• Published 30th Jul 2017
  • 1,614 Views, 210 Comments

Blood in the sand - Bronycommander

North Africa 1942. The Africa Corps is advancing, pushing the British forces back. For a German and Italian Private, there is more than just sand and dry winds.

  • ...

Chapter 17 Homeward Bound

Chapter 17 Homeward Bound

The spell had overpowered Dinky’s senses. Her head was aching as she slowly came to her senses, with a groan, the filly opened her eyes, finding herself in a comfortable hospital bed, Fletcher and the siblings in beds next to her, still unconscious.

3 voices echoed in her ears, coming from the doorway, sounding excited and overanxious but were incomprehensible, yet familiar to her.

Then the door, opened and 3 fillies walked it, an earth pony, a Pegasus and a unicorn, standing completely still and silent, utterly shocked as they had entered. It seemed like hours until the yellow filly broke the silence. “How are you, Dinky?”

Forming a weak smile, Dinky replied, “Except from an aching head, I’m feeling great, Apple Bloom.

“Glad to hear it. We came as fast as we could after news spread that you were back.” Scootaloo smiled at her.

Several hoof steps followed as a Pegasus mare with grey coat, an earth pony stallion, a magenta unicorn mare, a baby blue unicorn, two Alicorns, a white and blue one, and 2 fillies, one a yellow earth pony, the other one a pale rose unicorn entered the room. All looked with happy expressions at them. She almost overlooked a small coat with piebald coat, having the same expression.

“MOMMY! DADDY!” The unicorn exclaimed as her parents hugged her with tears of joy.

“My little muffin, I can’t say how glad I am that you are alright.” Derpy smiled.

“We are too and we brought you some gifts.” Ruby putted a big basket filled with sweets of all kind on the nightstand.

“Thank you, Ruby. If it hadn’t been for Fletcher, neither I nor my new friends would be here right now.” Dinky pointed to them, in that moment, they regained consciousness, rubbing their heads.

“Ugh, I really wish that wouldn’t affect the head so much…” Fray mumbled before a quick lighting flashed through the room and a Pegasus with fiery navy-blue coat with matching eyes and flowing silver mane had hugged him tightly.

“Fletcher, you’re okay!” the mare exclaimed in joy, before noticing that everypony looked at her, letting go, chuckling in embarrassment.

Fray just smiled. “I’m happy to see you too, White Wolf.”

“I’m also happy to see that you had success. What took you so long?” A bat pony with grey coat and pure white eyes asked as he walked in, followed by a green earth pony and another bespectacled purple and white patch-patterned earth pony.

Taking a deep breath, Fletcher replied, “Well, what was supposed to be a simple search mission turned into an adventure in the desert of North Africa on Earth, the human world. A long story.”

“Yes, it is,” Dinky confirmed, then pointed to the siblings. “May I introduce my new friends to you all?”

“Hello, my name is Blau Streifen and this is my sister Katja.” The young colt greeted, still it was strange for them as this Celestia and Luna weren’t’ the rulers of their home, but at the same time they were.

“Hello young ones, I’m princess Celestia and this is my sister Luna, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” The princess of the sun smiled warmly at them.

“I’m doctor Whooves and this is my wife Derpy.” Dinky’s father introduced himself.

“And I’m Sparkler and this is my younger sister Tootsie Flute.” The unicorn mare said to them.

“Ah’m Apple Bloom and those are mah friends Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Together we are the Cutie Mark Crusaders, helping other ponies to get their cutie marks.” The country filly introduced herself and her friends with a friendly smile.

“I’m Ruby Pinch, and those are my friends Noi and Pipsqueak, all good friends of Dinky too.”

“I’m Wagensroll, a distant relative of Fletcher and this is my friend Purple Patch.” The green earth pony smiled at them.

While the Eternal Knights weren’t very social, they knew it would be impolite not to introduce themselves. “My name is Midnight Blade and this is White Wolf, we’re best friends with Fletcher Fray.” The bat pony greeted friendly.

Luna walked over to Dinky. “I guess you have much to tell.”

The filly trembled a bit. “Yes, but there are things my friends shouldn’t see.” The siblings nodded in agreement.

“Dinky, you helped me in a dangerous situation, let me repay the favor, I’m with you.” Pip said to her with determination.

“And we Cutie Mark Crusaders always help a member in need!” The CMC exclaimed.

“You’re our friend and friends help each other.” Noi and Ruby said in union.

"Dinky, we are family, I help you no matter what.” Tootsie added.

“If it’s difficult to tell, let me try something Dinky, I promise it won’t hurt.” Luna spoke in a calming voice as she touched Dinky’s him with hers, casting the same memory spell she used to look into dreams, everyone was transparent, finding themselves in the desert.

“Is this a camp?” Tootsie looked around until she saw two humans. “Is this how humans look like?”

“Yes, Tootsie. Those were the ones who found us, Katja and Blau, taking care of us.” Dinky explained as it continued on.

Upon seeing Fletcher’s interaction with the kids after the battle of El Alamein, Derpy had to smile. “I see my daughter has quite grown to your heart.”

Scratching his back, Fray replied embarrassed, “What can I say, her company is quite pleasant.”

“Meeting the Desert fox in person must been have quite an honor for you, Fletcher.” Wagensroll commented on the memory of the meeting.

“Yes, it was.”

As the memory of the stay in Germany got shown, Midnight commented, “I see you had a very pleasant stay.”

“What I was supposed to do, decline such an offer and make him upset?” Fray asked in return.

“I had done the same in your case.” Blade replied with a smile, Wolf giggled upon seeing the plushies of the stallion, the Green Knight prepared for the teasing.

“I must say this was quite a nice idea from Mrs. Escher.” Her comment was surprising to Fletcher.

“You really think so?” He asked.

“Yes.” The Pegasus’ expression changed to shock as Quince almost killed Fletcher, Sparkler covered her sister’s eyes, Luna and Celestia putted a wing around the other foals. “Oh my…so my vision got almost reality…” She muttered in shock.

“Luckily for me, Dinky and her friends saved my life.” They smiled at him, Whooves smiled proudly at his daughter as he saw how they bandaged Fletcher and donated blood to save him. “But that dream…I won’t forget it so fast.” He spoke with fear as his nightmare got shown.

Upon seeing the Alien Grunt, the bat pony said with a hint of fear, “If I ever meet such a thing in real life, I keep my distance.”

As Patch saw how the group fought its way out of the tombs, he said terrified, “You were very lucky.”

“Yeah, and if you and Wagensroll ever plan to get to the tombs in South Equestria, you have to drag me into these!” Fletcher replied.

“Duly noted but I can assure you we won’t have such a trip planned for the near future.”

As Midnight saw the swordsman, he said, “That’s impressive for sure but also his doom.”

“As long as you don’t make the same mistake someday.” Fletcher replied, causing Midnight to chuckle.

“Fletcher, you know that I don’t believe in showing off.”

After seeing the final fight with Quince and Dinky being controlled by him, Sparkler hugged her tightly after they found themselves in the hospital again. “I’m so sorry, Dinky that I brought you into this!” She felt guilty but Dinky patted her back in response.

“It’s okay Sparkler, it was an accident. Besides, if this hadn’t happened, Fletcher hadn’t been dispatched to find me and Katja and Blau would have been trapped with no point of return.”

The mare understood Dinky’s point. “I guess you’re right.”

“I’m very grateful that you brought my daughter back safe and sound, Mr. Fray. We all owe you something.” Derpy thanked him with a smile.

He waved a hoof. “You owe me nothing, I did only my duty. Reminds me, I forgot to get rid of the weapons, what happened to them?”

“Well, they are intact but the ammunition is depleted, I guess the lead can't travel through portals.” Midnight explained.

“If that’s the case, they can’t be used here. If you don’t mind, I keep them, they could come in handy later.”

“Do as you like, I don’t mind that at all.”

“Don’t worry children, we’ll do anything we can to get you back to your family.” Celestia promised the siblings with an honest smile.

“And you can stay with us until then, I’m sure Dinky would like that, right?” the brown stallion his daughter who grinned at him.

“I was thinking the same, daddy!” She exclaimed with glee.

“We would like that.” Katja accepted the offer, her brother nodded.

“For now, rest, you’re earned it.” Luna said to Fletcher and the three children before they all left, save for Apple Bloom and Scootaloo who looked rather fascinated at Midnight and Wolf.

