• Published 10th Sep 2017
  • 1,727 Views, 40 Comments

A Changeling's Heart - TheAnimerican

It has nearly been one year since Titanium and Circe fell in love, but their happiness comes at a price.

  • ...

Circe and Titanium

I can't believe I finally did it. I have been with her for about a year and I had finally done it. I just couldn't take it anymore. Whenever I was around her or even looked at her, this feeling just built up inside. I just couldn't shake it off and I knew exactly what it was. What I had done that night, a lot of ponies would call it disgusting. Heck, many of them would call me a freak. However, I am sure SHE had a different word in mind.


"Are you sure about this?" Captain Bronze Plate asked.

"Yes sir," I replied.

"Very well. My men will be there. Just be sure to be ready both physically and mentally."

"I will. Thank you sir."

As I was walking away, the captain stopped me before leaving his quarters, "Titanium wait."

A part of me wanted to ignore him, but my conscience was telling me to hear what he had to say. I turned around to make eye contact, but I couldn't hold back the flare of anger from within.

"Listen, I know we had our disagreements in the past, but I want you to know that I respect what you are doing."

After hearing those words, I wasn't sure how to feel. Although I still held memories for what he did, I felt that this was his way of apologizing to me as well.

He then stood at attention and gave a salute, "Good luck to you... sergeant."

I returned the salute, "Thank you captain."


Later that night, I went home to find Circe. Being in the guard had its perks. We were able to afford a house and I was able to help Circe find a job. She serves as one of the castle maids and is happy with where she is at. She socializes with the staff and made some friends.

Once I got home, Circe greeted me with a kiss on the cheek, "Hello Titanium. How was work today?"

"Rough and busy as usual." In a way, Circe has changed compared to when we first met. She is more outgoing now and is always smiling. I hope I had played a part in that.

"I guess that is to be expected when you are sergeant of the royal guard," Circe joked.

"Well tonight, this guard wants to take you out?"

"Really? Where?"

"It's a surprise. Go and get ready, I already made reservations. Oh and wear something nice."

The restaurant was rather classy for my taste, but I thought it would be good for what I had planned. I grabbed a random suit and she wore her favorite blue dress. Although there were a few ponies that knew she was a changeling, she was not ready yet to reveal herself. So I respected her decision to walk around in her pony form whenever she was in public.

As we walked to the restaurant, I kept asking myself if what I was doing was the right thing. I mean I loved her, but was this going a little too far. It was all planned out and I assumed everypony was in position. It was too late to back out now. I tried to act as normal as possible, but I was very nervous and that made Circe nervous.

"Umm, Titanium? Is everything okay?" she asked me.

"Huh? Of course it is. Why would you ask?"

"Well, you have been very quiet lately and this is the first time in two weeks we went out of the house."

"Oh I see. I know I'm sorry. By becoming sergeant, I now have more responsibilities. I haven't had any free time until now. To make up for it, I thought we could go to this restaurant."

After I said that, she moved closer towards me until we were side by side, "That is very sweet of you, but you didn't have to do this. I just missed you and hoped you were okay. Besides, you feed me enough with your love."

Before I could reply, Circe gasped, "Titanium, you feel rather warm. A-are you okay? Do you have a fever?"

I tried to calm her down, "No no no. I'm just fine. It's just really hot tonight and I don't know how the stallions in Canterlot can wear suits on a daily basis."

Truth be told, it wasn't hot at all that night. It wasn't cold, but it wasn't hot to the point I would be sweating drops down my muzzle. I knew she was still concerned about me, but she kept quiet and kept close to me.

We finally arrived at the restaurant and we made our way to the host. His hair was neatly combed back and wore that ridiculous pencil moustache. I don't know why that was required. I felt pretty sorry for him because he looked like he didn't like being there.

"Good evening sir," said the host. "What can I do for you?"

"I have a reservation? Party of two for Titanium?"

The host checked his list until he had finally found me. I was a little confused as he inspected my name very closely. He then looked to Circe and back to me. He gave me a nod for some reason and directed us to our table, "Right this way sir. I'm sure you are in for a real treat this evening." With that statement, I took that as a hint that he was in on the plan as well.

As expected, this restaurant was very high-class and had beautiful settings. There were bright crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and pillars with vines wrapped around them, there was just too much to describe.

We finally reached our table and it was placed in the center of the restaurant, rather close to their water fountain. He pulled out Circe's seat and pushed it back in when she was seated. I gestured for him that I can do that myself. He left the menus on our table, "Your waiter will be with you shortly. Our special tonight is our seasonal summer salad. Please enjoy your evening."

"Thank you," both Circe and I replied. He then bowed his head and left us alone.

Because this place was too rich for my taste, I felt immediately out of place. My mane was a short blue haircut. Most ponies there had long manes and they were neatly groomed. Also, it was slightly obvious that the brand of my suit wasn't of high quality compared to the other stallions. I have to admit I had regrets about being there.

I was thinking that Circe would get positive looks because of her dress. However, being a pony who lacks fashion, we couldn't help but overhear how her dress was "outdated." I felt bad and I felt ashamed for never thinking about updating her wardrobe. To be fair, I saved most of my bits for the restaurant.

"I'm sorry Circe. I will buy you another dress when I can."

Circe stretched across the table to grab my hoof. "Titanium, you know why this dress is my favorite?"


