• Published 30th Jul 2017
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Blood in the sand - Bronycommander

North Africa 1942. The Africa Corps is advancing, pushing the British forces back. For a German and Italian Private, there is more than just sand and dry winds.

  • ...

Chapter 3 The Desert Fox

Chapter 3: The Desert Fox

Matteo had written everything down they needed and looked after his friend. “Konrad, you’re doing well?”

The German soldier was changing the oil. “I’m good, It’s just not very pleasant to change the oil in this heat but someone has to do it.”

“Yeah. I checked the supplies,we have still enough of everything.”

“Good. Hey Willi, how’s it going?” Konrad asked as he joined them.

“Besides being bored, I’m good. We really could need something exciting here.”

“I agree with that, think we’ll get the Tommys this time?” Matteo asked, referencing to the failed attempt one year ago.

“I have no doubt we will. Our Nebelwerfers weaken their defenses very good and fast. As soon as our tanks have broken through, they have nowhere to run.” Willi replied, confident they would be victorious this time.

“Always the optimist! That’s what I like about you. How are our young guests?” Konrad asked.

“Was so busy with patrolling that I didn’t have time to check on them. When you’re done with your tasks, why don’t we check on them together?”

“Good idea.” Matteo replied.

The three walked to the tent and saw that was nobody in. “I guess they had finished their game early and did a walk.” Willi suggested.

“I don’t think so.” Konrad was suspicious when he looked at the hoof and foot prints in the sand.

“Better check that out.” Conti reached for his rifle and both Germans cocked their weapons.

Following the trail, they came back to the cave where they had found the kids where the trail ended.

“They must be here somewhere, fan out!” Konrad ordered, searching with Matteo outside, while Willi searched the cave.

“I hope they’re alright.” Escher was slightly worried as they were nowhere to be found.

“Relax, I’m sure they-“

“What?! Over here, quick!” Willi shouted, interrupting them.

He had found the kids, lying on the ground in the shadow, not moving. Checking their breathing, he let out a sigh of relief, “Only unconscious.”

“What a relief, I thought they were dead. Wait a minute, are those bumps on their heads?” Konrad was relieved, yet suspicious.

“I’m afraid so, let’s bring them to safety.” Willi gently lifted the young girl up, Konrad and Matteo took Dinky and Blau Streifen.

They carried the kids to their tent. “There must be an intruder here! Matteo, watch the kids and patch them up, we’ll alert the others.” Konrad said to him.

“You can count on me!”

As the two Germans moved out, they noticed smoke from where the Nebelwerfers were set up. Investigating it, they saw that the rocket launchers were destroyed and flames, the two soldiers, lay beside it, dead from burns, possibly from an explosion. The guards that had been guarding the operators were also dead.

“Not good, seems like the intruder got the Nebelwerfers.” Willi looked at the mess.

“We can’t do anything with them. Let’s gather everyone else who’s still alive, pack up and get out of here.” Escher suggested.

“All in your opinion.” Willi was not father like Konrad and Matteo, but still a caring man, wanting to keep their young guests safe by any means.

From the 16 other soldiers who were with them in the camp, only 3, had survived, Hans among them being on patrol.

There was no reason to be there any longer, so they went forward, packing up supplies and equipment onto the trucks.

The three soldiers gently placed the kids into a truck with a closed roof, to protect them from the sun, Willi watched over them, Konrad took the driver seat and Matteo the passenger seat.

The two trucks moved out to the next Axis base.

Dinky couldn’t remember much. She had been investigating something, then everything went black. The filly felt something soft under her back. Slowly opening her eyes, she found herself in a tent, the siblings on two cots next to her.

What happened? She tried to remember.

The siblings stirred, regaining consciousness. “Uhh, my head…did he have to hit that hard?” Katja got up rubbing her head, her brother did the same.

“What happened?” Dinky asked them.

“Well, we were worried about you, so we started to look for you. When we found you, an intruder attacked us, knocking us out too as we tried to defend ourselves and you.” The colt explained.

“An intruder? I hope Konrad and Matteo are alright.” The filly prayed for their safety.

The flap opened and Konrad, Matteo, Hans, Willi and a soldier wearing awards on his uniform and a peaked cap with googles on it, came in.

“Ah, you’re awake. How are you?” Konrad asked them with concern.

“Except that my head aches, fine.”

“Count us in,” Katja held her head.

“We’re glad you’re otherwise ok. May I introduce my commanding officer, Linus Fischer?” He had brown hair with matching eyes.

“Hello children. After Konrad reported, I couldn’t believe it until I saw you knocked out. My condolences. Men, their safety is now in your capable hands.”

The soldiers saluted. “Yes, sir!”

“Pleasure to meet you but where are we now?” Dinky asked, not recognizing the outside.