“Something wrong, kiddo?” The blue Pegasus asked.

“It’s just…I really like your fangs!” the orange filly exclaimed in excitement, causing White Wolf to cover her mouth with one hoof, unlike other ponies, she had small set of canines (or fangs as she called does on occasion) in her upper and lower jaws, the lower set were rather smallish, and not very noticeable when she's talked normally. The upper pair was a completely different matter, being long enough that when she had her mouth completely closed, their tips peeked out from beneath her upper lip slightly. This was something that she was very extremely self-conscious about... to the point that she tried not to call attention to them, being uncomfortable to talk about it.

Still, Scootaloo was still a child, being curious, Wolf couldn’t blame her for that and it was very rare that somepony complimented her fangs. Being surprised, White Wolf replied, “My fangs? ...Thanks...for the compliment.”

“And Ah really like your wings and eyes, Mr. Blade. They look cool and mysterious.” Apple Bloom said, it didn’t surprise him as he knew that Apple Bloom wasn’t afraid to talk to equine-like creatures that other ponies were afraid of, like it had been the case with Zecora, a Zebra.

“Thank you.”

“I like your mane! And your eyes, they kinda nice too.” Sweetie Belle complimented Fray, causing him to smile.

“Pleased to hear it.”

Then the CMC walked out, having a conversation with Wolf and Midnight who seemed to enjoy it.

For the rest of the day, the three got visited by ponies that welcomed Dinky back, bringing her gifts, thanking Fletcher for bringing her back, saying he was a hero, (much to his embarrassment) and told their condolences to the siblings. Something told Fray that his actions could change the view on the Eternal Knights positive.

After they got released from hospital, Pinkie Pie threw a party at Sugarcube corner to celebrate Dinky’s return and to welcome her new friends and the Eternal Knights to Ponyville.

While the children danced together, Fletcher, Wolf and Midnight watched them with smiles from a table, enjoying some cake. “I had never thought something like this could happen to us.” The bat pony mumbled in disbelief.

“Yeah, but the cake is good.” Wolf enjoyed every bite.

After having finished their dance, the three friends walked up to Fletcher. “Would you like to dance with us?” They asked him with smiles.

“Sure, why not. Want to join us?” He asked his fellow Knights.

Midnight shrugged. “I don’t mind it.”

While White Wolf wasn’t much of a dancer, she didn’t want to disappoint the children, given that they had much fun right now, taking a deep breath. “If you insist.”

Dinky’s parents watched happily as they saw how the Eternal Knights enjoyed themselves as they danced with Dinky, Katja and Blau Streifen.

They all had much fun until it was evening and they went home, Derpy tucked her daughter in, the siblings used the guest bed. “Goodnight Dinky, sweet dreams. Good night, you two.”

Goodnight, mommy.”

“Night, Mrs. Hooves.” The siblings said as they were comfortable.

“Please, you can call me Derpy.”

“Sleep well, you three, I see you tomorrow.” Fletcher was about to leave as Dinky called out,

“Wait. Could you please stay with us?” He could tell that she enjoyed his company, he did too.

“If course, would you like to hear a bed time story?” He asked.

The children grinned. “Yes, please.”

He sat down next to them. “Alright, here is one my mother used to tell me when I was a colt.” He cleared his throat.

“It was many, many years ago, longer than most can remember. The alicorns were still young and far away from where this story takes place...In the old kingdom.”

“Which old kingdom?” Dinky asked curious

Fletcher had a puzzled expression as he replied, “Well...it’s just what we call nowadays. I imagine they called something different in those days but a lot of the names are forgotten over the centuries. Anyway, to the east of the kingdom, there lived an Archer. This Archer was part of a noble family who the king admired and valued a lot. Now, this Archer was a very skilled archer.”

“He’d have to be for him to be called that.” The colt commented, already liking it.

“Well, exactly. Now he often visited the west of the kingdom where there lived a Maiden. This Maiden was of a much richer and more powerful family than the Archer’s but he didn’t care about that. The Maiden was kind, wise, caring and gentle and these things the Archer loved. But the Maiden’s father, the Grey Lord, was none of these things. He was cruel, bad-tempered and utterly selfish.

And one day, the Archer paid a visit to the Maiden and found that she and her mother were locked in a dungeon to be executed. The Grey Lord had discovered that the Maiden was not in fact his daughter and that his wife, who he mistreated and scorned, had been seeing a dear friend who she had grown to love.”

“How were they married if they didn’t love each other?” Katja wondered.

Fray thought for a moment, as he himself has always wondered this “...I suppose things worked rather differently back then. But anyway, the Archer told his father, the Green Lord, what was about to happen and so the Green Lord met with the King and all the other lords and pleaded that the Maiden and her mother be spared. But the Grey Lord held the most power with the king and the court could not be swayed. So instead, the Archer challenged the Grey Lord. If the Archer won, the Maiden and her mother would go free. If the Grey Lord won, not only would the Maiden and her mother be executed but all the Green Lord’s lands would go to him. Being a most greedy stallion, the Grey Lord accepted. But you imagine that he felt pretty silly upon hearing the challenge would be an archery tournament.”

“So I suppose he wasn’t a very good archer?” The filly concluded.

“Nope. He could barely hold a bow. But he was allowed to choose his champion if he couldn’t compete. So he invited the Explorer. Now, the Explorer was a prince who lived in another kingdom far away much different to the Old Kingdom. And the Explorer was also a champion archer, no other pony had ever defeated him and there was nothing he liked more than testing his skills against others ponies saw as the best for he always won.”

“So...was he a better archer than The Archer?” Blau asked.

“Well, that was the question, wasn’t it. The tournament began and continued day after day until at last, only the Archer and the Explorer were left. But that night, the Archer and the Explorer shared food and drink and talked of the contest to come. The Archer told him about the Maiden and her poor mother and the cruel fate they’d meet if he’d lose. The Explorer hadn’t known about this, you see, and he felt a lot less eager to challenge and win if two mares would be killed for it. Then again, the Archer could have just been lying to make him give up. But then, the Grey Lord met the Explorer and told him that, should the Archer prove too much of a challenge, he was to shoot the Archer through the heart, promising that he would get him out of any punishment.”

The children gasped.

“It was then that the Explorer knew that the Grey Lord was as cruel and untrustworthy as the Archer had told him. So, on the day of the final challenge, the Archer and the Explorer notched, drew and fired one after the other, on and on until the Archer was finally winning. The Explorer knew that, either he fire a perfect bulls-eye, not impossible for him but certainly a challenge, or shoot his opponent through the heart. And so, the Explorer drew his shot, fired...and missed the bulls-eye. The Archer had won.”

“Did...Did the Explorer let him win?” The filly was confused.

The stallion chuckled. “Some say that. Others say the Archer was just the better pony, on that day anyway. Overjoyed, the Maiden rushed for the Archer and embraced him, declaring she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him. Furious, the Grey Lord leapt forward, brandishing a knife for the Archer and the Maiden but the Explorer, the Green Lord and the Maiden’s mother stepped in and the Grey Lord was arrested for his conspiracy. The Explorer bid the two farewell and continued his search for worthy opponents across the world and the Archer and the Maiden were married.”

“...That was...a lovely story...What’s the moral?” Dinky smiled.

“Well, I suppose it’s up for you to decide. But one thing it does teach us. The Old Kingdom was very unlike modern Equestria. In fact, it has more in common with this earth we live in now. Wars were common, tyrants rose and fell, danger lurked around every corner and many foals didn’t live to see their Cutie Marks...Yet, even then, good could still triumph if there were ponies willing to fight for it. There are some who say that the Magic of Friendship and Harmony didn’t just appear one day. It grew stronger and brighter when ponies realized its importance over centuries of learning. That’s how the world improves. It’s slow but it works. Goodnight, kids.” He was about to get to his sleeping back as the filly asked,

“Fletcher? The Archer...was that you?”

The stallion smiled, “No, Dinky. That I can say for certain...Even I'm not quite as good as he was.”

“Anyway, it was a nice story, Fletcher.” Dinky yawned and she fell asleep with her friends.

He smiled as he prepared his sleeping bag, noticing that Derpy, Doctor Whooves, Wolf and Midnight stood in the doorway, smiling at him.

“You really grown to her.” Midnight said to him.

