easily sneak past them, the noise of the machines was loud enough to mask any of his sounds, as he took out guards that blocked his way with his knife, making it quick, hoping that his friends weren’t along them.

“How long till it’s done?” He heard a worker asking him co-worker.

“Can’t be more than a day or two. Then work starts on the second one.”

“I want every station manned at all hours – double-shifts for all.” An intercom buzzed, Fray assumed the voice belonged to Vahlen.

I’m pretty sure Solomon was exactly like this with his tank factories, or do I remember it wrong? Doesn’t matter, focus on the mission.

At the end of the production line, he saw the transformer, a red explosive barrel standing next to it. The unicorn casted a spell, similar to flint and steel, creating a fire and a delayed fuse, getting quietly to the other side.

“If I see one man not pulling his weight, I’m halving rations for everyone!” Vahlen added on the intercom as the barrel exploded, causing some guards to investigate, Fletcher was already on the other side.

In a small office, he noticed a letter, using it to hide from the guards, reading the letter as they were distracted.

Axis Account: completing production

We have done everything the General has asked of us and more. We are working around the clock to complete production of the Ratte, but the Allied disruption of our supply routes is hampering our efforts. Perfectionism is one thing, but his demands are becoming unreasonable. I watched Vahlen deal with a worker who'd taken too long with a track link. He just hurled the man off into the void. The scream carried on for an age before it ceased.

Dear Luna…poor guy, Vahlen seems not to mess around, just like Solomon. It shocked the stallion to read this.

“Work fast and efficiently. Your lives depend on it.” Vahlen reminded on the intercom as Fray noticed a second letter on the table, it’s content was alarming.

To General Franz Vahlen

Hello Mr. Vahlen.

I hope my message was received in good time.

Much as I am sure you would enjoy pleasantries and congratulations for your promotion, I am a busy man so I shall come straight to the point.

I have been hearing about these newcomers your garrison have captured.

This young unicorn and a human-horse siblinghood. From another world, apparently.

I'd like to know more. In fact, I'd like to know everything.

I'd make some sort of threat but I know that's unnecessary.

You already know who I am and what I can do.

Please reply soon.

And make sure to kill the messenger.



That doesn’t sound good. The Green Knight put the letter in his saddlebag, moving to the ammo cache of the Ratte as Karl destroyed the second transformer.

“You are working for the glory of the Reich!” Vahlen reminded, causing the Eternal Knight to shake his head.

More for their own lives.

“Think how the Americans will feel when they see it.” He overheard 2 guards passing by, the other started to laugh.

“They’ll probably piss themselves and hide.”

Well, if Solomon had ever build such a thing, I definitely had wet myself upon seeing it, pretty sure Wolf and Midnight would too when first seeing such a giant tank.

Reaching the ammo cache, Fletcher saw that the Desert Ghost placed a satchel charge on the wall and had placed a tripwire at the cargo elevator leading to the canyon base, better safe than sorry.

Just in that moment, a whirring sound greeted their ears, as the elevator moved up to their level, 2 Elite soldiers stepped out, triggering the tripwire, the explosion left their bodies covered in blood and splinters.

The unicorn saw an empty cell at the corner of the room, suspecting the children must have been brought into the canyon base, where the Ratte tank was, about to enter it.

“Ah. The Desert Ghost himself?” A voice and the sound of weapons getting cocked caused them to stop and turn around, seeing a man in officer uniform, escorted by a squad of soldiers, two of them aimed at the snipers, the others held the children at gunpoint. Dinky and the siblings trembled, Fray could see the fear in their eyes.

“The man who single-handedly tore through Halfaya, stole into Siwa, dueled with a Tiger in Kasserine...and crippled our supply lines. I'm an admirer of our work. We are the same, you and I. We are both soldiers, workers of war. We love our work.” The officer said with a grin, both snipers assumed it was Vahlen, looking at him with neutral expressions, his soldiers grinned evilly.