“We’re now at the Gaberoun Oasis, a transport hub for our troops. Let me show you.”

Linus lead them outside, a completely different surrounding greeted the children. Unlike the camp at Tobruk, here were many tents set up, some trucks parked, the name giving lake in the middle of it and surrounded by scattered ruins around the Oasis that were partially destroyed, making good cover or ambush locations in case of an attack.

There were also a few Italian soldiers patrolling around and some watch towers nearby.

“I hope you enjoy your stay. If you’ll excuse me, I still have something to do.” Fischer said and left.

“Well, he was nice.” The girl commented.

“Yes and a capable officer. A symbol of authority and competence, German officers are fearless with an appearance that intents to make even the bravest enemy quiver in fear. Linus is like Hans and Willi an old school friend of mine.” Konrad explained.

“Stay alert! Check your weapons!” The officer ordered as he leaved.

“Habit of him.” Hans just said as Fischer saluted a soldier in the same uniform but had a different hat. “This is an Italian officer. Ready to charge into battle, they fight fearless at the frontlines.”

“Interesting to know. I’m sure it was not easy for him to become an officer. “Dinky commented.

“Wasn’t easy for him indeed, but thanks to officers like him, we’ve been successful. We couldn’t wish for a better squad leader.” Willi looked after him until he was out of view.

“Say, what were you before the war?” Blau Streifen asked curious.

“Before the war? I used to be a baker, my products were loved by the town folks. I also had planned to study at the university.” He sounded sad, looking to the ground.

“Do you still want to do that after the war is over?” Katja asked. Willi smiled at her question.

“Of course I still want to do it. I being a baker but I was always interested in Quantum mechanics.”

“Good luck!” Dinky smiled at him before a loud noise she had never heard before rung in her ears.

Looking into the direction where the noise came from, her eyes went wide as her two friends shared the same reaction.

They saw two monsters charging down the sandy road, the roaring sound came from their backs, roaring and small flames spitting out, moving what appeared to be tracks, being rectangular formed with what seemed to be a cylinder being in the middle, several barrels poked out of it.

“W-what is that?” Dinky, stuttered in fear.

“An m-monster!” The siblings stuttered in union.

The soldiers noticed that the kids had never seen something like this before.

“Calm down, the….monsters won’t hurt you. Those are tanks.” Matteo tried to calm them down, seeing the fear in their eyes.

“Tanks?” Katja was confused.

“Yes, did your books say nothing about the technology humanity used in their wars?” The Italian asked.

“Uh, now that you mention it, they did. Originally invented by the British in the First World War to get some movement into the Trench warfare as far as the books said.” The young colt tipped his forehead.

“You are correct.” Conti replied.

“And if my memory serves correctly, in the war that was 1000 years ago in my country, the ponies also used tanks, but those were driven by steam.” The filly remembered some historical facts.

“Steam? Wonder how that works. Anyway, those two tanks belong to Italy.” Matteo pointed to the leading tank. “This is the Carro Armato M11/39, designed as Breakthrough Tank but it’s only good to support the infantry. The designation for the M11/39 is as follows: M for Medio which is Italian for medium, followed by the weight in tons, 11 in that case and the year of adoption which was 1939.”

“Smart idea.” Blau Streifen liked it.

“Yes but with only a 37mm gun and 30mm armor, it’s not very useful against other tanks, at the beginning it could easily defeat British light tanks but became a death wish when the heavy tanks arrived. The quick firing rate of the cannon can balance it weakness out to some degree. In fact, it’s more of an ultra-light tank than a medium tank.”

“I don’t want to be in the crews’ place. Is that an upgraded version?” Dinky pointed to the tank behind the M11 who had a slightly longer barrel.

“Indirectly. This is the Carro Armato M13/40, our main tank. It has a 47mm cannon and 40mm armor, a little bit better than the M11 but the armor is still weak. Some tank crews try to improve the armor by attaching sandbags on it.”

“A good idea, whether it works is another thing.” Katja commented, having doubts about it.

“At least the crew of those tanks has some chance at survival, unlike with the Carro Veloces.” Hans interrupted,

Conti gave him a light glare. “Don’t remind me of that!”

“What’s so bad about them?” The colt asked interested.

Damn it!

Matteo took a deep breath. “Well, the Carro Veloce is a tankette. A tankette is roughly described a small tank, which has roughly the size of a car. It is mainly intended for light infantry support and scouting. They are only armed with machineguns and were only used at the beginning of the war, as their weapons and very light armor makes them a living coffin of a Tank like the M11 crosses your way.

The Italian command failed to see that and…accordingly high were the losses, a catastrophe. The Carro Veloce is fast but that’s it’s only advantage.”

“In that case, let’s not talk about it again. Sorry. ”The young pony lowered his eyes, looking to the ground.