Blushing, the unicorn replied, “Yes, I quite enjoy her company, can’t help but think she sees me as family member. I mean, technically I am already due having her blood from the donation.”

The grey mare giggled. “I think Dinky would love to have you as family member. What about being her uncle?”

“I would like that.”

“And I think she would be pleased to have you two as members of our family too.” The doctor looked at White Wolf and Midnight Blade, who were quite caught off guard by this.

The grey stallion thought for a minute about it. “Well, I took care of Luna when she was a foal and I sometimes miss the good times, so, yes I would accept, provided Luna agrees.”

“Count me in.” Wolf added. “Reminds me, what about showing the kids our home?”

“Sounds like a good idea to me. I can prepare everything.” Midnight liked it.

“One step at a time, we should ask then tomorrow.” Fray reminded them.

“Of course. Goodnight, Fletch.” Wolf and Midnight leaved, the married couple headed to their bedroom, the Eternal Knight was fast asleep.

In the morning, Blau Streifen and Katja awake as a delicious smell invaded their noses, coming out of the kitchen.

As they got out of bed, Dinky and Fletcher got out of their room, yawning. “Good morning.” The unicorns greeted them, still a bit sleepy.

“Morning.” The siblings replied as they all entered the kitchen, seeing that Derpy had made muffins.

“Good morning, I hope you all have slept well.” She greeted, her daughter and guests nodded as they breakfasted.

“They are very delicious.” Katja said after having eaten one of the mare’s muffins.

Derpy smiled. “Glad to hear that.”

“I and my friends thought we show you our home if you like.” Fletcher offered, waiting for their response.

“Sounds like a good idea to me, when would you like to go?” Dinky asked.

“Now if you like, Midnight has already organized everything.”

“In that case, have fun.” Derpy didn’t mind it as they left.

Outside, they saw Midnight talking with Apple Bloom and Applejack. “Ah, hope you aren’t a fruit vampire.” The country mare was suspicious.

“Neither that nor the blood drinking variant, I swear.” The stallion was slightly nervous as the orange pony stared at him for what seemed like minutes before smiling.

“Ah can tell if somepony is lying. And if mah sister likes you so much, I can tell Ah can trust you. If you like, you could help us with the apple harvest.”

“It would be a pleasure to me.” The bat pony replied.

White Wolf was chatting with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. “You one of the Bearers then? And a Cutie Mark Crusader?”

“I'm Rainbow Dash and she's Scootaloo.” The blue mare introduced herself and her little sister with pride.

Wolf smirked. “I'm gonna' call you Crash and Chicken.”

Rainbow Dash just said calmly, “Your funeral.”

Wolf stayed silent for a minute before slowly smiling. “You got courage. I like you.”


“Do you two need some alone time?” Fletcher asked his friend.

The mare rolled her eyes. “Wise-flanks. Are you ready for the tour?”

“Of course.”

The Eternal Knights led their young friends to a boat dock with a ship, driving across the sea for some time, until heavy thick clouds and fog could be seen in the distance. “Uh, Fletcher, are you sure we are heading into the right direction?” Dinky asked unsure.

“Trust us, children, we know what we’re doing.” Fray calmed them down as the ship entered the fog, making it impossible to see anything.

As the fog slowly faded, a large castle came into view, looking very majestic, yet also frightening with its fields full of night-blooms and luminous crystal peaks.

“Welcome back, Eternal Knights.” Two guards wearing dark blue armor, completely concealing their faces, greeted them as they leaved the ship, seeming not to pay attention to the guests.

The sight of the castle itself was fascinating for the children as the Eternal Knights led them inside. “Welcome to Sunless Isle.” Midnight said as he led them through the corridors, it was dark, the kids got startled by the service personal, who was wearing obscuring clothing, making them almost impossible to see, yet got greeted friendly by them.

Fray showed them his room, a bed, some pictures on the wall, as well as some books of his country. “Looks very cozy.” Katja commented before spotting a picture on the wall, showing a female and a male unicorn, together with a young unicorn colt, all smiling. “Are those your parents?”

“Yes, they are.” He replied with a smile.

“I’m sure they would be very proud of you for helping us.” Blau Streifen said to him.

“Of course they would and I’m pretty sure my mother had loved it to meet you three.”

After he had said this, several hooves steps came from the corridor and in a flash, Fray found himself hugged. “Daddy! You’re back!” Three young voices were very happy to see him again.

Dinky, Katja’s and Blau Streifen’s expressions became confused upon seeing that Fletcher was hugged by 3 foals that looked like him, Wolf and Midnight, being robots. “Uh…Fletcher, do I see that right?” Dinky blinked to check if she saw that right.

Fray thought for a minute how he could explain this, without breaking their minds. “Yes, your eyes don’t deceive you, Dinky. You see, my search for you wasn’t my first visit to Earth. Some time ago, I accidently landed on Earth in a different timeline.

Here, I found out that our world was a TV show for human children.” The kids looked even more confused at him. “I know, I was just as confused as you when I found out. Anyway, here, I helped a foal that was separated from its home to get back to its family as I did with you. One of the human militaries created a project that used drones based on us. Me, Wolf, Midnight, and many others, even your mother had a drone counterpart, Dinky. The mastermind of this project gave me those three drones as present and as way to prove my experience to my friends.” He explained.

It took a few minutes until Blau Streifen asked, “Was there also a counterpart of our mother or grandmother?” He sounded curious about it.

“Well, I read about a model designed to be a recon unit, also able to detect traps but got scrapped. I guess that was the model based on your mother.” He could faintly remember, having read about that in the reports. “Anyway, their names are Fletcher Junior, Wolf Cub and Mid-Mite.”

Dinky was the first to stretch out her hoof for a shake. “Hello…I guess…”

The robotic unicorn shook her hoof with a smile. “Pleasure to meet you.” It had a young, yet robotic voice.

Mid-Mite and Wolf Cub greeted the siblings, it was a bit awkward for them.

“Anyway, let’s introduce you to Nanny.” Fletcher said as he led them to wall where a crescent was mounted on it with two wings, one to the left, one to the right of it.

“Pull the lever!” the Bat pony exclaimed, Fray hit the right lever this time, a turntable got activated, bringing them to the other side, being placed into a rollercoaster.

The children raised her arms, screaming in joy as it went down, the roller-coaster ended at a buffer, everyone got thrown out, landing gently on the ground, now wearing white lab coats and goggles.

The young friends looked at themselves, then did a high-five/brohoof.

“Welcome to the secret lab.” The bat pony announced.

“And keep quiet about it, or I eat you!” The Pegasus threated, causing the children to tremble before smiling. “Just kidding, but please, keep quiet about it.”

“Duly noted.” They replied as Fletcher pressed a button on what looked like a grand scrying pool.

To Dinky’s, Katja’s and Blau’s surprise, a small contraption, looking like a female goat’s head out of wood activated on it. “Welcome back master Fray, it pleases me to see that you were successful.” It had a robotic but feminine voice.

“Is this Nanny?” Dinky asked.

“Yes, she’s an android I have kept from my father along his bow and an airship. Say hello, Nanny.”

The android smiled at the young guests. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, children.”

“H-hello.” The little unicorn brought shy out, a bit uncomfortable about speaking to an android.

“Greetings.” The siblings said in union.

“There’s no need to be afraid of me, young ones. I’m terribly sorry to hear what happened to you but I promise, I assist in any way I can to help reunite you with your family.” She looked at the colt and girl with an honest expression.

“Appreciated.” They both replied.

“And the best comes last.” Fray announced as he led his guests to the hanger where his airship was. The eyes of the children went wide in awe, It was an impressive specimen, slim and sleek, gleaming mahogany brown with brass inlay between two thin gyro-engines with crystal-powered boosters. “An airship flight through Equestria. Come aboard.”

“Oh, this is going to be fun!” Blau Streifen was eager, his sister had more doubt about it.

“I hope we don’t crash.”

“Don’t worry, I’m a very skilled pilot, Katja.” Fletcher calmed her down as they got onboard, it wasn’t a passenger ship but the cabin could take a small number of passengers.

Nanny activated, giving a status report. “All systems green, we are ready for takeoff.”


The gate opened and the airship, slowly climbing into the air. “And here we go.” Fray steered forward, the children enjoyed the view as he navigated through clouds and mountains.