"Because this is the dress you bought for me when we first met. This is the dress you took us out for a dance. I don't care what anypony else says. No up-to-date dresses will ever replace it."

Those words and that smile made my night. For what I had planned for her, I just hoped she wouldn't be too upset with me.

"Good evening to you two. My name is Grapevine and I will be your waiter tonight. Shall I get you two something to drink?"

"Can I just have water please?" I asked.

"Just water for me is fine," said Circe.

"Certainly, by chance is this your first time here at this establishment?"

"Yes, it is. How did you know?" I asked.

"I have been here for a few years and I have never seen you two here before. I would like to personally welcome you and I hope you enjoy it. I will personally bring you water that we collect from Neighagra Falls."

"Oh. Well, thank you very much," Circe said with a forced smile.

"Of course. Let me know if you would like anything else." After the waiter left to get our water, Circe whispered to me, "Is there anything special about water from Neighagra Falls?"

I chuckled and replied, "Not that I know of. Water is water to me." I hoped he would get back quickly because my throat was dry.

As I looked at the menu, I couldn't believe how much they charged for food there. Thank Celestia for my promotion. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Circe giving sort of a wave. I put down my menu to give her my full attention.

"Titanium, this place is very expensive. Are you sure about this?"

As caring as always. "Yeah, Circe enjoy yourself. I saved up just for tonight."

Circe then looked sad and looked down at her hooves, "Is... Is that why you have been busy...? Why I haven't seen a lot of you lately?"

"Well, I did request to work more and offered to do contract jobs."

"Titanium, I appreciate what you did, I really do, but why would you-." Circe was cut off as she heard a commotion near the entrance of the restaurant. Not only did it grab our attention, but the attention of everypony at their tables.

Through the entrance, there were a few stallions of the royal guard marching inside. As we watched them, they drew nearer and nearer to our table. This was it, the plan was in motion.


I was frightened to see the guards marching their way inside the restaurant as they were. Accompanying them was Captain Bronze Plate. Although I have visited his daughter many times in the past year, I still felt he held a grudge against me. I kept hoping that he wasn't there for me and Titanium. I kept hoping that he would leave us alone. My fears came true as the guards circled around us. I tried to remain calm, but I was scared.

"Well well well. Hello to you Titanium and... Circe was it?"

"Y-yes sir," my voice trembled.

"I'm sorry to disturb your night out at this fine restaurant, but I have a few questions for you."

For me? Why did he want to question me?

"Captain, please not now."

"I think now is a perfect time. You know what they say, 'No time like the present.' Now then, I'm going to ask you a few questions and I expect you to answer honestly. Alright?"

I couldn't get myself to answer him, so I nodded instead.

"Okay then. As I understand it, this is supposed to be your one-year anniversary with Titanium. Is that right?"

"Yes, it is."

"Okay good. Now, do you care for this stallion?"


"Would you say that you... love him?"

I paused for a moment as I stared at Titanium. His eyes always had a way of speaking to me. They were telling me not to be afraid and that he was right there. I took a deep breath and answered, "Yes."

"I see. Now, what is it that you see in him? Why do you care so deeply for this colt?"

"He... he saved me. When I arrived in Canterlot, I was alone and scared. When I met him, he helped me even though I was different from everypony else. He made me feel warm when it was cold, he helped me smile when I was sad, and he made me feel strong when I was scared." Circe then looked to the Captain, "Isn't this how you feel with your special somepony?"

The restaurant was silent and the captain gave me a blank stare. After what I had just said, I was curious about what he would say, "I need you to listen to me very carefully."

I nodded and gave the captain my full attention. The captain then did something unexpected. He took off his helmet and bowed to me, "I just want you to know that I am very grateful for you taking care of my daughter over the past year. She has come to think of you as her big sister and I hope it will stay that way."

He then raised his head and put back on his helmet, "Okay Titanium, that is your cue." The guards then lined up next to the captain as he stood there near our table. I was both scared and confused at what was going on. Then I looked to Titanium as he slowly got out of his chair and walked towards me. He then bowed his head to the floor with his end raised high.

"Circe," Titanium started, "I have been with you for only a short year, but the time we spent together has been the best year of my life. I want to provide you with the same love and happiness you have given me. If anything, I want to provide even more for you."

He then raised back his head and opened up one of his wings to reveal a small box. He took the small box and presented it to me. He opened it to reveal a necklace with heart-shaped rose quartz.

"Circe, it was a year ago I asked you to be my special somepony. I am standing here tonight to ask you if you would share the rest of my life... being my wife?"

I heard about ponies doing this but... I never thought in my life this would happen to me. I have dreamt about this when I was reading tall tales as a little changeling and it was coming true. I had a lump in my throat and tears built up inside me. I covered my muzzle with my hooves and cried, "Yes. Yes, I want to be your wife."

As I cried in my hooves, most of the ponies in the restaurant cheered and Titanium held me in his legs. When he let me go, he then took the necklace and placed it around my neck. This was the most precious moment of my life.

"Titanium, I love you."

Author's Note:

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter for there is still yet more to come. I'm sorry if this one seemed fast paced, but that is usually my writing style and I have more in store for you all. Thank you for taking the time to read and I'm so happy to have Circe and Titanium back. Let me know what you think so far in the comments below and I hope to continue to entertain!