“None taken, it’s just that back then, I realized how catastrophic it would be and tried to warn my commanding officer but he didn’t listen. He led some of the tankettes into battle and his was the first one to be destroyed.”

“That’s why we use the Italian tanks to distract the enemy so the German tanks can destroy them, or use hit and run tactics, that’s the only thing the M11 and M13 are good for.” Willi added.

Another two tanks drove past the kids, they were larger in size compared to the M11 and M13, so they assumed that were the German tanks, as they had iron crosses on them.

Konrad pointing to the first tank with a shorter barrel. “This is the Panzer III one of our medium tanks. It was originally thought as main tank. The Panzer III with its 50mm cannon can take out every British tank, thus making our early victories possible. The British can’t penetrate the reinforced 30mm armor.

The other tank is the panzer IV, our main tank, originally intended to be an infantry support tank. With its 75mm cannon, it can like the Panzer III, take out any allied tank and has an armor of 50mm.”

“Sounds like you’re well equipped. Our father also used to be a soldier before he came to Equestria, carrying some guns at the time. As such, I’m well informed about guns.” Blau Streifen looked to the ground, blushing.

“We assumed that when you talked about your father earlier. Where did he serve?” Escher asked with interest.

“US Airforce as an airman I believe.” Blau Streifen looked up, lightly smiling.


Two more tanks passed by, both had their cannon mounted into the hull. “What kind of tank are those?” Katja asked, wondering.

“Those are the Sturmgeschütz III, StuG III for short and the Semovente 75/18. High command early realized that the infantry needed a support vehicle for their own, should tanks not be available. So, on the basis of the Panzer III, the StuG was created, having a 75mm cannon and 50mm armor, it’s very effective against enemy tanks, it’s low height makes it easy to hide and hard to hit. Plus, without turret, it’s cheaper to produce.

The Italian army, after seeing how successful the German StuG was in the French campaign, decided to create their own version, the Semovente 75/18, using the base of the M13. With its 75mm cannon and 50mm armor, it’s the only Italian military vehicle that can survive against allied tanks in a battle, despite it’s weak engine.”

“A smart way to reduce costs.” Blau Streifen, commented, finding it a good way to spare the economy.

The last 3 vehicles that drove past where 2 armored vehicles on wheels, armed with cannons, the first belonging to the Germans, the second to the Italians and one that had wheels on the front but tracks at the back.

“This is the SdKfz 222, a popular and reliable armored recon car. Armed with a 20mm cannon and having 30mm armor, it can effectively engage infantry and light vehicles.

The other one is the Autoblinda AB41, the armored recon car of Italy, also popular due to its advanced design, 18mm armor and a 20mm cannon. A special feature is that it has a MG mounted in the rear for defense from behind.”

“And this is the Sd.Kfz. 250, one of our armored transport vehicles, popular, reliable and extremely versatile. It has 14mm armor and due to the open rear, the soldiers it transports can independently target enemy units with their own weapons.”

“Useful. That reminds me, how did the battle of Tobruk go?” Dinky asked.

Konrad thought for a moment how he could explain it. “Well, we won, Tobruk is ours now along with a large amount of British supplies. I also heard that Lieutenant General Erwin Rommel got promoted to the rank of field-marshal, the youngest German officer ever to achieve this rank. But we lost most of our tanks.”

“That’s bad, I doubt that those losses can ever be replaced. Yet, Rommel can be proud of himself for getting promoted, my congratulations.” Dinky replied.

“Indeed, my dear.” The German replied. “I suggest resuming your game.”

Katja had a different idea. “What about hide and seek? The ruins make an excellent place for that.”

“Sounds good to me, sis. Can we?” her brother asked the soldiers.

“Sure, do as you like. Just watch that you drink enough.” Matteo smiled at them.

“Will do!” the kids exclaimed together before running off to the ruins on the opposite of their tent. Dinky was first, counting to 10.

“…7, 8, 9 10! Ready or not, here I come!” She exclaimed turning around.

Katja and Blau Streifen had hidden themselves in the ruins on the left and right along the street where the Germans had their motor pool, the patrolling soldiers and officers were already informed of them, so they weren’t surprised seeing the children, they smiled seeing them playing together.

The Periwinkle-grey filly systematically searched every ruin on the right side.

Blau Streifen was hidden nearby, giggling quietly.

This is fun! Dinky will not find me so….

Something poked his back. “Got you!” Dinky exclaimed, it was her horn he felt on his fur.

“Indeed you have.” He smiled, enjoying her company.

His sister was hidden in the ruins of the middle in the left side, quiet as a church mouse.

I wonder how long it will take her to…

“Found you!” The filly’s voice ringed in her ears, also feeling Dinky’s horn slightly touching her back.

“Yes, you have.” She had much fun.