“I hope you enjoy the flight.” The unicorn said with a smile.

“Of course we do. It’s so nice and so…calm.” Dinky looked out of the window.

“Indeed, flying with an airship is seen as of the most relaxing means of transportations. Next stop: Canterlot. Princess Luna and Celestia have invited us for lunch.” Fletcher announced as Canterlot was in sight, landing at one of the docks.

“Right on time.” The Alicorns picked them up.

“Your highnesses.” The group bowed respectfully.

“Rise. Welcome in Canterlot.” Luna greeted as she and her older sister led their guests, leading them to the dining hall. While Dinky had been before in Canterlot at the wedding of Shining Armor and Cadence, she was still fascinating by the town, her two friends were even more, due never having been in Canterlot before, looking at it in awe.

For lunch, the ponies had some hay burgers, while Katja had some warm potatoes, enjoying their meals.

After lunch, Luna placed a large photo album on the table. “Like you, our childhood was filled with much happy moments.” The blue Alicorn opened it, there were many pictures of her and Celestia as foals, often together with a unicorn mare and a earth pony stallion. The stallion was somehow familiar to the kids, reminding them of Midnight.

“Midnight, is this you?” Dinky asked, surprising him.

“What makes you think of that?” He asked a bit nervous about it.

“Well, the stallion on this picture looks just like you, or do you have a brother?”

The bat pony took a deep breath. “Yes, that is me in my originally form, I had to sacrifice it to continue my service under Luna.” He explained embarrassed.

“You do look very nice as Earth pony. If you don’t mind me asking, do you miss your old form?” The young Earth pony was curious.

“Sometimes. While being a bat pony, deep within, I’m still an earth pony. I’m a bat pony, but kept my earth pony strength.”

“So, you are a hybrid?” Katja wanted to know.

That caused the stallion to think, never having thought of that before. “Technically, yes… I think.”

Celestia cleared her throat. “There is also another reason, why we invited you to lunch.”

“And that is?” Fray asked.

“The Grand Galloping Gala is in a few days and we thought we should invite you it.”

The children liked the idea, Fletcher and Midnight didn’t mind it, they had taken part in such events before. Only Wolf had doubts due her fangs, disliking it to be with large crowds.

“I would like that, after my parents told me about their evening at the gala years ago, I always wondered how it would be.” Dinky grinned.

“We were never at the gala before but our parents took part in it once, during their early marriage.” Blau explained.

“I know to appreciate that but I don’t think it would be a good idea for us.” Wolf replied uncomfortable about it.

“Fears can be defeated White Wolf, and we thought you could spent more time with your new friends.” Luna countered, causing the Pegasus to sigh.

“I guess you have a point.”

“Rarity offered to make you suiting clothes.” Luna added.

“Thank you.” The Eternal Knights replied in union as they left. Dinky knew who Rarity was, a good friend of her parents, having made Derpy’s dress for the gala after she was born.

Back in Ponyville, the doctor asked his daughter, “And, how was your trip?”

Dinky grinned. “Great, daddy!”

“Glad to hear it, because, we have something to tell you.” It made Dinky wonder what he meant as Fletcher took the word.

“Dinky, during the time I had with you on earth, you grown on me. Would you accept that I…become a part of your family?” He asked, awaiting her response.

The filly just stared at him, blinking a few times before slowly, a smile formed on her lips and she hugged him. “I would love to!” She exclaimed in joy.

“We would also like to become part of your family, Dinky.” Midnight spoke with a small hint of embarrassment and nervousness.

With glee, the little unicorn exclaimed. “Welcome to the family!”

“We can expand our house, it’s no problem.” Derpy said to the Eternal Knights with a smile.

Fray waved a hoof. “That won’t be necessary, we can regularly visit you, like Tootsie and Sparkler do.”

“That sounds nice. Now, you should go to Rarity for the clothes.” Derpy replied.

“Of course.”

At the Carousel Boutique, the white unicorn welcomed them. “Welcome to Carousel Boutique, how can I be of assistance?”

“Good day, we are here in need of some suiting clothes for the gala on recommendation from Mrs. Hooves.” Fray replied.

“Ah, yes, Derpy informed me, come in right. You are Fletcher Fray, White Wolf and Midnight Blade, right?” They nodded, she smiled at Dinky. “It’s nice to see you again, Dinky, I’m confident I can make something for you like I did for your mother all those years ago.”

Then she looked at the siblings with a smile. “You are Dinky’s new friends Katja and Blau Streifen, right? My little sister Sweetie Belle told me a lot about you, I’m terribly sorry to hear what happened to you. Your parents can be very proud of having such wonderful children.”

“Thank you.” They replied.

“Now, come in.” She led them inside, levitating some tape measures and fabric samples so she could begin.

“Uh…do you really think you can make something for me?” Katja asked a bit unsure due not being a pony.

“Of course. I made a tux for my friend Spike once, he’s a dragon, being bipedal like you, this isn’t a problem for me, darling.”

“I don’t want to upset you Ms. Rarity, but I’m not the mare who likes dresses.” Wolf told her as she measured the Pegasus.

“No problem, my friend Rainbow Dash isn’t also the dress wearing type, so I know what could suit you.” Rarity was very confident, making Wolf wondering what the designer had in mind.

After she had all measures the unicorn mare worked on the clothes, their customers were eager to see what she had in mind.

Dinky was first, getting out on the catwalk, wearing a cyan Cinderella-esque dress. “Looks good on you, Dinky.” Fletcher liked it.

“Glad to hear it.” She smiled at him.

Blau Streifen was wearing a grey tux. “You look great, Blau. Like the gentlecolt you are.” Dinky complimented him, causing him to blush.

“Thank you. You look great too.”

His sister followed, wearing an orange dress with a small ruby gem on it, impressing her brother and Dinky. “Wow! You really look beautiful, sis!”

“Thanks for the compliment.”

For Fletcher and Midnight, Rarity had made dark blue tuxes with small crescents on the collars. “They look really nice.” Midnight liked them, it showed their connection to Luna.

Then White Wolf came slowly out of the shadow, her appearance caused Fletcher’s and Midnight’s jaws to drop.

She was wearing a dark blue dress, decorated with small crescents, one above her right ear. She chuckled. “Like what you see, boys?”

“I think Rarity surpassed herself. You look really beautiful, Wolf.” Fletcher replied in awe.

“I’m pleased to hear this. I guess you are very impressed, Midnight?” Rarity pointed to his wings.

They were wide open, causing him to blush in embarrassment. “This is one of the moments I wish I stayed an earth pony.” He mumbled, causing everyone to chuckle.

Despite this small incident, they moved on as it became evening and the gala was about to start. Derpy was wearing a shimmering turquoise and bronze dress, her mane fashioned into a curly tumble over the side of her shoulders. The same Rarity had made for her years ago. Her husband was wearing a top hat and bowtie, they looked with smiles at the children who chattered excited and nervous what they could do on the gala.

The Eternal Knights followed behind, also excited and nervous, Wolf was also apprehensive due her fangs. “I can't believe we’re going to the Gala. Did any of you ever go to something like that before?”

“While Luna was still a foal, we had to attend it. Can't say it was bad but kinda boring at times.” Midnight replied.

“As for me, the music was good and I enjoyed it to dance and the music but otherwise, there wasn't much to enjoy. But see it from the bright side, Luna wants that we enjoy ourselves after this all, so, why not? Besides, we can't disappoint our friends, can we?” Fray asked in return.

“I guess you have a point. I'm kinda impressed how Rarity made our clothes. Suit the Gala and us, never expected she could manage that. Don't get me wrong Wolf, but you look gorgeous. Could mistake you for a baron.” The bat pony really was impressed.

“Thanks for the compliment. You should watch out that you won't be the next James pony with that suit.” The Pegasus warned, due the bat pony’s spy abilities.

“Neither shaken nor stirred.” He joked in return.

At the entrance, the eyes of the children went wide upon seeing the main hall, never having seen something astonishing as this before.

The princesses came down the stairs, Celestia wore pink and purple gown with the sun motif and her famous crown, Luna a dark blue gown with the moon and her crown.

“Welcome, everypony, and thank you all for coming to this very special night. Once again, we celebrate the Founding of Equestria and the Birth of Harmony among ponies.”

Everyone applauded.