Vahlen turned to Fletcher. “And you must be the Green Knight…Well then...I was not informed there was going to be another of you. I must inform Himmler his sources need...revisiting.”

“You'll be saying nothing to no-one.” The Eternal Knight replied.

“Double negative.” The General pointed out.

“Shut up, I've already have seen enough grammar freaks in my life.”

“Very well, what would be your incentive for a safe and cooperative surrender?” Vahlen pointed to the scared kids, the soldiers’ fingers slowly went for the triggers.

There are none, I'd trust an SS stooge to honor.” Fray replied calm, despite being angered to see the children like this.

“You seem very hostile to my way of thinking yet in the end we are not so different. And this accomplishes little.”

“Excuse me?”

“Sir Upton Gorrister was not our only contact. All over Europe, Britain, as far as the Americas, there are people who cry out for us, praising us as liberators against the Red tide threatening to destroy our society. Once we end such a scourge, the world will look upon us as heroes, saviours, and will accept our way of life as gospel, we having proven our righteousness in bloody conflict.”

“You won't be proving anything here. And you and I are nothing alike.” The stallion countered.

“You are a soldier. A sword for your ruler and nation, cutting down any who pose it a threat.

“You and I disagree on what makes a threat, Mister Vahlen. Genocide, insemination, doomsday projects, you would set your nation aflame if you felt like it. Your way of life spits on life itself.”

“That is where you are wrong. We are the most primary way of life, the first and truest of orders, birthed when society itself was still young.

“Yeah, I know. Humanity at its lowest form. Proud, violent apes. And you act like this is something to aspire to. I'm not even sure you're worth my arrows.” Fletcher said disgusted as Karl pointed at Vahlen with a light angered expression.

“We are not the same. One big difference, General Vahlen...You're a lot slower.”

With that said, Fairburne and Fletcher made a dash for the elevator, the unicorn also lit up his horn, teleporting the kids into the elevator as the charges exploded, throwing Vahlen and his soldiers screaming to the ground.

A fire alarm sounded as the elevator moved down, the green pony checked the kids for injuries. “Are you okay?” he asked with concern.

Slowly going out of her shock, Dinky replied with a shaken voice, “W-were fine.”

“There has been an incident in Lift Shaft 3. Do not be alarmed. Continue with your work.” An intercom announced.

As the lift came closer to the end, the Ratte come into sight, Fletcher’s and the childrens’ eyes went wide in shock and awe, seeing that the tank was about 11 meters high and 14 meters wide, as long as several train cars, almost complete, only one part of the left tread was missing and the right barrel of the main turret was incomplete.

Fletcher whistled. Now that is a big...tank...I guess...I-I-I got nothing.

“The charges will barely put a dent in that. If those pillars go, maybe we can bury it.” Karl suggested pointing to the pillars around the giant tank.

They also noticed a squad of soldiers waiting at the end of the elevator shaft, seeming very relieved to see Dinky, Blau and Katja. “Nice to see you had success, Fletcher, we already thought you’re the cause for this incident in Lift Shaft 3.” Escher smiled at them.

“Yeah. We’re about to destroy this tank.” The unicorn explained.

“We won’t stop you, it might be better for us all if this thing never gets deployed. We keep the children safe while you do this.” The private offered, getting weak smiles from the kids.

“Sounds good to me.” Fletcher liked it.

Karl looked at the Ratte. “Alright…time to take this beast down.”

Dinky, Katja and Blau Streifen waited near the gates where’re the exit was, watching with worry over Fletcher, hoping he would be alright.

Karl took the pillars at the ground level, Fray the 2 at the upper level.

There were only few guards on the catwalks, the workers focused on their work, so it was no problem to sneak past them, placing the first charge on the pillar.

“Do you smell that?” A worker asked his friend.



The only thing I smell is fuel and smoke from the blowtorches. The Green Knight climbed from the catwalk next to the tank, on it to place a charge on the pillar above it, taking silently 2 workers with his knife out.