In the next round Blau Streifen searched, this time at the other end of the camp where palm trees were scattered around the ruins.

Katja hid in the middle of the ruins where a pillar was, while Dinky hid in the ruins of the back.

While Blau Streifen wasn’t as good as his mother in finding things, he quickly found Dinky first, then his sister.

When it was Katja’s turn, Blau Streifen and Dinky hid in the ruins along the sandy road between their last hiding spot and their tent. Like her brother, she found the two quickly. “Gotcha!”

After their fun game, they all took a cool sip of their canteens in the shadow.

“Well, that was fun! We should do it again sometime.” Dinky said happy.

“Yes, we should.” The young human replied.

“Is that a letter?” Blau Streifen pointed to a piece of paper lying on a box of ammo in a tent next to them.

“Seems so.” Dinky picked it up with her magic, and read it, her friends too.

Axis Account: Reclaiming Tobruk

The re-taking of Tobruk was a grand victory for the Reich. Field Marshal Rommel is a great soldier for whom I have the utmost respect, but now the Führer has sent General Vahlen to oversee the campaign. I don’t know what to make of him. He is no soldier that much is certain and he exhibits a zeal that makes me uneasy.

“This General Vahlen doesn’t sound like a nice guy.” Blau Streifen commented, not wanting to meet him.

“You are correct.” Linus said as he came near them. “General Vahlen was a ruthless advocate of nerve agents in the last war. He may be a capable officer but does not tolerate weakness or doubt. Anyone who questions his methods, or fail to meet his high standards, are disposed of. As such, many dislike him. Every time he or one of his lackeys shows up, we lose more men in the name of orders from Berlin. “

“Then we better hope the he or one of his lackeys won’t show up here.” Dinky sounded slightly scared.

“Don’t worry, if that happens, we’ll make sure they don’t harm you. Promise by my honor as an officer.” He patted her.

“Thank you.” Dinky relaxed.

The officer smiled. “Your welcome. Why don’t you take a look around, get to know the place?”

“Good idea!” While the kids knew some parts of the Oasis already thanks to their game, they wanted to explore the rest of it.

Before they could do so, they saw another officer entering his tent opposite of them, seeing how something fell out of his pocket.

“Excuse me, sir, you lost this.” Dinky called out as Katja picked it up.

“Ah, thank you.” The officer took it, putting it on his table.

“You’re welcome. Mind if we take a look around?”

“Not at all. You can even read the letter you picked up, my life’s over soon anyway.” His voice was one of weariness.

The children looked at each other, before reading the letter.

Discipline and Obedience

General Vahlen demands complete obedience on pain of death. To that end, he has ordered the “immediate dismissal” of Lieutenant Wolf on grounds of a negative attitude. Failure to comply means my own “dismissal” and, worse, the death of my family. I would risk my own life but not theirs. When Wolf gets here, I shall do my duty but I will not be responsible for murdering any more of my men.

Now they understood what he meant that his life would be over soon. “Doesn’t sound good. We better avoid Vahlen should he come here.” The filly gulped.

“Agreed.” Her friends said in union, also slightly scared.

As they walked back to their tent they saw a soldier that was wearing only a white shirt and shorts, also wearing goggles, doing maintenance work on the Panzer III.

He smiled at the kids. “Hello there.” He greeted friendly.

“Hello. I see you like the wind against your legs and arms.” Blau Streifen commented.

“What can I say, I’m member of the tank crew, it gets hot inside a tank. Really hot. You’d do whatever it takes to stay cool.”

“Understandable in the desert.”

On a box of supplies next to the tank was a letter. “Don’t force yourself, kids, I don’t mind it.” The crew member said before continuing his work.

Axis Account: Vahlen’s presence

This General Vahlen’s presence unsettles me. He has the air of a man used to getting what he wants, damn the consequences. There is no doubt he’s determined to go far – but at what cost to the rest of us?

“Given his…tolerance, it makes sense that many dislike him.” Katja was unsettled by this already, the others nodded.

Back at their tent, they saw two letters on a box next to supplies. Curious, they read the first.

Axis War Story: Tobruk’s defense

Our capture of Tobruk has been successful, but nothing could have me prepared for the battle and for the enemy’s bravery. I watched a rag tag group of South Africans hold a point with bayonets, Indians manning machine-gun nests to the last one and Australians who could have been mistaken for demons. Even when the tanks broke through, the infantry were still fighting. They were eventually overrun, but the memory of their fight will endure.

“Wow. That must been a hard and intensive battle. Good thing we were far away, I don’t want to imagine want it would have been like if we had been there.” Blau Streifen shivered at the thought before they read the other letter.

Intel: Vahlen’s Project

The General Major sent by General Vahlen is doing the rounds, waving papers about another idiotic German project.

“Ah, I had almost forgotten that.” A voice with Italian accent sounded behind them.