“Now please, make yourselves welcome among the festivities. On behalf of all of Canterlot, I hope you enjoy the Gala and may the blessings of the founders be showered upon you all.” Celestia finished.

Before the group could move, the princess of the night walked up to them. “I’m happy to see you came. I must say the clothes Rarity made look very good on you all.”

“Thank you, Luna.” Midnight replied.

“You’re welcome. Now, enjoy the evening, you have earned It.” the Alicorn smiled.

“We will.”

“Doctor, Derpy, nice to see you again.” a dapper white stallion with a blue moustache and a monocle, accompanied by an alabaster unicorn mare with primrose mane moved to them.

“Fancy Pants, Fleur de Lis, it’s a pleasure to see you again.” The brown stallion was happy to see them.

“The pleasure is all mine. It pleases me to see that you are alright Dinky, I hope you have fun.” Fancy said to Dinky who grinned at him.

“Of course I do!”

“Glad to hear it. I must say, Rarity really can be proud of her work she did to make your gala dress, it looks simply wonderfully on you. And you are your friends Katja and Blau Streifen, right?” He asked the siblings.

“Y-yes, this is our first time at the gala.” Blau was a bit shy to speak with him.

“Well then young lad, enjoy it. Also, Rarity’s work looks also wonderful on you.”

“T-thank you, Mr. Pants.”

The blue-maned gentlecolt turned to the Eternal Knights. “You are Fletcher Fray, the one who got Dinky back?”

“Yes I am, pleased to meet you.” They shook hooves. “And those are my friends White Wolf and Midnight Blade.”

“Pleasure. M’ lady.” Fancy took Wolf’s hoof and kissed it, she wasn’t a fan of such things but stayed quiet as she knew it was a sign of courtesy, not wanting to upset him as he turned back to Fletcher. “You are a member of the Armbrust household, am I correct?”

Fray was surprised by this question. “Uh, yes. Why do you ask?”

“My ancestors were good friends of them, as such, I feel honored to meet a member of it personally. It was a very brave act from you to get Dinky back, you have my thanks and respect. And every friend of her parents is a friend of mine.”

“I’m…honored to hear that.” It was a bit embarrassing for Fletcher, trying not to blush.

“Hello Dinky, nice that you are here too.” A young voice greeted, the three young friends saw Pip joining them, wearing a dark blue blazer with a matching tie and a small wide-brimmed hat with a blue ribbon, his mother was wearing a flowery blouse.

With a warm smile, the filly replied, “Hi Pip! I'm so glad you could be here. You look so cute in that uniform. It really suits you.”

He blushed from the compliment. “Thanks, your clothes Rarity made for you three look also good.”

Fancy Pants looked at Wolf. “I must say Ms. Wolf, Rarity has quite outdone herself with your dress, you look simply gorgeous. And your canines look nice, it’s rare to see ponies with such canines, I find this very fascinating.”

Slightly blushing, Wolf replied, “Thank for the compliment, I appreciate it.”

The band started to play a song. “I know this song, quite a nice and relaxing piece of music. May I have this dance, Ms. Wolf?” Fancy Pants asked politely.

Again, Wolf wasn’t much of a dancer but it was a polite offer and didn’t wanted to be rude, so she replied, “Yes,” and took a deep breath.

I got this, I got this.

Fleur de Lis asked Fletcher to dance with her, he didn’t refuse, Midnight watched them with a happy expression.

Blau Streifen looked to the ground, taking a deep breath. “D-dinky…would you…would you like to dance with me?” He asked shy and nervous.

She grinned. “With pleasure.”

Katja asked Pip, “May I have this dance, Pip?”

He never expected this, trembling nervously. “You would like to…dance with me? But I’m too…”

“Pip, your size doesn’t matter for me.” The young girl replied, taking his hoof. He was nervous, but still managed to enjoy the dance.

Due being a human, some ponies looked confused at the young female child but that was quickly replaced by warm smiles as the children had fun.

After having enjoyed the wonderful dance, the small colt went to the drink stand, drinking some lemonade as he watched Dinky and Blau Streifen chattering together, then shared a laugh, causing him to sigh.

“What’s wrong, Pip?” Tootsie asked as she joined him, wearing a horseshoe-pattered lilac dress.

He looked to the ground. “It’s nothing… I just….” He took a deep breath. “I really like Dinky but…I don’t think I deserve her… Blau Streifen looks more like a good colt friend to her.”

Tootsie hugged him. “Don’t say that, Pip. Listen to me, I know Dinky, she would never give up on a good friend like you are. Blau Streifen, he and she as you saw, went through something terrible, this is their way of getting over it. I think they have earned it to enjoy this evening together.” She said with a friendly expression.

The small boy smiled. “You are right Tootsie, thank you.” He hugged her in return.

“You’re welcome, I think you and he would make also good friends. So, can I dance with you?”

“Of course.”

After Fancy and Fleur had finished their dance with Fletcher and Wolf, the married couple now danced together, Derpy and Whooves did the same, the Eternal Knights watched them with smiles.

“For somepony who barely dances, you did well.” Fletcher said to the blue Pegasus.

“Well, Fancy Pants is quite a nice pony.” She replied, having enjoyed it.

As Fray saw the married couples dancing together with the kids watching them, he asked, “Wolf, would you mind to dance with me? I kinda feel out of place by just standing around with everypony else dancing.” He blushed a bit, hoping that White Wolf wouldn’t get it wrong.

“I'm not much of a dancing mare but...since it’s a special occasion. I suppose it's either you or Midnight and I'd feel like I was dancing with my dad with him.” She replied with a neutral voice.

“Well, you said Fancypants was nice.” He countered.

“Yeah, but I don't fancy the competition.”

He looked at her. “Would the beguiling Miss Fleur-de-Lis be a match for you?”

“Fletcher...That mare took down Cascadius with a single spell...” She pointed out.

“...Fair point. How could he have survived this anyway?” The unicorn wondered.

“Beats me but we can think about it later. Just don’t get any ideas, Mr. Fray.”

“Wouldn't dream of it, Miss Wolf.”

“Yes, he would, he's dreaming of it right now.” A new voice came from behind the curtains, belonging to a female deer with silver-white coat and long grey mane, wearing a cloak, Wagensroll and Patch were behind her, wearing black tuxes.

“Thank you, auntie. I'll keep that in mind.” Wolf replied.

“DAWNWIND?! DO YOU WANT HER TO KILL ME?!” Fletcher yelled in fear, luckily it was not noticed by the other guests

Dawnwind just shrugged. “It would make this thing more entertaining. Now, enjoy yourself.”

Despite this awkward moment, the unicorn and Pegasus danced happy together.

“I know you aren’t the dance type like Wolf, but don’t you agree it would look awkward if everypony dances but us?” Wagensroll asked the deer nervous.

“As much as I hate to say it, yes. I’ll make an exception for this, Wagensroll, don’t disappoint me.”

“Of course, Dawnwind.”

“You look nice in the blouse, Nancy.” Patch complimented her.

“Thank you. I should probably thank my stars that Pip's in with the right crowd. Never dreamt I'd be standing here on the night of the Gala...”

“Well, you can be proud of you son, he’s quite a friendly boy, always ready to help others, despite his size, having a big heart. Not surprising due…” The mare putted a hoof on his mouth, stopping him from talking, smiling at him.

“Oh, let’s stop faffing about. Mr. Patch, will you indulge me with a dance?”

“Uh, sure.”

As everypony was now dancing, Midnight watched them with a sad smile, sighing. I wish you would be here to see this, Gusty.

The clearing of a throat tore him out, seeing that Sparkler, wearing a star-pattered teal dress, stood in front of him. “Since everypony is busy or already has a partner, would you like to be my dance partner, Midnight?” She asked politely.

With a grin, he replied, “It would be a pleasure.”

And so, everypony danced together, Blau Streifen danced alternately with Dinky and Tootsie, Pip with Dinky, Tootsie and Katja.

They all enjoyed this evening to the fullest.

Shortly after the dance, Fray took notice of two unicorns, one a yellow mare, the other a gray stallion, looking disapproving at him. If he remembered correctly, their names were Upper Crust and Jet Set.

“So, you are Fletcher Fray, member of the Armbrust household?” The grey unicorn asked in an unpleasant tone, unsettling the Eternal Knight.

“…Yes, I am.”