As this was done, another gate opened, a halftrack and 2 elite soldiers entered the hanger. Fray switched to his bow and aimed for the grill of the vehicle, firing a charged shot at it, the arrow went right through it, damaging the engine and the Halftrack exploded, taking the 2 Fallschirmjäger with it in a small fireball.

Karl waved to show that the charges at the bottom where in place, pointing to the turret to place a charge on it, Fletcher nodded, climbing the ladder up and placed it.

That’s it. Time to get out of here. Just as he thought this, an alert went off, making everyone wonder what was going on.

As he and Karl reached the others, the MGs of the Ratte started to fire at the exit. “The Ratte is about to fire.” An intercom warned.

As there was no other way through, they made a run through the MG fire, Fray casted a shield spell to protect the children from it, bullets missed them by inches. “Three…Two…One…Fire!” The main gun fired, hitting the canyon wall, creating a small hill, the force of it was strong to enough to make them almost lose their balance as they made it through the gate, escaping the hanger.

“Stop them!” a squad of Fallschirmjäger intercepted them, Fairburne manned a mounted MG, mowing them down before they had a chance.

Karl and Fray walked up the small hill, aiming at the cables of a crane, carrying shells of the Ratte, positioned above the turret where the charge was placed, firing at the same time with their rifles at the cables.

The general arrived in the hanger, wondering what was going on.

The shells hit the charge on the tank, Vahlen stared at it in shock, seeing his life work getting destroyed. Impossible! This can’t be! How did they even…

The explosions created a large chain reaction, he gasped in shock before him trying to escape the doomed hanger, losing his balance, screaming as the blast caught him in the moment he got up.

The smoke and dust cleared slowly, the Eternal Knight had casted a shield around himself and his friends. “Everyone okay?” He asked.

“I’m fine.” Blau Streifen coughed from the smoke and dust.

“Help me.” Vahlen’s voice sounded weak, being trapped under debris, Karl walked up to him, taking his Luger, putting the round he had taken from Brauer’s gun in the chamber. “I’m nothing like you. I remember who I kill.”

He aimed at the general’s head, Vahlen looked in shock and fear at him for what seemed like hours before Karl pulled the trigger, killing Vahlen as blood sprayed from his head.

The Desert Ghost then threw the pistol away, walking up to Fletcher and the other soldiers. “From now, we go separate ways. It was an honor to work with you.” He saluted, the other returned it.

“It was an honor for me too.” Fray replied.

The kids hugged Karl. “Thank you for saving us!”

“Just helping out. You kids take care.” He seemed slightly to smile before walking into the desert.

“So, what now?” Matteo wondered as the sound of an engine greeted their ears, turning into the direction it came from, seeing a truck driving towards them.

The Axis soldiers took defensive positions upon seeing that it was a British Bedford MWD truck, Fletcher just grinned, realizing who this was.

The doors of the driver cabin, 3 British soldiers stepped out´, their heads lowered, making it impossible to see their faces. One of them looked up, seeing the burning factory, shaking his head and chuckled “I can't leave you blokes alone for five minutes, can I!” The kids hugged him happy upon realizing who he was.

“William! You’re alive!” They exclaimed in union.

“It takes more than that to bring down a Hill, as my old father used to say.”

Konrad giggled. “...Oh, I get it. Hill...Like an actual Hill.”

William just rolled his eyes. “Yes, well done. Get in, we bring you to the next town, I explain on the way as it is a long story.” He was also happy to see them safe and sound.

The children and soldiers got into the back of the truck.

Vahlen was dead and the Ratte was destroyed. Maybe Fletcher had prevented a coup d'etat or that the war would get worse than he already was. Or maybe it had made it easier for him to keep the kids safe, he didn’t care about it, just glad they were safe and sound. But one thought refused to leave his head.

Who's Totenkopf?

And what does he want with the foals?

Author's Note:

One less problem in the word, but the most dangerous is still out there.