Turning around, an Italian officer stood at the entrance, his expression neutral.

The children felt guilty. “We’re sorry, we were just curious.” They apologized and looked to the ground with regret.

To their surprise, the Italian was not upset, on the contrary, he smiled. “Don’t be children, it's alright, just be more careful next time okay? I know kids like to explore but this place is no playground. I was just as curious as you when I was your age. Besides, I had forgotten it had I not heard your voices.” He putted the Intel letter in his pocket.

Dinky struggled to find the right response. “…You’re welcome. Wonder what this project could be.”

“I only know it has the name Project Seuche. I don’t want to know what it is.”

“I think it’s best if we drop the subject, given Vahlen’s…tolerance.” Katja spoke with a light hint of fear.

“Don’t worry, we’ll make sure he or one of his lackeys won’t hurt you.” He said sincerely before leaving.

They saw Matteo standing guard at the checkpoint, saluting the officer as he walked past him, smiling at the kids afterwards.

Katja took a sip of her canteen as their Italian friend opened the barrier arm quickly, as a Sd.Kfz. 250 with long antennas drove through. Conti and the other soldiers assembled at the ditch, saluting.

“I guess it’s a high ranking officer.” Dinky assumed by this action.

“I hope it’s not Vahlen or that General Major.” Blau Streifen feared.

The halftrack come to a halt, the hatch and the rear opened and an officer with brown hair and blue eyes stepped out.

Linus saluted. “Greetings Field Marshall Rommel, congratulations on your promotion!” He was slightly nervous yet honored to meet the Field Marshal himself.

“Yes, yes. I thank you all but this is no cause to be losing focus. There is one thing that went badly wrong for us here and that is the loss of the majority of our tanks. This is one thing the enemy will capitalize on should they be given the opportunity. I expect all of you to do your utmost to ensure that does not transpire.”

“Of course, sir! May we offer you some water?”

“No thanks. I just want to plan the next battle and move on, time is key.”

“Yes, sir, follow me.” The German Sergeant led the Desert Fox to a table where a map was placed on.

Konrad used this to get to the kids. “Stay here, until you are told otherwise.” They nodded in response, watching everything in awe as Konrad joined his superior.

“Now that we captured Tobruk we can move towards Egypt, the Allies have only one defensive line left. El Alamein. If we can break through we can advance towards Alexandria.” Rommel explained pointing at the map.

“What’s your plan, Herr Field Marshal?” Linus asked, appreciating Rommel’s tactical talent.

“The 90th Light Division and the 15th and 21st Panzer divisions will attack the Eighth Army lines between the Alamein box and Deir el Abyad. The 90th Light Division then shall veer north to cut the coastal road and trap the defenders of the Alamein box and the Afrika Korps would veer right to attack the rear of XIII Corps.”

“An excellent plan, Herr Field Marshall.” Linus liked it.

“Ahem...excuse me, Mr. Rommel?” The kids saw a man coming out of a tent, wearing a black coat and silk hat, with black hair, that was to be combed over slightly, betraying signs of balding. His eyes were dull grey and slightly sunken.

“Yes?” Rommel asked, obviously annoyed by the man.

“Well, wouldn't it be more appropriate if all our troops attack the rear of XIII Corps? To better demonstrate the magnificence of our armies, of our-“

The magnificence of my armies shall be demonstrated by their victory here at El Alamein. And our victory will be acquired through cutting off the coast road first, then attacking the rear of the XIII Corps.”

“Well, I had simply supposed that you might...appreciate the opinions of one who cares deeply about showing the world the glory of our great leader's ideals.” The man, who had a British accent, countered.

“...Are you a soldier, sir?” The Field Marshall asked, his patience getting shorter.

“Um...I was once. An officer in the colonies. In fact, I oversaw and claimed sterling victory at Gamohana.” The Brite replied.

“Gamohana...Yes, I remember hearing about that. Would this be the incident where a platoon of British soldiers opened fire on natives in the Northern Cape Colony, culminating in the slaughter and razing of three local villages, at the whim of a paranoid officer, leading to the platoon being disbanded and the officer narrowly avoiding a firing squad through his family's influence in the House of Lords?” Erwin asked not impressed in the slightest.

“I...I...Mr. Rommel, I...”

Field Marshal Rommel!” The German officer yelled, losing his patience.

“Ah...err...” His interlocutor stuttered.

“Or is this a completely different Gamohana I've never heard about?” Rommel asked.

The Brit gave no reply, not knowing how to answer.

“Go back to your tent and let me comprise a strategy to win this battle...That is an order.”

“As you wish.” The men replied irritated, before going back.

“Where was I? Ah, right. An Italian division will attack the Alamein box from the west and another follows the 90th Light Division. The Italian XX Corps will follow the Afrika Korps and deal with the Qattara box while the 133rd Armored Division Littorio and German reconnaissance units will protect the right flank.”