The mare huffed. “I guess the princesses have no standards when it comes to ponies that pretend to be noble but are corrupt, thieves, liars, thugs, extortionists and boasters! You Armbrusts have no honor.”

This caught the attention of the others, looking concerned at Fletcher, who had a neutral expression, taking a deep breath. “Mind if I speak with you in private about this?” He asked the two unicorns.

“If it must be necessarily.” Jet deadpanned as Fletcher led them away, Dawnwind grinned at the sight.

“Oh, this is gotta be good.”

“Or not.” Concerned, Wolf, Midnight, Patch and Wagensroll followed them, Dawnwind close behind, seeing how Fray vanished in a room with the other unicorns, locking the door, it glowed green for a second, probably a soundproof spell. The two Eternal Knights pressed their ears against the door.

“What the Bick did you just bicking say about my family, you little Nag? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Talforesters, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on cults, and I have over 30000 confirmed kills. My father saved my mother in a fair archer competition. I am trained in guerilla warfare and I’m the top archer in the entire Farman armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the Bick out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this planet, mark my bicking words. You think you can get away with saying that curd about my family? Think again, bicker. You’re bicking dead, stallion. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hooves. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Farman army and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable butt off the face of the continent, you little Quark. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your bicking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you idiot. I will Quark all over you and you will drown in it. You’re bicking dead, you two, if you ever insult me or my family like this again. AM I CLEAR AS I POSSIBLY BE?!”

It took his friends a few minutes to process everything. “I can’t remember the last time I saw him that angry.” Midnight was stunned.

“Surpasses even me on a bad bay.” Wolf added.

Then the door opened, Fray walked out breathing heavily, Upper Crust and her husband both stand in the room, stunned, not blinking or moving.

“Well, with that being settled, let’s enjoy this evening.” Fletcher said calm, walking back to the main hall.

“I can’t blame him, he’s very serious to keep the family’s honor and dignity clear.” Wagensroll whispered.

“I’d probably react the same way if my family gets insulted like that.” Wolf replied.

Despite this minor incident, the evening was quiet and nice. Late in the night, the children became tired, even the Eternal Knights showed signs of fatigue, yawning.

The princesses offered a guest room with a large bed, the two foals and girl fell asleep the moment they were in the bed, cuddling in their sleep.

“Sweet dreams.” The Farman unicorn whispered before trying to walk out, staggering. In the moment the stallion would have hit the ground, he got caught gently by Luna with her magic, catching his fellow Knights too as they fell asleep, carrying them to the next guest room, gently putting them into the bed.

“Rest well, my loyal Knights, you have earned it.”

Midnight Blade woke up in the morning with a yawn, not able to remember much. What happened? Then he noticed something warm around him.

Wolf was lying to the right of him, Fletcher to the left, both having wrapped an arm around him. Oh, this is embarrassing!

As if it couldn’t get any worse, the door opened and Princess Luna walked in, having a neutral expression. “This isn’t what it looks like!” The bat pony tried to explain.

Luna started to smile. “I know, I brought you here after you fell asleep.”

The unicorn and Pegasus stirred in their sleep. “Good morning, Wolf.”

“Morning, Fletch.” White Wolf replied before both stared at each other upon realizing their situation. After what seemed like hours, the blue Pegasus broke the science. “I guess the gala was quite exhausting for us.”

“Yes. I strangely dreamed I was Ruby Pinch’s father.” Fray admitted, blushing.

“I dreamed I had to pretend to be a couple with either your or Midnight, I can’t remember exactly, having to kiss to avoid blowing our cover.” Wolf looked down in embarrassment.

“If we ever have to do that, It’s nothing personal, Wolf.” the grey stallion assured, looking at Luna who raised her hooves in defense.

“Don’t look at me, I would never mess around with your dreams.”

Blau Streifen and Katja quickly befriended Tootsie, Ruby, Noi, Pip and the CMC, the two colts became more buddies, enjoying playing pirates and Masterclass Dungeon Duels of Doom, a fantasy role play, while the doctor together with Fletcher searched for the Equestria that was the siblings’ home with the Tardis.

“With the magic signature you and Nanny provided me, I should be able to track it down.”

“Good, I don’t want to imagine how worried their family must be.” Fray said as a screen started to blink.

“I think we got something. It’s weak but worth a try.” the time lord pushed some buttons and levers, then walked up to the door to open it.

“Hel-“ He cut himself off as a pony stood before him, staring at him with blood red eyes, having a black and grey coat, some bones were visible. “Okay.” He slammed the door shut, returning to Fletcher.

“Wrong universe?”

“Wrong universe.” The brown earth pony replied as the screen blinked again. “This signature is much stronger. Fletcher, take a look at this.” He pointed to it.

It showed an earth pony mare with grey coat, yellow eyes and a light blonde mane with lighter orange highlights, sitting sad and depressed on a couch, being comforted by a human with brown hair and blue eyes, and another Earth pony mare with light grey coat, red eyes and a dark red mane, both having wrapped an arm around the depressed pony.

“That’s it. That’s the siblings’ home.” Fletcher said, being sure.

“That could be anything, Fletcher.” The doctor protested, yet checked the signature, not believing his eyes.

It was very strong, identical with the magic signature Fletcher had identified. “That is the universe. Let’s pick the kids up and bring them home.” Fray said to the time lord who nodded.

“Righto, Fletch.” The brown colored pony steered the Tardis back home. “We’re back!” He called out, seeing how his daughter played with her new friends.

“Daddy! Uncle Fletcher!” Dinky exclaimed in joy, hugging both stallions.

“Good news, we have found your home.” Fray told the siblings, causing them to smile.

“Finally! I cannot wait to see daddy, mommy and grandma again!” the young colt exclaimed as the doctor led them to the Tardis.

“Are you sure we all gonna fit in there?” Katja asked due the small size.

“You’ll see.” The brown earth pony said proudly, the eyes of the siblings went wide upon entering it.

“It’s bigger on the inside…” They mumbled in awe.

“Eeyup. Enjoy the flight.” the doctor said, as his wife and daughter, together with Wolf and Midnight entered the Tardis.

The middle aged mare just sobbed, her mother’s and husband’s efforts to comfort her helped a little to make her feel better, but it had been a few weeks now since her beloved children had gone missing.

There was a knock on the door. “I’ll answer it.” Ruby said, getting up, walking to the door, forcing a smile as a brown Earth pony stallion stood before her. “Hello, can I help you?”

“Hello, Mrs. Ford I presume?” He asked, Ruby nodded in return. “I have someone here who'd really quite like to see you.” He stepped aside, revealing two very happy children.

“MAMA!” Katja and Blau Streifen exclaimed, hugging her mother.

“Katja! Blau Streifen! My babies! I thought I would never see you again!” She cried tears of joy.

“Hey, what about me?”

“DADDY!” The siblings exclaimed, hugging their father followed by their grandmother, the brown stallion watched with a smile.

Their mother looked grateful at the stallion. “Thank you Mr.…”

“Whooves. Doctor Whooves. I’m not the one to be thanked, I’m just the Chauffeur.” He pointed to a green unicorn. “This is the pony to be thanked.”

“I’m Fletcher Fray, I found your children and kept them safe.” The unicorn introduced himself.

The middle-aged mother shook his hoof. “I’m Ruby, this is my husband Konrad and my mother Mitta. We are very grateful for keeping our youngest family members safe.”

An earth pony stallion with grey coat and black hair joined them. “I’m Grey Hoof, town leader and celebration planner extraordinaire. In the name of Sunny Town, I thank you for bringing them back. Now, you surely have a lot to tell, so why don’t you make yourself comfortable and introduce your friends?” He offered.

“Thank you. Those are my friends White Wolf and Midnight Blade, Doctor Whooves, his wife Derpy and daughter Dinky.”

“Pleasure to meet you all and welcome in Sunny Town.”

Fray, together with the children told the residents the story, earning quite some shocked gasps. “Dear Celestia…you truly went through a lot, but still, we owe you something.” Mitta was grateful.

Fletcher waved a hoof. “You owe me nothing, I only did my duty.”

“Katja! Blau Streifen! You are okay!” A young voice interrupted as a unicorn filly, looking almost identical to Dinky but having blue eyes and a black mane, hugged them. “I’m sorry! I never wanted to bring you into this!”

“It’s okay, Blissley, it was an accident, don’t blame yourself.” Blau Streifen replied.