“A brilliant plan, Herr Field Marshal.” Linus praised him.

“Thank you, Sergeant. Is there something you would like to tell me?” Rommel asked friendly as he noticed how nervous Linus was.

“Well, one of my men found 3 lost children.”

“3 children? What’s so special about them?” Rommel wondered.

Konrad, along with Matteo stepped forward. “Herr Field Marshal, allow us to explain.”

“Granted, Private. I‘m listening.”

They told him how they found the children, where they came from and so on in detail, unsure how he would take it.

With a light confused expression, yet maintaining his professional behavior he said, “Sounds interesting. Can I see them?”

“Of course, Sir.” Konrad waved at them. Nervous and a little bit shy, they slowly walked to him.

“H-hello Herr F-Field Marshal.” Blau Streifen stuttered nervously, his right fore leg trembled as he tried to salute.

“G-greetings.” Dinky and Katja stuttered too.

The Desert Fox smiled warmly. “Hello. You’re not in trouble, calm down. It is true what Private Escher told me?” His voice was kind and fatherly.

“Well…yes.” Dinky took the word, explained her background, then her friends told theirs.

The Field Marshal’s expression stayed friendly. “I'm sorry for what happened to you. I promise no-one of my men will hurt you and any injury will be patched up. “Sergeant Fischer, you and your men will be response for their safety.”

They saluted. “Yes, Sir!”

“My congratulations on your promotion, Herr Field Marshall!” Konrad couldn’t help himself but to congratulate him personally.

“Our congratulations, too!” The children exclaimed in union.

“Thank you, kids. I see your parents raised you well. I have to go, inform the other commanders. Sergeant, give them any help you can.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Good. I wish you a pleasant day, children.” Rommel entered his command vehicle, the soldiers and kids saluted as he left.

“I feel honored that we met him.” Blau Streifen looked after the Halftrack until it was out of sight.

“Me too, brother.”

“Count me in.” Dinky added.

“As you can see, Field Marshal Rommel is an honorable man, caring for his men and a tactical genius. Even the Allies respect him deeply.” Konrad explained.

“By the way, who was that man in black he talked too?” Katja asked.

“That guy? Calls himself Upton Gorrister, says he's a British diplomat trying to organize a ceasefire, others say he’s a British expatriate, nobody really knows what he really is. He’s been with us for a while now, always trying to say his opinion on tactics and other stupid things. As such, nobody likes or can stand him. He thinks he’s better in tactics than our officers, I do not believe I know of any man I want to punch in the face more than Sir Upton Gorrister!” He exclaimed angry before calming down. Sorry, Upton just gets on my nervous.”

“It’s understandable. What should we do when the attack starts?” Dinky asked him”

“Well, I suggest you stay here until we return.”

“But…what if you die?” Katja asked afraid.

“Don’t worry, the others will be here for you should I or Matteo fall in battle.” Konrad assured, giving her a smile before walked away to do his unfished tasks.

“I really hope they won’t die. They are close to us.” Dinky prayed they would survive the battle.

“Me too.” Blau Streifen added.

“Anyway, I don’t think Upton isn’t so bad. I think they just misunderstand him.” Dinky thought she should talk with him.

“What makes you think that?” Her pony friend asked with a wondering expression.

“What I’ve learned from my parents is you should always see ponies from the inside, not the outside. I think he just wants to help but doesn’t know how.”

“Could be. We won’t stop you, Dinky.” Katja replied, her friend nodded before heading to Upton’s tent.

“I don’t think we should trust him. Something’s tells me we can’t trust him. What do you think, brother? Brother?”

Blau Streifen wasn’t listening, he looked after Dinky with an amorous look, small hearts over his head. Katja waved a hand in front of him. “Great.” She let out a sigh.

“Hello? May I come in?” Dinky asked politely.

“Come in.”

“Hello Mr. Gorrister.” She greeted after she walked in, seeing how he was writing a letter.

He turned around. “Ah...Hello. You would be Miss Dinky, correct? I must say, when...what are their names?”

“Konrad, Matteo, Willi and Hans.”

“Yes, them. When they returned speaking of these talking foals of theirs, I just assumed they'd been raiding Mr. Rommel's supply of Jagermeister. But seeing you here, in the flesh...What larks. So what brings you to my quarters?” His voice was friendly.

“I thought I should get to know you more. I think they misunderstand you.” She explained, unsure how he would react.

He smiled. “Indeed they do. Such is often the case when men of peace seek to end a war they've grown far too fond of. I am a diplomat sent by the British Parliament and her Royal Majesty to organize a ceasefire here. This being the reason why I wish Mr Rommel to consult me on military matters. I wish this war to end quickly, with as many worthy men still standing. Between you and me, I reckon Rommel's afraid this will end before he's had the chance to cover himself in glory. As to how he speaks to me, huh! No respect. That...incident in Gamohana was a simple act of tribal neutralization, a necessary measure...no matter what you might hear in The Observer.”

“Why are you clothed like that?” She asked curious.

“Well, an anointed British peer must dress in a manner befitting of his status. Can't have them thinking I'm part of the common rabble, now can I? Though, you are quite right, it can get rather stifling. So much so that I must confine myself to quarters during the afternoon. I say, on that note, would you available to do me a tremendous favor? You shan't find me ungrateful?”

“Sure, what do you need?”

“You see...I haven't mentioned this to Rommel or his staff. They're not the sort of people I trust with this information.” His voice sounded worried. “A Nephew of mine...He's a prisoner-of-war, one of the six-thousand captured at Mersa Matruh. I...wished to send him a letter, to let him know the Gorrister family are doing all they can to get him safely home. Would you be so kind as to pass this on to the logistics officer in the communications tent? You can't miss it, it's got radios all about. He distributes mail and packages.” He sealed it in an envelope.

“Sure thing, Sir Gorrister!” She took the letter. “Just like mommy!”

She leaved, bringing the letter to said officer. “I have a letter from Gorrister to be sent!” She exclaimed.

The officer forced a smile as he disliked Upton but liked Dinky and her two friends. “Thank you.”

She walked back to her and her friends’ tent, seeing how the sun went slowly down, it looked beautiful when the sky turned red/orange.

“Dinky, I must say the cap suits you.” Blau Streifen complimented her, causing her to blush as he meant the patrol cap she was wearing.

“Thanks for the compliment. I rarely get compliments, they mostly teased me, some are saying I have an untidy mane and stuff like that.” She replied with a blush.

“Don't listen to them, I think it looks really nice...I mean...your mane...on you...in general...Katja, help me out here.” The colt couldn’t think of the right words.

Katja smiled with her arms folded and chuckled. “You're doing fine, I'm just enjoying the show.”

That caused him to blush, not believing his first attempt went so well.

“Let’s go to bed, I’m tired.” The filly yawned.

Matteo heard this and made them dinner. “Nobody can sleep well with an empty stomach.”

Bread and potatoes, they couldn’t complain, they were just glad to have something in their stomachs. While they ate, they overheard a conversation.

“Have you heard the latest?” Linus asked an Italian officer.

“No, what is it?”

“There’s a SS Division operating in Africa. Some sort of special division for paranormal things.”

“The SS, here? I thought the Field Marshal refused them to be in his corps.”

“He does, they work independently from the Africa Korps.”

“And I thought we get some rest from them.”

“Fortunately they operate in completely different areas than we do. I heard they’re searching something in Ras el-Hadid, so we shouldn’t encounter them.”

“Let’s hope so. Still, I feel bad for the villagers.”

“Me too but there’s nothing we can do.”

The soldiers had told the children of the SS when they got told of the war. The Elite of the German Army, consisting of carefully selected men, brutal and ruthless yet well-armed and trained.

“I don’t want to meet them. They will put us into a lab, for sure.” Dinky shivered at the thought.

The young colt putted an arm around her. “Relax Dinky, Linus will make sure they won’t hurt us. And I will protect you.”

The filly looked to the ground, red as a tomato. “I appreciate it.”

Katja let out a quiet moan. “If father talked like this when he first met mother, I wonder how they fell in love at all.” She muttered.

“Did you say something?” Dinky asked.

“We should hit the hay.” The girl quickly replied.

“Yeah we should.” Her brother yawned, opening the flap for Dinky. “After you.”

“Quite the gentlecolt.” Dinky smiled before she climbed into her cot.

As the siblings climbed into their cots, they and Dinky heard outside an interesting conversation.

“What news?”

“About the Green Knight.”

“Is he in our sector?”


“Thank God.”

“Command is trying to downplay what is happening, but I have a friend who works in headquarters, and he says there is real concern about one of our lines crumbling because of him.”

“You know, nobody knows who he is, where he comes from or for whom he works for. But he isn't on our side either the enemy. He helps those in need and punishes those who hurt them. He fights with a bow, deadly at long ranges, some say they saw him with a bolt-action rifle. A deadly Marksman. When using the bow, you only see bright flash of green, but by that time, it's too late. Some report, he's not human, but a animal! His weapons float in midair!”

“I saw it firsthand. I was on a nighttime raid and we suddenly found ourselves with civilians that were surrounded by the enemy. Then, as fast as lighting, the Knight killed them one by one. After they were dead, he checked the civilians and left, while we just stared at just what had happened. I could swear, he watched us from the distance as we walked past the civilians, standing by should we harm them. Some say, he walks on four legs, like some kind of horse, but nobody could get a good look on him.”