“Indeed, my young subject, there’s no reason to blame yourself.” A new voice added as Princess Celestia and Luna arrived, causing everyone to bow.

“Greetings, Mr. Fray, we have overheard your conversation and we wanted to give your thanks too for our young subjects safe.” The princess of the sun of this universe smiled at Fletcher.

“Your highness, I know it’s difficult but can we maintain our friendship with Dinky?” Katja asked, knowing it would be near to impossible due being in two different universes but neither she nor her brother wanted to lose contact to Dinky.

“I see no reason why your friendship should cease to exist. It pleases me to hear how close friends you became with her.”

“If you allow, your highnesses, the princesses of the universe my family is, had the idea that I could use the Tardis so my daughter can regularly visit her new friends. They’d also like to meet Katja’s and Blau Streifen’s family, if that’s okay with you.” The doctor explained.

“Well, I and my sister always wondered if there are alternative universes of Equestria and it’s quite fascinating to know that this exists.” Luna replied.

“It sounds like a good idea, but couldn’t that bring the space time continuum out of balance?” The father of the siblings asked concerned, scratching his back.

“Not at all, your children spent a few days in my universe and everything’s fine.”

“And we have time to prepare the party.” Grey Hoof added.

“I guess you have a point. What’d you say, honey? Mitta?” He asked his wife and her mother.

“I like this idea.” Ruby replied with a smile.

“Count me in.” Mitta agreed.

“Okay, get in.” The doctor entered first, Blissley and the others wished the Ford family a pleasant stay, it was fascinating for the three adults that the Tardis was bigger on the inside. “Next stop: Canterlot.” The time lord announced, in a matter of seconds, they found themselves on a balcony in the capital.

The princesses welcomed their guests. “Welcome in Canterlot, Mr. and Mrs. Ford, your children told us a lot about you, you can be proud of them.” Celestia smiled warmly.

“Thank you, your highness.” Konrad replied politely, feeling a bit awkward as this weren’t the Celestia and Luna of his universe.

Ruby took notice of a yellow filly chattering with Dinky, galloping over. “Hello, Apple Bloom. It pleases me to see you are doing well.” She smiled at the foal, who titled her head in confusion.

“Sorry, should Ah know you?”

The grey mare blushed in embarrassment. “Sorry, I thought you were somepony else.” The doctor had a guess why Ruby acted that way towards Apple Bloom but kept it for himself.

“Would you like to join us for some tea, telling us about yourself?” Luna asked the siblings’ parents and grandmother.

“It would be a pleasure.” Mitta took a seat with her daughter and son in law.

Midnight had an idea. “Children, would you like to race? Just hop on.” He lowered himself with his fellow Knights, Apple Bloom and Katja climbed on him, Blau and Scootaloo on Wolf, while Dinky and Sweetie Belle climbed on Fletcher’s back.

“Ready! Set! Go!” He yelled as they took off, racing neck-and-neck, the children laughed , causing him to smile.

Just like old times.

The others smiled at the happy children, this was the begin of a new friendship, a friendship that would never be broken.

Meanwhile in Berlin, Earth

The Führer got the latest report from his generals.

“This Green Knight they speak has caused chaos on the frontier. Rommel swears he's heard nothing but the rumors are everywhere. Gorrister is dead and the Afrika Corps seems prepared to abandon El Alamein.” The general of the infantry, Hans Krebs informed.

“A temporary inconvenience. Let the Desert Fox run off with his tail between his legs. We have the Skorpion, Axel Zornhauff, with his SS camped just beyond the field. They'll put an end to this freak of nature and then push forward to do what Rommel could not.” the Führer was confident, not bothered at all.

“...Mein Führer... Zornhauff...”

“This afternoon, a message came through from the Afrika Corps. The Green Knight had infiltrated the camp soon after his arrival. Sturmbannführer Axel Zornhauff was killed along with his entire battalion, the camp burnt to cashes.” General Alfred Jodl finished for his comrade, causing the Führer to take his glasses off, pausing for a few minutes.

“The following stay here; Keitel, Jodl, Krebs and Burgdorf.” Everyone except the named generals, Goebbels and Reichsminister Bormann leaved, closing the door.

“They were Schutzstaffel! They were my hand-picked legion, superior soldiers of the Nazi Regime! You tell me an entire battalion of my best troops was laid to waste by a single soldier?! By a unicorn with a bow and arrows?! Do you take me for a fool?!” The Führer shouted in rage, clearly audible outside the room, the staff listened with unease.

“Is this what it came to? My armies are being slaughtered and humiliated by fairy-tale creatures! My officers are scared to death by a work of fiction!”

“Mein Führer, they have seen the Green Knight in action, the entire Afrika Corps-“ Burgdorf tried to defend the men.

“Do not speak to me of those cowardly military-rejects!”

“Mein Führer, you cannot possibly believe these men are-“

“Cowards, fools, liars and madmen, claiming to see unicorns killing my Schutzstaffel!” The Führer threw a pencil across the table.

“THEY DID IT! ISN'T THAT OBVIOUS?! ROMMEL'S MEN DID IT! Do they believe I do not hear them insult the ideals of the Third Reich, that I do not know of the poisonous envy they hold for the trueborn Aryan Germans that make up my Honor Guard?! I know what they're up to! Rommel and Stumme and Von Thoma and all the rest of those impudent, lowborn scum! I should never of sent him to Afrika! I should have had the SS lead the front in the first place! I should have sent Rommel to be cut apart by that mad woman in Krasnodar and by now, Zornhauff would have brought me the Green Knight's head on a plate!”

He paused to catch his breath.

“Churchill believes he can scare us with this talk of killer-unicorns. How can my armies be duped so easily? Morons! I have morons fighting my war! How could the German people stoop so low under my rule? I will not suffer it. No-one is to mention this talk of unicorns! Anyone who dares is to be shot!”

Outside, Secretary Traudl Junge tried to comfort her fellow secretary Gerda Christian, who was weeping. “Do not worry, Gerda, I'm sure the Green Knight is simply the name of a commando unit or...a weapon...there's nothing fanciful going on.”

“I knew I could never trust Rommel. And now I can't even keep him watched. So be it. I'll deal with him another day. Speak no more of Africa. It was a lost cause from the start.” The Führer sighed. “In the meantime...I should like to know what Dr. Strauss has been up to…”

Author's Note:

Done. Safe and sound, fiinally home. I hope you all did enjoy it, it was a pleasure and a honor to use your OCs, human SVD, I hope you liked it.

But...what could Straus be up too?

Comments ( 53 )

Yeah, sorry.
I can over it in better detail now.
I was more focussed on story structure and such.
Without the proofreader, I'll go over it more thoroughly.

The Churchill in that story thumbnail reminds me of a meme some time ago lol

Idk, that's kinda why it reminds me of one, it's kinda like a hazy image in my head I remember, but can't really make out completely. It's hard to explain, maybe I can find one

EDIT: Maybe not a meme, but one of those cartoon politician drawings you can find where they usually have goofy faces.

Like this 1.bp.blogspot.com/-J8jhHNvTyNU/VS43fO-EihI/AAAAAAAAA-s/sSsr5ZrlGGI/s1600/Winston%2BChurchill.jpg

Before I even consider reading this I need to know a few things:
1. Is this a story about edifying or glorifying Nazism?
2. Are Axis soldiers portrayed as decent Human beings or as bloodsthirsty idiots?
3. Is there any historical accuracy?
4. Are any of my favorite German soldiers from World War II in here? (Franz Stiggler or Josef Gangl)

1. neutral, and a bit downside.
2. Decent humans. I am German myself.
3. Yes.
4.No, but the AxIs Main characters are inspired by them

9302780 I like the sound of that.

I have read that only about 9% of Germany was actually Nazi. That they were willing to follow Hitler mostly because he stabilized the economy of Germany and created tens of thousands of jobs, and that most soldiers during World War II were more or less forced into the Wehrmacht. Being German, can you elaborate on this? I have some German blood, but I never focused on the Germanic part of my ancestry, mostly the Scottish parts (since by percentages the Scottish parts make up more of me). I do not tend to trust my country's history books very much because so many things are left out. I could ask my friend, who goes by Various Mayhem, about it since he is a native German and living in Germany, but he does not like talking much about that part of Germany's history. Though I do agree with him that there is no reason for modern Germans to apologize for what happened during World War II because they were not a part of it. Just to be clear, I do not demonize modern Germans for the mistakes of some of their Grandparents, Great Grandparents, and Great Great Grandparents.