That made the kids wondering. “Green Knight, horse? Sounds like someone Princess Celestia could have sent to look for us.” Katja suspected.

“Could be. My father has many friends. Maybe this Green Knight is one of them.” Dinky had a theory.

“We should think about it tomorrow.” Blau Streifen suggested.

“Yeah, we should. Goodnight.” Dinky replied and closed her eyes, falling asleep. The siblings closed their eyes, letting sleep take over them.

In the middle of the night, Dinky heard a strange noise outside the tent. Still sleepy, she slowly opened her eyes, seeing someone standing over her, but couldn’t see who it was in the darkness. Suddenly, she felt a piece of cloth on her mouth. She attempted to scream for help, but she felt very sleepy, Katja and Blau Streifen had no chance either as two other persons putted also cloths on their mouths, making them feel sleepy.

“Ah...a job well done. Take their things, we don't want to rouse suspicion. No-one goes into the desert unprepared.” The person who had stunned Dinky ordered, lifting her up, also taking her saddlebag, his henchmen took the siblings and their gear.

“You got it, boss.” One of his henchman replied.

“Got what, Raff?” the other one asked.

“It’s a phrase, you blockhead!” the first hissed quietly before they snuck out of the Oasis into the desert,

The boss smiled. “This went rather smoothly, our customer will be most satisfied.”

They walked for some time, until the boss noticed that Dinky stirred.

“Damn it! This chloroform was a waste of money! Get her sedated now!” Dinky could swear she knew the voice, but she wasn’t sure. Realizing what was going on as she came back to her senses, she started to struggle.

The siblings had awoken too, struggling in their captors’ grasp.

Dinky kicked her captor, causing him to let go with a cry of pain, the siblings bit their captors in their arms.

“Ahh! The little toe-rag bit me!” One of the henchmen cried out.

The kids landed hard in the sand, causing them to be disoriented for a moment. “Forget them! Get us out of here! Now!” The leader of their kidnappers yelled, the children couldn’t recognize him in the darkness but the voice was somehow familiar

The bags were lying on the ground, the kids putted them on without hesitation.

“Why did they run?” Blau Streifen asked.

“That's why!” Dinky exclaimed, pointing to something behind them.

A strong wind, a storm was closing in fast, almost upon them, made of sand and dusk.

“There’s No way we can get away in time, we must find shelter!” Dinky yelled, knowing from Apple Bloom what is was.

A sandstorm, also known as Dust storm, created from wind and dirt from dry surfaces. They sometimes occurred in Appleloosa. Deadly if exposed, but not as dangerous as a blizzard.

All three walked aimlessly through the storm, covering their faces from blowing dust and sand. “I can barely see anything.” Blau Streifen couldn’t see a thing.

“I can hardly breathe.” Katja struggled to breathe.

“Stay together! Don’t get lost!” Dinky knew if they got separated, it would be hopeless, although she could barely see. She also felt how the sandstorm weakened her, they had to find shelter fast or they wouldn’t survive.

For some reason, they saw a light coming towards her and the siblings. The light came closer, she covered her eyes from it.

As it was in front of her, she saw a unicorn with a green coat, wearing what appeared to be a cloak with a hood and helmet. The three friends stopped in fear, wondering if that was the Green Knight, afraid of whether or not he was here to help or kill them.

“Please…help us…” Blau Streifen managed to plead as his voice was weak, he was at his limit.

In a swift motion, he used his cloak to shield them from the sand, waving a hoof to stay close.

They nodded at each other, wondering where he would lead them.

After a short while, they saw a cave entrance, he pointed with a hoof to it.

The children entered it, exhaustion slowly taking over.

“We…we made it….. Need water…” Blau Streifen tried to reach for his canteen, collapsing before he could do so.

“Brother!” His sister called out, checking him. After finding out he just passed out, she let out a sigh of relief.

She staggered. “I don’t feel so well…mother…”

Dinky swiftly caught the girl in her magic, gently putting her to the ground.

She turned around to the green Unicorn, seeing that it had removed the hood and helmet. She couldn’t see him clearly but somehow, she recognized him slightly.

In that moment, Dinky’s legs gave out, she fell into the sand, her vision blurry, the Green Knight appeared to leave.

“Please…don’t leave…my friends…need help!” She stretched her hoof out, it went right through the unicorn, the pony vanished before her eyes, fading.

Where had he gone?

Had he been there at all?

The soldiers had called him an Angel of Death.

Was he what ponies saw before they died?

As her vision become weaker, she said with a hoarse voice, “I’m sorry….mommy…”

Author's Note:

Who could the mysterious Green Knight be? The Gaberoun Oasis is the second mission of Sniper Elite 3, the letters are found in the same mission, if you're wondering.