Agreed. I just got a knack in history and old technology, thus the interest in WW1 and WW2. I try to show that not all Germans were nazis, as sadly many think, so all my German Characters are non-supportive of the Nazis, just following orders for the sake of protecting their loved ones. A such, feel free to check my other ww2/third Reich stories out as well

9302805 Yeah, people get some weird ideas about history and especially about Germany prior to and during World War II. You should see people's faces when I tell them about The Battle For Castle Itter and the Franz Stiggler/Charlie Brown Incident. By the way, if you did not know, the band Sabaton has made songs about both of those events. I let out a very manly squee when I heard them.

Could you elaborate on what I asked before? About the percentage of people who were Nazis? (if it's not too much trouble)

Well, frankly, I never read about how many were nor Nazis, so I can't really say anything about it, but I know about the castle from Simple history. I actually have something familiar planned in the sequel of Blod in the sand that will be set in Italy 1943.

9302820 Similar to Castle Itter? Would it involve Monte Casino by chance?

I forgot to ask one other thing: are Allied soldiers demonized in your story?

Allied soldiers are equally portrayed. And yes, kinda. The main characters of both sides would work together to keep the pony main characters safe from harm.

9302829 I really like the sound of that.

Glad to hear it. The Italy story should be up at the end of this year or early 2019. Until then, you can read Blood in the sand and any of my other stories.

9302841 I believe I will. Likewise feel free to read one of my stories as well. My friend, Various Mayhem, has an excellent story series as well.

I will keep that in mind

They are from a side story I wrote called Family of the Blanks, an alt verse sequel/prequel Battle of the Blanks. The main character in that story I wrote was in the USAF, only mentioned briefly. It's confusing a bit, which is why he put that in the description.

It's a bit more than that, Germany was essentially reduced a third world hellhole and blamed for a war that it did not start. People were abused, starved and their worth was essentially reduced to sub human. Then comes Hitler, doing good economic things, pushing out foreign influences that abused the German people, is essentially trying to regain German territory, so it's not a hard thing to understand why he was followed. And unfortunately, buyers remorse became much more apparent.

You are correct, The Treaty of versais

9473907 There was another aspect to consider: the generation that had just enough time to grow up in impoverished Germany. An entire generation of young people who starved growing up, being told that the world hated them for what their fathers did... is it any wonder they were willing to follow the first apparent light which presented itself? Even if it turned out to be the light from burning bodies and books.

You really crank these out don't ya? Man I wish I had your passion for writing!

I just have a lot of free Time

If the main OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

Dinky, I' had said a British accent, Fletcher a german and the siblings American, as stated in the story

I meant in terms of voice actors.

In that Case, i have to pass

That's the problem right there. By fighting for Nazi Germany, the soldiers are helping a regime dedicated to genocide. Furthermore, they aren't really defending their homes but are rather protecting their conquests. Also, just following orders isn't valid as stated by the Nuremberg Trials. As someone who has studied Nazi Germany and whose professor specializes in modern German history, the soldiers are accomplices to the Nazi regime. Also, a good majority of the Wehrmacht were Nazis since the Holocaust wouldn't have been possible without Wehrmacht's assistance. The Allies may not have been perfect especially in concern to the Soviets, they were still way better than the Germans.

(Sigh) Apparently, you don't really get the point of what I am trying to do. Followers yes, but not dedicated Nazis. Many were just normal people, fighting for what they believed in, like protecting their family from worse, not caring about the Nazis at all, And there are too many people in this world who call every German of that time Nazi, completly disregarding the fact that not all were dedicated to them.

Look at what General Walther Wenck or major Josef Sepp Gangl did, opposing the Nazis.

Or Rommel, he became disillusioned with Hitler, not following Nazi ideology and refusing the SS in the Afrika Korps.

My WW2 stories are to show not every German soldier was a dedicated Nazis but just normal people who wanted to see their families again. So people stop judging everyone and think about it first.

BS Rommel was a loyal follower of Hitler until the war started to turn. Rommel only got his position due to how close he was to Hitler. Rommel was an anti-democratic militarist who supported Hitler's war of expansion. Now it's true not every soldier was a Nazi but they willing to fight for the regime which they knew was evil. Yes, they all had families but were willing to fight in a war that Germany started so it was not a war of defending their homes but instead to take the resources of others. I've written essays on this so I know what I'm talking about.

That is true but he was honorable in ways the SS would have never allowed, plus he treated the allies with respect. And it is to consider, it was either fight or be sentenced, most of the time to death, so what other choice did they have? Many just followed orders for the sake of family, not because they are really loyal to the regime.

And it's a too common problem that many judge every German as a dedicated nazi when they say Nazis. I try to show that not all were really Nazis, despite being soldiers.

Jesus Christ... The Rommel debate always ends up like this. Nobody can really portray Rommel in any light, neither good nor bad. He acted honorable in ways but still supported Hitler. But still, he was not as bad as the other Wehrmacht commanders but still he had his faults. In recent light, there has been some reports of war crimes committed by the Afrika Korps but while some are true, a lot are debatable due to either differences in dates or just unfounded claims. Truth is, it is hard to even get down to what happened in Libya in the 2nd World War due to the current long standing civil war. Even claims in Tunisia about looting by the Afrika Korps is also quite odd as one claim says that looting occurred in Tunis yet the Afrika Korps was stationed at the southern Libyan border while it was the 5th Panzer Army (which was not even under Rommel's command due to one, Rommel leaving Afrika in March 1943 and two, the German-Italian Command Structure was completely messed up throughout the Afrika Campaign thanks to Franz Halder and Italian High Command (but mainly Halder though). Great story though mate..
Even if the Rommel controversy still lives in the god damn comments section... I had to deal with one in my current Sergeant Schultz story. Needless to say, the guy who started it shut up and quite of few of his comments got mass disliked.

You tell me. I just aim to show not all German soldiers were really Nazis, which many fail to understand, thinking every German was a dedicated Nazi.

And while even Rommel had his faults, which everyone has, he was one of the most talented and honorable commanders of Germany.

Watch you words with that last statement, someone would pounce on that with the whole "Rommel was elevated to Myth Status for the sake of rearming with the West Germans and the 2nd world war German propaganda effort" (which is true in it's own rights) for the sake of furthering their own argument.

Sure, but still, the fact even the Allies respected him, is something to consider

Yes. In fact, one of my OC's, having belonged to the Afrika Korps, used Rommel as inspiration, who thought hightly of him

Well, He's called James by most, as his first name is Jessie- being German-American. Years after WW2, he formed a PMC, leading his personally as Rommel did and such, thus the inspiration. He has a cameo in this story.

Rommel is kinda overhyped. He was a brilliant tactical commander but when it came to strategy and logistics the guy sucked. Also, the whole you will be killed for not following orders is bs. For example, members of death squads on the Eastern Front were allowed to not participate in the mass killings of Jews but still did it anyway. Also, executions did not become common until 44 and 45 when the war was all but lost and the Nazis became more delusional. Though modern-day Germans are not Nazis though anti-semitism is sadly starting to return with a recent survey revealing that over 20% of Germans hold some anti-semitic views.

Some people just won't learn out of the past. Though the logistics, it was more the fault of the Italians, who were so uncooperative. It's impressive how Rommel managed to push forward despite the logistics problems

Rommels problem was that he would keep pushing forward despite the fact that his supply lines were never that secure. Like he kept wasting men and resources on offensives that proved costly since any supplies and reinforcements would be sunk by the British.

That was a problem from the start, thus it's impressive how he managed to push forward despite this.

And wanting to use tanks on D-Day was a smart move, yet wasn't allowed

That’s because Hitler decided that both Rommel and Guderain were wrong and decided and do a compromise when the paneers needed to be at the beaches. Once D-Day happened defeat was imminent since those paneers would soon get destroyed by Allied AirPower.

Well, it's up to question in therory, given how the bombers missed at Ohama. But no doubt, if thwnks had been used, Allied loses had been twice as high, if not more

Your interested in WW2 eh?

what can I say, I am just interested in history and WW2 technology. And as German myself, I want to show not all Germans were Nazis as sadly many think

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